#best friend dori
Aricka and Dori’s teen beach adventure- meant to be-!
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Aricka was confused. One minute, she was on her way to talk to Steve Harrington- her favorite character from this move she was in-!- the next; she was falling into the arms of the other lead male of the movie- Billy Hargrove. The character Aricka Munson was supposed to fall for and help unite the bikers and surfers with-
Oh. No.
“Hi,” he says; helping her stand up. “I’m Billy. Billy Hargrove. Leader of the surfers.” He winks at her, but it didn’t really do anything for her.
“I, uh, hi,” she says, remembering her manners at least. “I’m Aricka Hopper.”
“A pretty name for a gorgeous chick,” he says. “Nice of you to drop in.”
“Um, sorry. I didn't see you.” She blushes, looks down at the ground. He tilts her chin up so she was looking back at those electric blue eyes.
“Now that you do, do you like what you see?” She squeaks and gently removed his hand from her chin.
“Sure. It was really nice to meet you- excuse me just a second-?” He nods and she runs over to Dori. “Dori, my best friend in the whole world, can I have a moment? A really quick, important moment.”
"Yeah, sure," they look back at Eddie, "Um... Eddie? It was really nice meeting you, but I've gotta help my friend with something," they start to turn away, but turn back for a second, "Bye." they give him a little wave as they start to walk with Aricka.
"Bye." He chuckles waving back.
"Come on," Dori says, guiding her friend to the exit, "We'll step out for a minute.” Once outside, she says, “"So, what's going on?"
Aricka takes a deep breath and glares at the water. “The mannequin with six rows of teeth just asked me out. Billy FREAKING Hargrove just asked me out because I TRIPPED on my dumb shoelaces and fell in his arms-.”
They stare at her, taking in everything she just said, "..... WHAT?!"
“Please tell me I didn’t change anything about the movie-?! I JUST wanted to talk to Steve. My shoe got untied and I didn’t see it until I was staring up into ocean blues instead of chocolate browns.”
"Okay. Okay, uhhh.... Hold on, let me think," Dori thinks back through the plot of the movie, "So, you said you ran into Billy and now he's got the hots for you. And, in the movie, Billy falls for Aricka MUNSON. So, that means..." their eyes widen in realization, "Oh... this is the exact opposite of what you wanted to hear, but you just caused a MAJOR change to the movie."
Aricka blanches. “I changed the movie-?!”
"You changed the movie!"
“Oh no. Oh no, no no no-!! No- can we fix this-?! Aricka Munson’s Billy’s EVERYTHING, we can’t ruin this-!”
"It's okay! Don't freak out," Dori tries to calm her down, "We can fix this... At least, I hope we can. We'd just have to get Billy to fall in love with the right Aricka. Which.... is probably gonna be REALLY difficult since he's convinced he's in love with you. But, I mean... we could probably do it."
“… meet Billy and me with Steve and Aricka Munson outside. We can fix this- hypothetically speaking.”
“Hi,” Aricka says; unable to believe she was talking to Billy- Aricka Munson should be doing this. Not her. She was basically being a homewrecker-!
Billy flashes her that boyish smile; and she couldn’t not admit that he had a cute smile. He just- wasn’t her type. She was into dorky brunette surfers. Not overconfident curly haired blue eyed ones. “Hi,” he says, strumming his guitar.
“Um, do you mind if I join you?” She asks, admiring the car he was leaning on- and he beckons her over.
“Of course not. I’d wanna join me, too.” So cute, in a 50s himbo style. “So, hey, I’ve never seen a chick quite like you.”
She winces; she hated being addressed as a chick or a babe. “Chick? Really? Hold on while I lay some eggs.”
He tilts his head in confusion. “Okay?”
She mentally face palms. “No, that was, um... Never mind. Thank you for the compliment. It’s nice.”
“Sure,” he says with a shrug. She notices the guitar and smiles; something they can talk about.
“So you play the guitar.”
“I know.” Ugh. Total, 1950s air-headed blonde surfer boy.
“No, no, I mean- are you good?”
He frowns in more confusion, “I feel a little tired but…” she cut him off,
“At playing the guitar?”
“Well, sure, when something inspires me.” He drops his voice suddenly, “If music be the food of love, play on”.
Her eyes light up, “Shakespeare-?”
“Huh? No, that was me. Sometimes I talk low for effect.”
“… well it works,” is all she could think to say.
