#best 2021 daily planners
ylmckdesign · 1 year
(No date) MindTools. Available at: https://www.mindtools.com/a5plzk8/how-to-stop-procrastinating (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
Drawing challenges:
Ven, A. van de (no date) 12 best daily drawing challenges for illustrators and people who sketch or draw, 12 Best Daily Drawing Challenges for Illustrators and People Who Sketch or Draw - FakeClients Blog. Available at: https://fakeclients.com/blog/best-daily-drawing-challenges (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
Doodleaddicts.com (no date) Previous drawing challenges, Drawing Challenges and Art Prompts | Doodle Addicts. Available at: https://www.doodleaddicts.com/drawing-challenges/ (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
(No date a) Inktober. Available at: https://inktober.com/ (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
Procrastination solutions:
Productivity (no date) Pip Decks. Available at: https://pipdecks.com/blogs/productivity (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
The procrastination-busting focus toolkit (no date) The Personal Growth Company. Available at: https://thepersonalgrowth.co/products/focus (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
(No date a) The Procrastinator’s planner by Leon Worgan | Waterstones. Available at: https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-the-procrastinators-planner/leon-worgan//9781527241558 (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
The procrastination-busting focus toolkit (no date) The Personal Growth Company. Available at: https://thepersonalgrowth.co/products/focus (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
Today is the day (no date) Quiz.todayistheday.app. Available at: https://quiz.todayistheday.app/?_l_s=-&gender=Female (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
Flown flocks: Facilitated focus sessions (2023) FLOWN. Available at: https://flown.com/ni/flocks-for-focus (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
Design potential 
Kaecker, S. (2023) Fun D.I.Y. date night jar ideas & how to make your own, ourkindofcrazy.com. Available at: https://ourkindofcrazy.com/blog/date-night-jar/ (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
McCloud, S. (2018) Understanding comics: The invisible art. Burnaby, B.C.: Simon Fraser University Library.
Cohn, N. (2021) The visual language of comics: Introduction to the structure and cognition of Sequential Images. London i pozostałe: Bloomsbury Academic.
Artist research
Illustration (no date) jenniferxiao. Available at: https://www.jenniferxiao.com/illustration (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
The procrastination-busting focus toolkit (no date) The Personal Growth Company. Available at: https://thepersonalgrowth.co/products/focus (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
Behance (no date) Two styles of girls illustrations, Behance. Available at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/83318639/Two-Styles-of-Girls-illustrations (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
wonnu_joke (no date) Login • instagram. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/wonnu_joke/ (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
Character design 
3 practical tips for character designing (2021) YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnIqQYWDnKE (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
mckendry, yasmin (2023) Procrastination character, Pinterest. Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/yasminmckendry99/procrastination-character/ (Accessed: 04 June 2023).
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davidstfde · 2 years
No matter how you slice it, there are only 24 hours in a day. Time is a finite resource, and it’s up to you to make the most of it.Time management is an important skill for students to develop, as it helps them balance their academic, social, and personal responsibilities.
The Importance of Time Management
The importance of time management comes down to how much it impacts your personal and professional life. Time management is organizing your day so that you find the best use for every moment.Excellent time management allows you to create a healthy balance in your school life and home life.The consequences of failed time management include missing deadlines and living with excessive stress.
Even if you’ve failed to manage your time in the past, it’s never too late to change. Here are some tips to help students improve their time management skills:
1) Set goals:
Start by setting realistic and achievable goals for each day, week, and month. This will give you a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and how you want to allocate your time because when you set realistic goals, you get to prioritize in your mind which goal will require how much realistic timeline to be full-filled and can work on the goals accordingly.
2) Create a schedule:
Make a daily or weekly schedule that includes time for academics, extracurricular activities, exercise, and rest. Stick to the schedule as closely as possible because everything is important in life as ‘all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.’ And following a proper schedule would be helpful as that would make sure that no time is wasted from the precious 24 hours that we get in a day.
3) Prioritize tasks:
Prioritizing tasks is one of many ways to manage time. By prioritizing the tasks one can accomplish many tasks that he/she has planned for the day or probably the week. Prioritizing means to determine the order for dealing with a series of items or tasksaccording to their relative importance. Make a list of all the tasks you need to complete and prioritize them based on their importance and deadline. Focus on completing the most important tasks first say for example it is your exam time so completing the syllabus will be your priority.
4) Use a planner:
Keep a planner and use it to track your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and schedules. This will help you stay organized and on track.Using a planner allows you to schedule each event, exam dates, mock test dates, and task so that you know what to expect and don’t run out of time. Set specific due dates and deadlines for everything to help you stay on track, and have extra time left for yourself and your family.
5) Eliminate distractions:
Identify the distractions that take up your time and try to eliminate them as much as possible. This could include turning off your phone, closing social media apps, or working in a quiet environment.
Take breaks: Regular breaks are essential for maintaining focus and productivity. Take short breaks every hour or so to stretch, take a walk, or do something fun.
Learn to say no: It’s important to know your limits and not overcommit yourself. Saying no to unimportant tasks or commitments will give you more time to focus on the things that matter most.
Review and adjust: Regularly review your schedule and adjust it as needed to reflect your changing priorities and responsibilities.
By following these tips, students can improve their time management skills and lead a more productive and balanced life.
About SFS School, Guwahati
SFS Guwahati is one of the best Private CBSE School in Guwahati with Integrated Coaching, awarded with the “Certificate of Excellence” by Bharat Shiksha Puraskar and Ranked №24 across India for “Mental Health” Ranking 2021.
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pureavcanada · 2 years
Audio Visual Services from Pure AV For audiovisual lovers, there is so much to look out for in 2021 with major brands announcing breathtaking inventions that promise to light up the audiovisual industry. Without mincing words, audiovisual technology is evolving at an incredible pace; this means AV specialists, IT managers, marketers, business owners together with event planners need to brace up to enjoy the incredible benefits that come with this intriguing tech.
This year has seen a lot of incredible trends in the audiovisual world, and as a marketer, business owner, and event planner you need to keep up to date with this trend and deliver on the latest audio visual trends that will leave your clients, and target audience overwhelmed. One way to go about it, so you don’t miss out on this trend is always to ask them what they are using. More so, don’t forget to ask them why they chose the top brands they work with, this will help you make an informed decision on which trends to go for.
Without any further ado, here are some mind-blowing AV trends to watch out for in 2021, most of this technology promises to revolutionize the audiovisual industry so make sure you don’t miss out on them.
Projection Mapping This audio visual trend is a breath of fresh air and is guaranteed to add an extra dimension to your event. Projection mapping goes way beyond your everyday video projection. This trend promises to wow your mind, adding that creative twist to your events.
How does it work? We are glad you asked, read on, and you’ll find out in a bit. This trend involves the use of two or more projectors to extend images across multiple irregular surfaces. Projection mapping easily displays multiple images or videos on irregular flat surfaces like your typical four walls, seamlessly creating a 360 panoramic illusion you’ll be enchanted about. For your advertising campaign, conferences, presentations, trades show or other significant events, this is the technology you can always depend on.
360 advanced video displays is the darling of them all. This audiovisual trend fully utilizes 4k displays and VR systems on the market today to deliver incredible audiovisual experiences. For business owners and marketers whose job requires heavy presentation with graphics, this is one trend you don’t want to miss out on. And because this technology is gaining lots of attention, there are lots of suppliers offering this service, so you wouldn’t have to break the bank for it. Think you want to give it a try for your next event? You wouldn’t go wrong to reach out to us today. As a matter of fact, that’s what we love doing, hooking our clients up with the best trends in the audiovisual world that will help boost their brand.
