#beppi the clown x reader
sweetheartedbylust · 1 year
Cuphead master list !
Main characters ,
Cuphead :
“ a crazy cup with a full heart “ cuphead x reader
“ a warm cup of milk “ cuphead x reader :
“ cuphead x tired reader head cannons “
“ cuphead x doubtful reader head cannons”
Mugman : nothing yet
King dice :
“ king dice nsfw head cannons !”
“ friends” king dice x reader *ft mr wheezy * :
“ stress relief “ king dice x reader smut
“ day off “ king dice head cannons :
The devil :
“ poor unfortunate soul “ the devil x reader smut :
Ms. Chalice : nothing yet
The root pack : nothing yet
Goopy le grande : nothing yet
Ribby and croaks : “ a floating heaven in inkwell “ :
Hilda berg : nothing yet
Cagney carnation : nothing yet
Baroness von bon bon : nothing yet
Djimmi the great : nothing yet
Beppi the clown : nothing yet
Wally warbles : nothing yet
Grim matchstick : nothing yet
Rumor honeybottoms : nothing yet
Captain brineybeard: nothing yet
Sally stage play : nothing yet
Werner werman: nothing yet
Dr .Kahl : nothing yet
Cala Maria : nothing yet
All of the mini bosses for king dice :
Phear lap :
“ racing for the casinos love”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Can i get something platonic with beppi the clown? The reader is just as chaotic as him and the two of them like to be a nuisance to everybody else on the Isle as pals?
As the "local nuisances of Isle II", pranks are both of your specialties. You even have a list of victims that Beppi crafted together, explaining how you'll carry out each plan.
These consist of:
Sending Beppi's balloon dogs to consume everything in Baroness’ Sugarland kingdom (and getting chased out by her subjects and cotton candy projectiles from her shotgun cane)
Racing through the isle in bumper cars and nearly running over the Barbershop Quartet.
Sneaking near Wally and Willy's nest to rudely awaken them with a loud horn, laughing together as you run away from a flurry of feathery rage and laser guns.
Summoning Djimmi to grant you both ridiculous wishes..and making a wish that tricks him into forgetting those ridiculous ones he made.
Letting Beppi's penguin clowns prance around Grim's tower while you both swim through the hills of treasure he hoards, only taking a few coins.
The residents of funfair fever and funhouse frazzle partake in the pranks or laugh along at your antics.
It's clear to see your chaotic energies match each other perfectly. You two are practically inseparable.
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yanderes-of-inkwell · 2 years
Omg can I please request general headcanons for Beppi?
Beppi The Clown - General Headcanons
Note: Of course you can, love! As long as my requests are open, feel free to request for whoever you want! Word Count: 1.2k Warnings: Emotional manipulation, guilt tripping, implied murder, jealousy, mentions of food poisoning, mentions of mental breakdowns, mentions of sabotage, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour.
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♤ Despite what his reputation as a well-loved performer may suggest, Beppi is actually a rather lonely individual. This is partly by choice, though there are also external factors that play into it. While his childish and high-energy personality makes him quite popular with children, it also serves to repel any adults he could possibly form a connection with. When not wowed by his tricks and transformations, most of his older audience members consider him to be annoying, with almost all of them citing his unfortunately prominent worst qualities as their reason: he often doesn’t take things seriously, makes jokes when it’s inappropriate, talks over people, becomes almost suffocatingly clingy when he grows attached to someone, and is in general very loud and full of himself.
♡ But despite the almost universal dislike towards him from other adults, he remains indifferent to it (or at least, that’s what he tells himself). He’s unwilling to change and believes that anyone who wants him to do so isn’t worth pursuing anyway. However, as implied above, his seemingly unbothered view on the matter is little more than a lie, one he tells himself in order to keep going. His mask slips on occasion, and when it does, the results can be anything from a bitter sneer when he’s all alone, to a full-out mental breakdown after he learns that someone’s spoken ill of him behind his back.
♧ By the time his darling enters the scene and manages to snag his attention, he’s fully expecting the relationship to fall apart before it even starts. It takes a special kind of patience in order to properly deal with Beppi, and he is well-aware of this. That’s why, before he even gets to know them properly, he puts them through a series of tests. His past experiences have left him wary, and he needs to make sure his darling can take whatever he dishes out in order for him to warm up to the idea of pursuing them.