“Thanks. I can do... High... Also, but chicks really dig low better,” and she had to hide a wince when he did his high voice.
“You know, I dig you, Aricka. You’re different than other girls around here. Can I write a song about you?”
“Uh, yes. What word rhymes with Aricka? Nothing. See? That’s a terrible song. Really, Tanner, you only like me because you, think that running into you was destiny, but... Not our destiny, your destiny, with someone that you’re meant to be with that isn’t me. See?” And then music begins to play and she sighs, “Oh, good. A song anyway.”
“I believe we all have a soul mate
The chance for a perfect duet…” Billy strums the guitar and looks her in the eyes, and she tries to match his emotion, but she had to pretend she was looking at Steve for it to even look natural,
“I believe in hopeless devotion
I just haven't found it yet
But in my mind I see
The chick, who is meant for me…” he dramatically tosses his guitar to the side and grabs her hand, dragging her off somewhere as he continues to sing,
“She'll be someone who is lovely
Someone wonderful and true…”
Meanwhile, with Dori, Eddie, Steve and Aricka, the latter girl was singing,
“The kind of boy who makes you smile
Even when you're feeling blue…”
Together though apart, Aricka Munson and Billy H sings,
“And I know, I know he/she's out there
Most definitely, oh yeah
Not a phony, or a fake
Sweeter than a chocolate shake
My "meant to be"
When it's meant to be
You go kinda crazy
Meant to be
You forget your own name
When it's meant to be
It's destiny callin'
And nothing ever will be the same!
Oh yeah!…”
Aricka stops in front of Billy, her hand on his chest as she sings out,
“You need a girl who's into music
To ride up high on Cupid's wings!”
Dori turns to Steve and adds, “Find that girl with perfect hair
Hello, Hollywood ending with strings-!”
Aricka and Dori sing about their respective love interests,
“Oh, I know, I know he's out there
Can't you see? Oh, yeah!
Maybe you've already met,
The one you'll never forget!
Your "meant to be"!
When it's meant to be!
The stars seem to glisten!
Meant to be!
All the clouds depart!
When it's meant to be!
That's destiny callin'!
And if you listen
You'll find your heart!”
The girls- Aricka H, Aricka M and Dori; all sing, thinking of the one they (thought they or actually did) love,
“Four eyes meet
And the meet is sweet
Could it lead to something more?”
Eddie; Steve and Billy echo them, thinking of their respective interests as well,
“What's the deal?
When the way you feel-?”
Dori and Aricka sing the last line; ripping the towel barrier away so Aricka M and Billy could see each other and Aricka and Steve could see each other-
“Oh!” Aricka M gasps, grabbing Steve’s hand and darting off.
“Gee..” Billy says as he grabs the other Aricka’s hand.
“Uh…?” Aricka manages before she’s dragged away.
“Plan B?” Dori wondered.
A dance break ensued; Steve and Aricka M together, Billy and Aricka H together, and to Dori’s delight, they were dancing with Eddie as they sang,
“When it's meant to be
You go kinda crazy
Meant to be
You forget your own name
When it's meant to be
It's destiny callin'
And nothing ever will be the same!”
The song ends and Aricka and Dori make their way back to each other. “… that didn’t go as well as I hoped…” Aricka says sheepishly.
“Don’t worry, we still have time to fix this. I’m gonna try and get invited to the surfer hang out , you get to the biker sleepover.”
“Okay. Deal.” And off they went on their separate ways.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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moocha-muses · 4 months
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Dodo wants attention!
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leontheluxuriousone · 10 months
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arledrone · 1 month
p5 suou au microwaving in my head thinking about shiho's parents' change of heart eventually lead to katsuya and maya taking her in. hmm. oh i could be so unhinged about this. akechi has shit to Say about this and none of the Phantom Thieves are going to enjoy it because they always strive for the ideal outcome and. well. akechi does not. and i think too much peace so suddenly with her parents would just leave Shiho on edge after so long under their scrutiny anyway.
