#best aviation headset
sofasoap · 1 year
Lastochka - Epilogue
Pairing : Nikolai x F!Reader ( OC/Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Family.
Part I , Part II, Interlude,Part III,Part IV,Part V
WARNING: Back to it's crack-ish fic route, with slight mention of PTSD, swearing, Mature theme.
I apologise if any depictions of symptons and military procedures might be incorrect.
Thanks to @homicidal-slvt for planting ideas into my brain. this whole series is all for you :)
My usual thanking @saltofmercury, mother of Mini, for lending me the character :) Please go and check out her fics!
“masterlist” for Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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“Papa, What’s that??”
“That is a C-27J Spartan.” “And and and that one??” 
“That my dear, is a Mi-24 Hind.”
“Papa knows how to fly all of these??” 
“Of course my принцесса. If it flies, Papa knows how to pilot them.”
Your daughter Anya, who is currently sitting on her father’s shoulder, looking down at him with her mouth wide open in awe. 
“If your papa knows how to keep your Ma and uncle Gaz inside the aircraft, that would be wonderful.” You mumbled as you came up beside your husband and daughter. “Oh my lastochka, you are still sour about it years later?”
“You nearly killed your wife that day.” you pouted, latching onto his arm. 
“I fell in love with my wife that day.” he looked down at you, winking as he pulled his aviators down. 
“Uncle uncle uncle poppaaaaaaa!!” Anya started wriggling around and waving as she spotted Ghost’s tall figure, followed by Gaz, Soap and Price. Lifting her off the shoulder with a bit of grunt, Nikolai sets Anya down. As soon as her little feet touched the ground, she ran straight to Ghost, latching onto his leg like a koala. 
“I win. Pay up.” Ghost smirks under his mask. He picks Anya up as she giggles away while he tosses her up high before catching her. 
Soap and Gaz grumbled as they fish out twenty pound notes each.
Gaz gave you a sheepish look, “ We were arguing who Anya’s favourite uncle is. So we thought this is the best way to settle.” You glared at the boys. “By betting money?” Gaz and Soap pointed at each other, ““His idea””.
You rolled your eyes. “Well, going by that, all three of you are losing. She’s going through the Poppa Price phase at the moment. She insists on taking her Poppa Price doll with her everywhere she goes.” pointing at the little backpack Anya has on, you can just see crochet doll Price’s head just peeking out from the opening of the bag. 
Gaz gifted you a whole set of dolls he crocheted when your daughter was born.
“.... Where did you get these made?” You gapped as you picked up the Soap doll, these are really well made, even down to the finest detail of the little scar on his chin. 
“ I made them.” Gaz smiled proudly as he took other dolls out of the bag. Ghost with his mask on and the forehead frown, Price with his signature boonie hat and little cigar in his mouth, Soap with his mohawk, Gaz with his Union Jack cap, Nikolai and his aviator and headset, and there is you too, in a little combat gear. “You need to give me photos of your parents, so I can make them too.” 
Who knows Gaz’s side hobby was knitting and crocheting? Now it make sense the scarf and jumper set he gifted you for your birthday years ago. 
“This is an odd place for a family outing.” Price commented as he came up and gave you a hug and kiss on the cheek, and turned to shake Nikolai’s hand. 
“What can I say, my daughter has inherited her father’s fondness for flying, she insisted us to bring her to the airshow when she saw it advertised on T.V.” you sighed as you looked at three boys playing with Anya. You were blessed to have your team family loving her as much as they have loved you. Few soldiers in their uniform walked past your group, gasping in awe. Taskforce one-four-one has a famous reputation and was well known amongst the military. You can just make out some of them mumblings,
“...isn’t that …Captain Price’s team….”
“Lady Fortuna??”
“... THE famous Lady Fortuna? The one that brought the Russian mafia to their knees?”
What? How did the rumour about your failed mission become a skewed legend? You shivered a bit, not a memory you wanted to recall. You clutch onto your husband’s arm. Sensing your distress, Nikolai pulls you in with his other arm, comforting you silently.
“... and she famously shut the Taskforce one-four-one men up over the chocolate biscuits.”
Oh heaven. The famous chocolate biscuit incident. You groaned as you can feel your husband’s body shaking with suppressed laughter, while Price facepalms, shaking his head. “I SPENT THREE DAYS BAKING THESE BISCUITS FOR THE WHOLE BARRACK, AND WHAT DID YOU BOYS DO??? ATE ALL OF IT?!!!!” 
Gaz and Soap sat on the mess hall dining bench, head bowing down, not daring to look you in the eyes. 
You finally came back to duty after over a year off to recover from your struggle with PTSD, and as appreciation and by popular demands by other soldiers, you baked a huge batch of your famous chocolate biscuit. 
And an hour later after leaving them on the kitchen bench, you discovered there were only a few crumbs and less than a handful left in the tupperware containers. 
You knew who the top two suspects were, and in no time you caught them in the other corner of the mess hall, eating away.
Ghost was watching the whole drama unfold, sipping on his tea. You turn and point your finger at him. “ YOU! I thought you would be the most sensible one, and don’t think you can get away with it! I can see the crumb on your lip!!” Simon quickly wiped his mouth and pulled down his mask, trying to deny any wrongdoing.You were in full lecture mode by the time Price swung by and looking for the biscuit, you dragged him by the shirt, not caring he is your superior, threw him onto the bench to sit with the other three men.
The four of them can see behind you as you yell at them without taking a breath, soldiers hearing there was biscuit but do a quick U-Turn when they see the hellfire that is on full flame.  You gained a second call sign after that, Lady of Hellfire.
“Ma!!!Papa!! Come come!! I wanna go see the planes!!” Anya’s tugging of your hand pulls you out from the memories of the past. Nikolai laughed as he picked his daughter up again and settled her into his arms.
“Alright! Now let’s go and look at that helicopter first… that’s the one Uncle Gaz and your Ma were rolling out from…and Oh that one over there.. That is a goodie too. I took your Ma on a date on that one…” You smiled as you looked at your teammate as they laughed at Nikolai’s conversation with our daughter.
Despite all the ups and downs. You were lucky to have Nikolai and your little Anya, and your brother and adoptive brother and uncle with you.
Makes all the challenges all worth it. 
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принцесса= Princess Thank you to :
@roosterr @preciouslittlecreature
@boughhs for sticking with me throughout the whole series. what started off as a joking idea for @homicidal-slvt, turned into a full fledge half crack half serious fic. It was a lot of fun writing it!! I might have two more drabbles for these two coming in next few days. If I can get my brains going :)
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smaptain-smerica · 2 years
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Female Reader x Rooster
Time: Post-Top gun: Maverick
Y/n Blackwood - L/n, daughter of Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood. Y/n took a strong interest in planes from a young age. Knowing her father was an esteemed pilot drew her even further into the navy. Quickly, she became one of the best solo pilots and graduating at the top of her class at Top Gun.
