#best cat water fountain
brehaaorgana · 9 months
People joke about ADHD all the time, even swear up and down they totally think they also have it, but then if you ask for an accommodation, to please please please provide things in fucking writing, EXACTLY what they want and need, you will even work it out WITH them, like they promised they would do — repeatedly over and over, and then you don't get it people really will fucking be like:
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I am using the incorrect bathroom (TM) to place my shelving and store my things. Homegirl literally removed various sundries and toiletries from a CLOSED CABINET and SHELF because she's interested in boundaries and accountability for my mess.
I said months ago I wanted to improve things for her comfort level and needed a written list of what precisely that fucking looked like in order to achieve it and not miss anything she deemed important. I explained how ADHD works, why I needed a written reference. Why I had to have it laid out, and if something needed changing we needed to write it all out. I would've made the list myself, but they said they would make it for the whole house to hold up their end of things. And, thinking this was a very reasonable adult solution to keeping the house in good shape, I said okay, come up with the list of expectations and what is needed and that way we can update how we handle chores. Awesome. I will do that to uphold my end.
No list ever gets made or drafted or anything despite my bringing it up, knowing we need to do it, but I DO get berated for failing to meet expectations and boundaries that were never fucking provided or delivered and include "don't store toiletries in this particular bathroom because I don't like it."
I can't believe I am a goddamn adult who gets treated like an idiot child for expecting adult communication instead of snide ass passive aggressive bullshit and basic respect for my things.
Because when I fucking get home, my shelving has been removed and a cabinet emptied of my things and placed in the "correct" bathroom.
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Oh shit she solved it, this doesn't look cluttered at all!
What a vast improvement to storing things in appropriate storage!
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shinhatisgirlfriend · 8 months
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I'm not an artist, but I saw one of those ~I also can't draw, just do it!~ posts on my dash this morning, so I thought I'd give a shot at drawing the bestest girl, Barriss 💖
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meowmoedotcom · 1 month
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Is My Cat😺Drinking Enough Water💦#catshorts #catvideos #catlovers #cutekitty #petcare #homerunpet
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Chocolate Princess ♡
Willy Wonka x reader
Pt 2
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Part One
Description - Y/n Ficklegruber can't help but become enamoured with the spectacularly peculiar man stood in the middle of the galleria.
Word count - 1.3k
Warnings - fluff, fluff and more fluff ♡
a/n - little NYE present for you all!
At exactly 9:51, I excitedly leapt out of my bed already dressed and ready to go. It was a crisp night so I elected for one of my thicker dresses which reached my knees, wooly tights, my coat and matching small cape. Both fur lined with pom poms ending the ties of the cape. All of it a familiar shade of green, a shade which lined nearly every inch of my wardrobe. It seemed even the choosing of my fashions were up to my fathers input.
I crept out of my room and down the stairs, only feeling safe once my gloved hands had managed to lock the mansion’s ornate door.
I skipped through town, skidding to a stop at the fountain as the large clock struck the hour of 10. I peered all around, my smile beginning to droop at the emptiness all around. However, a crunching of ice beneath boots pricked up my ears. So I began to walk the circumference of the fountain. Unbeknownst to me, another on the opposing side of the water feature had begun to do the same. My pace picked up as it seemed the footsteps would retreat at the same speed I would follow. Until finally I managed a jog and practically lunged at the burgundy coat and took it in my grasp. Willy jumped around. But when our eyes met, everything became still once again.
We spoke together in whispered breaths.
“Are you ready to begin?” I went to sit down on the fountains edge but was stopped by Willy. Who proceeded to produce a blanket from his briefcase which he then layed down upon the icy stone. He took my hand in his and allowed me to sit once again.
“You are a true gentleman.” I teased in my poshest voice.
“Nothing but the best for the finest lady in all the land.” He jumped up onto the fountain and announced to the unknowing night air.
“Sh.” I reprimanded through my own giggles as I tugged him back down, my smile betraying any semblance of sterness.
“You don’t want anyone to know you’re out here?” His eyes drooped as his smile faltered. “You don’t want to be seen with me.” I tightly clasped both his hands in mine so he would be forced to look at me.
“Even if the whole world was watching us right now, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Okay?” He softly nodded.
“Now lets begin.” I produced a piece of paper from my pocket. “I thought we should start with the alphabet.”
I handed it to him and would direct his finger to the letter in question each time I taught him a new one.
It took a long time for Willy to even get the grasp of the alphabet and when the clock struck midnight, I wasn’t even sure he was there.
“How about we just try it out.” I turned the paper over and wrote down the word ‘CAT’. “Can you tell me how this word sounds?”
He took the paper and began to turn it upside down as if trying to determine in which way he could make it work. “Not a bit of it.”
I giggled but stopped when his face showed he thought I was laughing at him. I took the paper from him and used my pen to circle the A. “You see this one is a vowel.” And then I circled the C and the T. “And these are consonants.”
“All I’m hearing is owls and nonsenants.” I chuckled sweetly at his ability to turn anything round and make it sweeter for the world to swallow. Seeing his tired face I decided to set my teaching supplies down. I stroked my hand over his weathered skin feeling the weight of the days struggles plastered over his face. Although this was fun and exciting for me, the poor boy had been through enough and he didnt need some girl trying to live her fruitless dreams of adventure through him.
There was a silence between us until he broke it. “I’m never going to get it?”
“Don’t say that! Reading takes time, it isn’t something you learn overnight.”
“You mean, you were going to give me more lessons?” He looked at me in awe that oozed naivety. I couldn’t help how I continued to stroke his face.
“Of course.” I suddenly became aware of my hands and their minds of their own. I righted myself back to propriety. “Anyways, reading is more about exposure. The more you read the better you become. And the better you become, the more you can read. It’s quite beautiful really.”
He gently tapped the side of my head. “With the amount of smarts you’ve got crammed up in this little head, well I wouldn’t be surprised if you were able to read every book in the world!”
I giggled embarrassed. “I wouldn’t know.”
“What do you mean you wouldn’t know?”
“Father stopped my studies when I was only 18. And he won’t allow me to go further. He won’t even allow me to spend my days at the library. I’m forced to be in his chocolate shop every hour of every day.”
He thought to himself. “Doesn’t sound so bad–” I shot him a quick glare. “-If you’re me! But that’s because making chocolate is my dream.”
“All I ever dream about now is being able to go off and learn. I want to read every book ever written, see every study ever done. Cram my mind full till it hurts with every single thing in the world there is to know.” I had risen excitedly and began to flap my hands about animatedly. I realised how much I had let myself express and became embarrassed under invisible eyes.
Yet the pair transfixed on my figure, held nothing but love.
“I guess it’s quite a silly dream to have.”
He rose and joined me, attaching our hands once more.
“All great ideas started with a dream, that’s what mama used to say.”
“What a beautiful thought. She must be a spectacular woman.”
“She was.” My lips parted to offer something more to the moment we were having but I was rudely interrupted by the ominous stroke of one.
“I’m sorry, I must go. Daddy sleepwalks when he eats too much chocolate and I must be there to help him out.” I hurriedly collected my things and returned to where Willy stood, still locked in our previous stance. Looking up once more into his eyes, I decided my fate and pulled him into a soul crushing kiss that had the touch of a butterfly. We parted only slightly, each wanting to return.
“I’m sorry I truly must leave.”
“Wait.” He stopped my retreating form. “Please accept this.” He returned to his suitcase and began to rummage.
“Willy, don’t be ridiculous do not pay me!”
“I wouldn’t thank you with something as common as money. No, I must show my gratitude with the only thing I own with any worth. My recipes. Open.” He gestured to my mouth and I willingly obliged. He placed a dainty rose shaped chocolate onto my awaiting tongue and I eagerly consumed it.