#p5 suou au#like. imagine living with the same two parents that threw you under the bus#just because they had a forced change of heart#you still vividly remember how they've hurt and wronged you#they've apologised and expressed remorse and Everything#so now everything is meant to be all hunky dory and whatever#[akechi voice] that is bullshit the best thing you guys can do for each other is Cut Those Fucking Ties!!!!!!!#idk i just think of the mementos quest where you help futaba's online friend#when her parents are basically sex trafficking her or whatever?#and idc how much a change of heart someone could have#sometimes it's best to just leave it at that and then Never Fucking Engage With Them Again#the obligation to is ultimately dissolved#and in Shiho's case? yeah. yeah i just think something like that happening and being the real result of her parents change of heart.#i have a lot of thoughts on this#mostly bc i think the dynamic between shiho and akechi could be very interesting.#something something ''do you actually want to bother wasting your time with family that already betrayed you''#''do you think haru here is cordial with me because she wants to be no it's because it's an occupational hazard now''#''could you all cut the hallmark movie shit. holy fuck.''#they already ruined their relationship with shiho and#if shiho isn't AWARE of the thieves doing this for her the change of heart would be disconcerting anyway and she'd STILL be on her toes#around them!!! tell me she wouldn't!!!#not to mention katsuya and maya would be out for their blood anyway#i do also think ryuji would have a thing or two to say about this#given his own shitty dad#dude would NOT want him back in his life just because he made amends or whatever#get that boku no academia endeavour shit outta hereeeeee
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separocean-anxiety · 1 year
I adore how, in the few instances where he isn’t completely high-strung, Marlin is actually a very silly guy.
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coasterqueencat · 7 months
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I did this lil sketch of John Dory and Rhonda today. It turned out so cute! They’re the besties ever. :)
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 11 months
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Guess who else decided to come home at about 80 pulls 💖✨✨🍃🏞️
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fluff-e-boy · 2 years
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Canon tbh
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I'd love to see what songs you'd assign for my boys 👀
- @yeehawselfshipping
Oh gosh DORI-!!!!!
Okay so, for Eddie, this one is kinda personal to me and my relationship with him so:
I feel like the lyrics fit with his potential Kas!Eddie arc, and the chorus really feels like something he’d listen to in private.
For Ralphie:
Ralphie is a superstar among constellations and I feel like this really fits him.
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
At this, Dorian couldn’t help but flash her a smile: He was really a great gardener in her future? It was enough for him to turn bashful for a moment, saying, “Well, that’s...that’s very high praise, seeing as I’m only something of a novice, now, really...a hobbyist. I would spend more time in the gardens and the conservatory if I could, more time among the plants, but...my parents won’t hear of it.”
As far as his parents were concerned, an interest in gardening and flowers wasn’t the sort of hobby for a young prince of the South; if he were going to have a hobby, it should be something like hunting or horseback riding or fencing, all of which he had done before, true, but had never appealed much to Dorian. His parents may have thought the gardening should be left to a groundskeeper, but he did his damndest not to let their gentle discouragements, their efforts to nudge him towards other hobbies, keep him away.
“It’s one of the few places I can get away from them, even for a short while,” he confessed, feeling secure enough in her presence to say this. “Whenever I have a free moment, I’ll slip away and go down to the conservatory with some records and play some music while I garden-they say music’s good for growth, and it’s just...nice to listen while I work. Lizzie likes to come in and help me too; she’s the one who got me interested in the language of flowers and what they mean. 
I hope, today, when I give her a bouquet, she’ll...she’ll known I’m telling her that I love her. That I’ve always loved her, and always will.”
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staggerinbeauty · 1 year
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Marsha had no idea what she walked in to and as Doris spoke, the scene became clear. Marsha had not cooked her own food in years so she could not speak much but the pies looked better than anything she could make.
She took Doris's hands and looked into her big puppy dog eyes. She smiled sweetly like a best friend would.
"Oh I can do more than read your mind. I know what a woman of your stature and beauty needs. Leave the pies and come overcharge a credit card with me. We will shop all of Gotham, eat in nothing less than five star and we will end the day with whatever entertainment your heart desires."
Marsha knew how to treat her friends, her dearest got the best treatment. Just ask Roxxy or Insecta. She loved making her friends happy and bond with them. Doris was one she wanted to bond with and hoped this was how.
She turned Doris's hand over and kissed her knuckle. "Come. Leave this and let us go play. I can have my assistant help you tomorrow. I want to spend time with my Doris. Hang up the apron."
