#best high yield savings account
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roomstudent · 1 year ago
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itsmegeorgiab · 1 year ago
The Easy Passive Income Stream For A Beginner | High Interest Savings Accounts
In this video, I share with you this easy passive income stream - High Interest Savings Accounts.
Are you looking for an easy passive income stream? Look no further! High Interest Savings Accounts could be the perfect investment opportunity for beginners. Watch this video to learn more about how you can earn passive income with minimal effort.
I think this is a great passive income stream for everyone to have, especially for the 'emergency fund' or my favorite the 'vacation fund' that can earn that extra interest whilst sitting in a bank account, and it only takes 5 minutes to set up.
Be sure to take notes but more importantly take action to start earning the easiest form of passive income where you let your money work for you. A high interest savings account is a form of passive income that is the single and easiest tool to creating another stream of income without any effort.
This content is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Georgia does not provide tax or investment advice. The information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.
finance #investing #passiveincome
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thebanksathi · 2 years ago
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miradelletarot · 3 months ago
This Christmas, I find myself being contemplative.
Two days after Christmas last year, I officially walked out the door, and separated from my husband, letting go of a 16 year marriage in the hopes that I could turn my life around and find my happiness.
It was the scariest and most difficult decision I ever made. I had no idea if I would be okay, if I would fail. If it weren't for my best friends offering their home to me, and my 1 boss buying a car for me to use to get to work, I wouldn't be where I am today.
It's not been an easy year by any means. But, compared to where I was exactly a year ago today, I'm so much better. I'm healthier, happier, and more stable. I'm still not completely on my own, but that's ok. I'm in a supportive and positive environment and I'm growing. I'm in therapy, I paid off my car this week, and I opened a high yield savings account. I'm making moves for my future in a very big way.
I see where my ex is at and it's the same struggles as always. He's kept himself in the same pattern of inadequacy, and I'm so glad I got out.
On top of it all, I cut contact with my parents and my brother. All these toxic, unhealthy connections are being removed and I have never been happier.
The only thing I find I'm missing is full independence. I want a home of my own. I want a job that can allow me to afford an apartment or a house.
I'm also missing companionship. 16 years with a partner then suddenly going without really hits a certain way. It's a void that can't be filled with family or friends unfortunately. Not to be a pessimist, but I don't have a lot of confidence that I'll find someone that will meet my now-high expectations. Gale kinda ruined that for me lol. That's the bar, unrealistic as it may be.
Despite that, however, I'm happy. Truly happy. I no longer blame myself for the failings of my marriage. I gave it my best. I really tried to anyway. I told my ex that I wanted couples counseling. He declined. That was my condition for staying. He said he wasn't interested so as far as I'm concerned, he threw away the relationship. Not me. My mediation is in January so hopefully it'll be over by then.
So many of you have been supportive and loving as I went thru all of this. I am grateful for the friendships I've made on here. I wish I was around more to interact, but please know that I appreciate the help out of y'all and your kindness. This community has lifted me up in ways that I never expected.
Thank you, everyone. Thanks for being here while I grow.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a spectacular New Year. ❤️
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drdemonprince · 21 days ago
I have a moderate amount of student loans and a small amount of savings. Should I prioritize paying off the loans quickly or continue making minimum payments and focus on building up my savings more?
This depends on a few factors:
Is your student loan debt accruing interest?
If your debt is accruing interest, then usually paying down your debt is the absolute best thing that you can do.
How high is the interest?
When you pay down debt, you are essentially making an investment in your future with a *guaranteed rate of return equal to the interest rate*. So if your student loans have an interest rate of 4%, paying that debt down by say, $5,000 is the equivalent of putting $5k into an account with a guaranteed return of 4%. There ARE high-yield savings accounts and CDs that can get you more than 4% back these days....but if your student loan interest rate is 8 or 9% or worse, you DEFINITELY want to pay it down first. In effect you are saving your future self from having to pay many thousands of dollars in interest that would be a complete waste of money.
How large is your savings?
You should have at least a six months emergency fund in your savings before you start doing really anything else, because an emergency will only drive you further into debt. Do you have that much? Enough to live on, completely, for six months, including rent, food, incidental expenses, transit, etc? If you do, look at paying down your debt. If you don't, save more, and once you have a good, consistent savings practice, you can start to divert some or all of that income into your debt payments.