◇ After he’s certain that a possible relationship with them won’t fall apart at the first hurdle, any and all subtlety about his feelings goes flying out the window. Beppi sees no reason to hide how he feels; why should he? If his darling has managed to stick around this long, that surely means they reciprocate his feelings, and are simply too nervous to say anything for fear of ruining their friendship with him. He’s so taken with the idea of that being the case, which is why he’s quick to confess soon after he deems his darling worthy of being his partner.
♤ A relationship with Beppi is certainly an interesting one, mainly because nothing seems to change once he and his darling are actually together. He often struggles with distinguishing platonic and romantic relationships, which is why his behaviour towards them doesn’t change. He’s still the same clingy, attention-seeking, touch-starved clown he’s always been, with the only noticeable difference being that his feelings have changed from platonic to romantic.
♡ However, that’s not to say that no other changes have occurred but rather, that they’ve been mostly internal on Beppi’s part. While his treatment of his darling remains mostly the same, his mindset on how to approach things regarding them has vastly changed. Things such as his constant need to be around them and his annoyance at having to share them with others have been greatly amplified, now turning into a desperation to be in their presence, and an almost violent rage at the thought of another occupying their time.
♧ His darling, however, along with everyone else, remain blissfully unaware of these unhealthy changes within him. This ends up working out wonderfully for him, as it casts aside any suspicion people may have towards him when he eventually takes to solving his “relationship problems” in a... less than ethical way. His moral compass has always been shaky at best, but it outright breaks once he has his darling. There are, of course, lines that he would never cross, such as harming children, but adults are fair game in his mind.
◇ His methods of dealing with bothersome individuals can vary, ranging from mildly reprehensible to downright unforgivable. If, for example, they’ve been taking too much of his darling’s attention away from him, they may find themselves dealing with a bad case of food poisoning from one of the carnival treats they ate. Alternatively, if they were to do something that threatens his darling’s safety, or his relationship with them, he will be far less merciful in how he punishes them. Of course, with how run-down certain attractions have become in recent years, he can’t really be blamed if, say, one were to malfunction and leave that particular person with a grave injury, or make it so that they’ll never get to see the end of their ride.
♤ The only time his mask really slips around his darling is when he’s unable to deal with someone who’s been causing problems for him. If he has to put up with them for a prolonged period of time, he will eventually break down in front of his darling, expressing his strong dislike for that particular person but never explaining why. Though he’s desperate for comfort in such moments, he’s still able to use his darling’s sympathy to his advantage, despite being at his most vulnerable. He does and says anything he can in order to convince them to cut them out of their life, and if doesn’t work, he’ll simply continue to pile on guilt until they eventually crack and agree to his demands.
♡ Outside of his raging jealousy and subtle manipulation though, Beppi can be quite the doting partner when he wants to be. Even with his limited knowledge in regards to romance, he’s still able to provide his darling with all the staples of a classic romantic relationship. Fun dates, thoughtful gifts, plenty of both physical and verbal affection, and so on. However, as this is Beppi we’re talking about, all of these things are often taken to the extreme, and he’ll only ever tone down this behaviour if his darling is absolutely vehement about it.
♧ Of course, he does all of this with the expectation that his displays of love will be reciprocated. He doesn’t ask for material things, as he really only cares about hand-crafted gifts, and instead requests that his darling return the favour by spending quality time with him. And while that may seem perfectly reasonable, Beppi manages to take even that to the extreme. When “spending quality time together”, his darling isn’t allowed to look at or interact with anyone else, with Beppi constantly demanding their full attention, never wanting their eyes to stray from him for too long. It can become quite exhausting after a certain point, but that doesn’t stop Beppi from guilting his darling into doing it every single time they express their lack of desire to do so.
◇ At the end of the day, though, how Beppi goes about things is largely dependent on his darling’s treatment of him and their relationship. If they’re “neglectful” towards him or Heaven forbid, attempt to leave him, a much darker side of Beppi will come out, and he’ll pull every dirty trick in the book, from guilting them to making people disappear, in order to keep them around. However, if they play along and give him the attention and affection he so desperately craves, the two will be able to have a mostly normal relationship. As long as Beppi is at the centre of their world, no one will have to get hurt.
