#best dlc by a long shot so far
yakool-foolio · 11 months
Well fellas, I just finished Vivia's DLC tonight (gonna save Yakou's for tomorrow hopefully) and all I can say is...
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katyahina · 10 months
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Just some references I've been compiling, but I decided to put them here!
1) Marika seems to have two distinct stages: one with less detailed dress (unless sculpture creators were just lazy fdshhfds) but with three braids (right long one, left cut one and back big one) (screenshot proving the third big braid on the back as depicted on her statues in the Churches by @blaiddfailcam in this ( x ) really cool theory post!). And second with her more trademark singular braid pushed to the side! The bracelets on her shoulders are permanent, but her wrist bracelets seem to just come and go. Well, like her belt. @val-of-the-north put it the best: "people do not have only one look, so why demigods should be different" 💀
UPDATE 6/6/24: I finally have a good shot of her third braid!
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2) She doesn't seem to have more than B cups though, and her face shows a mole above her right eyebrow. I hoped Radagon had the same feature, but with the best model of his face I still can't say whether it is so because of how his hair is placed:
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3) Miquella is strange, as his statue versions and his drawing/DLC promo versions still vary, despite him supposedly being stuck in the same state forever
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But seems like his "earlier" stage depicted in the statues has this 'apron' feature, likely inspired by those ancient Greece robes! The DLC version so far has more plain 'skirt' part without apron part, and with the belt over his sleeves! And MUCH longer hair, of course!
UPDATE: I've been able to take a closer look at Miquella's statue FINALLY, and turns out the version of his statue that holds a bud (especially notable in Ordina) has some herbs sticking out from the "apron"! What I assumed was apron might actually be a pouch for herbs and alike, attached to his belt! Or it is an apron with inner pockets. x)
4) I wonder whether, maybe, Malenia and Godwyn used to have white robes before (in the states that are depicted in the statues), and dark blue with golden embroidery simply means adulthood? Also Godwyn's Prince of Death state appears to have the blue clothing let down to only cover the lower body, same as Radagon and Marika's when we find them (saw these good statue models here ( x ) on xitter)
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^ also mind how this body for SURE looks more adult than the body on the statue that holds Malenia and Miquella!
UPDATE 6/6/24 (another one): I was able to find the image with an angle that shows Malenia's face in that statue with Godwyn! Her smaller self does have less elaborate crown, of course!
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( x )
In this age, her crown is reasonably same as Miquella's, and circles around her head in full, whereas with her older depiction you can see the crown circling under hair!
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ganondoodle · 3 months
(more elden ring radahn thoughts)
on whats really left of him .. and his soul? general too many thoughts about him- long post and probably incoherent, but you know me, im never coherent anyway, many thoguhts, head full, quite literally
in base game, he has lost his mind we are told, and clearly he isnt like he used to be, but we really dont know the extend of it hes clearly capable of fighting rather .. controlled; its not like hes biting and clawing after you, he still uses his swords (and bow, sth he doesnt even have in dlc) and magic, we know even in this condition he held back the stars AND still fought you hard at the same time (i know undead people can still fight in elden ring, pls hear me out)
and i wonder .. how much of his mind did he really lose, obviously some since he eats people now which isnt sth he used to do, but ... we dont know how talkactive he used to be, we get one (two? i can only think of one) quotes from him in the descriptions of an item, he might have been a man of few words already, so him not talking at all isnt that good of a measure (not saying its the only measure, just wanted to mention), resorting to eating people that atack you might just be an act of desperation too
we get told he kills friend and foe alike (and im not questioning that really) but in his cutscene we see him drag along the bodies of cleanrot knights, who are under direct dommand of malenia, and by extend miquella, im guessing they kept sending them after him to finish him off; now knowing that him dying means being sent to the realm of shadow, to miquella, and NOT knowing if he wanted that, i feel that that detail has grown in importance-
when you start the fight, hes rather defensive, shooting at you almost immediately upon you entering the arena with no extra cutscene either, what he shoots at you a long ranged gravitation bolts that stop you dead in tracks with a very high stagger rate and if you are on torrent it stagger you off of it; i know it could be just tactical and bc all he knows now is to fight as best as he can BUT, you could also look at it as a defensive strategy, to keep you away, and away from him .. even though you are not told he is afraid to die and he eats people now, sure he could come over there and snack on you once he shot you enough times, but the important thing is that you as a threat to his life is eliminated AND he doesnt seem to have some sort of insatiable hunger for people that makes him charge and snap at you immediately, there could be self control there still (if i wanted to reach a little further i could also say he could be trying to keep you away from him not jsut to save himself but to save you from him too, but thats a reach and i know that)
once you get close enough he usually changes to fire a salve of arrows that fall from the sky and follows you around, also high in stagger- its only when you get too close that he pulls out his swords and charges at you
his arena is interestign as well, its a piece of land in caelid that is inaccessible (unless you can fly?) from all sides, a barren battlefield only reached through a teleporter, im not sure if it is the same place as when he fought malenia or not (wasnt that in the middle of caelid where you find the rot needle?) but i doubt anyone could have put him there against his will, so did he .. go there himself? or stay there for that matter- how quickly do you lose yourself when infected with rot? and how quickly for him, since hes a demigod? did he intentionally isolate himself there? make it harder to reach him for both friend and foe alike?
another point is that most enemies (as far as i can think of) that are infected with rot/are in caelid also deal rot damage, radahn does not, hes even really vunerable to it in fact, its an intersting detail to me bc he only uses either standard attacks or gravitational magic, given that hes been in this condition for a long time and its caelid id expect the rot to be somewhat important there, but its not
how much has he really lost his mind, is he really as mindless as jerren makes him out to be? is he trying to stay alive no matter what, isolating himself on an (almost) island and only living off what comes there, which is usually people that want to kill him, be it friend or foe, all are out for his life one way or another, could it be defensive ... desperate even? no one but him and miquella/malenia seem to know that him dying means hes put into the land of shadow, where miquella is waiting for him; (why wouldnt he tell anyone? was he not able to? was he afraid to upset the golden order by spilling it out?) could he know that would be the end of him having his own will, knowing what miquella can do to people? ... perhaps even .... having been manipulated by him before when he was less experienced and more in direct vicinity to him, to promise something he doesnt actually want?
this is a reach too but ... could he be trying to make himself unusable for miquella, theres no real cure for the rot, could he have decided to stay alive as long as he can to both destroy his own body (and soul even?) intentionally so it cant be used against his will, like a desperate act to destroy himself rather than become someones unwilling puppet? did he succeed in both somewhat but not enough to become fully worthless and unsalvageable? just how much would he have had to destroy himself for him to become useless to miquella, is there even a limit? would he have been "revived" no matter what, no matter what little was left of him?
how is he mindless, yet his soul it taken when you kill him, his body beyond repair, but his soul intact? that seems like the opposite of what he is, and you are told he is, in the base game to me (maybe hes just fallen into madness i guess, but given the soul is like .. the self, he should be mad in the dlc too then, unless miquella can just pick out the parts he likes and throw away the rest .... which isnt impossible either)
now, there could be the argument that he might have actually agreed to it, hes been a big fan of godfrey, who is a consort to marika, a god, and little more than her pawn as well, his 'young' look you see at the end of the dlc could also be connected to it, the braids i thought where a sign of miquellas influence could also be just how he looked back then, an imitation of godfreys hairstyle- and we dont know for sure he didnt used to have them even after gettign older since they could just have loosened after spending so much time in a zombie lite condition (or is it?)-- but his portrait in volcano manor doesnt seem to have them either, hes also sporting the armor you see in base game (i think) there the fact that, according to godfrey, strength is the only thing that matters and to become a consort you need to be the strongest of all to be worthy, could also be interpreted that way- though i dont if he would have wanted to replace the golden order, he was a fan and follower of it, did he even think of it the implications? did he even know? was he just young and stupid? (very possible tbh)
then theres the idea of there being less left of his soul, so in the dlc he is barely if anything at all, himself, both in body AND soul, how much was there even left after all that time in caelid, he is silent except for like two grunts he does also in base game (he has more sounds there too), completely unexpressive, with very few gravitation magic, in the second phase miquella literally snakes his arms around his neck, almost every single attack is filled with light magic, clearly coming from miquella and not him (i know bringing up leonard might seem overemphasizing his role, but in these games what information you get is very scarce so every bit you do learn is important and was written intentionally- but he stayed together with him in caelid, all his attacks involve him in one way or another, he only started to learn that magic for leonard, so radahn didnt have too abandon him as he got too large to ride him, he uses gravitation in dlc too, so it means that at the point of his life that he is recreated as he already had leonard or that that is a sign of whatever is left of his soul that comes from a much older him, and if it is, its very little) (also this is a reach too but most enemies with horses have separate health bars, he doesnt, he and leonard basically share the same health bar, literally inseperable uwu)
"theres no evidence hes mindcontrolled" people say to me. have you seen him? how he acts? or more, how he DOESNT act? that miquellas entire deal is THAT HE BEWITCHES PEOPLE, ffs he STEALS YOUR HEART if you get grabbed by him twice in the dlc fight- theres no evidence he wasnt either, you are told they had a vow, but you never know what exactly that was, when it was (in the memory of miquella wishing for radahn to be his consort you only see miquella- was it a silly wish between kids tha miquella never grew out of?), in what circumstances, you never get to hear radahn say anything about it, its completely left out, thats a little unrelieable to me! idk!
