#bertholt hoover fluff
Would You Still Love Me? Part 2
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Reiner x fem reader; established relationship; college au; comedy-fluff
synopsis: Reiner's love for you is tested in a way neither of you saw coming... The next day, he discusses the issue with his friends. Think they'll be any help?
warnings: none
notes: Part 1 beta read by @reiner69er. Banner made by me. Dividers by @delishlydelightfuldividers. Comments help earthworms grow large and healthy!
taglist: @ariasfandom
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“So...” Sasha blinks, peering into the jar that sits on the table in front of Reiner. “Y/n turned into a worm, and… you’re keeping her in a jar now?”
Reiner covers the container with a piece of paper again, stifling a yawn. He hadn’t slept much, and had to admit he had been a little gutted when he’d awoken that morning to see that you were still a worm. He’d hoped maybe you’d… sleep it off or something?
“The jar’s just temporary until the aquarium and things get here.”
“Aquarium? She’s not a fish, Reiner,” says Connie, who is busying trying to finish last week’s assignment before the professor collects them that day.
“The stuff I found online said she’ll do best in a habitat with alternating layers of sand and potting soil so there’s be enough nutrients and moisture. I was up late reading about it.” Reiner tiredly rubs his face as the others stare at him.
Bertholdt, who spent the night at Armin’s dorm, rolls his eyes but says nothing.
“And you brought her to class with you because…?” Ymir prompts, a smirk playing on her lips.
“I just want to keep an eye on her, in case she suddenly changes back or something. I’ve got her phone in my pocket, and if her family calls I wanna be able to tell them I know exactly where she is.”
There’s a deeply uncomfortable pause, and Ymir opens her mouth but is interrupted.
“Well, I think it’s sweet!” Historia declares, trying to avoid an escalation of whatever is going on with Reiner. “Reiner, how can you, uh, how can you tell the worm is a she?”
“Um...” Reiner shifts uncomfortably, a hint of a blush on his cheeks. “Well, Armin says earthworms are actually uhh...”
“They’re true simultaneous hermaphrodites.” Armin finishes the sentence for him. “They have both complete male and female reproductive organs. They can’t self fertilize, though, so in a way, they function as one sex as a time during mating.”
"Yeah," Reiner says gruffly. "But y/n is a she, because she's always been. That's how gender works, right?"
“Oh, that’s beautiful!” Ymir laughs. “You must be relieved, Reiner. You and your hermaphroditic girlfriend-worm make an adorable couple. I bet they’ll even make a Lifetime movie out of your story.”
“Haha, yeah!” Connie wheezes. “They can call it, ‘Worms of Endearment!’”
Reiner is too pissed off to admit that that’s actually pretty funny. You’d probably have laughed out loud, he thinks, if you weren’t currently a worm.
“I wanna see y/n up close and see if she remembers me!” Sasha says, grabbing the jar before the sleepy Reiner can stop her.
She removes the paper and reaches in and picks you up, but you’re wet and wiggly and almost immediately slip out of her fingers, falling several feet onto the filthy floor. Sasha freezes. The fear in the room is palpable as Reiner springs from his seat and dives across the table, falling gracelessly onto the floor and cupping his hands over you to shield you from the many pairs of surrounding feet. His gaze snaps to Sasha, and his golden eyes are icy enough to send the girl into a frantic apology.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to drop the girlfriend!! – I mean, your worm! – I, I mean, I –”
With a low growl worthy of a dog guarding a marrow bone, Reiner orders to Connie, “Give me your water bottle.”
Too afraid to question why, Connie hands him the bottle. Reiner pours a little water onto his hands, then gingerly picks you up off of the floor and uses the rest of the water to carefully rinse you clean of any debris, before setting you back down in the dirt in your container. He’s practically holding his breath, watching until you start to burrow back into the soil.
He sighs in relief and gets to his feet and grabs his bag and slings it over his shoulder, then gives Sasha another dirty look before leaving the classroom, holding your jar in both hands as if it might jump away. Everyone watches, wide-eyed.
Ymir scoffs, breaking the tense silence. “Tsh, what a man child. His girlfriend skips their afternoon make out session for a day and he’s already doting on a literal bug and pretending it’s her? Sheesh, no wonder y/n dipped. What a freak show.”
“Well… worms aren’t bugs. They’re annelids.”
“Great defense, Arlert. I take it all back. Makes what he’s doing seem perfectly normal.”
Bertholdt stares at the table. It really isn’t like you to go somewhere without telling Reiner, or to leave your phone behind. Could something have really happened to you? He makes up his mind that he’ll have to find you himself.
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As class ends and the room empties, Bertholdt motions to his friends to wait. “Have any of you seen or heard from y/n since yesterday afternoon? That’s when Reiner says she, um, turned into a worm.”
Armin shakes his head. “I asked Mikasa. She said that y/n has an evening class on Tuesdays, so she and Reiner always meet around 4:30 to hang out behind the auditorium. I... don’t know why she knows that. Anyway, she saw y/n leave one of the lecture halls not long before that. She said y/n seemed tired, and Mina Carolina says y/n didn’t show up to the evening lecture. Maybe she felt sick and went home? It still doesn’t quite make sense, though.”
"Could this all be some elaborate prank they're both playing, and Reiner is just a way better actor than any of us ever thought he'd be?" Eren asks, joining them. Armin and Bertholdt filled him in on the details last night.
“His having her cell phone is pretty suspicious,” Armin points out.
