#berusasha AU
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daleelahwrites · 9 months ago
Sasha had intense anxiety about titans, can you imagine how she felt finding out Bertholdt the boy she liked turned out to be one of the scariest titans all along?
Hello anon!! Sorry for the late response, so much things happening 😅
Actually I already have something written about this!! (Kinda) spoiler, it's a scene for my The Devil I Kiss in the Corner fic!☝️
But I don't know when I'm gonna post it, so here's a hint: I think she can't see him as the titan. It's like she can't process it, like she see Bertholdt and the Colossal as two separate things. It hurts anyway :')
Thank you so much for the ask! Wish you all the best! 🩷
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dba-92 · 1 year ago
Here's the Berusasha modern AU Drabble!
The pregnancy hormones had taken Sasha on an unexpected journey, turning her into a perpetually blushing, lovestruck wife. A mere glance from Bertholdt, accompanied by his familiar  warm smile, it turned her into a stuttering mess. It was as if she had developed a teenage crush on her husband.
One Evening Sasha lounged around on the sofa, while Bertholdt was in the kitchen on the phone with his sister Pieck.Sasha and Bertholdt were facing a delihima, they had no car and they needed help getting to the hospital with her due date getting closer and closer.
One possible solution to their dilemma lies with Bertholdt’s sister Pieck and her husband Jean Kirstein. Pieck and Jean’s comfortable Minivan which is perfect for a pregnant woman and her tower of a husband. Bertholdt decided to give Pieck a call and see if she can help 
The conversation between Pieck and Bertholdt echoed in the kitchen and Sasha felt relieved given that it sounded like a pretty nice chat between brother and sister. Giving her hope that Bertholdt may have found a solution to their transportation delima.Just hearing the sound of Bertholdt’s voice gave Sasha butterflies in her stomach
“ Great News Sasha,”. Bertholdt said as he exited the kitchen. “ Pieck said that she and Jean can take us to the hospital when the baby’s due.”. 
Sasha bashfully gazed down at the floor in response. The mere mention of her name on Bertholdt’s lips was enough to make her feel so incomprehensibly shy and red in the cheeks.
“ Hey are you ok,”. Bertholdt’s voice was laced with Concern as he kneeled down, even with her sitting on the couch his towering frame ensured they were at eye level. Making Sasha’s heartbeat quicken because of the tenderness in his Hazel eyes. 
“ Y-y-eah,”. She mumbled bashfully, her words were caught in her throat, and her cheeks were flushed. How in the world did I manage to marry this Man? Sasha thought to herself.
Bertholdt’s lips twitched upward and he tilted his head in recognition of her shy yet endearing response.
“ glad to hear that sweetheart,”. Bertholdt smiled warmly. He gently cupped Sasha’s cheek,and that
intimate gesture along with his smile was Sasha’s breaking point
“G-G-God Why are you so hot?!?" Sasha blurted out, her eyes widened as She revealed a bashful smile.
“Well, I'm married to the most beautiful woman in the world, so I guess I have to keep up." Bertholdt replied earnestly.
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timid-warrior · 8 years ago
SHIPPING INFO.                             Answer the following for your muse(s) so people                             know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST.                Don’t reblog.
Obviously Reibert.
Anything really - friendship, one-sided love, hateship, siblings-bonds, from friends to enemies and visa-versa, romantic ships, break-ups, there are so many possible ships and bonds that I want to explore, I don’t want my Bertl just be friends with everyone or well their enemy even though in canon he is.
I want to explore much more than that. Let’s make an AU where they are royal siblings, taking care of each other or actually hating each other, let’s do an AU where Bertholdt survived.. ..so many possibilities.. 
Since Bertl is still a teenager it shouldn’t been too large but I think embarassing crushes on older people should be fine since it’s sometimes hard to difference love and adoration, though AUs make everything possible - so yeah?
Mun: Depends - when it comes to romantic ships it just has to click for me, like I need my chemistry, slow-burn and so on, I won’t force something onto my muse that I don’t like.
Muse: That boy is quite selective, he needs to trust someone deeply before anything romantic can happen between him and your muse, even though it’s hard for him to accept that affection - Bertholdt is a collected, closed-off personality with a few insecurities - he needs stability in his life, some constanity - a reliable partner because he on his own got a weak will. 
It takes a lot for him to open up to others, show affection publicly, though he isn’t openly jealous, he is a little possessive when it comes to his partners, but not the toxic kind of where he wants to control them.
Hands down their pants or no pants at all, I guess?
Well, I do have a very complicated romantic ship with a Sasha rper (@likeahbraus ) so BeruSasha. It’s taking a toll on little Bertl since he’s torn whether he should end it because it is wrong and he’s a shifter or continue it because he wants to be human for a little time.
