#best boat fenders
folklorebau · 2 years
the one — eddie roundtree
pairing: eddie roundtree x fem!musician!reader
description: after breaking your heart and losing your trust, eddie tries to win your heart back. through all the hurt, comes a lot of light.
warnings: written in interview style like the book! reader is a musician but she isn’t in the band, use of Y/N (</3). REQ’s are open!
🍸 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 🎙️ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 🪩 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 🎧
Eddie: I asked myself a lot of questions back then, but I could never actually answer any of them. It was like everything good had blown up in my face and it was all my fault. I didn’t really know what to do.
Karen: Chase two girls, lose the one. I always knew Eddie loved Y/N, but he also loved Camila. I told Eddie he had to go away and have a think about everything.
Warren: Whatever he felt for Camila, it was different with Y/N. Camila was his first love, sure, but Y/N is the love of his life.
Eddie took himself away from the band for a few days, he arranged it with the necessary people and put in place a ‘getaway plan’ as he recalls it. He stayed away for an extra week, hiding away in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When he came back he had a new guitar, a green Fender Stratocaster, and a few unfinished love songs.
Warren: Why he took himself up to Oregon of all places I will never know. He would of been welcome to hand on my boat but the man had shit to sort through I suppose.
Karen: Whatever he did those few days he was gone worked wonders.
Eddie: The second I got back I picked Karen up and swung her around. I couldn’t thank her enough.
Y/N: I wouldn’t be a second choice, I left because that’s what it felt like with him, that I was always going to be second choice.
Eddie: I always thought I knew best but I really didn’t. I knew Billy wouldn’t like the songs I had written, because it was always what him and Daisy had written that mattered. I think Karen was nervous when I told her I’d been writing.
Karen: I thought he had gone mad. [Laughs]
Billy: I would have heard him out at least, but… no I probably would have hated whatever he had come up with. I was a control freak like that. We [Him and Daisy] both were.
Eddie: I didn’t care what Billy thought of them. I hadn’t written them for Billy, I wrote them for me, but also for Y/N.
Y/N: [Laughs] They were… well they were okay! He poured his whole heart into them, so they were special but Eddie Roundtree is not a songwriter!
Eddie: She said that? [Laughs] Well… she’s right! I suppose I just wanted to tell her how I really felt. Once I had shown her what I’d come up with she sat down next to me and just started scribbling all over it.
Y/N: I wanted to finish one of the songs.
Eddie: She had picked one out, ‘The 1’. It was about what you wish you had, what you could of had if you hadn’t messed everything up.
Y/N: I kind of wanted to make him sweat a bit.
Eddie: I was so nervous, I just kept thinking say something, say anything!!
Y/N: We stayed up late laughing, drinking, writing. We talked about Eddie’s time in Oregon. I told him what I had gotten up to.
Eddie: Then she told me she had missed me.
Y/N: I was so worried to let him back in.
Eddie: I was so glad she let me in. So glad.
Eddie Roundtree sold the song to an up and coming band. Y/N and Eddie were credited as the songwriters for the record. Upon release it climbed the charts to number 32. The pair celebrated with the band they had sold the record to by buying them lunch one afternoon in California.
Eddie: She made me work for it.
Y/N: Like I said, I wanted to see him sweat.
Eddie: I didn’t mind though. Life was very fast, very unpredictable back then. I got to slow down with her, just making sure she was okay, checking in, having meals together, falling asleep next to each other, it was all… it felt like a sure thing. I felt very lucky, and the most alive I think. Yeah.
Y/N: He had asked me a couple times, can we make this official? I told him to wait it out. I think I wanted to know that he would stick it out, that he would wait for me for once. A lot of our relationship at the start felt like me waiting around for him. It wasn’t a payback thing necessarily, more just, I don’t know. I was protecting my heart.
Eddie: I felt very… unsure. I didn’t know if I was worth it to her. I think she saw that in me, that I didn’t really value myself. She turned that around.
Y/N: One night before a show, I turned up and he was so shocked to see me. I remember his face just lighting up, I knew then. I knew with everything in me, I wanted him and he wanted me.
Eddie: I had pined and grovelled for months and right before I am about to step on stage to a sold out show, she kisses me. I couldn’t believe it. I actually couldn’t believe her! I swear she just liked to see me sweat.
Y/N: I didn’t mean to! At the time I had gone to just see the band. Well, I was going to see Eddie too but I didn’t intend on kissing him! I’m glad I did though.
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barbex · 7 months
Happy Friday! "i'm not in love with you.'' ''good.'' for Fenders?
Same prompt like last week for @dadrunkwriting, fenders again, but different. A little different, I just can't help myself with them. Thank you for the prompt!
"I removed the chance of compromise, because there can be no compromise."
The mage stands tall and proud, holding his staff openly. He looks different, wearing all black, even the feathers on his coat, his hair tied back all the way. Fenris hasn't seen him in a while. The last time... the last time he saw him...
Darkness, silent touches, hot breath on cool skin. The mage kissing his neck, touching him, lying under him, his eyes nearly closed but he never looks away. Biting his hand to quiet his whimpers, closing his eyes for just a second. Kissing Fenris' hand before he leaves. 
They never spoke of that night. Not a single word.
The dust from the explosion sinks down over their heads, Meredith and Orsino screaming at each other, templars holding their swords at the ready, and in between all of that, Anders falls silent and sits down on a wooden box someone left in the square. Probably when the massive chantry exploded in two red columns. 
He doesn't look defeated. He looks resigned. Now that the fire is gone from him, Fenris sees how how bright he burned before. He doesn't listen to the screams and accusations, he just sees Anders. And Anders looks at him.
The world seems to still around them, the screams, the dust, an image in time. A flash of light hits the knife in Hawke's hand and the dust falls. 
The tip of the knife nicks Anders' coat, a feather flying away, but Fenris tightens his hand around Hawke's wrist, holding him back. Hawke narrows his eyes at him. "Why are you helping him? He destroyed everything."
"For that he has to die?" Fenris' voice sounds foreign to himself.
"I had plans. And he fucked it all up." Hawke twists his arm out of Fenris' grip.
"You will kill a friend?" Fenris steps closer, placing himself between Anders and Hawke. 
There is movement behind his back, Anders standing up and coming to his side, out of the cover Fenris provides. "Go, Fenris," Anders says. "This has nothing to do with you."
"I decide for myself."
Bitter laughter comes from Hawke. "Fucking shit, your decisions." He laughs again with that vicious, bitter laugh. He hasn't really laughed in a long time. "You of all people should know what we should do with mages."
A chill runs down his spine. He recognizes this, he used to hate just like this. Fenris holds his arm in front of Anders, pushing him back. "He was good enough when he healed you."
Hawke looks from him to Anders and spits on the ground. "Fine. Get him out of my sight. If I see you again —"
Something hits Hawke in the face, a pink flower, spreading a sweet scent. Someone takes Fenris by the arm, pulling him away. It's Merrill, whispering a spell that clears the sweet scent from the air. 
"What was that?" Anders asks as Isabela drags him forward.
"Oh, it's a manifestation of —"
"Less nerding out over magic," Isabela shouts, "more running. We have to get to the Gallows, and Hawke and his new templar friends won't stay like that forever."
"I didn't know..." Anders says quietly. 
Merrill looks at him. "That he was kissing Meredith's stinking ass?"
Anders stares at her as Isabela laughs. "Kitten. We'll make a pirate out of you yet." 
"Yes," Anders says, "that."
They reach the docks, jumping on the next best boat, and only then does Fenris notice that he still holds Anders' hand. "Mage. Anders. What did you expect to happen?" 
Anders looks at his hand in Fenris' gauntlets. "That I die and the mages rise up." His eyes flash blue for a moment. "A simplistic idea, I realise that now." 
"How can you lead the mages in their uprising if you are dead?"
"I'm not a leader, that was never my intention." He looks back at the cloud of smoke hanging over Kirkwall. "I was supposed to die."
Fenris drops Anders' hand. "Is that what you wish? Instead of helping your fellow mages?" He isn't quite sure where the anger comes from, but his gauntlets creak as he clenches his fists.
Anders looks at him, confused. "You seem to care. About me? About mages?"
"I care about freedom," Fenris says, crossing his arms. "I care that you don't throw your life away."
"Oh." Anders lowers his head. 
"For the love of Andraste's pinky peach," Isabela shouts from the front. "Just tell him you're in love with him, we could all die in a minute."
Fenris feels his ears heat. "I am not in love with you."
"Good," Anders says quietly. 
He can't quite grasp the sense of disappointment going through him.
"But," Anders says with another breath. "I think she meant me. And I'm..."
Fenris leans forward and kisses him, his gauntlets sliding into Anders' hair. "I lied," he whispers against Anders' lips.
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vgtrackbracket · 9 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 3
Eddie Fender - Wisecracking Candor from Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit
Paper Boats from Transistor
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Paper Boats:
what can i say. this song did make me tear up a little.
One of my favorite credits songs ever, I'll never forget hearing it for the first time
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nizzybean · 6 months
To My Father
At the end of last month my father passed away.
Despite our at times distant relationship he was a better man than I often gave him credit for and I miss him more than I could ever say, but I gave it my best shot in the form of a poem.
I love you so much Dad.