“They just get better each time.” I spoke, rather unladylike, through a mouthful of melting chocolate. I gave him a final kiss on his cheek and began to lightly skip back home.
A quiet melody joined my journey home.
For a moment, life has never tasted so sweet. For a moment, I’m enriched with possibility. He is exciting and new, But be careful and think it all through.
Home is where you’re secure, It’s safe and you’re pure. But how long can you ignore it. That your heart is melting like chocolate.
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yukioos · 1 month
angel reader — the introduction (0.5k)
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༊*·˚ angel reader whose heart is too big for her body, loving almost everyone she meets despite their imperfections. she feels emotions on such a deeper level than how others feel, causing her to be an empathetic person.
༊*·˚ angel reader who gives people advice and love but can’t seem to take her own. she focuses on others problems instead of her own, putting others before herself.
༊*·˚ angel reader who is all-knowing and wise, an open history book for people to come to when they have a question. she always has her nose in a book, whether it’s romance or historical.
༊*·˚ angel reader who is favored by everyone at xavier’s school for her kind nature. the children come to her when they need comfort and love.
༊*·˚ angel reader who reads stories to the children late at night when they can’t sleep. sometimes they fall asleep in her arms, her soft wings protectively draped over their bodies.
༊*·˚ angel reader who is a sweetheart and does almost everything asked of her, too shy to refuse. sometimes her day is filled with chores and activities, seemingly not tired at the end of the day.
༊*·˚ angel reader who gets checked up on by ororo, logan, the children, and others in the middle of walking to different places. sometimes, they’ll walk alongside her as she walks to different classes and floors with her hands full. when she and logan cross paths, he carries everything in her arms to take the weight off of her hands.
༊*·˚ angel reader who wears white dresses, always lined with pretty lace. when it’s cold, she wears a white fur coat gifted by one of her best friends, logan. she never misses the glances and smirks he sends her way when she wears the coat.
༊*·˚ angel reader who loves nature and taking walks in the middle of the night. she’ll occasionally be approached by deer, cats, and other animals who walk alongside her for miles.
༊*·˚ angel reader who has a regenerative healing factor, and can heal others. she tries to fight others only for self-defense or to protect the people around her.
༊*·˚ angel reader who gets nervous holding a knife for purposes other than cooking. she hates nothing more than hurting others and even feels guilty when sparring against her teammates. though, she enjoys teaching the students how to protect themselves and others.
༊*·˚ angel reader who gives the best hugs, wrapping her arms gently yet tightly around a torso. her wings wrap around herself and the receiver of the hug, initiating a sense of comfort and warmth in the both of them.
༊*·˚ angel reader who uses her wings as an umbrella, shielding the students or teachers from the rain. although her wings get wet and cold, she cares more about the others being warm than herself staying warm.
༊*·˚ angel reader who doesn’t need to sleep and prefers to spend her nights sitting in the garden, reading a book as she hears the water trickling down the large fountain. sometimes logan drives outside on scott’s motorcycle but pauses to ask if she wants to go on a ride with him.
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ismellbitches · 20 days
Albatrio headcanons because I say so (all canon btw trust me I’m grizzlyplays)
- she braids hair when she’s nervous. Especially in the Black Sea, Gillion and Chip have been walking around with little braids in their hair and Jay has an intricately braided bun with feathers, beads and wire intertwined with her hair.
- she loves baked goods. Every island they visit a small, wrapped box of regional pastries will show up in the kitchen. Her favourite has been a warm, iced cinnamon log from Joaldo.
- She reads the newspaper.
- She speaks primordial with a similar accent to Caspian. Since the water genasi are so nomadic, it would make sense for her to have teachers breeze through on short contracts to support their tribes, so she picked it up from her various teachers.
- she had a flower garden with Ayva before she passed. The garden became Jays passion project, a way to cope with the loss of her sister. She converted it into a memorial, with a small fountain and a bed of forget-me-nots. While Jay has been out at sea, May has been using some Druidic magic to keep the garden alive.
- she used to have cat named “Sugar”. It turned out to be a Quasit belonging to the local warlock.
- Jay collects sea glass
- she has aphantasia.
- he has frequent nightmares about his crew and co-captains dying. It is not uncommon to hear quiet footsteps around the Albatross in the wee hours of the morning, as he checks the breath of each member of his crew.
- He doesnt remember his parents. But he has given them names, in his head, just in case they didn’t give him up. He’s told Reuben about that. He called it dumb. Chip never told anyone else.
- he has a stash of non-perishables in the floorboards of the captains quarters. Just in case.
- sorry these are all so sad but hhhhh he has body dysmorphia. He’s never felt “good-looking” and no one’s ever really told him, so he has a lot of anxiety about his appearance and uses the bandana constantly. This was made worse with his undeath.
- May cooked Chip a steak when they were at her tavern c.a ep 98, to help him and Jay decompress after the stress of Gillion’s near-death. It’s the best meal he’s ever eaten.
- He loves crabs. They remind him of when Arlin used to take him crab-spotting in the southern sea beaches. When they got back to Canella, Chip took Ollie too.
- Reuben used to teach him sea shanties he’d heard in and around the taverns by the port on Skullslice. He remembers all of them.
- there were a good 3 years from when chip was 9-11 where he wasn’t hugged once.
- he’s really good at darts.
- Chip has cried in front of four people in his entire life: Arlin, Reuben, Jay and Gillion. He has only ever really lost it to Reuben though. It was on his 14th birthday when he momentarily forgot what Arlin looked like.
- he has a lip ring. That’s it.
- Gillion would love Spider-Man.
- he really enjoys spicy, fermented, and salty foods. They remind him of home.
- Gillion didn’t talk for 3 days after shattering his Callnch.
- the elders wanted him to learn more languages, but it was a struggle for him to pick up common, so they abandoned the idea. Gillion still tries to learn celestial though, managing some very broken phrases from Chip.
- He loves pillows, but they can’t really be a thing in the undersea, so hes been working with Jay on making a waterproof pillow for him and pretzel.
- His coral gives him headaches.
- He suffers from asthma and joint pain due to the change in his environment
- Gillion had a small collection of mini stone leviathans he had been carving his entire life. He was almost done with Pelegus before he was exiled
- he has a love of history. It was his favourite subject growing up.
- He had so many imaginary friends.
- he and Edyn made up a secret language to communicate to each other without the elders knowing. He remembers every word.
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
can i request relationship hcs with the avisos boys? i really liked the ones u did for the hades demons even though i dont like any of them that much after chapter 5 lmao 😭
Do I see our favourite family? 👀 Here we go! The scenario will be similar, but we will change the topic a bit. Hades had a ball, and here let's welcome a new fluffy member of the family.
This turned out to be longer than I planned, I hope you don't mind. I just love these guys too much-
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Bael circled his own Bermuda Triangle - kitchen, office, bedroom. You knew his daily schedule perfectly, you knew when he woke up, when he fell asleep at his desk, and when to get out of his way so as not to fall victim to his legendary cookies.
You quietly opened the door to his bedroom, the first rays of sunlight falling on the dug-out bedding. Bael looked so peaceful. He was sleeping deeply, his broad shoulders rising and falling with his breath, the muscles on his chiseled back twitching as he dreamed something. Despite his tight uniform, you rarely had this view as his back was covered by his cape and the chair. You came closer and combed blond hair which was scattered on the pillow.
“You know I hate waking you up.” You whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear. Just as you were getting up, you felt a firm grip on your waist.
“I'm awake…”
“Mm. Of course." He looked so adorably sleepy that you crouched down next to him and tapped him on the nose. “You should rest some more. Avisos can handle itself for an hour or two.”
