#benophie pie
winnie-the-monster · 2 days
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Lol why do I love this so much
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 months
answer me honestly ARE YOU THE BENOPHIE PIE ON INSTAGRAM????😧😧😧
Hahaha well hello!
Full honesty: yes I am 😜 It’s mentioned at the bottom of my pinned fic list on my profile. That’s me - spreading my Bridger-nonsense across platforms. Hopefully this is not upsetting news 😅
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heroninja-helvar · 2 years
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Eu postei 466 vezes em 2022
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Eu marquei 97 posts meus em 2022
#helnik - 21 posts
#bridgerton - 12 posts
#benedict bridgerton - 8 posts
#haikyuu!! - 7 posts
#i love them - 4 posts
#six of crows - 4 posts
#nina zenik - 4 posts
#batman wayne family adventures - 4 posts
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Maior tag: 48 caracteres
#and part of my sophie and benedict defense squad
Meus principais posts em 2022:
Anyone interest in a history about the crows kids?
Work still in progresse
0 notas - publicadas em 12 de outubro de 2022
Meu post nº 1 de 2022
Tag nine people you want to get to know better
Tagged @bridgertonian (thank you so much for tagging me <3)
Three ships: Benophie (bridgerton - and always part of the sophie beckett defense squad because YES
Helnik - forever and ever they're so perfect and I'll ignore everything that not include them happily ever after, i'm serious i love them so much and Danielle Gallighan and Calahan Skogman are sooooo perfect
Rollisi - I waited FIVE years for this shipp to happen. Nothing will take them from me now
First ever ship: Jack and Kate from Lost - I don't know how I feel about them now
Last song: Wonderland by Taylor Swift (always right as Jake Peralta would say)
Last film: Hotel Transylvania: Transformania (it was the worst of the series, the second is a masterpiece
Currently reading: The cousins
Currently Watching: Attack on titan - I'll need therapy
Currently consuming: Corn Cake, its amazing
Currently craving: chocolate pie
Tagging: @firelord-suki @finns-poe @quinlars @drsattlers @helnikdaily
and whoever wants to do it (and you can tag me i’ll love to see your answers :))
2 notas - publicadas em 27 de fevereiro de 2022
Veja a sua Retrospectiva 2022 →
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viscountessevie · 2 years
The Thrilling Bridgerton Poll Saga Reaches Its Conclusion!
Original Post About the Poll, The Polios Being Insane About This and The Bridgerton Poll tag 
Yall l’m interrupting Kathony time to let you know that the Bridgerton Poll Survey Results were posted! A couple of yall sent me the links shoutout to @queenkatesharma​ for sending them to me. 
Okay so while transparency is great, protecting people’s data is more important. The OP of the post was kind of reckless and posted the data document with all of the raw data and I just felt very concerned about sharing that here because of the unprotected data so I reached out to with the mods to help secure it. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to save a copy of the doc so I can make my own summary for yall in my essay but its probably for the best. That being said I did get screenshots of a brief summary from the OP before the posts were taken down to protect the privacy of everyone: 
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[I cropped out the link lmao didn’t want anyone to access it while it was still public] 
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Okay but THIS is the important part: 
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Anyways it wasn’t a competition,, but GUESS WHO WON lmaooo. Honestly I do think there’s alot of overlap with the other smaller fandom ships like I’m a Kathony and Franchel and also love me some Benophie! (I’ll probably be a Hyareth and Grucy once I get to their books lmao) 
Bonus: This was a very funny comment I found on the Polios sub
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“Vocal minority” “Contentious” Literally all we said was Why is it so invasive and why the hell do you need all that info to glean about people in the fandom - it didn’t help the Polios themselves added to the fire about linking the intelligence to the ships that’s solely on them. 
While I am glad the data is secured, I do mourn the loss of not being able to analyse it myself and make yall cute pie charts in my essay. That being said and while the data won’t be the exact same - would you all be interested in doing a shorter version that doesn’t ask so many personal questions and just asks you why you ship what you ship (literally what I expected from this survey tbh)? 
Let me know and I can make a quick google survey version where the pie chart will be auto generated for us lmao. If not, I’ll probably just put in the info I’ve been gleaning from asks to my moots and what we gathered from the ‘intellectual’ attorneys of the Pollon sub. Also for a bunch of self-proclaimed “smart lawyers”, they were TOO excited about having all that data without even thinking of privacy laws???   
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bluerosejuliet · 2 years
Shipping Wars in the Bridgerton Fandom
Okay, I understand that not everyone’s favorite couple is going to be Polin just as not everyone’s favorite couple is going to be Kathony. But for goodness sake can everyone stop bashing on everyone else’s ships! I get being upset at your favorite pair not receiving their screen time. Polin was and still is one of my favorite couples in the show but I also love Kathony and would have been thrilled to see more of their scenes and less of the Featherington family. Mainly because it was Kathony’s season and the lead actors hit it out of the park in their portrayal of Kate and Anthony. But alas I am not the writer of the show.  Also, you don’t have to love all of characters or couples but that doesn’t mean we should attack everyone else who does! We do not need Kathony and Polin civil war people!! 
