#best i chould do tho. ._.
darewolfcreates · 1 month
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Splat- Dare's final fest gear :]
lil extras for the outfit
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and then the prototypes (y'all landing on a design and getting around to doing the digital art for it took like a month-)
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hellstenglow · 4 years
Top 5 Fiveya Scenes!
Tough question! If you think about it their scenes are few compared to enterity of each season and yet they’re so meaningful. I’ll write the scenes in crescendo order, from bottom to top. I put everything under the “keep reading” line because I really talk too much. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk about Fiveya! 
1. The coffe shop moment in Dallas. It’s just a tender scene. The first real interaction Vanya had with someone who was her family, Luther was not that good with his explanation and didn’t stick around after telling his bit. It was almost cute how Five tried to keep the truth about the Apocalypse from her, to not burden her with the knowledge she killed 7 billions people, but a stupid decision that bit him back later. He did it out of care for Vanya (and a bit of convenience for himself), but he needs to stop avoiding the discourse “Vanya is the cause of the Apocalypse”. As I said wrote in a meta before, until they will sort out together the Apocalypse thing, it’s never gonna to be closed as theme (in which they are the two pivotal points). I am also amused by how Five interrupt her phone call. 
2. Their first private time together, in front of Five’s portrait. It set the tone of their future interactions. It made you understand that when they talk with each other, they tend to have private conversations loaded with some tenderness or intimacy or different level of importance. It also happened after Vanya talked about him with Pogo, which linked immediately the two with an invisible thread. The fact the conversation with Pogo was about the time she waited/hoped for his return is considerably more important, because right after that Five did return. Five and Vanya are linked. The show tells you that.
Then you discovered he had read her book in the future (later you will also discover that he kept that book with him after leaving the Apocalypse and it was the place where he wrote down his equation to come back to his family. It was that important for him) and with her he talks softer, he is less an of an asshole and you know that, because you have just seen how he talked with the other siblings (Diego, Luther). He kind comforted Vanya too (“Ah, there are worse things” than exposing our family’s dirty laundry, not like she didn’t tell the truth). It was also interesting how Vanya was the one approaching him, tentatively and how they were establishing again a way to interact with each other.
3. Vanya and Five arguing like a married couple, after Luther told her she caused the Apocalypse. Excuse me but that scene is too funny and lovely. Five was all smug and cocky, as usual, so certain she would follow him after talking with Luther and then he went instantly in panic mode, because she was leaving him. He let Luther go the first time, not making a very big effort with him. However, with Vanya is all “UnCCEptAble VANYA!” the second she said she going back to the farm (subtext: back to her farm friend frau, who is not just a friend and Five knew that. Oh, he knew that. He is clever, remember?). 
Vanya is rightful pissed off by the omitted information, even if she doesn’t have her memory back she felt betrayed by Five (who she trusted, even though he was technically a complete stranger). The whole argument is just funny and I enjoyed it too much. I love every micro-expressions their faces did, bless Ellen and Aidan. Five could have blinked inside the car, but nope, he knocked at the window trying very hard to be a sensitive person. She chould have driven away the second she was inside the car, but she took down the window and listened Five when she didn’t have too. Their faces the second before the car window was taken down were fantastic! It was literally wifey-husbando situation in my head and I couldn’t stop giggling. 
And again, Five’s tone of voice with her is always soft or deep. Whoever let Aidan plays Five like that with Vanya deserve a fruit basket. 
4.The stand-off scene in the middle of the road: ICONIC. The sweet, sweet tension between them could be cut with a knife, delicious, oustanding, visceral. Two tiny people ready (not really, not even close, they really did not want to) to blow each other up and destroy some corn fields from existence? Starring at each other in a crescendo of tension, yet each of them looked uncertain (especially almighty Five)? Vanya knows that she can take Five down and Five knows it too? Vanya not pursuing her threat because, despite not really knowing Five and having her memory back, she doesn’t want to hurt her family, therefore him? Five giving up first, knowing he shouldn’t be so partial to Vanya and yet he let her go anyway? I love it all. 
I mean, do I need to say more? All these are rethorical questions. Thank you for this scene, it was one of the best of season 2 for me. It made me excited and thrilled to the core. THE TENSION. BLESS THEM. 👏👏👏 I explain here why I also think it’s an important scene for the future development of the pair and their relationship, right now I could just make some stupid noise. 
5. Vanya and Five’s moment in her apartment (both parts in EP1 and EP2). The first time, before I started shipping them, I didn’t expect such scene of intimacy and confidence right after a spree murder scene. It’s incredibly telling that the first thing Five did, after escaping the Commission’s attack and basically death, was to seek Vanya. So far in the first episode the show wanted us to know that Five is an abrasive old man inside a 13-years-old body, who doesn’t take sh*t from anyone and bites back people with sarcasm. He also tend to treats people patronizingly and he does whatever he wants, because he has business to do. 
However, the show also marked his ability to be less of an asshole when he is around Vanya. The first time in the living room in front of his portrait and the second time in Vanya’s apartment. The first time I didn’t expect such scene, also because they already showed Five and Vanya’s closeness in the previous scene I mentioned. Why do it again? Twice in a one episode? You start to think there is something very important between Five and Vanya, then. Especially because among her sibling, so far, Vanya had a good interaction only with Allison. The show made a point fo show us that Vanya and Five had a particular connection (Because she waited him and prepared his favourite sandwish every night until she couldn’t hope no more. Because he read her book and when they are alone, he changes his tone to a softer one...still abrasive if provoked, but contained). 
