#best hotel in macau
guzhufuren · 1 year
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Favourite VegasPete Fics pt.3  (in alphabetical order) full rec list
1. baby got bounce by @lu-sn https://archiveofourown.org/series/3540850
As a present for Vegas, Pete learns how to twerk. & Pete's adventures as an amateur pole dancer.
2. clouded with dirt by @sapphicblight https://archiveofourown.org/works/46274284
Prompt: "No, I'm not dating your brother." As they wait for Vegas to wake from his coma, Macau tries to figure out what Pete means to Vegas. Pete would like to know, as well.
3. discothéque rouge by @lu-sn https://archiveofourown.org/works/44019583
Vegas is here at this night club on a job, and he really, really doesn't want to be. Then everything goes sideways — in a good way.
4. Five-Star Southpaw https://archiveofourown.org/works/46009846
When Vegas is handed the keys to a failing major family hotel and told to bring it back to life, he knows it’s not a gift, or a test, or even an opportunity to prove himself. It’s a taunt. It’s a way to set him up for failure so everyone can rub his nose in the shitshow he’s left with, defeated and inferior to his cousins like always. It’s the death sentence of his pride in a gilded cage. But misery loves company and all that, and he finds a surprisingly fitting cellmate in an unassuming looking employee named Pete. Now if only he could get Pete to stop playing hard to get, this cage could become a lot more comfortable.
5. he wanted it comfortable i wanted that pain by @hawkshadowwrites https://archiveofourown.org/works/45435295
Vegas pulls the cloth off his head and Pete’s suspicions are confirmed when the look on Vegas’s face is pure alarm and confusion, not pride and satisfaction. “What—” Vegas says as the same time Pete all but moans. “Fuck me,” Pete whines, high and desperately needy. His hips buck up against Vegas’s thigh and he whines again. “Khun Vegas.” — Or; an ep 4 auction au where Pete drinks the drugged water meant for Porsche and gets grabbed by Vegas instead.
6. it’s so sweet (knowing you love me) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46458253
“You’re smaller than me,” Pete suddenly announces- simpering like a fox in the henhouse right in Vegas’ face. aka the 5 times Pete makes Vegas feel tiny + the 1 time he feels tinier
7. Mansions and Mafiosi by @blackwatervial https://archiveofourown.org/works/46604890
Vegas overhears that someone called Pete is looking for a Dungeon Master. Vegas is convinced that he’s the man for the job – he both has a dungeon and is a master. But when he turns up at Pete’s place expecting hot stuff (sex), he instead gets hot stuff (8d6 fire damage). OR The Vegaspete DnD AU no one knew they needed
8. no rest for the wicked by @itsbinghebitch https://archiveofourown.org/works/45520291
Pete has long left Thailand. He is now living the American dream, working long hours to make his rich clients richer and himself more miserable than ever. But when his best friend Porsche invites him to his destination wedding to the mysterious Kinn, Pete finds himself suddenly thrown into the world of the Theerapanyakul family, the silent machinations underpinning their wealth, and Kinn’s cousin Vegas—who, for reasons unknown, has made it his mission to tear down every assumption Pete holds about his life. — resort romance AU where Kinn & co are still mafia (except Pete doesn't know)
9. sub(stitute) by @blackwatervial https://archiveofourown.org/works/46102267
Pete needs a fake-boyfriend for a casino party. Vegas needs to secure a deal with a casino owner. Everyone knows where this is going.
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vegasandhishedgehog · 2 years
What type of drunk I think KinnPorsche characters are based on having no drinking experience at all:
Porsche: We have canon for this. Slap happy silly booooyyy! He's a sweetheart and a romantic, if not rather irresponsible. Not a lightweight, but I wouldn't say he's a heavyweight either. Very fun though.
Kinn: We never seem to get drunk!Kinn, but I'm guessing he is a heavyweight. He'd probably just be irritable - too many noises and sensations demanding his attention. Put him to bed.
Vegas: I think it would be difficult to get him drunk just because he is always always always plotting shit and wants to remain sharp. Doesn't mind getting buzzed, of course, but drunk!Vegas is a rare Pokemon. When he does let it happen though, he's incredibly sentimental about everything and if you're anyone other than Pete or Macau, it is weird as hell.
Pete: Also have a canon for this! Our boy can party! He's just cute and silly, practically harmless. I imagine he doesn't care to drink too often (he hates the hangovers too much), but his loyalty as a friend gets the best of him most of the time and it happens more than he really likes. Certain mixes make him very flirty, though.
Macau: Just because he's young doesn't mean he hasn't tried a few. He is kind of reckless, veering into occasionally dangerous stunts, but mostly they remain among the idiotic.
Kim: Drunk crier 100%. This man has so many issues and you're going to hear all of them in detail and if you try to escape he will beg you not to leave. Will sing one heartbroken song (ha).
Porchay: Porsche is pretty good about keeping him away from alcohol but he's definitely snuck a few beers in here or there. There's relatively little change in his demeanor, he just is a few degrees more outgoing than usual. Sadly is the type to get stuck listening to Kim and probably forget Kim is actually crying over him.
Tankhun: Canon has established him as an absolute animal, need I say more?
Arm & Pol: Who let them out of the house? Why are they stripping? Why am I getting secondhand embarrassment?
Jom: He is your best buddy, he will steal the fucking moon for you, he is throwing an imaginary rope around it right now. Ride or die friend dialed up to 11.
Tem: Heartbreak Hotel is open; population: Tem. Sad cowboy emoji.
Time: This man is dangerous. He will fuck nearly everyone in sight if they let him. Needs to be locked up.
Tay: He may not look it, but he's almost as bad as Time, just sneakier and more guilt-ridden about it. He's also soooo supportive, he's the girl bestie you meet in the bathroom and he will absolutely tell you to break up with your shitty partner and not to respond to your ex. Wish he could apply that to himself.
Big: The last time he got drunk was a very long time ago where he might have done a few things with Kinn, but Kinn doesn't talk about it so he doesn't know for sure what happened. It kills him. Literally.
Ken: ANGERY AUSSIE. DO NOT ENGAGE. Makes the worst jokes and breaks stuff. Instigates a lot of pranks which are pretty mean but his targets are kind of deserving of it? Turns out he's a little justified most of the time, even if he goes about it in fucked up ways.