I'm sorry I didn't reach out and I'm sorry I never called, I'm sorry if I made you doubt that I cared about you at all, you’re more than just the silhouette that my memories now contain, that day cemented my regret and it welds me to my pain. The day on which I lost you, a day that I’ll remember, like your hearty stove top stew and building me my Fender, you were fighting to get air, soon to be lost to the drift, I spoke so you knew I was there, then you gave me one last gift. Owed no words and yet you gave three through walls of mucoused scars, and you gave them to tell me just how proud of me you are, and despite how much it hurt you to talk to me on the phone, I heard you say “I love you” before your final voyage home. I don’t know if we’ll meet again, I can’t see behind the veil, but I know I’ll surely know when it’s my own time to set sail, until the boat comes for me too I’ll keep your face in my mind, and I’ll always wish to hear you call me your sunshine one more time.
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aarghhaaaarrrghhh · 6 months
A Summer in a Pioneer's Neckerchief/Лето в пионерском галстуке - Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight. Red Konev's Bath
His slumber during the fishing trip did not solve Yurka’s problem: he dreadfully wanted to sleep. He planned to make up for the hours of sleep that he had not gotten at night during the day, in quiet hour. But, by the dormitories, Volodya was waiting for him. Having noticed his tall figure from a distance, Yurka decided that the counsellor was probably going to suggest going to make revisions to the lines in the script again, and he wanted to refuse.
“Hello.” Broadly yawning to make his point, Yurka covered his mouth with his fist. “I want to sleep – I’m dying.”
“There’s no time to sleep!” Volodya smiled shrewdly, pulled a bunch of keys out of his pocket and jingled them. “You said that you know where to find the bas-relief from your horror story, while I have the keys to the boat station. Information from you, a rowboat from me. Shall we get rowing?”
His sleepiness disappeared as if by magic. Yurka clapped his hands in impatience as he joked:
“Oh! Friendship with a counsellor has its benefits!”
Volodya heartily laughed and nodded to Yurka as he descended the steps of the porch for him to follow.
“It’s not going to be a problem for you at all, is it, that you took the keys?” asked Yurka ten minutes later, while Volodya was bent over the keyhole in the gate to the station, picking out the right key from the bunch.
“What could be the problem? It’s not like I stole them. I signed myself into the register and so it went. In the administrative office, we have keys hanging up that the counsellors can take when they please.”
“Even for no reason?”
“Surely you don’t think that the counsellors are non-humans who don’t like to get out of quiet hour?” Volodya winked.
Behind the gate and the storage facility stretched a long pier, laid from concrete slabs. In the water, bumping against the tyre fenders, a dozen rowboats rocked, each one moored to the low iron pilings by its number with heavy chains.
“Do you know how to get on with oars?” Volodya turned as he stepped towards the far edge of the pier.
 “Duh! I earn a little money on the side as an oarsman every summer when we’re allowed to go sailing. Take this one,” he indicated the penultimate boat, which was freshly painted in light blue, “it has comfortable oars.”
Yurka kept command from then on. They took off the tarpaulin that covered the boat from rain and climbed down into it. Yurka demonstrated how best to sit in order to maintain balance and only then took the keys off Volodya to unlock and undo the chain. It loudly clattered against the concrete, while Yurka pushed the boat off from the pier and sat down, guiding towards the middle of the river.
“The current is strong here,” he warned. “I’ll take it halfway on oars, then you’ll do the way back, otherwise my arms will fall off.”
“You do know where we’re going, right?” asked Volodya doubtfully.
“Of course I know! Straight! There aren’t any crossroads or traffic lights here!”
“And in seriousness?”
“As I said, straight the whole time up until the river bends. By the way, there is this one place…” Yurka looked at Volodya delightedly as he remembered it. “I’m sure you’ll like it. It takes some real back-and-forth rowing to get there!”
“What is this place?”
“Well… the counsellors forbid us from rowing there – they say it’s dangerous. That’s a load of rubbish! I dropped by there once; of course, I got a hiding for it afterwards but… So should we go? It’s so cool there!”
Volodya reflected on it with his habitual gesture – correcting his glasses, loftily, by the sides.
“Yur, you know I’m a counsellor…” he began.
“No matter! Just say ‘I allow it’ and there’s no problem.”
“I don’t know…” the other drawled.
“Come on, Volodya!” exclaimed Yurka cheerfully. “Come on, don’t be such a… such a Vo-load-a’-rubbish![1] It’s not dangerous there, so long as you don’t jump out of the boat. Honest!”
“And if you jump out? Sharks? Crocodiles?”
“Pirates! In reality, it’s just algae. A lot of it!”
“And does it take a long time to row there?”
Yurka shrugged:
“Ten minutes. Maybe fifteen….”
“In heat like this?” frowned Volodya. In the cloudless sky, the sun really was beating down mercilessly, while they had to row down the shallow but wide, shadeless river. “Alright then. But it’s your responsibility!” he gave in anyway.
“Responsibility is my second name,” smirked Yurka.
The current in that part of the river really was quick and strong, and he had to row against it. Yurka huffed and puffed and being out of habit, it took him a long time to adjust to the required tempo – the last time he had practised rowing had been a year ago.
They rowed for some time in complete silence, save for the splash of the oars in the water and the rustling of the reeds. On the right, the gently rolling bank stretched long and far, like a yellow-green canvas receding into the distance, towards the boundary of the pioneer camp. On the left, the tall bank, sprinkled with swallow[2] nests, was frightening, with steep precipices, tree roots sticking out of the sandy walls, waterlogged shoals and the forest looming above all. But the height of the trees was not enough to cast a proper shade upon the river, and Yurka, who was rowing the oars on top of everything else, was growing terribly hot.
“Yur, I’d like to ask you something,” Volodya broke the silence unsurely. “May I?”
“Go on, ask, since you’ve already started.”
“I’ve heard some things about last year’s events. Olga Leonidovna said that you were treated badly. Broadly speaking, that’s why they decided to take you back on this season – they regretted it. Before, I thought that I just didn’t know everything about what had happened, but when I got to know you better, I realised that really, I don’t know anything about it. Could you tell me what happened and why?”
Yurka breathed in deeply and slowly exhaled.
“You know, we had this, ah, um … weirdo staying with us last year. That one, whose old man was in the nomenklatura,[3] ah, who… Hmm, here, we’ll have to start from the beginning. I used to go to a music school at a conservatoire, I dreamt of become a pianist–” Noticing how Volodya’s eyes were widening with surprise, Yurka jumped in ahead of his questions: “–and I didn’t tell you because I don’t like to even remember any of this. Understand… I really loved the piano, I couldn’t live without it. No, ‘really’ isn’t the right word, I loved it fanatically. I’ve always been drawn to the keys, ever since I was a little kid.”
Yurka took a big pause while he searched for the right words. He thought long and hard how to explain and show to Volodya how important music was for him. That he could not imagine his life without it, that he could not imagine himself without it. From early childhood, it had always been with him, it accompanied him in his thoughts, consoled him, calmed him, made him happy, he dreamt of it every night and played every minute that he was awake. Yurka never got tired of it. On the contrary, in moments of silence, he grew anxious, clumsy, he could not concentrate. At times, feeling like a fanatic – nothing besides the piano could excite or move him – Yurka feared for his alienation from the majority of people. It was as though he existed in another dimension as he tried to understand whether the music lived in him, or whether he lived in the music. Was it shining inside him like a tiny, yet bright little star, or was he inside a vast universe, perceptible only to him alone?
But how to explain all this to Volodya? To a friend, but at the same time, to a different person, and one foreign to music? On top of this, Yurka had never spoken aloud about this. Music was his personal, inner experience, subtle and fragile, and in no way did he want to formulate it in primitive words.
“I didn’t go to a general comprehensive, but to a specialised middle school for music. Do you know about those?” Volodya shrugged, and Yurka explained, “Besides the normal school subjects, they teach musical ones there. You need to study at one for ten years and then, without any college, you go straight on into a conservatoire. Now, I did excellently in the first exams in fourth grade, but things started to go downhill in eighth grade. At the end of eighth grade, there’s always an exam, where instead of our normal teachers, instructors from the conservatoire – the school worked as part of it – come and watch to pick out in advance the musicians that they’ll take on to the conservatoire after their graduation…” Yurka fell silent midsentence.
Volodya was looking searchingly at him, his head slightly atilt, neither blinking nor breathing:
Yurka stopped, wiped his forehead and averted his gaze:
“I failed. I was told I was ‘average’.”
“And what? The main thing is that it wasn’t an F!”
“This is music, Volod! Everything’s serious there; either you’re a genius or you’re nothing, they don’t put up with ‘average’ in music! So, they advised me to leave because, since I’d failed the exam, I’d no longer see a place in the conservatoire. But I’m stubborn, I stayed. I stayed for nothing. For half a year, they dragged me through the mud, gave me bottom grades, said horrible things. And once they’d finally driven it into my head that I was nothing, I left. Myself. I threw away everything. Since then, I’ve not touched an instrument.”
Volodya kept silent, while Yurka, as though bewitched, looked at the river, thinking about how hard, almost impossible it had been, after his disgraceful flight from the school, to force the music to shut up, and then learn to live in silence. Up to then, he still had not overcome his reflexes and beat himself on the arms and squeezed his fingers until they hurt, if only to break his habit of drumming his favourite compositions, and his own compositions on any available surface. Even then, he was unconsciously tapping on the oar without recognising, even trying not to recognise, the melody.
“But why did they only reveal this in eighth grade?” inquired Volodya cautiously. “Why not earlier?”
“Because it had nothing to do with me or my talent at all!” snorted Yurka.
Volodya’s mouth hung open:
“How’s that?”