but fine, maybe he did agree to it, maybe he thought being a consort to a god would make him just as cool as godfrey, maybe he fought malenia, who was said to be undefeated, only to prove he had the strength worthy of being a consort and it backfired when malenia infected him with the rot (why then? also he doesnt look exactly thrilled about what she say to him in the trailer but that could be just me too i guess lolololol), maybe he wanted to die all along but his pride meant he couldnt just let the rot win, maybe the festival was really what he wished for and told no one what the real goal was, maybe he wasnt rotten in the first place and just acted that part so he had an excuse to die without having to fight with all his strength as even the undefeated warrior wasnt able to beat him, maybe becoming a consort to miquella was worth leaving leonard behind to him, maybe he wanted to be nothing but a pawn to a god, to be used and discarded, maybe he really believed in miquellas wish for a "gentle" world (aka all love miquella)
it makes sense, im not going to lie about that, but the other does too- and in the end, we will never know what the truth is! we will never know if that was what he wanted, or if he was manipulated even back then, i wish we could to see his part, his voice, his will, but we never will, and it doesnt matter, in the end it doesnt matter if he wanted it or not, the fact remains hes a silent frankensteins monster of miquella, expression- and personalityless, a voiceless pawn to a god that steals everyones hearts
i dont need to be "right", i like to think about things, i am in the camp of he didnt want to or decided against it, but it doesnt really matter, even if miyazaki himself went onto stage and loudly declared that yes it was all planned from the start and radahn was in on it the whole time- i still would think the other way around it, i jsut think about him alot, i want to question things instead of taking everythign i hear at face value, especially when its very strangely told from one side, i will question every little thing if i only hear one side, no matter how much sense it makes or not, it makes me suspicious
(i some of this can be attributed about purely gameplay stuff, like the change in armor so he doesnt look the same etc, but i dont care, i like to think about the implications it brings with it, intentionally or not)
and there he is in a barren battlefield, eating the remains of whoever enters his isolated cage with the intent to kill him, never succeeding, howling like a lonely old wolf at the sky, is it desperation about a fate he cannot escape, grief about what hes done or failed to do, is it a call of yearning? for freedom?
we dont know. and it doesnt matter.
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technically-a-kiwi · 11 months
Hi guys ! I’d like to share with you my take on a possible DLC (or even sequel) for Pizza Tower:
Overturned Pizza Tower
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(Yeah it’s a working title, I’m not even sure if "overturned" is english…)
Basicaly in the game, Peppino is forced in another dimension by a familiar looking but oddly different Pizzahead and has to conquer the Tower all over again, some stuff here and there are different with different levels and a much more different atmosphere, that being that this alternative tower looks far more luxurious than the canon one, let me know in the comments if you want be to develop on how the tower could look like in this mysterious alternative world
first cutscene rough storyboard:
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And now for the juicy part >:) hehehe
The bosses:
When designing new designs for the bosses, I kept in mind to not go overboard with the modifications, what makes Pizza Tower’s characters so fun to draw is their sheer simplicity, and I must say in some of my early sketches, I was awfully close to the “ORIGINAL CHARACTER, DO NOT STEAL PLEASE” limit. So without further ado, here they are:
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So as you can see, our favourite fabulous pepper is rocking some boots, shades and a jacket, In this timeline his talent was recognised and became quite a celebrity in the tower, experimenting in other forms of art outside of painting such as photography, origami and clothing. I honestly think that the two drawings I did on the bottom left corner that Pepperman would absolutely embrace his fame and wouldn’t mind that much if people always ask him for an autograph in any place he walks in, he would be quite a diva if he could wouldn’t he ? Let me know your opinion on his design and if you think I should change some stuff.
The Vigilante:
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Nothing much changes with Vigi here except a tiny scare under his left eye and a peace of turquoise on his hat, in this timeline the Vigilante is known as the "Bullseye" due to the extraordinary capacity of never in any circumstances miss a shot that it be with his gun, lasso or anything else he can throw at you (unless he misses willingly of course), outlaws truly quiver in fear at the site of him because they know they’re doomed. I must say Vigi was the hardest to redesign, because there’s so much you can modify with him until he just looks a slime with goggly eyes, a funny hat and an angry expression with random details… which…is kind of what he is but in a bad way… you know… Again let me know in the comments what is your opinion and if you think something should change.
Fake Peppino:
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And here he is, the fan favourite, the goofy goober elderish monster of the saga. In this timeline the only difference is that instead of a tang top he wears an apron that is stained with a bit of… uh… tomato… sauce… yeah tomato sauce and he constantly holds in his right hand a ladle, he’s the proud owner of his own pizzeria of which he takes vey good care of (or at least he’s trying his best) and most of his clients are actually Peppino clones, as long as they pay for their food Fake Peppino don’t mind their presence, any other clients are very rare considering there is a rumours about the chef killing any clients who doesn’t leave a tip…Honestly one of my favourite design so far (wow how original, the goofy goober is my favourite…) once again leave a comment of your opinion and what you think should be different in my design
Final boss:
Yeah sorry I won’t give you my take on the final boss (yet), but if you think a little and look carefully I think you can already gess who’s the big bad guy, I’ll even post something if y’all really want
And that’s all for now folks!
Thank you so much for reading my post, if you really want me to give you more concepts and ideas for the characters, atmosphere or if you want full arts of the design I just showed, let me know in the comments. Don’t hesitate on giving me your truest opinion may it be positive or negative on this concept and if you think it could work for a DLC or sequel! See you next time :D !
wait… what is that ? Where’s The Noise ?
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let’s… let’s not talk about him…
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lunarosewood23 · 15 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Prompt 5: Stamp
XVI DLC, MOTR and Endwalker spoilers, also XVI -> XIV crossover. Deryk go helps his problem child cleric. FT's @inkblood-mistrieu"s Mingxia and a brief mention of @starswornoaths's Serella.
Deryk’s head shot up at the sound of chirping, but not the chirping of the birds flying through Mor Dhona, but more akin to-
“Dad!! Please help! There are people dying and I don’t know what to do!!”
He sighed. His cleric, or as the others called her, his little problem child.
He slipped away from everyone and sprinted towards the Omphalos, thankfully arriving with no trouble. Though what beheld him was shocking to say the least.
His cleric, Mingxia, along with what appeared to be three men at death’s door, and many more either injured or severely aethersick.
He sighed and knelt by Mingxia, there was no helping it right now, and he hoped she wasn’t entirely lucid to really remember this anyway.
Forgive me my friends...
“I feel like I’m gonna be sick Dad...” She grumbled. “Ate something really evil and bad...”
“It’s alright, I’ll do what I can.” He soothed as he hugged her and kissed her forehead. “Close your eyes Mingxia.”
When she did so, he pulled some yew leaves from his pouch. He placed three upon the three men who were dying before placing the remainder in his young cleric’s palm before whispering something over them. He heard a crack and saw that the three men who were at death’s door were nearly petrified, but his efforts made the stone crack, revealing healing skin underneath. It wasn't much, they would still need the aid of a healer, but it was a start.
A harsh wail caught his attention and he quickly saw the source of the noise.
A baby, laying near the group and wrapped in a beautifully woven swaddling blanket. He wasn’t the best with children, and at least one of his friends was far better suited to soothing the babe.
Maria, Nymeia, I beg your aid.
A woman appeared before him and sighed.
“You've gotten yourself in a right mess with this Oschon.” Nymeia sighed, her soft orange eyes teasing him. “Let me see them.”
Deryk sighed as she moved closer, gently scooping up the tiny child and began humming a lullaby, the child's cries stopping almost immediately.