Her next mission? Return to Top Gun, Face certain death, romantic interests, and finally, her thought-to-be-dead, father.
This book contains strong language and sexual content that may be sensitive readers under the age of 18
This story was originally posted on Wattpad, follow me on there for faster updates. I have published a non-binary version of this story published there for those who do not identify as female or use she/her pronouns. It will follow the exact same story line. Link to Wattpad Account Link to the Non-Binary version
Master list
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Third Person POV
"Good morning aviators." Pete Mitchell announced to the eager group of pilots before him.
"This mornings training I will be putting you into two teams. Your planes will be marked with a blue or a red sticker. Your objective, keep your entire team alive, while also eliminating the opponent."
The pilots got excited, murmuring among themselves and already forming hopeful team alliances. "Hey what's the prize if we win?" Payback asked. Some people groaned a little as apparently he had come up with the punishment last time.
Pete thought for a moment, bringing his finger to his chin and stroking it thoughtfully. "How about, losers buy everyone a round?"
The pilots cheered, loving the idea as they stood up and started arguing with one another, saying things like; "you're going down" and "I hope you brought your wallet."
Pete laughed at their excitement, but had to get stern with them after receiving a look from warlock that told him to do so.
"First up, Wolf, fanboy and payback, hangman, Team red. Rooster, Coyote, Pheonix and Bob, team blue. Let the fun begin."
The pilots quickly made their way to the planes. The plane directors allowed the blue team to fly into the air first, the red team would follow in five minutes. The red team watched as the blue team soared off one by one into the air.
"Red team this is Wolf, ready for take off." "Payback and Fanboy, ready for take off." "Hangman, ready to kick some ass."
The red team was then shot into the blue morning sky. Clouds laced themselves thick and dense across they sky, allowing for plenty of cover for the Red team to hide. The Red team lowered their planes to glide along the bottom of the cloud cover. The blue team was flying below in a single file line, far enough apart to make any quick and necessary decisions.
"I'll dive down to break up the group, be prepared to split off and chase. Sound good?" Wolf asked the group, checking a few switches and then gripping her joystick, readying the plane.
"Copy, lead the way." Payback answered, preparing his plane himself. Hangman rolled his eyes, checking his plane and then looking up into the sky.
"Hangman, I need a copy or another idea." Wolf urged him, not wanting to cause a wreck between the pilots from miscommunication.
"You go, I've got my own idea." Hangman pulled the plane off, disappearing back up into the clouds to be unseen again.
"Hangman! Damnit." Wolf hissed, anger flashing in her voice. She then remembered that this was what hangman did. She could only hope he came around later.
"We're behind you wolf, on your go." Fanboys voice rang into the headset, making wolf smile. "Copy, thanks Fan, I'm going in."
Lower in the skys, the blue team was formulating a plan of their own. Rooster led the pack in the front, Pheonix and Bob in the middle and Coyote in the back. "We're too close to the hard deck for them to attack from below, they've gotta be above us." Rooster advised his team, unofficially becoming the group leader.
"Bob watch that radar and yell the second you see anything. I'll break left, Pheonix and Bob break right, Coyote you go straight forward as fast as possible. We can play chase and try to get our trailers into the line of others fire."
Back at base, Maverick was eating breakfast and listening to the radio. He couldn't help but feel pride for Rooster taking the lead on this one and instructing his fellow pilots. He had grown so much as a pilot these last few years.
There was silence in the air, no wind blowing making the clouds still. Bob listened intently for a beep, watching the radar closely for any signs of company. Then finally, a small dot appeared on his radar. Bob gasped. "Bogie Bogie! Coming in hot and fast directly behind us!"
"Everybody break!" Rooster barked, steering his plane hard to the left. He was thankful when he looked behind him to see Pheonix and Bob off to the right. Coyote pushed up and forward, quickly disappearing into the cloud cover.
Wolf widened her eyes as she saw the team split off in different directions. "I'm going left, left!" She announced, turning her plane to the side hard in order to make the tight turn and successfully chase her target.
"Copy, I'm going right!" Payback confirmed and the two pilots began their chase on the targets. Wolf cursed in her mind, hoping that strangler plane would meet hangman in the clouds. As she chased the pilot she quickly realized it was Rooster. She smirked to herself speeding up to ride roosters tail. She stayed there, matching his speed and anticipating the turns. Her radar lock button circling around the area so the warning sounds would blast in roosters ears as he flew. Iceman had taught her this while she flew underneath his guidance. He called it flying ice cold, wearing someone out until they made a mistake.
Wolf was the last thing that Rooster wanted at his tail. He stood his ground, making sharp turns and executing rather difficult maneuvers but she stayed on his tail the entire time. The beeping warning of the radar lock in his ears caused pressure, he began to panic.
Fanboy and payback raced after Pheonix and Bob, falling just enough behind to not be able to get a lock on them. An alarm blared inside the cab, causing fanboy to whip around and look behind them. "Coyote's got lock on us!"
"Shit!" Payback cursed. "I got you guys." Hangman's voice sang a symphony inside the teams headsets as he dove down from the clouds, hot on Coyote's tail. A steady beep rang from inside the planes cockpits.
"Fanboy and payback, down." Coyote announced, pulling off the radar. The alarm in his cabin then blared loudly, causing him to jump. Coyote looked behind him to see Hangman's plane.
Hangman smirked, satisfied at his job well done. "Coyote Down." Two planes wizzed by Hangman's view. He saw Wolf riding Roosters tail. He smirked, pulling off his path and flying quickly towards them. He took a few short cuts through the air and finally pulled up ever so slightly underneath the duo.
"Wolf, disengage so I can take the shot." Hangman instructed, knowing he could have a clear shot without his teammate in the way.
Wolf was astonished that he was there following them. She growled in anger at his appearance. "I've got this Hangman! Go get Pheonix and Bob!"
"I have a clear shot you just need to move! All you're doing is chasing." Hangman argued with her, getting frustrated and inching closer.
"Hangman Disengage! I can handle this!" She yelled into her headset, arguing with her teammate.
"You disengage so I can take the shot!" Hangman snapped back at her.
Suddenly a long tone rang in the cockpit of Wolfs plane. She quickly looked around for the source of the radar.
Pheonix and Bob had appeared from above and managed to get a radar lock on the top plane. "Wolf is down."
"Shit!" Wolf spat, her rage boiling to her head as she veered off the path and left the last three to fight it out.
Hangman knew he needed to disengage, but the second that Wolf left he had a clear shot at rooster. His ego was too large to let him turn and run from this fight.
It was as if domino's were falling. One pilot down, a second one down; one right after the other. "Rooster is down!" Hangman yelled into his headset.
"Hangman down!" Phoenix said triumphantly. Just like that, one stupid egotistical moment caused the red team to lose.
The last of the planes landed back on solid ground. The Blue team celebrated their triumphs and promises of free drinks to be cashed later.
One pilot in particular was steaming with rage. Hangman had been on the ground and out of the plane for less than two seconds before he was greeted by an angry Wolf.
