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fatkish · 4 months
Heyy i just read your present mic scenario and i was wondering if you could do semething similar with Aizawa.
Maybe he finds his child in the tub bleeding out or with an OD.
Thanksss, and sorry if its a really dark theme
Aizawa x Child Reader
TRIGGER WARNING: SPIDER FACE BELOW CUT! If you’re sensitive to spiders please be warned. This fic also contains mentions of self mutilation and self harm. It mentions bullying and harassment as well. Please be advised
You were born with a spider quirk that is a mutant/emitter type. You have 6 eyes that exactly resemble a spider’s. Your quirk gives you excellent vision and each hair on your body is extremely sensitive to vibrations in the air. You’re able to shoot and release webs from your wrists and you’re able to climb walls and ceilings. Despite your amazing quirk and incredible reflexes and athleticism, you’ve ha always been seen as scary, gross or creepy and despite a loving father, you’re starting to think that you are hideous and don’t deserve to live.
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Others would say things like ‘eww they look like a spider’ ‘their eyes are so creepy’ ‘I hate spiders’ ‘they freak me out’ ‘I can’t stand to even look at them’. People would advert their eyes from from your many ones. You could hear their whispers everywhere you went. When you were first born even Present Mic freaked out at seeing your eyes and spider-ish features.
As people’s words began to slowly chip away at your self confidence, you started to believe that even your own dad didn’t actually love you. You started to believe that you were a freak and the fact that Aizawa isn’t really the super affectionate type didn’t help. He probably forgets to tell you that he loves you since it’s not really his thing. He notices that you’re quieter but just suspects that it’s puberty and writes it off.
Eventually you become depressed and decide that removing the parts you hate about yourself is the best route. You decide to gouge out four of your eyes and have a plastic surgeon sew up the skin to make you look normal. At least, you wanted to, but you just couldn’t do it, so you decided to slit you wrists in the bathtub to make it easier to clean up. You had written your dad a note and left it on the counter.
Aizawa had gotten home relatively early from teaching and was going to make dinner when he saw the note.
Dear Dad,
I’m sorry. Thank you for looking after me and putting up with me all these years. I know it must be hard looking after a hideous thing like me. I’m a monster, but you won’t have to deal with me much longer. Thank you for being so good to me and treating me kindly even if you don’t love me. I love you, I’m sorry I was born looking like I do, I think you deserve to know why I did this. I can’t stand living looking like this anymore. I love you. Please look after yourself.
The moment Aizawa read the note he dropped it and began to search the house. He looked in every room but when he saw the blood coming from underneath the bathroom door he immediately tried to get in. Tears fell down his face as he panicked, shouting your name. He broke the door’s lock by kicking it hard, only to lose his breath when he saw your body in the tub. He immediately ran to you and began to do everything in his power to stop the bleeding. Your pulse was extremely weak and he cried as he held your body.
He cried as he called the ambulance and made sure to tell them what happened and what blood type you were. When they got there, he had them hook him up to you and he gave you some of his own blood, acting as a human blood bank. He held your hand the entire time. When they got to the hospital they unhooked him and began to give you as much blood as you needed. While Aizawa waited he began to reread the note and that’s when he realized how he messed up.
Hizashi got to the hospital and brought some food as well as a get well plushie of your favorite animal. They sat and talked, questioning what brought this on. When Aizawa looked into it, he discovered the dark side of society and how they treat heteromorphs like you. He realized how hard it must be for you, hearing people talk about you and dealing with the fear and discomfort people experience when they see you. Aizawa realized you had become depressed and that your mood changes weren’t due to puberty.
“It’s going to be alright Sho. They’re tough”
“They shouldn’t have to deal with this, and it’s my fault for not realizing this sooner.”
“No, none of this is your fault Shota!”
“I don’t tell them that I love them enough, of course they’d question it. I just hope I wasn’t too late.”
As the men sat outside your door waiting on the doctors to tell them whether or not you were okay, Aizawa worried and prayed that you would live. When the doctors finally came out and told them you were alive, Aizawa was relieved.
“(Y/n) has yet to wake up but you can go in now. We have them on a suicide watch and a psychoanalyst will be by later once they wake up to evaluate them.”
“Thank you so much” Aizawa thanked them as he entered your room to see you hooked up to machines and still asleep. He walked over to you and held your hand and stayed by your side until you woke up.
The next morning you awoke to see your dad’s sleeping figure resting his head on your bed while he sat in a chair. You looked around the room and saw a bunch of small gifts like plushies, flowers and get well soon cards and balloons.
“The rest of the staff at UA came by and visited, they left those things here for you.”
You turned to see your dad smiling at you. You clutched at the blanket covering you as you looked down at your lap.
“Dad.. I-“
“No, there’s no need to apologize for what you did. I understand now that you were struggling and I’m so sorry you felt that this was your only option. I love you, (y/n). You’ll always be my beloved child. I’m sorry, I know I don’t tell you this enough but I truly love you. When I first held you in my arms I fell truly in love with you. I love you and I hope that you’re able to forgive me”
You cried as your dad gave you a soft smile. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder as you snuggled into him.
“Dad, I so sorry. I’m sorry I doubted you. I love you”
“I love you too sweetheart”
That night you and Aizawa watched all kinds of movies while you gained your strength back. You snuggled up to your dad while you both talked things over and he decided that you would go to UA with him for the foreseeable future until you were ready to be on your own.
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humblequestvinyl · 2 years
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SUMMARY: after a secret relationship with a certain resident from atlanta, singer y/n l/n writes a song about all the way he makes her feel nervous.
inspired by nervous by maren morris
cw: implied smut & swearing
lowercase intentional! wordcount: 0.6k
a/n ive been watching the resident sm lately and forgot that they put gold love (i think, havent gotten there yet) is at the end of s2. also this is based off of the hq tour performance!! ps, thank u for sm love on hummingbird <333
devon turned to conrad as the group of doctors walked towards the front, with barricade right in front of them. with a small grin spread across his face, conrad shrugged, “know somebody.”