He lifted an eyelid as if he was thinking about what you said. You tried to leave again, but he pulled you towards him. Despite being sleepy, he had a strong grip. You landed on his bare chest, radiating warmth and the smell of fresh bedding.
“This isn't sleeping.”
"It is." He wrapped his arms around you tightly, murmuring into your hair. “I have to be sure that I will get up soon... and that my alarm clock won’t run away.”
“I can sneak out as silently as a cat!”
“You probably haven't seen Hell’s cats.”
He kissed the top of your head, and before you could respond properly, you felt his breathing slow down. He was sleeping, so you kissed him on the lips for good dreams. Avisos can handle itself, and you in your boredom came up with a brilliant idea.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Naberius looked at you like you were crazy when you told him what was on your mind. You were walking down the aisles of the pet store, right between toys shaped like angel wings or fetch pitchforks. You put into his basket one by one what looked the least poisonous and suspicious to you.
“Did I understand correctly… Do you want to adopt a cat?”
“Not me, us.” You made it clear. “He will live with you in the palace.”
He didn't look happy.
You reached out and scratched his chin. He tried to be strong, but then he leaned his head back and his lips twitched happily from the petting.
“Yes, kitten. Because I already have the best puppy in the world here, with me. You will take care of him, right?”
“Maybe… He will have to be brought up so that he does not disturb Bael at work.” 
He tried to be strong, but you knew he couldn't say no to you. And in addition to the cat food (at least you hoped it was cat food), you discreetly added a collar that would go well with the black glasses and red horns.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Amon helped you put out the pet shopping and arrange the room so that it would be ready for a new little roommate. He sat cross-legged in the corner, between the cat lounger and the food bowl, and read the instructions for the small water fountain you had just assembled. He clicked a few buttons and water began gushing from above and pouring down to the lower levels.
“Did you know it's a bird fountain?”
“It's also suitable for a cat.” 
His legs looked so comfortable. You couldn't resist. You brazenly placed yourself on his lap and wrapped your arms around his narrow waist, completely distracting him from the instructions. He hugged you tightly and started purring like a kitten himself.
“Nabe said he would help me raise her, but you all will be definitely switching places. After all, if you have patrols, you won't always be in the castle.”
Amon stroked your cheek. He completely forgot about shopping, and water from the waterer he turned on was spilling onto the floor. You tried to turn it off, but it splashed you in the face. As you snorted water, he quickly corrected the wobbly structure.
"Be careful, love, that's not how it's done. Come on, I'll help you.” He cooed, wiping your wet face gently. “Maybe I should fix it?”
“That's probably a better idea.”
You agreed, but when he leaned towards you with his love-struck smile, you wanted to forget about the waterer and pull him down to the carpet with you in a deep kiss.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Stolas was your companion whom you took to the shelter. Despite your excitement, you tried to remain calm. You just didn't know why he kept boasting about how he would defeat any beast you chose, but everything became clear when you arrived. The enclosure where the animals roamed looked more like a coliseum full of wild beasts than a meadow with cute kittens. The smallest of them made Earth's lions look like meerkats.
“Just show me who to beat for you!” Stolas rubbed his hands together with aggressive excitement. “Who makes you sad?”
You sighed in resignation.
“I thought they were smaller. When I was shopping with Amon, all the things we bought… were smaller.”
“So it's Amon's fault? I knew. I'll kill him!"
"Wait!" You placed your hands on his chest as he was already turning around to find another devil. “I thought I could have a cat in the palace… but I see they are too big.”
He looked closely at your disappointed face, then pursed his lips.
“If you like animals, I can take you to an owl cafe.”
If he wanted to cheer you up, he made it. You tilted your head with interest.
“Will you turn into an owl yourself?”
You hoped he was lying. You needed a fluffy ball to cuddle up to. Either way, your mood improved significantly as you left the coliseum filled with beasts for a cozy cafe full of cooing birds.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
You were sitting at your desk, finishing writing down financial reports you wanted to help the Baels with. You've almost come to terms with the fact that you won't have a kitten when Beelzebub stormed into your room without warning. You stared at him with question marks on your face.
"I have something for you!"
His presence hadn't even dawned on you yet, and there was already a cardboard box on the table. He handled it surprisingly gently. Put it down slowly, as if there were porcelain tableware inside, even though it looked solid. It was a strange box, making sounds through tiny holes on the sides.
Beelzebub stood behind you, resting his elbows on your shoulders and folding his arms over your chest.
“Go ahead, you should check it out, I'm sure you'll like it…” He trailed off when, instead of reaching into the box, you took his hands.
“I'd rather have you than welcome gifts, you know?”
He fell silent for a moment. You couldn't see his face, but his voice had softened noticeably.
“You'll like this one. I promise. Open up, don't make her wait.”
You had a feeling you knew what you would find, and it makes you ticklish inside. When you lifted the lid, a pair of coal-black eyes stared at you from a fluffy muzzle. Kitten. A small, striped, earthly kitten. Your voice stuck in your throat as you squeezed Beel's hands tighter.
"How did you know…!"
“I'm everywhere and hear everything, baby.” He reached out and grabbed the kitten by the nape, just like its mother would. Little pet started meowing.
“Gentler!” You smacked him and took the fluffy ball in both hands. “Is this how you treat your new daughter?”
“My daughter?”
"Yes. Now that you have a baby, you have to visit us more often, you know?”
He leaned down and nuzzled his nose into your shoulder.
“As soon as this is all over.” He promised in a whisper so quiet it might as well have been your imagination. “I will never leave you again. I promise.”
You held the purring kitten to your chest with one hand and stroked Beel's soft hair with the other. Despite his giddiness, you felt that these were not idle words. Your heart sank at the thought that he missed you too. Whatever was going to end, let it end quickly, because all you wanted was to go to sleep next to him, knowing that you wouldn't wake up in an empty bed.
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ratskinsuit · 7 months
For Fountain Full Of Sewege Water (Ratskinsuit)
WARNING, This account contains nsfw and sensitive topics, MDNI. Welcome to my trashy little corner of tumblr 🙃
Till I Feel Better - sub!Lucifer x gn!Reader - Smut
A Warm Embrace - stressed!Lucifer x gn!Reader - Fluff
Under The Desk Support - sub!Lucifer x gn!Reader - Smut
In Life And Death And Further On - Ex Lover!Velvette x gn!Reader - Fluff, tad bit of angst
My Other Half - Lucifer x Imp fem!Reader - Angst, Comfort, Slight Fluff
~~Headcanons + Drabbles~~
Hazbin Hotel Pet Name Heacanons pt 1 - No Reader - No tags
Hazbin Hotel Pet Name Headcanons pt.2 - No Reader - Slight Nsfw
Velvette x Autistic!Male Reader Headcanons - Fluff
Velvette and Best Friend Reader Headcanons - Fluff
Angel Dust and Best Friend Reader Headcanons - Fluff with slight Angst
Lucifer x Sinner gn!Reader from a cold place Headcanons - No Drabble - No tags
Alastor x Fallen Angel Lucifer’s Sister Fem!Reader Headcannons - No Drabble - No Tags - Planned to be redone eventually
How Hazbin Hotel Characters Act When They Are Comfortable Around You pt 1 - No tags
Adam boyfriend Headcanons - Birthday Special - Smut , Fluff - No Drabble
Hazbin Hotel Characters with a Reader with ADHD - No tags - No Drabble
~~Random Stuff~~
Alastor is a demented cat
Alastors stupid cane
Cat Alastor Drawings
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felinefractious · 4 months
I tried to adopt a cat from a rescue, I really did. I filled out and submitted applications to 5 different rescues because the local SPCAs didn't have cats that fit my needs (social with cats and dogs, approximately 1 year old, high energy, and preferably long or medium haired).