Wolf shoved Hangman's shoulders forcefully, causing the taller man to stumble around. "I had him!" She yelled, catching the attention of the other pilots who quickly made their way towards the commotion. Maverick, who had just come around the corner and seen the commotion, also started to make his way over.
"You weren't going to hit him that close, I had the better shot!" Hangman's Anger now began to simmer as he hardened his face and shoved Wolf back. Wolf stumbled back, ready to leap forward but she was caught by someone's arm wrapping around her waist. She smelled the familiar pine and amber scent.
"You and you're big fucking ego got in my way!" She spat as she jumped forward again to try and take another jab at Hangman.
Payback and Coyote had joined Hangman's side, blocking him in case he tried to go at his fellow crew mate again. "At least I was doing something instead of playing chase the chicken!"
Rooster had managed to spin them around to where his back was now facing hangman and his front facing Wolf. He let go of her, gently but sternly encouraging her in the direction of the hanger. "Walk away y/n. It's not worth it." He said sternly.
Wolf gave up, anger blinding her as she turned around and walked away from the situation. "This is exactly how it was in school with that idiot." Her voice faded as she raged on, storming past Maverick despite his efforts to try and talk to her.
Rooster turned around and put his arms out wide, then dramatically dropping them. "Really? Chase the chicken?"
Hangman shrugged, disengaging in the situation and walking off in the opposite direction.
Maverick's eyebrows were raised in wonder at the situation before. He wondered what even happened. "Remind me not to put those two on a team again." He spoke to the group, who all silently nodded in an agreement That might be for the best in this situation.
I laid in my bed in a pair of comfortable leggings and a Large T-shirt. I skipped lunch and opted for eating dinner in my room. I was embarrassed for losing my temper in front of everybody. I also was angry at Hangman for what he did. It was stupid and proved that he hadn't changed one bit. I was reading one of my favorite books to help take my mind off things when I felt my phone buzz. I got a message from an unknown number.
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I sighed, finally deciding to roll myself out of my comfortable solitude. I found some jeans, throwing them on and then tucking my shirt into my pants. There, a little more presentable.
I began to brush my hair, putting on some perfume, and checking my teeth and breath to make sure they smelled decent. I popped in a piece of gum just in case.
I put on some shoes I didn't care about. Knowing people at the bars there was a likely chance they would get stepped on or a drink dropped on them. Its better to not care about them.
I made my way outside of the compound, my sunglasses on my head and a piece of gum in my mouth. I squinted at the bright sun and quickly went to the parking lot. I noticed Bradley there, leaning against his car. He looked up when I got closer, giving me a small smile.
"You know how to drive a standard?" He asked.
"Yes?" I responded in confusion. He then tossed me the keys to his vehicle. I quickly caught them in my hands, a wide smile quickly spread across my face which Bradley had returned to me.
I drove us to The Hard Deck while Bradley played every classic 80's rock song you can think of. We were singing, air guitaring, air drumming, an entire heavy metal band made out of imaginary instruments.
We got to the bar and I put the car in park, admiring the interior of the vehicle for a moment. "She's beautiful. Thank you for trusting my driving abilities." We shared in a chuckle, Bradley moving his arm to be behind the headrest of my seat and he rotated to get a better look at me.
"You're welcome. I expect the favor to be returned though." He warned me with a waving of his finger.
I hummed in thought, putting on a face of pretend thinking. "We'll see if you're worthy."
"If I'm worthy? What does that mean!" He was fake flabbergasted, looking astonished. Before our conversation could continue any farther, a loud crash came from inside the bar, followed by the sounds of multiple people yelling.
Bradley and I looked at each other quickly and then at the entrance of the bar, jumping into action and running inside to see what had happened.
Next Chapter
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es46 · 8 months
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Here's another facet to Skyla and Elesa that I find quite endearing (and probably should've reflected on a lot earlier, heh). Following the Memory Link in which Elesa decides to change her image, she's incorporated aspects of Skyla's own style into her new look. Principally she now has the shirt and shorts combo with a metal connector around the midsection, alongside featuring more blue in her design and a more dramatic take on the bangs. Could also interpret her new headset's visor as offering a stylised take on aviator glasses. In essence, a reflection of Skyla's design with more flair for the supermodel theme. Now I recognise it's something of a grasp, but I do find it a compelling dynamic that Elesa would be sincerely appreciative of Skyla being her best friend and confidant to the point of emulating her to a degree. Makes an adorable touch that the supermodel takes inspiration from her, and follows through to how Elesa considers Skyla's style worthy of the runway in Masters. Gets me musing then on how both of them, and other leaders, could have new looks in a BW3. In that case, what would you like to see as a new look for our old favourites?
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ufqaviation123 · 28 days
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Experience Superior Sound Quality with UFQ Aviation's ANR Aviation Headset
Upgrade your flying experience with the UFQ ANR Aviation Headset. Designed for comfort and clarity, this advanced headset features Active Noise Reduction (ANR) technology to minimize cockpit noise, allowing for crystal-clear communication. Lightweight and durable, it ensures long-lasting comfort during extended flights. The UFQ ANR Aviation Headset is perfect for pilots who demand the best in audio performance and noise reduction. Enjoy superior sound quality and unmatched comfort on every flight with UFQ Aviation's premium headset. Fly with confidence and focus on what matters most—your journey. Order yours today!
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onedirectdeals · 29 days
Razer BlackShark V2 X Gaming Headset: 7.1 Surround Sound - 50mm Drivers - Memory Foam Cushion - PC, PS4,PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S, Mobile - 3.5mm Audio Jack - Black
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: Embrace the sound of esports with the Razer BlackShark V2 X—a triple threat of amazing audio, superior mic clarity and supreme sound isolation. With our best headset mic and audio drivers packed into a unique aviation-style headset, your competitive play is destined to turn pro. Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 19.3 x 17.17 x 9.8 cm; 240 g Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Razer ASIN ‏ : ‎…
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phantasy-castle · 3 months
Fucking aviation bullshit was such a waste of time and I can't believe I feel bad about it at all. They were making me use a fucking actual map and flight calculator; are you joking? CFI didn't advocate for me enough because it wasn't in his best interest; I don't fault him for it. That grumpy old fuck should be nailed to a wall though. Greasy motherfuckers got theirs and they shove it in your face not too dissimilar from a fat grandma who could only manage to become a school secretary in her half-a-century of living. Fuck all these people. I'm selling my headset and PS4 to pay to fucking fix myself. So tired of being told how to feel about shit.
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glo-mini-golf · 7 months
Explore The Best Virtual Reality Experiences in California with Glo Mini Golf
California is rapidly embracing Virtual Reality (VR) due to accessibility to advanced hardware and software. California's renowned innovation fuels its VR leadership, shaping the future of immersive experiences. Even major players in the VR sector are headquartered in this state, contributing significantly to its evolution. The state's dynamic entertainment industry is integrating VR for interactive storytelling and virtual adventures. This article is a guide for you to discover California's best VR experiences, from Virtual Reality gaming to awe-inspiring cinema and mind-blowing tech. 