So, after escaping death what did the old man do? He went to Vanya. Not even to treat his wounds (he could have gone to Hargreeves House for that), because he clearly doesn’t care, but to talk with her. Just to talk with her. It is incredibly telling of the importance that Vanya has for him. What he wanted was someone to share the one thing that obssessed him and shaped him into the person he is now, his burden, his secret, his greatest fear: the apocalypse. And Five chose Vanya. It was probably the first very time he exposed himself after decades of solitude and also the few years he couldn’t trust anyone else but himself (in the Commission). He trusted Vanya tho. He trusted her with the most vulnerable side of him. 
And Vanya listened him, even tho she didn’t understand everything and she didn’t quite believe him, but she didn’t want him to feel stupid or excluded. She did her best to understand and she tried to be there for him too. She knew Five was visibly affected by the situation, she cared for him and didn’t want him to leave her apartment in turmoil. She didn’t want to lose him again, not after 17 years (for her) wondering where in the world (when) he was and if he was alright. What she needed was time to wrap her head around the news of the end of the world (that honestly nobody would truly believe), since she was just ordinary Vanya who never had to face looming dangers or villains like her siblings. 
The intimacy of the moment (both parts in ep 1 and pe 2) was palpable. There was tenderness too: Five let her take care of his cut, something he didn’t let her other siblings do in the later episodes (he had to pass out or be drunk af to let his sibling see him vulnerable or let them take care for him). It was literally a bubble where time stopped for them (Five doesn’t have time, remember? He insisted on this point, yet here he was, taking time to talk with Vanya).
The moment they shared that first night set not only the importance of their connection and how they interact with each other, but also made clear there might be something unspoken, something between them that they need to address. It’s the “we were almost something” right, kind of moment? And for me it was stronger than any other “they may or not may” between Allison and Luther tbh. But I might be too fiveya biased xD. 
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Fall, Internet, and Love: 73% 9:58 X r/psychologystudents Posted by u/xlarius 8h i.redd.it A suicide letter from a patient during a episode. Just thought I'd share/ manic seemed interesting. e,A ,y w upo isnirT TooJor chmes Cuine& the min@s of mary LOver here Z-s Train nst innocent pople I con't do angthig to in mu mouth! Dis I truny ust wont to belong to love.. there o Bia for fun, sto now feel lik eonly thing I can th scapular ond try to say e the Guden Saath that feel ama riminal ver.. and now tho agt thet when I hought I surpasso& high Seh hi class, then T Mle,cand none o ock to the t inent peple eful to have .Im sithngere inigsing lou,nanting aheut evething Iin 26 years ole but San nthe tansh ttll yo figh that thinkau T thought I taikea to 10m. woule say oli the prm en time, he Lup so that when I hs lette9 e eserve A phile naw t have to B heara before, I'il wrte ling apart! remember how F os a boy when the mov hoving salk with en nes io Twag DOLet hare, ut everuthing ing I thoght Gher man, ansI Fall chi cass ane I ws there... L hach ev don en St. Heters I o madd ar hin but I i herus... Iremembefeeling an katiou babu ot en when an might Sie wish 1m to Alnehd So! T hale stic loop itrogam ru own tarit his enti re hme tteT he &o ever f so masy peeple, why &ia ex Bn oIentan myssPfer neor a oa snenbar orytiia, or uths othere auor Hbetes and sates Caa becne gowse& act like His howar&s Moal Exoghing ang fhafs aly the nl aaon that Ivartes to wte to toask foro cartoin saint to Conme doun Fre made baHer che 6aa thatime Ifne the mio kndd w shoit ana rig tow lust. is he e ope thing tat rer aboler gaint Loug live but Im olcenSy burning in rs higher thah love, gn thet S love wg tenh to Saton and uses cex an ars So how Cauls ... no moie IE think that Te byt orttat nsTubohing jaT yo, den om the e poo! Naingt Gas e and gro uthie ang Mama, 2 IusT Tanef Innocest anaih thought that Iover ontortme c.a sin mastu Mretarcotiow t go o uel and snie remack eyer Seu then, Ivgh couid tee them Wet he en&of txe Iined the mins this 4nfty ans vene5s.Ieho h ake.. tersa ie nghera. h orout he al eng he's govr Hthin gns ong at norao in&I'l Henp w na Ive onl aining-ainy Sa oe Chould be sutg meecar ondd gaing on infernote edtabtoiopnt,n rom mp I wish" lothingw 6 wrs g c ene an ay sh toa c Smotio e shicha a pt wi iron chain aly euil! truly ovil e Mama: P r me-.Cae ore rC her ie com ee0 whHa viaulot onsrarmeland tow ailenla bnck a bosame 5o ce itougnts Share 34 19 BEST COMMENTS consider-thecoconut 5h This is very inappropriate. Where did u get this from? U can get kicked out, fired, sued, and lose funding for sharing this. Seriously you should delete this Add a comment This guy thought it was a good idea to post his patients hand written suicide letter to the internet for everyone to see. Fuck this guy.
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