“Poor thing...” Nymeia started with a frown. “His start was a cruel one, and the family that once trapped him is long dead as he was locked in time. I’ll see if I can talk to Althyk and see if his aether has been altered from being locked in time. The magic within his soul is ready to run wild, but it recognizes that he’s not in that horrible place anymore...”
Deryk sighed in relief. “Thank you Nymeia. It means the world that you came to help.”
“It's no trouble, Oschon. But your cleric will be. You will have to reveal yourself to them soon.” Nymeia warned.
“I know...and yet I still wish we could-”
A thunderclap and Deryk’s head shot up.
“Damnit! I told the Valisthean to stay in Mor Dhona!” He grumbled. He looked to Nymeia but she had already vanished with the child, so he looked to his cleric and sighed before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Stay alive for me Mingxia, at least until help arrives.”
With that he bolted from the Omphalos, reappearing to see Cidolfus Telamon throwing a lightning bolt at one of the mobs near the gate of Mor Dhona.
“Damnit Telamon, I told you to stay in Mor Dhona!!” He shouted in annoyance.
“And I told you that I'm not waiting around if some of my people made it back here. I'm going to do what I can to help.” Cid replied with a stubborn glint in his green eyes.
Deryk rubbed at his temple. “And Serella, G’raha Tia and I all told you the best way to do that is to wait in the Rising Stones! You still haven’t fully recovered and the aether is stronger than what you are used to.”
“Your healers have already cleared me to wander-” Cid started but a hand tugging his sleeve cut him off.
“Unca Telamon!” Argasar, one of Mingxia’s and her polycule’s kids, called. “Mama said no fighting!”
Cid blinked but sighed as he knelt to ruffle Argasar's black hair, being mindful of his horns. "I have no interest in fighting kiddo, promise. But your mama's brought people I know, and I have to help them."
"But you’re still hurt too Unca. Pweeze stay? Mama would be sad if you got hurt more on her part." Argasar pleaded, his brown and pink eyes wide as Deryk snickered.
Argasar heard that and frowned. “Don't laugh Grandpa. Mama would be mad at you for being mean to Unca...”
Deryk blinked as Cid laughed and scooped a giggling Argasar up. “Alright alright I'll stay. If nothing else than to make sure you little rascals don't cause any trouble. How did you slip away from your grandmother anyway?”
Argasar giggled more as he walked away, and Deryk caught a glimpse of an aetheric stamp on Cid’s lower back.
A sakura flower.
Deryk put his head in his hands. How did he miss that??
Mingxia, my little bird of a cleric, you really are going to be a problem...
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crowhag · 9 months
I don't think I've ever had chills playing a game like I did the first time I played through the latter half of the Bounty of Blood DLC for Borderlands 3
I'm specifically talking about the last half of the Facility portion of it, there's this scene where you are put on a long and slow elevator ride down, after having this facility be the backdrop of the whole story, a ghost haunting the narrative without ever knowing what this "Company" is.
And the music starts to become this droning kind of air raid siren as you descend and learn about the horrific shit this company actually did to the people of Gehenna.
And the slow revelation that this company wasn't just some random stand in or unknown entity, it was one YOU played friends with, IT'S JUST SO GOOD OH MY GOD.
and then the scene where you think you're about to win like the vault hunter always does, and you instead can only watch as a literal super nuke goes off? It's such a helpless moment and I love it.
Does anyone else know what I mean? That DLC was so real and one of my favorites by far.(with the Handsome Jackpot coming in very close second)
Anyway thank you for listening to me ramble about Borderlands 3, I don't think the main story is the best by a long shot(I don't think it's the worst either though), but god all of the DLC are fantastic.
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loganthrives · 5 months
RimWorld: Anomaly Part 4
I think I may be getting bored of this colony and want to start over, but I wanted to tell one more story about it first.
Under cut as usual to protect from spoilers:
So at the end of the last one I shared a message that said the ground was cracking apart. If you know anything about this DLC while reading that, you might be thinking of this:
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Or of its smaller cousin, which just poops out a handful of flesh beasts before you plug it.
The message I posted last part wasn't for that, though. It was for this.
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Randy was gracious enough to place it a good distance away from my base, but it spreads quickly. By this point I've already raided two overrun villages that have had this happen to them and seen the aftermath when one of these pops off. So I knew I had to act quickly.
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We grabbed half of our best fighters and approached the fleshmass. Unfortunately we had some visitors to the region passing through at the same time, and they encountered the fleshbeasts first.
Most of them survived, I think. I don't remember exactly, its legitimately been a while since this happened/since I've played.
Cleaning up the fleshmass is a chore and a half, because as I said, it spreads QUICKLY. I learned quickly that if I could take out connecting tissue between chunks of it, it would stop spreading out from those chunks. Anything connected to the centre mass will still spread, though.
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And there are consequences for being so diligent.
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My colonists had been at this for a day and a half with no sleep or food. A couple had mental breaks. I had to let them go rest, eat, and recover their wounds.
I didn't leave it alone for too long, though, and started harvesting samples so I could learn how to kill it.
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In this taller screenshot you can see the fleshmass on its day off from being shot at, how far it spread and the areas it had spread to previously by the fleshy ground left behind.
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At this point not only did my colonists need a break but it hadn't actually spawned any blisters for me to destroy for more samples. I had to let it grow.
Eventually we got our breakthrough.
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Several colonists stood guard while he delivered the fatal shock required to end it.
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Cool guys don't look at explosions.
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And it left behind a little present.
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Naturally, I took it back to my base to contain and study it, and it has been providing the twisted flesh for my animals' kibble ever since. I worry for the day when it might try and reform itself in the middle of my base, but in the mean time, dear gods I really need to get those transport pods researched.
As for this hole in the ground?
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Sure, it spawns enemies every so often that throw themselves impotently at my turrets, bears, and clawer dryads...
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... But it also serves as a convenient year-round mushroom farm for some extra nutrition. So I haven't closed it up yet.
In the meantime, we sent the angry ball out to fight a Diabolus-level threat so we could try and increase our mechtech, but I think it accidentally destroyed the signal chip we needed for our research in its onslaught, because I can't find it anywhere.
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Oh well.
Next time, I dunno. I might try and tell some colonist stories, but I've actually gotten a little bored of this colony. There have been a couple patches to the DLC since to allow people to advance to the end of the Anomaly storyline without discovering absolutely every anomaly, so I actually have the option to end it available to me now. There's also the opportunity to play a pure horror experience as of last patch, where anomaly events can happen but you don't advance the monolith storyline.
Personally, I'd prefer a middle option - where a monument exists, but on another tile on the map instead of your main base, and anomaly events can happen regardless. But you have to travel to and set up a colony at the monolith to open up that ending option. But maybe that's just me?
Anyways, I'm hesitant to pull the trigger on the ending because I still haven't resolved the giant pit in the ground/our mushroom farm, and I haven't discovered this vaunted golden cube yet, either. There's also at least one anomaly critter I haven't seen yet that isn't the thing that waits for me in the hole. I see it in screenshots on containment platforms all the time, but I don't know what it is. No spoilers, please.
If you liked this there are three other parts preceeding this that you can check out (if you want):
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Thanks for reading 💗
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marshmallowprotection · 11 months
To be honest, my opinion of V as a person is greatly influenced by how his choices affected the twins and Jumin, who are my three favorite characters. But, as I already said, I consider him an excellent character precisely because of the points you mentioned—His complexity and how multifaceted he is.
He's truly one of the characters whose mentality I'm most interested in exploring, and that's the reason for my dissatisfaction with his death. They just took him out of the picture, and that was it, because even if you can feel the weight of absence in the second Secret Ending it's not something that's explored.
I consider it as unfair as it's realistic.
But with his relationship with Rika being the focus of the first Secret Ending, I have more questions than answers about him.
And you know? Before the SEs I had no plans to play V's Route, in fact I fervently refused to do so, but now it's a necessity. I need to know more about him—His reasons, and also see him at his best, because from what I've heard, if I play Ray's Route and his AE first, I'll probably end up hating him.
Among Saeran's flashbacks, we are shown him and V having a short, sweet moment talking about the photograph, and Saeyoung really seemed to not only respect but also feel affection towards him, so I can't help but wonder what the relationship of the three of them would have been in a different situation.
- Assistant Anon
[You might enjoy Gladiolus.]
That is a long one-shot I wrote about what would happen if V and Rika decided to break up amicably and work on themselves while Saeyoung goes into the agency, and Saeran stays with V since he arguably has the most access to funds to properly hide him and be sure to erase any trace that might be found. V and Rika are friends, considering the RFA still exists, but yeah, they got help before the point of no return happened.