The gaming world has been evolving under the influence of VR  and serving as one of the important sources of entertainment. One of the best platforms for an exceptional gaming experience is Glo Mini Golf, which comprises VR escape rooms, arcade games, and console games, a complete entertainment package for all ages. 
Let us see which VR trends are emerging in 2024, California.
Emerging Trends of VR in 2024, California
California is currently experiencing a dynamic transformation in the VR landscape with a strong focus on social interactions, enterprise applications, healthcare, education, the incorporation of augmented reality (AR), and improved accessibility of hardware. The effect of these emerging trends continues on the various aspects of society and business, which suggests a favorable outlook for the future of virtual reality.
Here are some of the top trends of Virtual Reality in 2024, California-
1. Extended Reality (XR) Integration:
The lines are blurring between VR, AR, and MR, creating a new reality (XR) that redefines how we experience the world. It has a wide range of applications, from best virtual reality gaming and entertainment to education and training.
2. Immersive Training and Simulation
Medical professionals can use VR simulations to practice surgeries in a risk-free environment. Another advantage would be the enhancement of their skills and confidence. This trend is transforming training across industries, from manufacturing to aviation.
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3. VR in Healthcare:
In California, medical practitioners are adopting VR for patient therapy, pain management, and even remote consultations. This trend is enhancing patient care and medical training methodologies.
4. Collaborative VR Spaces:
Platforms like Spatial enabled post-pandemic era requirements of connecting physically. Through this, teams meet in virtual environments, fostering creativity and productivity.  
5. Evolving Entertainment Experiences:
The entertainment industry in California is embracing VR to provide more immersive and interactive experiences. VR arcades will teleport us to virtual worlds. The specially designed arcade lets you step into the cinema or game and make you the hero of your own story.
GLO has glow in the dark mini golf, an unforgettable, unique experience of endless virtual reality fun. It provides the most thrilling playing experience in the state-of-the-art retro atmosphere created on a glowing golf course.  
The mini golf glow in the dark has a dazzling golf course with hidden obstacle challenges and 27 unique and creative holes, providing a wholesome and enjoyable experience. 
6. Accessible VR Hardware:
Companies are making VR headsets that you can use on their own with very little setup. This makes overall accessibility of VR experiences easy and increases adoption among various demographics. 
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Guide to Experience Best Virtual Reality in California
1. VR Arcades:
California's VR arcades are immersive adventures, offering a unique social experience and an unforgettable outing.
These areas become central hubs for socializing, where people can enjoy the variety of games equipped with top-notch VR gear to dive into virtual reality adventure.
The sophisticated equipment includes VR headsets, controllers, and motion-tracking systems, allowing visitors to step into realistic virtual worlds.  
VR arcade setups are spacious with designated play areas, guaranteeing a secure and enjoyable environment for participants.
Arcade setups are increasing all across California for players of all ages. GLO Mini Golf’s GLO Arcade has the arcade game experience with its exciting collection for beginners and seasoned enthusiasts. 
The multiplayer options enable multiple groups to compete against each other in the virtual realm. These venues also host VR tournaments and events, fostering a sense of community among gaming enthusiasts.
Book your arcade escapade today! (Starting at just $30 per person)
2. Theme Parks: 
The cutting-edge virtual reality experiences in California have arcades offering a wide variety of experiences for all ages and interests. 
From virtual reality gaming, simulations, and experiences across different genres comprising adventure and horror genres to educational content, virtual reality delivers truly immersive experiences.
Some virtual reality theme parks create themed environments to enhance the overall experience. These could be based on popular franchises, historical periods, or imaginative worlds.
Some VR theme parks incorporate educational elements, offering experiences that provide insights into history, science, or other subjects.
Feel the Force like never before with VR at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge in Disneyland, Anaheim.
Cutting-edge VR headsets, motion-tracking that mirrors your every move, and haptic feedback let you experience heart-pounding visuals, seamless motion tracking, and lifelike touch feedback.
3. VR Gaming Console:
VR Gaming Console has stunning graphics, and interactive gameplay transports players into a virtual world with an unparalleled immersive level. The stunning visuals created and the precise motion control system through advanced tracking system makes it a unique experience for game enthusiasts.
Xbox & Playstation equipped with 200 games, Glo Mini Golf in Riverside provides a complete entertainment package of console gaming. 
4. VR Cinemas:
California's VR cinema theaters' cutting-edge VR headsets and lifelike audio transports you into another dimension of stunning 360-degree environments, while the immersive audio brings them to life in incredible detail.  
VR cinemas in California are taking movie immersion to the next level with advanced features like motion tracking and haptic feedback. 
This technology lets your physical movements influence the VR environment, allowing you to walk, climb, or fight alongside characters while adding touch sensations like wind or sword slashes.
5. VR Escape Rooms:
The experience allows us to dive into puzzles where objects respond effortlessly to your touch, guided by an intuitive design. GLO Mini Golf's alluring escape room is one of the best destinations if you search for "best escape rooms" or “virtual reality gaming near me.” It takes you on a thrilling adventure, providing a unique way to test your wits and teamwork in a virtual setting.
VR escape rooms have gained popularity soon among friends and families and for team-building activities while providing a thrilling approach to adventure.  
It is a distinctive fusion of traditional escape room experiences and video games, where players or groups enjoy thrilling and innovative forms of amusement. 
From chilling haunted mansions to sleek spaceships, the personalized virtual reality adventure experience lets you interact seamlessly with the surroundings. 
6. VR Fitness Studios:
VR fitness studios are transforming the conventional gym experience all across California. This appeals to a varied customer base that is enthusiastic about embracing the future of fitness. 
The focus of these studios' commitment to innovation and healthy lifestyles is reflected through their representation of technology and wellness fusion.
These studios provide a variety of VR fitness classes such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and yoga while making workouts enjoyable and effective through the immersive capability of virtual reality.
7. VR Technology Showcases:
In San Diego's core, museums dedicated to science and technology feature interactive VR exhibits, enabling visitors to delve into the educational and scientific possibilities of virtual reality. Meanwhile, Los Angeles, renowned for its entertainment technology, hosts VR film festivals that transport participants into captivating virtual realms. 
Experience the future of storytelling at The Hollywood VR Summit, where experts in virtual reality and entertainment come together.
The Virtual Reality Developers Conference at Anaheim is another place to gain insights from tech enthusiasts into the dynamic landscape of VR developments.
The annual event of the San Francisco Virtual Reality Expo is the opportunity to witness industry leaders unveiling the latest VR innovations in healthcare, such as surgeons performing VR-assisted operations. Explore mind-blowing hyper-reality in video games.
Participants have the opportunity to try out practical demonstrations, join informative discussions, and connect with others who have a shared enthusiasm for the virtual world.