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notfinancialadvice · 2 months ago
Keep this in mind
You're going to hear a lot of "the market is crashing" or "the market is going to crash" over the next four years.
It does not fucking matter.
When do you need this money you have invested? If soon, then make moves according to what is happening. If not, then make moves according to what is happening.
How are the companies you are investing in acting?
What is the risk profile they have going forward?
These are the questions you should be asking whatever the heat / coolness of the market is.
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"I don't know what to do."
The simplest, most straight forward thing is called "target date fund."
"Broker Name Yadda Yadda 2030."
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This means a bunch of fucking math and money nerds are figuring out how to maximize your return, and minimize your potential for losses, with a full maturity in the year 2030.
They typically come in years -- 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050... etc.
You can, as always, have multiples. If you are using this for a retirement fund and you're not sure what age you want to retire at, and you don't want to think about it now, you can put some in 2035, 2045, 2055... etc.
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It's a better idea to set your goal, first, but that is appreciatively complicated and itself anxiety inducing. The above is not financial advice (none of this is), it's an observation to a larger view:
There is always a way.
Your situation is singular and personal.
Be direct and own it.
You do not need to worry about the market crashing, you can make money on a market crash. You do not need to worry about the market ramping up, you can lose money on the market ramping up.
You need to focus on you.
"My money is in a 401K or similar retirement vehicle so..."
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Good place for it. Tax advantaged.
Massive, massive, massive penalty for tapping it early.
Which is why I'm writing this.
A lot of people see headlines of "oh fuck the market is going to crash, my 401K which I cannot touch for LITERAL DECADES YET is in danger, I should pull it--"
You should talk to whomever is managing your account and get a viewpoint based on where you are, where you want to go, and how long you have to get there.
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Panic will break you.
Talk to your financial folks.
If you don't have financial folks, a high yield savings account --
(this is a definition link, not an affiliate link, this blog does not use affiliate links -- I'm not trying to sell you things here)
-- will net you about 4% (as of time of this writing) with $0 fees and zero risk.
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Other things will make you more money -- with more risk.
That's not relevant if you don't feel comfortable to take that risk.
You have to do what is best for you. Now. When your situation changes, re-assess. Hell, it's best to re-assess occasionally whether your situation has changed or not.
Do not be scared of money.
Fire anyone who insinuates you should be.
This recommendation applies if you have $10 or $10 million and is one of the VERY few pieces of actual advice I'll give here.
I can safely give it because it is one of the VERY few pieces of financial advice that is universal.
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You can do this.
I know you can without knowing you.
Because there is SO MUCH good, basic information out there.
Fear is the only guard.
You can defeat it.
If you're broke, then the fear of destruction is being weaponized against you. I hope your situation changes, quickly and safely.
Knowledge will help.
Get what you need to get what you need.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years ago
I'm terribly sorry if you've been asked this before, but I recently got a payout from a court case. I need to know how to passively invest. Problem is, I've been living poor for about 5 years after my knee injury. I already read a suggested article on your page about ways to invest a $1,000, but I'm looking for which companies are best to trust. Google isn't exactly reliable in that area with all its sponsored ads, so I was hoping if I could ask y'all: If you had about 10k drop into your lap, what is step 1? (and possibly 2 & 3)
We're so glad you asked, kitten. Were I in your situation, below are the steps I'd take.
Step 1: Establish a safety net. You've been "living poor" after an injury, which tells me that a little financial security could go a long way. So establish an emergency fund with some of that money. We recommend keeping an emergency fund in a HYSA (high yield savings account), which are currently returning about 4% across the board WITHOUT the risk of stock market investing. Here's how that works:
Not Every Savings Account Is Created Equal 
You Must Be This Big to Be an Emergency Fund 
Step 2: Invest in low-cost index funds. Do not--we repeat, DO NOT--attempt to pick individual stocks or companies to invest in. Leave that to much richer and more experienced investors. Instead, choose one or a handful of low-cost index funds. These bad boys track the entire market to minimize your risk. Here's how they work:
Investing Deathmatch: Managed Funds vs. Index Funds
How To Start Small by Saving Small 
Step 3: Investigate diversified investments. If there's anything left over, you can look into an alternative long-term investment, like real estate, a small business, or even higher education for yourself. This can be a way to invest in something more personal, that you care about. But do your homework to mitigate your risk and figure out what sort of return you'll get. We write more about this here:
Small Business Investing: A Kinder, Gentler Alternative to the Stock Market 
How To Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
If you found this helpful, give us a tip!