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roxybefab · 5 years
Dating Beppi the Clown includes;
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Beppi is the type of boyfriend that is hella playful
And not playful as in he’s silly and messes around
He is playful as in he loves to pull pranks (on you and others), he makes lots of jokes, some crude, and he always manages to make you laugh
Yeah, he’s a sweetheart honestly
Helping him play his pranks, especially on Djimmi and Werner
He prefers water balloon or gross thing filled pranks to use on those two
The reason he dislikes Djimmi and Werner is because they both think he shouldn’t be dating you
Just cause of his silly personality and even sillier looks
You honestly don’t care
He looks adorable either way and nothing can change your mind
What’s not to love about his carefree personality and the fact that he rocks the colors blue and red?
And his eyessssss
They’re so pretty, such a nice golden color that they captivate you
And the fact that he has long eyelashes makes him look adorable to you
He loves it when you tell him that you love him for himself
Getting on the rollercoaster and other rides that he has
He lives for It references
“WhAt A niCe BoAt. Do YoU wAnT iT bAcK?”
Yeah he held a yellow balloon and stood over you in the middle of the night
You didn’t speak to him for a week
He’s never doing that again
Lots and lots and LoTs of jokes
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queenfishie · 7 years
where is the Beppi x reader
I need it, come on tumblr.
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Help, I've fallen into my Cuphead phase again and I can't get up!
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scrabbitbait132 · 7 years
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Wip --- You can request drawings to!
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CAN I GET JEALOUS BEPPI? sorry, I'm actually quite excited that you're not dead. I usually don't see many blogs with writing I like that are still posting things, so you may get a few more requests about beppi or other cuphead bosses, and maybe one or two nsfw requests lol. love the writing btw!
A/N: I’m glad to hear that you enjoy my writing, anon! I’ve been (slowly, but surely) working on becoming more of an active writer this year, so I hope you continue to enjoy anything else that may come! 
I hope these are to your liking, and be sure to shoot me another request if you want me to redo these!
Jealous Beppi Hcs:
Beppi being the cheerful, friendly circus clown he is, you would think that he’s the type to hardly ever get jealous, right? Sure, he can be a bit overwhelming and frustratingly oblivious at times, but he was always easygoing.
Little did you know that Beppi has a bit of a low self-esteem. His job is a nice distraction and enjoys making others happy, but he tends to internalize anything remotely negative. Beppi can usually brush off mean remarks in the moment, but they always manage to wriggle into the back of his mind like a nasty parasite; and just when he’s had a rough day, they’ll strike.
Was he really this annoying? Were his friends only pretending to like him? Do you think he’s a bother? Etc. 
He also tends to hide how’s he actually feeling around you- especially if the two of you haven’t been dating for very long. In his mind, relationships are meant to be stress-free and happy, and the last thing he’d want is to make you lose interest because he feels bad about himself sometimes. 
When Beppi is jealous, he’s more so the type of person who becomes very clingy towards you. He’ll try to get your attention any way he can, which means he’ll often try to pull you away from what you’re doing, awkwardly interject in any conversation you’re having, etc. 
It may seem horribly immature of him- which he’s fully aware of- but it stems out of a place of fear. What if he’s not good enough for you to stay interested? You want him to be like that handsome, tanned gentleman you talked to earlier? Don’t worry, just give him some time so he can make himself into what you like.
If you happen to eventually snap at him when he’s like this, the poor guy is absolutely devastated. Immediately, he’ll assume that he’s messed up everything beyond repair; this is the first time the two of you actually got into an argument, after all! For the rest of the day, the clown would be a lot less invested in what he had planned. 
Beppi becomes a lot less upbeat when he’s interacting with carnival goers, he’ll half-heartedly make balloon animals; and when he’s finally off from work, the poor fella would hole up himself in his room.
It eventually gets to a point where his pet penguins become worried, and they quickly take it upon themselves to bring the two of you back together. 
After you’re promptly dragged over to your boyfriend, a part of you would be angry; Beppi’s a grown man, he should know better than to behave like that! Yet at the same time, he looks absolutely deflated..
He’ll be surprised and a little ashamed that you’re seeing him like this; he might even try to act like nothing was wrong in the first place. The moment you actually force him to talk about his behavior, Beppi would likely start crying. 
You’re going to have to console him and ask him to repeat himself a couple of times, since the clown is nearly incomprehensible while he’s both crying and trying to talk at the same time. 