California is a leader in virtual reality for cutting-edge experiences and endless possibilities. Virtual reality gaming, arcade games that make your adrenaline rush, epic adventures in theme parks, the experience of mind-bending immersive films, and escape rooms - the possibilities are endless here. The VR fitness studios are redefining the gym experience, the science and technology museums in San Diego feature interactive VR exhibits for educational purposes, and the state has a diverse range of applications. Experience the future of California now with incredible virtual experiences.
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conaldxgku · 11 months
Breaking Down the Features: Which Aviation Headset Wins, Lightspeed Zulu 3 or Bose A20?
In the earth of aviation, using a trustworthy and large-top quality aviation headset is essential for pilots. It not only presents clear communication with air site visitors control but also helps in lessening noise fatigue in the course of prolonged flights. With various possibilities out there in the market, two headsets that jump out tend to be the Lightspeed Zulu three and Bose A20. But which a person really should you select? In this post, We'll break down the features of both of those headsets and Look at them to determine the winner.
Lightspeed Zulu three vs. Bose A20 - The last word Comparison Breaking Down the Options: Which Aviation Headset Wins, Lightspeed Zulu 3 or Bose A20?
When it arrives to selecting an aviation headset, pilots frequently uncover by themselves torn concerning the Lightspeed Zulu three and Bose A20. Both of those headsets provide Remarkable options and have a powerful adhering to during the aviation Neighborhood. Let's dive deep into their characteristics to pick which just one will come out on leading.
Comfort and Fit Comfort is vital: How can Lightspeed Zulu three and Bose A20 Evaluate?
Comfort performs a crucial purpose in pilot headsets as aviators spend very long hrs carrying them during flights. The Lightspeed Zulu 3 features plush ear seals that deliver a comfortable in good shape even throughout extended use. Its lightweight structure makes sure small strain on the head and neck, making it suited to extensive flights.
On one other hand, the Bose A20 also offers excellent convenience with its plush cushions and ergonomic design. The headset's light-weight design evenly distributes stress over the head, ensuring a snug suit for pilots of all measurements.
In phrases of convenience and match, the two headsets excel, giving pilots a cushty expertise in the course Bose A20 vs Lightspeed Zulu 3 classicfighters.org of their flights.
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Finding Your Best Fit: Adjustability in Lightspeed Zulu three and Bose A20
An aviation headset really should cater to pilots of different head sizes and styles. The Lightspeed Zulu three options an adjustable headband and customizable ear seals, permitting pilots to obtain an ideal suit. This adjustability makes sure a secure and comfy expertise for all customers.
Similarly, the Bose A20 also offers a substantial standard of adjustability. Its headband may be simply altered to suit various head dimensions, even though its rotating microphone enables pilots to situation it In accordance with their Tastes.
Both headsets prioritize adjustability, making certain that pilots can discover their excellent healthy.
Noise Reduction Quieter Skies: How can the Noise Reduction Characteristics of Lightspeed Zulu 3 and Bose A20 Compare?
Noise reduction is The most critical things for just about any aviation headset. The Lightspeed Zulu three utilizes Lively noise reduction (ANR) engineering to cancel out external sounds, giving pilots with a transparent and uninterrupted audio practical experience. Its Superior ANR technologies cuts down cockpit noise by around 30 decibels, ensuring crystal apparent conversation.
The Bose A20 also incorporates ANR technology, supplying a powerful sound reduction functionality of as much as forty decibels. This degree of sound cancellation offers pilots which
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bestonetech · 1 year
Bose A30 Noise-Canceling Pilot Aviation Headset
The Bose A30 Noise-Canceling Pilot Aviation Headset is a high-end headset that is designed to provide pilots with the best possible combination of comfort, noise cancellation, and audio clarity. It features three modes of active noise cancellation, a Bluetooth audio interface, and a tap control for talk-through communication. Here are some of the key features of the Bose A30 headset: 3 modes of…
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ufqaviations · 2 years
High-Quality Airplane Headphones for an Immersive Audio Experience
Whether you're a frequent flyer or just taking a long flight, having a good set of headphones can make a big difference in your in-flight experience. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to know which headphones are the best for air travel. In this article, we'll explore the different types of headphones and features to consider when choosing the best option for your flight.
Features to Consider
There are several features to consider when choosing the best option for air travel.
Noise-cancellation: This feature is particularly important for long flights or noisy airplanes. It can help to reduce the overall volume level and create a more comfortable listening experience.
Wireless connectivity: Bluetooth headphones can eliminate the need for cords, making them more convenient to use in-flight. They can also be used to connect to the airplane's entertainment system.
Battery life: For long flights, it's important to choose headphones with a long battery life. Most headphones will last around 8-12 hours, but some models can provide up to 20 hours of listening time.
Compatibility: Some headphones may only be compatible with certain devices or operating systems. It's important to check the compatibility of the headphones before making a purchase.
Bluetooth Aviation Headsets: The Future of Pilot Communications
Airplane headphones have come a long way since the early days of aviation. Today's pilots can enjoy the convenience and quality of Bluetooth aviation headsets. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of Bluetooth aviation headsets and why they are becoming the future of pilot communications.
Benefits of Bluetooth Aviation Headsets
Bluetooth aviation headsets provide several benefits over traditional wired headsets. These benefits include:
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Convenience: Bluetooth headsets eliminate the need for cords, making them more convenient to use in the cockpit. They can also be used to connect to multiple devices, such as a smartphone or tablet.
Comfort: Bluetooth headsets are typically lighter and more comfortable to wear than traditional headsets. They can also provide better noise-cancellation, reducing pilot fatigue and stress.
Quality: Bluetooth headsets provide high-quality audio that is free from interference and distortion. They can also be used to stream music and other audio content.
Compatibility: Bluetooth headsets can be used with a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and aviation radios. This makes them a versatile tool for pilots.
Future of Pilot Communications
Bluetooth aviation headsets are becoming the future of pilot communications. They provide pilots with the convenience, comfort, and quality they need to perform their jobs effectively. In addition, they are more versatile and compatible than traditional headsets, making them a valuable tool for pilots in the modern age of aviation. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovations in aviation headsets and other tools that will make the lives of pilots easier and more efficient.
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trustbravo · 2 years
Dying light trainer 2016
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This method can be used to concentrate more on to Main Storyline, by avoiding some sidequests if you want to. Another trick for gamers, who want to raise Trust Rank/level quickly (In Dying Light's Following DLC). here's the table for the current steam version of Dying Light the following Dying Light the following Enhanced Edition Steam v1.16. ( single player is fine, but switch off anything to do with multiplaying/co-op) Last edited by Ceejay 1.