If dreams truly were meant to come true, then surely this was the moment. Admittedly, Doris couldn't recall the last time she'd gotten to do a girl's night out, nor done any sort of large shopping spree. It felt as though the dame’s wallet was always laced with a coat of thick dust; each time she opened it appeared as though a cloud of dust would puff out of the fibers. It was no wonder why on occasion she'd have things 'accidentally' fall into her pockets at the store. Additionally, the last time she'd taken a break? Oh dear…
Doris was SUCH a devoted partner to Edgar Cizko-- oh AHEM, devoted--Partner in crime, of course! But sometimes she'd find herself so wrapped up in what he was doing, or what she could do to better assist him with his many, many schemes that she'd often lose her time of the day, forgetting to put moments off to the side for herself. Yes, in Doris's eyes he was wonderful-- BUT. She needed some time away from men, she wanted to spend some time with the girls! It was time she put up that apron of her's for the day…
" Goodness me, Marsha! OH-hohohohoo~!!" Doris let out a humbled yet rather elegant fit of laughter before she went to untie the apron she had on, one that'd been stained with flour and other remains left behind from the many pies she'd attempted to bake. " I feel so pampered already... hm.. 'Pampered--' " Her voice trailed off as her gaze seemed to wander along with it
" When's the last time you've gotten your nails done? If you're in due for a manicure, we MUST go to Devine Beauty & Spa '' She'd mentioned before further explaining "-- Last time I was there it was simply just ELEGANT. And the nails lasted. And that means a lot coming from a lady like me. Sometimes my nails split when punching down walls, have you-- But Devine? I think I didn't have to go back in for an entire month!"
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zephsthings · 5 months
zeph i am also expecting you to be asleep when i get home! sleep!!!
no promises :)))
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sharry-arry-odd · 7 months
True, it was strange that they were both without husbands: Were they spinster sisters, or congenial cousins? she wondered. But they clearly intended to be domiciled together, nonetheless, or they would not have inquired about the cottage. She acknowledged to herself that surely none of this concerned her.
The Ladies, by Doris Grumbach
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thomas-is-my-name · 2 years
So the wolf in the Shrek movies seems to identify as a man, and just happens to wear a pink dress as his outfit of choice. Meanwhile Doris the Ugly Stepsister is definitely a woman while having some masculine features. Then there’s Pinocchio who is unambiguously male (he celebrates becoming a “real boy”) but secretly wears womens’ underwear. And I know this was mainly done for cheap transphobic comedy but like. They’re all basically decent people who are on the heroes’ side and get to live happily ever after, so there’s not reason not to read it completely straight. The only person who shames the wolf for cross-dressing is Fairy Godmother, and she’s a villain so we’re meant to dislike her. Shrek’s extended friend group just contains a lot of genderqueer weirdos who are living their best life and I think that’s great.
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stayteezdreams · 3 months
Scenarios: Stray Kids Hyung Line Finding You Asleep In Their Bed
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Scenarios: Stray Kids Hyung Line Finding You Asleep In Their Bed.
~{Maknae Line}~
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bang Chan x Gn!Reader; BestFriend!Lee Know x Gn!Reader (Friends to more); Boyfriend!Changbin x Gn!Reader; Best-Friend!Hyunjin x Gn!Reader (Friends to Lovers).
Requested By: ���� Anon
A/n: Even though I'm the one who made the prompt I wasn't really sure what to do lmao so I hope you like it! Also, reader falls asleep on the couch in Lee Knows, not the bed.
Warnings: A couple kisses throughout, but otherwise its all just casual fluff.
Words: Just under 2k
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He forgot he was going to meet up with you after he was done at the studio.
Glancing at the time he jolted out of his seat, seeing it was late and he had already missed the time he said he was going to meet you.
So he rushed back to the dorm, guilt washing over him the entire time.
He tried texting you the whole way back but his messages went unread.
When he arrived back at the dorm, he was sure you would have given up on and him and left.
The living room was empty, but he saw the light in his bedroom still on.
Quickly entering his bedroom, an apology was out of his mouth before he came to a halt.
You were on top of his bed cuddled up to his pillow, fast asleep, phone in hand. He could see the unread notifications of the messages he sent apologizing blinking on your screen.
He let out a soft sigh and sat on the edge of the bed, watching you. He felt guilty for accidentally standing you up for movie night, but he was glad he could see you like this. So peaceful and at ease, though he was afraid to wake you, fearing you would be angry.
As he adjusted the blanket, covering your legs, your eyes fluttered open, landing on him immediately.
You glared sleepily at him as your soft sleepy voice came out. "You forgot me."
Chris pouted, "I'm sorry baby, I really am."
"Did you finish the song at least?"