I explained in detail the care I give my current cupcake. She's spayed, gets routine vet care, is up to date on shots. She has her own room (my room) which is set up with shelves, trees, 2 litter boxes. She gets supervised free roam of the house (not 24/7 because of lifestyle reasons). I use puzzle feeders for her meals- high end brands like The Honest Kitchen, Open Farm, Stella and Chewy (I like to mix it up to keep it interesting). I play with her at least twice a day, or whenever she asks. Indoors only. She has a water fountain. We're working on harness training. I made it clear I had a second room set up similarly and ready to go, and carefully researched introductions. Dogs are cat social and kenneled unless supervised. I don't know, I feel like my cat lives a good life. She's happy, fit, and I adore her.
Couple of weeks past and I received 5 rejection emails with reasons such: I maintain a very small flock of exhibition poultry, that I do breed and sell the chicks of seasonally, which is...immoral to them, I guess; my brother who does live in the same household has intact show and working dogs; the dogs are kenneled (what??); I don't work full-time; one even said it was because I feed my current cat dry food instead of wet food. My cat straight up won't eat wet food! She hates it! I replied and said I would offer wet food if the new cat wanted it, and they never responded.
It all just seemed like weird reasons to me. Maybe not, I don't know if that's just how rescues are. I ended up with my cat through the pregnant cat distribution system (my mom owns her mom) so I didn't have to deal with takes on cat care I didn't get.
Dejected, I started looking on Craigslist and saw a cat that perfectly fit my needs- a sphynx outcross project that tested positive for mild HCM (asymptomatic for now) so the breeder who purchased him immediately neutered him. So I asked about him, located a cardiologist and scheduled an appointment with my vet ahead of time to get a referral to the cardiologist. Did lots of reading on HCM. Met with them and they were lovely. Got all his paperwork with his health testing and his whole history and genetics. I fell in love with him immediately. Everything they said about him has been true: he's confident, well-mannered, has the exact same play style as my kitty. There was not a single point during the 4 hour drive home that he showed signs of stress, he took treats and just lounged. When I set him in his room, he waltzed right out of his carrier with his chest puffed out, head held high, and rubbed all over me, purring and bumping his head into me. There hasn't been an adjustment period, he just came out and was like, "sweet, new digs! now, pet me!" Settled into a routine so fast. Has been perfect for his nails and bathing him. We're already making tremendous progress with recall.
This cat is so fucking well socialized. And his structure? Fucking gorgeous. Exactly as sphynx are described, with a deep chest, solid belly, longer hind legs than front, long creepy fingers which he uses to grip me instead of his claws and it feels like a human infant gripping me (deeply unsettling).
It's been such a good experience, and the rescues were so weird, I honestly don't know if I can ever get a cat that wasn't selectively bred again. He's not even pure bred! His dad is 100% sphynx but his mom is a dominant blue eye project from approved sphynx outcrosses.
Don't get me wrong, I love my first bastard kitty, she's the best cat there is. But now I have two perfect cats! I didn't realize that was possible...all my friends' cats, they're often much more nervous and shy. I was prepared for my second kitty to just never live up to my first.
Here he is, my weird coated mostly sphynx:
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Bonus DNA results
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I wonder what that person bit is about.
Unfortunately your story is not unique.
These excessive and unrealistic standards are part of what I mean when I discuss barriers to adoption as being one of the actual issues contributing to overpopulation of homeless pets.
I’ve seen people discuss being rejected due to their age despite being staffed in the veterinary field, the person was in their early 20’s.
I’ve seen people discuss being rejected due to having intact animals in the household despite them being species that aren’t traditionally altered, like reptiles.
A rescue I knew would avoid adopting out to people who indicated they would feed a brand of food the rescue considered to be lower quality, such as Friskies canned.
I’ve spoken to rescues for a veterinary reference who were disappointed the prospective adopters most recent cat wasn’t current on their vaccinations despite being an 18+ hospice case.
I could go on and on and on.
I’m glad you were finally able to find a cat to give a good forever home to, it’s clear that you’re passionate about your animals and knowledgeable about their care.
I would put too much stock in the 12% Persian, you can’t test for breeds in cats the same way as you can in dogs. Wisdom Panel is great for health and trait testing but nonsense for breeds.
You can really see the Devon in his face in the picture you used for the test, though!
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AITA for wanting my mother to stop making so much noise in her own house when I’m staying here?
So me (22M) and my mother (62F) have a complicated relationship. She is very very toxic and always has been - she used to induce illness in me and make my pre-existing disorders worse so that she could keep me with her when she separated from my father, she never let me leave the house because she would tell me I would be harmed or something would happen to me if I was away from her, she would control everything I did and what I ate or drank, where I went, etc. The house she and I lived in was an incredibly bad environment for me. It’s not taken care of, it’s dirty and unhygienic, I was constantly ill and having allergies set off, she would try to feed me dirt-covered food I watched her pick up off the floor, the shower didn’t work and she wouldn’t let me go elsewhere to bathe. I kept talking about moving out, especially once I got into a serious relationship with my girlfriend (26F), but it would always devolve into an argument with her telling me I wasn’t going anywhere, that my girlfriend would leave me, that she’s the only person who’ll stick by me, and so on.
All of that is basically background context to counterbalance the (fair) preconceptions of “you’re guests you’re imposing on her you can just leave” etc you’re about to have.
So I finally moved out this year and in with my girlfriend and it was wonderful. However, my mother was blowing up BOTH of our phones 24/7 telling me to come back, and it reached the point she was contacting Other people (family, our friends) to get Them to tell me to move back in with her and asking where I was at all hours of the day, who I was with and what I was doing. I was ignoring her as best I could. Then a couple of weeks ago mine and my girlfriend’s house flooded after our upstairs neighbour burst a pipe in the building and water began fountaining through all our electrical sockets and lights and pouring from the ceiling. We had nowhere else to go except to stay with my mother until the house was repaired and made safe again, especially because so many of our belongings were ruined.
So we’ve been back here since. We’re forced to sleep on the couch together in the living room because in the time I was gone she somehow let bugs infest my old room and her cat pee all over the mattress of the bed.
Now, my girlfriend and I are both very non-confrontational and I’m usually super hard to annoy, but I’m also autistic and highly sensitive to noise. And my mother is. Very noisy. She blasts the TV at full volume all day even when she leaves the room and gets angry if you turn it off even if she’s not watching it, she’s a chainsmoker who’s constantly hack-coughing, she’ll have the radio playing OVER the TV, she shouts out the windows to her neighbours, she keeps all the windows and doors open, she’ll play music at full volume without headphones on, etc. I have noise-cancelling headphones from when I still lived here but she’s often so loud it doesn’t muffle it at all.
Recently it’s reached the point where she’ll wake up during the night, say 2-4am, come through to the room we’re sleeping in where the TV is, and just turn the TV on, turn the radio on, start singing along to music, slam doors, VACUUM. For the past 2 weeks she’s been waking me and my fiancée up every single night, often several times, and we’re at the end of our rope with it.
We can’t afford a hotel and have nowhere else to go, when we try to ask her to keep it down at LEAST during the night she says she can do whatever she wants because it’s her house and says we’re being ungrateful, and when we’ve offered to try to clean up my old room so we can sleep in there she snaps at us not to touch anything of ‘hers’ and gets mad because we’re implying her house isn’t clean, that we don’t want to be near her, that we must be telling everyone her house is shitty, etc.