Ymir shrugs. “Maybe he killed her. Maybe he just snapped, and then the guilt made him break from reality and convince himself she turned into a worm.”
“Ah, that’s stupid,” Connie waves it off. "Reiner's practically golden retriever in human form around y/n. He'd never hurt her."
“Maybe he’s got a dual personality,” Ymir counters.
“Ymir, please don’t let Reiner hear you making jokes like that,” Bertholdt says with a sigh. “Skipping classes for a weird prank like this is a little extreme, right? Look, my theory is that they had some kind of dispute--”
“And he killed her.”
Bertholdt ignores Ymir’s interjection and continues, “And she told him she wanted to take a break, or maybe even break up. She was probably so upset by that that she skipped her evening class and went home, and Reiner was so devastated that he...”
“...went totally insane?” Connie offers.
“I was going to say, ‘retreated into a comforting fantasy.’”
“Okay, but, he doesn’t exactly seem comforted, does he?”
“It’s a little over the top,” Bert admits. “But even though Reiner acts like a jock, he’s always been really sensitive deep down. When we were little, Porco told him the Rugrats all died in a plane crash and Reiner cried so hard he threw up a little.”
“So, if you’re right, how do we snap him out of it?” Eren wonders.
“What if we get rid of the worm? We could sneak in and take it and let it go somewhere. Maybe once the worm is really gone, he’ll have to face reality.”
“Wow, Armin, that’s cold!” says Connie. “And besides, Reiner might literally kill us. You saw how he looked at Sasha when she dropped y/n by accident.”
Bert thinks for a moment. “I... I don’t think I could do that to Reiner. I think the first step would be getting him to admit something went wrong between them. Then maybe the rest will fall into place. I’ll try to get him talking tonight. In the meantime, I think we should avoid mentioning the worm around him, even if he’s carrying it around. That’ll just encourage his fantasy, right?”
As they all file out into the hallway, the others seem to agree, and as they go their separate ways, Ymir can be heard whining to Historia, “If I disappeared, would you go insane and pretend I’d turned into a worm because you love me so much?”
Bertholdt, meanwhile, wonders where Reiner was headed with the worm...
Part 3 coming soon
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love-fictional-ppl · 8 months
Attack On Titan
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*=smut, !=angst, #=fluff, (16+)= not exactly smut but not appropriate for under 16
[Eren Yeager||Attack Titan||War Hammer Titan||Founding Titan]
*#Situationship w/ plug!eren
[Armin Arlert||Colossal Titan]
[Mikasa Ackerman]
[Sasha Braus]
[Historia Reiss]
[Jean Kirstein]
[Erwin Smith]
[Levi Ackerman]
[Zeke Yeager||Beast Titan]
[Reiner Braun||Armored Titan]
#Reiner as a bf(16+)
*#Doggy style w/ Reiner
[Porco Galliard||Jaw Titan]
[Bertholt Hoover||Colossal Titan]
[Ymir||Jaw Titan]
[Annie Leonhart||Female Titan]
[Pieck Finger||Cart Titan]
#Being in a relationship w/ pieck
!#Still Time
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jeanbeaux · 3 years
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bertholdt hoover x f!reader
w/c: 1.5k
genre/warnings: modern!au, tooth rotting fluff, author apologizes for any cavities given, Bertholdt is introduced like a haikyuu character post time skip
a/n: This is a part of @peachy-momos​’ 300 follower polaroid collab! I had a lot of fun with it and hope you enjoy, Berty boi is def one of my underrated faves of the AOT universe. Much love to my beta-reader @ivsahi who has now realized shes a bertholdt kinnie.
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If you were to ask Bertholdt Hoover, 25, wildlife photographer for National Geographic, what his favorite camera he had used over the years was, the answer would surprise you.
It’s not his father’s old Minolta Maxxum 7000, which he found at age six. He wasn’t even after the camera, just fascinated by the worn leather strap that was peaking out of the shelf in the living room. And so he reached up on his tip-toes and yanked down, sending the rest of the books clattering as the 35 MM SLR fell into his grubby little hands. The crash gave his mother a fright, but her scolding died on her tongue as she saw her son’s steel green eyes light up with fascination as he played with the dials. 
Nor is it the Canon EOS 7D he got on his 10th birthday.  He carried that with him everywhere, taking pictures of him and Reiner on their adventures in the patch of woods beyond his house or the various dogs he saw in his neighborhood. He’s pretty sure his fingerprints have worn into the rubber grip on the side. 
Those cameras started it all for him, and they sit in retirement beside all the shiny DSLRs and focus attachments on the dark cherry floating shelves in his office. With a wall of his room dedicated to computerized gadgets that have let him capture migratory birds in flight and cheetahs mid stride, it’s almost outlandish that Bertholdt Hoover’s favorite camera looked like a child’s toy — for its nothing other than Fujifilm Instax Mini 9.
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He still remembers the day you ran into him, quite literally, at the college bookstore, sending his film canisters flying everywhere and your coffee straight on to his weathered flannel. You were babbling apologies as he turned redder, going on about how you must be so blind to not see the literal tower of the human being in your way, hoping to salvage your fumble by treating him to a drink at your favorite cafe on campus.
After an outfit change, he found himself in a booth telling you all about how he’s struggling with color negative film development. You didn’t listen like Reiner does, who always interrupted to joke about how Bertholdt should help him stage his nudes, or even like Annie, who he was pretty sure lets him go on because it’s the perfect form of white noise to her.