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Virtual & Augmented Reality Virtual and Augmented Reality is becoming a buzz word in the audiovisual industry, thanks to tech giants who are inundating us with the possibilities of this technology. And while there is a dividing line between visual reality and augmented reality, you can’t but agree that this technology is simply in the world of its own. Professionals like to think of virtual reality as active while augmented reality as passive. However, both tech can be used and very much made part of our daily lives. Think of them like playing your favorite video games nicely settled on your couch or playing games on your smartphone while in the queue for Starbucks.
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Although popular in the gaming world, VR and AR technology are becoming very much part of the entertainment industry and is prepped to deliver unique experiences like never before. You too can be part of this growing trend by making it part of your event. The icing on the cake is that you can deploy VA and AR technology to your conferences, marketing campaigns or important presentations, cool right?
Live Video Streaming This is becoming the new normal in the audiovisual industry and promises to give other trends a run for their money. And if you aren’t from the Stone Age, we are sure you must have heard about live streaming. Today, social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other social media Platforms give users a sneak peek of what this technology is about. While this trend has been popular for quite some time now, the best part is that marketers and business owners have begun leveraging this technology to push their businesses to the next level.
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Want to organize a conference from the comfort of your home, or you have a presentation to make, and you’re looking for a smart way to do this without breaking a sweat? You’ll find live steaming impeccable and worth your time. Don’t know how to go about it? Good news is we can put you through every step of the way.
Audio Visual Services Over The Next Decade? For those who don’t already know, audiovisual is prepped to make a statement that will resound for a long time. And this isn’t surprising given the fact that audiovisual is increasingly becoming a powerful tool you can use to communicate your brand story and share your mind breaking products and services with the world. Make no mistake about it; just as audiovisuals are becoming an integral part of your businesses, they are also becoming a part of everyone’s life, so you either go with the trend or play catch up which we know you wouldn’t want to settle for.
Booking Pure AV Services As the world continues to enjoy overwhelming digital revolution, it is expected that there would be a massive adoption of these audiovisual trends. Don’t be left behind, make the most of this trend for your business and you’ll be excited you did. If you want further insight on how these trends can completely transform your brand, we will be thrilled to give you all the exciting details you’ll ever need and more. Reach out to us today, let’s put your business where it truly deserves to be.
If you need more information about this or any other production services, please take a moment to fill out the form below and one of our staff members will be sure to respond within 24 hours. Afterwards, we encourage you to check out Pure AV’s social handles and view our past projects – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. We promise you will be intrigued!
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elightenmentplanner · 3 years
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journalwithserena · 4 years
February 2021 Productivity Spread
I can’t believe it’s almost February 2021! The new year is definitely off to a positive start.
I hope you enjoy looking through my monthly Productivity Pages, which include:
- Eisenhower Principle Square (Tasks are divided into four quadrants between Urgent and Not Urgent and Important, and UnImportant)
- Self-Fulfilling Horoscope (make your own path!)
- Habit Tracker (Focused on Daily Commitments to Reading, Chores, Goals, and Exercise)
- Daily Time or Productivity Trackers (Split between Stress, Drain, or Wellness inducers, like Primary and Secondary Responsibilities, Television, and Exercise, respectively)
Let’s get that bread!
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ya-pucking-nerd · 3 years
sabre and doodle - o. power
This fic is a part of @antoineroussel ’s winter 2k22 fic exchange.
Hello @bords !!! I am your mystery fic-writer ;) I am so excited to be your writer. I’ve had this idea in my head for a long time now, and I’m so excited that I was able to use it! I’ve decided to write this story from two different perspectives - Y/N’s and Owen’s. I think it gives the story more depth. Writing for Owen was never really an option for me before simply because I never payed him much attention, so thank you for inspiring me to broaden my horizons! Also, I have discovered that I am older than Owen Power by 12 days and I feel old :/
Disclaimer! I do not know anything about University of Michigan. I only googled the name of the library lol
One last thing, I decided to break this fic up into two parts. The deadline for the fic is creeping its way closer and I want to only give you my best. I have a whole plan for the rest of this fic, but I don’t want to give you a rushed ending - you don’t deserve that.
Word count: 4094 words
Warnings: I’m pretty sure it’s race-neutral (is that even a term? idk) so like I didn’t put any descriptive words about Y/N except that she uses she/her pronouns, some swear words but nothing hard core
“Hey there! At long last, you’ve found the sticky note I placed here on 9/4/2021! Hopefully this book helps you out more than it did for me. This idea is sounding lamer and lamer, so I’m gonna leave it at that. If you want, you can leave your reply in this book :) ”
It was a folded little yellow sticky note sticking out of a book called Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. You had to snicker a little. The note was recent – today was 9/7/2021. Apparently, you and the mystery sticky note person had awful time management skills in common. Truth be told, you weren’t looking specifically at time management books. You were just exploring Shapiro Library because you had never been inside of it. Well, there was that “mini-golf through Shapiro Library” thing during freshman orientation, but you didn’t exactly pay attention, opting instead to finish as quickly as possible to get to the pizza on the top floor.
You dug through your bag, searching for any stray piece of paper you had. You found a pink index card and a blue pen. That’ll have to do.
“Hello mystery sticky-note leaver. I’m Y/F/N. I’m sorry the time management book didn’t help you. So... what year are you? What’s your major? Put your reply in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith – it’s one of my favorites :)”
You smiled to yourself, satisfied with your note. You hoped the mystery note person would find it. Maybe it was just a little game to them. They put the note in as a joke, thinking it would stay there forever, or at the very least for more than three days. Regardless, you folded it up, tucked it safely between pages 1 and 2, took the original note with you, and walked away.
3 days prior...
“This is stupid,” Owen thought to himself. He was sitting in a study room on the third floor, math homework on his left side and an empty Google doc on his right for his economics class paper. He had hockey practice in an hour and a half and a night class after that. College was much more stressful than he thought it would be. He felt like he was never going to be able to get this all done. At this point, he was getting kind of desperate, so he decided to look for a time management book. Maybe they would give tips like a daily planner (which he already had) or perhaps something in the Reminders app on his phone.
Then, Owen realized he didn’t know anything about the library and where books were other than the author’s names were in alphabetical order. So, he went to the library aide. She directed him to the non-fiction floor and to look for books with the number 650.11 on the side. See, telling him to look for books with 650.11 on the side was easier said than done. He did eventually find it. Tucked in a corner with a window facing the stadium (ironic) were the books labeled 648-661. There were a few thick books that Owen didn’t really want to waste his time on. Then, he saw a small book by Oliver Burkeman that looked like it might be helpful.
The book proved not helpful. But by that point, Owen didn’t really feel like doing work. He had 13 minutes until he needed to leave the library, head back to his dorm room, grab his hockey gear, and head to practice. “Might as well use these,” he thought as he looked at the yellow sticky notes that he was going to use to write important notes down for his economics paper.
“Hey there! ...”
Back to the present...
You figured maybe the mystery sticky note person would never return your message. Or someone random who hadn’t written the first message would find your index card and throw it in the trash. What you didn’t expect was to see another yellow sticky note in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn the next time you went into the library.