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bitstitchbitch · 2 months ago
friendly reminder that if you have money in savings, put it somewhere where it will earn interest. I made over $6000 in interest this past year. It doesn’t seem like much when you start out, but the more money build up the larger the benefits.
easy options for investing:
Company or individual retirement account. Make sure you actually put the money into funds that will gain interest. You can look up fund distributions for age (do higher risk when you are younger and slowly move to lower risk as you age). More than half of my interest came from my retirement account despite only having about a third of my money in these accounts. Downside is that it’s not accessible until much later without severe penalties. (7% average - early years may vary significantly due to being in high risk funds)
CD or bonds. These are very safe with guaranteed returns at the cost of not having immediate access to the money. I find that CDs at local credit unions / online only banks will have the best rates. Read the rules, but a lot of times you can pull the money out before the end of term and only lose a little interest, not principal. You can choose set or variable interest rates. You can also choose the term - a couple months to several years. (3-5%)
high yield savings account. Also guaranteed returns. Variable interest rates. Easy access to the money at the cost of slightly lower interest rates compared to CDs. Usually online only if that matters to you. Good place for your emergency savings (3-4%)
i admittedly don’t do this yet, but buy into low-fee index funds for mid-to-long-term investments. (S&P 500 averages 10%). Medium to high risk depending on the fund, so plan on keeping your money there a while (5+ years) and know that if/when the market crashes you may need to wait a while for things to recover.
investing sounds really scary, but there’s some easily accessible options that might even be available at the bank you’re currently at (and if not, you can have multiple bank accounts). A lot of these are one-time setups that are easy to maintain afterwards.
Don’t think you have to be some fancy investor tracking all the individual stocks and learning all the lingo. Honestly, simplicity is often better and safer. Most investing advisors who manage complex investment portfolios for other people just put their own money in simple index funds.
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notyourjaem · 1 year ago
engineer taehyun is so smart and so capable he has his 401k and a high yield savings account and he budgets and goes to the gym and he makes delicious dinners for you...gives you money and tells you to get your done in his favorite colors. plans vacations and books hotel rooms and fucks you in front of the huge glass windows 😵‍💫 i'm dizzy thinking of him with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tie pulled undone, slacks down around his ankles, perfect hair mussed and falling over his face, sweat dripping down his face, glasses fogging up
where the hell do I even begin…this is so ugh….
engineer tyun would probably be the head of his office, and make the most money. always tells you that you don’t have to work. so with that he gives you his credit card when he’ll be gone most of the day. so you get your nails done, and buy the cutest lingerie sets just for him in his favorite color.
you try them on, sending tyun pictures while he’s in a meeting. he innocently checks his phone to see the photos of you in a matching see through number. he has to excuse himself from the meeting, going to the bathroom to call you and tell you that he wants you waiting for him in the bedroom; he’s leaving right after his meeting.
he goes to the gym early in the morning, and comes home to shower with you before he goes to work. sometimes likes to work from home so that you can lay across his lap while he works, or suck his cock while he’s on a boring conference call.
books the fanciest vacations!! low key a jet setter. wants to fuck everywhere in the large hotel room. on the balcony? done. large window? done multiple times. and will always order the best room service.
okay I have to go before I write a book
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cherriesfalling · 5 months ago
When I finally got around to making a high yield savings account (financial responsibility yay!), one of the influencers I followed was like “make one of the buckets in your HYSA a fun bucket that you put like $10 per month into and you can crack that open and enjoy when the time comes.” And without a second thought, genuinely without even thinking about it, I titled my fun fund “One Direction reunion tour.” Because I was 1000% sure they would come back and yeah I’d be like 40 but at least I’d have a bunch of money in that account and I could finally go to a One Direction concert after never having gone during their heyday. And maybe I’d have a kid or a niece or nephew with me and we could all go together and it would be the perfect confluence of all my past and present selves.
And now it’ll never be the same.
