#best hose reel cart
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gardeningeasily · 5 years ago
Best Hose Reel Cart with Wheels of 2020
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Everyone hates to water the plants by lifting a heavy hose around. Hose reel carts were designed to avoid the pressure from moving a gardening hose to the far corners of your properties if you are blessed with a larger yard to maintain. Most people opt for a hose reel cart that has wheels. Wheels will allow easy navigation and movement across the yards. The customers tend to buy the garden hose reel carts that are easily moveable and provide efficiency in work. Check this review of the best hose reel carts with wheels with the buyer's guide and FAQ chapter will follow to further wrap it up. Top-Rated Hose Cart with Wheels # Preview Product 1 AMES 2519100 NeverLeak Cold-Weather Resistant Cabinet with Auto-Track Reel, 150-Foot Hose Capacity* Check Price on Amazon 2 AMES 2388340 ReelEasy Side Mount Reel, 100-Foot Hose Capacity* Check Price on Amazon 3 Suncast JSF175 175 ft Hosemobile Reel Cart Hose Caddy with Large Easy to Grip Crank for Garden,... Check Price on Amazon 4 Suncast Resin 225 ft Hideaway Outdoor Storage Reel with Crank Handle, Lid, and Slide Trak Guide 225'... Read the full article
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yellowpagesaeworld · 4 years ago
A fire extinguisher is a fire protection device which is used to extinguish and control small fires in emergency situations. A fire extinguisher consists of a hand-held cylindrical pressure vessel extinguisher which contains an agent to extinguish a fire. Fire extinguishers are available in handheld and cart-mounted forms. Handheld extinguishers weigh from 0.5 to 14 kilograms and are easily portable by hand. Check out now the verified fire extinguisher suppliers in UAE dealing in various fire fighting systems & fire extinguishers. The verified and renowned fire extinguisher suppliers are enlisted with Yellowpages.ae. You can easily protect yourself & your authorities with different fire fighting equipment like fire extinguishers, co2 fire extinguishers, fire hose reel, etc. at best prices. Various types of fire fighting extinguishers are available with these suppliers. The fire extinguishers & fire fighting systems can be used at residential & commercial places.
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jaydcstories · 5 years ago
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Read this and other stories on my blog: JOHN DEE COOPER'S ALL-MALE SLAVERY STORIES
PAULO by John Dee Cooper © 2020
Chapter 9
Pepe told us he was a shy child — which was hard to imagine what with that body and those enormous muscles, not to mention his gigantic cock which kept twitching as he spoke. If his hands had been free he’d probably have stroked it till it was rock hard (we were having to get used to this matter-of-fact attitude to being naked).
Anyway, he got bullied at school. He didn’t know why. Maybe because his father was rich. But so were all the kids’ fathers. It was a top grade exclusive boarding school and he hated it. He don’t know what it was, there was just something about him that didn’t fit in. Sometimes, looking back, he wondered if it was meant that he should be a slave right from the start and that the other boys sensed it while he didn’t. Because in all other respects he was a model student. He did well in his exams and won trophies for gym and athletics. He enjoyed running almost more than anything else, being out on the track, speeding ahead of all the other kids. He loved that. But he just felt different, that was all.
Then one day, when he was fourteen, he was called to the headmaster’s office and told that his father’s business had gone bankrupt. Next he got a visit from his uncle — a distant relative whom he’d never met before — who told him that his father had done away with himself. Jumped off a building, apparently, although it was never proved. Then his mother had a mental breakdown. She was carted off to an asylum. He had no-one else to take care of him but this uncle.
The uncle didn’t want to go on paying the school fees, so that was the end of Pepe’s education. He never liked boy, mainly because he’d been landed with the father’s debts. He treated him like a servant — worse even. Then, when some of Pepe’s friends got into trouble with the police, he jumped at the chance of having the boy sent off to a labour camp for two years, even though it was clear Pepe himself hadn’t done anything wrong.
At first he was just a kid running messages. Then, when the camp officers realised what a good athlete he was they started training him up. He worked hard and very soon they were putting him in for regional and national competitions and he started to win prizes. He was a good looking teenager and attracted a lot of attention — not always from the best quarters — which at least kept him away from the drudgery of the work gangs.
Although Pepe didn’t realise it, his uncle was secretly grooming him all this while, watching and waiting until he was in prime condition. Then, on the boy’s sixteenth birthday a van turned up and he was bundled aboard — just as we had all been — and taken to a slave farm, where he was stripped naked, branded and had his balls cinched in a steel band.
Apparently when his uncle had sold him to the slave farm he’d kept a percentage interest in the boy, so that he could keep earning money off him. As well as racing, they taught Pepe to box, so he had to fight as well as run. Bare knuckles of course, although sometimes they’d wrap his hands round with bandaging to stop the bleeding. He’d regularly get the stuffing knocked out of him two or three times a week, just so his owners, including his uncle, could make some money. He was a slave, so of course he had no choice and when he lost a fight or a race, he’d get a beating. That was his only incentive — to try and get through the week without being hauled up onto a scaffold to be whipped.
He was on the slave farm for three years, and it was the making of him. He learned to accept pain as his salvation. It became as familiar to him as breathing. He absorbed it and used it to make himself tougher and more efficient. He was proud of his body and his powerful limbs and he learned how to discipline his mind to focus on one thing — becoming the perfect slave.
The slaves would train all day long in the open air, everyday, whatever the weather. You don’t get days off when you’re a slave. Twenty-four-seven you’re either working, resting, feeding or being punished. For Pepe training seemed to consist mostly of running for hours on end, up and down steep slopes, carrying bags of sand on your shoulders or dragging crates full of rocks. Then for a break there’d be squats and press-ups and pull-ups and weight-lifting. It was exhilarating at times, and other times it could be mind numbing. On top of that, as boxing was on the menu for him, he’d spend hours punching bags and getting punched by sparring partners. At night, back in his stall, he was always wracked with pain, and was usually smarting from a beating for being too lazy.
There were twenty boys sleeping five to a stall in a shed in the middle of the corral. It had straw on the floor, but no sheets or blankets and as they had no clothing the only way to keep warm was to curl up together in a tight bunch like puppies. Usually they were too tired to do anything but sleep. But sometimes, after the keepers had locked them in for the night, they’d get restless and those aching muscles would rub against each other and they’d start rolling around and... well... you know!