Instead, you sat with your head in one hand, nodding enthusiastically and probing him further. You were genuinely interested, someone who made his passion feel appreciated. And that’s what caused that one coffee date to turn into another, and then three months later, you’re in his dorm room presenting him a cream colored polaroid camera with a Cyndaquill charm attached.
“It’s so you can understand the only camera I own,” you said, pulling your own polaroid out of your bag with a smile.
It looked minuscule in his giant hands, the device rotating in his palms as he tried to figure out the settings. “What makes this one so different from the ones I have?” he asked.
“Because you can’t edit the pictures, silly. You’re always fixing the lighting and colors even on your film prints, this just captures everything in the moment. And you can’t reprint them, so each picture is a limited edition Bertholdt Hoover original. See, look!”
Bertholdt’s head shot up after he heard the flash that followed the end of the sentence. He may love being behind the camera, but he still needs some time to be comfortable being in front of it. He was tensing in anticipation as you both waited for the picture to develop, the white square fading to reveal the image of Bertholdt, eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out the camera. He looked at ease, in his element.
It was the first candid of himself he ever liked.
“Aw, look at you,” you cooed as you slid the polaroid into your phone case. “Now I think that’s a moment of you worth saving, don’t you agree?”
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A year later, he found himself bringing the Polaroid along with him on your dates. You had decided to celebrate your anniversary on Paradis Beach, laying out a red and white checkered cloth on the sand and lounging the day away. The snacks that were spread out on the charcuterie board dwindled as the sun began to dip into the waves; you and Bertholdt both focused on painting pictures of each other.
“And done!” you announced, turning your canvas around for your boyfriend to see. You had splotted it in blue and green, the black line art you drew of his face standing in a striking contrast. The canvas now hangs in the living room of your shared apartment, and you’d later argue that it was your Picasso inspired interpretation of your boyfriend to anyone who notices it at your dinner parties; but in reality, it looked like elongated Wirt from Over the Garden Wall.
“Why did you make me look like Jean?”
“It looks nothing like Jean, the nose is totally different! It’s not my fault you have the same head.”
“Please don’t tell him or show him that, he’ll rope me into his arguments with Eren,” he teased.
“Well, let’s see how well you did then, DaVinci.” You peered over his shoulder in search of his work. The watercolor rendition captured you perfectly — from to the flecks in your irises to the soft upturn of your lips when you smiled.
It looked like it could be one of his pictures. 
“I shouldn’t have agreed to do this with an art major,” you sigh. “Of course your painting would turn out more legitimate than mine.”
“Hey! I never said I didn't like it. And, I’m a Digital and Film Photography major, you know.”
“Tomato, tomah-to,” you stuck out your tongue.
Bertholdt broke out into a laugh as he looked at you, your brows furrowed in mock anger as you pouted back at him. As he saw you with your teal sundress fluttering in the wind, the flyaways of your hair turning golden under the setting sun, he realized that this vision of you was something he wanted to immortalize. And with a soft “look over here, dove” to beckon you gaze towards him, Bertholdt clicks on the shutter, a smile of his own growing behind the camera to match the one you’re beaming at him. He pulls out the film and waits for the picture to appear, and to his chagrin, the camera focused on the sun behind you, the film yielding your silhouette against the orange sky.
He frowned and turned the camera back around, searching for the light filtering settings.
“What are you looking for?” You moved to lay down next to him, your head falling back on his chest.
“The metering adjustment, it keeps focusing on the sun.”
“I don’t think a camera that was meant to be understood by 16 year olds would have anything that fancy,” you snorted, reaching out for the Polaroid to turn the dial to the image of the sun on the rim of the lens. “The solution is more simple than you think, o wise photography major. So smile! Let’s take a selfie.”
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Now, Bertholdt finds himself chuckling as he pulls that selfie out of the box containing all the polaroids you had gathered in the three years you had been together. It had turned out horribly, catching only the top half of your face and his chin. It had taken you five tries to get both your heads into the frame, but he decides to hang up all of the pictures on the string in front of him instead of the sole perfect one.
He takes a step back to admire his handy work, the gazebo of the botanical garden he took you to on your first real date now fully surrounded with alternating garlands of your favorite flowers and photo donned fairy lights that were slowly coming to life with the growing twilight.
It was incredible how much that little camera had captured — the Camp Half-Blood halloween costumes, the weathervane like sleeping positions you found him with your cat, the pictures in front in every state sign you ever travelled to and the ones he caught of you cooking in the kitchen.
Your entire relationship filled the little white rectangles that hung from the wooden rafters, and the next step was in the little velvet box in his back pocket.
“So, Bertholdt,” Reiner calls out, “Which one of your fancy cameras am I using to catch the big moment in?”
Bertholdt bends down to rummage for the Polaroid in his camera bag, the cream shell now marred with a few scratches and the Pokemon charm now fading in color. He’s got Annie using the Nikon and Porco on his iPhone for a video, but he knows he can trust Reiner with the most important camera of all.
After all, this is a moment he wants to make sure you both have forever — unedited & irreplaceable.
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thank you for reading!!