Some of my fondest memories are driving down an interstate with my friends with the windows down and the Take Me Home album blasting. Arguing about who we liked the most and who was going to age the best and playfully joking about what it would feel like when the news broke that one of them had died. That was supposed to be decades from now.
I’m so sad for him, the 14 year old who grew up wanting to be a star and then actually achieving his dreams, but finding that it wasn’t enough. I wish he hadn’t hurt so many people and I wish he could’ve made amends and become a better person. Obviously I don’t know him, but it felt like I did when I was 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16 in those groupchats with strangers I’d never meet but I swear I knew better than anyone else. I was always a Liam girl, and lately that fact has made me feel pretty embarrassed, but that’s who I was. I wish things were different. I am so sad for his family and friends, and I hope they find some peace. I hope his victims do too.
One Direction has been a part of my personality basically since I was old enough to have one. I went to corners of the internet for those men that I would not go to today with a gun. I will miss them and Liam Payne forever.
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cazort · 1 year ago
I see a disturbing number of people, mostly millennials, these days, who have significant incomes and are starting to amass significant savings, who have terrible financial management skills. People who live at home with parents and get a full time job can accumulate money really fast. A lot of people are letting huge amounts of money, like sometimes as much as $20,000 or more, accumulate in checking accounts where it is earning either no interest or negligible interest.
Because inflation is high (over 3% these days), you are effectively losing money when it sits there. Also you're allowing the bank to profit off it; it's lending your money out to other people, often at interest rates as high as 6-7% or more, and it's not paying you for it.
If you have more than maybe around $3000 dollars in an account, you want that money earning interest. Here are things you can do to earn more from your money:
Open a savings account at a higher yield. Go to a different bank if necessary. CIT Bank has rates around 5% these days.
Pay off high interest rate debt but not low-interest rate debt. If the interest rate is above about 7-8% definitely make it a priority to pay it off ASAP. If it is above 5% it is still better to pay it off than to sit on your money. If it is much below 5%, pay it off as slowly as possible (minimum payment only) because there are risk-free ways to earn more interest on your money.
If you don't need the money in the short-term, consider a CD (Certificate of Deposit) which offers a fixed interest rate over a certain time. Often you can get a slightly higher rate by tying your money up for 3 months or 6 months or sometimes even longer. These are good options if you have a specific expenditure in your future, like perhaps moving or buying a home, but you know it won't happen until after a certain date.
Open a brokerage account. Brokerage accounts allow you to buy and sell investments such as stocks, mutual funds, or bonds, which include CD's from banks as well as treasury and municipal bonds and corporate bonds. You get more options for buying CD's (i.e. you can compare many different banks side-by-side, buy CD with the best rate, and manage multiple CD's within a single interface.) Most brokerage accounts have no fees and typically no or very low minimum investments. There is no reason not to have one if you have a few thousand dollars.
In a brokerage account, buy a money market mutual fund. Look for one with no load and no transaction fee, a high yield, and a low expense ratio, and a fixed share price of $1 per share. My two favorite are SWVXX and SNSXX. SWVXX has a higher yield (about 5.19%) whereas SNSXX has a lower yield (just over 5%) but is non-taxable on state income taxes, so SNSXX is a better choice if you have a high state tax rate, otherwise SWVXX is better.
Consider opening a Roth IRA if you haven't, and then, if able, contribute the maximum amount each year. You are allowed to make a contribution that counts towards the previous year, up until the tax filing deadline of the current year. So for example today it is Mar. 14th, 2024, so you can open a Roth IRA today and contribute the max ($6,500) for the 2023 year and also the max ($7,000) for 2024, for a total of $13,500. The main advantage of a Roth IRA is that the money in them can grow tax-free. Roth IRA's benefit anyone able to have one (the richest people are not allowed to contribute to them) and are especially important for people who are self-employed, change jobs a lot, or never work full-time, so they don't have a consistent employee-provided retirement plan.
Consider investing in stocks. Stocks are riskier (in that their price changes, and you can lose money when investing in them), but tend to have a higher yield than savings and money market accounts and funds. The simplest way to buy stocks is to buy an ETF (exchange-traded-fund). I recommend buying one that follows the S&P 500 and has a low expense ratio like SPY or VOO. Whatever you buy, reinvest the dividends and let it grow, contribute a little money every year so are putting in money even in years the market is down. On average you get about a 10% return in the market but it is unpredictable and you will lose in some years, but that's okay, you're not retiring for many decades and the money will have grown a lot by then.