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To use this method, main quest Siblings must be completed, this grinding strategy might raise your Survival Rank pretty quick at lower levels : Also if your going to use anything you download from the web, make sure its not running when multiplaying or you risk being banned. Method requires at least level 3 of agility, and Slide skill acquired : Video guide of gaining Agility XP quickly, using sliding technique. I call this trainer The Nemesis because it reminds me of the Nemesis from Resident Evil 2 movie. Method also working in latest - The Following Dying Light expansion (2016) : Its late and dark, Im playing Dying Light, and, admittedly, Im a little creeped. Raising Survivor rank quick, using Disaster Relief on-site packages. 0 was released in 2016 with the Vive headset and currently costs 5. This equates to hundreds and thousands of survivor XP when you turn it in. So for me, I have x537 relief packages from those lockpicks. It will duplicate however many of the item you placed in there initially.
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garytrevino22 · 2 years
Aviation Headsets : Top 5 Best Aviation Headsets 2022
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victorellisonuf · 5 years
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UFQaviation Provide Best Aviation Headset
Choose from the widest range of best aviation headset like ANR headsets, PNR headsets and Other headsets at great offers and discount price only at UFQaviation. We also have a right side boom microphone for this item and If you need right-side boom please contact. For more info visit our website:- https://www.ufqaviation.com/collections/aviation-headsets
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alinabreet · 4 years
Noise Cancelling Aviation Headsets are specifically designed to allow pilots to complete their tasks in an appropriate manner. Such gadgets are equipped with active noise reduction technology in order to make their flying experience more interesting. This technology is quite helpful for suppressing the impact of the noise signal to ensure crystal clear sound quality. Perfect sound quality is required to improve communication, which is the basic requirement for aviators while selecting a headset. There are several headphones that are designed for different flight deck and cockpit environments. Thus, a peaceful flight can be enjoyed from short stops to long hauls with the help of these headsets.
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 years
A Ghost Playing Hangman {J.Seresin}
Warnings: Not too many, Swearing, Hangman being Hangman
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: Ghost was one of the most recent graduates from Top Gun quickly making a name for herself. When she gets recalled with the best of the best, she realizes her work is cut out for her if she wants to make the team. And one of her biggest obstacles is a blonde hair pilot with the world’s most annoying smirk. Will she make the team? And if so, at what cost?
A/N: So, I recently watched Top Gun Maverick and man did that put me on a new writing kick. Planning on making this a series if you all like it! First one of these for Top Gun, any feedback is much welcomed!  
Part 1 Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9
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(Not my gif! Credit to owner)
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You had been called back to Top Gun, for what you had no idea. But the names on that list were the best of the best. Even though you were one of the newest graduates to come out of the academy, you very quickly made a name for yourself. Records had been broken and people found out the hard way that you were nearly impossible to shoot down. The call sign “Ghost” caught on and you hadn’t looked back since. You had more talent than any pilot should have, but the cockiness others had was something you never seemed to master. Leaving a lot of room for your insecurities and second guessing, no one was harder on yourself than you. Or so you thought.
After getting in late last night, you chose not to head to the Hard Deck with all the other aviators missing the chance to mingle before the hard work started. It wasn’t lost on you that there was only one other female in the group, making you stand out more than you wanted. A few looks were thrown your way, more curious than anything. But it was the tall blonde with the obnoxious smirk that caught your eye. “You didn’t get the pleasure of meeting me last night, sweetheart.”
Guys like this were what gave Top Gun pilots their reputation. Nothing could touch them, and no one could beat them. But this guy seemed to be the king of all douchebags. You managed to give him a pleasant smile and the reply, “Sounds like you missed out on showing off.” And turned back to the front.
A few snickers could be heard and the female sitting in front of you turned to give you a handshake. “Phoenix.”
You returned the gesture, “Ghost.” Her eyebrows shot up at the name but didn’t get to say anything as an older man walked through the hanger. He looked familiar, but you couldn’t place him until the name “Maverick” was called out. Now this man was a walking legend and one you needed to get on the good side of. The speech started and you couldn’t help but tune him out. It was always the same thing with these guys. We are the best, something crazy is going to happen, and if we don’t stop it then the world will have a giant problem. Top Gun always had a flare for the dramatics. Your attention was pulled back when it was said that we would be dog fighting in pairs against the man himself. And that loser has to do 200 pushups, something you had zero intentions of doing.
A few of the pairs had gone up and were quickly back on the ground getting in a nice arm workout in. The issue with us is that we all have this drive to be the best and in situations like these, teamwork often gets thrown out the window. Something you learned when you went up with Hangman as your wingman.
“Hey Casper.” You glanced over to the jet next to you, waiting for him to continue. “Is it true that they call you ghost because you disappear when things get a little tough?”
A scoff escaped your mouth, “Better than sending my teammates off in body bags, Bagman.” You heard his laugh come through the headset and shook your head. Nothing seemed to phase this guy.
Maverick’s jet flew in out of nowhere and it was only seconds after that you watched your wingman fly in the opposite direction. “Leaving your wing-man, there's a strategy I haven't seen in a while.” You had to agree with Maverick and figured it was every man for themselves out here.
After somehow managing to evade his missile lock, Maverick changed strategies and went after Hangman. You took this opportunity to try and get your instructor in missile lock but decided to move a little slower than normal to give Hangman a reality check. It didn’t take long for his voice to yell out for you. “Shit, Ghost, I can't see him, how close am I? Ghost?”
You tried to keep the smugness out of your voice, but it was a near impossible task. “Sorry Hangman. You bailed and didn’t tell me where you were going. Looks like you’re on your own.” A few more choice words were said towards you, but a few minutes later he was in missile lock.
While Maverick was focused in on your now dead wingman, you creeped up underneath him, staying out of his sight. The second you saw Hangman peel off, you made your move and surprised everyone when you said, “You owe us 200 push-ups, sir.”
The steady beeping of missile lock was music to your ears and your instructor whipped his head around to you. “Damn, kid. I never saw you.” No higher praise could be given.
You made it back to the tarmac and a just when you thought you couldn’t get any happier, you saw Hangman doing his 200 pushups. “Looks like your one-man team let you down, Bagman.” Even after failing an exercise and being handed his ass, that stupid smirk never seemed to leave his face.
“Seems like I may have underestimated you, Casper. You won’t be so lucky next time.” Luck had nothing to do with it and he knew that. But he also knew that comment would get to you.
“Well, lucky for me that you decided to be a selfish asshole and distracted him for me. Maybe you do know what teamwork is after all.” He full on smiled at your clap back to him and continued with his punishment. You started heading back in and glanced over your shoulder one last time at the infuriating blonde only to catch him looking at you. “I can take my shirt off and give you a real show, darlin’.”
You threw his smirk back at him, “I just wanted one last look at the pilot who claimed he was the best.” His smile faltered at that comment, and you knew you hit your mark.
Walking back inside to shower and change, you were met with many congratulations and thanks for knocking the resident douchebag down a peg. Phoenix threw an arm around your shoulder and laughed, “I think you and I are going to be good friends after what you put Hangman through today.” Rooster walked by and clapped your shoulder, “First round is on me tonight.” After feeling like the odd one out this morning, you felt like you could get along with these people. Like you belonged. The insecurities for once seemed to disappear and a genuine feeling of joy replaced them. Even with Hangman chalking up your win today as luck.