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xomaleyaxo · 7 months
Broken Melodies → Blackpink 5th Member
Synopsis: When she tries to sing, all that escapes are broken melodies, each note echoing the shattered fragments of her heart.
Warnings: Talks about drug use (Very minor)
Word count: 1.2k
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*Imagine Jennie as Rae*
June 8th 2019 (Didnt want to write too much of his scandal as Ik we should all move on and know that he has served his time and has changed truly for the better)
"Ahhh, that was so fun!" she exclaimed, walking towards their dressing room backstage with Lisa, linking arms. They had just finished their show in Macau, China, and were elated with the turnout and how everyone was enjoying themselves. Mirae settled on the couch, ready to fall asleep right there but couldn't due to the constant vibration of her phone.
"That's odd," she thought to herself, pushing the negative thoughts aside, assuming it was just her mom checking in on her. When she turned her phone on, she noticed multiple calls from Hanbin, her boyfriend, and frowned. He knew she had a concert, and he usually called a couple of hours later when she went to the hotel for the night. Checking the messages, she saw frantic ones from him, urging her to call him. She decided to wait and head to the hotel before calling him, not wanting to discuss anything serious with the staff around, especially the new tour staff that had joined them.
"Unnie, I'm going to the hotel," she informed Jennie and headed out with her manager, quickly briefing him on the situation. As she made it inside, she called him and laid down on her bed, wondering what was so urgent.
"Hello?" he said into his phone, sounding very sad and serious. "Hey baby," she said softly, sensing his sad tone. "Mirae ah," he said shakily. "Mhm?" she replied back, slightly worried about what he was going to say. "I'm leaving," he announced after a couple of moments of silence between them. "What?" she said sitting up, "What do you mean you're leaving?" she asked.
Hanbin paused, taking a deep breath before saying "I took some substances back in 2016, and it's all been exposed now. I have a drug test coming up, and a trial, and by tomorrow, I'm sure everyone in the world will find out. I can't let this jeopardize the group or you, so I'm leaving," he explained shakily. Mirae was shocked; she expected news, but not this. She knew he was struggling back in the day, but never to this extent. She could tell he was trying not to cry; this was undoubtedly mentally challenging for him, and she knew he needed her there to help calm him down and figure things out.
"Okay, hey, let's just breathe," she said into the phone, her eyes starting to tear up as she thought about the situation he was in. She loved him; she really did. However, in that moment, all she could think was, "Kim Hanbin, how were you such an idiot?" Knowing him, though, she understood how much he regretted it. She knew he would do anything to go back and change his mind, and that pained her immensely. The damage had been done, and now, she worried about what this would do to him mentally.
After hearing him breathe into the phone and calm himself down, she said, "Okay, now explain everything again slowly, what do you mean your going to leave?" She asked. "I talked to the boys, I confessed everything, apologized to them, and told them I'm leaving the group to prevent them from being caught up in this trial," he said, his voice cracking as he spoke.
She sighed into the phone, wishing she could be there with him and hold him. "Okay, if that's what you think is best," she said sadly, a tear running down her face. "What about us?" she asked a moment later, already anticipating what he was about to say but not wanting to believe it until he said so himself.
Hanbin was quiet for a moment, his heart breaking as he mustered the courage to say the words he desperately didn't want to. "It's over between us, it has to be. I will protect you with every fiber of my being and make sure that no one will even think of you being involved in this mess," she listened to his words and let her tears fall freely. She truly couldn't believe any of this was real.
"Baby, please," she said, her voice cracking as she held back sobs, "I love you. I'll stand with you and will be here no matter what the decision is," she pleaded into the phone. She could hear him break down, his sobs echoing through the phone, and it hurt— it hurt so bad.
"No, no, you can't. This is my mess, and I'll deal with it myself. The boys said the same thing, but I have to do this on my own. You all worked too hard for this to be the reason for all of you to get shunned from the industry," he said, sniffling and wiping his tears.
"Hanbin, please. How do you think this is going to go down? You're just going to leave us behind and try to forget us? We all love you, and no matter what, we will be here. Don't leave us like this" she said, her heart aching.
"This is my battle, Mirae, mine, and I will never drag you all into this mess. Anyway, you know even if we did continue this, how long could we hide? The media will be watching me like a hawk; they will find out instantly about our relationship, and you will come down with me. I cannot let that happen. This is your dream, and I've seen you work so hard for it," he explained.
Mirae was silent, listening to him. Her body ached, and she felt like she couldn't breathe. This was supposed to be her happy ending. After so many years of liking each other, they had finally gotten together. This was supposed to be the happiest time of her life. How could it go so wrong?
"How will we ever move on? We are in love, and my heart only beats for you, Hanbin. Only you. Do you think that you're doing me a favor by leaving like this? No, you're not. Even if you leave, I will always be wondering if you're eating, if you're sleeping, if you're taking your vitamins, if you're stressed. I'll always be wondering these things because I know you. I know this will mentally mess you up. So, even if you decide to block me and never pick up my phone again after this, you know I'll always be worried."
"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me, please. You know I hate it when you worry," he said, leaning into his bed—the bed where they spent countless nights cuddled up and laughing about stupid things, the bed where they had their first times, the bed where she used to hold him when everything was going wrong, the bed where they wrote stupid songs and confessed their love for each other.
If it were any other situation, he would laugh at himself. When would he ever have the courage to break up with her? She was way too good for him anyway; everyone always said that. She was like a ray of sunshine that lit up every room she walked into. Her smile, with that deep dimple, made anyone with a heartbeat swoon as she smiled at them. She was the epitome of beauty, and here he was, breaking up with her? How stupid was he?
The pair sat in silence, only hearing sniffles through the phone, and though their hearts ached, they knew it was over. "It's getting late," he sighed, leaning his head against his pillow, "you must have had a long day, with the tour and everything."
"Don't you dare try and hang up this phone, Kim Hanbin," she said, her frustration at the situation coming out. Hanbin chuckled slightly at this, the first time in the day that he let out any sort of laugh or smile.
"I'm gonna miss you, you know?" he said softly, having no strength left to even speak clearly anymore. "I'll miss you too," she whispered and then slowly said, "So much."
"You know, one day we will have moved on from this. I hope you find someone that will be way better than I ever was." He said sadly. "There will never be anyone like you, Hanbin, ever. Even if, for some magical reason, I do find someone, I'll always be sitting there thinking about how it would have been with you," she said, sighing slightly.