There are options regardless of your risk profile. It is throwing your money away to let a lot of money sit in a checking account. At a bare minimum, go for a high-yield savings account, CD, or better yet get a brokerage account, put it in high-yield money market funds like SWVXX, shop around for CD's or other bonds with the highest rates, and if you are able to tolerate some risk and want a higher return, consider putting some money in more aggressive investments like stocks.
I am 100% for tax reform and other reform to curb the extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, but it's also important to take your financial situation into your own hands. Get financially comfortable. Get a stake in the US economy. Empower yourself so you can live better and help your family, friends, and the causes you care about.
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scribbleseas · 2 years ago
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Beyond the Walls, Chapter I: Welcome to the Survey Corps
Description: It’s the year 850.
You are a renowned scientist who narrowly saved the world from impending famine and malnourishment with a myriad of agricultural advancements after Wall Maria fell, surrendering acres of farmland to titans. However, your innovations are not quite enough to be a permanent solution, given that their yield rate is nowhere near ideal. Many are still starving, costs for bread and vegetables are still high, and refugee rations remain low
Convinced that the only sustainable answers can come from the natural world outside the walls, you implore Survey Corps Commander Erwin Smith to allow you to join his company’s ranks for their next expedition. His only condition? You must be trained in omni-directional mobility gear under Humanity’s Strongest Soldier, Captain Levi Ackerman, to qualify for the expedition as a soldier. Despite having no demonstrated prowess outside your trusty greenhouse, you willingly accept Erwin’s terms, desperate to prove your hypothesis. However, during your time with the Captain, you soon learn that there is more to the stoic and strong soldier that meets the eye, and instead, you have much more in common that you would have guessed. Not even you, a certified genius in the horticulture field, could predict the blossoming romance between you.
Is your commitment to saving humanity enough for you to endure extensive training under the scrutinizing Captain? Or will it be your unexpected feelings for him that ultimately distract you from your original experiment?
Content Warnings: Violence, gore, death, swearing, eventual kissing, eventual smut, human-eating titans, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder
Author’s Note: Hi there! I told you all that the Levi fans would be getting fed soon! I hope this debut chapter interests you. Planning for this fic go back to nearly around the time I started finalizing the TIP outline, so I was really hyped to get it out! This fic does not explore any themes that are darker than the Attack on Titan canon. So if you’ve watched the anime/read the manga, nothing in this fic should be too distressing. Note: In no way do I claim that the MC’s innovations are my ideas! Aeroponics and vertical farming are innovations devised by real scientists, Fritz Warmolt and Gilbert Ellis Bailey, respectively. I’m the furthest thing from a scientist, seriously. I’m a humanities girlie, so I couldn’t get super creative with this without losing the realistic aspect.
Also, in case any of you were wondering: I will still be updating Straight Laced! It’s actually my priority. I only changed my account aesthetic because the cool blues and greys weren’t the summer vibe I wanted on my account anymore. Don’t be surprised if I change this soon, too! I have a major Pinterest addiction.
Thank you all for the support for the most recent chapter of Straight Laced, as well! I’m already hard at work on Chapter 3, and I think it could be out by next week. I’m on vacation right now, which explains all of the content all of the sudden. Also, also, keep an eye out for my new Masterlist! I’m currently looking for the best way to format it so all of my works— The Indignant Pawn, Straight Laced, Unfiltered (on hiatus), and this one — are easily accessible.
Happy Reading!
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“Commander Erwin,” you offered a tentative smile, the corners of your mouth turning upwards as you took measured steps into the Survey Corps leader’s office. “Thank you for making time for me on such short notice. I appreciate it more than you know.” You stopped in front of the single chair across from him, forcing the poise and fortitude expected of an established doctor into your demeanor. In front of the Commander, you felt as if he could see through every bit of your measured persona, and there was little you could do to fortify yourself.
“Of course, Doctor Y/l/n. Section Commander Hange speaks highly of you, and of course, your work more than speaks for itself,” Erwin Smith rose from his office chair. He extended his hand to you. You quickly accepted, giving his hand a professional shake, nearly in tandem with your nod. “What can I do for you?”