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You rode with Phoenix and Bob to The Hard Deck, answering their questions as they fired them off one after another. “What did Hangman say when you walked past him? To be a fly on the wall would’ve been perfect.”
You chuckled at Phoenix’s statement and said, “He told me it was luck. I just told him I was lucky he decided to be a selfish asshole.”
She turned around in her seat to look at me. “Don’t believe him. He does anything he can to knock others down around him to make him look better.”
You shrugged my shoulders at her and asked the question that had been bugging you since he opened his mouth this morning. “Has he always been like this?”
You glanced over at Bob nodding his head and Phoenix answered, “As long as I have known him, he has. Some of the guys think it’s cool the way he holds himself and of course the girls go crazy for it. But when it comes down to others trusting him with their life, I don’t think anyone is in his corner.” It was sad to think that someone could be the best in the world at what they do but actually harm more people than save them.
It wasn’t a far drive from base to the bar, so conversations were cut short. The atmosphere of the Hard Deck was welcoming and home like. Something that was hard to find in most places. You followed the pair in front of you over to a pool table and found the rest of the group there already playing a game and drinking. It didn’t take long for Hangman to look up from his game and notice you. “If it isn’t Casper the friendly ghost. How does it feel using your wingman to one up everyone.”
You managed to keep a calm demeanor even though his words were starting to get to you. “I imagine you know the feeling well.”
A few of the guys let out an “oooh”, but just like always, it didn’t bother him. “I’ve heard rumors about you. Number one in your class, can’t seem to get caught. I know your call sign was given to you and I’m starting to think it’s because you hide and use others to get the advantage. No one can be that good and work well with a team.”
It wasn’t true. You were always about the team and having others backs, but the way he talked about you, made you seem anything but that. You put in countless hours perfecting your skill and one day back at Top Gun had you feeling the best and the worst about them.
Rooster stepped in out of nowhere and put a hand on your shoulder showing his support. “Leave her alone. Just because you can’t seem to grasp the idea of teamwork, doesn’t mean you get to run her down. Not her fault you tried to show off and fail today.”
Hangman stood up straight and his grasp on the pool stick tightened. “You’re right. At least she can go fast enough to do something.” He sent you a wink and at that moment you knew you needed to walk away before you did something you would regret. After grabbing a beer from the lovely bartender, that you later learned was Penny, you headed out to the beach and found a quiet spot to sit in the sand.
The first time at Top Gun, anytime you had a rough day, you always retreated to the beach. Something about the sound of the waves breaking on the sand had a soothing affect. Which is why you were so quick to leave the bar and the people behind you. It didn’t take long before you heard the sand moving, letting you know someone was walking your way. “This seat taken?”
You were met with a Hawaiian shirt and a borderline obnoxious mustache. You motioned to the ground for him to sit and he did. Silence wrapped around us for a bit until he said, “it’s peaceful out here.”
You smiled a bit to yourself and nodded, “yeah. I used to head out here when the academy got to be too much. Looks like some things don’t change.”
It was another minute or two before he made his next statement. “Don’t let him get to you. As soon as he knows what he says gets under your skin, he won’t let up.”
Easier said than done. There was just something about the blonde pilot that rubbed you the wrong way. You wanted so badly to prove to him that you can hang with the best, including him. But at the same time, you didn’t want to give him a second thought. There seemed to be no middle ground between the two.
“I thought I would feel good after taking down Maverick. Leave it to Hangman to turn that around.” You sighed and turned to face Rooster, “I wouldn’t do what I did today if we were really out there. I value teamwork and want others to trust me if we get thrown together. Please don’t take what I did today seriously.”
He gave me a warm smile and a short chuckle, “what I saw today is someone that can survive on their own if their teammate abandons them. But also a pilot who won’t take shit from anyone. We know it wasn’t luck that you completed the exercise. And we know you are a damn good teammate. Like I said, don’t let Hangman get to you. Most of the time he just likes to hear himself talk.” He stood up and dusted off his legs. “I know something that will get you in the mood to have fun. Come on.”
He held out a hand for you to grab and helped you off the sand. “Thanks, Rooster.”
You both started walking in, but before you got to the door, he turned to you and said, “Friends call me Bradley.” A genuine smile appeared on your face, and it stayed there as the two of you walked in.
Phoenix was quick to grab you and led you over to the other side of the room where a few of the others were standing. “You good?” She gave you a concerned look and all you could do was nod your head. “Most of us have been on the receiving end of Bagman. I think you beating him at his own game got to him and he’s trying to I find anyway to break you down. But it will pass.”
And lord you hoped it did. Training for a suicide mission from hell was bad enough without the added bullying of a fellow pilot. The sound of piano keys being played caught your attention and you looked up to see Bradley being the reason for it. It seemed like a switch was flipped as he started to sing “Great Balls of Fire” and the whole bar seemed entranced by his performance. Everyone joined in and made the song more eclectic than you could’ve imaged. He was right. This did get me back into the swing of things.
While you danced and sang with a few of the pilots you now considered friends, you didn’t know a set of eyes were on you the hole time. Hangman might have been on the other side of the room, but he clocked every movement you made, wishing things had gone a bit different today.
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A/N: Thoughts? Comment? At least one more chapter is planned for this if you all like it! Thank you so much for reading!! Tags and requests are always open!
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Ring Engagement Process
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Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x female Reader
Summary: Jake has been wanting to take her with him in the air for a while. When the time has come for it he makes the moment even more special. Or - how to scare your girlfriend half to death and propose at the same moment.
Warnings: fluff, talk about problems in the air, talk about a possible emergency landing
Wordcount: 1.7k
If you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I don't allow for my content to be copied, translated, or reposted on other websites/apps. Please don't steal my work.
A/N: This was inspired by a tiktok video* I saw. I've gushed about it to @princessmisery666 before and finally decided to write it. @frenchtoastix request of a Hangman proposal was the perfect moment for me to finalize and post it. Hope you enjoy it :) Dividers by @firefly-graphics
*tumblr won't let me link it
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Watching the vast plains of land and many acres of field roll by created a sense of calm in her even as the approaching airfield stirred excitement and nervousness. Jake was sitting beside her in the driver's seat, softly humming along to the music of the radio even tapping his finger along to the beat on top of the steering wheel.
“Are you excited?” He asked her, glancing over to the passenger seat in which she sat.
“Yeah,” she told him, almost breathless and with a bright smile on her lips, “but also nervous.” 
“You’ll be alright. You have the best pilot at your side.” “I know. I trust you.” She’d trust him with her life. It was the plane she didn’t trust if she was honest. She had always had trouble trusting machines. Something about their unmoving, dead existence unnerved her. She could trust something with a beating heart and a soul much easier.
As Jake pulled up to the parking lot she could already see the small plane in front of the Hangar. It made her gulp.
