#bernoulli smartypants
tricksforclicks · 2 years
Besties who share a birthday get matching bunnyhugs.
Happy 7th birthday to Bluestreak and happy 1st birthday to Hopper
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tricksforclicks · 1 year
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Sometimes they actually like each other
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
Lets go back to one of the first nights I was staying over at the SmallTown house on my own. I was already slightly creeped out because I had just discovered the light in the basement that randomly turns on and off and doesn't appear to react to any switch in the house, and I had found my late grandfather's collection of neo-rosicrucian stuff. (It doubly didn't help that when I texted my friend saying my grandfather was a neoTemplar that he joked that I'd be fine. unless he was a Rosicrucian)
So I pop all of the dogs in the room, finish my bed time routine, and go to bed. 
A couple hours later, I sort of drowsily wake up. None of the dog I can see seem to need anything, through Prowl's head is up and looking around. He settles after an ear scratch so I roll over to go back to sleep. Halfway to drifting off, there is a soft thump coming from under the bed.  kind of half get up to fumble for the light when the entire bed starting thumping and shaking. 
Naturally we evacuate the bed in 1.hell-no seconds. I get the dogs out of the room, and grab the flirt pole to defend us, and Bernoulli somehow squeaks out from under the bed. Apparently she had just enough room to get under, but 3 dogs and a human on the bed was enough to trap her. 
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
Dogblr Sleepover: Story time! Tell me about your favourite dog moment. Or anything that comes to mind :)
Let’s go with a Bernoulli story. 
So back when I was living in SmallTown, Saskatchewan, I was out and about training Bernoulli when she goes to do her waggle-butt “Hi Friend!” dance up to this jogger. 
I redirect her with my usually “they don’t love you” cue when the jogger stops and mentions that actually, they are good friends and Bern says hi every morning. Wait. What? Yup. Bern meets the jogger at the local swamp almost every morning and once even gave the jogger a frog. 
So yeah. turns out that every morning in the 10 minutes the dogs were out to do their business in what I thought was a fully enclosed yard, Bern would jump up on a parapet, tight rope walk it until she got around the fence, run a block to the local swamp, hunt and say hi to her jogger-friend, then run back to be there when I let the dogs back in. Said jogger didn’t bother mentioning it before because Bern was so sweet. It was just one of the Town Quirks. 
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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Physically not woozy but still tripping balls
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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Small Dogs
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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Vet visits today at two different vets
Prowl to physio for an assessment to make sure nothing is off. His neck muscles are a bit stiff and his abs are a bit weak by otherwise he is in excellent shape.
Bernoulli is mostly healthy but she chipped a carnissial and the pulp is exposed so she’ll have to get it pulled when I get back. Poor girl.
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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Human is going somewhere. Must stay close.
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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💙 I think this is one of my favourite photos of me and Bern working together. And Bern was still playing and engaged even though I forgot her discs.💙 Photo by my friend Tracy.
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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They are saying WHAT about me online!?!
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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Photo by my friend Tracy.
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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She's snoring in my ear and I'm okay with that.
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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Apparently I make a good pillow
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tricksforclicks · 7 years
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Routine building pre-draft version
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