© all rights reserved JEANBEAUX 2021. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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mommypieck · 2 years
⌗︙・date with bertholdt ⸜⸜・
i feel like high school bertholdt would be always in reiners shadow. so when u ask him on a date, he's blushing from his ears to his toes. u picked the arcade because u felt like it would suit him the most and u can't help but to see his eyes light up. he confesses that him and reiner never actually visited arcade because he always has to take of reiner at his trainings. at the end of the date, u feel like grumpy because bertholdt won every single game u two played. but ur mood comes quickly back when he returns with a whole lego spaceship set he won for u. he looks nervous and scared that u won't like it, but u surprise him with the biggest hug. u mumble thank u's into his t-shirt and squeeze your arms tighter. he doesn't know what to do at first, but then u suddenly feel three head pats on top of your head. even tho u hate spaceships, u know u have to make this boy yours.
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
fluffy alphabet for Bertholdt 💳💥💥💥💳💥💥💥💳 (if you want too ofc 💕💕)
Of courseee :)
I’m generally very unsure about the way I characterize Bertholdt, so if this is really crappy I apologize <3
As always, I'm using the prompt by @snk-warriors
Fluff Alphabet: Bertholdt
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He definitely likes more private activities, like maybe a picnic, for special occasions or date nights. In general, though, he just likes spending time with his SO. On an ordinary day, he’s happy just sitting with them while they both do some work or just watch TV. He’s more enjoying being in their presence than whatever activity they’re working on.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
This poor baby thinks absolutely everything about their SO is stunning. Like every time they walk into the room, he’s taken aback by how amazing they are. But really he does admire their personality more than anything, and it’s what he fell in love with. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
I think he’s pretty uncomfortable at first just because he hates seeing his SO unhappy, and he really doesn’t know what to do. His instinct is to just sit down with them quietly and offer a shoulder to cry on. Unless they specifically ask that he do something else when this happens, he’ll probably continue to do it.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He honestly doesn’t think about the future much. He absolutely has a lot of inner conflict around his identity, and his future has never really been guaranteed. As long as his SO is with him, he’d be happy.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It’s pretty equal, but I think he leads more towards a passive role just because of his personality. He’s a bit shy by nature, and arguably more of a follower than a leader, so I think he’d like to be the one that’s being protected in the relationship. At the same time, he’d definitely want to be the one protecting his SO, so it varies.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He doesn’t really instigate fights, and he’s not great with conflict. It makes him sort of retreat into himself, but because of how unhappy fighting makes him, he’s always open to talk and make up. He’s definitely rational in these situations, and he really wants to come to an agreement.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is BEYOND grateful. In his eyes, his SO is absolutely perfect, and he doesn’t even really feel like he’s deserving of their love and attention. He thanks them constantly, and he truly and deeply appreciates everything they do.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
In general, he’s very open and honest with his SO, especially with things that are serious or important. But, he also cares about them and doesn’t want to see them get hurt, so if he finds something out that could make them upset, he may decide not to tell them. He doesn’t love it, but it’s his way of subtly protecting them.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
His SO is probably a huge inspiration to him. Again, he thinks they are so amazing, and the idea that they would want to be with him gives him the slightest boost in confidence. I think they also help and encourage him to branch out and try new things, so they’re helping him get comfortable with lettin loose a bit. 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He honestly does get jealous sometimes. It’s not that he doesn’t trust his SO completely, because he does, it’s just that he begins to question whether they would be better off with someone else. He may start to pull away a bit when he’s jealous, which is pretty easy to spot. And he can be pretty easily reminded that he doesn’t need to be jealous, with just some hugs and positive words.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Their first kiss was VERY awkward. He planned it for a while so the general pacing fit the relationship, but he probably messed up the timing in the moment, and it was really unexpected for his SO. It wasn’t bad necessarily, he just way overthought it, and he apologized about a thousand times afterwards. A bit later into the relationship, once he’s let himself relax a bit, it’s probably much easier for him, and he’s actually a pretty good kisser.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He spent a lot of time planning, again, but this time, I think he chose the perfect moment. They were probably just out for a late night walk when he looked over to see how beautifully the stars were lighting up their face, and he told them he loved them. It was really sweet, and he makes an effort to say it as much as he can from then on.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I don’t think he’s really though about marriage the same way that he hasn’t thought about his future. Legally combining another persons life with his when his own life isn’t even guaranteed is pretty frightening for him. But, if it’s something his SO wanted, he wouldn’t be opposed to it. He probably wouldn’t be the one to propose, but he’d be more than willing to help with the planning for the wedding (and he’s surprisingly good at it)
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Definitely something just a bit cheesy, like honey or darling. He also just loves to call you by your name, though, because he thinks it’s a beautiful name.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