Yesterday I got into an argument with her because I was having an extremely bad sensory day, my girlfriend said she had a migraine, and my mother responded by turning up the TV. When she saw I was holding onto my headphones and my girlfriend was near tears, she turned it up even louder and smirked at me. The argument basically ended in her screaming at me that if she was so bad we could leave, I impulsively said okay we would, and then she got physically aggressive and barred the doorway and told us I wasn’t going anywhere because she’d make sure of it.
It’s just. Exhausting! GF and I are constantly sleep-deprived, drained, grumpy, tired, and dealing with headaches on top of the stress of trying to financially recoup from the house flood and deal with getting everything fixed, and half of me is mad at my mother for not having even basic respect for us sleeping or our issues when half the time she is not even watching the damn TV or in the same room as it, while the other half of me feels conflicted because it’s her living room and we’re sleeping in the TV room and she’s putting us up when we have nowhere else.
AITA (/are we the assholes) for wanting her to accommodate us despite being guests?
What are these acronyms?
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silverskye13 · 6 months
Ask game: so originally I was going to ask for some kind of angst with RnS Helsknight and then I saw “turned into an animal” and now I cannot stop thinking about him turned into like. A dog or something. Could you,,, draw that pretty please :]
(I also think Tanguish would find that situation hilarious)
"You deserve this," Tanguish informed him, hiding a laugh behind a hand. "You should've kept your thoughts to yourself until we were back home, but no, you had to tease me about the stupid cat curse while we were still in front of the church, and now look at you."
Helsknight much to Tanguish's glee, did in fact look down at himself, a gesture that looked incredibly cartoonish on a dog, even a big, wolfish dog, which he was. Helsknight was all mean angles and teeth and hackles, with red-brown fur that thinned around his scars. He looked like the sort of dog that got into fights in alleys and junkyards, with a bite to take fingers off, and somehow, sitting on the cobblestones and looking down despondently at his paws, he also managed to look like the silliest thing on earth.
"You poor thing," Tanguish said, ruffling the top of his head. He snatched his hand away when Helsknight snapped at it. "Oh don't be like that. I am sorry you got turned into a dog. But you've got to admit it's a little funny."
Helsknight growled deep and low in his chest, probably trying to convey that no, it was not funny in the slightest. Except the tip of his tail was twitching, betraying begrudging amusement at his turn in fortune.
"You're massive," Tanguish observed as Helsknight stood and shook out his fur. "Well, you're smaller than normal. But for a dog you're huge. You know, I've heard they put teams of big dogs on sleds and make them pull people through snow. I bet you could pull a sled."
Helsknight tilted his head slowly in Tanguish's direction, ears angling back, teeth barred just slightly, in an expression that could be best read as, try to put a sled on me, and you will never be able to use your hands again.
"It could be fun."
Helsknight's eyes narrowed, which Tanguish read as, sure, and living without hands would also be fun.
"You're supposed to chase sticks in the mud, not be one," Tanguish sniffed indignantly. Helsknight did his best impression of an eye roll -- a motion that tilted his snout back in a funny little half circle -- and butted his head into the back of Tanguish's knee, sending him stumbling.
"Alright! Alright. Let's go see if we can find a curse breaker further up the road." Tanguish said, leading the way down the street. "You know, your sense of humor was better when you were a person."
Helsknight made a harrumph noise and stuck his nose in the air. Tanguish decided dignity looked ridiculous on dogs.
"D'you wanna chase?" Tanguish asked, lilting his voice up in faux excitement at the end of the sentence. Helsknight's ears perked as did his tail -- and then he forced them back down again into a scowl when Tanguish started laughing. "You're just like a dog! You got all excited and everything! Should I get you a lead and take you on walkies?"
Helsknight growled and snapped at him. Tanguish sprung out of the way, and again when Helsknight snapped at him a second time. Then they were running off down the road, Tanguish laughing, dodging in between pedestrians as Helsknight barked and growled and loped on his heels, tail wagging and claws skittering on the cobblestones. They ran all the way to the square in the city center, where Tanguish finally stopped at the fountain, too winded to go any further, laughing breathlessly. Helsknight bounded straight over the fountain's edge and into the water, and Tanguish figured he probably splashed him on purpose.
"Well you can't be that angry about this," Tanguish chuckled. "Your tail's been wagging for the past twenty minutes."
Helsknight, still up to his chest in the water fountain, looked back at his treacherous tail with murderous intent. He snapped at it, missed, snapped at it again, spun in too quick a circle after it and fell over into the water. Tanguish fell onto the cobblestones too, laughing too hard to breathe.
Gods. He couldn't wait to tell the guys at the Colosseum about this.
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quilna · 11 months
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A redraw of a scene from Paranatural (which didn't turn out the best and I may have failed to follow the reference properly but I do love how the little Lanyon looks) and a meme
When your boyfriend is acting weirdly but you have been waiting 15 years to get with this man so you just kind of roll with it and try to re-explain basic morals to him like he's a kid trying to lick the water fountain. (Hyde didn't actually eat a cat, he's just trying to find Lanyon's limits.)
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wrinkledparchment · 2 years
a game of cat and mouse | sebastian sallow
Summary: Sebastian takes you on the path to Hogsmeade, but you both soon discover a game is afoot. You try your best to compete with Sebastian’s charm and witty remarks, but you learn that Sebastian is always one step ahead of you.
Word Count: 2,709 words
Author’s Note: Okay I originally did not like this but then I edited and accidentally made it 600 words longer and now I actually think it’s really cute. Tried this sort of “game” concept and I think it’s officially cute so this is the catalyst/stepping stone in my very scattered retelling of yours and Sebastian’s relationship over the course of the game. I will eventually put them in the order you should be reading them in my masterlist once it actually begins making sense but also my goal is that every single one can be read as a oneshot too.
Content Warnings: None--plain fluff. I will absolutely be making a fic with absolutely unhinged Sebastian soon though, don’t worry. 
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Your footsteps on the cobblestone pathway in the North Exit of Hogwarts were barely audible amongst the chatter of the other students, the chirping of the birds about, and the grasshopper’s song amidst the grass that ruffled in the wind. The water fountain ahead glistened in the mid-afternoon sun, and all the potted plants captured your attention immediately. It smelled so fresh in this area of Hogwarts, whereas most places in the castle smelled like dust and old books. There was something about the sun on your face that already felt so much more inviting than usual, but after looking through the small sea of students, you really perked up when Sebastian’s warm smile stood out amongst the crowd.  
Your pace picked up to a light trot, making your way to him as fast as you could. “Sebastian! Thank you for agreeing to come to Hogsmeade with me!”  
“Ah! My new ‘charge’, I’m glad to accompany you,” he smiled, leaning just slightly forward. “I was told by Professor Weasley that you’re in dire need of supplies and I’m to accompany you into Hogsmeade for them. Is this your first foray into the village?”
You peeked at the exit, watching as a few other students came and went, so excited both to get out of the castle and to go somewhere with the only Hogwarts student to interest you thus far. There was something so dryly sarcastic in his tone, something so charming in his words, and something so enchanting about his smile that you couldn’t help but go along with whatever he says, trying to counter his clever remarks with wits of your own. You finally looked back into his eyes from your focus on the path but could do nothing except nod at his question—when you finally glanced back, his eyes had never left your face.  
“Well then, I’m sure you’ll love it, it’s quite the charming little place. Shall we?” He gestured his arm out to the path, and your smile widened, following him. It was a slow-paced walk, more of a saunter, and all you could do was focus on how your footsteps fell into sync with ease. “You know, I was very glad Professor Weasley asked me to accompany you today.”
“As am I,” you murmured, just loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough to mask the nervousness in your voice, and immediately after, you closed your eyes and turned your head forward, casting away all the anxieties and butterflies.  