“you’ve gotta know more than just ‘somebody’.”nic told him as they waited for the show to start before mina spoke up, “these seats went for $500 resale.”
the three turned to the surgeon, all with a surprised look on their faces, causing mina to shrug, “i like her music too.”
it was about an hour or so before the show began after the opening act, and as soon as y/n came out, her eyes locked with conrads, causing a big smile to spread across her lips. every single time she was in the middle of the stage, her eyes never left his, making damn sure of it too.
about halfway through the setlist, she heard the band start up the slow intro to the next song, and sent conrad a wink, before walking back up to the microphone, keeping contact, “you make me nervous,”
“put my reservations out of service, making me feel like every secrets worth it, its working.”she sang, and saw a small smirk fall back onto conrad's lips, knowing exactly what this song was about, “tryina hide my desire below the service.”
the two kept eye contact for a few moments, before y/n broke it, and looked over at her bandmate, “you make me wonder, how this part of me went undiscovered.”
“taking my heart out of its zone of comfort, like summer,”y/n continued, looking back over at conrad and his friends, “by the time its gone, you want another.”
taking the microphone off of the stand, y/n walked towards the front of the stage, right in front of conrad, pointing at him subtly, “you make me out of control, out of our clothes,”
“motion in slow, yeah,”she continued as conrad watched her walk around the stage, putting on one of the best performances he had seen, “you take me, you take me in my feelings,”
“through the ceiling, leaving my inhibitions exposed,”y/n walked back over to the mic stand hooking it back up, “you make me nervous.”
“every little move you make, you make on purpose.”she pointed at him again, before raising her arm, “tracing my body like you’re learning cursive, researching.”
“just how high of a touch can take a person.”
y/n jumped right back into the chorus, before dancing around the stage, and finishing up the bridge. slowly making her way off the stage, the star made her way over to conrad, with a big grin on her face.
“you make me nervous.”
“put my reservations out of service,”y/n sang, seeing all the shocked faces around her, joining in with the screams, “tryina hide my desire below the surface,”
standing on the barricade, conrad gripped her sides, keeping her steady as she towered over him, both with big grins spread across their faces, knowing she had just revealed their little secret.
“you make me nervous.”
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youcalledmebabe · 3 months
*holds mic to your face* What can you tell us about about Babe's Anatomy? What details are you willing to share at this point, and who will be cast into the role of Dr. Dreamy?
Babe’s Anatomy started as a joke and quickly spiraled into not being a joke at all. It’s modern surgeon AU inspired by grey’s anatomy. Basically everybody is there in some capacity and there’s a couple sneaky cameos by other hbowar characters. Anyway we follow Babe Heffron through his intern year while he learns to be a doctor, falls in love, and endures a great personal loss. It’s about grief and connection and learning you deserve to be loved. It’s also about growing up and accepting responsibility for your life. If you ask Babe, Dr. Roe is definitely his mcdreamy. Joe and I would probably go with Dr. Webster.
“Eugene,” Bill says, pointing at a thin dark haired man with his back to them. “Trauma. Real shy but a damn good doctor. Maybe the best of us.”
Eugene chooses that moment to turn around, revealing himself to be the handsome stranger from the stairwell. Shit. He hadn’t had scrubs on, it hadn’t even occurred to Babe that he could be running his mouth about providing attention to one of his coworkers, technically one of his mentors.
“Oh, nooo,” he whispers.
Eugene half-smiles. “Bill, Dr. Heffron. Nice of you to join us. We’re about to go into the gallery to view Dr. Nixon’s stapedectomy.”
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nestasgalpal · 11 months
Can't think straight when we are together Pt. 3 [Nessian]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Nesta’s Gal Pal masterlist | AO3
Tagging:@zoyaslai@champanheandluxxury@pataytayo@nessiantrashh@dustjacketmusings@saltydreamcollector@generalnesta@simpingfornestaarcheron@arinbelle@a-court-of-valkyries@azrielsgirl@swoopingoccamy@vasudharaghavan@vidalinav@sv0430@nessianforlife@claralady@sayosdreams@malluzia@dealfea@kylosmomm @unlikelypersonalknight1
Have a good life.
Four words confirmed what Nesta had already anticipated: She wasn't worth the effort. His friends disliked her, and Cassian wasn't interested enough in her to be the odd one out.
He had been so insistent for months, then moved on as soon as she called out his friends.
"Why the fuck does he want a girlfriend if he already has in his life all the people he is willing to care about?" She later complained on the phone to her friends. They didn't have an answer for her, only more stupid questions, like, "Didn't you want to end things first back in october?", or "Does that mean you wanted him to keep trying?" 
He had left the room after Nesta made clear her disinterest in what he had to offer. He had left without complaining, just like he promised he would, and it was precisely that what kept Nesta awake the whole night, looking at the ceiling as if the answers she now needed were hidden in the plaster.
"Is it me?" She wondered. "Maybe it's me who doesn't have anything to offer and that's why I'm not good enough for him to take the risk?"
Nesta tried fixing the hole in her heart by telling herself she was better off without a guy like him in her life, but soon discovered that it was no use because Cassian not wanting her wasn't the issue —It was way bigger than that, bigger than a hot guy breaking up with her. Gosh, they weren't even together.
Cassian's presence in the landscape of her trauma was almost anecdotal, yet the way his actions had opened Pandora's Box made the incident remain in the back of her mind like a splinter on her finger.
Hurting with a realization that wouldn't go away even in her sleep, Nesta spent the next month sitting at the library, surrounded by a wall of notes and books that luckily required all her time. Finals were the only thing on her mind from the second she woke up to the delightful moment she got into bed, always later than she should. Her sisters were in the same situation, so there was always coffee ready in the morning. Elain studied at home and out loud, often taking walks around the house as she went over her notes for the walls to hear. Feyre had been staying at her boyfriend's lately and only came back when she needed fresh clothes. Clothes that, Nesta realized, once were gone, never came back to her wardrobe.