At this point of his story, Pepe went quiet. He sat for a moment, breathing deeply with his eyes closed. His cock was jutting up as straight as an arrow and we watched in amazement as it began to swell and jerk all on its own, just as if an invisible hand had taken hold of it and was slowly caressing it.
“Sorry boys,” he said, opening his eyes and pulling himself out of his reverie. “It all came flooding back to me for a second there. I miss those slave boys. We had some beautiful times. The farm was horrid and the keepers were nasty, sadistic monsters, but we slaves were like a family and I felt I belonged among them. You should treasure moments like that. They don’t last long.”
He told us how on his nineteenth birthday, or thereabouts (“after a while you lose track of dates and it’s difficult working out exactly how old you are”) his uncle decided to sell his interest in him and he was packed off to the slave market.
“Your first auction — that’s something you can never be prepared for. I’d already been a slave for three years, but that was as part of a litter. I was used to being naked in front of people at fights and races, but I always knew that I would be going back to the farm afterwards and be amongst my friends. When they send you to the auction you’re on your own and you have no idea what the future is going to bring you.
“They put you on public display for about a week before the auction, and there’s an endless stream of buyers coming to have a feel and a poke. You have to stand there and look straight ahead while they crawl all over your body, slapping and stroking. You like to think there’s someone out there who’s going to buy you just because he likes you and wants to be kind to you. But all they’re really interested in is how useful you can be to them and what sort of price you’re going to fetch when they sell you again. Over and over again, they examine your teeth and inspect your eyes, some of them even poke around in your ears. They feel the strength in your arms and legs, and look at your feet. Sometimes they test your abs by giving you a punch in the stomach. They squeeze your balls to see if you’ll make a good breeder, and they’ll even jerk you off just to see how good you look with all your muscles in motion. In fact so many of them play with your cock without letting you cum, that by the end of the day your head’s spinning and your balls are aching with juice. But there is nothing you can do about it. You just have to stand there and take it.
“There was this one fellow who got all excited about my powerful legs and thighs. He’d read the notes about me being an athlete and wanted to see me in action, so they took me outside and I had to run round the perimeter of the courtyard while he watched. He was obviously impressed because on the day of the auction he outbid everyone else. It turns out he runs a pony stable and he’s going to train me as a pony.”
Pepe could see that we were puzzled.
“Haven’t you ever heard of a pony-slave?”
We shook our heads. We were still reeling from his description of what it was like to be auctioned. The concept of slaves being used as ponies was way beyond us.
“Boy, you don’t know much, do you? Well it’s just one of the most intense kinds of discipline a slave can be put through. For a start it’s very lonely on account of the fact that you can’t talk. They pull out your back teeth — look,” he opened his mouth so we could see for ourselves, “and they fit you with a metal plate that holds your tongue down. Then they strap a leather bridle round your head with a metal bit that fits in the gap where your back teeth were,” he stopped to show us the scars on his cheek where the metal bit had pulled against his skin, “and leather blinkers that can be closed so that you can’t see anything, or hinged open so that you can only see straight ahead. That bridle is on there for good. It never comes off — at least not as long as you’re a pony — so your vision is permanently restricted. You have leather straps on your wrists all the time as well so that they’re always ready to be hitched to the shafts of a carriage, or locked behind your back, or shackled to the ceiling — whatever they want.  
“Next thing, you’re never allowed to sit down or lie down or even kneel. Ever! They keep you on your feet the whole time. Even when you’re sleeping. They shackle your wrists to the sides of the stall and there’s a kind of leather padded bar you can lean your head and chest against. You’re fed standing up, and you even have to shit standing up — though they train you to do it cleanly over a sand pit, and you get hosed down afterwards. Basically, everything about your life is fixed to one purpose and one purpose only, running and pulling carriages. You could be harnessed solo or in a team, and you could be pulling anything from a heavy goods wagon to a light weight racing cart. Sometimes, depending on the job you have to do, they might fit you with some kind of covering for your feet — you can’t really call them shoes. But mostly they like to build up your resistance so you can run on any surface in bare feet.
“If you’re kept for private use, like I was, then generally you’re always naked. Usually your owner takes pride in how you look, so he makes sure you work out properly and have a nice trim, muscular body that people can admire as he drives you around in harness. You get used to people coming up to you in the street and stroking your body while you stand waiting for you Master. They even grab hold of your cock and try to jerk you off. You’re trained to respond positively and show yourself off to the best advantage — as a compliment to your Master — but never to shoot off your cum unless your Master orders it. “And then of course there’s the racing. My owner used to race me regularly and I won a lot of money for him. He entered me for pony shows as well, that’s kind of like a dog show but just for pony-slaves. They judge you on your fitness, looks, physical condition and  movement, as well as speed and endurance. There’s an awful lot of standing around and being manhandled at those things. I prefer the races.
“So anyway, there was a few years of that and then I was sold to an owner who just wanted me to pull his private carriage around town. He ran some kind of hiring service with a team of ponies he kept in his stables, but I was there just for his own personal use. He never touched the other ponies, as far as I know, but he often came into my stall at night while I was tethered up and he’d play around with me. Remember, my wrists are hitched to the sides of the stall, I’m leaning my head against the leather padding, my bridle is in place, with the flaps closed so I can’t see and the metal plate is pressing down on my tongue so I can’t speak. I hear him creep in behind and then I feel his hands trailing up my thighs and reaching round to my stomach. His cock jabs into me and for a while he’s riding deep inside me. Sometimes he lets me share in the pleasure of the moment by jerking me off, but mostly he strokes me hard but leaves me aching to cum when he’s finished.”
Pepe’s eyes closed again for a moment and I suppose he was drifting off into another revery. I looked around and could see that his story was having the same effect on Luis and Tomas as it was having on me. Our cocks were all rock hard and pulsating — and we had no hands free to nestle or hide them.