When he does finally calm down, Beppi is surprised that you haven’t broken up with him then and there. He’s even more surprised when you gently lift up his face to meet your eyes; not even an ounce of anger or mockery to be seen. 
“Bepps, I’m dating you for you, silly. Those other fellas may be good-looking, but they can’t make me as happy as you do.”
(Cue even more crying from Beppi)
Afterwards, Beppi feels a lot more confident in his relationship with you. He wouldn’t feel the need to constantly hide how he’s actually feeling now that he realizes you’re not going to ridicule him for feeling low about himself. Every now and then he’ll still get jealous, but the clown manages to keep his cool. 
After all, why would Beppi feel the need to fret so much when he’s the one you love? 
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Hello! I was wondering if you could do relationship hcs for beppi? I barely see anything on him and it makes me sad that the clown barely gets any love. I'm also quite curious on how you would write him. Thank you if you do decide to write about him!
A/N: Beppi is a good boy and it’s a shame he doesn’t get that much love either (u.u) 
Ngl, it was a bit tough writing for Beppi- so be sure to let me know if you ever want me to rewrite these!
(Note: read more added due to lengthiness)
Beppi Relationship hcs:
Beppi, underneath his goofy blue-and-red exterior, is actually quite the romantic at heart. While he knows his job may not leave much room for relationships, it doesn’t stop the clown from daydreaming about the idea of finally meeting his special someone. 
Prior to meeting you, Djimmi and Bon Bon had spent many a groan-worthy afternoon listening to the clown recount how he met a nice guy or gal and how they might possibly be “the one”, only to forget about them after a week of not seeing them.
With that said, Beppi falls in and out of love almost comically quick- so much so that he takes crushes that lead to nowhere in stride. After all, he can’t do a good job at making others happy if he’s down in the dumps!
When he had met you, the new worker managing the cotton candy machines, he tried not to get his hopes up right away- especially since he had a rule against dating coworkers; things can get awkward real quick if it fell apart, after all. 
Not to mention that you weren’t the type he normally goes for: Beppi likes the idea of a friendly, outgoing partner that could happily show him off without shame.You were a bit soft-spoken and somewhat introverted; easily drowned out by his much louder and boisterous presence. 
However, the poor fool already felt the start of a crush form when he looked over to your stand one day. You looked up to meet his eyes, and it was as if time seemed to slow down for him. Then you gave him a small, shy smile and waved, and all he could do was just wave back; his cheeks flushed a bright pink.
From there, you would often see the clown hanging around by your work area and handing out balloons to carnival goers. Beppi would not-so-subtly look your way, only to immediately look away when you looked in his direction. 
You didn’t mind it too much though; after all, you always found a balloon animal left at your counter at the end of the day. 
It’ll be about a month before Beppi starts up conversation whenever the two of you are on break, and boy howdy is this man not subtle in how he feels about you. Beppi happily adds in flirty little comments whenever he sees the chance, not to mention that he tends to be touchy-feely with people he likes- so he’ll often pat you on the head or casually move  an arm over your shoulder while he’s happily rambling about whatever nonsense comes to mind.
And if you think Beppi pre-relationship is pretty affectionate, than you’re in for a surprise when the two of you actually start dating. Because this clown takes it to a whole other level when it comes to showing you how much he adores you.
Expect to hear at least one “I love you” from him every day; after all, he doesn’t want you to forget that! With that in mind, you better get used to Beppi suddenly shouting out your name from across the fairgrounds, only to VERY LOUDLY shout how much he loves you for everyone to hear. 
You should also be ready for frequent love letters from your boyfriend, all filled with sappy, sweet thoughts about how you brighten up his day.
(think that one scene from Roger Rabbit where he reads out a letter he wrote to Jessica)
Of course, if you decide to show some love back, he immediately melts (well, more like deflate in his case); hearing his quiet, dopey love-struck laughter while you cuddle becomes your new favorite thing to hear from him.
Plus, this is one of the very rare times Beppi is able to quietly sit still; which most of the other workers see as a blessing.
If you ever feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed with it, however, Beppi is willing to tone it down a notch or two; he’s aware that he can be a bit too much for some people, and the very last thing he wants is to stress you out.
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roxybefab · 5 years
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He’s been trying all day and failing, his confidence slowly dissolving as he told a third joke.
He was so sure he could make his S/O at least giggle but to no avail they still kept a neutral face.