“In the most direct way! The son of the head of the city executive committee studied with us. A complete mediocrity and he played hooky the whole time, but he wanted to get into the conservatoire. So they promoted him in my place.” Yurka gripped the oars tightly and smirked scornfully. “So, this is your hand: Konev lives for music, but is an underachiever academically – ‘average’, even, while Vishnevsky blows off school, but he can, he’s what – a talent? He wasn’t any kind of talent! What kind, huh?”
“Yeah, wow…” Volodya trailed off, clearly not knowing how to respond, and looked away, effacing himself.
Yurka diligently but unsuccessfully tried to suffocate the anger inside him, which was tearing its way up to the surface, appearing in the red spots on his cheeks, being heard in the bile in his voice, shining in the feverish glint in his eyes. Bringing Yurka to reason when he was so wound up – even his oar strokes were so sharp that the boat rocked – was useless which was probably why Volodya was silent. Yurka found his words and he began in a strained voice:
“And what was it like for me when, the next summer, I got into Lastochka with that nomenklatura creature in the same season, in the same troop? And that bastard, that asshole–”
“Hey, cool it with the language,” Volodya checked him, but Yurka, gripped by rage and hurt, did not pay any attention to him. He set himself to rowing and did so in a frenzy, dripping in sweat, but he had completely forgotten about the heat.
“It’s all because of him, because of him that they kicked me out! He ruined my life! As if my humiliation at school wasn’t good enough for him! He decided to drag me through the muck here as well – in front of the entire camp, he called me a little kike! At the same time, I didn’t hold back, I gave him a real good blow across his ugly mug, also in front of everyone. A real good hit, his nose smashed, blood gushing… I’ve never hit anything or anyone so hard,” Yurka laughed proudly, “I minded my hands. Ever since I was little, my grandma has harped on, ‘Yura, mind your hands. Yura, mind your hands’. Mind them from what? Why mind them?”
“Hang on, but why ‘kike’? You’re Jewish?” asked Volodya, trying to lead him away from the painful topic.
“Through my mother,” nodded Yurka without looking.
“But how did Vishnevsky find out about that? It’s not obvious looking at you, you’re like any other Russian: name, surname, face, hair – there’s nothing Jewish about you.”
“I don’t know, he probably saw in the shower…”
“How’s that?” Volodya did not understand.
Yurka smirked and shrugged flippantly:
“Family tradition.”
And then Volodya understood. He raised an eyebrow and stretched, inconsiderately looking Yurka up and down from head to toe.
“O-o-oh… So that’s how it is… Interesting…”
Yurka almost blurted out ‘Shall I show you?’ But under his excessively curious, piercing gaze, he was bewildered: What’s he imagining there?! Because of Volodya’s brazenness, he began to feel coy. He smiled fitfully, blushed, and began to feel the heat again.
Volodya was looking at him full in the face with eyes full of some kind of sacred awe – the penny had apparently dropped, apparently, he was imagining himself in his skin. He made a face and, dumbstruck, he whispered with a whistle:
“Holy moly, what a nightmare!”
That angered and outraged and insulted Yurka so much that he began to chew himself out for his excessive candour in response to such sensitive questions. Because of his big mouth, Volodya had unwittingly gotten into his intimacy, and, judging by his intrigued look, he was not in a hurry to get back out again. So Volodya forbids me from talking about those magazines, but he’s perfectly pleased to think about my privates?! Yurka railed in his mind. Volodya had still hurt him badly by his reaction. And still his inner voice cajolingly reminded him about the crisis at exercise the day before and his goosebump-ridden dream and on top of the external heat, he was gripped by an inner heat, so much that his lungs felt twisted.
“I didn’t want it!” Yurka repented aloud, and, looking at Volodya’s dumbfounded eyes, he came back to his senses and began to babble along on the topic of conversation: “Firstly, no-one asked me. Secondly, I was little and don’t remember anything about it. And third of all… it’s… stop imagining it! It’s not anyone’s business! And it’s not a nightmare at all!”
“Hey, hey, what’s with you? I– Nothing of the sort!” Volodya shook his head, blushing all the way up to the roots of his hair. “And anyway, there’s nothing really strange about this, it’s an old tradition, a few thousand years old, it’s normal… at the end of the day… Are you religious?”
“Are you an idiot?”
“All the more so, then…”
 Yurka snorted and took a look around, if only to deflect from himself. There was no sign of civilisation around: neither huts amongst the undergrowth, nor rooves on the horizon. They had not yet rowed the first kilometre. The camp and the station had long ago disappeared behind the wide bend in the river, and now the guys were surrounded by a beautiful, but boring landscape – identical, sparse forests and fields, shimmering in the heat haze. Nothing caught the eye, apart from perhaps the tall hill visible in the distance and the tiny gazebo on top of it. But that was not where their way laid. Yurka judged that they would very soon arrive at the place he had proposed.
Volodya’s quiet voice tore him away from his reflections:
“All the same, I’m very glad that you told me about this. I mean, about the music. It turns out I don’t know you at all.”
“Nor I you,” shrugged Yurka. “I told you about my music, not because you asked… It’s more like, of course you asked, but I could have kept quiet or avoided the question somehow. But I decided to trust you.”
Volodya looked at him with gratitude.
“You know…” he said quietly, “I could also tell you my most terrible secret, but no-one must ever find out, no matter what. Promise?”
Yurka nodded, bewildered – how could he have managed to leave room for mistrust? Of course he would not tell, no matter what Volodya confessed to.
“Take you for example, Yura, you refuse to live the way they tell you,” Volodya leant closer to him and lowered his voice completely, even though nobody was going to overhear them in the middle of the river, in the noise of the reeds. “You say that you have relatives in the GDR… Have you yourself never wanted to leave the country?”
This question seemed rhetorical, but Yurka replied:
“Well… My grandma tried to return to Germany, since it’s her historical homeland. But she wasn’t allowed. I have a cousin there, but once-removed, so it’s not like–”
“Well, I want to leave,” interrupted Volodya. “More accurately, I don’t just want to, it’s my main goal!”
Yurka’s jaw dropped.
“But you’re in Komsomol, you’re so… proper, Party-minded, you’re, you’re–”
“That’s precisely why I’m like you say, ‘proper’ and ‘Party-minded’ – to achieve my goal! Yur, the logic is actually simple – they only let Communists freely out of the USSR, ‘verified’ Communists, even more freely and, it stands to reason, ‘verified’ Communist diplomats on a diplomatic mission.”
“And in order to become a diplomat, you got into MGIMO…” Yurka finished for him. Volodya nodded.
Even though there was not another soul for a few kilometres in all directions, because of his quiet voice, his agitated tone and because of how he kept taking cautious looks from side to side, a shiver ran across Yurka’s skin and his hair stood on end. If someone heard Volodya, he would be kicked out of Komsomol immediately, in disgrace. His whole life and goals, gone to ruin! And he had told Yurka about it. It was not because he did not trust him that he asked him to keep quiet, it was just that the truth was too dangerous.
“And where do you want to go?” asked Yurka.
“To America.”
“Riding a mustang out on the prairies?” he laughed nervously.
“A motorbike. A Harley Davidson – have you heard about those?”
Yurka did not respond. He had not heard of such a motorcycle, and he did not know anything about the work of diplomats, but he began to feel anxious for Volodya. His ‘we’re not living under Stalin’ came suddenly back to him, but that was not much of an excuse.
Still in a state of light shock, Yurka almost missed the necessary turn.
“Oh, there it is! Over there,” he exclaimed and pointed at the wall of reeds.
The oar struck against the bottom – it was not very deep there. Yurka swung the boat about and directed it straight into the reeds.
“What are you doing?” asked Volodya in surprise.
“It’s alright. Help me out, spread the reeds in front of the bow, just don’t cut yourself.”
The boat ran up against the shallows, passed through the undergrowth and before the guys’ eyes, a little backwater, covered in duckweed and waterlilies, opened up. The current did not reach there, and the water stagnated, giving the aquatic flora a chance to grow. The oars got stuck and now and then, Yurka had to reach out to wipe off the bits slimy algae clinging to them. But he knew this place and knew why he had brought Volodya there. It was worth it, even in spite of the particular odour of marshy water and clouds of buzzing midges.
Pond-skaters skittered over the surface of the water, strained croaking rang out from the reeds, while some particularly bold frogs sat directly on the waxy leaves of the waterlilies as the observed the boat floating by. The waterlilies there were yellow, like you find anywhere, and Yurka carefully peered off into the distance, scouring the backwater with a gaze.
“Look, a heron!” he cried, waving his hand in the direction of the bank, overgrown with reeds.
“Where?” Volodya prodded at the bridge of his nose and squinted in the indicated direction.
“It’s right there,” Yurka pointed at the reeds, but then figured that no matter how hard he strained, Volodya could not see it. “It’s hidden itself well, the jerk, you can barely tell it apart from the reeds,” Yurka took his hand and moved it in the direction of the wall of dark-brown plants, from which a long beak was poking out, and commanded: “Point your finger!”
Volodya obediently extended his finger and once done, Yurka corrected his direction.
“Ah… There, I see it!” exclaimed Yurka joyfully. “Wow!”
“What, you’ve never seen one before?”
He shook his head:
“Nuh-uh. What a funny little thing, it’s standing on one leg! It’s pretending that it’s not there at all.”
Volodya followed the heron, while Yurka caught himself thinking that he was still holding his hand and did not at all want to let it go… Moreover, Volodya was not letting his hand go… But all the same, he had to break off their contact in order to take up the oars again and lead the boat closer to the shore.