“There’s not much more to tell,” he said after a while. “I was eventually sold to the man who owned Leon over there. He was more interested in slave investment than ownership, so I stopped being a pony. How weird that was having the bridal taken off after, what, four, five years! Took me a while to get my voice back and my full range of vision. Even sitting and lying down was a problem. But I was determined to stay fit and he soon had me running. He made a lot of money out of racing me and even got me into fighting again. Then suddenly he went bankrupt and he had to sell off all his stock to pay his debts. So they paired me off with Leon and we’re going to be put up for auction in England.”
Having got to the end of his story he fell silent. We were all spellbound — except of course Leon who’d contributed a few grunts but otherwise had sat there and said nothing the whole time. It’s only when we bombarded him with questions that he began to mutter under his breath. He was difficult to hear, let alone understand, but it soon became obvious that Spanish wasn’t his first tongue. Pepe had to keep helping him out.
Leon’s was a very different story, which we pieced together mainly from the answers he gave to our persistent questioning. ��
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bestcartreviews · 5 years ago
Highly Rated & Best Electric Pressure Washer Reviews 2020
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Highly Rated & Best Electric Pressure Washer - Sometimes cleaning the greasy wheels of cars, dirty mats, driveways, and hose wheel carts give us pain. We are not even able to clean them properly because some dirt and debris remain inside the screw holes or other areas. So, luckily to make your tricky cleaning more manageable, we come with the best electric pressure washer lists, which is going to set you in relief.
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We know that your time is precious and it is not a wise idea to spend it cleaning your car manually. Thus, in the meantime, these electric pressure washers prove to be a game-changer for you. And if you also wish to have such a pleasant surprise in your life, then have a look at these electric pressure washers. In this article, we've included buying guide too, so that you can make a better decision while purchasing the best out of the rest. Let’s get started!
Best Electric Pressure Washer Reviews
#1. Sun Joe SPX4000-PRO 2030 Max 14.5-Amp Electric Pressure Washer
Best Review of Sun joe spx4000-pro 2030 Sun Joe SPX4000 pro is one of the best models of an electric pressure washer. It has everything intact in it, which you need the most in an electric pressure washer. The body design is slim and sleek, which will not consume much space in your home. This electric pressure washer runs on a powerful electric motor, which helps in generating maximum pressure of around 2030psi. Its pressure select technology allows you to choose two distinctive cleaning mode options. One is a low cleaning option, which generates low pressure of around 1450 for regular cleaning, and second is high-pressure cleaning, which allows you to create high pressure of around 2030psi. The high-pressure cleaning mode helps you to tackle your toughest cleaning parts, including grease stains. Additionally, it comes with a turbo head spray nozzle, which helps you in having faster cleaning. And inside the package, you will receive the full-fledge equipment pack, which includes five different detachable nozzles, a 25-feet long hose, rotatory burr, and machine.
#2 Mrliance 3500PSI Electric Pressure Washer
Best Mrliance 3500psi Electric Pressure Review Well, if you are looking for a power pack electric pressure washer, then Mrliance is for you. It can generate around 3500psi high pressure with its 1800-Watt electric motor at 2.0 GPM flow. This high-pressure washer machine is ideal for quickly removing dirt from terraces, decks, driveways, siding, sheds, outdoor power equipment, cars, and many others too. Along with this, it also comes with four adjustable pressure nozzles, which seems perfect for maintaining low as well as high pressure to wash any surface with ease. The plus point of Mrliance electric washer is that it has a total stop system that automatically shuts down the pump when the trigger is not working. Moreover, its 26 feet long pressure hose is long enough for handling the project which you need to clean. Additionally, the pressure hose reel has built-in onboard, which conveniently protects you from kinks in the high-pressure hose. It also comes with a removable detergent tank, which adds another ease of handling it in more manageable ways. You will receive an upgraded version with a professional support system which resolves the problem of leaking water and leaves a significant impression on you.
#3. WEN PW3100 Gas-Powered 3100 PSI 208cc Pressure Washer
Best Review of wen pw31 3100 psi gas pressure washer 208cc Wen PW3100 is the best rated electric pressure washer, which will help to lift away all the debris from hidden surfaces. It has a 208cc 4-stroke powerful engine that allows maximum water pumping up to 2.5 gallons per minute. You will also receive five different connective adjustable nozzles for achieving different pressure for spraying liquid detergent. The 30 feet long hose helps you in reaching a maximum range of surfaces, whereas its 12-inch long wheels offer free mobility over a variety of terrain. Along with this, the gas-powered washer allows you to have a maximum pressure of 3100psi for faster cleaning. With its soap nozzle, you will be able to pour 32 ounces of detergent on an onboard soap tank for maximum cleaning. Its quick connectivity feature simplifies the changing process of nozzles. Furthermore, the best part about Wen is they offer their product with a warranty period of two-years. Along with the warranty period, they also offer a 24 hours customer helpline system and also have a vast network of skilled technicians. They take the responsibility of repairing your pressure machine free of cost if it gets damaged in between warranty period. Nowyou can let your driveaway shine perfectly with the help of Wen 3100psi.
#4. Sun Joe SPX3000 Electric Pressure Washer
The Best of Sun Joe SPX3000 Electric Pressure Washer Review Sun Joe washer is versatile in working, and it is specially designed to tackle all kinds of cleaning. Be it your garden, home, car, or your working station; it helps to clean all of your working stuff. It can generate a maximum pressure of 2030psi, which is enough to remove all the dirt and debris from most of the surfaces. You will be able to carry two different detergents at one time because it has two built-in detergent tanks. Furthermore, to add some more versatility in your work, it offers you a flexible washing tool. The five interchangeable spraying nozzles allow you to have five different pressure levels so that you can easily reach your different target surfaces. Whereas with its in-built total stop system, it prevents you from any accidental spray or any other kind of leak-out. You will receive a 20feet long hose and a 14inch extended wand in the package. Additionally, it also features up with a 35feet long power cord which will allow reaching more significant distance when using it.