The classes you were taking this semester hadn’t piled on the work yet, so you decided to browse through the library. You found yourself in the classics section a lot, finding comfort in the words of the greats like Mark Twain, Harper Lee, and John Steinbeck. This time, you came upon your favorite book from your high school English class and found a sticky note peeking out of the pages.
“Hey Y/N, you have really nice handwriting! My mom would be very impressed. You can call me Sabre. Kinda makes me feel like an international spy with a codename, which is the most fun I’ve had since getting here. And I’m a sophomore sports management major. What’s your major? Post your reply in one of my favorite books, The Giver by Lois Lowry. Signed, Sabre”
Sabre. Interesting. Why didn’t they want to give you their real name? You also wondered if a sabre could symbolize something in their life. Sabre like a saber-toothed tiger? Maybe they liked cats. Or it could be a saber, like a Star Wars lightsaber. They could be a Star Wars fan. But why spell it sabre instead of saber. There had to be a significance to that. You were a little confused at their choice of codename, but you played along. You dug out another index card and your blue pen, mind racing as you thought about what to write back. You weren’t sure what to expect with this... friendship? This guy... girl? was a sophomore. And a completely different major. You didn’t have anything in common with them – except poor time management skills. You would just have to wait and see. Upon finishing the note, you got up and strolled through the library, quickly finding the fiction section. As thankful as you were that Shapiro Library was this big and had this many resources, your feet were starting to hurt, and you hoped you found the book soon.
3 days later...
Owen was genuinely excited. His first year with the UMich hockey team went really well, to say the least. Despite it being the year of COVID, he managed to scrape together a damn nice resumé. He made the Big Ten All-Freshman Team, the second All-Big Ten Team, Rookie of the Year, Big Ten Freshman of the Year Finalist, and he led his team in blocked shots. But this time around, he had expectations to live up to. He was the “first draft of the 2021 NHL draft” guy. The very first one. Top selection. All of his achievements and the NHL draft meant that he was clearly a phenomenal hockey player. His coaches expected him to up his game. Umich hockey and Buffalo Sabres fans were expecting to see something spectacular out of him, and he was deathly afraid of disappointing them.
And, as guilty as he felt, it was nice to talk to someone who had no idea who he was. There were no expectations. Even if he would have told you just his first name, he could still be just Owen, but he didn’t want to live that dangerously. He didn’t bring up hockey with purpose, and he strongly doubted you would bring it up. His codename still kind of gave his identity away, but only to the extreme hockey fan. Maybe you would get confused with a Star Wars lightsaber or something like that (he was a Star Wars fan, anyway).
None of his teammates spent much time in the library. They all thought about playing Junior hockey, and some of the guys were drafted into the NHL, too. They partied hard, had their fun with girls, and did not put in a lot of work in terms of the academic side of college, but Owen knew that all it took was one bad hit on the ice, and his NHL career would be over before it even started. So, he took his studies pretty seriously.
Since leaving his last sticky note, Owen had been hanging around the library a little more than he’d like to admit. Meeting ... well, talking to you had been one of the few times that Owen felt he could ultimately be himself since entering college. Not the number one NHL draftee, not the Big Ten Rookie of the Year, not Big Dawg, just Owen. It was like a breath of fresh air, a glass of cold water, all the metaphors for feeling peaceful and relaxed.
Today, he genuinely had work to get done. Calculus was kicking his ass, and he absolutely could not afford to fail, especially with his hockey scholarship on the line. But first, he had to check the Lois Lowry book. At this point, he was getting a little scared that you had answered his sticky note out of pity and then completely forgotten about the whole thing. He wouldn’t be mad, exactly, but he’d be a little disappointed.
Strolling through the fiction section, he found the L’s. La. Le. Li. Lo. Loa. Lof. Lou. Low! The library had three copies of The Giver, and Owen was praying he found a pink index card inside one of them. In the first book, Owen didn’t find anything. He found an old bookmark in the second book, but nothing was written on it. The third book, he found it. He snatched it, returned the books to their proper place on the shelf, and rushed back to the study cubicle he reserved.
“Sabre? Well, in that case, call me Doodle. I’m a freshman business major. I’m taking the classes because I want to own a bakery one day. Why did you pick Sabre as a codename? Are you going to the football game next Saturday? Leave your reply in The Giver, too. I can’t think of another book. Signed, Doodle”
So, you decided to go along with the code names. Owen had never met someone so... God, what was the word. Open? Fun? All the girls who have ever approached Owen at a party or at the rink only wanted to talk to him because they heard he was slightly famous and a future NHLer. You still didn’t know about his future career, and he was certainly nervous if the day where you find out his identity would come, but for now, he liked just being Sabre and Doodle. The second thing Owen noticed was that you asked about the football game. So, his codename hadn’t given him away. Maybe you were an all-American girl who only cared about football and didn’t know the first thing about the NHL. Or maybe you only asked him because he told you he was a sports management major. Either way, it also showed an attempt to connect with him, meaning maybe you were enjoying this strange connection as much as he was. He dug out his pen, crafting his response to you.
6 days later...
The first person to find out about Sabre was your roommate, Carly. Unfortunately for you, the UMich rooms were set up so that your desks were next to each other, so Carly could easily see the sticky notes you collected. She confronted you as you got back from your art elective class.
“Sabre, huh? Who’s that?”
“Oh... Um... It’s a... It’s a friend, I guess,” you stammered back, caught off-guard. “How does one explain this one?” you thought.
“And have you ever met this ‘Sabre’?” she persisted.
“No, we’ve just been writing notes back and forth. Clearly, you read them; they’re harmless. Sabre is harmless.” you replied back, now getting upset that she read your notes. Yes, they may have been sitting out on your conjoined desks, but that didn’t give her any right to just read your stuff. You didn’t read through her bullet journal.
Carly crossed her arms across her chest and sighed. She brought her left hand to the bridge of her nose, sighing once again.
“Y/N, don’t you get it? What if it’s a creepy perv trying to lure you in and then kidnap you? Or what if....” At that point, you stopped listening. Carly could talk for hours if you let her. She was a journalism major and political science minor, so she absolutely loved to talk. You figured she would stop for air eventually. Besides, you didn’t really care about her opinion, especially considering you met her less than a month ago.
Finally, after being fed up with Carly’s nonsense about your “psychopath stalker library sticky note guy,” you picked up your bag, grabbed a textbook and your laptop, and walked out the door. And yes, maybe slammed the door to make a point.
At first, you thought about grabbing a slice of pizza from the North Quad and studying there. And, truth be told, it was nice, but no place was as beautiful as the library. So, you grabbed a slice of pizza to go and started walking towards the library, eating your pizza along the way.
It was probably a horrible idea to go to the library. If you found another sticky note, Carly would get super mad. But you trusted Sabre. They hadn’t given you a whole lot to go off, but it just seemed safe. You knew that if you ever found anything to be a little suspicious, you would snuff it out quickly. Carly’s doubts and warnings were starting to get into your head.
At first, you couldn’t remember the location of The Giver. Shapiro Library was so huge. Then, you remembered the staircase, so you thought upstairs might be your best bet. You hopelessly asked the library aide, who smiled sweetly and pointed to the next floor up and to the far right corner. You thanked her and rushed up. At this point, you weren’t sure if finding a note would make you feel better or worse, but you checked anyway.