Sebastian was still facing his head to you when you opened your eyes, “I think I’d like to get to know the only person who’s bested me in a duel.”
“Apologies for breaking your streak. Would you have wished I held back and let you win?” You watched the corner of his mouth curve into a sly smile, eyes focused solely on yours, declining to look where he was walking and instead bask in the beauty of you, the new fifth year.
“Never,” there was a slight pause between his words, instead communicating with his eyes this challenge, this tension that grew with every word, every glance, every graze of his knuckles on your hand. “--but the way I see it, I’d be wise to keep an eye on you.” For some reason, that left you breathless for a moment, but you quickly gathered the pieces of you that broke off every time he left you stunned and put yourself back together.  
“I hope you enjoy the view, then,” you spoke, still breathless in the best kind of way.  
He looked forward again, maybe somewhat nervous but more put-together than you ever appeared after one of his flirtatious comments. “I think I would enjoy the view next to you rather than across from you. Maybe we could duel together next time, instead.”
A proposal, the first commitment to him you’d make. A team. “I think I’d like that very much.”
“I can’t give you any other chances to knock me off my feet.” As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he turned to you again, his eyes so magnetic that you couldn’t turn away--no matter how much you tried to rip your gaze away, you couldn’t, worried that you would give the game away in seconds.  
Maybe, Sebastian was as good at reading people as he was charming, and perhaps he could see right through you. He had known every word to say, had prepared every comment, rehearsed as soon as Weasley had told him to come with you. It felt like everything you threw at him, all of the looks, accidental hand-brushes, every attempt at a flirtatious comment you had, he was able to counter in 2 seconds flat. You may have beaten him at dueling, but this far more dangerous game you’d begun has him besting you at every turn.  
The beauty of Hogwarts Valley was truly nothing to sniff at. Birds flew ahead of you, the green grass and rough face of the rocky hills on the left side of the path were marvelous, and the two waterfalls ahead filled you with tranquility. What had given you peace, however, was being able to walk next to him, sometimes in silence, sometimes coated in laughter. Even when you began to lean into his path, with your shoulders brushing, he held his ground, never giving you an inch. He didn’t flinch his hand away when your pinkies touched. No, the beauty of Hogwarts Valley was stunning, but found its rival in the man next to you.  
You tried to distract yourself from all this jargon in your brain, tried to fill the air of tension with more than silence. “Thank you for agreeing to join with me. I’m surprised Professor Weasley let me choose who to bring rather than sending a random prefect.”
“You asked for me?” He almost seemed flattered, surprised, and heartwarmingly embarrassed all at once. He was finally the person between the two of you to end up breathless, but even with this defeat, he never showed the cards he didn’t want you to see, still could gather himself so quickly. “I suppose it is surprising, given my detention record.”
You giggled under your breath, glancing away. You couldn’t say you were surprised at him being rebellious—among his other dangerous curiosities you’d picked up on. “You spend a lot of time in detention, then?”  
He frowned playfully, eyebrows raised, “Just enough to keep me well-rounded.” He integrated his flirtatious comments, his compliments, his cards into every conversation so skillfully it was starting to make you upset. “I should really be the one thanking you, actually,” he started, “This outing with you saved me from getting detention from the librarian... again. Madam Scribner was on the hunt for me—as is often the case.”
You didn’t bother to hide your amusement this time, and allowed him to bask in your happiness, reveal just a little how terribly hilarious he was. You shared a glance with him this time, still laughing, and there was something about the way his eyes sparkled at the sound. That look, it was like a warning—a premonition—that once your heart had decided it was his, it could never be anything or anyone else’s, that your fates would be permanently intertwined. You turned away before it was too late.
“Well, I’m glad I could be of service,” you mused, still staring at the path ahead instead of him, not out of reverence for the surroundings but because you could not handle looking at him again, watching the corners of his mouth quirk. “How did you manage to get on the librarian’s bad side, anyway?”
“Well, I suspect it’s a matter of differing opinions. She thinks I shouldn’t be allowed in the Restricted Section, and I, on the other hand, am inclined to disagree.”
He enjoys every bit of your laughter all too much, watches your face too closely until you worry you have spinach in your teeth. He’s all too skilled at this game of cat and mouse you’re playing, too good at making you laugh so quickly and he got you becoming interested in everything he has to say with such little effort it was bewildering. The path the two of you were on had long since turned to dirt, and before you knew it, Sebastian’s shoulder rubs against yours again, trying to steer you to the left.  
There is a cacophony of beautiful sounds, chirps and buzzes all coming from a concentrated area of a few bushes, and you recognize the look of them immediately. “This is an excellent spot to gather lacewing flies. They’re pretty to look at, but if you stew them long enough, they make a powerful potion ingredient.”
He crouched near a bush, using pinpoint precision with his fingers to grab one and put it in one of the smallest glass jars you’ve ever seen. He glances back at you, tilting his head to signal you to come closer. Stepping as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the little bugs, you began to crouch closer to Sebastian, knees bumping with his as you try to maintain your balance.  
You just stare at them for a little bit, but suddenly, one flies right at you and lands on your face. You try to hold your breath, going cross-eyed trying to look at the one on your cheek, but soon, you see Sebastian’s fingers coming into your vision, slowly approaching the lacewing fly positioned on your cheek. As his hand gets closer and his robes begin to fall down his arms, you feel the soft cloth brush against your jaw, and you’re so stunned by how close he is that you can’t breathe. You glance at his eyes, so focused and narrowed in on the fly that dare touch you. As far as Sebastian is concerned, every creature should know by watching how you flush every time he’s near you that only he can touch you, caress your cheek, be the reason you’re breathless. 
His fingers finally grasp around the little bug, dropping it quickly into the jar and covering it with his hand. You decide not to think too much about the warmth of his skin or how close his face was to yours, and instead about this rather painstakingly time-consuming method of gathering flies. “Is this really the best method of procuring the lacewing flies?” you questioned, and he seems to have been caught.  
“Most students grab a branch and shake them off into the jar and cover it up as fast as they can, but I find this method much more rewarding,” he responded quickly, always seeming to have an explanation for his quirks.  
“By squishing bugs between your monstrously large fingers?”
You both turned your heads quickly as you heard thumps and what sounds like an eagle calling from the Forbidden Forest. You both bolted up to stand, and for the first time, the two of you begun to run to get a better chance at seeing them. “They’re magnificent,” you breathed, smile so wide on your face, stunned by the beauty of this new world you’d been shown. You turned to Sebastian, ready to see his stunned face, but he is already looking at you, smiling just as widely as you were.
You continue past the bridge, trying to brush off the anxiety that being with Sebastian, so close and yet so far, gave you. Sebastian, trying to keep up with your pace, is huffing but still continues to talk. He never seems to be able to shut his mouth around you, or at all, for that matter.  
“It looks like they came from the Forbidden Forest to the left. Out of bounds to all students.” You could hear the annoyance in his voice.  
“Not so ‘out of bounds’ to you, is it?” you quickly remarked, smile evident in the tone of your voice.  
There was even more sarcasm present in his voice, “How did you guess?” There is a small exchange of laughter between the two of you, and this time, neither of you dared to spare a glance at one another, focused on the path ahead. “Hogsmeade is just ahead, past those ruins.”
You come to a skidding stop as soon as you do pass the ruins, and turn yourself right around, climbing around the rubble and barrels, and Sebastian stops and wonders to himself if he’s befriended a maniac. But it’s just then that he hears a small click and then the creaking of wood, and you return to him with a small burlap bag filled with extra galleons. “Looks like I’ll be able to spare some treats at Honeyduke’s, too.”