#5. SIMPSON MegaShot Gas Pressure Washer
Best Review of Simpson megashot 3200 psi If you are looking for a high-pressure washer machine, then Simpson is best for you. Honda GC190 premium residential engine helps in generating 3200 psi pressure, which is ideal for cleaning the toughest surfaces. With its potent engine, you will have an optimum performance with fewer efforts. It is also equipped with a reliable OEM axial pump, ergonomic spray gun, 25ft abrasion-resistant hose, and five different stainless-steel nozzles. This SIMPSON MegaShot model is best for operating by self. It has a simple and lightweight design that makes it portable for you to carry with you anywhere. SIMPSON is also perfect for those who are living in harsh environmental conditions. It’s convenient, and quick-start design adds a bonus point of having this portable washer for home. The plus point of having this best electric pressure washer is it comes with 100% functionally tested certified. It also has premium pneumatic wheels that allow frictionless motions. Moreover, it comes with a one year warranty period and a five-year frame warranty which gives you full freedom from the repairing hassles.
#6. Homdox 3000 PSI Pressure Washer
Expert Review Of Homdox 3000psi Electric Pressure Homdox is the best electric pressure washer machine which is capable of generating 3000psi pressure. It runs on the 1800W high power motor engine, which gives maximum output with 1.80GPM power. You will have five interchangeable nozzles with this washer, which is going to help you in cleaning the most challenging areas in the meantime. Additionally, its ergonomic upright design with an axle mounted wheels will offer you effortless mobility. You will efficiently handle it wherever you want to have it. Moreover, you will also have the advantage of having a pistol style triggering spray wand. This wand will help you in dispensing liquid more efficiently with high pressure. The in-built total support system gives your prominent safety feature. It will automatically turn off when the trigger is not functioning correctly. Also, its 35ft long cord with the inline GFCI makes it perfect for exterior use. This multifunctional high-pressure washer machine is an ideal cleaning solution for all your needs. Whether it is your car, ATVs, boats, homes, driveways, decks, or patio, it helps clean all your things perfectly as well as effortlessly.
#7. CHAKOR 3500PSI Electric Pressure Washer
The Best Review of Chakor Electric 3500 psi Pressure Washer Now, this pressure is something that we all are looking for. A powerful 1800W engine which generates a maximum pressure of 3500psi. The four different connecting nozzles which help you to tackle all kinds of cleaning surfaces. It comes with massive wheels, which will allow you to have a frictionless moment — 2.0 GPM power, which is perfect for maximum cleaning. You will also have an additional indispensable tool that helps you to clean a variety of surfaces around your homes, decks, sideways, driveways, sheds, garden furniture, cars, and many other surfaces too. Furthermore, you will also have a spray gun hose, which helps to spread maximum detergent quickly and efficiently. Its automatic shutting down feature enhances the durability of the pump. And it also comes with a 35ft long power extension cord with an in-built GFCI feature, which makes it perfect for external use. This best electric pressure washer machine comes with a hose reel, which will help you in keeping your house more intact. Moreover, it has a 20ft long high-pressure hose, which helps you in reaching to more significant areas.
#8. Homdox Pressure Washer, With 2600PSI
Homdox 2600 psi Pressure Washer Reviews If you have little areas that you need to clean, then this pressure perfectly meets your requirements. The Homdox pressure washer can generate 1.6GPM pressure with its powerful engine. It is a terrific cleaner which is helpful in cleaning gardens, cars, boats, driveways, decks, and other areas effortlessly. With its 2600psi power, you will easily clean dirt, gunk, oil, rust, and another problematic stain easily. It has four different quick connecting nozzles to tackle with medium, light, and dense cleaning surfaces correctly. Moreover, its upright and lightweight design makes it the best rated electric pressure washer machine. The thing which we love the most is its axle mounted wheels, which allow easy roll-up mobility. And its pistol style trigger sprays wand for quickly dispensing detergent for efficient cleaning. Homdox comes with a signature feature, which is a total stop system that will allow you to automatically shut off the engine if the trigger is not working. Additionally, it comes with a 6m high-pressure hose, which will enable you to reach larger surfaces.
#9. PAXCESS Electric Pressure Power Washer 2150 PSI
Paxcess 2150 psi Electric Pressure Washer Review PAXCESS electric pressure washer runs on a powerful 1800Watt motor. This can generate maximum water pressure of 2150psi and also 1.85GPM water flow, which offers maximum cleaning. With this high-pressure washer machine, you will be able to clean grease, oil stain, rust from the steel, stubborn gunk, and other blemishes. It also has a functional onboard hose reel, which will help in keeping your house convenient. Moreover, it also helps your hose to prevent kinks and also makes winding and unwinding easier. The total support system enhances the durability of the product as it will automatically shut off the system if not working correctly. Its 33 feet long high-pressure hose helps to reach most sophisticated areas without any hassles and extra efforts. The all in one adjustable nozzle allows you to change the pattern of the spray to clean different areas more conveniently. And the best part is it comes with a portable assemble design, which saves your efforts of joining. Additionally, it comes with an IPX5 waterproof CSA certificate, which will assure you that you are having a significant machine and investing in the right product.