Then I’ve had a few shippy threads with the lovely @horsefaced-demon-from-hell and their demon!verson of Jean aka John, since they are both “monsters” and “traitors” among the humans Bertl can open up to him a little more easier than to Sasha, though he’s having mixed feeling about John since he tends to run away when things get serious.
I have a few JeanxBertl and (AU) Eren/Bertl threads/moments as well, though no Reibert yet except for some crack so yeah, chemistry buddy? I’m open for anything.
Flochbert of course <3
Just message me! Seriously! IM me and tell me yo Clyde/Michi let’s ship that shit! 
I’m a shy bean and often feel like I’m bothering other people :<
Yep, I am - there are too many ships that I want to explore, though if someone wants to be a ship-exclusive I will consider it~
*coughs and point at the WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING question* 
Reibert, JeanMarco & YumiKuri
Just message me! Seriously! IM me and tell me yo Clyde let’s ship that shit!
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daleelahwrites · 8 months ago
Got any Hc's or ideas if Bertholdt was born on Paradis? Maybe even a Berusasha AU where Bertholdt and Sasha were both born on Paradis?
Hello anon!! Thank you for the ask!! 🩷
I swear someone already sent me an ask about a headcanon like that, but I can't find it... If I find it, I'll come back and update this post!
Now, my idea? Lemme se...
I think Bertholdt, Reiner and Annie's would be from somewhere in Maria, just like EMA, but their stories would still be about their parents: under pressure from his mother, Reiner wants to serve the king to try to bring his family together; Annie is also on this path because of her abusive parent, and Bertholdt is with his friends because he wants to save his father. They all known about the truth and the world outside and have to keep it a secret if they want to reach their goals. There's no time to bond with anyone; no friends, no feelings.
But well, we already know what happens...
Sasha is still this childish and confused girl who doesn't understand the importance of uniting with people, defending their land, seeking freedom. She just wants her life in the forest back. She doesn't understand why her father sent her to be a cadet. She just wants to go home. And who can blame her? She's thirteen! Until then, the only world she knew was Dauper; she doesn't know what to do now that her world grew a lot.
I think they end up getting closer naturally during training, and Sasha's growth is just like in the manga.
If this story is all Eldians from Paradis, I think the RBA plot would revolve around what would they be able to do to gain their positions alongside the crown, what and who they would sacrifice to achieve their goals and the lies about the walls. This objective ends up fluctuating as they get to know the other cadets, whose stories are so similar... And none of them even suspect the truth.
Seeing how optimistic Sasha is, clueless about all the lies, ends up making Bertholdt feel guilty. At first she likes the idea of joining Sina, have a comfortable life, unaware that Paradis has built his reign on lies. He feels terrible about having to lie too.
But Sasha changed her mind: she now wants to be a scout, and fight for freedom alongside their friends. She secretly wished he was at her side, too. :') It's when they go their separate ways, with feelings letting behind.
That's when the truth comes out to Bertholdt: his father had died. How? When?! Didn't they promise that his father would be cared, the best medicine, the best doctors?! Does not matter; they didn't tell him. They really don't care. Lies, lies. It was a lie all along. While Bertholdt dedicated his life and lied to the people he grew closer, his friends, his loved ones, Mitras continued lying. That's when he rebels. But with the truth and all the lies and corruption uncovered, who becomes the traitor? Would he remain undercover, or would he join the scouts? Would having hidden the truth from the beginning make Sasha feel betrayed too?
Wow, that answer was longer than I expected haha I don't know if it's what you have in mind, let me know what you think~
Thanks again, and sorry for the late response. Even if I take like forever to respond 😅 I swear, I really appreciate your messages. :) Wish you a great week! 🩷🩷
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daleelahwrites · 9 months ago
#Berusasha Fairy tale AU?
Like the Little Mermaid 👀
Sasha as Arial and Bertholdt as Prince Eric
ANON!!!! I LOVED THE IDEA!! Thinking about Sasha, she is so used to talking and suddenly finds herself without the only thing that could quickly resolve that situation: a confession. Sasha has no IDEA how she will manage to win Bertholdt's heart without a single word 🤧🤧
Now, Bertholdt as the prince!! 🥹🩷 I like to imagine him being this happy person, who is always gently smiling, surrounded by people who love him! I think this character would be perfect for him!!