You found the sticky note tucked between pages 34 and 35. Did the number 34 or 35 mean something to Sabre? Or, did they carelessly place it between the first two pages their fingers found? It was things like this that continued to intrigue you about Sabre. How much did they care? Were they leaving you subtle clues to their identity? Or were you just overthinking this like you tended to do?
You took the sticky note out and plopped yourself onto the ground right next to the shelf. 
“Dear Doodle, Sabre? Lightsaber? Star Wars? Come on... And yes, I went to the football game with some of the guys on my team. And also, if you want to own a bakery one day, I definitely want to stay friends with you. Chocolate chunk cookies are my weakness (and definitely not on my diet). And, since I am a sports management major, leave your reply in The Mamba Mentality by Kobe Bryant. Signed, Sabre”
And here he is, leaving you with more questions than answers.
So, Sabre was a guy. And, you were right about the Star Wars thing, but still confused about why he chose to spell it Sabre. And second, he had a team? What type of team? He could be fooling you and be on the football team. It technically wouldn’t be a lie because if he was on the team, he did technically go to the game with guys on his team.
You didn’t know him well, but he didn’t seem like the type of guy to fool you like that. He could be on the basketball team since he mentioned Kobe Bryant. But that would be too obvious – if he was trying to conceal his identity, he wasn’t doing a good job of it. Here you were overthinking again.
He even called you friends. And he wants you to bake him cookies. It’s a shame the communal kitchen in your dorm is disgusting, but you’d be more than willing to bake him chocolate chunk cookies once you get into a proper kitchen.
You were nervous to reply. What do you even say?
That very same day...
Owen was not having a great time. The hockey season was picking up, and midterms were about a week away. In the last game, Owen barely had ice time. And when he did, it just seemed like he couldn’t do anything right. He messed up easy passes, took way more hits than he was used to, and he broke a stick on a slapshot.
The only thing he was looking forward to at this point was going to the library and searching for a pink index card. He wasn’t even sure if the library had The Mamba Mentality. On the way in, he bumped into a girl, furiously texting on her phone.
“Oh god. I’m so sorry. I was texting my roommate and wasn’t looking!” She bent down to pick up her phone and the water bottle that miraculously hadn’t spilled. When she bent, Owen could have sworn he saw a yellow sticky note at the top of her bag, but he dismissed the idea, knowing that sticky notes were common among college kids.
“No problem, take it easy,” he replied.
The sports biographies and autobiographies were always Owen’s favorite part of the library. He knew where to look. The library didn’t have The Mamba Mentality, but a flash of pink caught his eyes in the place where it should’ve been.
“Sabre, Ok, so I was right about the Star Wars thing! I went to the football game with my roommate, but we got shitty seats because we were late. So, what sport do you play? I don’t play sports, really. I played volleyball for my high school, but I hated it. My parents made my play because my sister did. And I’ll totally get you those chocolate chunk cookies. Let me know where to leave them. Leave you answer in I am Malala by Malala. Doodle”
What if you were one of those crazy girls that look up the roster and then are investigative enough to figure him out. That’s a lot of ifs, but Owen wasn’t sure if he was prepared to take that risk. He liked the anonymity of the sticky notes in the safety of the library.
He thought carefully. He obviously didn’t want to dismiss the question entirely because you would probably just ask him again. He also didn’t want to answer. This was tricky.
Two of his teammates found him on his way from the library to practice. He would’ve preferred to be left alone, but he couldn’t tell his teammates without them asking him what was wrong. They would probably tell him he was being ridiculous. They didn’t really get it, and Owen wouldn’t have expected them to.
The boys walked to practice, fooling around and hitting each other with random leaves and twigs that littered the Quad on their way to the rink. Owen, however, had Airpods in both ears, with the volume turned to maximum. He knew he loved the sport of hockey and would never give it up, but at this moment, all he could think about was Y/N.
4 days later...
Carly was still giving you grief about the “situation” (as she called it). So, you did the most non- sensical thing possible and told your other friend, Gia. Gia was the type of friend who would do anything for you. Gia was the friend you would call if you found a dead body in a creepy alley and needed support as you called the police to report it.
“... So that’s basically everything. You don’t think I’m crazy, right?” you asked after explaining the whole thing to Gia. She just stared at you, mouth open like they do in cartoons.
“Y/N,” she said gently. “Have you considered that this guy may be acting so sweet just to, well, you know. Screw you over?”
Carly raised her arms above her head, shouting. “That’s what I said!”
You looked behind you at Carly and rolled your eyes. Why couldn’t your friends just be supportive of this friendship? Making real friends on a college campus with more than 44,000 students was so incredibly hard. Yes, finding that sticky note was a twist of fate, but continuing the conversation was intentional. You responded with enthusiasm, and it seemed that Sabre was, too.
Gia was looking at you as you were thinking things over.
“G,” you sighed. “It just doesn’t seem like that. I mean, you guys have both read those notes. It just seems so real. So natural. At this point, you hadn’t checked the library in a while. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. “Guys, come one! We’re going to the library.” Your two friends looked at each other with the “she’s crazy, but I guess we’re responsible for her” look.
The three of you made your way into the library. When you opened the door to Shapiro Library, you did a quick scan to see if there were any people in the library. It was the Saturday after midterms, so you didn’t expect too many people. You only spotted three guys studying in the back left corner. Well, one was studying. You could see the second one hiding his phone behind his laptop screen while on a Zoom call, and the other was playing 2048.
The book you told Sabre to leave his next note in was actually on the shelf right behind the guys. You tiptoed your way back, and with every careful step you took, the old hardwood floors creaked louder and louder. They say silence is loud, but you would argue that attempting to tiptoe on old creaky hardwood floors was louder.
You picked up the book, found the sticky note, then put the book back. You missed the smirk on boy #2’s face as he watched you take the sticky note and sit down with your friends in a study cubicle.
Well, football isn’t really my thing. We got shitty seats, too, but I’m not a huge football guy. And I’m not gonna tell you my sport, how about you guess? Besides, me telling you my identity kind of ruins the point of me having a codename ;) And if you leave chocolate chunk cookies outside of the window with the TikTok lights on the west side of Weller Hall, I will literally love you forever. Leave your answer in I am Malala. 
It wasn’t much, but he did give you a little more. So, he didn’t play football. And he was smart. He knew you would try to figure it out on your own. Also, he lives on campus. And while that doesn’t necessarily mean anything, it means you had a slightly smaller pool of people to investigate. You let all your friends read the note after you. While they read it and analyzed it, you found your pen and notecard.
On the other side of the library...
Owen watched the group of girls enter the library, and a small part of him wondered if you were one of them. He was a little anxious, wondering who you were. He obviously knew your name because you gave it to him before deciding to use codenames. Owen also had to exercise extreme self-control to not look you up on all forms of social media.
Then, he watched you walk up to the shelf that he had just put his sticky note in about 5 minutes ago. At the time, his friends laughed at him. Now, they were staring at Owen in shock. 
“Bro, she’s real?”
“I thought you had like an imaginary friend, or some ass gave you a fake name.”
“Thanks for the support, guys.” Owen had grumbled.
But now, he watched you read the note, brows furrowed as you concentrated. Then, you passed it off to your friends, and they read it more intensely than you did if that was possible. Your friends giggled, pointed to a bit, and then whispered some more about it. You were busy writing furiously, barely listening to your friends, let alone looking to the corner of the library. 