V gets to work on himself and be the Dad we all know he can be, but it's still bittersweet since Saeyoung is still stuck in the agency. But, I know in my heart that's an ending that Saeyoung wouldn't ever be upset about since he values his brother's peace the most... far more than his own happiness.
If you want something that feels like wish fulfillment as well as a universe where things seem to go a little bit better than they did in canon, that’s a nice story to read. 
V is a complicated person but I feel like you can better enjoy him if you go into his route without the preconceived notions that you already have. It's hard to turn off what you already know, but give him the benefit of the doubt and see where that takes you because that is how you learn how to understand why he is the way he is. 
If you want my advice, please, play V Route and his AE before you do Ray Route. It makes a huge difference in your playing experience! I've been playing since the start, so I had the benefit of being able to play routes and DLCs as they came out so the order didn't mess with me as it might with a newcomer!
Jaehee > Zen > Yoosung > Jumin > 707 > V > Ray is how I would suggest Route Order if you want to unlock the secrets of this game organically. The April Fools and Christmas DLC can be played after you get established with the game set up! Rika's Behind DLC can be played after V Route in my order, but if you want to push it off until after Ray's Route, that's okay, too.
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I have had this AU idea and since Ahsoka (2023) has come out and the DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is coming out soon, I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about how I want to throw a freshly traumatized, post-Wrong Jedi Ahsoka Tano into the role of the Pokémon Legends Arceus protagonist!
This was inspired by a few things:
@thehappiestgolucky's A Moth in Hisui au, where they threw Markoth from Hollow Knight (another fandom I love) into the role of the protagonist of Pokémon Legends Arceus (you can clearly see how this inspired this). Please check out this AU and their other stuff over at their blog, where they also talk about stuff like Splatoon, Monster Hunter, Rain World, and more!
@webtrinsic1122's Star Wars X Pokémon one-shot, "I Know It's My Destiny," where she specifically had Ahsoka go on a Pokémon journey and I-I just loved it so much because it literally had all I needed (Pokémon and Ahsoka having a happy found family in Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Rex). Please go check out her stuff if you love Star Wars, especially Rebels!
And a ton of Pokémon X Star Wars art that I Google Imaged!
This AU idea has been tumbling around in my brain for months now and since the stars have aligned in a way in which something Star Wars related and Pokémon related are happening in a pretty close timeframe, I thought it would be the perfect time to get it out in the open!
I wanted to make this story for a couple of reasons. The main one being that I just want to give Ahsoka a support network filled with incredibly protective magical monsters that can kick ass while looking fantabulous. The other reason is that I also want Ahsoka to then return to the galaxy with her team of Pokémon and just absolutely wreck Palpatine's shop with their power of friendship and actual power.
Here is some main story points that I've thought up so far, as well as some ideas I have for the story. However, I do have to warn you all that it has been an incredibly long time since I've last seen a full episode of Clone Wars (I really am hoping to somehow rewatch them soon, college is just a time-sucking birch), and most of these points are based off of my vague memories of how the episodes went down, the plot summary/descriptions of episodes that I have/will read, and all the fanfics I've read (because fanfics let me live in happy denial of all the horrible things that have happened to my favorite characters :) ) so if there's anything I might be contradicting or forgetting, let me know:
Ahsoka is brought to the Pokémon World/Hisui almost immediately after she walks away from the Jedi Order.
The reason Ahsoka gets chosen for Hisui is because Morai/the Daughter recommended her to Arceus, stating how it would be "the most beneficial to everyone involved".
Since this is going to be a fix-it, I'm going to fix as much as I can so, of course, Fives is going to live!!!!!!! Right before he gets shot by the Coruscant Guard, a Space-Time Distortion swallows him up and drops him right into Hisui.
*The problem with that is I don't know when he should get dropped off, but I'm leaning more toward right after Ahsoka closes the giant Space-Time rift over Mt. Coronet.*
*There are two ideas I have about where exactly the Pokémon World is. Option 1: It is in its own far, far away galaxy. Option 2 (And one that I feel could be a little bit more interesting): It is actually in the same galaxy that Star Wars takes place in, but it is not only hidden deep within the Unknown Regions but also by Arceus themself to protect both the Pokémon and the people of the galaxy*
*I'm debating on whether to keep Ahsoka as her normal togruta self or have Arceus temporarily turn Ahsoka human to help her blend in better with the people of Hisui (well, blend in as best you can after suddenly falling out of the sky one day).*
*On the one hand, people are obviously going to be even more weirded out and wary of her, but it would make when they start trusting her (after doing a bunch of sidequests) all the more potent as they are looking past her alien attributes and instead are focusing on her personality and traits and trusting her on who she is and moving past what she is.*
*On the other hand, Ahsoka now has to deal with suddenly being a human which includes finally realizing what a hassle hair is, being able to experience a wider array of food now that she's an omnivore and not a carnivore, and the growing fear of what will happen if she ever reveals that she's actually an alien and how that could potentially destroy all the trust they have in her.*
*Also debating on whether Ahsoka should keep her Force abilities (but, obviously, needing to keep them hidden from the very isolated people who don't even know what the Force is) or have Arceus put a sort of block or limiter (for the same reasons that she needs to be hidden) that could gradually weaken as Ahsoka continues her journey.*
I have more ideas (most of them being more suggestions and possibilities than actual ideas) but that's all I think I should mention for now. This post is already really long, so I think I might actually stop it here for now.
But in the next post for "Hisuian Jedi" (that's the best name I could come up with for this AU so that it'll be easier to find, if you have better ideas for names, please let me know), I'll talk about my most favorite part of any crossover with Pokémon!
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glassmarcus · 8 months
The Rogue Lite Mexican Stand Off
*All games played in January 2023, Written in November 2023
I've had a backlog of Rogue Lites I planned on checking out for years now. This list keeps growing and I've accepted that I'll never reach the bottom. So I decided to knock out the three I felt were at the top of the genre at the very least. First I played Hades, a title I wasn't super psyched to try because I'm not a huge fan of isometric angles in games. But word of mouth overcame that doubt and I gave it a shot anyway. And yea, the game is aces. I was not led astray. Second on the docket was Rogue Legacy 2. I knew I was going to love this game because of how much I loved the first. To zero shock, I loved Rogue Legacy 2. Last was Dead Cells. A game I was interested in because I heard it be compared to Dark Souls at one point. What got me to finally buy it was the Castlevania DLC which I had to purchase because I'm a huge shill. By the way this game is also pretty good.
I see why this gallery of Rogue Likes are praised so highly and I enjoyed my time with them immensely... But which one is the best? I tried to place them all on the same level in my mind, but that's not how I operate. There needs to be a clear pecking order. A hierarchy must be established and that's exactly what I will do here. I'm going to pit these three Rouge Lites against each other and see who comes out on top. And no, I will not stop using the terms Rogue Lite and Rogue Like interchangeably. I know they are technically different things, but they sound far too similar for me to care. All games that expect you to complete their procedurally generated adventure in a single run are Rogue Likes/ Rogue Lites. That's the definition I'm using here.
In one corner of this Rogue Like Mexican stand off is Hades. Hades is a mechanically efficient masterwork of roguish progression. Not a single aspect is wasted and unpolished. You look at the weapons you get and might think "oh, there's only six of them" only to realize that they only made six because you only need six. Every weapon is completely fleshed out and has its own advantages over others. Swords deal high damage and take out a lot of enemies at once, but require putting yourself in risky situations. The Bow is weaker but safer as you can attack from anywhere in the screen. The Spear is somewhat of a jack of all trades, not as much range as a bow, not as much power as a sword, but enough of both to be worth using. Shields take a different approach in being a middle man by having its normal attack be melee and it's special long range. Fist and Guns act as the gambling man's version of the sword and bow. With Fist, you can get a lot of damage in when you're close, but it's harder to gauge when you should retreat. With Guns you can get way more hits than with the Bow, but you also have to manage your ammo and if you lose count you'll be shit out of luck.
I gotta say, there is no clear best weapon to use. I like the fist the best because obviously I'm gonna gravitate towards the punchy one the most, but I can't say it's strictly better than the others. And I came to this conclusion by naturally trying out every weapon. Hades attributes a point bonus for a random weapon in each run. These points can be used to permanently upgrade yourself between runs. So you have to decide if you want consistency with the weapons you are used to, or invest in the future by trying something new and getting potentially more points. Its a great way to incentivize variety and exploration of the mechanics of the game. The weapon options don't even end there as you get the ability to permanently upgrade your weapons after you've probably found a favorite. And these upgrades can substantially change the way you play as they aren't merely damage increases, but diverse effects that you can take advantage of to great result.