“Beppi, it won’t work. I just can’t smile.” They kept saying to him but he wasn’t having it. Everyone could at least crack a smile every once in a while. Or so he thought.
“Oh! (N/N), do you know how to juggle?” He exclaimed, pulling three balls out of his hat, smiling at them and beginning to juggle. He began to stumble before straightening up and a small tea cup came out of his sleeve. Now juggling four things, he turns to his lover to see them watching him intently.
Yet no smile appeared on their face.
He couldn’t help but frown as he watched them. Yet, something was different. The way they watched him. Their eyes lighting up as he opened his mouth to tell a joke.
As he told the joke, one about dinosaurs, he noticed their happiness as they stood up and walked closer to him. Juggling a bit more, he slowly managed to make the balls and tea cup go into his hat again.
“I’m sorry.” They said, wrapping their arms around the clown’s waist and burying their face in his chest.
“Why are you apologizing? Did I make you happy?”
“Yeah, you did. But I’m sorry that I can’t smile.”
“Gumdrop, it’s completely fine! I honestly prefer you being happy over seeing you smile.” He said, smiling down at them and hugging them back. A small smile was on his face as he kissed their forehead, rubbing his nose to theirs before picking them up.
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🎠 Beppi the Clown & Child! Reader 🎠
{This was a request of AO3. I had fun writing this and writing it lifted my spirit, I truly needed it. I hope it can make you smile someway. I don’t have so much to say, enjoy the reading! }
🎡 A reason to smile 🎡
Another day of darkness.
Tears fell down your face, fogging up your sight. You sighed and you felt so alone in this big world. No one understood your distress but you were just a little kid and you had a lot to learn in this mad world. Being a child was not simple; everybody said that children lived their life with ease. They were lucky because they have not already faced the awful problematics an adult had to face. You had your own problems despite your young age.
This place was full of monsters and strange creatures; you did not know how you ended up in this universe as if you were Alice in Wonderland. You found yourself in an unknown continent where the normal physical laws of the world were vanished and every bizarre thing was possible now. You did not explain yourself how it happened but in its odd way, it was interesting.
You were the only human child in this weird place so people looked at you as if you were a sort of “freak show” especially in this particular area of the Island.
Rollercoasters, carousels, Ferris wheels and so many other wonderful attractions surrounded you. Normally, you would have a lot of fun here, since it was a place where every child would desire to live. Everything was colourful and full of games but you were unable to enjoy all these superb things because you felt very alone and you had no one with which you would share all this fun.
If this was not enough, all the children here kept tormenting you saying that you were unworthy of their friendship only because you were a human. You were weak, you had no magical power and your skin was gross. They looked at you with a disgusted expression and ran away laughing. You were a walking joke. A little kid like you could not handle all of this atrocity and you just fell apart not able to tolerate this pain.
You missed your real friends, your parents and your teachers. You missed the real world and this was not a Luna Park, it was not a place of amusement but a nightmare. You wanted to wake up. Crying was useless, nobody would have ever helped you, but it was the only thing you could do now. You did not want to be helped by those monsters. You were afraid.  
At a certain point, a stranger got closed to you but you have not realized it because you were just so distracted by your own crying. The stranger looked at you with concern, studying your expression. Your face was wet, your cheeks red and it seemed you were going to drown in your own tears.
The mysterious man pulled out of nowhere an umbrella, covering his head with it. He pretended your tears were drops of rain and he said, “Oh, well! It’s raining a lot here… I ask myself where all this rain comes from…Uhm…”, he looked around, confused.
Yes, it was only a gag and his purpose was making you laugh since he was a clown. You raised your head, noting him.
He smiled at you, and he said, “So, these drops came from you. Oh, what do you think to show me a beautiful rainbow now? And then a great sunshine?” his smile got wide.
You just could not help but smile because his words were sweet and tender. You even chuckled, softly.
“Well. That’s great! I don’t need this umbrella anymore!” he closed his umbrella hiding it somewhere in his clown dress.
No words came out of your mouth because you did not know what to say, you were a little shocked. You hoped he was not going to make fun of you like all those children did.
“Come on, little one! What’s your name?” he asked, crouching down.
You answered revealing your name with a timid voice.
“Oh, such a beautiful name. It’s so new!” his voice was friendly and loud and then he said, “My name is Beppi. Beppi the Clown!” and you chuckled.