Out of the three, Nesta was the only one who would be graduating this semester, though. She could feel the pressure. Up until last month, she had been thriving from it. Knowing her mother was counting on her to become a surgeon had always made her proud, the blind trust in her abilities making her grow confident. Knowing her father had already put enough money aside to open a clinic in the city for her had always acted as fuel for that overachieving fire burning inside her.
School was what Nesta Archeron had always been the best at, and the only thing on her mind throughout the years as others dedicated their free time to attend open mic nights at a bar and go on hikes. Or whatever people her age did.
Never before had the pressure to be the best been a burden. Now, not only could she feel it wearing her down, but it was making her insecure.
That morning Nesta looked in the mirror after her hair was braided and asked herself the dreadful question that had started her spiraling: If these exams proved her wits weren't deserving of praise, would there still be anything in her to love? What else did she have?
As she put the pink pencil case in her bag, Nesta's tired brain poked fun at her. It caged the question inside and refused to let go of it. Mechanically, Nesta followed her morning routine, muscle memory doing most of the work for her, as her mind wasn't willing to cooperate. No, this morning it had developed a will of its own and refused to do anything but torment her, force her to entertain the thought that, once she failed —and she would— and everyone realized she wasn't the genius they had painted her to be, then her friends wouldn't be interested in spending time with her anymore. Her thoughts on the books they read would lack their usual edge, and she would be no fun to hang out with. Her parents wouldn't explicitly mention how disappointed they were, but they would for sure start disregarding her, like they did with Feyre and Elain already.
And there would be no one left to love her because she wouldn't be worth it. Not loving, not defending, not even liking.
The shrill sound of a new message was Nesta's way out of her own head. She had been looking into her coffee like a crazy person. She was lucky the house was empty already, safe for Elain on the second floor reading her neat notes.
Babe, we're outside.
Nesta left the coffee on the counter, grabbed her bag and went out in a rush. Since when did she have trouble making it on time to places?
Emerie waved at her from the passenger's seat, and Gwyn blew her a kiss from behind the wheel when Nesta got in the car. "Did you sleep through your alarm?" She asked, the engine coming to life.
"Yes, sorry. I didn't sleep that well." That was the closest thing to an explanation they would ever get from Nesta, so without further ado, the three made their way to the library in Gwyn's beat-up car with pop music at full volume as their soundtrack.
After one hour of silence between books, Nesta asked, to no one in particular, "Why are you my friends?" 
Through the pile of paper, Gwyn and Em exchanged a wary look. "Because you are hot, and I was hoping it would be contagious." Emery tried to joke. But that was the wrong thing to say, and before she could apologize, Nesta was visibly on the verge of tears. What was wrong with her? She never cried. The lack of sleep was ruining her psyche as much as the overthinking.
Both girls got up and circled the table to get to her, Gwyn's arm immediately wrapped around her shoulders, Nesta's breath now erratic as she did her best to contain a sob. "Babe, what's going on?" She dried the first tear streaming down Nesta's face. "You are so beautiful, so funny, so smart, so ..."
"I am not smart, I am stupid."
This time, it was a puzzled look what they shared. Emery sat on the table and cupped Nesta's face with both hands. "You are smart." She argued. "And I don't just mean it in a cheering-you-up type of way. I mean literally. As in the actual school ranking. You are number one and have been so for the last two years." She gave her friend a tentative smile. "You are smart as shit, Nesta."
The physical contact was overstimulating her. It was suffocating. Nesta gave a few sudden shifts in her chair so that they gave her some space, needing air more than anything. She tried calming her breath, unsuccessfully. Nesta was starting to have a panic attack in the middle of the library. "I can't keep being smart." She cried. "I hate it. I can't do it. I can't do anything."
Gwyn and Emery gave her room to talk and made sure there were no people nearby that could eavesdrop their best friend's meltdown. The coast was clear. Nesta saw and appreciated it, although no one mentioned it. "I can't keep pretending I have anything to offer. I can't do it." She broke down.
"Do you mean the finals?" Emery asked, tentatively.
"I mean everything! I don't want to do anything anymore. If I keep doing well, then people will expect me to do more next time. And to do it better and for longer. I —there is just this pressure..." The sob finally came at the same time she tried to breathe, and it caught in her throat. "I feel like the longer it takes me to finally fail, the worse the fall will be. Does that make sense?"
She saw her friends nod, and then silence reigned again between the bookshelves. The three had often talked about the gifted kid curse years ago, when they met in their first semester of college and jokingly agreed that, statistically, not everyone carrying around the label could actually be so. It had been all in good fun, a way to lighten the demanding projections the three had made about their future. Only now it was about to be proven true, as out of the three, Nesta could now see herself falling behind the rhythm.
Gwyn knew not to touch her. She pulled her chair closer so Nesta could whisper and still be heard. Emerie reached around the table to her own backpack and picked up a water bottle she then offered to her best friend, who was silently allowing the tears to run down her face. Nesta took it with shaking hands but didn't drink from it.
"I want to put an end to it." At their worried looks, Nesta explained that she didn't crave her own downfall, which put the other two at ease. "But lately," she told them, "I've been wondering if I really want to keep climbing up. The top of the mountain is in sight, but once there, the only direction forward will be down."  Emery was the first to protest her argument and tried quoting a Miley Cyrus song as proof of her statement. Unfortunately, Nesta didn't consider herself a journey-enjoyer. She had always been goal-driven and nothing else. "I want to stop now, when my options still offer a chance of improvement in the future. There is up, there is down, there is..."