"I'll always be cheering you on. Even if I never show it, even if you never hear from me again, I will. You are the brightest star, Mirae, the brightest, and don't you ever let anyone diminish you." He said.
"I know I messed up. I'm so sorry that this mistake led to all of this, and I hope you know that I would take it back in a heartbeat. I'm so sorry to break your heart, but just know that I love you and that this is for the better," he said after a couple moments of silence between them.
Mirae sat there listening to his words, not wanting to say goodbye, she knew that after this was over, Hanbin would remove her on everything and never contact her again to make sure that she is protected from any false allegations.
"Just promise me this," she said softly after their quiet moment. "Hm?" he said. "Promise me that you'll come back, no matter how long it takes. Just come back and make music, music that you love. Do what you love, Hanbin. Just promise me that. Promise me that once this mess is over, you'll truly find happiness and move on with your life. You did a stupid thing, we know, but don't let that ruin everything you've worked for. Come back and be happy, okay?"
Hanbin smiled at her words. He didn't know if he would ever come back to the public eye after this. His allegations were big, and he worried that nobody would ever truly like him again. However, her words touched something in him. He would try to find happiness, for her. She meant the world to him, and if she wished him to promise that to her, then he would fulfill it 100 percent.
"I promise" he said softly. Mirae smiled at that, for the first time since this call started and was proud of him. "We should probably end the call now right?" he said sadly. Mirae sighed and said "I guess"
Neither of them proceeded to move, feeling frozen in the moment. They didn't want this; of course, they didn't. However, they knew that it was over, and the world had to move on, even if they wished it stayed in place.
"I love you," he said, "Thank you for being one of the best things to come out of all of this. You are so, so special, Mirae, and I wish that one day, when we are both moved past this, we can talk and laugh at the memories and be proud of ourselves for getting through this."
She laughed at his words, tears starting to fall again. "I love you too," she said shakily before continuing, "Please take care of yourself, eat and sleep well, and just know that one day this too will pass. Thank you for all these beautiful memories, thank you for being there and being my constant throughout it all. It hurts to say goodbye, but let's meet one day and chat like old times."
"Alright, Goodnight," he said sadly, and she replied, "Goodnight, Hanbin," and with that, their call was over. As the call ended, Mirae sat in her room and just sobbed for what felt like hours. They were meant to head to Sydney the next day, and here she was, wanting to leave this all behind and go to him.
She knew she couldn't, though. Nothing could get Kim Hanbin out of this mess, and he knew it too. She felt sad for him, realizing how harshly the media judged and how even one mistake could jeopardize everything.
Regrets flooded her thoughts; perhaps if she had been there for him back then, he wouldn't have been compelled to resort to something like that. Maybe things would have been different, and iKON would still have had their loving leader who always put them and their needs above himself. The weight of "what-ifs" pressed heavily on her heart.
Thinking about the boys, she sent them all individual messages, asking them how they were doing and letting them know that she was there for them whenever they needed. Bobby responded immediately, asking her if she was alright and if Hanbin had contacted her. She let him know that they had broken up, and he called her, chatting with her and expressing how sorry he was.
He blamed himself, feeling that he could have helped Hanbin more during that time as the older one between them. Mirae reassured him that nothing could have been changed, and they all needed to find time to forgive him and move on. She knew he didn't want to put them in this position and that he was likely filled with remorse.
Ending the call with Bobby, she decided she needed to see her girls; only they could help her right now. She went to each of their doors and knocked, hoping they all came out together so she could tell them what was happening. Jisoo and Jennie made their way out from their doors first, she saw them and broke down, crying loudly into their arms. The pair looked at her confused, brought her into Jennie's room, and asked her what was going on.
Lisa and Chaeyoung came out a little while later and saw Mirae sobbing. They frantically asked what was going on, as it was very rare for the girl to be a crying mess. She explained what happened, and the girls all comforted her, held her, and helped calm her down.
As she finally fell asleep in Jennie's bed, the girls all huddled and messaged the iKON members, checking in on them before heading to their own rooms. They were shocked, as they never could have expected this to happen. They were all worried for the girl. They had two more tour dates happening, and they didn't know if she was well enough to perform, having just had her heart broken.
Jennie frowned seeing Mirae looking so sad, even in her sleep. The girl tucked her in and cuddled her, hoping to give her some warmth, knowing that this was her first breakup, especially from someone that was also her best friend.
June 13th 2019
5 days had passed, and slowly but surely, Kwon Mirae was starting to get better, attempting to shift her focus to the concert instead of what was going on back home. She turned off her phone and only allowed calls from her family and close friends, deciding against going on social media as everyone had figured out about the scandal, and she couldn't bear seeing his name being dragged through the mud.
Everyone knew how close the girls were to iKON; they all grew up together, so she knew that the others were just as sad as she was, as they all cared for Hanbin and wished him the best.
As they got their makeup done for the concert, she turned to her members and said, "I'm gonna try my hardest tonight, you guys. Thank you so much for being here for me the past couple of days. I don't know what I would have done without you." She said and tried to stop her tears from falling as she spoke; she just felt so grateful for them. They truly were her family, and she was so thankful they were there for her through it all.
"Hey, stop that," Jisoo said, hugging the girl. All of the girls then gave her a group hug, knowing that these next two shows would be hard, but then she could have a little break to finally rest and deal with the situation.
The concert went on with full swing, and Mirae tried her hardest to give her best despite the turmoil going on in her personal life. She was energetic and smiling through songs, interacting with fans, and even joking around with them throughout the night.
She thought she had made it in the clear until they decided to sing their final song for the night, 'Stay.' She sighed and tried to control her emotions as the song started up. She was seated between Lisa and Jennie, attempting to control her voice as she sang the intro. 'Stay' was a song she wrote when she was a trainee, a song with deep meaning, but the lyrics hit her super hard that day as they resonated with her situation.
"Stay, stay, stay with me," she sang, her voice breaking slightly, and the tears came flowing out before she could stop them. She put her hand over her eyes in an attempt to halt them, but as the song progressed, and Lisa whispered in her ear that it was okay, the tears kept flowing. Soon, everyone in the audience was awing at her, wondering why she was so emotional.
She tried her hardest to control the tears, but the more she heard the lyrics, the more she thought of him. He was everything to her, the reason why she became who she was. Before anything else, they were friends, and she truly respected and loved him for always being there for her, supporting her through it all.