There’s such a noticeable change when he first falls in love. He has an obvious air of confidence in his daily interactions, and he’s much less nervous in general. He also probably talks about his SO a lot more in conversation with other people, which is uncommon. He works hard to express it clearly for his SO, so he showers them with little praises and tiny acts of service.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He’s definitely a private person, especially with his relationship. His friends and family would be generally aware of it, and his SO is welcome to tell the people in their life as well. But he’s strongly anti-PDA; at most, he might hold their hand in a public setting or let them rest his head on their shoulders. He gets uncomfortable showing off something that’s meant for just the two of them.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He’s incredibly empathetic to the point that he looks telepathic. He can almost always figure out what’s going through his SO’s mind at any given point and can predict how they will react to a situation. It also helps him be able to comfort them, and understand them more.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Probably a nice mix of both creative and cliche. He’s never gotten that cliche romantic relationship with teddy bears and dinner dates, so I think he’d indulge in that once in a while just to make his inner lonely teenager happy. But for the most part, he’s very creative, and they definitely don’t follow the confusing societal norms for relationships. He really is very romantic, though, even if it makes him a bit embarrassed.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He absolutely believes in and supports his SO more than anything! They are so terrific, and he knows they can do whatever they put their mind to. He’s only an optimist when it comes to them, and then he’s completely positive in the future. He admires their work ethic and strength in chasing their goals, especially when it’s something they’re passionate about.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I don’t think he would want to spice things up very often, he really just enjoys their nice, normal routine. It’s cozy and peaceful for him, and if he had the choice, he’d stay that way forever. But he’d also be more than happy to try something new with his SO, especially if it’s something they’re really interested in. Even if he doesn’t end up enjoying it all that much, as long as they’re happy, he’s happy.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Again, Bertholdt is ridiculously empathetic with his SO, so much so that he can practically read their mind. Even if they’re going through something he has no personal experience with, he can understand it through them. The root of this is just how well he knows them, and how much he cares about them.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship is very important to him! He loves his SO so much, and they’ve helped him in so many ways. The relationship makes him really happy, and he probably wouldn’t trade it for the world.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
His SO gets sucked into his pattern of ridiculous sleeping positions. Some nights, they might end up getting pushed onto the floor. Most of the time, though, they just join right in with him and mix in with his crazy position. It’s pretty hilarious, and also pretty sweet.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He actually is really affectionate. Even though he can be pretty awkward, he’s so much happier when he can be physically close to his SO. It calms him down a lot, and it’s so much more peaceful. He probably wouldn’t initiate cuddling towards the beginning of the relationship, but once he gets more comfortable with them, he’d definitely go and just silently ask for attention by putting his arms around them and resting his head on their shoulder.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
His SO is like his safety blanket, so I think he gets more anxious when they’re not there. He would never tell them that, though, because he doesn’t want them to feel bad at all. In fact, he would probably make himself more anxious trying to hide that he’s anxious, and it would just cycle like that. He probably just relies on his friends a lot while his SO is gone, and he does fine.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would absolutely do what it takes to keep his relationship strong. He’s a total gentleman, and he really just wants his SO to be happy, so he’d go to any lengths to make this happen.
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remiheichou · 6 years
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Part One
You are currently reading the second part. Please read the first one before you read this one. Once again, sorry if Levi is too ooc, and this took me forever its short and sucks sorry bye
Pairing: Levi x Injured!Reader
Warnings/Notes: Not as angsty as the first one, more fluffy and relaxed, swearing and some blood mentioned
“She’s awake!”
“Keep your voice down you stupid fuck.”
Flinching at Levi’s loud voice, Hange gave a sheepish smile before plopping down on the chair next to your bed. Grabbing your hand, she almost yanked you up.
“Thank Maria that you’re okay! I swear when I saw you hurt when Levi brought you and Eren back-“
“Oi, don’t bombard her with your bullshit so fast. She just woke up, give her some time.”
Levi’s words made Hange frown and lean back in the chair, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.
“We were all so worried.. especially Levi, he hasn’t slept in days! He hasn’t done much paperwork either- oh! And he’s been coming down here to see how you’ve been doing, like, every day- ow!”
A hand came in contact with the back of her head, knocking her glasses/goggles off and clatter onto the floor.
“Watch your mouth, you idiot.”
“Whoops! Sorry~! I’ll leave you two alone for a bit~. I’ve got some stuff to do anyway! I’ll come see you later (y/n).” Picking up her goggles and waving, she slipped out between the curtains.
Sitting in the chair with one leg over the other, Levi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “The nerve of that woman..”
Blinking to come back to your senses, a large smirk soon grew onto your lips.
“You came to see me when I was asleep? Aw~ that’s so cute~.” Your attempt to fluster him failed, as he only sent a sharp glare your way to shut you up. Frowning, you looked away.
“How long was I out for?” Looking back at him, you noticed how.. different he looked. He was more pale, dark circles under his eyes, dull black eyes looking at your bandaged form.
“Around four days I believe.”
Eyes wide, you looked down at your bandaged hands, your blood staining the once white fabric. Now it was a crusty, dark mixture of red and black, some dried specks flaking off your skin.
He didn’t expect the next few words that came out of your mouth.
“This is fuckin’ nasty. I feel like a burnt piece of bread. Mind helping me get these off? Oh wait-.”
“How in the hell are you trying to joke around at a time like this? Tch. Give me your arm. Can’t believe I’m touching this shit..”
Smirking, you held your arm out and he grabbed it not so gently. “Oh I’m sorry, did that hurt?”
Needless to say, changing the bandages wasn’t fun. Levi would tug them off and they would stick to the open wounds, causing a burning pain to go through your body. However, putting on new ones was much better. He wasn’t as forceful or manhandling your poor limbs.
He also wasn’t very fond of touching the dirty bandages or the bloody cloth used to clean the blood away. Though.. he wasn’t complaining or that grossed out.
“There. Now stop getting yourself hurt you fucking idiot.”
“Can you go one second without insulting me?”
“Hell no. You’re too easy to insult.” Standing up from the chair, it screeching slightly against the stone floor, his eyes looked down at your form.
“Get some rest. You can’t kill titans while laying in a damn bed.”
He seemed to avoid looking at you, making your chest ache slightly.
Sitting up quickly, but not too fast to hurt yourself even more, your bruised hand weakly grabbed his pale wrist.