Best Electric Pressure Washer - Product Accessories
Frequently Bought Together - Product Accessories When you are buying something valuable for you, then you also need to have some accessories for your product too. These accessories will help in improving their functioning as well as maintaining them with intense care. So, let us take a look at these accessories. 1. Sun Joe Patio Cleaning Attachment for SPX Pressure Washer The cleaning patio attachment is ideal for the Sun Joe model to clean most of the surfaces. It is highly durable and versatile to work efficiently. From porch to patios and from decks to cars, you can clean everything with the help of this. 2. Sun Joe Universal Heavy-Duty Pressure Washer Extension Hose The heavy-duty water extension hose is ideal for the Sun Joe SPX series. It helps to extend your hose, which is shorter in length. Also, this beautiful accessory allows you to clean your larger area more conveniently without putting many efforts. 3. Karcher 15-Inch Pressure Washer Surface Cleaner Attachment The washer surface cleaner attachment is compatible with the Karcher model. You can clean larger flat surfaces much faster than before with this beautiful accessory. Moreover, it will give you a feel for professional cleaning. 4. WEN PW31C Universal Weatherproof Pressure Washer Cover Wen universal weatherproof washer cover is one of the best accessories which you need to have for your electric washers. It will help you in protecting your electric machine from extreme weather conditions. 5. Sun Joe SPX Quick Connect, Universal Turbo Head Spray Nozzle Sun Joe's universal turbo head spray nozzle will help you in cleaning your hard surfaces with a 40% faster speed. And the best part about this head spray nozzle is, it can perfectly fit the majority of electric washers. Moreover, this helps clean gunk from concrete too. 6. Simpson Cleaning 80165, Universal 15" Steel Surface Scrubber SIMPSON cleaning scrubber helps clean the steel surfaces to remove rust and dirt debris more effortlessly. Additionally, it comes with two different high-pressure rotating jets for faster and streaks free cleaning. 7. Tool Daily Foam Cannon 5 Pressure Washer Spray Nozzle Tips The adjustable foam cannon is the best thing to accessories your electric washer. It comes with five different nozzle tips and a cannon bottle, which helps to generate thicker foam. And for this, you need to attach this canon with your spray nozzle, and you are ready to use it. The foam dispensing knob offers maximum foam for ideally cleaning your bikes, cars, and other surfaces too. Buying Guide-Things to Consider Before Buying Best Electric Pressure Washer You need to consider some essential things before you buy something valuable for you. And if you are looking for the best electric pressure washer machine for you, then it is more important to pay some attention to the essential things. So, here is our buying guide for you, which will help you in making your decision about an electric pressure washer more effortlessly. Let's have a look at it. Durability The durability of the product is the essential thing to look after before you proceed to buy. This is because you are going to invest massively in an electric pressure washer. And you need a worthy product which will remain with you for a longer time. Thus, always look for the electric pressure washer, which is highly durable. The buyers recommend stainless steel electric washer because it runs for a longer time. Along with this, you need to check the durability of the hose too. Some hose starts leaking after consistent use. But here we reviewed some of the highly durable electric pressure washer machines which have higher durability. You can choose by looking towards them carefully. Cleaning Power The second thing you need to consider before purchasing the best rated electric pressure washer machine for you is its cleaning power. There are many electrical pressures available in the market, which can generate maximum pressure power of around 3500psi. On average, the ideal weight for cleaning the most challenging area is 3000psi or even 2200psi. And here, we reviewed the best electric pressure washer, which can generate a maximum power of even 3500psi. But as we say, always prefer according to your needs and surface that you need to clean the most. Adjustable Nozzles An ideal electric pressure washer is comes power pack with different adjustable nozzles. These adjustable nozzles allow convenient adjusting for nozzles on the sprayer. Moreover, these different adjustable nozzles also help you in targeting your different cleaning surfaces more effortlessly. For instance: 0-degree nozzle allows you to clean with mild surfaces by spraying detergent in a single line and low pressure. The 40-degree nozzle allows you to clean up the most extended surfaces. This is because it will spray a large amount of liquid with high pressure. So, when you buy to make sure that you will at least four to five different adjustable nozzles so that you can target any surface by your single electric pressure washer easily. Here also, we've mentioned above some of the best electric pressure washer machines which come with different adjustable nozzles. You can make your decision by looking into it. Auto-shutdown feature This is perhaps the most important thing to look before purchasing the best electric pressure washer machine for you. The auto-shutdown feature ensures your safety measure, which will protect you from kinks and any hazardous issues while working with your electric washer. This feature allows the automatic shutting down of the washer if the trigger is not working correctly. So, when you are going to buy the best electric washer for you, then make sure that it comes with this auto-shutdown feature. Some of the above-reviewed brands include this feature in their electric pressure washer. You can choose wisely while looking thoroughly into this feature. In-built hose reel An in-built hose reel allows you to easily wind-up and unwinding your hose. Moreover, it also ensures the protection and easy maintenance of the tube. So, this is also an essential thing to consider before buying an electric pressure washer machine for you. Make sure to look for this feature in the electric washer, which will enhance your hose life too. Conclusion Now, after having reviews of the best rated electric pressure washer machine, you will be able to make your decision easier. You are going to invest your money in a worthy product that perfectly meets your demands. Therefore, before you proceed to buy, make sure to have a walk through our buyer's guide, which will help you in deciding on the best electric pressure washer more conveniently. We can only help you out in finding the best product for you. And you decide to have the best for you. Therefore, we eliminate the searching hurdle for you by reviewing the best products for you. Also, our buying guide will help you in searching for the best electric washer for you. Read the full article
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martinnchampion · 6 years ago
RT https://t.co/EPCjoYGnc3 RT https://t.co/XOXPwZmMZL Want to reduce your consumable spend on hoses? #reelefficiency #keepingitreel #reelcare #reelreasons https://t.co/dZZloXqmQO
RT https://t.co/EPCjoYGnc3 RT https://t.co/XOXPwZmMZL Want to reduce your consumable spend on hoses? #reelefficiency #keepingitreel #reelcare #reelreasons #hosereel pic.twitter.com/dZZloXqmQO
— Martin Champion (@MartinChampion8) May 31, 2019
Source: @MartinChampion8 May 31, 2019 at 08:14AM More info Best Hose Reel
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ameryth74 · 6 years ago
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Two letter words:
There are 107 acceptable 2-letter words listed in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, 6th Edition and the Official Tournament and Club Word List:
Two letter contractions: I’m, I’d
Four letter verbs:
abet, abut, abye/aby, ache, alit, ally, ante, arch, aver, avow (10).
baby,  bach, back, bade, baff, bail, bait, bake, bald, bale, balk, ball, band, bang, bank, bant, barb, bard, bare, barf, bark, base, bash, bask, bate, bath, bauk, bawl, bead, beam, bean, bear,    beat, beck, bede, beef, been, beep, bell, belt, bend, bent, bere, best, bias, bide(archaic usage), biff, bike, bilk, bill, bind, bird, birl, birr, bite, bitt, blab, blat, blaw, bled, blet, blew, blip, blob, blot, blow, blub, blue, blur, boak, boat, bode, body, boff(vulgar usage), boil, boke, bomb, bond, bone, bong, bonk, boob, book, boom, boot, bore, born, boss, boun, bowl, brad, brag, bray, bred, brew, brim, buck, buff, bulk, bull, bump, bung, bunk, bunt, buoy, burl, burn, burp, burr, bury, bush, busk, buss, bust, busy, butt, buzz (117).