The bond they shared was beyond just a romantic relationship; it extended to the connections they had with each other's families. She was so close to his mother and sister. She had witnessed her grow up from a baby to a beautiful young girl. The thought of not being able to see them and call to check in was unimaginable for her.
Despite being surrounded by so much love from her fans and members, she felt incredibly alone. In that moment, she only craved one person's love – his. She wanted him back, needed him back, and yet deep down, she knew he would never return to her. The ache of that realization added to the weight on her heart.
She finally gained some control during the ending part of the song and finished it strongly. However, she knew that now everyone would be discussing why she was crying online.
As she made her way through the backstage area, she spotted her mother and rushed into her arms, sobbing. Her mom had come from New Zealand to support her daughter, aware that she was going through a rough time. She was saddened when she saw Mirae struggling to control her emotions during the final song.
"You did amazing, baby, don't worry," her mom assured her, rubbing her back and holding her daughter as she sniffled. "I know, it's just so hard, Mom. Everyone will start wondering why I'm crying now, and I have no clue what to say," Mirae said as she lifted her face, and her mother wiped away her tears.
"Hey, who cares? They will never know the truth anyway. Don't do this to yourself, baby; it's okay," her mom said, comforting her. They made their way to the hotel, and her mother's love helped her feel much better.
A couple days later:
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During their first night in Sydney, Australia, Rae was observed being highly energetic and vibing well with the audience. However, as the night progressed, she appeared visibly emotional during the performance of their song 'STAY'. Numerous speculations have surfaced regarding the reasons behind her emotional state, but as of now, nothing has been officially confirmed. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Username: Wasn't she super close with Hanbin? Maybe it could have been that?
Username: ^They have been friends since their trainee years apparently and even their mothers are close so yes I do assume that was the reason
Username: Regardless of what may have happened, can we just say that she is such a pretty crier? And did you guys hear her voice? Even through the tears, she sounded like an angel.
Username: Hanbin this, Hanbin that, can you guys just assume that maybe the song was just sad, and she felt the emotions of it while being around her fans? And didn't she write this song? Obviously, you get emotional when singing something, especially a song like "Stay." Everyone, just leave her alone.
Username: The members comforting her was so nice to see; they truly are a family. I hope that everything is okay, and she is better for their next shows.
Username: What if she was dating him and now they have to break up? I heard so many rumors that these two were a thing.
Username: ^If neither of them confirmed it, don't assume anything, especially now with the trial going on.
A/N- Just wanted to write this sad breakup chapter for my Oc and Hanbin and will be doing many more (Hopefully happier ones)
Also I may do a part 2 to this fic where they catch up and see how well things are going for the both of them.
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ae-azile · 6 months
Kim isn't sure what he is witnessing. In hindsight, maybe he should have suspected that Fern may have crossed paths with Namphueng at one point. While he didn't know about Namphueng’s initial connection to their family until a couple of years ago, he hasn't given much thought about who else would have met her. Ma would have known her, although Kim knows she wouldn't have accepted Namphueng being forcibly medicated and kept in a room. That was not the person she was. She was never like Pa. 
But he never thought about Auntie Milan knowing her. That's the only thing that makes sense, considering how emotional Fern is right now. He knows Uncle Gun met Auntie Milan when they were teenagers, that she was two years younger, but they didn't start dating until sometime in college. He never really thought of why she would have been around their family prior to that because he didn't know about Namphueng until recently. 
But now that he does know about her and this is happening, he realizes that Namphueng and Auntie Milan would be about the same age, and it makes more sense for Namphueng to be Auntie Milan’s initial connection to their family than Uncle Gun.
Especially when Fern seems so overcome with emotion, as if her world just stopped as soon as she laid her eyes on Namphueng. 
“What happened?!” Fern says, gripping Namphueng’s shoulders, “You were…She broke down and said…You were dead! You, Pat, and the boys were dead!” 
Namphueng doesn't sign a word. She is just staring at Fern in a trance, and Kim doesn't know if she doesn't understand or is just completely shutting down, but he can see that she is overwhelmed. There are tears dripping down her cheeks even though her expression is almost emotionless. It's as if she is frozen. 
Going by the way Chay, Porsche, Macau, and Vegas seem frozen too, it could be contagious. 
“Fern?” Pete says , surprisingly the first one to intervene as he touches her shoulder to get her attention, “She uh…She doesn't voice. She understands it, but she only signs now. And her um…Porsche? I’ve mentioned Porsche to you before-” 
“You didn't tell me who his mother was!” Fern signs harshly, “You didn't tell me he was alive! I thought it was someone else! A different Porsche!”
“I didn't…We didn't…” Pete says, trailing off, “We didn't know you knew him or Namphueng-” 
“Of course I know Namphueng!” Fern snaps, “I was close friends with her parents! I’ve known her since she was four! She was Milan’s closest friend for years! She was-” 
Fern cuts herself off, turns back to Namphueng, and brushes her hair back in a maternal manner.
“What happened? Tell me everything.” 
Namphueng seems to be shaking, but her stunned expression crumples as soon as she spells out one thing. 
She follows that up with a sign Kim vaguely remembers as a sign name.
His aunt's sign name.
“Uh…” Khun says, standing up as well, only to go over to where Tay, Time, Jom, Tem, and Yok are sitting, “Maybe…Maybe we can do this a different night. I think we need…Obviously, we didn't expect-” 
“We understand,” Tay says as he gets to his feet and beckons everyone else at the table to do the same, “I hope…I’ll text Kinn later to check in.”
As the five head out and Arm goes ahead and arranges for his sisters to get a ride back to the hotel rooms Khun unnecessarily treated them to, the restaurant soon has eight less people inside. It's probably for the best - both with Namphueng’s nerves and the fact that Fern looks like she is seconds from lashing out until she gets answers. 
“What happened to her?!” Fern says, her gaze turning fiery. Porsche finally snaps out of his confusion and steps forward. 
“Can we talk privately so we don’t stress her out?” Porsche asks, then signs the words to make himself clear, “Chay…Chay will come too. Right, Chay?” 
As Kim looks over at Chay, he sees him nod and step forward. While Fern looks extremely hesitant to leave Namphueng, she reaches over, squeezes her hand, and leads Chay and Porsche through a door. 
“Fuck this,” Vegas mutters, walking towards the door too, “I want to know what’s going on. I need to check on the baby anyway.” 