It was incredible to Owen how close he was, yet how far away. He could practically smell your perfume, but he couldn’t go up and say “hello”. At least not without scaring you. He wasn’t quite sure what to do. He just wanted to watch you leave the note and read it ASAP. And if you noticed him reading the index card, that was fine with him.
@bords I hope you enjoy it :)
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writingdotcoffee · 4 years
Planning to write a novel in 2021?
When starting a new writing project, it's difficult to grasp just how much effort it will take to finish it. That's why more than 90% of novels end up unfinished.
I'm not trying to deter you from writing. This is a writing motivation blog after all. But I believe that the best way to succeed is to know what you're signing up for. It's a slog. You have to be ready.
Before you roll up your sleeves and start grinding, take some time to figure out how long it will take.
Last year, I built a simple writing planner that will help you with just that.
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Put in your book target and choose which days of the week will you write. Then set a deadline or a daily goal. The planner will calculate your writing schedule.
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You can tweak any of the inputs and see it update to find the right balance of daily goal/deadline. Set your daily goal too high and risk burning out. Set it too low and risk losing motivation along the way. It may take a few attempts to find the sweet spot.
The writing planner is free to use. No need to sign up.
You’ll find it here: https://www.writinganalytics.co/planner
And if you're looking for the right tool to track your writing projects and daily word counts, check out Writing Analytics.
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2021 ✨ chay’s writing year in review
well! 2021 certainly has been one of the years i’ve experienced. but besides *gestures vaguely* everything, 2021 unexpectedly turned out to be a breakthrough year for me in writing.
total words written: 168 623
monthly word average: 14 052
projects worked on: the Andromeda trilogy, some other side stuff i didn’t get too invested in, and, uh, yeah it’s pretty much been AR brainrot all year
finishing 2 drafts
writing like 20 fluffy, purely self-indulgent drabbles for like a month
(this one is my favourite)
i wrote a space shanty back in april??? ngl i almost forgot about that. it feels like ages ago
after a drought of about 5 years where i was in perpetual unfinished project hell, the fact that i finished something is still so wild to me, let alone TWO somethings. and to think what it took for me to unblock was throwing my characters into space and being as self-indulgent about it as possible.
i’ve also finally accepted that i am truly a plantser at heart. i USED to be a plantser back before reading writing advice posts and getting caught up in trying to be a planner and worrying about every little detail of the story that by the time i was actually writing i just wasn’t having fun discovering my story. and as my characters often surprise me as i’m writing and sabotage my outline (not naming names, AZAMI BLACK-MIZUHARA), having no rigid outline for them to sabotage in the first place gave me at least an illusion of control over them.
actually, THE thing that i would consider the secret to my success this year is to allow myself to NOT write. especially with a relatively new job to stress me out, i couldn’t afford to burn myself out by forcing myself to write every day. maybe 2016!Chay could pound out a 40K novella in a month but 2021!Chay needed new ways to work.
i compiled some little spreadsheets and graphs to track my writing process. my daily average for AR1 was 453 words and 420 words (nice) for AR2, spread over about 5 and a half months for each draft. i very rarely wrote more than 1000 words in one day, and there were MANY days where i would just not write at all. sometimes i wouldn’t write for days on end, and it was hard, feeling like i HAD to be writing, being scared maybe this was it and i wouldn’t be able to write ever again, but knowing i needed to be resting. those rough patches always ended eventually and my writing was better off for it.
what i’m trying to say is, once i figured out what worked for ME, my writing flourished.
☆ 2022 GOALS.
i am SO tempted to be like “to finish AR3′s first draft” but i’m not gonna put that kind of pressure on myself.
my goal for the next year is just to continue working at my own pace and being patient with myself. if it takes ten years to finish AR3, so be it. it’ll be better than if i crash and burn trying to finish it all at once.
that being said i’m gonna start writing AR3 tomorrow because new year new draft and i have nearly nothing planned for it so far besides self-indulgence so wish me luck!!!!!
i want to thank everyone who’s been following my writing journey this year, who has read and reblogged my stuff and left nice comments, who has helped me untangle the knots in my plot or witnessed my many crises and breakdowns on discord and encouraged me through it all. not to be a cliche but i seriously wouldn’t have been able to do it all without you. i wish you all the very best in this upcoming year 💕
below, have those sexy graphs i was talking about, because i’m a slut for graphs and i couldn’t resist showing them off.
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notice the dip in activity in february when i was working on FinnPetra Fluff February. and also that one tall bar on very last day when i went absolutely ham LMAO
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i feel like for this one i was wildly swinging between “writing a shitton in one day” and “haven’t written in a week”. consistency? never heard of her.
☆ GENERAL TAGLIST. ask to be +/-.
@metanoiamorii​ @unleashing-screamingtemporaldoom @radiomacbeth​ @tragedieds​ @stardustspiral​ @summere21​ @dutifullyloudmilkshake​ @spencers-tomes @avi-why​ @pulitzers-world @jadeywrites​ @hopeeternia​ @stormharbors​ @dgwriteblr​ @extra-magichours​ @cilly-the-writer​ @yuekki​ @catgirlnya​ @the-orangeauthor​ @cecilsstorycorner​ @savonigo @little-boats-on-a-lake​ @athensthebandit​ @quilloftheclouds​ @alicewestwater​ @chaotic-queer-disaster​
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womaninthe-mirror · 3 years
Daily Journal Entry: I was scanning through my Starbucks 2021 planner to see which month has been the busiest so far and I noticed that my schedule in April was jam packed that even my weekends were set for thesis consultations and thesis meet up with my partner. I remember when my family went out to have some cold spring vacation and I'm left alone at home because of the amount of work I needed to accomplish, all with their specific deadlines. Despite the fact that for the past 6 months my productivity level is at its lowest, I can tell that April made me felt more focused, serious of my work and excited of my work's outcome. It's the busiest and most challenging and fun month yet.
I hope that for the 6 months to come, we will all find that spark within us again and work on the things we get excited to do that by the end of 2021, we can tick the boxes in our goals and resolutions and tap our own shoulders because we did our best.
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Full Moon in Virgo ♍︎
The Full Moon in Virgo is happening February 27th 2021. In this Full Moon in Virgo, we are completing the 6 month cycle which started on the New Moon in Virgo on September 17th 2020. Try to think of where you were/what you were feeling/what you started on September 17th 2020. This Full Moon in Virgo is bringing completions to our life. Look at your zodiac sign, which house is the Full Moon ruling in your horoscope, try to think of September & what you were going through. Is it coming full circle this Full Moon in Virgo? You can expect personal goals to be reached. Use Virgo’s energy to stay motivated when everything feels slushy, gray and dreary. Buy that new planner you’ve been eyeballing. You’re going to need it. The Planet Virgo rules the 6th house which is symbolic of work life and routine. This full moon I ask all of you to take a deep look at your routine & get determined in your career. Use this energy to get stuff done. Virgos pay attention to every single detail!