“It’s a goofy name!” you laughed but he did not seem offended.
“Yes, I’m a clown, after all. I can’t have serious names like Prospero, Hamlet or Othello…Yes, I wouldn’t be a clown now but a prestigious man. ” yes, it was normal he had a funny name and you nodded because it was logical.
“Are you a fan of Shakespeare?” you asked, perplexed.
“Yes, I am. Only because I’m a clown it doesn’t mean I can’t be a cultured person, you know, kiddo.” Beppi nodded and your expression became more perplexed than before.
“Oh, yes… Of course…” you raised an eyebrow, but you had to admit that this clown was helping you to get rid of your sadness.
“Oh, do you want me to show you something?” he posed his hands on his own hips, smirking.
“Why not!” you answered very curious to see his performance. It was strange to watch a clown who performed Shakespeare. Certainly, it would be fun!
Beppi coughed, breathing in and breathing out as if he was preparing himself to recite in front of a crowd of million people even if you were only a little child. You did not know if you should have taken him seriously or not. He was still a clown and this scene would be ridiculous by nature but maybe yours were just prejudices.
“Everyone there got a little crazy and pulled some desperate stunts.” his voice was deep and serious. He did not seem a clown, anymore. “Everyone except the sailors dove into the sea, leaving behind the ship that I had set on fire. The king’s son, Ferdinand, with his hair standing straight up—it looked like reeds, not hair—was the first person to jump, shouting, Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!” the passion and the pathos Beppi put in this was extraordinary and you were impressed by his talent. You did not imagine he could be so talented and you applauded without any hesitation.
With a little sorrow, he said the last verse that was the most profound and significant. You perceived the same sorrow thinking about those words of truth.
Yes, it was the true truth. Hell was really empty, you realized and you remembered the reason you were crying before. Those children. They were little demons who ridiculed you. Who laughed at you. Your smiled disappeared and even Beppi felt guilty.
“Oh, little one. I’m so sorry. Was my performance so bad?” he said, sighing.
“Oh, no. Your performance was amazing! But…” you lowered your eyes.
“That’s why you were crying before?” he guessed.
“A-actually…” your words got stuck in your throat.
“Don’t cry… Just imagine the poor Ferdinand who screams as a little girl with his hair standing straight up. It’s not really a decorous pose for a royal person like him.” he told shaking his shoulders.
“Yes, that’s not so royal!” you chuckled, finding your lost smile.
“At least, your hair is still decent and even your look is cool!” he surely knew how to make you laugh and you just laughed with all your heart. Maybe it was stupid but you felt relived because you finally found a friend and a person who was not discriminating you because of your race.
“Yes, poor Ferdinando…” you said, calming yourself.
“So don’t you want to tell me why you were crying?” he asked again but he did not want to press you. He thought that speaking about your problems would be a good way to vent and feel a little bit better. Keeping all those bad thoughts inside would be toxic for you. At the end, you understood he just wanted to help you and you truly needed to get rid of this blue.
“Yes… It may be stupid uhm… I was afraid and I miss my mom, my dad, my sibling… I feel alone and lost here…” you sobbed, “Everyone here considers me like a freak, they just can’t see my face. They laugh at me.” and you started crying again.
From his pocket, Beppi pulled out a handkerchief made of thousand handkerchiefs that seemed having no end. You laughed because this trick was old but still funny.
“Here, dry your tears, kiddo!” you grabbed the infinite tissue, blowing your nose.
“Ah, just don’t care about other’s opinions. They don’t know a thing about you. You’re so cool, kiddo!” he smiled at you and a warm feeling took place in your heart. All your sorrow vanished but you just stayed silence.
“I can understand your feeling very well, kiddo. Tell me, didn’t you like my performance?” he asked even if you have already told that you found him amazing.
“Yes, it was spectacular” you said loudly.
“I’ve always dreamt to be an actor and I even studied acting when I was younger, you know?” he confessed and your perplexity reached the stars.
“Really?” you did not believe.
“Yes and I was quite talented even if things didn’t go very well… I’ve not been so lucky and I chose a different path that brought me to become a clown. This was another dream of mine, so I’m happy anyway.”
This clown was more mysterious than you thought and you asked yourself why he ended up doing this job.
“I don’t understand. Why you chose to become a clown?” you asked, curious.