Vegas is gone before anyone can talk to him. It seems like none of them even know what to say anyway. Kim isn't sure what could be said, considering they aren’t completely sure what is happening. 
Before Kim can overthink it more, Namphueng taps Kim’s shoulder roughly to get his attention. 
“Milan?” she signs, seeming desperate for a response. 
Kim blinks, then isn't sure what he is supposed to say. 
“Milan is my aunt. Fern’s daughter-” 
“Where?” she signs, then starts looking around, “Where where where where where?”
When Kim redirects his gaze towards Khun and Kinn, they seem like they feel helpless. 
When Kim looks at Macau, he seems heartbroken. 
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thistransient · 9 months
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I'm only in Macau for one night, and to be honest it's not popular for visa runs because there's no budget accommodation. I came here for the day when I was living in China in 2017, and went back in the early evening for this very reason. As such, I had never seen Macau properly in the dark (the quest for McDonald's with the Taiwanese kid at 3 am in October doesn't count), and was very curious. Man, it is shiny.
I took the public bus from the airport because the fare was 6 MOP and I had exactly 6 HKD in coinage lurking in my closet from previous voyages (they're interchangeable in Macau). My fellow bus-riders did not appear to be tourists. I took the risk of trusting google maps regarding the bus route, and only felt betrayed for a moment before I realised it was making a detour because of construction, and still headed in the general correct direction, even if it took a bridge that didn't seem to exist on the map yet. Spellbound by the glittering lights and the thrill of being somewhere new, I was finally enjoying myself (having been anxious for days previous already).
Between my hotel and the bus stop was more neon signage than you could shake a stick at, I was enthralled. Check in went smoothly, and I hastened back out to walk around and take pictures. The old city side of Macau was quite hopping considering it was nearly 10 pm on a Tuesday night and cold out, Taipei feels a bit sleepy in comparison (or maybe I'm not going to the right places). I had very sensibly looked up a bunch of restaurants in advance in an attempt to divert for once my usual fate of walking around forever and not eating (although I had brought a lot of bananas with me to the airport after realising they weren't going to survive a week at home, so at least I wasn't running totally on empty). As usual, even the best laid plans can go awry when there are too many things to look at (by things I mean giant crabs in the window of the seafood restaurant). Somewhere around 22:30 I realised I needed to consume something before bed.
The go-to late-night food in Macau appears to be...beef offal. Now, I'm not opposed to offal, I like some grilled intestines at the izakaya, but this was a boiled affair and there were an intimidating amount of bits on display at the kiosks. Afraid I was running out of options before reaching my hotel again, I stopped at a takeaway stand that had a picture of a 煎餅 (fried pancake wrap thing) and inquired with the guy as to whether it could be obtained. (All the signage and menu was in Chinese, so I had started with Mandarin from the get-go.) There was no 煎餅 to be had. I could, however, have a box of rice accompanied by...[here we had many of those silver trays in a bain-marie, filled with various soupy things]. I asked him what one was. He told me "Lú lòu". I was baffled and told him I didn't understand. He said it again as if I'd misheard him. No, I really don't know what that is, I insisted. He said it again more loudly as if I were daft. Finally I remembered that [n] often becomes [l] for Cantonese speakers and he was saying niú roù 牛肉...beef 😑 Well then. I asked if he had any vegetables, which appeared to be an offensive request, so I resigned myself to 50 HKD of rice and meat chunks. Shortly after I discovered if I'd just kept walking, there were plenty of other options, but either way, I had dinner. When life gives you meat chunks...you start chewing.
Tomorrow my return flight is not til 4, which means I should mosey to the airport a bit prior to 2, so if I go to bed within the next 15 minutes I might make it for breakfast and some more trotting around looking at things (an activity that was cut short in 2017 on account of it being mid-summer and the heat rendering me somewhat delirious). These days going places often feels like a heinous exertion while in the planning stages, but once I'm out there I start getting into the spirit of it. Enrichment. Outside of my enclosure, even!
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bitacrytic · 2 years
Vegas and Pete's grandma...do you have any head canons for them. I was the anon who asked about Macau and Pete head canons. I loved loved your take on their first fight 🦔🦔🦔
I like to believe that she thinks Vegas is Pete's "very good friend". She's seen things, but they don't really register. Vegas doesn't sleep in a hotel when he visits. Pete insists on him staying in Pete's room. When she comes to wake them, she's seen them cuddling in the morning, asleep with limbs in places that limbs shouldn't be. She's seen them hug a bit too long. There was that time she thought they were kissing, but it was just a trick of angles and the way they were standing, she tells herself.
But Vegas is just a good friend of Pete's. When her friends ask whose flashy car is that in front of the house, she shrugs and says, "Pete's friend is in town for the weekend." And that's that.
Vegas, on the other hand, tries his best. Every time he visits, he comes with medication because he knows he will never turn down a meal from Pete's grandma. Even though her meals are spicy, local food that's been designed to murder Vegas. She makes him sit in the kitchen with her while she cooks, so that they can "catch up", while Pete goes to the market.
At first, it's a bit uncomfortable. At first, Vegas even thinks she wants to ask him for money. She doesn't. She just wants gossip on Pete's life. She's not subtle about her poking and digging and when Vegas figures out that that's what she's doing, he starts doing his research before they take trips to the village.
He comes armed with info, now. Pete doesn't know. It's their little secret. Vegas has no idea when he starts looking forward to seeing the old woman. He doesn't even know he's fund of her quiet craziness.
Not until the very first time he spills rice on the floor and she smacks him on the head. Vegas is shocked for a moment, as he sits there, contemplating how he feels about that. Because someone just hit him and his normal instinct would be to hit back, or at least pull out his gun.
But he doesn't. For some reason, his hackles don't rise, his defenses aren't screaming in alarm. Nothing.
As damaged and broken as hebis, Vegas knows he is nowhere close to safe or at peace. But right there, with Pete and his grandma, Vegas thinks it might be enough.
Regardless of the fact that any meal he eats can actually kill him. At any time.