He nodded and you smiled softly making his heart skip a beat. "Good." Adjusting your body, you laid your head on his legs as you looked up at him. "You owe me a movie night though."
Chris's chest exploded with adoration as he looked down at you with a smile. Leaning down he pressed a quick kiss to the tip of your nose. "I'll make it up to you I promise."
You nodded sleepily as you threatened to fall back asleep. Chris gently patted your head as he moved you back to your original position. "Just sleep for now baby."
Your fist grabbed his jacket softly as you didn't want to let him go. He grinned as he gradually pulled away from you. Getting himself ready for bed, he held you in his arms until he fell asleep beside you.
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Lee Know:
You had been cat-sitting for him while he and his family were away.
He came back a few days before them, arriving late in the evening to surprise you and the cats.
As he snuck in, his heart nearly stopped as he found you in the living room, asleep on the couch, and all the cats sleeping around you peacefully.
Lee Know knew he had developed feelings for you a while ago, but in this moment he really understood just how much he adored you.
He stared at you for a few moments before snapping a few photos on his phone.
Sneaking over to the couch, he crouched down and looked at your peacefully sleeping face. Dori, upon waking up at his presence mewed softly before stretching.
Lee Know pet them softly before looking back at you. He got lost, staring at your face, reaching up, he found himself gently caressing your cheek. His heart leapt when your eyes slowly opened, meeting his as you stared at him silently for a moment.
A soft smile crept onto your face and Lee Know felt his chest clench. "You're back."
He nodded and he spoke softly, "Yeah. I didn't want to wake you."
You stretched, waking up the other cats as they all began to greet Lee Know.
You smiled at the sight. "They missed you."
He grinned, "I missed them too." He looked up at you, "And you."
You rose your brow at his sudden affection, "Me?"
He chuckled softly, "Of course."
Your heart was still racing from waking to find Lee Know gently touching your cheek, now it felt as though it might escape from your chest.
"I missed you too." You admitted, wondering if your feelings for your friend were showing.
He smiled at you for a minute before he rose, "Stay here."
You hummed in curiosity as he left. Coming back a short time later, he was now in his pajamas. Watching him with wide eyes as he adjusted the blanket over you and climbed onto the couch behind you.
You stared at him over your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you from behind pulling you into his chest.
Meeting your gaze he smiled, "Let's sleep."
Both of you were aware of how hard the other's heart's were racing. Silently understanding you both felt the same thing in that moment, lying together in the darkened living room.
Getting comfortable in his arms, he smiled into your shoulder as he held you against him. You felt him press a soft kiss to your shoulder before he pressed his face into your neck and let out a long content breath as he held you in his arms for the first, and definitely not last time.
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Changbin was coming home from tour, and you hadn't seen each other for over a month.
His mood was already sour because his flights continuously got delayed. He was supposed to be home hours ago, but luck was not on his side.
All he wanted was to see you, to hold you, to kiss you, to be with you.
By the time they got back to the dorm, he was sure he would have to wait until tomorrow to see you since it was already so late in the night.
Entering into his bedroom, he came to a halt when he saw the best thing in the world.
His eyes grazed over your figure as you slept on his bed. Your phone was lying half-way in your palm, his pillow curled underneath you. You were wearing one of his shirts, and dead-asleep.
Changbin set down his bags, repressing the guttural sound that threatened to escape at the sight of you. The cuteness aggression he was feeling was almost overwhelming as he crouched down beside the bed and stared at your slumbering face.
Unable to resist, he reached towards your face and gently poked your cheek, causing your eyes to shoot open. He felt guilty, but it faded quickly as your sleepy face quickly became more animated as you set eyes on Changbin.
You grinned as you suddenly leapt forward, wrapping your arms around his neck as you were now hanging half-way on the bed, your other half in his arms.
He giggled as he held you, all of the stress of his trip back home fading as he finally held you in his arms.
He squeezed you with a groan, "God I missed you."
You mumbled into his shoulder, "I missed you too. You're not allowed to leave again."
Standing up, he laid you on the bed on your back as he leaned over you. "Okay. I wont leave."
He caressed your cheek as he noticed your still tired eyes. "It's late let's sleep, okay? We'll talk more tomorrow."
You nodded with a soft smile before climbing under the sheets and waiting for him. You almost drifted back off before he climbed into the bed himself. Wrapping you in his arms he held you close.
"Thank you for waiting here for me."