This game could just have these weapons and be perfectly great, but what takes it to the next level are the mid run upgrades you'd expect from any rogue like. Boons, the power gifted from the gods, are what really counts in getting you strong enough to claw your way out of hell. When you understand the advantages of your weapon, the permanent abilities you've acquired, and the effects boons can have, you can figure out which boons cynergize with you the best. As I stated prior, I was a Fist Aficionado. A weapon that hits fast and requires you to get in and out of enemy range. So when I picked boons that worked well with that, I got outstanding results. Abilities that decreased enemy attacks were my go to, because I knew I was going to get hit so I thought I might as well make it hurt less. And figuring out that build myself was when I really started to mesh with Hades. At first I wasn't getting any of the mechanics, flailing around with my standard attack until I dodged. But as I progressed it only kept feeling better to me. They introduce new combat options and improve the old ones. I think the game went from decent to incredible once I got a second Cast.
Cast are such a beautiful mechanic. Somehow both great for single target damage and Area of Effect depending on what boon you choose. But no matter which you choose, it changes the flow of combat due to the fact you have to pick that shit up. Keeping your rhythm despite cast not recharging automatically is the heart of why combat feels so good to me. Calls and Specials are great, but the real heroes are Cast, Attacks, and Dashes. In my experience, that’s actually the order I prioritize these moves. Your cast always have some effect that influences how you attack so that comes first. Then you attack to take advantage of what the cast does. While attacking you are dodging to stay alive. And then the cast wears off and they are left on the ground. And now you must use your attack and dash to navigate through enemies and pick up your cast so you can start the whole thing over again. Once you get into that flow state and start incorporating specials and calls into the equation, the combat of Hades becomes something truly special.
On a gameplay level this is brilliant. And you know what? The story ain't too bad either. Most Rogue Lite stories aren't something to write home about as far as I've experienced. After all, they are kind of the junk food of video games. Short and sweet experiences that don't have time to make an interesting story. Hades is built a bit different. Every run you do progresses the story and everything you do is canon. Games have been explaining away respawning for decades now, but I think this is on a different level. Characters acknowledge the things you did in prior runs. Story lines are moved through both success and failure so there's a palpable sense of progressing delivered in multiple ways. There's dating sim elements. And every character is hot. The story of Hades doesn't just work well, it works in a uniquely video game way. The setting of Hades is roguish in both thematics and mechanics. It's all about taking failure on the chin and accepting any help you can. It drove me to play it even more than I normally would have and made each run unique. It drove me to play it even after I beat it. This game’s story doesn't conclude until you beat it 10 times and I’m not upset about it one bit. You can customized each run's difficulty in a variety of ways after you beat it to add new rewards and content.
It really is a near perfectly crafted game in its genre. The only thing it drops the ball in is music which is a bit underwhelming. Don't remember a damn thing from it. And I've heard praise for the OST too, but it appears to not be my bag. It worked for what the game was going for and it matched the environments well, but it didn't stick with me the way I'd prefer an OST to stick with me. That's really is the only issue about the game I can conjure...but if it was clearly the best one of the three, I wouldn't be writing this.
In the second corner we have Rogue Legacy 2. Rogue Legacy is the inverse of Hades. Its narrative foil in a way. They are both games about overcoming impossible odds with the help from your family and end up being equally powerful despite going separate routes with this premise. Hades is based around Nepotism. You get to know your uncles and cousins throughout the game and your bonds with them push you forward. As such Hades is a more character driven narrative due to how large and important the supporting cast is. The cast in Rogue Legacy 2 is potentially bigger, but they're mostly all the same character. The Premise of Rogue Legacy 2 is that each run follows the latest heir of a family sworn to conquer an evil castle. When you die, you play as your offspring in the next push through the castle. It's a different character technically, with a different class and unique attributes. But one thing is maintained between the end of your last journey and the beginning of your new one: Your Bank Account.
If Hades is about Nepotism, Rogue Legacy is about Inheritance. Your character is given every advantage their predecessors were given and then some, assuring the next generation grows up stronger. Rather than death being equated to a minor setback, it's given real narrative consequence in a way. Every failed run is an echo of your past self. And it's cool that their efforts aren't going to waste. You are carrying the weight of your entire bloodline on your shoulders and it makes it all the more gratifying when you get to your points of respite. It's not as interesting as the standard well written game story, but it's just as powerful as one. When I beat the game and saw 100+ ancestors given their due credit, I felt that shit.
None of this is authentic by the way. Every bit of this was executed in Rogue Legacy 1 prior. The thing is, the sequel is better than that game in every conceivable way that it overwrites its very existence. I'm not exaggerating one bit when I say that there is zero reason to play the first game anymore. I get that it would be embarrassing for a game about improving over generations to not be way better than it's predecessor, but Junior didn't have to go this hard. I'd go as far to say that the first area of Rogue Legacy 2 completely encapsulates the experience of the first game. Everything beyond that point feels fresh and new. So for the remainder of this essay, Rogue Legacy only refers to the second game. It's such a large improvement to an already good game.
Rogue Legacy works because it's unabashedly brutal. Your hit boxes are so small and the enemy hit boxes are so big. Damage values are obscene. Enemies are around every corner and are relentless. Conquering this game is supposed to be difficult so it is designed around failure. It's not fair, but doesn't pretend to be. Your goal is rarely about accomplishing shit on your own and is more about fostering a new generation. Sewing seeds for the future. This game has six areas you need to conquer before gaining access to the final boss. Areas that you can access in a non linear way. It's essentially six separate Rogue Likes glued together. After you beat one area, you can still revisit that area in future runs, only the boss is permanently dead now. Once you've built an heir capable enough, you have the freedom to make short runs where you B-line to the boss or long runs where you scrape each prior area before the showdown. The draw of Rogue Legacy lies in how unlikely it is that you beat it in under a few dozen runs, but because every single run you failed in built towards your eventual victory, it is all the more satisfying.
Rogue Legacy is a game with an insane number of mechanics. Classes, armor, seals, equipment load, bank interest, skill trees, artifacts, upgrades and the list keeps going. Rogue Legacy takes Search Action gameplay and implements systems with the breadth and complexity of a 60 hours long RPG. And it functions perfectly because this is going to be a very looooong game, so the player has time to understand how the systems interact. Unlocking a class you can vibe with and figuring out which abilities and equipment optimize well with it is one of the many joys of Rogue Legacy 2.
Classes define your initial weapons, skills, and spells and additional stats. Class skills and stats basically determine how you're going to play. Weapons are important too, but the skills and stats can't be swapped out the same way weapons and spells can. And much like any craft, they can be improved. You can level up classes by playing them and defeating enemies. This incentivizes focusing on a single class that you've grown fond of so that their base stats will improve. But the random character generation limits your choice in the matter. It forces you to choose different classes. You're always making the best with the hands you are dealt, similar actual genetics. Classes aren't the only thing randomly generated in character creation. Each heir has a genetic trait that has a benefit and drawback. You can be born as a dwarf with shorter weapon range, but makes more money per chest. You can start off with a character who falls slowly, making some sections easier and some a nightmare. Every aspect of build creation of this game has a push and pull.
The armor you buy in this game increases your defense but the set bonus combination for said armors can give you extra stat or ability modifications. Seals are exclusively ability modifications guaranteed to make the game more fun to play with reliable effects. Artifacts fulfill the same purpose a lot of the time, but they are objects you find within the castle runs themselves. Having the right class, armor set, artifacts, and seals can make for a devastating build that will get you far in your adventure. But it's never that simple. Everything in this game has a cost. Armor cost money and ore to make and their weight fills up your maximum armor equip limit. Seals cost money and blood stones and have their own equip limit as well. Artifacts cost resolve and maybe re-rolls to get the best ones, and your resolve lowers if you have too much armor. The lower your resolve gets, the lower your Hit Point Maximum gets, making the character’s stats themselves a form of currency. Nothing in this game is simply handed to you and you have to do everything yourself with the small loan of 1 million gold your dead father gave you.
These systems and how they interact push this to being a phenomenal game, but they wouldn't mean anything without fun gameplay and that is something Rogue Legacy has in spades. Movement is the best part of this game I feel. It really leaned into the Metroidvania aspect. You get powers throughout the game that make world traversal delightful, and become even more fun when you have seals to build off of. Not many games let you do a quintuple jump into a triple air dash, but Rogue Legacy is one of those games. No mechanic you are given is that complicated as they are simply extensions of what you can already do. Attack, Magic, Skill, Dash, and Jump are basically the whole of the gameplay. Just fine tuning those things makes it satisfying to master. But there is one aspect added in this sequel that felt so natural I forgot to list it.