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its-aji-here · 2 years
It's Always You
MEET THE CHARACTERS The Powerful Ally Brothers
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Tankhun Theerapanyakul Khun
The oldest of the Theerapanyakul siblings
Handles all the private beach resorts under their names
He sees all of her brothers as his babies
Is ready to do everything to ensure his brothers are safe, healthy and happy
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Anakinn Theerapanyakul Kinn
The second oldest Theerapanyakul brother
Handles all the hotels under their names
Porsche is the love of his life
He is Kim's confidant and advisor
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Kornwit Theerapanyakul Vegas
He is Kim's best friend
Handles all residential real estate under their names.
Graduated with a Mechanical Engineering degree
He is a fool for Pete, the person he found his happiness with
Does not like meddling with the lives of his cousins and brothers
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Macau Theerapanyakul Mac/Cau
Porchay's best friend
A struggling Architecture and Visual Arts student
Has had enough of Vegas' and Pete's sweet relationship
Yet, still wishes to find a love like what his brother found
Would do anything to ensure Porchay is happy
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aliceneverminddd-pau · 2 months
hongkong + macau trip
planned trip VS reality
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💕 Day 1 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5
Always lost ❓ and lots of walking 🚶‍♀️so comfy shoes is a MUST
HK airport: I had no idea that they have trains 🚊 inside airport. We just followed the crowd 🤸‍♀️ to get our check in luggage 🧳 which is after Immigration. Wifi was easy to find. *klook 100 hkd 💸 - couldn’t find it so we just gave it up
Bus 🚃 : longer than I thought it would be but it was only 1 ride to our hotel with a bit of walking so it was ok. Uber 🚖 is just way too expensive 💰
GoTyme: Withdraw money + bus payment
Mini Causeway Bay 🏨 : smaller than I thought but it wasn't a bother since we don't plan to stay that much in the hotel.
Yat Lok 🍗 : not my kind of food, but it was good
Arte M 🌺🐯🐉🌊 : worth it, it was so nice. But 😣 the uber 🚕 went to K11 near TST, but it was a different one so we uber again to right one.
TST: we just hang around the area for avenue lights but there's none 😞 but it was a nice view 🌇 and we rest our feet 👣
Peak tram: wrong booking 😞
💕 Day 2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5
Breakfast at Cafe De Coral 🍱 : foreigner friendly
Beyond my fucking expectation 💥
Just ride everything you can HAHA
Bring japanese insecticide for sand mites - anxiety bc of i was infected with it. damn it.
Check disneyland app for activities and shows
💕 Day 3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5
Booked a private tour with pinay friend. It was worth it bc we didn't have to worry where to go and we got to see lots of places for 1 day
HP 🪄 : so fun and so lots to do
Mongkok: wifi was lowbat and we were tired so cancelled it
Don Don Donki: lots of stuff to see and can also buy food
💕 Day 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5
Blue Bottle Coffee ☕️ : foreigner friendly
Luggage storage: need to be early bc it got full so fast
Cable car 🚡 : scary for me, but worth to try
NgongPin: we just ate and then went back to go to airport. Need to catch flight ✈️
I was shocked with the culture. They really don't talk in english so miscommunication can really happen. They are not that accommodating to foreigners so don't expect any help. It's easier to commute using MTR and Rome2Rio app. Google maps are always not good app for HK, but it's also helpful to check. Booking using klook can really help a lot. GoTyme is a must!
✨ If I were to change it ‼️
Day 1 HK airport (10am) → NgongPin (until 2-3pm) → Late check in to hotel (4pm) → ArteM (5pm) → Causeway bay: dinner and shopping → rest
Day 2 Disneyland - no changes
Day 3 Macau → Mongkok
Day 4 Early check out, but leave luggage for a bit in hotel → Blue Bottle Coffee (7 am) → Peak tram and Peak Tower (10am) → Hotel for luggage (3pm) → Airport by 4-5 pm, flight was 7pm
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thehungrykat1 · 4 months
Father's Day Celebration at Marco Polo Ortigas Manila
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A wonderful time awaits families in Marco Polo Ortigas Manila this June, as the hotel celebrates fathers of all kinds with exciting experiences, bespoke dining and memorable stays. Renowned Cantonese restaurant Lung Hin put together its best dishes for the man of the hour. From June 06 to 16, the entire family will surely appreciate a generous 10-course meal prepared to authentic perfection, starting with Lung Hin’s Signature Crispy Suckling Pig, premium Bird’s Nest Peach Gel soup and Seafood, Pan-Fried U.S.Beef Tenderloin cubes, flavourful Wok-Fried Shrimp and Sea Conch Garden Green, Braised Japan Shiitake and Spiked Sea Cucumber in Abalone sauce,  Hong Kong style Steamed Sea Grouper Fillet, Deep Fried Trio Crispy Pigeon, with a choice of Fried Red Rice and Roasted Pork Belly or Braised Fresh Egg Noodle Wanton and Barbecue Pork, and a tasty finish of Baked Macau Egg Tart and Seasonal Fresh Fruit Platter.
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Bring a smile to Dad’s face when you take him out to lunch or dinner buffet at Cucina. The highlights of Marinated Smoked Beef Short Ribs, Pan-Seared Pork Medallon, Heineken Beer-Battered Red Drum Fish Fillet and Chicken Piccata Fillet in Brown Butter, Roma Tomato Jalapeno Salsa, together with delightful starters and salads, freshly baked bread, seafood on ice, whets the appetite. The bestselling stations of Japanese sushi and sashimi, noodles, and an array of desserts will surely thrill and satisfy cravings. Make it even more fun for him with a complimentary meal, when accompanied by four full-paying adults. The children may join the sumptuous feast free of charge, for those aged seven years and below.
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Dads will definitely love the bittersweet notes of Gianduja Chocolate, paired with a cappuccino crème brulee in one charming cake! Café Pronto designed a smooth and balanced confectionary treat just for him. From June 06 to 16, gift your main man with a 6-inch cake for Php 1,850 nett.
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Connect Lounge’s mouthwatering, tender burgers are all Dad’s, at 20% off. Dine from June 06 to 16 as a group of three with him, and savor your own BLT Cheeseburger, Blue Cheese Mushroom Burger, Pull Pork BBQ Burger, Texas Beef Burger and All Day Breakfast Burger at a discounted price, for a maximum of two burgers per receipt. 