Aries & Aries risings,, Full Moon in Virgo triggering your 6th house of health, work & routine. I want to urge you Aries to pay attention 3 days before the 27th of February & 3 days after as well. The Sun & Moon is making an amazing aspect in your second house of Uranus of income/finances. Positive news & recognition at work this Full Moon in Virgo for you. Health related issues you have been worrying about within the last 6 months will be going away because I feel this Full Moon in Virgo will be making you feel in tip top shape. In work you could be feeling really appreciated & working with others in your career feeling pleased. My Dear Aries, You guys have received the Death card which is symbolic of endings & new beginnings. Think back to September 17th 2021, how much has your life changed? Your life has just reached a complete cycle. The Full Moon in Virgo is asking you to release the old you fully & to move forward with the new people in your life, the new you. It's time to acknowledge all the change that has happened & that change is the chapter of your life has ended.The constellation number for the Death card is number 3 which is the number in tarot that is symbolic of creativity & collaborations with people at work & creativity that you have projected in your life.
Taurus & Taurus risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 5th house of love, romance, creativity, fun, self expression. Feeling very content right now Taurus’s. It is a fantastic time to be with friends & loved ones. You might be getting a new unexpected opportunity to pursue your longer term plans very soon Taureans. The 6 of Wands is the card that I received for the Taureans for the Full Moon in Virgo. Think of the last 6 months, September 17th 2021 was the start of the cycle & now the cycle ends in the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th 2021. What in your life is coming full circle? The 6 of Wands I feel I am getting a pull to career & passions. I do feel there is positive movement forward in regards to your career. This card is about victory, personal power, movement in your career/job, a new job or promotion. This energy is having people giving you the recognition you deserve & how much has changed for you during the virgo cycle. You are making progress in your life. Taureans be proud. The Six of Wands is a positive encouragement to believe in who you are and your accomplishments so far. Have faith in what you’ve done and how others will receive it.
Gemini & Gemini Risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 4th house of family roots, home life & the past. Both the sun & moon are in aspect to your Uranus in your 12th house. At this time you can be hearing really positive news from a family member or in regards to your home. You will patch something up this full moon within the home or a close family member. You will feel empowered this Full Moon in Virgo. The 2 of Pentacles was the card I got for you Geminis. During this Full Moon in Virgo I feel you guys will be finding that balance in your life again. I feel that time management hasn’t been the best in your life recently but I feel you guys regaining that balance in all aspects of your life during this Full Moon in Virgo. I also feel that finding balance with your family will be balanced again at this time. Your finances will start being secure & stable again. I feel at this time your priority will be family this Full Moon.
Cancers & Cancer risings , Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 3rd house of sales, siblings, communications & short distance. The Full Moon is active 3 days before February 27th & 3 days afterwards. At this time you are receiving good news in communication with others around you, receiving good news from people abroad that you know & making plans to travel. Mental Health wise you will feel stable & may look back at the last 6 months & feel that you have learned a lot. I pulled the Queen of Swords for you Cancers this Full Moon in Virgo. I feel that you guys will be very blunt & upfront with your wants & needs to others around you & yourself. The Queen of Wands is a rational, clear thinker who is very patient. I feel that this Full Moon in Virgo will be a good time for you to reflect on your thoughts & actions from the past 6 months. You may feel like withdrawing from your life to think about yourself & your direction in life.
Leos & Leo risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 2nd house of values, self worth & income. Leos can expect great news in finances during this Full Moon in Virgo, possibly a bonus, a new business deal, may hear news of a raise. You are feeling very confident in finances. Ace of Pentacles was the card I received for you Leos. The Ace of Pentacles is all about newness in finances. I feel that there is a sum of money you will be receiving around the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th 2021. This card can mean getting money from investments you have made, new ways of income & promotion. You are being handed wealth this Full Moon Leos & I feel a sense of you feeling secure & stable. I also feel you will feel very grounded during this time as this card is an earth card & the sign Virgo is an earth sign.
Virgos & Virgo Risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 1st house of identity & physical body. You seem to be reaching a point in your life where you feel satisfied with a certain love partnership or business partnership that is paying off beautifully. You will feel aligned from a mentality perspective. There is a high chance if you or your partners were waiting on news to legal institutions, you will get the positive news during this Full Moon in Virgo. I pulled the 7 of Pentacles for you Virgos. Virgo’s there is something that you have put a lot of energy/hard work into & while you may be reaping some rewards it is not fully completed yet, this is where the 7 of Pentacles comes in. This card depicts a man who has grown this money tree but the tree still has more potential, this full moon in virgo you will be paying attention to details in this regard ( as virgos love to do), I feel you will be revauliting your plans & how to go about this. Keep going, your hard work is paying off, the potential is endless.
Libras, & Libra Risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 12th house, also triggering your 6th house of daily routine/work. You are completing a process of introspection. You seem to be resting/ isolating during this Full Moon in Virgo. You may have realized this Full Moon in Virgo you need to let go of certain people in your life, especially friends that are no longer in alignment with who you want to become. Libras, the full Moon in Virgo is going to hit hard for you as I pulled the 5 of Cups, I feel someone you had to leave in the past will be coming up when you are feeling sad during this Full Moon in Virgo. The 5 of Cups is feeling emotionally isolated thinking of relationships in your life. I feel that you could be feeling sad this Full Moon in Virgo. The Five of Cups shows you that, even though things aren’t going your way, new opportunities and possibilities are waiting for you – but only when you are ready. It’s time to shift your mindset and focus on what can go right from this point onwards. Be open to the brighter side of life and know many blessings are in disguise right now. Instead of giving in to a ‘glass is half empty’ perspective, look at it as the ‘glass is half full’.
Scorpio & Scorpio risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 11th house. You are going to be enjoying the Full Moon in Virgo the most. Relationships are going really well this time during the full moon. It’s a fabulous time to go out with friends. Ace of Cups was the card you received. I feel you guys will be feeling emotionally fulfilled with an outpouring of emotions. It may be that… Scorpios will be showing emotions?? I feel all relationships around you will be going very well. I feel you will feel this sense of vulnerability where you are sharing your feelings more than usual. There is a new beginning or new stage happening in a relationship during this full moon in virgo. You could be getting closer to someone or being more committed to someone. I feel a lot of healing energy will be happening in relationships for you this full moon in virgo.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 10th house of career, public status & reputation. You may be receiving a massive acknowledgment from your boss. You are getting good news from work & or co-workers. I got the 3 of Pentacles for you guys. The 3 of pentacles is symbolic of collaboration, working with others to get things done. I feel Sagittarius will feel very determined this full moon in virgo. You will be getting stuff done around your home, things you have pushed off will be getting done as well. The 3 of Pentacles is about people getting recognition at work. In your work/career you are making progress & deserve to give yourself a tap on the shoulder. Foundations for your future are being laid out.
Capricorns & Capricorn risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 9th house of foriegn lands, foriegn cultures, society, spread of ideas, marketing & advertising. You are going to be loving this Full Moon in Virgo. You are completing a cycle of study or planning somewhere to travel. A fantastic time to promote an idea or marketing/advertising your creative works. 8 of Pentacles was the card I got for you guys this Full Moon in Virgo. The 8 of Pentacles is about focusing on one goal, taking your time & almost at completion. You are focusing on being a “master” at something & your hard work is going to be paying off. The #8 in tarot numerology is significant of success & luck. I feel that if you have been questioning if you want to go to school this is your sign Capricorn to go back. This is also the card of inner strength, think of how much your life has changed since September 17th 2020 when the New Moon in Virgo was in effect how much has your personal power grown.