The Spin Kick. The spin kick is essentially a Duck Tales pogo. But you don't get that much height from it. But what it loses in height, it makes up for in surface area. You can spin kick basically any thing in this game so long as long as it's physical or electrical matter. Enemies, projectiles, weird candelabras, are all spin kick approved. Think Cup Head parry, but exclusively down ward, which doesn't seem that great, but it's a platformer essentially. You are jumping a lot. It's really not that different from attacks coming from the side when you are in mid air so much of the time any way. This platformer parry is utilized throughout the whole game to making interesting level obstacles and boss patterns. It is the unsung hero of this game and 3 playthroughs later, I'm still finding joy in executing it.
It's very hard for things in Rogue Legacy to overstay their welcome. Even the procedural level design remains fresh. Lots of variety in the rooms. It's not only a series of corridors where you have to kill enemies in a generated mini level. Some rooms are puzzles. Some are platforming challenges. Some are gauntlets and mini bosses. Some are purely story related. Also the 6 level motifs are distinct both visually and how they are designed. Level 2 almost entirely horizontal while the last area feels like a true dungeon crawler due to how dark and dangerous it is. I wasn't kidding before. Rogue Legacy 2 is 6 Rogue Legacy sequels stuffed into 1 game. And the post game adds another layer to that variety. One of the best parts about a long dev cycle is that entire trends go by in the middle of it. And because of that the creators can be given new ideas. Rogue Legacy blatantly takes the same post game ideas displayed in Dark Souls and Hades and injects it into itself. Rogue Legacy waited until the last moment to turn in its homework and then unabashedly copied off its classmates for an easy A. And god bless it for doing so. With the scaling and customizable difficulty, expansion of rewards and enemies, and completely unique bonus challenges, I'm gonna be playing this one for a long time.
So clearly I enjoy these two games a lot. But what about Dead Cells? What does it bring to the table? What can it do to stand up to these titans. Well. Honestly not much. If Hades is Angel Eyes, and Rogue Legacy is Blondie, then Dead Cells is Tuco stuck in the stand off with an unloaded gun.
Dead Cells is a good game. It looks better than Rogue Legacy. I might enjoy the gameplay more than Hades. But that's where the advantages end. And I'll be honest I haven't spent enough time with this game to truly have scholars opinion on it, thus I can’t write paragraph about its design. But that's kind of the problem. I beat this game in 4 runs. I'm no god at gaming. I'm slightly above average on a good day. The fact that I stumbled upon the ending of this game so early is disappointing. Rogue Legacy, I died a hundred deaths before reaching credits. Hades took me around 14 to beat the first time. Dead Cells gave it away and it was so deflating. I didn't work towards anything. I just sort of won. I never even died to a single boss. Once I upgraded how many estus I could hold, the only thing that mattered was the pick ups I got during the run. I'm sure if I go back there is way more to the game, but after seeing the credits I kind lost all motivation to play it. It's not fair to the game that I did that, but that's how I feel and I got other things to do with my time. It’s too bad I had the idea of comparing these three games before playing all of them.
So it all comes down to Rogue Legacy 2 and Hades. Hades has untouchable presentation and succeeds in everything it attempts with grace in a way that Rogue Legacy 2 doesn't. I can't really break down why, there's an air about it that makes it feel more thought out and seamless. But...I value what Rogue Legacy 2 is more as a game and more over, as a Rogue Like. Sure I like 2D games more than isometric games, but even beyond that, Rogue Legacy has a layer of exploration that pushes it over for me. I find it far more replayable. Hades likely has more condensed quality, but the quantity of Rogue Legacy makes up for it, and quantity is a bit more important for the genre honestly. The depth in content for Hades lies more in the story after you've beaten it, while Rogue Legacy is more in the gameplay. There are more things to do and experience, so it has more value to me. It was likely obvious what my preference was due to how I wrote more about it and made that spot on Dollars Trilogy Reference, but I couldn't really hide it. It's just that damn good.
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teecupangel · 1 year
I'm new to Unity but I'm having a hard time earning those sync points. Every time I do co-op missions I get my ass kicked.
Hello, nonny!
I hope you’re enjoying AC Unity :)
Just in case anyone is wondering: it is possible to finish the main story of AC Unity without those sync points.
And it is possible to bulk up Arno enough to take down any enemies too in open combat but I’m stealth-focused so these tips would be for a stealthier approach.
(This is easiest if you do this after finishing the main game tbh but I suppose it’s possible to do it earlier, just… gonna be hard)
So, first of all, focus on getting these skills:
Disguise ← this is the best skill for a stealth-heavy Arno
Master Locksmith (Master needs you to clear Sequence 9 though and, yeah, the earlier Locksmith skills would work too, some sync points are easier to access via unlocking locked doors)
Optional (if you have points left): the tools and upgrades in the ranged skill tree would give you more option
Second thing:
Here’s an IGN article with maps to where those Sync Points are for the Coop missions that have them.
General Tips while looking for sync points:
You still keep the sync points even if you have to restart the coop mission because you failed an objective so what you can do is get the sync points first before actually doing the objectives.
Disguises are the best way to walk around restricted areas without getting aggro’ed. As long as you have an NPC that is allowed to be there in your sight, you can use them as your disguise. NOTE: Disguise disappears if you jump or climb (and I think run? Don’t remember about the last one) and it has a time limit. Before time is up, go to a safe room or hide, wait for it to charge back up then pick your next disguise.
Phantom shots will be seen even if you are hiding in a crowd (especially if you aim first) but berserk shots are the best way to cause a distraction while thinning the enemy numbers.
Low profile assassinations end faster than high profile assassinations.
Once the sync point appears on your minimap, it will appear on the map menu and you can mark it if you’re having problems finding it.
Get the best equipment and weapons as soon as possible. Either wait to get paid like a capitalist trust fund baby OR do the “It Belongs In A Museum” trick XD
If you want to fuck everyone up but don’t want to finish the story and don’t mind getting spoiled (well, if you know how Élise ends up, that’s… the main spoiler XD), you can access the Dead King DLC without finishing the main game and travel to it using the carriage near the cafe. From there, just finish the prologue until you have access to the entire DLC area and finish Suger's Legacy sidequest to get the best weapon in the game, a one-handed sword that freaking blinds your enemies at random. XD (as far as I know, Dead King DLC is free as an “I’m sorry for the horrific glitches Unity had at launch” gift from Ubisoft) You can return to the main game by using the carriage.
Other than that…
Here’s my equipment to give you an idea of a stealth-focused Arno:
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Haha, I’m kidding. I just use the Altaïr outfit because his real outfit is… BEHOLD!
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This man should not be able to hide in a crowd XD
I mostly min-max’ed him to be pure stealth BUT the Suger Sword saves me whenever I screw up XD
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I focus on lengthening the duration and range of Eagle Vision as someone thought it would be a good idea to give it a cool down (ʘдʘ╬). Eagle Vision would let you keep track of the possible enemies you can use as Disguise and generally just let you plan ahead.
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Mostly for the Disguise radius and duration but the detection rate is also a plus if the Disguise is at cooldown.
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I just went with what would give Arno more stealth XD
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This gives additional berserk blades which is nice.
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The most important one is the lockpicks because I suck at timing in the lockpicking minigame. More tools (especially smoke bombs and medicines) are always nice.
I hope this helps and, I guess, my final suggestion would be… I think some people are still playing AC Unity so you can probably find a coop player if you’re really having problems with it and don't mind playing online. I know I managed to get, like, one or two strangers in coop 2 years ago XD
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systemrestart · 9 months
Remi's 2023 favorites!!
I used to do this on twitter but given what's happened to that site, I'm doing it over here this year! This was a brutal year for me MH wise, but at least I was introduced to some good stuff.
List under the cut
Starting off strong with my favorite thing of the whole year......
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Heaven Will Be Mine
Worst Girl Games has done it again. I am so glad I finally read this. Very few pieces of media have ever so perfectly captured what it means to feel 'inhuman', but still trapped by Earth's, humanity's, "gravity". The relationships between the 3 girls, and the circumstances that shaped them, put beautifully to the page feelings I know many other queer people share. There is nothing else like this out there.