A hand taking the water bottle from her as a safety precaution cut her speech short. Gwyn's voice was soft as velvet. "I get it, babe. I know it must be hard to have people counting on you to always do good and giving you no margin of error." Nesta focused on soothing herself as her friend spoke. "It is unfair of people to deprive you of a chance to fail, but if we are addressing this seriously, I have to be honest. And the truth is, Nesta, that you are the one demanding that excellence from yourself." Nesta gave her a frown that would have silenced anyone else. But not Gwyn, of course. "You want to be your own person, right? You want people to stop expecting things from you that only add pressure, because they have no right to determine your path or your pace. I get that."
She made a pause to look for the right words, not wanting to start a fight but deciding for the three of them, this was the moment of truth. Now or never, she had to say it, and Nesta let her know she was ready for the reality check.
"But you can't ruin things for yourself on purpose just to prevent a hypothetical failure in the future. That is absurd. Because it may never come, and then you will be the only one to blame for never reaching your full potential." She rolled her eyes, then added, "And self-sabotaging so people become disappointed in you and leave instead of facing them, that is a cop out, and you know it."
Before Nesta could defend her approach, it was Emerie's time to get real with her. "Honestly, Nesta," Em waited for her to look in her direction to make sure she understood what she was about to say. "I am amazed you grew tired of people wanting you to do great before you had enough of yourself obstructing your own life."
That, Nesta didn't expect. "What do you mean?"
"It is unfair of your parents and teachers to demand so much of you, and I hate to see you break like this. But Gwyn is right, making yourself trip first is only hurting you."
Nesta saw herself in that bathroom trying to part ways with someone she liked just in case he never got to be what she wanted. Before she grew too attached and he broke her heart. Before the height made it impossible to survive the fall.
They were right, she had wanted to end things first. Cassian hadn't given up on her whe she made up her mind to leave the boat, scared of the hypothetical future. Nesta knew that night in October that Cassian didn't understand why she refused to make things public. When he tried reaching her again through Feyre and inviting her to his game, like Nesta had implied she wanted, she panicked and asked Em's closeted neighbor to go with her. 
It didn't dissuade him, because why would it, and hours later, she was under him in her own bed. 
Tired of going in circles and never fully escaping his charm, Nesta chose to yield her fears as a weapon, painting them as a reality he couldn't possibly change. She had tried her best to put him between a rock and a hard place —to corner Cassian by preying on his insecurities, so he would panic too and leave.
"Why don't you take a few days to yourself, love? To disconnect. Then come back and do your best. Whether it is enough or not, you won't know until it is done." Nesta tried to argue that she wouldn't know where to go, but her friend was quick to stop her. "Take all the time you need to find it, but please, don't quit on yourself just because people are idiots. Be brave and try, even if it is scary."
"Sometimes the only way out is through." The redhead reasoned. "If you can't get into the right mind space for these exams, it's fine. There will be new opportunities. Just don't ruin your chances on purpose. That feeling of control you crave can end up holding you back. I promise taking risks won't kill you."
It would have been great to have a counter to that remark, but the reality of her life was that she hadn't had a good night's sleep in the last month and had just started crying in a public library out of pure stress. She needed time off to reflect on everything —the past few weeks and her life before that. Everyone thought she was smart, but Nesta knew she had nothing on Gwyn and Em, who always knew what to do and say. Nesta accepted the hug they offered, a spark of hope in her chest, promising that if these two beautiful souls saw in her something worth loving, then it must exist. It must be there, inside her, hiding in a secret place she ought to find.
When Nesta arrived home, it was time for dinner, and she had it alone. The house was empty, and it stayed like that until hours later, when a car briefly stopped in their driveway and one of her sisters got inside. Nesta was in the backyard, laying on the grass like a dead body, confident no one would come out looking for her there. People in this family always had things to do on their own, so realizing Nesta was home by her keys in the hall would never push her parents or sisters to call for her in hopes of spending time together. That was not how the Archerons worked.
Apparently, today was about proving her wrong.
By the way her feet touched the grass, Nesta knew it was Feyre approaching. It was that and nothing else that gave away her presence in the backyard, as her sister didn't speak a word, she simply lay down next to Nesta in silence.
"What do you want?" Nesta asked abruptly.
Both sisters had their eyes fixed on the pitch-black sky. They hadn't shared a moment alone like this probably since they were kids, and it felt odd. Nesta worried they were about to role-play a sisterly bond they had long left behind.
"I need advice." Her sister said instead. "I think I am dropping out of college."
Nesta didn't expect that. "Why? I thought you wanted to be an artist."
"I don't need a degree for that. I already have galleries buying my paintings and clients commissioning them."
Still, to Nesta, not finishing her art degree was such a stupid idea. "Mom and dad will hate that. They will cut you off." Feyre laughed, and it broke the quiet of the backyard. "What?"
"Nothing. It's just funny that's the thing you are worried about." She answered. "Not that I need the formal education or that a degree could be a good thing to have in case I ever need other career paths." Nesta frowned as Feyre went on with her reasoning. "I've already discussed it with Rhys. He will probably be drafted for the NFL at the end of the month... And let's be honest, even if he wasn't, money will never be an issue with him. I can move my art studio to wherever he goes, see new places, new faces, and paint them." When she turned her face towards Nesta, she was smiling, her eyes shining even in the dark. "What do you think?"
Nesta's frown hadn't moved an inch. "Do you really want to know?" Feyre nodded. "I think it is risky. You never know what can happen. To your career, with Rhysand..."
"That's the most exciting part!" Feyre argued. "And I am so ready to see what life has in store for me. For better or worse."
If confidence had ever been an issue for her little sister, Nesta never found out. She had always been ready for adventure, looking for trouble if only that meant going against the current. Nesta didn't understand how she could be so careless. So carefree. But right now, Nesta was in no position to judge, as she usually would. She didn't have it in herself to give Feyre the advice she was asking for, as the only thing she could do at the moment, as they lay in the grass, was envy her determination.
"Then you already know what to do." Nesta concluded. 
Feyre sighed. "I know you don't approve it, but..."