“Please, call me Y/n,” you sat in the chair across from his desk, wringing your hands in your lap, so he couldn’t see them. The best way to make your request was to simply ask. You fought the urge to wet your lips— it was a sign of weakness.
“I would like to join your next expedition outside the walls,” you straightened your back. Squared your shoulders. The words came out measured and sure, just as you practiced in the mirror for the past several days.
Erwin’s thick eyebrows knit together, a pensive departure from the mildly intrigued way he was regarding you prior. He frowned as if he thought he heard you incorrectly, and when you merely continued to gauge his reaction, he shook his head grimly. “Unfortunately, we cannot—” he started, but you refused to allow him to reject you outright.
Not without hearing you out, first. You had a few words prepared for this reason.
“There have to be occurrences in the natural world that we can learn from,” you insisted, raising your chin as an additional show of confidence. “My breakthroughs have helped, but they aren’t enough. Many — too many — people are still starving, we’re still rationing bread and potatoes in the outer towns, and only the inner cities have reliable vegetation.”
To combat the extreme loss of fertile farmland and resulting famine after Wall Maria fell, you invented space-conserving methods to grow crops. You were best known for vertical farming and aeroponics. Growing crops in vertically stacked layers instead of horizontal farmland generated more food in less space than traditional farming, and using aeroponics, you grew suspended plants without soil— only air and nutrient dense water, bypassing the poor soil quality within Wall Rose due to over planting.
“There has to be another way,” you continued. You repeated the same words to yourself to the point that you could see your loopy handwriting in your mind’s eye, the arrangement of your professional face from your reflection. “And the Survey Corps is the only military branch that goes outside the walls with a focus on human expansion and outside exploration. I can’t go outside myself, and I could not fathom watching humanity continue to starve while those titans gorge themselves on us.”
Erwin considered your words, but he thought better of conceding. “Doctor, you are an untrained civilian, not to mention one of the most brilliant minds in our time. I could never fathom—”
Come on, Erwin. Where is the open-minded Commander that decided to enlist a titan shifter?
“Train me on the omni-directional mobility gear,” you suggested. “I don’t have to be an untrained civilian. I’m a fast learner.” You were only a year from thirty and you were a certified doctor, alongside your doctorate in biology. Any academic success of yours was a result of your willingness to learn and innovate— surely mastering military operations and equipment couldn’t be much harder. “Besides, I am a trained medic. I know how many soldiers you lose on these expeditions from untreated on-site injuries. Commander, I am nothing but an asset.”
“You are willing to go through all of this for a couple of…soil samples? What do you hope to find?” Erwin asked skeptically. While you anticipated this particular question, you didn’t have a concrete answer. All you knew was that the natural world had to have better innovations that you couldn’t even begin to think of.
“I only want to come along with the 57th Exterior Scouting Mission. And I know it is going to be quite soon— you just received custody of the titan shifter,” you clarified. “You want to go back to Shiganshina, don’t you?”
Erwin’s frown deepened. “Cadets train for three years before they can join the Scouting Legion. If you start your training tomorrow, that would only give you about a month or two to gain competence with the ODM gear and a full understanding of how we do things here.” His expression told you: I doubt this is possible.
You expected him to say that as well, but absorbing information was second nature to you. Furthermore, you were relatively young and in decent shape. How hard can the gear be? “I can do it, sir. You have to at least give me a chance.”
Have to? You misspoke, but the commander didn’t seem to mind your pluck.
Instead, you watched Erwin’s resolve melt, a wrinkle forming between his eyebrows as if he already regretted considering your proposition. “…And if you are not prepared for the expedition?” He looked at you expectantly, wanting you to voice the conditions yourself.
“If you do not deem me fit, I will not go,” you answered resolutely— confident that this was the last case scenario. “More so, I will set up my greenhouse and all necessary supplies at this base.” The Scouting Legion’s remote headquarters were perfect for establishing your work; the further away from the rest of the population, the better the soil. The healthier the soil; the less work you would need to put into rejuvenating its nutrients to support your planting.
“With me here, your scouts will have vegetables again. Ask the Military Police,” you added.