Aquarius & Aquarius risings , Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 8th house finances, values, intimacy & self worth. Securing the resources to invest in your home, investments in real estate or getting fantastic financial news. I received 9 of Cups for you Aquarian’s on this Full Moon in Virgo. The 9 of cups signifies feeling emotionally fulfilled & content where you are right now in the present. I feel a lot of things are falling into place in your life where you can feel stable & secure. This card is about feeling comfortable in your own skin & also financially comfortable where you can splurge. This is a very positive card to count your blessings & to feel genuinely happy. The Full Moon in Virgo will bring you blessings.
Pisces & Pisces Risings, Full Moon in Virgo is happening in your 7th house of marriage, business partnerships, partnerships & relationships. Uranus is aspecting the Sun & Moon in your 3rd house with communications which is really positive . You seem to be reaching a higher level of commitment in a relationship. Resolving communications & relationships in your life. 3 of Cups was the card I received for you Pisces. This Full Moon in Virgo for you is all about relationships, I do feel a strong pull people from the past could be reading out to you during this period of the Full Moon. I see a lot of social activity going on around the 27th of February. I feel surrounding yourself with people who make you smile & support you unconditionally. I feel a celebration, possible birthday party coming up for you as the 3 of cups are all about parties. The 3 of Cups is also about emotional fulfilment with relationships in your life including family.
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vkelleyart · 4 years
first I wanted to let you know I've been listening to your 2020 victory playlist on spotify and I am still enjoying the vibes so thank you. I do have a q for you tho... I will be starting my first job in 2021 and I was wondering if you had any advice for someone who's job is not really in line with creative pursuits, how you still make time for them. I know you have a lot you balance in addition to making time for art and writing, and I really admire that and hope to build that in my own life
YAY! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the playlist! I still like to jam to it myself! Lol
And thank you so much for this ask, because I’ve literally been ruminating on exactly this all week. Finding a way to manage my creative projects while not shortchanging my day job or my children has been a work in progress, and while I’m still trying to find a balance, I can at least share with you a bit of what worked for me in 2020. All the stuff I’m showing you is from November because that was the month I was doing art, fiction writing, AND my day job/parenting.
It was a little nuts, and this is how I survived. :)
1) GOAL PLANNING. If anyone were to ask me my secret to getting anything done in the middle of a pandemic, it would be goal planning. The planner I use comes from Cultivate What Matters, which I like because it forces you to really think about how you define fulfillment, prosperity, and happiness, and then encourages you to file in your tasks accordingly. Here’s what November’s goal planning looked like for me:
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As you can see, every month is broken down by big monthly deliverables, weekly repeat action items, and daily repeat action items. I generally found it hard to remember to tick boxes on daily stuff, so I’m not doing that in 2021, but the weekly and monthly lists were vital for keeping me motivated and enabling me to reach the end of those little measurement bars.
Anyway, in order for ANY of this to work in my favor, it was critical for me to sit and ask myself at the end/beginning of each month: What are my priorities? What needs to happen in [month]? What things did I try to do that worked/failed for me the month before? And I nip and tuck accordingly.
2) ROUTINES/DAILY PLANNING: This is the key to my survival in the pandemic because not only do I have to accomplish my tasks for work, I am also homeschooling my youngest kid every morning. Routines are critical to ensuring I don’t go nuts and helps me build in time for myself to create. I use the Emily Lay Simplified Planner for this, but you can easily accomplish the same in a bullet journal or regular notebook. I happen to like the ELSP just because it lays it all out for me in a way that doesn’t require me to think too hard about it.
Here’s what a day in 2020 looked like (I selected it for the impassioned command to step away from social media I scribbled in the notes section. Which, let’s be honest, is another great strategy for getting time back. Lol)
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By breaking the day up into hours, I can see where I have gaps that I can fill in with tasks. I gave a little bit each day to the creative work, and having it spread out (which gave myself permission not to finish in one sitting) made it possible to chip away at many things at once without crashing. What this picture doesn’t show is the ways a lot of my tasks pushed into the wee hours (that’s where I made up a lot of my day job stuff). Hopefully, you don’t have to factor homeschooling into your 2021 endeavors!
3) MOTIVATION: Get yourself some stickers. I’m not kidding. And some cheerleaders. And if you’re a parent, I’m hoping you have someone nearby who can tag team with you. Making time for writing/art is much easier when you feel enthusiastic about it and folks are willing to help you create the necessary space for it.
4) BOUNDARIES: Create a dedicated time and space for your creativity and be prepared to defend it. It is very tempting during the pandemic, especially if you’re teleworking, to leap up at every email and phone call, even when they happen outside your normal work hours. I was very lucky to be able to structure my government workday in ways that accommodated watching my kids every morning (because my husband is a teacher and had his own zoom classes to teach), and that included managing expectations with my supervisors about my hours and workload. Case in point, if they send me mail in the morning between 8 and 12pm, I will not be able to respond immediately. That time belongs to my kids.
For you, this might look like cordoning off time before/after work for writing and ensuring no one is intruding on that time. Don’t answer the phone. Get off social media. Your time to create is precious and the rest of the world can wait.
That’s all I can think of for right now, but all I can say is congratulations and YOU CAN DO IT. If you are committed to creating, make a plan and trust that time will bend to support you.
I hope this helps! Best of luck!
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thisispaddys · 3 years
Why You're Feeling Unmotivated
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I tried to start this post whilst laid in bed. But the usual distraction got in the way.
And between them and staring out the window I didn’t get very far.
I had all these intentions the night before. I was going to do some clothes washing, tidy the house, hoover, fix things, clean things. Motivated, motivated, motivated.
And then I woke up the next morning.
This is a bit of a follow-up post from my previous one. To be honest, the two posts should be amalgamated. Which would up my word count as well!
What Is Motivation?
According to Wikipedia:
Motivation is what explains why people or animals initiate, continue or terminate a certain behaviour at a particular time.
You Are Your Brain
While everything we feel is nothing more than a collection of electrical impulses and chemicals and hormones, it’s important to remember that you are your brain.
It is not some separate entity making every decision without your input. What motivates you on an existential level can’t be explained entirely by biology alone.
Motivation is the desire to achieve a goal, which is a lot more complicated than a single process.
Why you are motivated depends on what the change means to you, why you want to pursue the change, what supports you can access to sustain the change, etc.
Loss of motivation
Apathy is the destroyer of progress.
At least that’s how I see it. That’s the feeling I get. It’s not a feeling of sadness. It’s the feeling of nothing.
The feeling of emptiness and life’s borders growing beyond your grasp.
So here I sit. Thinking of all the jobs I should be doing. All the chores around the house. It’s not laziness stopping me. It’s something else.
Oh, some of it is down to depression. Lack of self-worth, lack of vitamin D, even. But here I sit. Thinking of everything and feeling nothing.
Motivation is an in-house job; it begins and ends with you. Even if you fail to realize it, motivation is something you can control, an internal job. No one gets to determine your level of motivation. You need to take responsibility for your motivation – every second, every minute, hourly and daily.
What’s Wrong With Me?
One reason you might have a lack of motivation is that you’re leaving things too open. When things are vague, the motivation will fade. When you’re unable to tap into the motivation you need to succeed, it might be because whatever thing you want to get motivated for is too vague.
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10 Tips to get and stay motivated
Celebrate small victories.
Get out of bed and out of pyjamas
Go for a walk
Avoid social media
Don’t overschedule
Establish routines — they can help you feel motivated.