“Thank you, for saving me, for helping me all these years.. and for changing my bandages. I basically owe you my life for that shit.”
That alone made him deadpan, eyes slightly wide and confused. Yet he looked away, a slight tint of pink on his cheeks.
“Tch. Just get some rest.”
“Are you not feeling good? Your cheeks are a little red — maybe you should-“
“Shut up before I stitch your mouth shut.”
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jaelynnxkenshin · 2 years
Hi ☺️ I decided that before I write any requests, or fanfics in general (since I may not get any, and that's okay) I decided I should post my rules. Could you please read them before, you know, requesting or something? Thank you!💜
I will not:
Do NSFW requests. I feel uncomfortable writing that stuff and I'm still underage.
Write for real life people outside of their movie/show character. I just don't really like that sort of thing, but I won't judge you for liking it!
Write anything nonconsensual or forceful or anything like that. It, again, makes me uncomfortable.
Do any type of incest. It's disgusting end of story.
I will:
Write femxfem. I'm pansexual and absolutely don't mind any requests you have for a girl in a certain fandom.
Write fluff, angst and anything sfw. I don't think I've written any of those categories before but I do enjoy reading them. For some reason I favor angst the most lol
Do x nb reader. As I said, I go by she/they pronouns and figured out that I don't mind people using she/her pronouns on me, but I still like being addressed as they/them.
Do x male reader posts as long as it's requested.
Things to Remember:
I'm not only going to be limited to the fandoms I'll list. You can suggest some and I'll watch that series/movie or watch/play that game and do what I can!
Be specific when requesting. I can come up with my own ideas(sometimes) but I'd like to write for you too if you decided to choose me of everyone on Tumblr.
I don't like swearing a whole lot, and I'm trying not to anymore(yes I have been, I'm sorry) so you might just see the basic and not very offensive ones uncensored, and others censored.
Fandoms I write for/may write for:
Green: I plan on it
Orange: Maybe I'll write for it if it's requested or I have an idea for it.
Red: I likely won't write for it unless it's requested
Blue:I haven't finished that series yet.
Harry Potter
Rurouni Kenshin
Alice in Borderland
The 100
Stranger Things
Death Note
Some might be added to this list, but this so far is what I have and know!
People I'll Write for:
There's too many animatronics but I'll definitely do Roxanne, Glamrock Freddy and the Bonnies. You can request anyone you want.
Romantic & Platonic
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Nezuko Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Kanao Tsuyuri
Genya Shinazugawa
Muichiro Tokito
Shinobu Kocho
Mitsuri Kanroji
Giyuu Tomioka
Kyojuro Rengoku
Obanai Iguro
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Tengen Uzui
Gyomei Himejima
Muzan Kibutsuji
Anyone else you'd like to request.
Izuku Midoriya
Ochaco Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki
Tenya Iida
Tsuyu Asui
Katsuki Bakugou
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Hanta Sero
Mina Ashido
Shota Aizawa
Amajiki Tamaki
Togata Mirio
Keigo Takami
Rumi Usagiyama
Momo Yaoyorozu
Everyone from the romantic category.
Anyone really
Gon Freecs
Killua Zoldyck
Anyone I can think of lol
Everyone I listed
Isabela Madrigal♥️
Luisa Madrigal
Mirabel Madrigal
Dolores Madrigal
Camilo Madrigal
Antonio Madrigal
Pepa Madrigal
Julietta Madrigal
Bruno Madrigal
Abuela Alma
and everyone above
Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Hinata Hyuga
Itachi Uchiha
Kakashi 6ix9ine
Anyone you want to request
Everyone above and those you want to request
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
The Weasley Kids
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Anyone you want to request
All of the above and who you want to request
Absolutely Armin Arlert😍
Eren Yeager
Mikasa Ackerman
Jean Kirstein
Connie Springer
Sasha Braus
Reiner Braun
Bertholt Hoover
Annie Leonheart
Hange Zoe
Peick Finger
Anyone you'd like to request
All of the above including requests!!
Anyone you request
All of the above including requestsss
All of the above and, you guessed it, whoever's requested
Almost everyone, especially the shotgun mask 🙇🏾‍♀️
I'ma be honest, I didn't feel like writing all the purple down Ill write for so uhm... Yeah. Any kids in the show will be platonic plus everyone above and who you request.
Chuuya Nakahara
Rampo Edogawa
Atsushi Nakajima
Everyone up there and whoever's requested
Death Note
Whoever is requested
Whoever's requested
BTW Light has that JB cut
I haven't really finished Haikyuu yet but I shall always remember
Whoever you request is who I'll write for btw☺️
And anyone you request
The Professor
Anyone requested or that I can think of
Everyone I named above and whoever I can think of or that's requested
Ben Drowned
Homicidal Liu/Sully
Ticci Toby
Jane the Killer
Jason the Toymaker
Anyone you request
S*uic*de Sadie
Smile Dog
Everyone above and whoever's requested
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bakugohoex · 3 years
no because i just had a dream that bertholt confessed to me and i laughed in his face and he started crying now im so upset w myself DX do u have any soft bert fic/blog recs to make me feel better?
aww baby i don’t really read bertholdt fics but @colossalnova and @bertlebear both write for him just read their rules before you read though, i don’t really have any fic recs because i don’t read for him but i’m sure the #bertholdt hoover fluff tag should have so much more amazing fics ☺️ but please sorry your dream is make me laugh a bit whoops 😅
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Would You Still Love Me? Part 1
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Reiner x fem reader; established relationship; college au; comedy-fluff
synopsis: Reiner's love for you is tested in a way neither of you saw coming...
warnings: none
notes: Part 1 beta read by @lavenderdaisyhoney and @reiner69er. Mildly atrocious banner made by me. Dividers by @delishlydelightfuldividers. Comments make my tiny heart function!