“Wow, you have a really keen eye.” You smile at him and turn just ever so slightly away from him before booking it down the path. “Hey, wait up!” He’s huffing again, just as he catches up to you. “Have you discovered any of the famed Hogwarts secrets yet?”
You only turn back to him briefly, still focused on your path forward, “The castle is just positively enormous, I haven’t scratched the surface. I’m sure you have, though.”
He laughed, beginning to be just a few paces ahead of you, “I can’t go around telling you all of my secrets, now, can I?” His voice is echoing back at you, and all you can do is laugh, catch your breath, and try to push yourself to run just a little bit faster. Even as you passed a carriage being driven by Thestrals, which you could tell Sebastian could see, you continued running as fast as possible.  
You passed numerous trees, sharp turns--at least for your speeds, and even a very distressed Mr. Moon, who didn’t stop you two to talk. You both slowed your pace as the awfully disorganized and not very helpful signs marked the entrance of Hogsmeade, beautiful trees lining the path to a brilliant bridge into the town.  
The buildings, the people and the sweet smell all overwhelm your senses. Sebastian fell into step beside you, guiding you through the lightly packed streets, past the very quirky and slightly unstable stone buildings. “I’ve got to go look for something for my sister, so you’ll have to do your shopping alone, I’m afraid.”
“How positively terrible,” you sneak in, just before slipping in your curiosity  about everything Sebastian. “Is your sister a Slytherin too?”
There is a change in demeanor when his sister is brought up, and Sebastian stiffens, standing up straighter, eyebrows coming to rest heavily above those eyes you loved so much. “She is—or, she was. She’s not well at the moment,” and he sags in posture, “but she’ll be better soon and back at Hogwarts.”
You smile, and even though you’ve known him for exactly a few passing moments, a few lingering touches, a few flirtatious and tension-filled smiles, you can sense that there is a lie there--a hopeful lie. Finally, after all this time of such a skilled game, he had inadvertently let his poker face slip and showed you his hand. “When she does return, I do hope you’ll introduce me to her,” and you can’t shut your mouth before your thought slips out of your lips, “Anyone dear to you is dear to me too.”
Just like that, with an arguably more innocent and naïve comment than Sebastian had slipped all this time—you won. There was something on his face, the furrow in his brow or the look in his eyes or the way his lips quivered, you couldn’t decide—but his face brought forth only one thought. Adoration.  
“Very well then,” and with that, he stepped closer to you, offering a smile, and leaned in to whisper in your ear with his hand on your shoulder, “I’ll be back for you.” His hand slipped off as he walked past you, and when you turn, you can tell he had just looked back at you a moment before. The warmth of his breath on your ear lingers, and the place on your shoulder where his hand once laid burned when he left, marking you forever, distracting you throughout every store, on every path, until all that was left in your mind was him, him, him.
He had won.
. . .
toeing the line
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thequeenb · 2 months
The Perfect Ending
2 whole years..who would ever believe that Poppy would be the relationship type? Not me. I know what a lot of you are wondering what the hell we were up to the past years..well let me fill you up.
“Are you done packing? The flight leaves in literally 40 minutes” I say with a pinch of annoyance because one thing about being with Poppy is that you will always be late
“You can’t rush beauty darling” she looks at me over the bathroom mirror and gives me a wink. Ugh sometimes I hate how attractive she is
After Collage ended and we graduated with both our degrees we decided to take a holiday to her Miami Beach house..I know right?
We arrived to our gate and we finally settled down to the plane, of course we sit first class you didn’t even have to wonder.
“Well we have 2 hours so if you excuse me I will get on with my skincare routine” she says and the flashbacks come back almost immediately of our first hookup in her room
“Well your skin looks like shit Hughes so let me do you a favour” she straddle my lap and I am probably looking up at her with starry eyes because she has a satisfied smirk on her face
“I didn’t knew you had a soft spot for me Poppy but a girl can take a break” I wink at her and she rolls her eyes at me..how adorable I always loved when she did that
“If you are my rival you better look good” she casually says and why did I get turned on suddenly? I realise how close she is and how her breasts are pressed against mine. Damn it stop being so horny! But how can I not? Her perfectly glossed lips, her beautiful silk blonde hair..her soft hands working on my face..it’s almost too much
“Bea for the last time do you want champagne? Sorry she apparently has a hearing problem” Poppy says to the flight attendant and I roll my eyes nodding
“I thought after you asked me out you would stop bullying me” I stick my tongue out and I can see a small smile playing on her lips
“Well tell me what got you all parched” she hands me the champagne flute and gives me a smile I could never resist
“That’s for you to find out Min-Sinclair, in the meantime I want to focus to you” I place my hand on her thigh ever so flirty and she lets a small gasp escape her lips
“Careful what you wish for Bea..I don’t play nice, you should be the only one who knows that”
And she is right..if I close my eyes I can pin point the exact moments she tried to ruin me, but on the other side i can almost feel all the times she made me feel like no one ever did before
“Well? Are we playing dirty?” She locks eyes with me and I settle my champagne down.
Her eyes never leaving mine she watches me flip my hair back seductively
“I feel so worked up Poppy..maybe you can help me” this phrase reminded me of that time we fought for the crown..how we had a cat fight in the fountain..how much I wanted her
“I feel so worked up Poppy” it’s the only words that escape my lips “maybe you can help me unwind” are you kidding me? You literally slapped her, dragged her across the fountain and ruined her manicure and that’s what you are going to say?
Interestingly enough she doesn’t look angry anymore..I can feel her heat radiating off her body and she slams me against the fountain, water splashes everywhere as her tongue goes playfully in my mouth and all I can feel is her
I blink a few times trying to cool down and she knows what kind of effect she has on me because she smirks and gets back on her seat. Sigh she is not someone to play with I learnt that from the first time she approached me
Our plane finally lands and a private car was waiting for us to take us back to the house.
I didn’t expect anything less..the car pulls up to a gate and when they open I can see a beautiful house and palm trees everywhere decorating the big garden
The car finally stops and Poppy hurries to open my door. I step out and I try my best not to gasp
“You can gasp Farmsville this is far from the land you grew up on” she winks at me and I roll my eyes
We walk inside and the house is beautiful as expected but what catches my eye is the big window where you can see the beach, the waves the sunset
“This is where I came when you humiliated me in front of all my father’s clients and the whole school” she casually says but a pinch of guilt fills my heart, it wasn’t my proudest moment
I hold the award in my hands and I can’t believe I finally beat Poppy Min-Sin bitch at her own little game. She stormed out after I humiliated her and her parents but why do I feel guilty? Isn’t that what I planned for since I first got here?
“Make a speech make a speech make a speech” everyone is chanting and I finally feel the weight of the award in my hand..the weight of what I just did to Poppy
I hold her tight, a small tear escaped my eye but she just smiles at me giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead “Don’t be sad..remind me to punish you later for that night”
I laugh and I wipe my tears getting my attention back to the window. The waves perfectly collide with the sand and I get the perfect idea
“Let’s go to the beach I am dying to watch the sunset with you” is it my idea or did my proposition made her nervous? She quickly recovers and offers me a smile. Sure she says and she leads me to the coast
She holds my hand tight and for a moment everything looks perfect. The sun is going down and the deep orange colour blends beautifully with the blue sky..the birds fly freely in the air and Poppy looks more than gorgeous under the sunset
I must have been daydreaming for a moment because when I regain my focus Poppy is down on one knee. Excuse me!?