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Mystia's Izakaya
Mystia's Izakaya is truly THE Touhou fangame to play. So many fun characters to get to know and serve food to, really great restaurant simulator with minor rhythm game elements, gorgeous pixel art in both character portraits and environment, so many challenges to try and outfits/music/items to unlock......!! And there's still more DLC coming out.
The love and effort put into this game is astonishing, and I am so glad I gave it a shot despite being nervous about restaurant sims. Highly recommend, even to non-Touhou fans!!!!
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The lyrics seem to be a criticism of the extreme pace of 'content consumption' online nowadays, which I have mixed feelings on, but regardless, the song itself is absolutely killer. Particularly the verses. The effects with the TVs during the second verse are also great, capture the chaotic and mildly ominous energy of the song extremely well. This is definitely the song I listened to the most this year
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Glass Onion
Watched this at the very beginning of the year. One of the best live-action movies I've seen in a long time, genuinely brilliant. Really hoping for more Knives Out films, they've knocked it out of the park so far. I also think this one and the first Knives Out will be very rewarding to revisit
I didn't watch anything this year. whoops
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Until I Love Myself
Most of the books and manga I read this year were autobiographical/semi-autobiographical, and this was one of my favorites. This is about a nonbinary mangaka dealing with sexual harassment as a editing job, and the subsequent struggles they have with PTSD, navigating life in the wake of the #MeToo Movement, and their difficult feelings on their gender and body, and how those things affect how others treat/see them. Reflected a lot of my own feelings and thoughts on these things, and very insightful. Can be a rough read at time, but I highly, highly recommend it.
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Stone Butch Blues
Absolutely life-changing read. It is extreme heavy, deals in police violence (including sexual violence inflicted upon LGBT people), labour rights and protests, severe discrimination based on gender and presentation, extreme poverty in part due to said discrimination, difficult and multifaceted relationships between queer women and lesbians......... there is a lot here. It is raw, and real, and while there is agonizing hardship here, there is also incredible, deep love, for the community that keeps up afloat, keeps us going. Please, if you can stomach the content, I beg of you all to read Stone Butch Blues if you haven't.
..... aaaand that's it I think!! Happy new year y'all!
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kidmachinate · 5 months
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They say the good things in life are worth waiting for. When it feels like you're waiting for some things for what feels like an eternity however, you tend to wonder if the juice is worth the squeeze, as they say. Unless it is investing early and your money is compounding, the wait can get annoying. It can with investing also but at least you know that will get somewhere in the long run, if history is any indication of things.
I'm perfectly willing to play the long game on many things if I think the result is worth it. As I inch towards my 40s I'm less excited by this concept. I also got told in a casual lunch setting that I'm at an age where I know what I want. My age of course wasn't known, but as I was asked a bunch of casual questions, I had a pretty good idea of where I'd like things to be over the next few years. I suppose it takes going through lots of trying times to eventually come around at some point in your life and realize you know what? This is the way forward. Either that or you buy a bunch of stuff because you're going through a midlife crisis. Sometimes I wonder if that's what I'm doing. I've gotten more generous with money and yet, I wasn't in the best position to be doing this stuff. I was confident it would turn around and I'm sticking to it. I can firmly say it is possible. I know what I have to likely go through to achieve what I'd like but it is possible.
To escape my uncertain path forward, I've indulged in a new Elden Ring run and enjoyed two classics in anime, as least so I've heard anyway. Akira and Berserk (1997); both influential in their own right. The latter led to a Guts Greatsword build in Elden Ring. That and I needed a new character set for the new DLC dropping anyway. I've managed to still help/support others and a select few have even done so for me as well. It's been a dark/complacent time but I'm still here. Still standing. Still willing to take the hits. Still willing to do what it takes to keep the family happy. Still every now and then getting the incentive to actually play games instead of just thinking about it. Trying to get into a book habit I had started earlier in the year. Picking oneself back up.
Feeling like an outsider in your own life is a scary thing. It's like you never feel in control. Not because you want to control people and everything around you but control in your own life. A life in which you don't have to worry about what dollar goes where and why. Many of our lives are tied directly to that next paycheck, as many of us also watch day after day, as others get way more money to basically be a the equivalent to a grade school hall monitor. It's disgusting…because that doesn't take skill. Right place, right time? Sign me up! Not in the cards I suppose…but I'm far from the only one. I digress.
I have things to be thankful for but it's like it takes much more income to be happy. Happiness shouldn't be tied to wealth but it sure as hell offers a certain level of freedom. The badge of honor of having one's shit together is really just adulting 101. It's not a special trait…but one that should be more common. We all have to prosper.
Smiles on faces keep me going. I truly think that is so valuable that it is enough to keep me going. I like being able to inspire someone or turn a frown upside down. Being that light at the end of the tunnel…because I struggle with it so much and don't want anyone else to go through it. I have thorns at times, because like many, I've been burned and/or have trust issues. However, I never lose faith that your basic human being deserves a fair shot at life. However I can help make that happen, I like to offer where I can. Maybe I'll get a family picture in the near future. Maybe that's the next step as I patch my current life back together and try to escalate the process of recovering seven years worth of planning…this way when life smacks me around again, I'm ready for it. But I want to live too…people deserve to have fun from time to time…reliably.
The next blow is gonna kill me…so things need to work. Here's hoping…and that brings us back to the title, doesn't it? In love once again with potential. Here's to trying to make potential a reality. Just another rough patch. I'll push through because I have to, but there's more at stake. Direct family and the small impact for smiles on faces or safe spaces, that's my fuel. Without that, it would all be pointless and even that is hard to convince myself of as of late.
Tell someone you love them tonight. Chances are, they need to hear it.
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ishpiner · 2 years
Hunt showdown 1.5.2
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#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 update
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 Patch
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 full
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 registration
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 Pc
You can also find more cool and helpful Hunt Showdown articles above.
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 registration
Still, the changes made are important, and we have long expected some.īut what do you think of the update? Let us know in a comment below the article, no registration is required. We can safely say that this is one of the smallest patches the survival shooter has ever received.
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 update
That was all: This is actually all the content of the current Hunt Showdown Update 1.5.2. The 14 Best Tips For Beginners & Advanced Players of Hunt Showdown.Asylum Breakout in Hunt Showdown: New DLC Releasing Soon.Hunt Showdown Trailer Shows New Map & In-Game Event.What Hunt Showdown Needs to be perfect: Why we Need Verticality.That was a bug and it has now been fixed. So far, players have not been able to destroy concertinas with a shovel.Fixed a bug where the mouse pointer would always get stuck in the middle of the screen.
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 full
There was a bug that prevented players from seeing their full ammo meter.
Bug prevented Springfield explosive ammunition from calculating the correct distance.
A crash caused by AI pathfinding has been removed.
There are no more rounds in which more players than actually possible participate.
The “Sell All” button should now work again.
Further changes & bug fixes in the Hunt Update 1.5.3 This skill reduces the damage taken from explosions and bomb lances. More News and Guides about Hunt Showdown: New Map from Hunt Showdown: Another Location Presented Hunt Showdown Update 1.5. New meta: The Bulwark Trait is now available at rank 18 instead of 89. Players should therefore expect delays in the search for players. The developers announced this in the original blog post. The Quickplay game mode, which is recommended for training purposes, suffers from problems. On the other hand, there should be more sunshine and that at dusk. In Bounty Hunt, you will encounter the weather conditions fog, and the time of day “night” less often, from now on.
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 Patch
This is in the Hunt Showdown Update 1.5.3 – Patch NotesĬhanges to the game modes: The update focuses on minor adjustments and changes to the bounty hunt and some items and traits. We are investigating this and hope to resolve it as quickly as possible. Please note, when queuing for Quickplay you may encounter a message "Failure detected".