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It’s happened. It’s finally happened. It’s not like you MEANT for it to happen – how could you have? -, but somehow, by means unknown to you or anyone else on this earth, and most certainly not to Reiner, you’ve finally, really
a worm: thin and grayish pink and wriggling amidst the pile of clothes that fit you only moments ago.
At first, he can only stare in stunned silence. He’d figured the question you asked from time to time was just you being, well, you, and had spared it little thought. Maybe, Reiner thinks, he should have taken it more seriously.
His golden eyes start to well with tears as he sinks to his knees in dismay. Is it his fault? Did he somehow turn you into a worm through carelessness or inattentiveness? Was it something he said? Was it something he did?
“I… I’m so sorry,” his voice creaks.
You don’t respond, because you can’t. You’re a worm.
He lets that thought really sink in for a minute. Can you even hear him apologize? Do worms even have ears? Reiner is close to a complete meltdown when a melodious chirping from a nearby tree makes him snap into action. Glaring in the direction of the bird, he carefully scoops you up into his giant hands and tucks you into the shirt pocket overtop his chest, then grabs your clothes and gets to his feet before sprinting off across the campus to find someone who can help.
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It turns out, Armin knows quite lot about earthworms, and Reiner couldn’t be more grateful.
Now, at first, Armin thought the larger blond was suffering some kind of psychotic episode when he breathlessly and tearfully explained that you’d suddenly become a worm, but he felt so bad for Reiner that he simply had to help the poor frantic lunatic. Procuring a glass container from Professor Hanji’s lab was a little tricky, without getting into the whole ‘Reiner thinks his girlfriend is a worm’ thing, but he’d managed to do it without drawing attention. Some fresh dirt had been added to the container, along with some leaves and just enough water to keep you comfortable.
Now the wide-brimmed jar sits upon Reiner’s desk as he reads over the most vital information Armin had written down for him. His computer casts a glow over you, displaying a fruitless Google search for ‘HOW TO FIX GIRLFRIEND WORM.’
“Okay,” he’s saying aloud, “So, it says you can eat all kinds of stuff, but it has to be chopped up really small, or partly decomposed.” He knows you probably can’t hear him, since Armin told him you have no ears, but he hopes you’ll sense that he’s talking to you anyway. “I don’t wanna give you rotting vegetables, so I got this apple peel and blended it up in real tiny bits, see?”
He sprinkles the apple peel into the jar and carefully mixes it into the dirt with one finger. “It says you can die if you eat too much too fast, so… please don’t.” He’s trying not to sound as desolate as he feels, because maybe you can pick up on his feelings, the way a horse can, and he doesn’t want to worry you. You must be scared, suddenly being a worm, so he has to stay strong for you, now more than ever. “Maybe I can get you some soggy tea leaves from Professor Levi. You like tea, don’t you?”
You don’t reply, but you do wriggle around in the dirt, and you seem to be inspecting the apple peel; Reiner isn’t entirely sure, because he’s still not entirely sure which end is your head and which is your tail.
“Ah, it says here you’ll dry out really fast if I touch you without getting my hands wet first, so I’m sorry for earlier. Hope it didn’t hurt. Also says you’re sensitive to light, so maybe I can keep you inside this drawer, but I don’t want you to get too cold...”
Listening in from just outside the dorm room, Armin and Bertholdt exchange worried glances.
“I guess it can’t hurt to let him take care of the worm, right?” Bert whispers, looking anxious and sweaty.
“Yeah, I suppose…” Armin furrows his brows. “But, he really believes the worm is y/n, so what if something goes wrong? I don’t know if Reiner could take it, especially since we don’t know where she’s really gone.”
“Ah, you’re right… Have you tried calling her?”
“I did, but-”
The door suddenly opens and Reiner glowers out at them. “Armin. Did you find anything in all those books about how this could have happened? Or how to fix it?”
Armin gives him a placating smile. “O-oh, I’m still looking. You know, maybe you should get some sleep, Reiner, you seem like you’re under a lot of stress.”
“Of course I’m stressed!” Reiner snaps, eyes narrowing. “I’ll sleep when y/n’s human again. Please just keep looking. There’s nothing good online about this...”
Bertholdt nervously clears his throat. “Yeah, but Reiner, maybe it’ll uh, take a little time to… change her back? Maybe she’ll even change back on her own, while you’re sleeping?” He glances quickly at Armin, who understands that Bert is merely hoping you’ll return from your mysterious absence this evening and set things straight.
“That’s right! You don’t have to watch the worm the entire time.”
“‘The worm?’ Don’t talk about her like she’s not here.” Reiner scowls. “Earthworms are sensitive to vibrations, so you should keep your voice down, too.”
Bertholdt seems to sweat a little harder. He’s searching his mind for an appropriate response when the conversation is interrupted by Connie cheerfully pushing his way into the mix.
“Hey! What’re y’all talking about? Reiner’s got worms?”
“Reiner has… a worm...” Bert begins tentatively.