"I do." Nesta corrected. "I think it will be good for you. Liberating."
"That is all I want."
With a smile, Feyre looked up again, happy.
A light was lit inside the house, throwing shades over them. Someone had arrived, probably their parents. Neither said anything for a while, enough time for the new people in the house to go upstairs and change clothes, then go back down into the kitchen. Feyre rubbed her eyes, making time. She then stood up and informed Nesta of her plans: she would tell their parents now. If things went right, by the end of the month she would be leaving. If they didn't take it well, though, she would be gone tonight. "I already have a bag packed, and most of my things are already at Rhys'."
Nesta felt the right thing to do after such a confession would be to hug her little sister goodbye, but she couldn't stomach the physical contact. Especially in such an emotional moment. She hoped Feyre could read her eyes in the dim light, but it may have been too long since Feyre and her last confided in one another, and the ability could be lost. In any case, Feyre got up.
"Nesta." Her sister called one last time, halfway to the door. "You can leave too, you know? Their feelings are not more important than yours."
Her words hit Nesta right through the heart, and before she knew it, she had gotten on her feet as well, and her arms were around Feyre, nesting her tightly. "I will miss you." Her shoulder became wet where Feyre's face touched it, and so she squeezed herder to make sure her sister left there all the tears and only the joy from before was left in her body. "I hope you are happy, wherever you go."
"I will be." Feyre promised. "And I hope you find your place as well, wherever it is."
They parted ways, and Nesta waited outside for what felt like forever, listening to the screaming inside the house as if it wasn't her family coming apart. Once again, a light upstairs was turned on, then off. Footsteps coming down, a door being closed violently, and then a car engine drafting away were the last evidence that this place had ever been Feyre Archeron's home.
When Nesta went back to her room, the first thing she did was take a hot shower. Hot enough that her skin turned pink, and at some point the heat stopped being comforting. She washed her hair and her face, then took good care of her body before jumping in her pajamas. She went to get into bed, and that's when she finally spotted the white card over her pillow, a note stuck to it. It was from Feyre.
I was supposed to have a girls' trip with Mor, but it's now cancelled. It's a spa weekend, you should go and treat yourself ;)
Nesta gasped when she turned the card around and saw the spa's logo. It was a luxury experience, all inclusive, and paid for. In the card, by this weekend's date, was the time for a dinner reservation under the name Archeron.
She didn't have to look for excuses to justify her decision to go. Nesta wanted to. She had had enough; she had been through too much for too little in return. This weekend, she would do one thing for herself and actually try to enjoy her time.
The last thought in her mind as she fell asleep was a jittery rush —the thrill of finally having decided to love herself.
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balladofthewhitehorse · 8 months
Is englnd the type of guy to tough out a wound and go "see im fine." Or would he immediatly like go get it patched up (or patch it up himself)
Cause see id normally say the first one but. England prided himself on being able to fight. On being a soldier, a weapon. And what use is a weapon that cannot fight?
So i can see him seeking immediate medical attention because what is he if he cannot fight (hell figure that out much later) But its England. And he is a stubborn prideful man and would definitely try tough it out
So basically points mic at u Would England tough say smthn like fractured arm out or would he go to the doctors immediately? Would that change with his age and what era it is?
That is a really good question - and I had to think about this one for a while. England is certainly very prideful, and he tends to distrust doctors; In his older age, he’s put on more weight and the attitude some of them have towards him as a result of his fatness is something that rankles England deeply.
Past experiences with some desperate attempts at getting better - balancing humours, curing any disease or ailment - have also made him rather anxious of approaching any sort of medical setting; Things could be grizzly back then, and England is almost certain to try to muscle through illnesses on his own accord for the most part. Orange juice, vaporub, lavender and steam are just some of the few he uses for those pesky colds that always seem to crop up during those cold, wintry months of the year.
In terms of wounds, however…you’re right that England would have prided himself on being able to fight (and in some ways, he still does; The sword  that never quite figured out how to beat itself into a ploughshare). The thought of letting something fester, to develop necrosis or gangrene - which England has witnessed for himself, over and over. He’s most likely to try and take care of it himself, trying to keep the wound clean and bandage it the best that he can; While he acknowledges injury and does what he can, England is not the best when it comes to bed-rest.
These days, England is a lot better about it and has taken to having a first aid kit near him at all times, in case of emergencies. He was not always like this, and sometimes pride got the better of England and he would sustain more wounds than his body could possibly take - over time, however, he became more cautious - and more careful about it, often seeking out the best doctors, the best surgeons to help him recover from injuries that most could consider rather…grim, to say the least.
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numetaljackdog · 10 months
what i'm listening to november 2023. the agony
spot. link//yt link
song notes under cut
Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les.
Garbage - Queer: stand up for the fag anthem. but also let's be real one of the main draws here is the music video where shirley manson pushes the pov character down to the ground and forcibly shaves your head while singing "i know what's good for you." i'm a lesbian
Chris Fleming - W.U.G.: i've met a couple wugs in my time but more than anything i'm just on my chris fleming shit recently. this one has been stucks in my head sooo bad and bsaically anytime i see the word "guy" it comes back with a vengeance
Limp Bizkit & Method Man - N 2 Gether Now: random lb songs will really just crop up in my rotation for seemingly no reason but really this one has so many good lines and the addition of method man brings it up by so much. it's comical on some level bc it's like why is he here, he's like. a real rapper. and fred sounds so out of his depth next to him. but at the same time they both do actually really pretty good. pull the plug and then jet. MIC CHECK.
Sloppy Jane - Bark Like a God: recommended by a friend. need to listen to the full album but this goes insane goes crazy i mean those damn vocals and the THEMES ugh i mean what else do you need in this world. don't even really know what to call this band but it good and i need more
Almeda Riddle - My Little Rooster: Gummo is a 1997 American experimental drama film written and directed by Harmony Korine, starring Jacob Reynolds, Nick Sutton, Jacob Sewell, and Chloë Sevigny. The film is set (but was not filmed) in Xenia, Ohio, a Midwestern American town that had been previously struck by a devastating tornado. The loose narrative follows several main characters who find odd and destructive ways to pass time, interrupted by vignettes depicting other inhabitants of the town.