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Vu’s Sky Bar and Lounge crafted a sophisticated duo for men with exceptional taste. From June 06 to 16, sample a great combination of the strong and the mild with Whiskey and Chocolate Truffle pairing to toast Dad for his awesome! Pairing starts at Php 490++. Give Dad a restful weekend at Marco Polo Ortigas Manila, focusing on everything good for the body and spirit when availing the Weekend Retreat Room package. Stay on a weekend and have him relax in an upgraded room to unwind in for longer, with a guaranteed late checkout. The day starts off with a thoughtful healthy welcome gift, followed by a one-on-one, 35-minute tabata or high intensity interval training (HIIT). Should a spa day be in order, avail all services at 20% off its regular rate, while enjoying all the hotel amenities, including an indoor temperature-controlled swimming pool, jacuzzi and sauna. For maximum enjoyment, a Php 1,500 dining credit can be used in Cucina, Lung Hin, Café Pronto or dining from the comfort of the room. Finally, let him have a wonderful buffet breakfast for two at Cucina, to start his day right.
For room reservations, please call (+63 2) 7720 7777. To #ExploreDiscoverExperience more about what the hotel has to offer, follow Marco Polo Ortigas Manila on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. 
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latribune · 5 months
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apacbusinesstimes · 6 months
Commercial Real Estate: The Mario Berta Story with FlySpaces
Commercial real estate accounts for the land area that is utilized for businesses and includes office space, complexes, malls, service stations, banks, hotels, shops, hospitals, and many more. This space can be either bought by the owners or rented out for a certain event, meeting, or a long duration. The idea of renting and leasing as well as holding any event in commercial workspaces that are provided as a service increases productivity, cuts down on expenses, more networking opportunities, flexible timings, accessible locations, and ready-to-use facilities and amenities.
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The market size of commercial real estate is estimated to reach around US$ 49,79tn by the year 2024 in Asia with a CAGR of 3.49% from 2024 to 2028. In this article, we are discussing the entrepreneurial journey of Mario Berta, the founder and Chairman of a Philippine-based commercial real estate company called FlySpaces, which provides access to flexible workspaces for all kinds of businesses in the Southeast Asia region. 
Mario Berta: Founder & Chairman
Mario Berta has vast experience in the technological industry and is the founder and Chairman of a commercial real estate company called Flyspaces. Along with handling this role is also holds the responsibility of Country Managing Director at Igloo. He completed his master’s degree in the International Economic Studies stream from IE Business School, then he started his career at Canon Bussiness Solution and as a Marketing & Sales Junior Account at Gruppo Viva srl. Later after several jobs, he was a co-founder and regional managing director of Rocket Internet GmbH.
Mario Berta was also a Visiting professor for the IE Business School, after gaining profound experiences from all of his jobs he decided to start a new company in the year 2015 called FlySpaces. This company now has 4,000 Spaces in Southeast Asia across 7 cities and is the leading platform for finding flexible office space. In the Igloo company, he is an Advisor, which has a mission of ‘Insurance for All’. he is also a global professional speaker and a judge for PropertyGuru in the Philippines in 2020 
About FlySpaces 
FlySpaces is Southeast Asia’s leading company which is a tech-based online commercial real estate agency that provides rental office spaces for short or long terms. FlySpaces is a convenient online platform for workspace for SMEs, startups, multinationals, etc. It provides flexible rental options and times in hours, day, month, or year. Finding your suitable office space is easy and the team will help you view the workplace and pricing, and also finalize the most cost-effective deal.
The company is a digital platform that will connect you with users and land owners to make the best choice of workplace and hence provide you with access to large options and choices. The working of the platform is simple and easy, you can browse the website and look for office space, and later you can book it, which is then followed by payment and documentation. There is no extra commission or fee involved and the aim is to help businesses upscale by providing 25% more cost-effective workspace than other companies in the market.
The working model for hour-based or day-based is like if one company is conducting a meeting the other solace like conference rooms can be given to another company or the well-furnished office space can be rented or leased for long-term like years. FlySpaces operates across 7 cities around 5 countries which include Singapore, Cebu, Kuala, Jakarta, Macau, Hong Kong, and Manila. One can also get assistance or guidance from the team member on the call which is the best and easiest way as with the flexibility in timings of renting.
Mario Berta was recognized by Tatler as Gen.T, Philippines in the year 2020. With his vast industry and technological experience, he was able to make FlySpaces a leading online platform in SEA in providing the most flexible workspace and helping all kinds of businesses and entrepreneurs solve the major issue of finding office space, hence making a sustainable business in commercial real estate sector.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/commercial-real-estate-the-mario-berta-story-with-flyspaces/
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chierushi · 9 months
What makes the depression (I believe not yet the clinical kind, but I can still use the meaning of the word, right?) worse is the wins I've had last year. I wanted to write about it but didn't have the time and mental energy then. At the bottom of my cold dark ugly emotions, I am beyond grateful to God for them. And really, 2023 is one of my best years.
Thanks to the pandemic, I missed the beach so bad I prayed to God about it for my birthday, specifically La Union for some reason. Last year, I went there twice, each with a different set of friend group.
My aunt and her partner spent two weeks here in the Philippines. We went to Okada! It wasn’t really a dream of mine to stay there, but I include it as a win because I don’t get treated to such an expensive hotel every day.
We also went to Boracay, a first for me with my family. Despite the jokes that I'm often in Bora (which is quite a ridiculous thing to be made fun of. The amount of privilege, right?), that one was memorable to me. Drinking with them was different compared with friends. It’s something I'm sure I'll look forward to in the future.
My trip to Hong Kong was my first international trip. It was stressful (thanks, Philippine immigration) but still fun. The cherry on top was I got my ticket for free; I won a raffle for it.
Sidebar: Winning the raffle triggered an adrenaline rush in me to pursue things. The worrywart self took a backseat and I got real spontaneous. My risk tolerance widened and made a ripple effect that lasted 'til the end of the year. Ask and you shall receive; this became true to me.
While planning for the overseas trip, a friend reintroduced credit cards to me. Back then, we see getting one as a burden. Initially, I thought I needed one for travel purposes (trivia: I was asked by the immigration officer if I have one. I haven't received my card yet then), but it became a little obsession since my application kept getting rejected. I got approved eventually; all that desperation made me count this as a win, too. Make that double because I even qualified for a high-tier card. (Now that I'm jobless, it's probably not a good time to get approved for the latter LOL)
Macau's a ferry away from Hong Kong, and there's a teamLab there, so we went. I've always wanted to go there. There's also one in Tokyo but thankfully I still decided to go because it was way less crowded.