ca-ca, cage, cake, calk, call, calm, came, camp, cane, cant, card, care, carp, cart, case, cash, cast, cave, cede, cere, chap, char, chat, chaw, chid, chin, chip, chop, chow, chug, chum, cite, clad, clam, clap, claw, clay, clew, clip, clog, clop, clot, cloy, club, clue, coal, coat, coax, cock, code, coif, coil, coin, coke, comb, come, comp, cone, conk, conn, cook, cool, coop, cope, copy, cord, core, cork, corn, cosh, cost, coup, cove, cowl, crab, cram, crap, crew, crib, crop, crow, cube, cuff, cull, curb, curd, cure, curl, curr, cuss (90).
dado, daff, damn, damp, dang, dare, dark, darn, dart, dash, date, daub, dawn, daze, deal, deck, deed, deem, defy, deke, dele, demo, dent, deny, dial, dice, died, diet, dike, dine, ding, ding, dint, dirk, disc, dish, disk, diss, dive, dock, doff, dole, dome, done, doom, dope, dose, doss, dote, dove, down, doze, drab, drag, draw, dray, dree, drew, drip, drop, drub, drug, drum, duck, duel, duet, dull, dumb, dump, dung, dunk, dupe, dusk, dust, dyke (75).
earn, ease, echo, eddy, edge, edit, emit, envy, espy, etch, even, exit (12).
face, fade, fail, fake, fall, fame, fard, fare, farm, fart, fash, fast, fate, fawn, faze, fear, feed, feel, fell, felt, fend, fess, fete, feud, file, fill, film, find, fine, fink, fire, firm, fish, fist, fizz, flag, flap, flat, flaw, flay, fled, flee, flew, flex, flip, flit, flog, flop, flow, flub, flux, foal, foam, foil, foin, fold, fond, fool, foot, ford, fork, form, foul, fowl, frag, frap, fray, free, fret, frig, frit, fuel, full, fume, fund, funk, furl, fuse, fuss, futz, fuze, fuzz (82).
gaff, gage, gain, gait, gall, game, gang, gaol, gape, garb, gash, gasp, gast(obsolete), gate, gaum(US), gave, gawk, gawp, gaze, gear, geld, gibe, gift, gild, gill, gimp, gird, girt, give, glad(archaic), glom, glow, glue, glug, glut, gnar, gnaw, go by, go on, goad, golf, gone, gong, goof, gore, gown, grab, gray, grew, grey, grid, grin, grip, grit, grow, grub, gulf, gull, gulp, gush, gust, gybe, gyre, gyve (64).
hack, haft, hail, hale, halo, halt, hand, hang, hare, hark, harm, harp, hash, hasp, hast, hate, hath(archaic), haul, have, hawk, haze, head, heal, heap, hear, heat, heed, heel, heft, held, helm, help, hent(obsolete), herd, hewn, hide, hike, hill, hint, hire, hiss, hive, hoax, hock, hoke(slang), hold, hole, home, hone, honk, hood, hoof, hook, hoop, hoot, hope, horn, hose, host, hove, howl, huff, hulk, hull, hump, hung, hunt, hurl, hurt, hush, husk, hymn, hype, hypo (74).
idle, inch, iris, iron, isle, itch (6).
jack, jade, jail, jape, jazz, jeep, jeer, jell, jerk, jest, jibe, jilt, jink, jinx, jive, join, joke, jolt, josh, juke, jump, junk (22).
kayo, keek(Scots), keel, keen, keep, kept, kern, kick, kill, kiln, kilt, kink, kiss, kite, knap, knew, knit, knot, know (19).
lace, lack, laid, lain, lair, lake, lamb, lame, land, lard, lark, lase, lash, last, lath, laud, lave, laze, lazy, lead, leaf, leak, lean, leap, lech, leer, left, lend, lens, lent, levy, lick, lift, like, lilt, limb, lime, limn, limp, line, link, lisp, list, live, load, loaf, loan, lock, loft, loll, long, look, loom, loop, loot, lope, lord, lose, lost, loup(Scots), lour, lout, love, lube, luck, luff, luge, lull, lump, lure, lurk, lust, lute, lyse (74).
mace, made, mail, maim, make, mall, malt, mark, marl, mart, mash, mask, mass, mast, mate, maul, maze, mean, meet, meld, mell, melt, mend, meow, mesh, mess, mete, mewl, miff, milk, mill, mime, mind, mine, mint, mire, miss, mist, moan, moat, mock, moil, mold, molt, moon, moor, moot, mope, moss, move, muck, muff, mull, mump, muse, mush, muss, must, mute (59).
nail, name, near, neck, need, nest, nick, nigh, nill(obsolete), nock, nose, nosh, note, nuke, null, numb (16).
obey, ogle, oink, okay, omen, omit, ooze, open, oust, over (10).
pace, pack, page, pain, pair, pale, pall, palm, pang, pant, pare, park, part, pash(Austral), pass, pave, pawn, peak, peal, peck, peek, peel, peen, peep, peer, pelt, pend, perk, perm, pick, pike, pile, pill, pimp, pine, ping, pink, pipe, piss(vulgar), pith, pity, plan, plat, play, plod, plop, plot, plow, plug, pock, poke, pole, poll, pond, pool, pore, port, pose, post, pour, pout, pray, pree, prep, prey, prim, prod, prog, prop, puff, puke, pule, pull, pulp, pump, punt, purl, purr, push, putt (80).
quad, quip, quit, quiz (4).
race, rack, raft, rage, raid, rail, rain, rake, ramp, rang, rank, rant, rape, rase, rasp, rate, rave, raze, razz, read, ream, reap, rear, reck, redd(dialect), rede(archaic), redo, reed, reef, reek, reel, rein, rely, rend, rent, rest, re-up, rice, rick, ride, riff, rift, rile, rill, rime(archaic)/rhyme, ring, riot, rise, risk, rive, roam, roar, robe, rock, rode, roil, rolf, roll, romp, roof, rook, room, root, rope, rose, rout, rove, ruck, ruff, ruin, rule, rush, rust (73).
