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natty373 · 5 years ago
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There is soo much about this image I love 💓 1. @s_h_e_s_m_y_c_l_y_d_e_ is my best friend 🥰 2. I am wearing a GOAT on my t-shirt - I believe Mary is her name .... 😌 3. The band @officialkilbeysband is a really awesome bunch of kids being artists & owning it ⚛️ 4. I am holding the universal sign for I LOVE YOU 😍 (it’s for you) 5. I am at one of my fav beaches 🏝 6. This coast is totes my external home 🏠 7. The gift of life is worth the effort 🤸🏾the pitfalls🏂the tears🏋🏼the troubles 🤼‍♀️the rejections🤾🏽‍♂️ & all the things one may fear .... because on the other side of fear is LOVE ... & awareness tells me where to stand .... wake up ur common sense - it’s free & u have all the time in your world to spend paying attention 💓 . . Namaste 🙏🏽 may all beings be happy & free (it’s an inside job) LOKAH SAMASTAH SUKHINO BHAVANTU 🔆💓🌈 . #thekilbys #gratitude #love #creativity #merchandise #supportlocal #artists #livingphilosophy #berreal #bebold #beyou #joyjunkie #sausagedogs #liferefinementtherapies #bonnie @tozza_jozza no edits just the raw phuking truth💓 (at Towradgi, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCFvjcZggbl/?igshid=1aksdn8af69tx
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noconcerns2018-blog · 6 years ago
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#llits #wsmfp #berreal #lifeisgood (at Greenwich, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvXZgu5lhkr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11gofogwb8cai
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hangtightwmarcie · 6 years ago
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Fuel your life.. fuel your workout..fuel your health with bits! Have you taken time to learn more about them? Please visit @energybits to read more and learn more. THEN.. use code “HangTight” for 20% off! #behealthy #berreal #beyou 🍏🍐🍈🥝🥦🥒 #nutrition #preworkout #strongnotskinny #primal #paleofoodshare #instahealth #sugarfree #cleaneating #paleo #gymjunkie #healthyfoodporn #eatforabs #grainfree #lowcarb #foodisfuel #girlswholift #paleolifestyle #glutenfree #primalfood #eattherainbow #eatcleantrainmean #paleodiet #vegetarian #boxing https://www.instagram.com/p/BoOcNrIHU5p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2oroxj4l7os2
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coachconnie-blog1 · 7 years ago
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Sometimes we just need to remember how simple things were years ago & just not get overwhelmed! #giving #supportive #simple #life #justletgo #berreal #plantatree #greekproverb #appreciate #important #things #kids #parents #livefree #happytuesday #kindness #thankful #belief
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rollercoaster59 · 2 years ago
Whete berreale, barreale grounds... we
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theblerdgurl · 7 years ago
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I’m grinning like a loon because I @_mustafashakir_ made me giggle right before this was taken after my interview with him for @syfy . He plays Bushmaster in @marvelslukecage #season2 and by next week, everyone will know this man’s name. Luke Cage Season 2 drops on @netflix this Friday June 21st. . (My blouse is by @xulybetofficial from @radicalwomenbk ) . . #lukecageseason2 #naturalhair #theblerdgurl #berreal #mustafashakir #blackactors #syfywire #syfy #nerd #geek #netflix #marvel #powerman #harlem #bushmaster #karama https://ift.tt/2JXugL7
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unpensadoranonimo · 6 years ago
Opiniones de política española (11/12/2018)
Al pobre Juanma ya le llaman presidente - Lourdes Lucio
Andalucía, chalecos amarillos y tiempos de ira - Juan Laborda
Andalucía: malos resultados de una política errónea - José Luis Pérez Tapias, Ricardo Sixto Iglesias, Eberhard Grosske Fiol, Gloria Martín Rodríguez, Jaime Gareth Flórez Berreales, Susana Vila Rodríguez y Glòria Marcos Martí
Cambio de rumbo - Jesús Morales
Ciudadanos Interruptus - Javier Caraballo
Con la que está cayendo en Cataluña, ¿a qué espera Pedro Sánchez? - José Apezarena
Corrupción, inmigración, las leyes de igualdad y el 'procés', entre los factores que impulsan a Vox - Lolita Belenguer
El futuro de la extrema derecha - Alejandro Lillo
En defensa de Canal Sur - Mercedes Gordillo
El PP se lanza a recuperar el voto de Vox: asume su ideario, pero esquiva a sus líderes en la negociación andaluza - Iñigo Aduriz
La culpa no es de los políticos, es de todos nosotros - Juan Carlos Barba
Los peores resultados de la historia - Carlos Gorostiza
Qué es Vox y cómo enfrentarlo - Javier Gallego
Sánchez, dispuesto a sacar los Presupuestos y a agotar la legislatura - Arsenio Escolar
Susana Díaz asume por primera vez la pérdida del Gobierno andaluz - Daniel Cela
Torra hundirá a Sánchez (y Tezanos lo sabe) - Félix Madero
Vox y la teoría de los sistemas ocultos - José Antonio Marina
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