Destroy Boys - Fences: mostly just real catchy. many such cases. but there is a certain doggish quality to it as well
Enon - Natural Disasters: hi violer :3 ooh ahh the song so catchy the riff so tastey and shiney
Limp Bizkit - The Truth: i watched the band's short film of the same name recently and was pretty underwhelmed. but it did make me wanna go back and listen to the ep! it's been said to death but it's easily some of lb's best work, and not just because it's the serious one or whatever
Repo! The Genetic Opera - Night Surgeon: tbh there should be more repo on here but there's only so much space and this is undoubtedly my favorite track from the soundtrack (although "at the opera tonight" comes pretty damn close!!) i could listen to anthony head go "i remember" like that allllll day. i have been having some serious repo fixation recently i won't lie. give it a watch it's a normal movie
Foo Fighters - Everlong (Acoustic Version): okay look you guys know at this point how i get about everlong. so when i was watching hit film little nicky starring adam sandman and a rather beautiful sequence took place accompanied by a sparse acoustic version still laden in the characteristic warmth of the original song, of course i was hooked. and that's a nu metal-ass movie, too, but this was the pick i ended up making. that's special
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up To Boston: WOOOOO BOSTON!!!!!!!! GO BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET ME A CUP O DUNKS!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! YANKEES SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <is not from boston but rather a different place entirely
Fefe Dobson - Unforgiven: why did nobody tell me about this fuckin nu metal x y2k pop fusion. this is like rina sawayama stfu but all the way back in 200-goddamn-3. fefe you were before your time
MGMT - Little Dark Age: i don't know mgmt that well but i heard a little bit of this song in a youtube video long ago and really liked it and could never find it and then i happened to encounter it again and was like oh hello my old acquaintance shall we get to know each other better
Billy Joel - All For Leyna: beginning to realize that billy is good actually. every little part of this song is crunchy and sweet and delicious for me. and god i sure am doing it all for leyna aren't i......
Tom Cardy & Brian David Gilbert - Beautiful Mind: tbh this was far from my favorite effort from either of these guys...... didn't really think it was all that funny. had a very lol random sort of appeal that just didn't hit me right. however it does sound amazing, really clean, and they both have nice voices. plus you know i love them harmonies
Taco - Puttin' on the Ritz: they play this a lot at a cafe i go to sometimes. i used to not like this song but it's really grown on me. it's one of those absolutely one-of-a-kind songs that could have only been a hit at the exact time and place that it was. and i like stuff like that! you might even say i think it's super duper :)
Violent Femmes - Breakin' Up: this song is dumb as balls. and it sounds way better in my head than it does to actually listen to it. but! the video is really cool, with that simple but effective camera trick. i enjoy that
Bowling For Soup - Girl All the Bad Guys Want: if the previous song was dumb as balls, this song is dumb as. like. the epididymis. or like a single sperm cell. i don;t know man it's a dumb fucking song. but it's about a cool rap rocker girl :3 and that's meeeeee probably. when i listen to it i like to rate each lyric on how true it is. watching wrestling? maybe now and then. creaming over tough guys? hmmm no i would simply not do this. but listening to rap metal? turntables in her eyes?? now we're fuckin talkin!!!!!!!!!!
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
Snake of Asclepius
Snake of Asclepius by StallKing
Midoriya Izuku has always known that he wants to be a healer - like his mother, Midoriya Inko, who is renowned as the best surgeon in all of Japan - rather than a hero. With his unique quirk, a sentient snake named Salazar, who has the ability to detect wounds and communicate with Izuku, they can heal any type of injury.
Despite meeting and healing numerous heroes who tell him how valuable his quirk would be in the world of heroism, Izuku remains determined to follow his own path as a healer. He uses his quirk to help others whenever he can, often healing the injuries of heroes who have been wounded in battle.
With Salazar by his side, Izuku is determined to become the greatest healer in the world.
Words: 2192, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Nedzu, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, UA Staff (My Hero Academia, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi, Class 1-A, Bakugou Katsuki
Relationships: Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Original Male Character(s) (His quirk), Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has a Healing Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has a Sentient Quirk, A Snake called Salazar, Healer Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is Not a Hero, He Wants to be a Healer not a Hero, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Dead Midoriya Inko, Is anyone surprised to find this tag in one of my fics? By now it should be obvious, Sorry Mamadoriya, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Salazar is Petty, Protective Salazar, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Protective Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Protective Everyone Who Meets Izuku, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopt Midoriya Izuku, Kidnapping, Kidnapped Midoriya Izuku, Torture, It's not too graphic and I'll warn in the chapter
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46276309
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
Snake of Asclepius
Snake of Asclepius by StallKing
Midoriya Izuku has always known that he wants to be a healer - like his mother, Midoriya Inko, who is renowned as the best surgeon in all of Japan - rather than a hero. With his unique quirk, a sentient snake named Salazar, who has the ability to detect wounds and communicate with Izuku, they can heal any type of injury.
Despite meeting and healing numerous heroes who tell him how valuable his quirk would be in the world of heroism, Izuku remains determined to follow his own path as a healer. He uses his quirk to help others whenever he can, often healing the injuries of heroes who have been wounded in battle.
With Salazar by his side, Izuku is determined to become the greatest healer in the world.