sack, said, sail, sale, salt, sand, sass, sate, save, sawn, scab, scam, scan, scar, scat, scud, scum, seal, seam, sear, seat, seed, seek, seel, seem, seen, seep, sell, send, sent, sewn, shag, sham, shed, shim, shin, ship, shit, shoe, shog, shoo, shop, shot, show, shun, shut, sick, side, sift, sigh, sign, silk, silt, sing, sink, sire, site, size, skew, skid, skim, skin, skip, slab, slag, slam, slap, slat, slay, sled, slew, slid, slim, slip, slit, slog, slop, slot, slow, slub, slue, slug, slum, slur, smut, snag, snap, snip, snow, snub, snug, soak, soap, soar, sock, soil, sold, sole, solo, soot, sorb, sort, soup, sour, sown, spae(scottish), spam, span, spar, spat, spay, spec, sped, spew, spin, spit, spot, spud, spur, spurn, stab, stag, star, stay, stem, step, stet, stew, stir, stop, stow, stub, stud, stun, suck, suds, suit, sulk, sung, sunk, surf, swab, swag, swam, swan(brit), swap, swat, sway, swig, swim, swob, swop(brit)/swap, swot, swum, sync (155).
tabu, tack, tail, take, talc, talk, tame, tamp, tang, tank, tape, tare, task, taut, taxi, team, tear, teem, tell, tend, tent, term, test, text, thaw, thin, thud, tick, tide, tidy, tier, tiff, tile, till, tilt, time, tine, ting, tint, tire, toil, toke, told, tole, toll, tomb, tone, tong, took, tool, toot, tope, tore, torn, toss, tote, tour, tout, tram, trap, tree, trek, trim, trip, trod, trot, trow(archaic), true, tube, tuck, tuft, tune, turf, turn, tusk, twig(Brit), twin, twit, type (79).
undo, urge (2).
vade, vail(archaic), vamp, vary, veal, veer, veil, vein, vend, vent, vest, veto, vide, view, vine, visa, vise, void, vote (19).
wade, waft, wage, wail, wait, wake, wale, walk, wall, wane, want, ward, ware(archaic), warm, warn, warp, wash, waul, wave, wawl, wean, wear, weed, ween, weep, weet, weld, well, welt, wend, went, wept, were, wert(archaic), wham, whap, whet, whid(Scottish), whip, whir, whiz, whop, wick, wile, will, wilt, wind, wine, wing, wink, wipe, wire, wise, wish, wisp, wist, wite, wive, woke, wolf, wont, wood, woof, word, wore, work, worm, worn, wove, wrap, writ(archaic) (71).
x-ray (1).
yack, yank, yard, yarn, yaup, yawn, yawp, yean, yell, yelp, yerk, yeuk, yock, yoke, yowl, yo-yo(informal), yuck (17).
zero, zest, zinc, zing, zone, zonk, zoom (7).
(yes there are 28 ITs)
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islamfakrul · 3 years ago
Top 10 Best garden hose stand [2022]
Top 10 Best garden hose stand [2022]
1. Artigarden Freestanding Garden Hose Holder Hanger, Heavy Duty Metal Water Hose Storage Stand Rack for Yard Lawn, Bright Black (Hose not Included) Buy On Amazon Free standing & High Stability – Different with wall mounted hose hanger or hose cart, hose reel, this free-standing hose stake comes with the total height of 43.5 inches and three stable anchor points, provides the hose organizer…
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livingcorner · 4 years ago
How to Store Your Garden Hose@|how to store a garden hose@|@|21
Properly storing your hose is one of the easiest ways to ensure you get the longest possible lifetime out of it. For avid gardeners who have invested in a high-quality, high-performance hose, storage is particularly important to make sure your purchase delivers the results that it promised (and you don’t have to spend money on a new one if it doesn’t). Proper storage, paired with other good practice hose care techniques, can extend your hose’s life far past just one season of gardening. The great news is that storing your hose is far easier than you might think; you might even have the perfect storage vessel sitting around your house. If not, purchasing a hose reel is a great investment that will increase your gardening productivity and save you money over time on hose replacements/repairs.
Tips & Tricks for Hose Storage
Selecting a hose reel: Hose reels are unanimously one of the best mechanisms for storing your hose. They make it easy and quick to roll up your hose after use, and they minimize the occurrence of hose winding faux pas such as kinks and tangles.
When selecting a hose reel, there are several different things to consider. You’ll want to keep in mind your hose length, what types of functionality you are looking for and budget (hose reels can get to be expensive). And while pricing depends on a variety of different factors, including material, brand and additional functionalities, generally hose reels types follow the pattern of price and utility below.
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In the graphic above, we have detailed the main types of hose reels you’ll find. Any hose reel can be a decorative hose reel; however, we traditionally see specifically decorative hose reels being less expensive, but also lower quality. Most decorative hose reels are mounted. Hideaway or box reels have similar functionality as decorative hose reels in that their primary advantage is appearance, but they can be difficult to use as well. They do, however, protect your hose from the elements, which can extend its life. Retractable hose reels also protect hoses from the elements in addition to being much more convenient to put away; however, retractable hoses are often cheaper and prone to breaking. Stationary or mounted hose reels typically refer to higher-quality reels than “decorative” or “retractable” hose reels. As their name suggests, they are mounted to a post or a wall and cannot be moved. Stationary hose reels are cheaper than the alternative, cart reels; however, the drawback is not being able to reach all corners of your garden. If you are planning on mounting your hose reel, you should plan to have it around four feet off the ground for average height, though it comes down to personal preference at the end of the day. Make sure to mount close enough to a water source that your leader hose will reach it. If you have a small garden or particularly long hose, a stationary reel might be a good option. On the top of the list in terms of pricing and functionality is the hose reel cart. The cart hose reel is more expensive than stationary because of the additional equipment needed (wheels). However, the added functionality is portability, which is helpful for gardens with a large surface area. Another helpful aspect of cart hose reels is that they can be moved out of the sun/elements when not in use.
Using a hose reel leader hose: Before diving into why you need a leader hose, let’s clarify what exactly a leader hose is. A leader hose is a shorter than average segment of hose that is designed to act as an extension when necessary. Leader hoses are helpful when trying to attach hoses to hard-to-reach spigots or attaching your hose reel to a water supply. We recommend purchasing universal leader hoses in order to avoid having to worry about incompatible couplings. Attach your leader hose to your hose reel by securing the compatible side to the spigot, and then the other side to the designated location on your hose reel.