“Let’s go,” he announced. “Look how beautiful it is here.”
Volodya looked around, and then at Yurka, not understanding, while the latter nodded at the water. He swung the boat around across the backwater, threw down the oars and relaxed, rolling his shoulders.
Everywhere, no matter where one looked, white flowers were floating on the water. Dozens of huge, snow-white waterlilies with deep yellow, egglike cores floated among dark-green burdock leaves, on top of which pearlescent blue dragonflies now froze, then darted about at a clip.
Volodya feasted his eyes upon the backwater, his glaze now fixed upon the flowers, then rushing after the insects, then searching amongst the leaves for frogs. Yurka feasted his eyes upon him. As he watched as though bewitched the tender smile that wandered his lips, Yurka was ready to row here against the current and endure the biting midges a hundred times if only to see even once such delight in his look.
“River lilies! How fantastic!” Volodya leant over the edge and touched the white petals with his fingers – so delicately and timidly, as though he were handling something fragile and valuable. “There’s so many of them… They’re wonderful. Like something out of the fairy tales about Thumbelina.”
Yurka leapt up from his spot, the boat dangerously rocking beneath him.
“Shall we pick one?” he suggested. He reached out towards the flower, took it by the cluster and was about to give it a tug when Volodya slapped him on the wrist.
“Hey, stop that! Did you know that these flowers are in the Red Book?”
Yurka blinked in fright and stared him in the face.
“That’s why you’ve been looking for them for so long,” continued Volodya didactically. “They float by, get picked and then turn out to be an endangered species! And there’s no point to it, by the way! They’re lilies – water plants, take them out of water and they’ll wither straight away. They shrink and die right in your hand. They don’t hold up well in flowerpots or vases, like some kind of rose.”
“Alright, alright,” Yurka held his hands out in front of him apologetically, as though to show that they were empty, that he had not picked or killed anything. “I just wanted to give to you, as a keepsake.”
“I’ll remember them. Thank you. It was actually worth the row here.”
Admiring the flowers, they sat around for a while longer. Yurka listened to the croaking of the frogs and the buzzing of the pearlescent dragonflies and thought about how terribly tired he was of living in silence. Not an external silence, naturally, but an inner one. But, despite his sad thoughts, he felt so peaceful and at ease there that he would have liked to have stayed there until evening, but Volodya looked at his watch and began to fret:
“An hour has already gone by; will we be able to get to the bas-relief today?”
“We can get the rowing done, but from the riverbank to the bas-relief there’s still a good hike…”
“A shame…” he sighed sadly. “Then what, should we go straight back?”
“As you like, we still have half an hour before the horn.”
“Then should we sit for a little while in the shade, even for ten minutes? Over there, there’s some on the bank, do you see it?”
“I see it,” nodded Yurka morosely. He himself would have liked to cool off, his whole body was burning from within from the heat. “But if we row there, we’ll damage the lilies…”
Yurka expected Volodya to be resigned to fate, or to the heat, more like, and to order him to row back, but he suddenly perked up and exclaimed, his blazing eyes shining:
“Yur, what if we went bathing? Is there somewhere for it around here? It’s a river, there must be…”
Yurka reflected. As it happened, there was a little spot over there, past the bend. ‘Beach’ was overstating it, but they could moor the boat there. One problem – he did not have any swimming trunks with him.
“I don’t have anything for it, Volod. My trunks are back at my troop, while my shorts–” Yurka faltered. His underwear… Getting them wet meant getting his shorts soaked through. “Well… not if I go commando afterwards.”
“Why go commando afterwards when you can just be naked in the river?” winked Volodya as he unbuttoned his shirt  in anticipation, even though the guys had not yet moved from their spot. “What? There’s no girls for a kilometre around, no-one will see.”
“Fair enough,” recognised Yurka and turned the boat in the direction of the little beach.
But all the same, he felt ill at ease. Getting undressed… No, in actuality, there was nothing strange about it, they were both boys. Yurka bathed naked a hundred times. And not only bathed, but gone in the shower and the changing rooms, and never once had he felt ashamed doing so in front of his comrades. But those were comrades, and this was Volodya, it was completely different. For the first time in his life, it was different.
But no, he was not by any means ashamed. Despite all that talk about religious traditions and Volodya’s seemingly indecent interest, he was not ashamed, he was worried to the point of being struck dumb. But refusing? No way!
Yurka nodded. But, remembering the muddle from the day before, he turned away when Volodya started to undress and himself only took off his clothes once the other had dived.
After plunging headfirst and resurfacing, Yurka barely managed to rub his eyes before Volodya had almost reached the other bank as he tore off for it. He struck the water so strongly that droplets flew like a fountain from under his hands and, as the sun’s rays filtered through them, little rainbows appeared and disappeared in the same moment. Now that’s breaststroke! Vigorous, brisk, if only I could be so good! Envied Yurka, and his gaze fell upon Volodya’s shoulders. A thought full of sincere admiration arose of its own accord – he seemed thin, but what shiny and strong shoulders he had!
Yurka stood thus in the water as warm as fresh milk. Unmoving as he admired how Volodya swam, how gracious and natural he appeared – so free, so liberated. He watched Volodya pause, take off his glasses and hold them tight in his fist, then dive, and for a second, there appeared over the water, uncovered by cloth that which Yurka had stared at admiringly the morning before. Just one moment, he did not manage to make anything out, but a lump crept up into his throat and his body lit up with a pleasant cramp, unlike anything he had ever experienced. Yurka went numb.
And then the realisation of everything that was happening with him came crashing into his head and nailed him to the spot. The realisation was so pure and simple that it flabbergasted Yurka – how could he have not guessed before and why was it only then that he found the sole answer to a million questions all at once? It was all so simple! Who was Volodya to him? A friend. Of course, a friend. The kind of whom the thought makes you fall asleep sweetly and wake up cheerfully. The kind whom it is so pleasant to look at, the kind from whom you did not look away, you feast your eyes upon him and he upon you. The most beautiful person in the world, the most kind and the most intelligent, in all things, the most. The kind with whom it is interesting even to just be silent – that was the kind of friend Volodya was to him. A friend that he liked in that strange, silly, all-encompassing way.
No, it can’t be that! Yurka did not believe it. That was not something that happened in nature, he had never heard anything about it from anybody. Even the guys from the yard never joked about that, and they knew and joked about everything. Yurka simply could not believe that a friend could crave so strongly for a friend that…
He thought he had been afraid before. For example, after the exercise, but in reality, that had just been anxiety, and now true fear had appeared. Why had this happened and what was it? Was there a name for it? Was Yurka alone; had it happened to anyone else? No, whatever it was and whatever it was called, it was unnatural, it did not happen and must not happen with him! Perhaps it was some kind of psychological disorder? Or simply exhaustion? Over the course of that season, Yurka had jumped through so many hoops, gotten so worn out and played out that clearly his brain had packed up. He would go home, knock on wood and he would be all alright again. He wanted to be home already, he just did not at all want to part ways with Volodya.
He wanted something else – to share his fear and his revelation with his best friend. He wanted to tell him his big secret: I like you, I’m happy that you’re here. But even simply imagining how Yurka would say that to him was scarier than jumping from a thirty-metre tower into icy water, worse than diving into an abyss. But what if he made up his mind anyway? What if he plunged headfirst into the whirlpool and said it how it was – what then? In the depths of his soul, Yurka knew precisely: Volodya would burst out laughing, thinking that he was laughing with him – but in reality, he would be laughing at him. That’s how it would be.
And even if the gift of eloquence was revealed to Yurka and he could explain what he truly meant by ‘like’ and ‘happy’ and that he was not asking anything of Volodya, just telling him out of joy, just so that he would know… Volodya still would not be able to understand it. He would do everything he could to understand, but he would not grasp it, would not get it into his head. Of course he could not, for even Yurka still could not.
How could he explain it to Volodya and have him understand? So far, only one thing was clear – now Yurka definitely would not forsake him, nor cast him aside, nor forget him. Kilometres would be no barrier; Yurka would remain his loyal friend, forever and always, wherever life sent them each, whether to another continent, whether to the Moon, whether to asteroid B-612. Now Yurka would begin to need Volodya even more, and even more sharply feel the loneliness and emptiness when he was not around. Further, he would certainly come to know woe. It would catch him when Volodya also came to experience this feeling, but it would not be addressed to the difficult Yurka, but to an understandable other.
Yurka stood as though embedded. Afraid to move even slightly, he watched Volodya and thought, thought, thought. His head spun, his eyes went blind – the droplets of water, like sparks, were ablaze in the sun, the splashing was a noise in his ears. Dumbstruck, Yurka watched how his best and most special friend puffed and panted and laughed, while he himself could not take a step. He froze with his whole body waist-deep in the water, arms by his sides.
Volodya quickly noticed his strange behaviour and swam up to him. Yurka stared him in the face, frightened and did something completely stupid – he covered his groin with his hands. Why had he covered up? What was he covering himself from? It was instinctive and out of shame – he was naked, after all. But only in body, still?
Volodya frowned:
“Yur, is everything alright?” he touched his shoulder, cold even in the sun. “Something up with your leg?”
Should he lie? Cut himself? No. Volodya would ask to see and not see anything. Dizzy? Then he would send him to the shade and how would that be better? What could make him feel better now?
“Nothing. I’m fine,” grumbled Yurka listlessly.
“You’re all white… Cramps? Let me help…” Volodya came up close to him and stuck his hand under the water.