Create a support network
Get enough sleep
Take things one step at a time, and don’t try to do more than you’re able to.
Meditation - before picking up your phone and scrolling through social media. Five minutes guided meditation can make all the difference to how your day starts
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Accountability buddy
In short, accountability buddies are the people you ask to peer pressure you into doing the things you don’t want to.
An accountability buddy is someone with whom you establish an ongoing, reciprocal relationship. Each member of the partnership commits to coach the other towards achieving their goals and, to be held accountable for their progress towards their own. This relationship helps each partner to stick to their commitments.
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Planning Resources
Best Self Planner
Panda Planner
Bullet Journal
Behaviour Change Apps (Free)
WOOP - Simple behaviour change system by professor Gabrielle Oettingen at NYU
Stickk - create contracts for accountability with money on the line
Keystone - social habit tracker for iOS
Chain - social habit tracker for iOS
Beeminder - goal setting and behaviour change through loss avoidance
findpathly.com - reflective listening through voice messaging
pomorace.com - community pomodoro timer
Behaviour Change Apps (Paid)
focusmate.com - watch and be watched by another person over video
getsupporti.com - accountability partner app that finds you mutual support buddies
goalio.co - reward yourself for completing goals
Other Resources
HitTheGoal - Discord community for group accountability
https://actionbuddy.io/blog/accountability-partner (14-day free trial)
When it comes to motivation. No one will give it to you, but yourself.
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So after writing a few hundred words I decided to try and start my day. Time to put into practice some of what I’ve been writing about.
It won’t always be this easy.
And writing about my struggles and posting online is my form of accountability.
This won’t work for everybody. We all have to find our own path. But sometimes being shown the right direction to walk is all we need.
This did involve me picking up my phone long enough to load up the Fitbit app and start a five minute guided meditation.
I put away all my devices.
Laidback down in bed.
Took a deep breath.
And relaxed.
Five minutes later I got out of bed. Nothing was going to distract me.
I can do this.
Start small.
Get dressed.
Go eat breakfast.
I can do this.
And, so my day began.
Originally published at https://blog.thisispaddys.space on August 30, 2021.
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elightenmentplanner · 3 years
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Part of the Network’s Annual “Summer Nights” Programming Event
STUDIO CITY, CA – July 1, 2021 – Autumn Reeser (“A Glenbrooke Christmas,” “Love on the Menu”) and Andrew Walker (“Christmas Tree Lane,” “Sweet Autumn”) star in “The 27-Hour Day,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, August 7 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel as part of the network’s annual “Summer Nights” programming event.
Lauren (Reeser) is an established creator and ambassador of her wellness brand called The 27-Hour Day. Her mission is to give the best tips and tricks to make life’s daily chores and activities more efficient. But when an important meeting with her business idol goes awry, Lauren realizes she may need to step away to get some perspective. Foreign to the concept of taking a break, Lauren agrees to go to a mountain retreat. Upon arrival, she hands over all forms of electronics and tries to forget about work. While there, she meets others – Heather (Lillian Doucet-Roche, “A Cinderella Story: Starstruck”), a tireless wedding planner, a couple trying to rekindle their marriage, and Roger (Tom Pickett, “Christmas in Evergreen: Bells are Ringing,” “The Angel Tree”), a bored retiree. Lauren also comes across retreat owner Jack (Walker) who can immediately tell she’s a workaholic from a big city. Jack is looking to expand his family business, not get involved with a guest, but there’s just something about Lauren. Over the course of the week in the calm setting of the Montana mountains, Lauren realizes she needs to reprioritize what’s important in her life as she finds herself beginning to fall for Jack – and wonders how life will be once she returns to New York and if Jack will follow.
“The 27-Hour Day” is from Hour Road Productions Ltd. Linda Carolei and Autumn Reeser are executive producers. Charles Cooper serves as producer. David Winning directed from a script by Rama Diallo (writer credit to be confirmed). 
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museeofmoon · 4 years
hii cutiepie
first of all, I love ur new theme so much❤️
also,,I wanted to ask,,,,I brought this 2021 diary and decided to start writing and planning my day in it,,,,and I have done it for three days now but I'm not able to complete ALL the things I plan :(
like sometimes I can't wake up early, other days i just get distracted and start at the wrong time,,,,it just messes up ya know :'(
so I just wanted to ask it's fine right? u can't always have a strict timetable everyday, right??
I have so much backlog remaining im literally gonna cry- djjfjfjd
so,,if u were in place,,what would u do? like how can i decrease the amount of stress I'm taking jdjcjc💀
anyways I love u so much, I hope u r taking good care of urself🥺💗
hi love, I'm glad you like it💕 and I hope you're well<3
so for the diary thing, so can absolutely use it in many ways rather then just planning your day,,,,, and it's absolutely fine to mess it up but this is what I suggest:
don't make a strict schedule, usually our ‘ideal’ schedule is really different from out daily ones, so rather that giving urself a stressed and pack one make it flexible and flowy.
don't do the HOUR thing, it means plan your day as morning, afternoon, evening and night and NOT by 9-10 [insert task]
that's how it works- in the morning section you put tasks you want to accomplish before lunch! such as make ur bed, get ready, do chores or studies and then do the same to before dinner, and then before sleep also night time is best for self care, or self reflection (however you want ofc)
don't put too many in one day, start with 2-3 tasks per section and once you get the hang of it (means ur mind automatically knows what to do next without looking in the planner) add some more!
make an ideal one, no I'm not a hypocrite so here's the deal make a ideal one and Don't follow it yet, that will work like ur goal! keep adding tasks to reach it step by step so you'll know where you're going.
some days, maybe you won't feel like, maybe something came up , maybe your mom will need your help so don't be too hard on yourself but be true, on the days you're doing it try to complete it!
that's all I could think of fjdjk, hope that's enough, take care💜✨
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writingdotcoffee · 3 years
Figuring Out Your NaNoWriMo Schedule
When you do NaNoWriMo and write every day, it's pretty easy to figure out how many words you need to hit your goal. Things can get a bit more complicated when you won't be working every day.
A while ago, I built a simple writing planner that can help you with that and some more. It's free, and you'll find it here.
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How to Use It?
Start by adding your overall goal for your project. In this case, it's likely to be 50,000 words for your NaNo novel (minus what you already wrote):
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Then, set your schedule. Here you can remove the days in the week when you won't be working. If you can't work during the weekend, you can turn those off, for example:
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You have two different scheduling modes to choose from. The first one is setting a deadline. Pick a date on the calendar when you'd like to have your project finished. In this case, that'll be 30 November 2021. The planner will figure how many words you have to get done per day to hit your deadline.
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You can also use the daily goal scheduling mode by flicking the switch above the calendar. There, you can set a daily goal, and the planner will figure out when will you finish writing.
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You'll find your writing plan right below. In my case, if I write 1,000 words on workdays only, I'll reach my 50,000-word goal on 10 January 2022 — not quite where I need to be if I want to win NaNo 😅.
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The best part of this planner is that it updates in real-time. You can adjust the goal, your writing days, deadline or daily goal. The planner will recalculate your schedule immediately. Try different options and see what will work for you best!
Try Writing Analytics for Free!
Like using the planner? Writing Analytics has it built-in with many other tools designed to boost your productivity as a writer (way too many to list here — take a look yourself).
The app is free to try during NaNoWriMo this year (until 4 December 2021) if you use *this link* to sign up 🎉.
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