Although you weren’t particularly proud of it, a lot of your efforts first benefited the Military Police Brigade and the wealthy behind Wall Sina. The upper echelon wasn’t starving, but they were uncomfortable enough to be generous backers as you developed your work over the past five years. It was, in part, thanks to their affluence, that vast numbers of towns and villages behind Walls Rose and Sina had lettuce (among other vegetation) and a new surplus of potatoes.
Erwin took a moment to mull over your words— the line of logic, the authority in your voice. You had one last appeal. Pathos.
“You are a visionary, Commander Erwin,” you continued. “Without you, Eren Yeager would have been a prisoner of the state—his full strategic potential unrealized. Please. All I ask for is an opportunity.”
Erwin’s serious expression softened. He inspected you like you did your experiments: equal parts curiosity and hope. Your words resonated with him. “You must comply with your training. To maximize our time, you will train under our very best, Captain Levi.“
“Yes!” You tried to maintain your composure, but you couldn’t help the exuberant smile your face split into. You cleared your throat. “Yes. Thank you, Commander.”
Erwin faltered as if he didn’t expect you to be so enthused about training rigorously under the infamously strict and solemn squad Captain Levi Ackerman.
“You do understand that you could die, Y/n?” He asked, causing you to tilt your head. Of course you considered the possibility. Survey Corps expeditions had only slightly more than a 50% mortality rate. It wasn’t a vacation— you’ve seen the carnage first-hand, having treated several of the wounded, amputees, blunt force trauma victims, and more.
“Yes. Of course. I’ve already informed my parents.” You were fortunate enough that they were alive and safe within Wall Rose, but the announcement didn’t come without tears. They were your only family. Although you were 29, you were unmarried and childless because you’ve always thrown your life into your studies.
“All right,” Erwin stood from his seat, and you did the same. He couldn’t have any further reason to question you. Your personal life was none of his concern.
“With that settled, then I suppose, welcome to the Survey Corps, Doctor.” He said meaningfully, extending his hand towards you once more. You gave it an eager shake, trying your best to ground yourself and truly think about the work and struggle that you were signing on for.
“Thank you, Commander,” you grinned reverently. “I will report to headquarters by the end of the week.” You closed the door on the way out.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years ago
Hi Femme!
Hope your day is going well! Just a quick financial question: how can I save up while paying off credit debt (🙃) and paying bills off?
I’m working but I’m only getting paid $15 ! And I’m also planning on saving for moving out. But I feel like it’s impossible. I want to build up a good savings account but I’m new at it as well.
Thank you!
Hi love! This is a vague question as I have no clue as to how much you make per month, what your monthly expenses are, the debt you've accrued, or the interest rate & terms of your credit card debt. Here are my general tips, but please note that I'm in no way a professional. Please contact a CPA for personalized, expert information on how to move forward with your financial life. Some high-level tips are below:
Track your income & expenses. Know exactly how much money is coming in and going out every month, so you know how much of your income is going towards your monthly expenses.
Do an audit of your expenses. See how much of your expenses are essential purchases. Without rent or utilities, I would imagine these are quite low (I don't know if you pay for any food at home, though).
Know exactly how much debt you're in and the interest rate of all of your debts.
Determine how much of your monthly income goes towards these essential expenses. Subtract this number from your post-tax income. Multiply this number by 3 to 6. This is the emergency fund savings you need in case any unforeseen expenses/job loss occurs. Use this information to determine your debt payment and savings timeline. Personally, I believe you should have at least a month of savings available for use before committing to paying off existing debt. This way, you don't accumulate more debt in the process of trying to get out of the debt you've already accrued.
Create a timeline with a self-assigned monthly payment plan to pay down your debts. When it comes to consumer debt, I believe outside of a small 3-month emergency fund, it is best to be as aggressive as possible to pay it down, especially if you're living at home.
For your savings, I HIGHLY recommend putting this money in a high-yield savings account.
Hope this helps. Best of luck xx
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mamayan · 1 year ago
My New Years Resolutions 2024
(that no one asked for)
Not buying any new clothing/jewelry/accessories which I do not absolutely need (i.e. running shoes need to be changed every 500ish miles)
Less waste! Switching to reusable items such as washable cotton pads, tissues, towels, etc. Focus on longevity over convenience when able to afford.