“No, there’s no need, it’ll go away by itself. It’s not cramp, it’s just… I’m just… tired and everything’s all gone wrong. We didn’t make it to the bas-relief, for instance.” Yurka blushed. He definitely blushed, his cheeks seared as though a hot-water bottle had been held against them.
“There’s something to worry about,” Volodya drew out, unconvincedly.
A few minutes later, once they had both dressed and sat down in the boat, Volodya, having never gotten the truth out of Yurka, tried to calm him down:
“We’ll make it there another time. Give me the oars.” Yurka, if listlessly, smiled at that.
They rowed quicker on the way back, since the current really did carry their boat forward. Volodya quietly sang some song, Yurka did not recognise it. He did not try to pay attention and recognise it, he just looked at the water and thought about ‘liking’.
“Now that’s a willow!” suddenly exclaimed Volodya, pointing towards the tall bank. “You see it? That one, big as a marquee– no, like a whole house! I’ve never seen anything like it!”
At the spot that he pointed out, the bank smoothly descended down to the very river. A small sand bank with a good approach to the water half-hid itself in the thick branches of a weeping willow, which bent its crown towards the river itself.
“Let’s stop here, Yur,” asked Volodya.
“Then we won’t make it to climbing, you said it yourself,” hurried Yurka to respond, but, seeing the enthusiasm in Volodya’s eyes, he suggested, “Maybe tomorrow?”
“But what if I don’t manage to get a boat tomorrow?”
“Then I’ll try to memorise how to get there along the bank.” Yurka studied the bluff and its top part. “I know that there must be a path there, leading straight to the bank. It begins at the ford that was by our beach, I walked there at some point… The counsellors don’t let kids go there, but that’s understandable, it’s dangerous. The bank is sandy, it falls out from beneath your feet and to come crashing down from a cliff like that would really be something.”
“Shall we try and get there tomorrow?” proposed Volodya impatiently.
Yurka was taken aback:
“Since when were you such an adventurer?”
Volodya shrugged:
“I don’t know. Perhaps I’m taking after your example.”
In the evening, Yurka set out to find the willow. Trying to get rid of his intrusive, frightening thoughts about ‘liking’, he memorised every turn of the path, every rise and descent, every little mound and stone, and spent not a small amount of time in search of the way.
He returned to the theatre a full hour after the rehearsal began. The actors were playing out their roles satisfactorily, Volodya was thoroughly absorbed in the rehearsal, while Yurka, bored, roamed around the theatre.
The piano was silent for once. Clearly, Volodya had asked Masha for a little quiet and now, frowning, she sat in the theatre, not far from the stage.
Yurka kept stealing glances at the instrument and regretting that he had remembered that story. Now he very much wanted to approach the piano, open the lid and touch the keyboard, even for a second. Not even to make a sound, just to feel the cool lacquered wood beneath his fingers. While everybody was occupied with the action taking place on the left half of the stage, Yurka dared to approach the instrument on the right. He opened the lid. A bright glint ran across the keys and Yurka was suddenly gripped by a panicky horror. In a matter of seconds, he found himself a couple of metres away from the piano.
Biting his lips, he looked at it like prey; by old habit, he ‘drew’ his fingers. Suddenly, an inner voice broke into his head, only a foreign one, not Yurka’s – it was the examiner’s, the old fat auntie with a perm. Yurka was surprised that he could even remember her. He tried to deflect or ignore the voice, but he could not. He did not want to listen, but he listened, and was in pain because of it: Draw your hands and touch the instrument, for all it’s worth. Play what you want and as much as you want, it’ll all be pointless. No matter what, you are ungifted and mediocre, and you do not have a musical future. Playing is just pouring salt in the wound. Of course, she had never said exactly those words. Yurka had said them to himself.
“Oh, alright, hello, schizophrenia,” he whispered venomously to himself and hid himself backstage.
Until the rehearsal ended, Yurka aimlessly wandered around the theatre, bored. He dreamed of getting into the mechanic’s cabin, but it was locked, as usual. In the vast building, he found all of one single more or less interesting place – the storeroom behind the stage. He crept in there and found a box with film slides and a projector, and after the rehearsal, he presented his find to Volodya.
Despite the panic aroused by Yurka’s frightening discovery, and his bad mood, having been in anguish the whole day following it, after bedtime, he, of course, headed to Volodya and his kids. Instead of horror stories, film slides were chosen by the whole fifth squad. The boys voted for The Adventures of Cipollino, while the girls really wanted Sleeping Beauty. After four hours of fiery arguments, the young gentlemen reached a resolute decision: to leave it to the ladies.
As soon as the children had laid down and made out as though they were asleep, Yurka and Volodya returned to ‘their’ place. Yurka was gloomy like never before. He had neither the strength nor the will to even chat about whatever, much less to rewrite a script. Volodya again tried to find out the truth, but Yurka was firm and silent like a partisan. After several fruitless attempts by Volodya to improve his mood, for the rest of the evening up to the general lights out, he did nothing but mumble, and rather falsely at that, a waltz from Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty ballet, and rocked the carousel to the beat. Yurka was silent at first. Then he complained, “Too slow. And there, it’s more ‘m-m'. And slower there…” And then he thawed out and began to teach Volodya to properly hum the waltz. He hummed so much that for the whole following night, he dreamt of ballerinas and for the first time in half a year, music began to sound in his head rather than words. Such difficult days and sweet dreams, he had not had in a very long time.
[1] In Russian, Yurka makes a pun on Volodya’s name and the word for an Aquarius, Vodolej. I’ve tried to preserve the presence of a pun here.
[2] In Russian, lastochka
[3] I.e., high-ranking in the Soviet bureaucracy
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kentucky-fried-thea · 2 years
imma do as much of the veleveteen rabbit as ican from memory while in pf class and also sleeb depribed wsih me lucj
here was a velveteen rabiit and int he beginning he was really splended. he was fat and bunchy as a rabbit should be, his coat was spotted brown ans whute, he had real thread whiskers, and his ears were lined with ppink satin. on christmsa morning whe he sat wedgned in the top of the boys stocking with a sprig of holly between his paw, the effect was charming. there were ohter things in the stocking; nuts and ornages and a toy enigine and chocolate almonds and a clockwrk mouse. but the rabbit was quite the best of all. for at aleast two hours the boy loved him and then aunts and uncles came to dinner and there was a great rustling of tissue paper and unwrapping of parcels and in the exccitedment of looking at all the new presents the veleveteen rabbit was forgottin. christmas morning. for a long time, the rabbit slept in the cupboards or on the nursery floor and noone thought very much about him. he was naturally shy, and being only made of velveteen, soem of the other toys quite snubbedhim.the mechanical toys were very superior, and looked down upn everyone else. they were full of modern ideas and pretended they were real. the model boat, who had lived through two seasons, caught the tone from them and never mised an opportunity to refer to his rigging in technical terms. the rabbit couldnt claim to be a model of anything, for he didnt know that real rabbots existed. he thought they were all made of sawdust like himself, and he understood that sawdust waas very out of date and should never be mentioned in modern circles. even timothy, the jointed wooden lion who was made by the disabled soldieres and should have had broader views, put on airs and preteneded to be connected to government. between them all, the rabbit was made to feel very insignificant and commonplace. the only personn that was nice to him at all was the skin horse. the skin horse had lived longer in the nursery than any of hte otehrs. he was so old that is brown coat was bald in patches and showed teh seams underneath, and most of the hairs in his tail had been pulled out to string bead necklaces. he was wise, for e had seen a long succession of toys arrive to boast and swagger, and by and by break their main springs and pass away, and he knew they were only toys, and would never turn into anything else, for nursery magic is very strange and wonderful, and only those playthings that are old and wise and experienced like the skin horse understand all about it. "what is real" asked the rabbit one day whiel they were laying side by side near the nursery fender befoe nana came to tidy the room. "does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stickout handle" "real isnt how you are made" said the skin horse. "its a thing that happens to you. when a child loves you for a long time, not just to play with, but really loves you, then you become real." "does it hurt" asked the rabbit "sometimes" replied the skin horse, for he was always truthful. "when you are real, you don't mind being hurt." "does it happen all at once, like being wound up," asked the rabbit, "or bit by bit?" "it doesnt happen all at once" said the skin horse. "you become. it takes a long time. thats why it doesnt happen often to toys who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. but these things dont matter at all, because once you are real, you cant be ugly, except to those who dont understand"
okokok that;s all i can do from memory but can you tell that i love ove lvoe the velveteen rabbit akdhalsk
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wynnummarine · 2 years
How to Optimize Storage Space on a Boat
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Sailors and everyone living in offshore homes have pioneered many advancements in small-space living. Bobbing beside a dock or anchored in a marina, sailboats, houseboats, and small yachts use clever designs to make the most of a few square feet. If you want extra space in your boat to accommodate more passengers, read this article to know how to save space in your boat.
Secure Your Gear
Do you want to secure gear and supplies in a visible location within reach? You can work wonders with inexpensive items like gear ties, carabineers, bungee cords, cargo nets and hook and loop fasteners. In the galley, cargo nets are great for overhead storage of fruits and vegetables, ready for the chef to grab. Bungee cords work well for securing windbreakers up against a bulkhead. Want to set your coffee cup down on the table and not have it tip over? Try sticking hook and loop material to its underside with the corresponding hook and loop mating surface located on the table and in other strategic locations around the boat. Have fun, use your imagination and you will find interesting ways to secure all kinds of gear.