“Gross, like a tapeworm?? Did you get it from eating raw meat? Cuz that’s how Sasha says she--”
“No, no, it’s not a tapeworm,” Armin cuts him off, noticing the deep annoyance in Reiner’s eyes. “It’s an earthworm, and it--”
“She,” Bert corrects him, sweatily.
“Right, she is an earthworm, and Reiner’s just taking care of her for a little while.”
“Eh? You are? Why?” Connie looks at Reiner and tries to peer curiously into the room. “Can I see?”
“I don’t want people gawking at her,” Reiner replies, the tension growing in his voice. “You know how y/n hates when people stare at her.”
Connie’s face scrunches up. “‘Y/n?’ You named the worm after your girlfriend?”
“SHE’ S STILL MY GIRLFRIEND!” Reiner practically bellows. “If you’re all just gonna stand around talking instead of helping me turn her back, then just leave us alone!”
With this, he slams the door. The others can hear it being latched from inside. Connie is slightly terrified now.
“That’s my dorm, too, though...” Bertholdt mutters unhappily.
Part 2 coming soon
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ao3feed-jeaneren · 7 years
One Month Writing Challenge
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Ao6PTK
by MissErikaCourt
1. Getting Lost- Bertholt/Annie 2. Pet Names- Sasha/Connie 3. Patching Eachother Up- Eren/Mikasa 4. Hospital Visits- Eren/Mikasa 5. Scar Worship- Levi/Mikasa 6. Making Fun of Eachother- Jean/Eren 7. A Death of Someone Close- Levi/Mikasa 8. Sleeping In- Reiner/Bertholt 9. Hugging- Eren/Mikasa 10. Watching the Other Sleep- Levi/Mikasa 11. Snowflakes- Ymir/Krista 12. Having a Lazy Day- Armin/Annie 13. Making Up Afterward- Levi/Mikasa 14. Fight- Eren/Annie 15. Teaching Eachother Something- Levi/Mikasa 16. Needing Eachother- Eren/Mikasa 17. Spooning- Annie/Bertholt 18. Sick- Sasha/Connie 19. Spoiling One Another- Ymir/Krista 20. Candles- Levi/Mikasa 21. Cooking- Sasha/Connie 22. Competing- Eren/Annie 23. Arguing- Levi/Mikasa 24. Stars- Jean/Marco 25. Birthday- Levi/Mikasa 26. Sadness- Jean/Mikasa 27. Seduction- Levi/Mikasa 28. Falling in Love- Eren/Mikasa 29. Doing Something Sweet- Eren/Mikasa 30. Doing Something Hot- Levi/Mikasa 31. Date Night- Jean/Mikasa
Words: 1634, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Sasha Blouse, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Marco Bott, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Relationships: Bertolt Hoover/Annie Leonhart, Sasha Blouse/Connie Springer, Mikasa Ackerman/Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman/Levi, Jean Kirstein/Eren Yeager, Reiner Braun/Bertolt Hoover, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir, Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhart, Annie Leonhart/Eren Yeager, Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein, Mikasa Ackerman/Jean Kirstein
Additional Tags: One-Shots, Drabbles, Pairings, one month writing challenge, ratings vary for every fic, Character Death, Violence, maybe some smut, definitely some fluff, honestly mostly fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Ao6PTK
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ao3feed-eremika · 7 years
One Month Writing Challenge
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Ao6PTK
by MissErikaCourt
1. Getting Lost- Bertholt/Annie 2. Pet Names- Sasha/Connie 3. Patching Eachother Up- Eren/Mikasa 4. Hospital Visits- Eren/Mikasa 5. Scar Worship- Levi/Mikasa 6. Making Fun of Eachother- Jean/Eren 7. A Death of Someone Close- Levi/Mikasa 8. Sleeping In- Reiner/Bertholt 9. Hugging- Eren/Mikasa 10. Watching the Other Sleep- Levi/Mikasa 11. Snowflakes- Ymir/Krista 12. Having a Lazy Day- Armin/Annie 13. Making Up Afterward- Levi/Mikasa 14. Fight- Eren/Annie 15. Teaching Eachother Something- Levi/Mikasa 16. Needing Eachother- Eren/Mikasa 17. Spooning- Annie/Bertholt 18. Sick- Sasha/Connie 19. Spoiling One Another- Ymir/Krista 20. Candles- Levi/Mikasa 21. Cooking- Sasha/Connie 22. Competing- Eren/Annie 23. Arguing- Levi/Mikasa 24. Stars- Jean/Marco 25. Birthday- Levi/Mikasa 26. Sadness- Jean/Mikasa 27. Seduction- Levi/Mikasa 28. Falling in Love- Eren/Mikasa 29. Doing Something Sweet- Eren/Mikasa 30. Doing Something Hot- Levi/Mikasa 31. Date Night- Jean/Mikasa
Words: 1634, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Sasha Blouse, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Marco Bott, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Relationships: Bertolt Hoover/Annie Leonhart, Sasha Blouse/Connie Springer, Mikasa Ackerman/Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman/Levi, Jean Kirstein/Eren Yeager, Reiner Braun/Bertolt Hoover, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir, Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhart, Annie Leonhart/Eren Yeager, Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein, Mikasa Ackerman/Jean Kirstein
Additional Tags: One-Shots, Drabbles, Pairings, one month writing challenge, ratings vary for every fic, Character Death, Violence, maybe some smut, definitely some fluff, honestly mostly fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Ao6PTK
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