“Is that the one?” She asked as they exited the car. Jake locked the car before he glanced over and nodded.
“Yep. That beauty will be ours for the next two hours.” The excited grin on his face spoke volumes about how he felt about their small trip. She enjoyed seeing him so happy. His joy was contagious even if the nerves in the pit of her stomach wouldn’t go away entirely. 
Jake had ensured her that there was nothing to be nervous about. He flew fighter jets for a living, a small private airplane was child’s play compared. 
Flying together with her had been his goal for a long time. She remembered how he had mentioned it on their second date for the first time. Since taking her up in his jet wasn’t allowed, even if he would have loved to, he had looked for alternatives and finally found a small hangar that rented airplanes. It was only the second best in his opinion but better than not doing it. Someday in the future, he would have his own private plane and take her up whenever he wanted to. 
Stepping beside her he had his aviators on and a grin was plastered onto his lips. He held his hand out to her.
“Come on, I’ll teach you everything you need to know.” Taking one last breath, she reciprocated his grin with a smile of her own and placed her hand in his. Together they walked onto the airfield and towards the Hangar.
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Jake’s forehead was wrinkled in concentration as he tightened the strap of her headset under her chin. Checking her over once more he looked confident and suave. The professionalism oozing from him made her breath hitch. She stared up at him in awe, quietly giggling as he smirked and shot her a wink.
“You’re all set babe.” Softly he caressed her cheek. She smiled before she looked down at her lap, tugging on the seatbelt. Jake followed her view and put his hands on top of hers.
“There too.”
“Alright, Lieutenant.” The mention of his rank made his smirk broaden. She knew he got a kick out of it whenever she addressed him with his rank and she definitely enjoyed seeing him carry himself with proudness whenever she did. It was immensely sexy.
Jake too got situated in his pilot seat, adjusting his belt and headset before he went over all the buttons. She had no clue what he was doing, it looked like he was running through some checks. Not long after that, the airplane started and they were slowly rolling over the runway picking up speed.
Her stomach made a flip the moment they lifted off. She noticed how smooth the take-off was, proudly smiling at her boyfriend’s talent.
The view caught her attention quickly after taking off as she watched the fields get smaller and smaller the higher they climbed. It was fascinating to see. Up in the air, she felt free and light.
“You like it?” Jake’s voice rang in her ears, at first it was weird to hear him through the headset and not beside her. As she looked over at him he was already looking at her. It made her squeal and push his shoulder.
“Focus on flying!” Her nervous antics made him laugh, but he complied looking straight ahead before he repeated his question.
“You like it?”
“I do”, she told him with a nod. “I love it actually.”
“Perfect. Just lean back and enjoy it.” 
And that was exactly what she did, leaning back into the seat and enjoying the experience. Both stayed quiet for a while, enjoying the presence of the other and the activity. They must have been in the air for a while already when Jake spoke up again. She had noticed him shift a couple of times in his seat but didn’t think anything about it. Now as she looked at him closer he looked less relaxed, his shoulders were squared and tense and he had some sort of nervous energy around him.
“That’s weird - hold on,'' he told her, causing her to sit up in her seat, back straight and nerves starting to grow.
“What’s going on?” She asked hesitantly.
“I’m not getting any response out of the controls here.” That sentence alone made her heart spike. She had to swallow hard, not entirely sure what that meant.
“Is that bad?”
“Can you grab the checklist from the side? Sorry babe.” He didn’t answer her question which made her even more nervous. Nodding silently she tried to grab the manual as calmly as she could. Her hands did shake a little. “Everything’s alright. I got this handled babe,” he told her, trying to reassure her. She nodded again, briefly looking over at him. Their eyes met. His eyes were still calm, it helped her feel safe.
“Just don’t panic.” Motioning for her to open the booklet he instructed her to find the proper checklist, “The next one over, page 2.” She flipped through it until she found the proper page and took a deep breath. That was not how she had imagined their flight to go.
“We might have to land in the field - I’m not even kidding you.” A whimper almost made it past her lips, the choked noise alerting Jake as his hand shot out and rested on her thigh. Softly he rubbed his hand up and down her leg.
“This one? ‘Forced Landing’?” She asked, his hand on her skin helping ground her.
“Yes.” Nodding again she cleared her throat and started reading.
“Verify flight ring is engaged?” Jake’s hand left her leg to rest against the control stick again. She didn’t notice him patting his pocket or how he nodded to himself before he answered with a “Got it.”
“Initiate ‘Ring Engagement Process’ follow steps 11 to 14.”
“K got it.” His words were encouraging her to continue. 
“Fuel Selector Valve [BOTH] - check.”
“Oh - We're getting some response.”
“You’re lying!” She looked up from the manual and towards him. He hadn’t changed any of the buttons or done anything else on the panel. How could something have changed, it didn’t even feel like anything had changed.
“Please keep going, babe.” Looking at him for a moment longer she huffed before she nodded and turned her eyes back to the book in her lap.
“Does the passenger…” her eyes skimmed over the next couple of words and her brain set out.  
“Go on please, babe.” She could feel her heart start to race, this time not because of the possibility of having to emergency land in a field.
 “Oh god,” she mumbled, feeling her emotions taking over.
“I hate you!” She told him, “I hate you so much!” Her words softened towards the end as she had to swallow again. He knew exactly what he was doing with her! Knew exactly how nervous she had been about flying and now he did that to her.
“Huh? Can you please tell me - keep reading through the steps, hon.” The nerves were audible in his voice now too, making her realize he had to be even more nervous about this. She was keeping him on the hot coals, she realized. So collecting her emotions, with a teary lazed voice as well as a somewhat shaking breath she read,
“Will you marry the pilot in command?” Softly sobbing the words out she finished the proposal. Grasping her hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs she looked over at Jake. He looked downright scared. As scared as someone like him could look at least.
“Will you?” he asked her hopefully.
“Yes. Of course, I will. I love you!” The moment she said the words was the moment he let out a relieved sigh and visibly relaxed back into his seat. His hand lifted from the control stick and grabbed hers. He pressed his lips against her knuckles and grinned.
“I love you too,” and with that, he leaned over and kissed her. She let him kiss her for a while, nearly forgetting that he was the one piloting until her eyes ripped open and she pushed him back.
“Jake! The plane!” She squealed once more making him laugh and focus back on flying the airplane so she wouldn’t freak out.
“I’ve got it under control.” With both his hands on the control stick and his eyes straight forward again she could relax once more. This time she noticed him fumbling with his pocket. Not a moment after he pulled out a small box and handed it to her.
“Open it.” 
Looking at the small ring box she smiled. Safely nestled inside was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.
“Jake, it’s so pretty,” she mumbled in awe, observing how the light reflected from the single planes of the cut. The ring sparkled. She was very careful taking it out and putting it on her finger. Presenting him the hand made him grin again. Once more he took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles.
“Perfect, future Mrs. Seresin.”
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