“Nobody believed in me. In my school, they were all aristocratic and boring fellas. I’ve never been the angsty type and they adored drama and torment… But I didn’t want to make people cry. Life is already tragic so I didn’t want to make it more tragic. They laughed at me, saying I wasn’t refined or serious enough for this discipline. They said “make laugh” was not a noble art. At least, they made me understand it was not my destiny so here I’m now. I love making people laugh.” his smile never left his face and he did not seem sad or rancorous.
“Yes, I prefer laughing than crying…” you said, nodding.
“What do you think of a ride?” he proposed, spreading his arms as if he was hugging the air.
“Oh, I’m in!” you screamed with enthusiasm.
Yes, maybe this world could be filled with devils and rude people but there were also fantastic people who made this existence a little less painful. Today you learnt not to waste your tears because of some stupid child but showing them how you were able to kept smiling and having fun despite their harsh words. You were the one who laughed at life and no one had the right to steal your smiles.
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roxybefab · 5 years
Hi again and hope you don't mind me sending in a 2 parter again. Could I ask for a relationship hc for Beppi and a scenario of him with a SO who is physically incapable of smiling, but absolutely adores him and his clown routine? Thanks so much :)
Hey! I uploaded it a couple hours ago but forgot to put the thing here. But I’ll post a link to the blurb here
Smile - Beppi x Incapable of Smiling! Reader
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>>> AO3 ACCOUNT <<<
Underswap Papyrus x Neutral! Reader: Drugged~
Underswap! Sans & Female! French! Sibling: Bad habits~
Underswap! Papyrus x Neutral! Reader: Oh, alcohol, my old friend. My true love~
Fell! Sans x Neutral! Reader: A Drunky Mess~
Fell! Sans x Female! Reader: Some reasons to love you~
Burgerpants x Reader: Drabbles~ 
Undyne x Alphys: drabble 1~
Undyne x Alphys: drabble 2~
Undyne x Male! Reader: drabble 1~
Undyne x Male! Reader: drabble 2~
Toriel x Male! Reader: drabble 1~
Toriel x Male! Reader: drabble 2~
Tale! Sans x Fell! Sans: drabble~
Sans x Asgore: drabble~
Sans x Asgore: Plant growth in body~
Undyne x Female! Reader: drabble~
Sans x Older! Frisk: Drabbles~
Chara x Asriel: Drabbles~
Sans x Witch! Reader- First Part~
Mettaton x Female! Reader: Christmas Markets~
Mettaton x Female! Reader: Christmas Love Letter~
Fell! Grillby x Neutral! Reader: Drabble~
Sans x Reader: Love Letter ~
Sans x Female! Reader: Love Letter 2~
Fell! Sans x Reader: Love Letter~
Swap! Gaster & Daughter! Reader: Letter~
Gaster & Reader: Angst Drabble ~
Fell! Papyrus x Female! Reader: Love Letter~
Fem! Reader  x Red ( Fell! Sans ) -Boyfriend Scenario
Fem! Reader  x  Rus ( SF Papyrus ) -Boyfriend Scenario
Male! Reader x Red ( Fell! Sans ) - Christmas Edition -Boyfriend Scenario
 Male! Reader & Frisk: Daddy ~
Rus x Neutral! Reader:“I won’t let you get hurt.”~
Fell! Sans x Reader: Begging
Swap! Sans x Reader: Swimsuit 
Fell! Gaster x Neutral! Reader -  Love you to death
Tale! Papyrus x Neutral! Reader- A salvation named Papyrus 
Porrim x Female! Reader: NSFW ~
Damara x Male! Reader: NSFW~
Damara x Neutral! Reader: Drabble~
Equius x Neutral! Reader: Drabble 1~
Equius x Neutral! Reader: Drabble 2~
Feferi x Male! Reader: Drabble~
Jake English x Reader: Love Letter~
Boyfriend Scenario: Cronus x Reader
Boyfriend Scenario: Kurloz x Reader 1
Boyfriend Scenario: Kurloz x Reader  2
Boyfriend Scenarios: Kurloz x Reader 3
Boyfriend Scenario: Karkat x Reader
Mugman x Cala Maria: Drabbles~
Cuphead x Mugman:  Sharing a milkshake ~
Cuphead & Mugman: Winter Fever~
Cuphead & Mugman: Slices of life ~
Cuphead x Kind! Devil’s Daughter! Reader: My Special Friend~