Thank you so much for sending this lovely AU, anon! ✨
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
Bertholdt crying when Sasha walks down the aisle
I love this video so much!! 🤧 Thanks for the ask, anon!! 🥹🩷
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
Hey Daleelah, It's Me Magnafire again, here's a Berusasha AU I want to share with you
Imagine an AU Where Sasha is an Eldian Born on Marley. For intents and Purposes Let's say that they own a diner in Libero
Artur and Lisa Braus take pity on their fellow Eldians and have had struggling eldians show up with no money in their pockets, but they always kept them fed, free of charge, because according to Artur, " where else are people going to go for food". (I totally stole this from the line in the show)
They're able to make ends meet, raising Sasha with love and care although at first, she isn't too accepting of some of these people being able to eat for free because as a kid she thought of Libero as a place where everyone has to look out for themselves.
But working at the diner from a Young age with her mom and dad made her soften up, struggling eldians were human too and in a world as harsh as Marley, everyone sticks together. She also picked up a catchphrase. "You help someone, you help everyone"
One Family that the Braus's took pity on was the Hoovers. Mr. Hoover in particular was pretty sick and couldn't work in Libero due to his medical condition. Mrs. Hoover was struggling to keep up with the medical bills and raising their son Bertholdt.
Sasha pitied and sympathized with Bertholdt immensely for his situation, and as such Bertholdt and his family were more than welcomed at Braus's diner.
Bertholdt feeling like he owes the sweet girl around his age, Sasha, a tremendous debt. Sasha just smiles and shrugs telling Bertholdt he doesn't owe anything.
Sasha and Bertholdt spent a lot of time together, whenever Mr. Hoover was in the hospital and Mrs. Hoover had to work long shifts often back-to-back. Little Bertholdt spent so many hours in the Braus Diner. Some nights too when his mom had to pull an All nighter
Many Nights were spent with Sasha stargazing, Bertholdt and Sasha sharing their dreams and aspirations. Bertholdt made a promise to Sasha that he was going to get them out of the Interment Zone. His Mom, Dad, Sasha, Sasha's parents.
The Bond between Bertholdt and Sasha grew exponentially causing her to fall in love with him. His shy, adorable demeanor and his hope. Sasha's generous and infectious laughter filled Bertholdt with boundless love even though they were kids.
That's it for now, I have a part 2 in development that is nearly done. Part 2 picks up and Heres a little teaser: with the unexpected and mysterious circimstances surroundign the Death of Bertholdt's mother, and a sickly father who's only getting worse. Bertholdt has to make a choice. To enlist in the Warrior Unit and earn a chance to save his father
But the ramifications of becoming a warrior of Marley leads to many challenges, challenges that test the bond between Bertholdt and Sasha. Will Bertholdt and Sasha's childhood love prevail? How will Sasha deal with the consequences that her love is now on a time limit? Will they escape the Interment Zone and truly find a place for them?
Soon those questions will be answered.
Apologizes for the long Ask Daleelah but I hope you like it
Magnafire hi!! ✨
OMG???¿? I LOVED YOUR FIC¿¿? This is amazing!!! I don't know what to say, you did everything here! The plot, the drama, who they are in this world, what they think, what they can do... even in this AU, where their whole world changes from the original, you write them so well! Especially Sasha! I can see her perfectly in this AU! Thank you sou much for share your fic with us! 🩷🩷🩷
Wish you a great new year! 🎉🎉✨
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daleelahwrites · 11 months ago
Berusasha making dessert together. Sasha “accidentally” getting some whipped cream on Bertholdt’s nose
Then he accidentally gets some frosting on her lips. She then pulls him to her and gives him a sweet kiss
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So happy when you send your berusasha headcanons!!! I have a soft spot for this slice of life kind of plot, easily one of my favorites, especially if it's a modern au! 🥹
Thank youuu so much for this message, it made my day!! 🥹🩷
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daleelahwrites · 11 months ago
This is 100% Sasha freaking out when Bertholdt calls her 𝙬𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙮. 🤧🤧🩷
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daleelahwrites · 9 months ago
In honour of the aot universe pulling me back again (and because you're the reason i got into berusasha first) i present you a thought:
AU where bertholdt and sasha live, but bertholdt hears about this marleyan guy named niccolo that, apparently, is crushing hard on his girl her
What do you think his reaction would be??
Hi Selene!! ✨ Thank you so much for sending your message! Sorry for the late response :') I'm very happy to know that you became interested in berusasha because of my work! 🤧🤧🥹
And AAAAAA I loved your idea!! I think so much would be happening that he wouldn't know what to say, a lot of conflicting feelings. He has already had so many traumas, and as far as the manga has shown us, Bertholdt's father died without seeing his son return; so we have him without a family, he saw people die, people he cared about, people he had to left behind, people who needed to have died for that plan to be done, a bloody plan ordered by people who would rather see children getting blood on their hands, risking their own necks like if they were disposable. And unfortunately, that's what Eldians are in that society.