Cuddling yourself as close as you could, you breathed in his scent, feeling yourself drifting back to sleep as you mumbled. "I missed you too much to leave."
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You and Hyunjin often hung out in silence.
Both of you drawing, writing, playing games on your phone, listening to music, etc. Just finding comfort in each others company
There was an unspoken feeling between you that neither of you acted on, always afraid it would ruin your friendship.
So you just spent as much time together as you could, each hoping the other silently new how you both felt.
One evening when Hyunjin was engrossed in a sketch, he hadn't noticed you had gone completely still.
Eventually turning to you to ask about his sketch, he froze as he found you slumbering on the bed.
He stared at you for a few moments, admiring you as his heart ached with the feelings he had been repressing.
Flipping the page of his sketch book, he turned to face you, quickly outlining your figure on paper. He could take a photo of you in your peaceful sleep, but it felt more...intimate, to draw you.
His hands moved swiftly as he sketched, feeling more inspiration than he had in a while. He smiled to himself, realizing that he often drew or painted more when you were around.
Eventually, you found yourself waking up, eyes fluttering open. You saw Hyunjin sitting in front of you, sketching in his book.
You smiled at the sight, the soft smile on his face as he was engrossed in his art.
"What are you drawing?"
Hyunjin's eyes shot up, seeing you staring at him with a soft, tired gaze. He grinned as he continued to sketch. "I'll show you when I'm done."
You nodded softly as your eyes drifted closed again. You didn't fall back asleep, but you lied still, listening to the scribbling of his pencil on paper. Smiling at the occasional hum or annoyed grunt that escaped him.
After a while Hyunjin sighed happily, "Finished."
Opening your eyes, you sat up, stretching as you faced him. Reaching out your hands you motioned your fingers for him to pass it over. "Let me see."
Nervously, Hyunjin gave you the sketchbook. Seeing the way your eyes lit up in surprise as you saw your own sleeping figure on the paper.
You let out a soft chuckle, "You drew me?"
He nodded, "How could I not, you were so cute and peaceful."
You giggled softly, feeling your neck and cheeks grow warm. Seeing something written under his signature at the bottom you felt your heart skip a beat.
"My Muse?"
Looking up you met his gaze as he looked at you softly before nodding. "You are. You always have been."
You bit the inside of your lip as you stared at the words. From your peripheral, you saw Hyunjin lean closer. You assumed he was looking at the picture. Freezing as you looked up, you met his eyes as he stared at you, his face only an inch from yours.
Your voice came out in a whisper. "What are you doing?"
He smiled softly as his eyes glanced to your lips briefly. "Just taking a closer look. Can I draw you more often?"
Nodding mutely, his smile widened as he took the sketchbook from your hands, but kept his eyes locked with yours. Leaning in, he pressed a quick, almost hesitate kiss to your lips.
Your eyes widened a bit as he pulled away. You didn't speak or pull away, so Hyunjin did it again. And then again, before you pulled away with a giggle you couldn't contain.
Hyunjin grinned as he scooted closer to you, this time placing his hands on your face. He pressed the tip of his nose to yours as he stared at you. He caressed your cheek with his thumb before he kissed you again, and as you kissed him back, he deepened the kiss.
When he pulled away he let out an excited noise that made you laugh as he pushed you back onto the bed and lied beside you. You stared at each other for a few moments in silence as he gently held your hands.
"Stay with me?"
You nodded softly as he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. Lying in silence together for a while, your pounding hearts eventually calmed as you fell asleep in each other's arms.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669, @tinyelfperson,
@pinievsev, @teenyfinds, @everythingboutkpop,  @shymexican
Stray Kid Taglist: @laylasbunbunny, @skz1-4-3, @prettymiye0n, @thunderous-wolf, @thedistractedwriter,
@briqnne, @dinossaurz,  @staytiny2000, @msauthor,
@vnessalau, @dancinglikebutterflywings, 
Changbin: @lieutenantnLee Know: @hongjoongsprincessHyunjin: @dear-dreamie
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paradoxarchive · 1 year
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here, i blur into you
(a love letter to my best friend)
ribs, lorde | kigiom | trista mateer | memorial bench for judy, from janice, source unknown | emma, jane austen | from a letter to doris dana, gabriela mistral | written on the body, jeanette winterson | sunsbleeding | friends, bts (jimin + taehyung) | we were girls together, delaney bailey
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