Cuphead x Reader: Acid burn ~ 
King Dice x Cuphead: Life Bet~
King Dice x Evil! Cuphead : NSFW~
Hilda x Cala Maria: Under the same sky~
Hilda Berg & Her Mother: Mommy Issues~
Hilda Berg x Reader: Feathers
Hilda Berg x Male! Reader- First time
Girlfriend Scenarios: Hilda Berg x Reader~
The Devil x King Dice: Odd Friendship ~
Beppi The Clown x Hilda: The Laughing Moon ~ 
Mr. Wheezy x Female! Reader x Mangosteen: Wait no more - NSFW~
Mr. Wheezy x Female! Reader: Want to be yours~
Mr. Wheezy x Female! Reader: I will be yours NSFW
Mr. Wheezy x Female! Reader: Wet Shirt NSFW 
The Devil x Female! Reader: My Gentle Sinner ~
The Devil x Female! Reader: The new Uniform~
The Devil & Evil! Daughter! Reader
Beppi the Clown x Trans Male Reader:  The brightest day ~
Beppi the Clown & Child! Reader - A reason to smile ~
Beppi the Clown x Female! Reader: Kids ~
Djimmi the Great! & Child! Reader - Magical Friendship ~
Cagney x Female Reader: Orchid- NSFW ~
Cagney Carnation x Female! Reader: Are you mad? ~
Cagney Carnation x Female! Reader x Cala Maria: Fireflies~
Cagney Carnation x Male! Reader: Dominant 
Cagney Carnation x Female! Reader NSFW
Boyfriend Scenario: Cagney x Reader~
Cagney x Reader- Nightmares ~  
Baroness von Bon Bon x Female! Reader: Every shape of you - NSFW~
The Devil x Neutral! Reader x King Dice: Infernal Redemption- First part ~
The Devil x Neutral! Reader x King Dice: Infernal Redemption- Second part~
The Devil x Neutral! Reader x King Dice: Infernal Redemption- Third Part~
The Devil x Neutral! Reader x King Dice: Infernal Redemption- Fourth Part~
The Devil x Neutral! Reader x King Dice: Infernal Redemption- Part Five
King Dice x Neutral! Shy! Reader: Love Letter~
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Love letter [ Part Two ] ~
King Dice & Daughter! Child! Reader  
Human! King Dice x Female! Reader - The value of feelings
King Dice x Male! Reader: Wet Shirt
King Dice x Female! Reader:Handcuff  NSFW
King Dice x Monstrous! Reader: Horror and Angst Drabble ~
King Dice x Angel! Reader: The game of redemption- First Part~
King Dice x Angel! Reader: The game of redemption- Second Part
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Seductive Fate- First Part~
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Seductive Fate- Second Part (NSFW)~
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Wicked Game- First Part~
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Wicked Game- Second Part~
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Wicked Game- Third Part~
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Wicked Game- Fourth Part~
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Wicked Game- Fifth Part~
King Dice x Neutral! Reader: Wicked Game- Sixth Part~
Rarity x Male! Reader: Ballroom Dancing~
Fluttershy x Neutral! Reader: Wedding day~
Twilight x Reader: Drabble~
Rarity x Reader: Drabble~
Boyfriend Scenario: Kenny x Neutral! Reader~
Kyle x Neutral! Reader: The Secret Admirer~
Kyle x Female! Reader: Arranged Marriage~
Kenny x Female! Reader: Lost Child~
Chubby! Reader x Tino Vainamoinen ( APH Finland )
Fem! Reader x Lukas Bondevik  ( APH Norway )
Fem! Reader x Oliver Kirkland ( 2p England )
Francis Bonnefoy x Reader: Love Letter~
Gilbert x Reader: Love Letter~
Boyfriend Scenarios: Prussia x Reader 1
Boyfriend Scenarios: Prussia x Reader 2
Prussia x Female! Reader: Jelous~
Boyfriend Scenario: Kiku Honda x  Female! Reader (NSFW)~
Monika x Female! Reader- The princess of the desires (first part)
Yuri x Female!Reader -  Sweet obsession
Sayori x Male! Reader - Pony ( NSFW ) 
Natsuki x Male! Reader- Sorry (NSFW ) 
Natsuki x Female! Reader- You’re strong, baby. You have to be.
I think it’s over for now. This list will be updated some time, I just wanted to organize my stuff!
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