So after a lifetime of suffering, giving up himself and his feelings to serve Marley's interest, a Marleyan prisoner who would never go through a third of what Bertholdt had to face, in addition to being treated better than an Eldian would ever be, was not only having the opportunity to work alongside the Eldians he were taught to hate, but still be respected for those same Eldians! And now what? Courting one of the "island devils"? Bertholdt feels this is insane, completely unfair! Niccolo is a Marleyan, he was destined to live a life on easy mode, just for being born on the winning side of that war. That wasn't enough, did he still feel the right to hit on a girl he was “allowed” to hate and humiliate?
Bertholdt has to stop himself from saying anything. That's the end of the world, they don't have time to discuss things like relationships and feelings hidden over the years. But oh yes, he's definitely salty about it.
Well then that's what I could think of. What did you think? Do you have any different ideas? 👀
Thank you again for your message and for being interested in berusasha! Wish you a great weekend!! 🩷✨
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
Berusasha and Reikasa have some synergy with each, especially if we’re talking about a post canon setting, where Bertholdt and Sasha live
!!!!!!!! ANON!!! I CAN FEEL IT!! (I can't write it because I'm dumb 🫣) BUT I CAN FEEL!!
Sorry for not being able to elaborate any idea 😅😅 but I hope more people found this ask, we need more reikasa (and berusasha 🫣) shippers!!
Thanks for sending this message, anon! Wish you a great weekend! 🩷🩷✨
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
Post canon where Bertholdt and Sasha are alive and also ambassadors
I can totally see her fattening Bertholdt up, poor baby lost a ton of weight during the Middle east war
Aww this is so sweet?? 🥺🤏 In every new city and country they have to visit, Sasha is always taking Bertholdt by the hand and walking around to discover a new restaurant and the local cuisine! 🩷🩷
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
Ambassador Hoover taking up photography in post rumbling, Most of his photos are of his wife, Ambassador Sasha Braus
ANON!!!!!! 😭😭😭
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This is SO beautiful!! This headcanon made me wish to see them in canon so bad!! 😭 I can see the final time skip showing this scene, Bertholdt developers some pictures he takes while they're travelling around the world, printed to be sent to Historia, just a sight of that big world they're still learning about. And between those pictures, photos of his wife. 🥹🤧🩷
This was so sweet, anon!! Thank you so much for sent your hc! 🥺🥺 Wish you a great week!! ✨
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
The Berusasha household! Parents- Sasha and Bertholdt
the Kids- Udo and Gabi
Udo resembling his father and Gabi is essentially a mini Sasha. Having her fiery nature and adorable smile. Udo and Gabi as Fraternal Twins maybe. Like let's say Bertholdt and Pieck are identical twins and that's how the gene carried through
I just LOVE family headcanon!! It's one of my favorite modern au for them!! Thanks for sending it, anon!! 🥹🥹
It's already canon in my heart that Bertholdt and Pieck are siblings! 🤧 Pieck and Connie friendly fighting to decide who's the best auntie/uncle lmao
(they're both great! 👀)
Thanks again for the ask!! 🩷
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
Jeanpiku getting set up at Berusasha's wedding. Jean sits on the bride's side and Pieck is on the groom's side. (I HC Bert and Pieck as siblings) long story short they hit it off and are together
and thus Berusasha is invited to Jeanpiku's wedding.
JEANPIKU AT BERUSASHA WEDDING YESSSS!!!! Loved your idea, anon!! I also love the HC of Bertholdt and Pieck as siblings! If jeanpiku isn't married yet, I bet Sasha tossed the bouquet to Pieck!
And-I confess-I love creating scenarios in my head about a berusasha wedding!! In a modern!au I imagine Sasha in this dress Hillary Duff wears in A Cinderella Story movie!! 🥹🥹🩷
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Thanks for the ask, anon!! ✨
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
There’s an adorable HC that if Bertholdt lived and he became an ambassador like everyone else.
He would spend most of his time in Marley at a local orphanage spending time with the kids. They climb over him and he just adores them. He gives them lots of sweets, toys, and reads to them.
I was thinking about what if Sasha started accompanying him to his treats. She absolutely loves the kids
Aww this hc is so sweet!! I can see Bertholdt being the sweetest with the kids, listening to their stories and also telling a lot of stories too. They ask how it is to travel the world and he may create a magical story here and there. Nothing wrong about improving a (sometimes) really boring business meeting. 😅
As for Sasha she already has some experience working at Historia's orphanage. I'm sure that the kids (like Kaya) that are living with the Braus are from these orphanages. At first Sasha was a disaster with them, but after a few years she's one of the best helpers to be around! 🥰
Thanks for the ask, anon!! ✨
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