Install a Small Charging Station
It’s best to place all gadgets in one place so they don’t tend to scatter around the boat. If you need to charge phones, laptops, and other gadgets at the same time, designate a small area in your boat where you can use it as a charging station. You can confine this on a counter or even a drawer. Install multiple outlets in one place. Make sure you also have a chord organizer where it can hold chords neatly.
Use Collapsible Containers
Your kitchen, or a galley, is definitely one of those areas in your boats where a lot of items are stored or placed. To save space, collapsible containers for everything from bowls to measuring cups. When you need the containers, you have them in their full size, but when you need to store them on board, you can collapse them, so they easily fit in drawers and other small galley storage spaces. You can use canvas baskets as your collapsible storage spaces. You can fold it up and keep it up if they are not in use.
Make Use of the Wall Space
To add aesthetics to your walls, use functional décor. There are a lot of beautiful hanging organizers or wall racks that not only add beauty and charm to your boat but can also maximize the wall space that can also use to store your belongings.
Use Foldable Furniture
To save more space in your boat, use furniture that can be folded and kept aside. A foldable table, seat, or bed is beneficial for space in your boat. These allow you the convenience of foldable furniture as well as the use of the space when these items are stowed. Cup holders are also helpful to keep drinks within reach and make a difference when every iota of space matters.
Find a Boat with Floor Storage
If you’re still looking for a boat and you’re in the market planning to purchase one, find a boat that has underfloor storage. Underfloor storage gives you extra space and it’s also completely out of sight Stacer’s Wild Rider boat range has underfloor storage where you can store other items in your boats such as fenders, angling gear, and other boating accessories.
Organized Anglers Catch More Fish
If you have a fishing boat, organizing your tackle onboard will help you to catch more fish. Where not already installed, consider a set of flush-mount rod holders. Offshore fishing boats benefit by installing "rocket launcher-style" rod holders to keep rods out of the way but also rigged and ready for action. Rod holders can also be installed overhead inside the boat's cabin. You can buy them in marine boat shops.
Multi-Use Products Save Space
Choose products and gear that serve multiple purposes or are designed to take up less space. For example, use multi-tools, that include pliers, cutting blades, screwdrivers, files, etc. These products help you save a ton of space in your storage areas.
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thecoverco · 2 months
Enhance Your Boat's Protection with Premium Boat Fender Covers
When it comes to maintaining the pristine condition of your boat, every detail counts, and that includes ensuring the protection of your fenders. Boat fender covers are essential accessories that not only extend the life of your fenders but also safeguard your vessel from potential damage. At The Cover Co, we understand the importance of high-quality fender covers and offer a range of solutions tailored to meet your boating needs.
Why Boat Fender Covers Matter
Boat fenders play a crucial role in protecting your boat's hull from impacts with docks, other boats, and other hard surfaces. However, exposure to harsh weather conditions, UV rays, and saltwater can lead to wear and tear on these fenders. This is where boat fender covers come into play. They provide an extra layer of protection, ensuring your fenders remain in top condition and continue to perform their protective function effectively. Boat Fender Covers
Key Benefits of Boat Fender Covers
Enhanced Durability: High-quality fender covers are designed to withstand the rigors of marine environments. They protect your fenders from abrasions, UV damage, and saltwater corrosion, ensuring they last longer and perform better.
Improved Aesthetics: Aesthetics matter on the water just as much as functionality. Boat fender covers come in various colors and designs, allowing you to enhance the appearance of your boat while providing necessary protection.
Reduced Maintenance: By shielding your fenders from environmental damage, fender covers reduce the frequency of maintenance and replacement. This means less time and money spent on repairs and more time enjoying your boating adventures.
Custom Fit: At The Cover Co, we offer a range of fender covers designed to fit various fender sizes and shapes. Whether you have small, medium, or large fenders, our covers ensure a snug and secure fit.
Our Range of Boat Fender Covers
At The Cover Co, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse selection of boat fender covers to meet different needs and preferences. Our collection includes:
Standard Fender Covers: Ideal for everyday protection, these covers are available in various sizes and colors to match your boat’s aesthetic.
Custom Fender Covers: For those with specific requirements or unique fender sizes, we provide custom solutions tailored to your exact specifications.
Heavy-Duty Fender Covers: Designed for high-impact protection, these covers are perfect for boats that encounter rough conditions or frequent docking.
Why Choose The Cover Co?
When selecting fender covers, it's important to choose a supplier known for quality and reliability. At The Cover Co, we are committed to delivering top-notch products that meet the highest standards of durability and performance. Our extensive range of boat fender covers is crafted from premium materials, ensuring long-lasting protection for your fenders.
Additionally, our user-friendly online store makes it easy to browse and select the perfect fender covers for your boat. With competitive pricing and excellent customer service, we are dedicated to providing you with an exceptional shopping experience.
Investing in high-quality boat fender covers is a smart decision for any boat owner looking to protect their vessel and enhance its longevity. At The Cover Co, you’ll find a comprehensive range of fender covers designed to offer superior protection and style. Explore our collection today and ensure your boat is equipped with the best in fender cover technology.
Visit The Cover Co to discover our full range of boat fender covers and elevate your boat’s protection.
Boat Fender Covers
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sailingtrinity · 3 months
Sparkling Fender Cleaning for Your Boat
Sparkling Fender Cleaning for Your Boat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAushPxhtIw Discover the ultimate guide to achieving sparkling fenders on your boat. Join us as we effective cleaning, ensuring your boat looks its best. #BoatCleaningTips #FenderCleaning #BoatMaintenance #BoatLovers #Boating #CleanBoat #BoatCleaningHacks #BoatLife #BoatDetailing #BoatCare via Sailing Trinity https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvZVfYn0G44Gqv4oW7nmsKA June 26, 2024 at 07:34PM
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idealsealmfg · 4 months
Elevate Your Waterfront Experience with Top-of-the-Line Dock Products
Living by the water offers a unique and serene lifestyle, but to fully enjoy the perks of waterfront living, investing in high-quality dock products is essential. Top-of-the-line dock products not only enhance the functionality and safety of your dock but also add to the aesthetic appeal and longevity of your waterfront property. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various types of premium dock products available, their benefits, and tips for selecting the best options to elevate your waterfront experience.
The Importance of High-Quality Dock Products
When it comes to docks, quality matters. High-quality dock products ensure durability, safety, and aesthetic appeal. Here are some reasons why investing in top-of-the-line dock products is a wise decision:
Durability: Premium dock materials are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, including strong UV rays, heavy rain, and saltwater corrosion. This ensures that your dock remains functional and attractive for years.
Safety: High-quality dock products often come with enhanced safety features such as non-slip surfaces, sturdy railings, and robust construction. These features help prevent accidents and injuries, providing peace of mind for you and your guests.
Aesthetics: A well-designed dock can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your waterfront property. Top-of-the-line products offer a variety of styles, colors, and finishes that can complement your home and landscape.
Low Maintenance: Premium dock products are often made from materials that require minimal maintenance. This means you can spend more time enjoying your waterfront lifestyle and less time on upkeep.
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Types of Top-of-the-Line Dock Products
There are several types of dock products available that can enhance the functionality and beauty of your dock. Here are some of the most popular options:
Composite Decking
Composite decking is a popular choice for docks due to its durability and low maintenance requirements. Made from a blend of wood fibers and plastic, composite decking resists rotting, splintering, and insect damage. It is also available in a variety of colors and textures, allowing you to achieve the look of natural wood without the upkeep.
Aluminum Docks
Aluminum docks are known for their strength, light weight, and resistance to corrosion. They are an excellent choice for both freshwater and saltwater environments. Aluminum docks are also easy to install and can be customized with various accessories to suit your needs.
PVC Decking
PVC decking is another durable and low-maintenance option for docks. Made from 100% plastic, PVC decking is resistant to moisture, mold, and mildew. It is also available in a wide range of colors and styles, making it easy to create a cohesive look with your home and outdoor spaces.
Floating Docks
Floating docks are versatile and adaptable, making them a great option for areas with fluctuating water levels. These docks are constructed using buoyant materials such as plastic or foam-filled pontoons, which keep the dock stable and level regardless of water conditions. Floating docks can be customized with various decking materials and accessories to enhance their functionality and appearance.
Dock Ladders
Dock ladders are essential for safe and easy access to the water. Top-of-the-line dock ladders are made from durable materials such as stainless steel or aluminum, ensuring longevity and resistance to corrosion. They are available in various designs, including fixed, retractable, and folding options, to suit different needs and preferences.
Dock Cleats and Bumpers
Dock cleats and bumpers are crucial for protecting both your dock and your boat. High-quality dock cleats provide secure mooring points for your vessel, while bumpers and fenders prevent damage from impacts. These products are typically made from durable materials such as stainless steel, rubber, or heavy-duty plastic.
Dock Lighting
Dock lighting enhances both the safety and aesthetics of your dock. Top-of-the-line lighting options include solar-powered lights, LED fixtures, and underwater lights. These lights not only illuminate your dock for nighttime use but also create a beautiful ambiance.
Benefits of Top-of-the-Line Dock Products
Investing in premium dock products offers numerous benefits, including:
Enhanced Longevity: High-quality materials are designed to last, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.
Improved Safety: Features like non-slip surfaces and sturdy construction help prevent accidents and injuries.
Increased Property Value: A well-maintained, attractive dock can boost the overall value of your waterfront property.
Reduced Maintenance: Premium products often require less upkeep, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your dock.