#Hunt showdown 1.5.2 Pc
The PC servers are now back online with Update 1.5.3.🔥 This is mainly due to the changed weather conditions and some other adjustments. Unfortunately, it doesn’t bring any new content, but it will certainly make some players happy. The update at a glance: Hunt Showdown receives the new update 1.5.3 and we will provide you with the patch notes. We have summarized all the patch notes for you. In some places it is noticeable that it cannot possibly be locations from the two well-known maps.Today the Hunt Showdown Update 1.5.3 was released on the live servers and changes the bounty hunt mode, some item statistics and much more were made. The HuntShowdownLoadoutRandomizer now adds this feature to the loadout generator. There are different types for each weapon. Weapons with a magazine can only use one type. Single shot weapons and crossbows can use 2 ammo types at once. Apart from the thumbnail, which was apparently shot in front of the recently introduced location “Pearl Plantation”, there is more to discover. With Hunt: Showdown Patch 1.5 Custom Ammunition was introduced to the game. New map in the trailer: As already mentioned, there is also new footage for the upcoming Hunt map in the trailer. Future updates will come with improvements and enhancements to performance and stability, the new map and much more.” “This event will be part of a series of updates that are aimed at quality of live improvements. In a section of the related blog post, they write: All we know is that the event should start in a few weeks. However, the team behind Hunt Showdown has not yet given any precise details about the event or the release of the new map. That could be introduced along with the new map, similar to what they did with Boss Scrapbeak a few months ago. With it, the developers also tell us that there will be a new in-game event soon. The trailer shows that: The latest teaser trailer for Hunt Showdown doesn’t just contain beautiful music again. As with Scrapbeak? New Hunt card & event at a glance There will also be a new event in Hunt Showdown coming soon. It still has no official name, but Leaks continue to refer to it as “Creek”. What’s new? Developer Crytek shared a trailer on Twitter that presented the new map, among other things. That changed yesterday evening when a new trailer presented not only the map, but a new event. Crytek keeps creating posts about the new third map of Hunt Showdown, but they don’t reveal that much.
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annakie · 4 years
Mass Effect Trailer Thoughts
*EDIT* -- there are now TWO UPDATES to this post with additional screenshots, thoughts and theories, please check that one out! :) 
I wrote an unhinged disorganized post before... now I’ll attempt breaking things down in a much more logical way. :D
1) It’s basically confirmed that this is both the Milky Way and Andromeda in the same shot.
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2) The audio is some actual and I think some fictional mix of communications -- 
“We know now that in the early years of the 20th century, this world was being watched” is from War of the Worlds
“Eagle Houston, you are go for landing, over” is from the moon landing.
“Arcturus Station, uknown vessel approaching, we need first contact protocols” would probably be new dialog from the First Contact War.
“Humanity now stands as partners in the galaxy” is likely new dialog from after the end of the FC war when humanity was accepted as a Citadel species.
“Ark Six is away, godspeed” is new dialog, likely a reference to the Andromeda Initiative.  There were six arks in the initiative.
3) This system isn’t in any of the first three games as far as I can tell -- and I logged into ME3 with the EGM mod wherein literally every system in all three games is used as extra content and looked at them all.  Anyone recognize it?
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4) This is anyone’s guess but... possibly... what’s through the Omega relay?  the rings seem... very densely packed.
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5)Two moons and a gas giant looking planet.  I don’t even want to hazard a guess.  The planet itself could look like Jupiter, but Jupiter has a lot more moons.
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6) Then of course, we have the destroyed mass relay.
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This comes with the dialog about taking down a dreadnaught, and (sensors?) are going crazy, and abandoning the ship, and then the REAPER SOUND.
Then “Is anyone receiving this?  We’ve lost contact.”
So all of this felt like traveling through time, and here we finish Mass Effect 3.
7) Then comes this image... which again, does not really look like any system recognizable in any of the games.
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An indistinguishable female voice says something about Humanity (something like “Humanity is all the problems its faced”?  Maybe?) and a male voice... which sounds a little like Clancy Brown (Alec Ryder) to me, but... maybe I need to play through the Andromeda prologue again. 
The slight break in the action there may be accounting for the 600 years passing before Andromeda.
The break in the action could also mean it’s something in the future of what we’ve seen, something new.
8) Now, we come to this planet.
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There are THREE MOONS...  and Alchera has three moons.  Maybe this is a coincidence.  Or maybe this is Alchera.  It seems oddly specific for them to show the three moons in sequence if there wasn’t a reason for it.
9) It’s confirmed that Liara is walking up a reaper here.  There ALSO appears to be a SECOND reaper in the background (look just above the sun, you can see reaper-like wires and follow that outline to see the other reaper’s legs.)
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10) There appears to be more stuff, maybe N7 striped stuff, than just the fragment Liara picks up buried in the snow here.
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11) This may be a part of an N7 helmet, but it can’t be Shepard’s N7 helmet.
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You get the helmet as a reward for finishing the Alchera DLC in ME2 (so basically, Shepard brings it along after planting the monument), and although the part is similar on the side here, it’s definitely not the same.  This is Shepard’s helmet on the SR-2 in ME2, loaded it up and took the pics with flycam just to confirm.
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14) That’s definitely a Salarian on the left and probably a Krogan on the right. Guesses for the center person... Human?  Turian?  Angaran? (Comedy answer: Javik?  Though we don’t know how long Protheans lifespans are so... hey!  Anything’s possible!)
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13) Liara has crow’s feet and laugh lines -- she’s most likely much older in this trailer than we saw her last in ME3.  Perhaps... 600 - 700 years older?  Grunt would likely be the only other ME/2/3 companion still alive. (Wrex was alive to fight in the end of the Krogan Rebellion in 700 CE, if this is post-Andromeda that would place him at over 2000 years old, I don’t think Krogan lifespans are that long.  Drack is considered an old man at 1400.  But it could be possible.)
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So my best theory right now aligns with what I’ve seen other people guess -- this game will take place sometime after Andromeda and serve to bridge the two galaxies, but how that happens and why Liara is retrieving a piece of broken N7 armor is anyone’s guess.  I have a few wildly unhinged theories myself. :D
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A/n: I fucking love Jin, this is adorable, and he would do this. I honestly think that Jin would be an amazing husband.Also this is taking place after the game. I’ve also kept certain characters alive { aka Taka cause I love that boy }
A.n 2: I also low key want to write a fic where Jin teaches his child on how to play the flute. {since in the DLC he talks how his mother used to teach him }...so let me know if anyone wants that.
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You were amazed by how skilled Jin was at things, while you could handle yourself with a blade pretty well but not as well as he could and you certainly could not handle a bow like Jin did. The arrow was lucky to even leave the string. Wrinkling your nose you knelt down to pick up your husbands half bow, his long boy was far to elegant and you’d rather not be the one to snap the string.
It wouldn’t to get some practice in, you wanted to surprise the man. Help him around your small homestead. Biting your lip you nervously looked around then slipped out of the house. Your fingers clumsily gripping the string as you tried to figure out how to place the arrow.Managing your best you took a breath in only to jump when you felt a hand on your back.
“Your placement is all wrong.”
Startled you released the string causing the arrow to shot up in the air only to plummet to the ground feet away from you.
Turning your body you narrowed your eyes to spot your husband, the man had a small smile on his lips. “At least that arrow went somewhere.”
Letting out a scoff you turned away walking off towards the arrow. “I was trying to surprise me....I did not think how hard...this would be.”
“I find it rather adorable.” Grabbing your hand he brought you close to your chest placing a small kiss to your head. “But you do not have to do this Y/n.”
“My husband is the Ghost, I should be helping him.”
Chuckling he then turned you around so you were facing the target on the tree. “If you want to learn then I will teach you.”
“Do you know how wonderful you are.”
“I don’t but it is a nice thing to hear you say it.”
Taking a breath in you felt Jin place his hands on your hips, moving them into the correct position.  “How are Taka and the others.”
“They are well, his wife is expecting.”
Grinning it was hard not to have a smile on your face on you heard that, Taka had become a good friend and to hear that he was going to be a father only made knowing what happened to him better. “So cute, he’s going to be a wonderful father.”
“Should I be jealous?”
Glancing over your shoulders you let out a laugh shaking your head, a small smile on your lips. “Oh Jin my heart is only for you.” Teasing him, you watched as Jin tipped his head down to give you a kiss.
“I know...now..where was I.” Giving your hips a small squeeze he rested his head on your shoulder for a moment. “Ah! I remember...you body position.” Fixing your body he then rose the bow, placing his hands over yours. “Now relax.” he whispered.
Listing to his instructions, Jin guided you through the process as he placed the arrow on the string. “Now pull back and do not grip the arrow, pull back the string using your back muscles, not your arm. Make sure the index finger of the pulling hand is under your chin, that the string touches your nose and lips.”
Watching you concentrate, Jin felt another smile form on his lips. “You are doing wonderful love...now make sure your dominate eye aligns with the arrow and the target....now release.”
Releasing the string out let out the breath you were holding in, you were amazed how the arrow hit the target. While it may not have hit the center you were still proud of what you did. Beaming you quickly turned your body to face the man. Wrapping your arms around his neck you then pulled him in for a deep kiss. Letting your fingers run through his hair you felt Jin smile against your lips as he lifted you up from the ground. Breaking the kiss you looked down at Jin still smiling.
“You defeated Kotal Kahn and saved your people....my husband is a wonderful man.”
“But not as wonderful as his wife.” 
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