Probably because I'm very much independent with my travels, right after I flew back home from Hong Kong, I started planning for Japan. There was anxiety with the visa processing (a story for another time), but I got approved this time. My family took a break from their job to be with me, which I'm grateful for. Good food and beautiful places are enough reasons to count this as a win, but really I enjoyed it because I'm with loved ones.
The countless coffee dates, game nights, hotel stays, random hangouts with friends I can't live without. Most of them I don't get to see on a regular basis. I'm happy that we get to see each other and still prolong our relationships.
Lastly, even though this one didn't end well, taking the risk to resign and go for the job I really want is still a win. The Lord knows how grateful I am for friends who encouraged me, guided me, through the process.
In all these wins, I see the Lord had prepared me to receive them. There is so much grace and it saves me now from total deprivation. I'm still struggling today, but in light of all that He has done for me, the pain gets lighter, more bearable. God having better plans for me is something I don't need to be convinced with. My life is in His hands.
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30dirtyandsurviving · 9 months
Let’s try again..
31st December 2023.
Final day of the year that I turned a new decade older.
Turning 30 never really scared me. I lived in London for 3.5 years with two flat mates, one being my now best friend. She is 3 years older than me and in that time of her right before turning 30 first I watched her thrive and survive. I watched her take a new breath of life. I watched her quit her job, plan her finances and plan out her new business venture. Plan about 4-5 holidays that she would go in this one year alone! Plan the itineraries. Plan the flights, plan the hotels. And ultimately I watched her cancel all of them. Every single one. No one could have ever expected the world to enter a pandemic. Do flight refunds even cover that as one of the reasons for a full refund?.. I watched and listened to all the tears, to all the phonecalls, to all the hold music, to all the frustration. This woman quit her job to travel the world and live her life and the world said hell no.
And then she turned 30.
It was almost like it was perfect timing? She was smiling and laughing it off. She got stuck into her new business with a lot of resistance, but she still kept going. I remember thinking.. Why are you so happy? Everything was ruined and you’re now.. 30. She said being 30, a couple months into being 30, that it’s a new sense of life you get.
I’ll be honest. A week or two before turning 30, I was scared. This sense of impending doom loomed over me. I was in Macau with my family and JJ was in England. This plan to move to Australia wasn’t happening, I wasn’t engaged, I have no children, I wasn’t working. What was I good for?.. (bit dramatic but hey, the feels.)
Then 30 happened. And I remembered my flatmate.
To watch her survive all of that in 2020, and to watch her thrive in the last few years was so inspiring. It made me realise that when we turn 30, we don’t spontaneously combust into a fire of depression and feeling of “failure.” Instead, I look at turning 30, as cliche as it sounds, like closing a chapter on all the shit that went wrong in my 20s.
Being 30s gives me a new decade to mess around with. One where I am hopefully wiser and have learnt from my mistakes in my 20s.
20s is for messing around, messing up, losing friends, making friends, loving people, losing love, understanding boundaries, understanding myself, understanding others. If you don’t mess up in your 20s, how will you learn in your 30s?
And I guess the same could go for 40s… right?
Her first.
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usnewsper-business · 1 year
Wynn Resorts: One of the Best-Positioned Companies in the Gaming Industry #WynnBoston #WynnLasVegas #WynnMacau #WynnResorts #Wynnstock
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wimwan · 1 year
Discover discounts on top Macau tours with professional travel guides. See the best attractions and find vacation packages that include hotels. https://www.tours4fun.com/tours/macau/
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0853massage · 1 year
澳門男芳療師☎️WhatsApp+852-4405-4887微信AjieSpa2/SPA3995Telegram:AjieSpa聯繫QQ1989997466男模帥哥LINE:spa3995今天是2023年6月29日星期四營業,上門如果您需要按摩放鬆身心,減輕壓力,或者想解決放鬆和釋放,請聯繫我們,約好我們的酒店按摩。可以根據您的需要提供各種按摩技術,包括瑞典按摩,深層放鬆按摩,精油按摩和釋放壓力按摩等。 放鬆按摩服務,酒店按摩。家居/酒店按摩,直接上門。24小時,按摩/massage上門。讓我們感到身體、情感上的聯繫,並提升我們的幸福感。 我們透過細心挑選最優秀,專業的養生治療師會根據您具體需求精心定制出個性化的療程。 精油按摩。養身。熱石。按摩。女子按摩。Macau fang male massagist ☎ ️ WhatsApp + 852-4405-4887 WeChat AjieSpa2 / SPA3995Telegram: AjieSpa contact LINE QQ1989997466 model handsome boy: spa3995 is open today Thursday 29th June 2023, door-to-door If you need a massage to relax, reduce stress, or would like a solution to relax and release, please contact us to schedule our hotel massage. A variety of massage techniques can be provided according to your needs, including Swedish massage, deep relaxation massage, essential oil massage and pressure release massage. Relaxation massage service, Hotel massage. Home/Hotel massage, direct to your door. 24 hours, massage /massage at home. It makes us feel physically and emotionally connected and boosts our sense of well-being. We carefully select the best, professional health therapists will be carefully customized according to your specific needs. Essential oil massage. Take care. Hot stone. Massage. Massage for women. Yvonne terapeutas masculinos de macau ☎ ️ micro carta AjieSpa2 + 852-4405-4887 / SPA3995Telegram: WhatsApp AjieSpa QQ1989997466 homem bonitão na linha de contacto: Spa3995 está aberto hoje quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2023. A sua porta está aberta se você precisar de uma massagem para relaxar e reduzir o estresse, ou gostaria de resolver o relaxamento e liberação, entre em contato conosco para agendar uma massagem em nosso hotel. Várias técnicas de massagem podem ser oferecidas de acordo com suas necessidades, incluindo massagem sueca, massagem de relaxamento profundo, massagem com óleos essenciais e massagem de alívio de estresse, entre outros. Serviço de massagem relaxante. Massagens no hotel. Massagem em casa/hotel, diretamente à sua porta. 24 horas, massagem/massagem no domicílio. Faz-nos sentir fisicamente, emocionalmente conectados e aumenta o nosso bem-estar. Selecionamos cuidadosamente os melhores. Terapeutas especializados em bem-estar elaboram cuidadosamente sessões personalizadas de acordo com as suas necessidades específicas. Massagem com óleos essenciais. Ajuda-te. Pedras quentes. Uma massagem. Massagem para mulheres.
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