Customization Options: Top-of-the-line products offer a range of customization options, allowing you to create a dock that perfectly suits your needs and style.
Choosing the Best Dock Products
When selecting dock products, consider the following factors to ensure you make the best choices:
Material: Choose materials that are durable, weather-resistant, and suitable for your specific environment (freshwater or saltwater).
Maintenance: Opt for low-maintenance materials that will save you time and effort in the long run.
Safety: Look for products with built-in safety features to protect you and your guests.
Aesthetics: Select products that complement the style of your home and landscape.
Functionality: Consider how you plan to use your dock and choose products that enhance its functionality, such as ladders, cleats, and lighting.
Budget: While top-of-the-line products may come with a higher upfront cost, their durability and low maintenance requirements often make them a more cost-effective choice in the long run.
Investing in top-of-the-line dock products is essential for creating a safe, durable, and attractive waterfront space. Whether you are looking to replace your existing dock materials or build a new dock from scratch, choosing high-quality products will ensure that your dock remains functional and beautiful for years to come. From composite decking and aluminum docks to dock ladders and lighting, there are plenty of options to suit your needs and preferences.
By considering factors such as material, maintenance, safety, aesthetics, functionality, and budget, you can make informed decisions that will enhance your waterfront experience. So, elevate your waterfront living with premium dock products and enjoy the many benefits they bring to your home and lifestyle.
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cinimon01 · 4 months
Another Mothers Day without a mother or children.
Sunday May 12th 2024
Mothers day is always hard now we are older. We miss our mums in heaven and miss our children in Australia. But thanks to the technology of Star link, we are able to all catch up via video link and have a family catch up face to face. All of our fruit cakes looked wonderful and I just want to hug them all. I wish I could have a link up to my mum as well. There is so much I would like to tell her.😢
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In the morning as we still had the car we drove to Opua to do some washing and we went to brunch.
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On this day we decided to get the things done to the boat that were bothering us most. Mainly the batteries. Our batteries are AGM and 4 years old. They do not provide enough energy for our boat any longer and some days if there is not much sun to power up with solar, we have to start the generator to get things going. So that was one thing, then we thought about the freezer situation and decided to replace the inefficient Engel freezer and get a larger, quieter draw freezer. So these things decided we felt better about staying on the boat in New Zealand for the next 10 months.
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Sun rise on mothers day.
13th May 2024.
We were keeping the car for a few days as Neil our long time friend from Shell was coming to stay so we had to get to Whangarei airport to pick him up. So we drove the Opua and left the car there and walked, yes walked 2 hours back around the coast track to Paihia. It was beautiful, a bit challenging but a lovely walk. I tried out my new knee guard and it worked a treat. I made the distance up hill and down without as much pain.
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14th May 2024.
This was always going to be a big day. First tidy and clean the boat as we were having a visitor. Then motor to Opua and dock in berth H10. Time for a quick shower and jump in the car and rive to Whangarei. Went to Pack and Save to provision for the week, as its the best and cheapest supermarket I have found in NZ, then off to collect Neil. We arrived back to the boat at 9.45pm, had a few welcome aboard Mai Tai's and chat before we went to sleep.
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15th May 2024,
Today Neil and David fixed a few things and we sorted a few problems that needed a third opinion. Then in the evening we were invited to Olliy's boat. A 60meter cat he works on and is about to sail to Tonga. We went aboard as they were provisioning and I couldnt believe the amount of food for 5 people needed for a two week passage. But I was told that they were planning 4 weeks before actually going to a shop. So the amount of beer may last?
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17th May 2024
Yoga in the morning with the lovely ladies in Opua, then out into the bay where we managed to get the sails up for an hour or so before the wind died completely. Motored back to Russell for Davids stitches to be removed and I needed an afternoon nap, or as Neil calls it a SCAN. (Senior Citizens Afternoon Nap).
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18th May 2024
Off into the bay, we sailed for a while then found a great fishing spot. (Same spot I caught the snapper). I caught a king fish and Neil caught 2 snapper. Just legal length. Yummy dinner and stayed in Te Hue Bay overnight.
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19th May 2024
Neil had to fly home from Whangarei on Thursday the 23rd, so we thought we would sail there and stay in the Marina for a few days and see what it was like. We were told it was a lovely friendly Marina and the shops were just across the road. The weather checked in Ok but not great and we thought it would be good experience for us. So we started out with a man over board drill and practiced a figure of 8 to pick up Wilson, our orange fender. We picked him up each time but I think he had hypothermia by the end of it. The we started towards the hole in the rock which is open to the sea and on the way to Whangarei. As soon as we turned the corner to round the rock we were hit with 2m waves and a huge swell. Neil said it wasn't that bad, but we were travelling against the wind and the boat was shaking and rolling all over the place. It was a messy ocean with waves and swell mashing together. Not a comfortable ride at all. After about 3 hours of wave bashing we pulled into Bland Bay for the night. I was not as protected from the southerly as we thought so we rocked all night. I cooked a quick spaghetti bolognaise for dinner and we were all exhausted.
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20th May 2024.
A decision was made to go back to The Bay of Islands as the weather was worse than yesterday. So we again faced the huge seas up the coast toward the hole in the rock, but this time the wind was behind us and we surfed most of the way. There was a rouge wave that hit our starboard windows and shook the boat, toppling a few things, but other than that it was better than yesterday. We pulled into Opunga Cove and all was quiet and calm. So I cooked the lamb roast we planned for last night and it was delicious. There is a unique feeling of cooking and eating something so yummy and soothing after a rough day, in the middle of now where, surrounded by water and not a sole in sight that makes this a special moment. And then appeared a rainbow.
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21st May 2024,
Went sailing again this morning. Neil imparting some knowledge on trimming sails and getting a feeling for the wind has been soooo valuable. Pulled into Motuarohia Island where I walked to the top of the hill, fantastic look out and then had a picnic on the beach. Finished the day with some fishing and met Colin the Cormorant. He stole my bait and then Neils bait. So we motored away from him to another sport, but he followed us for quite a distance. It was quite funny. Then back to Russell where we went ashore for a pub feed and then back to the boat for a sleep.
22nd May 2024,
Caught the ferry to Paihia then drove to Whangarei. After some house keeping, Bunnings, plumbing shop, Warehouse and ordering of some Mai Tai shirts, we had the best Thai meal and said farewell to Neil who stayed at the Grand Hotel for the night before his 6am flight. Then David and I drove back to Russell where I saw our first kiwi on the road between the car ferry and the town. He scooted across the road so fast. There are quite a few signs announcing that the live in the area and I'm always worried I would hit one.
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mollydsails · 7 months
March 12 - Molly D arrived back in Vero Beach on March 8, a homecoming of sorts. After leaving Ft Lauderdale, our next stop was in Lake Worth. Molly D was able to do an offshore passage. Many dive boats were on the water that day and David and I had to stay vigilant to spot them. Many times we would spot the dive boats with the binoculars and alter course if necessary. Boats are required to stay 300’ away from dive boats. Ok. I’ll just get out my trusty Stanley tape measure for that. We did the best that we could.
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Lake Worth at night.
The trip from Lake Worth was 61 miles, so Molly D got an early start.
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Leaving Lake Worth at first light
Molly D ran offshore up to Ft Pierce where she entered the Ft Pierce inlet to the ICW. Once on the ICW, Molly D met her first opening bridge.
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The first opening bridge of our ICW journey north.
Our journey north now had fixed bridges to deal with. With a top of the VHF antenna height at 64.5’, it is important for us to know how much clearance is available at each 65’ bridge.
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Um, I think the clearance board is missing. In my notes for this bridge, I had stated that clearance was ok if the 4th fender board was at the water. We had more of the 4th board showing, so the bridge height was ok.
When Molly D arrived in Vero, we were lucky enough to raft with friends on Cutting Class. Cutting Class is homeported in Mystic.
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David and Dan discussing rafting line adjustment.
In keeping with tradition, we celebrated our arrival in Vero with dinner at Riverside Cafe. Not a fancy place, but the food is good and the sunset view is even better.
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Ahhh. In time for happy hour drink prices!
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Sunset view of the Barber Bridge
It was a busy weekend in Vero. We had dinner out on Friday. Saturday we went to the farmers market and attended a free concert at night. On Sunday (after the morning rain had cleared), we attended the Art Under the Oaks show in Riverside Park.
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Art show in Riverside Park
When we were in Vero during November-January, work was being done at the Veterans Memorial Park. The work has been completed on the bridge and the park has reopened. Work is continuing on the WWII section of the park.
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Veterans Memorial Park
David and I have done much walking in Vero. I’ve almost worn out my second pair of shoes since we arrived in Vero in November! Glad that we are able to do the walking!
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Beautiful ocean views to walk to every day. Doesn’t get old.
There is one route that David and I walk that meanders through neighborhoods. Much more scenic than walking down commercialized Beachland Blvd. There is a slight problem with the scenic walk. David and I must dodge dozens and dozens of inch worms hanging on their webs from the abundance of trees. Can’t walk a straight line. Can’t divert your eyes from where you are walking. When you think you are dodging an inch worm, the wind blows it in front of your path. A homeowner we passed was amused by our pointing out of every inch worm and our wandering path. He told us that there’s no getting away from them and that we need to swing a fishing pole in front of us in order to clear the inch worms away. Great idea!! I didn’t have a fishing pole, but I did pick up a dead palm frond to use instead. So I waved that frond back and forth in front of us and I cleared out many inch worms from our path. I just hope nobody got my antics on camera. lol!