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Winding and unwinding: Winding your hose on a hose reel is pretty easy: Simply roll your hose loosely around the reel, going slowly enough to allow any excess water to drain out of your hose. If you are using another storage technique, we recommend coiling your hose in 3-foot loops around your arm, still slowly enough to allow water to drain, and then place into a garden hose holder. Take care when unwinding your hose for use; rather than tugging at your hose from afar, gently undo it loop by loop to ensure kinks do not develop.
DIY Hose Storage
DIY Hose Reels: A homemade hose reel won’t necessarily have the same capabilities of a store-bought reel, but for a lot of gardeners, it still does the trick. Using household or junkyard items, you can easily create the perfect form to wind your hose around.
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Wooden post: Create a hose stand reel using a wooden post by nailing in a curved piece of metal with a lip to ensure your hose doesn’t fall off
Metal pail: Use an old metal pail and secure the bottom to a wooden post. Bonus points for this method because the inside of the pail acts as a storage unit for gardening tools.
Tire rim: Calling all car enthusiasts: have any old tire rims? Secure to a wall or post and wrap your hose around for a quick-fix hose reel.
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DIY Hose Holder: One of the main benefits of a hose container in place of a reel is the protection from the elements. They require a bit more work from you when putting your hose away, but the longevity it can give your hose is definitely worth it.
Large metal pail: If you have a large enough metal pail to fit your three-foot looped hose, this is an easy option for hose storage. Note that if your pail doesn’t have a lid, we suggest moving it under cover when the hose is not in use.
Flower pot: It’s likely that the avid gardener has a few leftover pots from plants that have passed away, and if they’re large enough, they can be repurposed as decorative hose holders. Again, keep in mind that this type of storage will likely not have a lid, so keep in a garage or under cover.
Proper storage is one of the best ways to make sure your hose maintains its health for a long time. Keep in mind that storage recommendations differ as winter rolls around, and adjustments will likely need to be made. For more tips on taking care of your hose, click here.
All content provided in this article is for general informational purposes only. All use of products referenced in this article should be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-store-your-garden-hosehow-to-store-a-garden-hose21/
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myamiransari · 4 years ago
Avail The List Of Fire Fighting Companies In UAE For Emergency Situations
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List of Fire Fighting Companies in UAE is available with Etisalat yellow Pages UAE. A fire extinguisher refers to a fire protection device used to extinguish and control small fires. These may be used in emergency situations at homes, cars, or offices. A fire extinguisher consists of a hand-held cylindrical pressure vessel which contains an agent to extinguish a fire.
Fire fighting equipment suppliers provide a wide range of fire fighting extinguishers including handheld and cart-mounted forms. Handheld extinguishers weigh very light & are easily portable by hand.
Cart-mounted units weigh more than 23 kilograms & are used mostly by airports runways, heliports, construction sites, docks, etc for emergency situations.
What sort of Fire Fighting Equipment Are Provided By Fire Fighting Equipment Suppliers?
Fire fighters use various fire fighting equipment & Personal Protective Equipment to their self-protection. Fire fighting equipment suppliers provide various such equipment including fire resistant pants and shirts, helmets, eye protection gears, gloves, leather boots, and other fire shelter equipment.
Other type of fire fighting equipment provided by fire fighting equipment suppliers is CO2 fire extinguishers which contain pure carbon dioxide. This type of equipment is a clean extinguisher which leaves no residue. As per the equipment suppliers, it is suitable for class B flammable liquid fires such as petrol, oil, solvents.
Co2 fire extinguishers are filled with non-flammable carbon dioxide gas under extreme pressure. The pressure in the cylinder is so high that on using it, bits of dry ice shoots out the horn. Fire fighting equipment & extinguishers are suitable for fires involving burning liquids and electrical fires.
Fire fighting equipment are used at many places these days. These can be installed at schools, offices, hospitals, cinema halls, shopping malls, business centres, & many other places. Moreover these are installed at residential places as well for emergency situations. You can avail a wide range of fire fighting equipment from the Fire Fighting Equipment Suppliers & companies in UAE. You can choose as per your convenience.
Check out for the list of fire fighting companies in UAE on Etisalat Yellow Pages UAE. You can avail various fire fighting systems & equipment from them for commercial & residential uses. Different fire fighting equipment like fire extinguishers, co2 fire extinguishers, fire hose reel, etc. are available with these fire fighting equipment suppliers at best prices. Also you can avail the maintenance & repair services from these enlisted companies.
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cikolatalimilksshake · 4 years ago
Best Hose Reel Cart 2021— New Eley Portable Garden Hose Reel Cart | Best...
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martinnchampion · 6 years ago
RT https://t.co/XOXPwZmMZL Want to reduce your consumable spend on hoses? #reelefficiency #keepingitreel #reelcare #reelreasons https://t.co/dZZloXqmQO
RT https://t.co/XOXPwZmMZL Want to reduce your consumable spend on hoses? #reelefficiency #keepingitreel #reelcare #reelreasons #hosereel pic.twitter.com/dZZloXqmQO
— Martin Champion (@MartinChampion8) May 31, 2019
Source: @MartinChampion8 May 31, 2019 at 06:49AM More info Best Hose Reel
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daemoninmir · 4 years ago
Best Garden Hose Reel Cart With Wheels || Swivel Hose Reel Assembly || B...
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islamfakrul · 3 years ago
Top 10 Best heavy duty hose reel cart [2022]
Top 10 Best heavy duty hose reel cart [2022]
1. Liberty Garden 870-M1-2 Industrial 4-Wheel Garden Hose Reel Cart, Holds 300-Feet of 5/8-Inch Hose – Tan Buy On Amazon Perfect for professional/commercial garden/landscaping needs, Functional and durable Holds up to 300-feet of 5/8-inch hose (hose not included), Non-slip handle Features 13 gauge steel construction, durable powder coat finish that is weather resistant, Brass/galvanized…
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fmod8 · 4 years ago
Best Hose Reel Cart 2021 — Hose Reel Assembly & Installation — Hozelock ...
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herseyimdinsen-blog · 4 years ago
Best Hose Reel Cart 2021 — Hose Reel Assembly & Installation — Hozelock ...
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ungaiinly · 4 years ago
Best Garden Hose Reel Cart With Wheels || Swivel Hose Reel Assembly || B...
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