Words: 2192, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Nedzu, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, UA Staff (My Hero Academia, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi, Class 1-A, Bakugou Katsuki
Relationships: Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Original Male Character(s) (His quirk), Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has a Healing Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has a Sentient Quirk, A Snake called Salazar, Healer Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is Not a Hero, He Wants to be a Healer not a Hero, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Dead Midoriya Inko, Is anyone surprised to find this tag in one of my fics? By now it should be obvious, Sorry Mamadoriya, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Salazar is Petty, Protective Salazar, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Protective Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Protective Everyone Who Meets Izuku, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopt Midoriya Izuku, Kidnapping, Kidnapped Midoriya Izuku, Torture, It's not too graphic and I'll warn in the chapter
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46276309
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rudeteens · 17 hours
I want to fuck a surgeon. I feel like the sex would be terrible, it would be like an open mic night tier lay. We just letting him try his best. I’d give him a tight five
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suryakantjha · 2 months
New Development in Cataract Surgery
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Cataract surgery has undergone remarkable advancements in recent years, revolutionizing the way we approach the treatment of cataracts. With cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques, patients can now expect improved outcomes and faster recovery times. This blog delves into the latest developments in cataract surgery.
Introduction to Cataracts
Cataracts are a common eye condition characterized by the clouding of the lens, leading to blurry vision and, if left untreated, eventual blindness. Traditionally, cataract surgery involved the removal of the clouded lens, which was then replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). While this method has been effective, recent advancements have further enhanced the precision and efficacy of the procedure.
Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
One of the most significant advancements in cataract surgery is the use of femtosecond laser technology. Laser-assisted cataract surgery offers greater precision compared to traditional methods. The laser can make precise incisions and soften the cataract, making it easier to remove. This technology reduces the risk of complications and leads to faster recovery times. For those seeking the best eye surgeon in Delhi, many top ophthalmologists now offer this advanced technique, ensuring optimal outcomes for their patients.
Premium Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)
The development of premium IOLs has revolutionized cataract surgery. Unlike traditional monofocal lenses, which only correct vision at one distance, premium IOLs can correct multiple vision problems simultaneously. These lenses include multifocal, extended depth of focus (EDOF), and toric IOLs. Multifocal lenses allow for clear vision at both near and far distances, reducing the need for glasses post-surgery. EDOF lenses provide a continuous range of vision, while toric lenses correct astigmatism. The availability of these advanced lenses means that cataract surgeon in Delhi can now offer tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of their patients.
Minimally Invasive Techniques
Minimally invasive cataract surgery techniques have been developed to enhance patient comfort and reduce recovery times. Microincision cataract surgery (MICS) is one such technique. MICS involves making smaller incisions compared to traditional methods, which reduces the risk of infection and promotes faster healing. The use of advanced phacoemulsification machines, which use ultrasonic energy to break up and remove the cataract, also contributes to the minimally invasive nature of modern cataract surgery. Patients seeking treatment from the top ophthalmologist in Delhi can benefit from these advanced techniques, ensuring a smoother and quicker recovery process.
Improved Diagnostic Tools
Advancements in diagnostic tools have also played a crucial role in the development of cataract surgery. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and corneal topography are two such tools that provide detailed imaging of the eye's structures. These tools enable cataract surgeons in Delhi to conduct comprehensive preoperative assessments, allowing for more accurate surgical planning. Precise measurements of the eye's anatomy ensure that the correct IOL is selected, leading to better visual outcomes for patients.
Postoperative Care and Follow-Up
The advancements in cataract surgery are not limited to the surgical procedure itself. Postoperative care and follow-up have also seen significant improvements. Enhanced recovery protocols and the use of anti-inflammatory medications help minimize discomfort and promote faster healing. Regular follow-up appointments with the best eye surgeons in Delhi ensure that any potential complications are promptly addressed, leading to better overall outcomes for patients.
The field of cataract surgery continues to evolve, offering patients safer, more effective, and less invasive options. From laser-assisted techniques to premium IOLs and advanced diagnostic tools, the latest developments in cataract surgery have set new standards of care. If you are considering cataract surgery, it is essential to consult with a top ophthalmologist in Delhi to explore the best treatment options tailored to your needs. The expertise and experience of the best eye surgeons in Delhi, combined with state-of-the-art technology, ensure that you receive the highest quality of care and achieve the best possible visual outcomes.
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retinacaredubaii · 3 months
Best Cataract Surgeon in Dubai
When considering cataract surgery, choosing the best cataract surgeon in Dubai is essential for a successful and smooth recovery. At Ratina Care Dubai, our cataract surgeons are recognized for their precision, expertise, and dedication to patient care. They specialize in advanced techniques such as Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS), which offers faster recovery times and excellent visual outcomes. Whether you're experiencing early signs of cataracts or seeking a second opinion, our surgeons at Ratina Care Dubai are committed to restoring your vision with personalized care and attention.
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lasik-cost-in-delhi · 3 months
LASIK Cost in Delhi: Expert Eye Surgeon Dr. Rajiv Bajaj's Clinic
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj is a renowned ophthalmologist specializing in LASIK surgery, offering competitive LASIK costs in Delhi. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Bajaj has transformed the vision correction landscape in Delhi, providing affordable and quality LASIK surgeries. His clinic, Bajaj Eye Care Center, is known for its commitment to patient care and safety, ensuring that every patient receives personalized attention and the best possible outcomes. Dr. Bajaj's expertise in LASIK surgery and his dedication to affordable costs make him a top choice for patients seeking vision correction in Delhi.
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Bajaj Eye Care Centre Offers Competitive Cost for Lasik Eye Surgery in Delhi
Bajaj Eye Care Center is a prominent Lasik Surgery Center in Delhi. The clinic has successfully performed many LASIK surgeries since 1996.
Bajaj Eye Care Center is a NABH accredited eye clinic treatment that provides Lasik Surgery In Delhi. Bajaj Eye Care Center has successfully performed many LASIK eye surgeries for Delhi and International patients by its licensed and experienced eye specialist, Dr. Rajiv Bajaj. Dr. Bajaj is the foremost ophthalmologist in Delhi, specializing in laser vision correction utilizing LASIK eye surgery and SMILE, a bladeless and minimally invasive procedure. Currently, Dr. Rajiv Bajaj practices in Bajaj Eye Care Center, Pitampura, Delhi.