We leave Vero on Friday. Many things still to be done before leaving. Still more fun to be had.
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nomikkh · 7 months
If I don't put foundation on, I'm fairly pale but my skin has a reddish tint like "oh yeah, there's blood under there"... But if the foundation goes on it's fully "omg that person will combust if exposed to sunlight".
Also... Let me rant for a bit about lazy large vehicle drivers. This is a tangent post. I drive a Big Car, and as such I feel I have a duty to others. To be aware, to drive with precision, and to stay as undistracted as possible. All large car drivers have this duty in my opinion.
Do I make mistakes, yes. Do I occasionally forget my turn signal, yes. Have I been at fault in a fender bender, also yes. But I do my best to minimize mistakes and by gods my phone stays clipped in its holder at all times.
The number of times I've seen a Large Boat Car lazily drift into another lane with no turn signal, or straddle two lanes on a curve causing folks to abruptly slow down to avoid them enrages me to no end. This is why so many people hate trucks and SUVs. Most of us can't drive for shit. It's all "ME BEEG TRUCK MAKE ROOM FOR MY FAT BUTT".
I may drive like a bat out of hell and use on ramps like the beginning of a race track but I like to think I'm a precise bat. Most of the time, there isn't a vehicle around me I'm not aware of.
Oh, and turn signals. Turn signals are not not NOT for asking permission, they are for declaring action. Be aware of your vehicle's physical dimensions, find a spot you'll fit into, get to said spot, pop the turn signal and get on in there. At most the turn signal needs to be on for 15 seconds.
I said tangent post. I've been holding in these petty grievances in for too long.
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marinesupplyonline · 8 months
Employ Melbourne's Best Boat Cleaners for Crystal Clear Cruises
Your yacht needs to have its exterior and interior thoroughly which is possible once you hire boat cleaners. While most people believe that they should wash their boats themselves, there are occasions when it is best to delegate such jobs to experts. This is due to their extensive knowledge of cleaning boats, which are constantly subjected to a variety of environmental factors while in the water. Because of the variety of materials that go into building your boat, cleaning it requires extra care.
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Maintain the Aesthetics and Look
A readily apparent advantage of routine marine upholstery boat fenders is that they preserve the appearance and value of your vessel. Marine upholstery is susceptible to accumulating filth, grime, and stains over time. This can not only make your boat appear unpleasant, but it can also make the environment uncomfortable for passengers.
These ugly features can be eliminated, and your boat's immaculate appearance can be restored with routine cleaning and maintenance of your marine upholstery. This not only makes your boat look better overall, but it also raises its value should you decide to update or sell it in the future.
Trailer Fenders: Their Significance and Benefits Offered by Them
For your trailer to be safe and last a long time, trailer fenders are essential. Their primary function is to protect the load plus the trailer from dirt, water, and other particles that the tyres could kick up. This is particularly important when travelling on unpaved or uneven roads. Preventing flying debris from causing harm to other cars on the road is another important factor.
It is advised to install dirt flaps and fender shields and drive carefully on uneven or difficult terrain to avoid damaging plastic trailer fenders. To suit various trailer types and user preferences, trailer fenders come in a range of sizes, shapes, and materials.
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onlinemexicaninsurance · 10 months
Mexican Insurance for Tourists: A Guide to Staying Safe While Exploring
Mexico is a dream travel destination for many. But before you pack your bags for an adventure south of the border, consider getting the right insurance. Here's what you need to know: Mexican Auto Insurance Driving in Mexico offers a unique and exciting experience, but remember that your usual US (United States) or Canadian car insurance will not cover you here. If you want to drive in Mexico, you need Mexican insurance. Without it, even a simple fender bender could become complicated and expensive. This insurance gives you liability coverage, a requirement for all drivers in Mexico. If you cause an accident, this insurance helps cover medical and legal fees if you are held legally responsible for someone else's injury or damage to someone else's property. You can also add comprehensive coverage to protect against damage to your car and partial theft. It can even provide assistance if your car breaks down. Mexico Boat Insurance If you plan to sail to Mexico, you will need Mexico boat insurance. The unpredictable nature of water activities means having insurance is non-negotiable. If your boat accidentally damages another or someone gets injured, this insurance will help with the costs. If you choose comprehensive coverage, you will also be covered against things like theft, damage, or if you need to be rescued at sea. Global Medical Insurance It is easy to forget that your regular health insurance might not extend its protection while you are abroad. Injuries, illnesses, or emergencies in Mexico could lead to hefty bills. Enter Global Medical Insurance. This coverage protects you if you fall ill, get injured, or need emergency care while traveling in Mexico (or anywhere globally). You can get treatment at top private medical facilities in Mexico without worrying about the costs. Some plans even offer support for serious situations like needing to be evacuated home. Get Your Insurance Quote Today! Since 2004, West Coast Global Insurance Services has been helping travelers like you stay protected in Mexico. We They can connect you with top-rated Mexican insurance carriers for Auto and Boat Insurance. And if it is Global Medical Insurance you need, they can connect you with top-rated private insurance carriers. Of course, they will help you review, compare, and buy the best policy for your needs and budget. Do you want to secure the best online Mexican Insurance for your travels? Click this link or visit www.westcoastri.com for more information!  
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iilssnet · 1 year
Sailing through the Slovenian Seas: Unlocking Legalities and Security
Sailing through the Slovenian Seas: Unlocking Legalities and Security === Slovenia, a small yet stunning country nestled in Central Europe, offers a unique opportunity for sailing enthusiasts to explore its beautiful coastline along the Adriatic Sea. With its crystal-clear waters, charming fishing villages, and picturesque islands, this hidden gem is a paradise for anyone seeking a maritime adventure. However, before embarking on your sailing journey, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the legalities and security measures in place to ensure a smooth and worry-free trip. In this article, we will delve into the guidelines, regulations, essential equipment, and expert tips that will help you navigate the Slovenian seas with ease.
Setting Sail: Discovering the Slovenian Seas
The Slovenian coast, stretching just 46 kilometers, may be small in size, but it boasts an abundance of natural beauty and cultural heritage. With its captivating blend of Mediterranean and Central European influences, this region offers a unique and enchanting sailing experience. From the charming seaside town of Piran to the majestic Strunjan Cliff and the tranquil St. George Island, every corner of the Slovenian coast has something special to offer. Immerse yourself in the captivating history, indulge in the delectable seafood cuisine, and bask in the warm sun as you explore the wonders of the Slovenian seas.
Navigating Legal Waters: Guidelines and Regulations
Before embarking on your sailing adventure, it is crucial to understand the guidelines and regulations set by the Slovenian authorities. All vessels must comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) and carry the necessary documentation, including a valid boat license, registration papers, and insurance. Additionally, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the local maritime laws, restrictions, and speed limits in the specific areas you plan to visit. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure the safety of yourself, your crew, and other sailors enjoying the Slovenian seas.
Anchoring Confidence: Ensuring Security at Sea
Safety should always be a top priority when sailing, and the Slovenian seas are no exception. Before setting sail, ensure that your vessel is equipped with essential safety equipment, including life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers, and navigation lights. It is also advisable to have a first aid kit on board and to familiarize yourself with basic emergency procedures. Additionally, staying informed about weather conditions and potential hazards is crucial. The Slovenian Maritime Administration regularly updates weather forecasts and provides information on any navigational risks, ensuring that you can confidently navigate the Slovenian seas while prioritizing your safety.
Charting a Course: Planning Your Sailing Adventure
To make the most of your sailing adventure in the Slovenian seas, careful planning is essential. Research the different ports, marinas, and anchorages along the coast to determine the best route for your journey. Consider the duration of your trip, the weather patterns during your chosen season, and the desired attractions and destinations you wish to explore. Planning ahead allows you to maximize your time on the water and ensure that you don't miss out on any hidden gems along the Slovenian coast.
Casting off: Essential Equipment for a Smooth Voyage
When setting sail in the Slovenian seas, it is crucial to have the necessary equipment to ensure a smooth and enjoyable voyage. A reliable GPS navigation system, charts, and compass are essential for safe navigation. Additionally, having a VHF marine radio on board allows you to communicate with other vessels and obtain real-time information. Other essential equipment includes a sturdy anchor and chain, fenders, mooring lines, and a boat hook. By having these essential tools aboard, you can handle any situation that arises and ensure a stress-free sailing experience.
Smooth Sailing: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Trip
To make your sailing trip in the Slovenian seas truly unforgettable, consider these expert tips and tricks. First and foremost, take advantage of the local knowledge by talking to experienced sailors, locals, or charter companies who can provide invaluable insights into the best sailing routes, hidden coves, and local customs. Additionally, make a checklist of provisions, including water, food, and fuel, to ensure you have everything you need for your journey. Finally, embrace the spirit of adventure and allow yourself to immerse in the breathtaking beauty of the Slovenian coast, while always being respectful of the environment and local communities. Unlocking the Splendors of the Slovenian Seas === Embarking on a sailing adventure through the Slovenian seas promises an unforgettable experience filled with natural beauty, cultural heritage, and tranquility. By familiarizing yourself with the legalities and security measures, planning your route, and ensuring you have the necessary equipment, you can set sail with confidence and peace of mind. Whether you choose to explore the charming fishing villages, indulge in delicious seafood cuisine, or simply bask in the warm sun, the Slovenian coast offers a paradise for sailing enthusiasts. So, hoist your sails, navigate the legal waters, and embark on a journey to unlock the splendors of the Slovenian seas. Read the full article
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