Try to sell before donating. A lot of donated items actually end up in landfills, etc. Cleaning up and reselling helps ensure items (like an air fryer) goes to a home it will be used in, and i make a few bucks back (instead of Goodwill getting the profit).
Maintain a 3.0 GPA!
Use the Uni gym and cancel outside gym membership, even though I hate being around the college athletes (buncha d*cks with the equipment even though I pay 500$ a quarter for the facility).
More handcrafted gifts for the waifu! (I have a ton of crochet  supplies, I’m gonna do my best and make a scarf or hat!)
Max out Roth IRA and invest money in proper index funds (even tho I want to die everytime I’m forced to stare at them).
Start using a High Yield Savings account (so the spirit of a finance bro stops haunting me).
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swarajpro · 1 year ago
Exploring Peer-to-Peer Investments Through a P2P Lending Platform in Jabalpur
In today's fast-changing financial world, investors continually seek avenues to grow their finances while being mindful of risks. However, many individuals primarily focus on mutual funds and stocks for investment, unaware of the broader spectrum of available options. Let's explore the challenges investors face and learn how a P2P lending platform in Jabalpur helps them with the best investment opportunities.
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Understanding Investor Challenges in Alternate Investment Avenues
As people try to make more money from their investments, they face problems because they don’t know about different ways to invest.
High Barriers to Entry:Investing in assets like real estate demands substantial capital, thus limiting access for many investors to diversify their portfolios effectively.
Opaque Investment Processes:Traditional investment structures can be complex and difficult to comprehend, making it challenging for investors to understand underlying risks and potential returns.
Lack of Information:Not having enough details about where to invest can make it tough to choose the right option. This might make people hesitant to invest at all.
Low Returns:Sometimes, the money invested doesn't grow much, offering lower profits compared to what people expected.
Limited Diversification:Investors might not have enough different types of investments. This lack of variety can make their money more at risk if one investment doesn’t do well.
Lack of Personalised Recommendations:Generic investment advice fails to cater to individual financial goals, risk appetites, and investment horizons, impacting the relevance of investment decisions.
The Potential of P2P Investments in India
Mutual funds are a reliable investment avenue today, but there are more such promising asset classes unexplored by investors. Swaraj FinPro, the best mutual funds investment services in Jabalpur, offers investments in one such asset class with Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, backed by RBI guidelines where individuals can lend their money on higher interest while other individuals borrow funds from multiple investors through a digital platform. This transformative approach creates a marketplace connecting borrowers and lenders, facilitating secured personal loans while managing the loan life cycle to provide monthly returns to lenders. Here are the benefits of P2P lending platforms for investors:
Higher Potential Returns
P2P lending platforms typically yield higher interest rate to investors, compared to conventional savings accounts and investors can potentially benefit from higher returns up to 12%*.
Diversification Opportunities
By investing across a variety of borrowers on P2P platforms, investors can spread their risk and potentially increase returns by diversifying their investments.
Accessibility and Specific Advantages
P2P lending provides access to investments previously unavailable through traditional channels. Investors can participate with smaller investment amounts, diversify portfolios, and select the tenure.
Passive Income
P2P lending allows investors to earn interest regularly, providing a potential source of passive income.
Potential for Higher Yields
As investors can choose the tenure and interest rates they are willing to accept for lending, there's potential for higher yields based on their risk appetite.
Tailoring Investments for Investors
Swaraj FinPro empowers investors in Jabalpur and pan India to explore P2P lending as an accessible, reliable, and potentially lucrative avenue for diversification and growth within their investment portfolios. P2P lending works well because it's clear, gives different choices, and doesn’t lock your money away for too long.
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notfinancialadvice · 8 months ago
Your irregular reminder that a high yield savings account at an FDIC insured bank is functionally the same as a normal savings account
A new reminder to add to this list
The main difference between investing and savings is risk and reward
Savings accounts pay less but functionally have zero risk
If you are up in your sandwiches in anxiety about doing nothing for your future, start with a no fee high yield savings account at an FDIC insured institution
You don’t pay for FDIC insurance, the bank does
You should never pay for a savings account
A small start is a great start
People who try to money shame you are, at best, selling you something you don’t need and at worst attempting to scam you
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