Bajaj Eye Care Center company spokesperson explained, “Lasik Surgery In Delhi is now becoming popular, easier, and affordable. People tend to choose Lasik surgery to get their clear vision back quickly and painless procedure. Lasik surgery only needs a 20 to 30 minutes procedure for two eyes. Our eye treatment clinic offers a wide range of eye treatment procedures. They include photorefractive keratotomy, conventional LASIK, SBK Lasik, Bladeless Lasik, SMILE (flapless and bladeless eye surgery procedures), and Presbyond (near sight or presbyopia correction procedure for patients over 40 years and beyond).
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj and his staff are dedicated to providing International Standard Eye treatment in Delhi. Bajaj Eye Care Center also employs knowledgeable and experienced staff as well as utilizes the most advanced equipment like EXCIMER LASER machine MEL-80 (CARL ZEISS GERMANY) to get the best Lasik surgery result. With competitive Lasik Cost In Delhi, Bajaj Eye Care also became the best Lasik eye center with affordable cost in India and trusted by international patients.
One of Bajaj Eye Care Center testified, “I got my Lasik with a SMILE procedure done by Dr.Bajaj. It was really safe, and Dr.Bajaj and the staff are highly skilled and experienced. I’m very pleased that my vision got back to normal.”
About Bajaj Eye Care Center
Bajaj Eye Care Center is a leading Lasik surgery with the most affordable Lasik Eye Surgery Cost In Delhi. The clinic was established by Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, a senior eye specialist in Pitampura, Delhi. He specializes in computerized laser eye surgery and incorporates the most advanced technology such as Refractive surgery, MICS, and Phaco surgery in his practice.
To make an appointment and consultation with Dr. Bajaj, please call 011-47024919 / 27012054 or visit http://www.lasikdelhi.com
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chorusfm · 5 months
Snarls – With Love
When the time came for Snarls to begin work on the material that would become their sophomore LP, they knew they wanted to work with producer Chris Walla again. The only issue was that Walla’s U.S. based Seattle studio wasn’t an option at that time period. When Chris Walla pitched the idea of the Ohio indie rock band to come to his actual home in Norway, the offer was simply too good for the band (whom had never been overseas) to pass up. With Love gets a lot of its charm from this other-worldly opportunity for the band to hunker down and pen some of their most meaningful songs to date, albeit in another part of the globe. Indie rock’s best kept secret shines all over their second full-length record that is urgent, thoughtful, impactful, and immediately gratifying. Snarls continue to show their steady growth as musicians, and Walla can only sit back and gleefully admire this journey the young band is taking with him at the producer helm. The shimmering first chorus on the title track sets the table nicely with its lyrics of, “‘Cause I’ll always love you / I’m in your corner, too / Carry you in my heart everyday / With love.” Much like the album artwork that carefully pens the words “With Love,” in the locket, Snarls keep their music accessible, yet utterly passionate. After a pulsating bass line (from Riley Hall) in the opening track, Snarls gain their solid footing with veteran ease on “Big Fish,” that finds them coming to terms with their atmospheric rise in the music scene. As Chloe White sings on the first chorus of, “I’ve turned into a big fish / And you don’t even know it yet / I’m coming up around the bend / And you don’t even know it,” its hard to not admire her starry-eyed vision as she realizes her biggest dreams are coming true around her and her bandmates. “Heavy Drinker” follows the raucous one-two punch of the opening statements with a steady beat, paired with sensible lyrics about observing the world around them. The second verse of, “She’s a shitty singer / Lungs are full of smoke and she’s missing all the notes / But I’m a believer / And I think she’s gonna get it right / After this blinker / The mic is in her hand and she’s part of the band and / My heart’s in pieces, she looks like a real rock star,” is well-constructed and cautiously optimistic, which only adds to the band’s charm. One of the more recent singles from the set, “Baby Bangs” starts off rather cautiously, but accelerates to the finish line with big-sounding power chords that reverberate off of the speakers. The song, which is about leaving your old self behind for a better version of yourself tomorrow, features incredibly mature lyrics and wise-beyond-their-years foresight into what lies ahead. My personal favorite track in the set comes at the midway point, with “Moon Tides,” which is simply stunning in its composition. The verses stack on top of each nicely as Chlo admits in the first verse, “I know I’m far from perfect / But would you think that you deserved it / If I could hold little you like my own,” while later convincing herself in the next verse that, “Perfection’s a curse word that I can never live up to / But I’ve grown, I know I’m not on my own / And reflection’s not done only in the silence of solitude.” The band is miles ahead of where they were on their debut, Burst, and it’s a really fun time to see their growth in real time. The guitar tones that Walla targets on songs like this showcase why he’s such a trusted hand in the indie rock scene. He strategically picks the spots that will bring the most emphasis towards the song’s strengths, and with surgeon-like precision, makes the band shine. The back half opens with the bouncy guitar riffs found on “Driving Faster,” paired with three-part harmonies from the three female musicians, and it is simply gorgeous. It’s a great way to set the table for the epic conclusion of With Love. “Wishing Bones” has a great bass line that gradually adds in the guitar parts, drums, and lastly vocals to make for an ultra-memorable… https://chorus.fm/reviews/snarls-with-love/
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medserg09 · 5 months
CABG cost in India
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Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is a popular cardiac operation in India that is well-liked for its quality and price. The type of surgery and hospital amenities have an impact on the cost of CABG in India. While Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) CABG may cost anywhere from INR 3,00,000 to INR 6,00,000, Traditional CABG surgery usually costs between INR 2,00,000 and INR 5,00,000. Prominent medical centers like as Apollo, Fortis, and Medanta provide CABG operations with cutting edge equipment and skilled cardiac surgeons, guaranteeing best results at affordable costs. Due to its quality and accessibility, India is a popular place for CABG surgery in India.
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