“I get my dress dirty for this so you better say yes” she takes a deep breath and continues
“Since the moment that I met you you have been nothing but a challenge for me, even in the beginning you didn’t know how to dress”
I roll my eyes but I can start feel the tears forming in my eyes, I can’t believe this is happening
“I didn’t even bat an eye at you but you decided to make my life a living hell and I promised to make yours even worse”
“I fell for you since you first kissed me but then I heard that hog calling video and I wanted to go deaf” she chuckles
“I didn’t imagine I could feel this way but you proved to be a worthy opponent and someone who kept me always on my toes..when I found out of your affair with Kingsley I should have used it and destroy you but it only made me more sad”
Now my tears run freely like a waterfall but she is quick to wipe them for me..I didn’t realise I fell to my knees to her eye level..holding her hand so tight
“And since then I knew I didn’t want to be with anyone but you..someone who always challenges me and changes me for the better so that only leaves me with one question”
I gasp when she reaches and opens a small velvet box revealing the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen
“Bea Hughes will you marry me?”
I immediately scream yes and she struggles to put the ring on fast enough, we are already covered in sand kissing each other like there is no tomorrow
“I can’t believe you proposed!!” I scream happily and I am not the only one cheering because when I turn around I watch all our friends and family smiling at us “No you didn’t!!”
Zoey hugs me first spectating on my beautiful ring and then comes my parents which I am surprised Poppy flew from Farmsvile.
“From a farm girl to your fiancé how are you feeling?” I smile at her and she simply roll her eyes at me
“Don’t make me regret proposing Hughes”
And that’s how our story ended..watching the sunset with my fiancé gasp! From enemies to lovers and from lovers to newly weds..who knew the two hot rivals from Belvoire could ever end like this? I bet the T would love an inside story about our wedding..I am just kidding..or am I?
Kisses, the T
Tag list: @indecisive-chaos @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @aiswood @alexlabhont @uselesslesbianfr @wolfietheduckyou @somin-yin @stanzoeywade @uhh-the-green-thing @jmojellybae @simp-pony @made-me-deep-blue @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @thepotatobleh @thatwhorefromnextdoor @cloud9in @promisedneverwrite @calraquin
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rachelsfav-queer · 1 month
Some more Wenclay 😊
Wednesday sat comfortably on her girlfriend’s lap while they sat on the recently reconstructed fountain in the center of the quad. Bianca had been mindlessly running one hand through the water while her other arm held the seer secure against her and Wednesday was simply reading a book.
Suddenly, Bianca had an idea and she carefully flicked off any water on her hand and wiped it dry on her own school jacket before slowly lifting it up to Wednesday’s head and gently scratched the raven’s scalp. The sudden action caused Wednesday to breathe in sharply, though it wasn’t in disapproval or distress. Simply surprise. Wednesday didn’t move her head, showing that she didn’t dislike the feeling, but she looked back at Bianca through the corner of her eye. She asked, “What are you doing?”
Bianca hummed in response before speaking, “Just giving you head scritches. Wanted to see something, you know? Test a hypothesis in your language.”
Wednesday nodded slightly but furrowed her brow slightly in confusion. Curiosity got the best of her and she asked, “And what hypothesis are you testing exactly?”
“Well, you’re definitely a lot more cuddly than your usual demeanor would suggest,” Bianca laughed softly at the faint scowl Wednesday gave to that remark, though the seer allowed her to continue, not having any real argument against it, “And you tend to really appreciate specific types of physical affection. You only like certain touch from very specific people and whenever you’re comfortable with me, you tend to really sink into me. Like you’re trying to meld yourself against me. Of course, I love all of that and I think it’s very adorable-”
“Call me adorable again and I’ll-” Wednesday interrupted.
“Rip my scales off one by one, yeah got it,” Bianca cut the seer off right back though, “Anyway, you have a lot of distinct qualities about you that a certain animal also has. I guess this was just another thing I wanted to see if you’d like as well.”
Wednesday tried to search inside her own brain for whatever animal her girlfriend could be speaking of, but unfortunately came up short and so she decided to ask. “What animal do you speak of?”
Bianca grinned and continued to lightly scratch Wednesday’s scalp, moving over towards the back of one of her ears which causes the seer to preen, closing her eyes and letting out a heavy sigh, one of clear relief. Bianca’s grin turned cocky for half a second before she truly took in the blissful expression on Wednesday’s face and her smile turned soft at it. She finally responded with, “A black cat. You have all sorts of stereotypes about you being prickly and unfriendly and even evil. But once people get to know you, you’re really just cuddly and you show love in a different way than what most people deem ‘socially acceptable’ which is utter bullshit, but that’s beside the point. Everyone always loves the golden retriever for its friendly looks and cuddly and excitable personality, but fail to see the love and passion inside a black cat all because of horrid superstitions that were created centuries ago.”
“I think you’re the same way, Wends,” Bianca continued, “If everyone stopped thinking only about themselves for half a second, and tried to think about love and life the way you do, they’d see the way you love is just as beautiful. I think Enid was the first to see it, really. She’s always been good at that, seeing inside people for how they truly are. It’s why she never truly gave up on you. And when it came down to it and all our lives were on the line… I saw it too. You do care. You just show it… so differently. I was blinded by my own shit at first, and at every turn you were practically a thorn in my ass. But it turned out… you were exactly the thorn I needed to see through my shit and work on it. It’s why I fell in love with you. You helped me see myself for the first time. So… thank you, Wednesday.”
When Bianca finished her speech, there was pure silence for a long moment. Wednesday catalogued everything she said and ran it through her brain. In return, she could only manage one thing over the lump in her throat, “Thank you, mi sirena. You have helped me to see my true self as well. I… have no words to express my love and my gratitude for you and the way you have wriggled into my heart like a heart worm in your previously mentioned golden retriever.”
Bianca once again laughed softly at Wednesday’s simile, ever appreciating her grotesque way with words. “You’re adorable,” Bianca said simply, kissing Wednesday on her temple.
Bianca chuckled and scratched again behind Wednesday’s ear, immediately causing the seer to lean her head into her hand and close her eyes again. If Wednesday truly was a black cat, she surely would be purring like an engine by now as Bianca took the opportunity to kiss her on her pale cheek, pulling up a faint red blush. “Kitten.”
The nickname sticks.
End <3
(A gift to @caitlynsdog I know you love Wenclay)
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pets001 · 5 days
🐾 Veken 95oz/2.8L Pet Fountain 🐾
🌊✨ "The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread (For Pets)" ✨🌊
Okay, listen up fellow pet parents! If you’ve ever caught your fur baby giving you the “What’s that gross bowl of water?” look while you sip your fancy coffee, it’s time to upgrade their hydration game. Enter the Veken 95oz Pet Fountain—the magic water dispenser that turns your pet’s drinking experience into a 5-star spa day!
🌟 Pros:
Hydration Royalty: With a whopping 95oz capacity, your four-legged overlord can quench their thirst while you sip your third cup of coffee. No more “Mom, I’m thirsty!” at 3 AM! 🙌
Water Features: This fountain has more style than your last vacation! It’s like having a mini waterfall in your kitchen. Who knew your cat needed a water feature to feel fancy? 🐱💦
Replaces Filters, Not Friends: Comes with replacement filters that keep the water fresher than my excuses for not going to the gym. Your pets will think they’re drinking from a mountain spring! 🏔️
😂 Cons:
Pets May Become Divas: Expect your dog to start demanding “only the finest spring water” and your cat to look down on regular bowls like they’re low-budget reality TV. 🐶👑
Occasional Splash Zone: If your pet thinks it’s a swimming pool instead of a drinking fountain, be prepared for a little water ballet on your kitchen floor! 🩰
In summary, the Veken Pet Fountain is a game changer—your pets will thank you (in their own weird ways), and you’ll finally have a fountain that’s not just for show. So, grab one before your pet starts a protest about their hydration needs! 🐾💧
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5 - would recommend to my friends, my pets, and maybe even my plants!) ________ Check Here !
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