 I personally am a polygamous shipper. I adore Kathony and I love Polin! I’m also a fan of Benophie, Grucy and Philoise. People are allowed to like more than one ship or have just one they really love. Just like how people have more than one favorite dessert. Some days I really want a chocolate cake and other days I want ice cream. And my friend might like apple pie while I think it’s not so great but I don’t rub it in their face if the buffet is serving more ice cream than pie. 
Season three in about half a year or more. Do we really want to spend the wait antagonizing each other? We don’t have to be friends but we can be civil to each other. There is enough hate already in the world and I’m not wasting any of that on fictional characters or ships.
I hope you all have a nice day!
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
How and when did Sophie and Benedict first say “I love you” to one another? Was it as dramatic as the Kate/Anthony or Lucy/Gregory?
Could anything be as dramatic as Gregory running up five flights of stairs to declare his love for Lucy to stop her going on a date... that wasn’t a date? Or Kate crying on Daphne’s front lawn while Anthony screams into the night how much he loves her? I doubt it. And while I truly, deeply, adore a big dramatic declaration of love where the music swells and people dance in the back ground (Because surprise, I’m a messy bitch tbh) sometimes it’s a little more lowkey. Like These guys (psst. There’s a Benophie drabble under the cut)
If Sophie really thought about it, she’d known that she could fall in love with Benedict Bridgerton from the very first time she’d spoken to him. When they’d sat outside his sister’s wedding trading random facts about themselves while the tips of their shoes touched and she’d had the oddest feeling that if she sat there any longer she would have told him anything he wanted to know. So she really shouldn’t have been surprised when she’d looked at him as they sat in hyde park, him sketching away absently, his left hand intertwined with her right on their third date and the sunlight had caught in his brown hair making little streaks of red visible and he’d looked up and grinned as though he honestly couldn’t believe he was there with her and her heart had fluttered and she’d had to choke back three words from rushing from her heart. 
And when they’d stood to leave and she’d summoned all the courage she possessed and said  “Do you actually have somewhere you need to go, or were you just going home?” and he’d looked at her, his eyes hesitant as though he thought he knew what she was trying to be bold enough to ask but needed to be sure. Needed to be sure that she was sure before he said  “I was just going home.” and she’d taken a deep breath and said  “Would it be okay if I joined you?” and she’d laid in his arms afterwards feeling safe, and warm and cared for for the first time in a very long time, she’d had to choke back the words all over again. Because she may not be the most experience at relationships (which they were definitely in because he’d asked her hesitantly on her front step that first night they’d gone out together) but even she knew you couldn’t tell a man you loved him less than two weeks into a relationship. Even if you were certain it was true. 
And she’d had to bite back the words so many, many times since that first moment. When he showed up with flowers for no apparent reason, when he bought her a new pair of socks even though he muttered honestly Sophie who gets cold in July, When he listened to her compliment an apple pie he’d supposedly made before he cracked and said I can’t lie, my Mum made it, I just put it on that plate. And it was getting harder and harder to stop herself from saying anything. And she knew it was ridiculous. She should be content just to be in the same room as him, really. To have him kiss her gently on the cheek and moan he name in her ear should be enough. But it wasn’t, she knew how she felt and she desperately wanted him to feel the same way. And maybe it was selfish, but it was the truth.
In the end it happens quite by accident, she doesn’t even really register she’s said it.  “Kate’s invited us to dinner tonight.” Benedict had said casually, as he poured himself some cereal, and Sophie had had to actively stop herself from freezing. She was working on not being terrified of Benedict’s family. She’d had lunch with Kate and Lucy just yesterday and it had gone well, but even so, even when she’d been to their house before, Kate and Anthony separately but especially together were more than a little intimidating. Benedict seemed to look up to them so much Sophie couldn’t help herself from desperately wanting them to like her. She forced herself to hum nonchalantly, chewing her own cereal slowly. “That’s okay right? She apparently got us something from Switzerland. Well, they both did I assume.” He said watching her carefully.
Sophie felt her brow furrow  “Kate and Anthony have a... gift for me?” She’d said, emotion nearly choking her, and Benedict had nodded slowly. Sophie had cleared her throat trying to stop tears from coming to her eyes as she swallowed the last mouthful, standing to put her bowl in the sink “Yeah that’s fine.” She said quietly and she could see Benedict grinning happily from the corner of her eye even before she turned around. ‘I’m only doing lunch service today so I’ll be done by 5 and then I’ll pick up a change of clothes and meet you here?” Benedict had nodded happily again and her heart had felt very full suddenly as she looked at this incredible person who had accepted her into his life.  “I better go, or I’ll be late.” She said leaning over the counter to kiss his cheek. “See you tonight, love you.” And she left the room. She was at the front door opening it when she heard Benedict’s footsteps heavy on the floorboards, and suddenly it dawned on her what she’d said. Panic filling her chest as he rounded the corner. 
“Ben I’m-” she started but he didn’t let her finish. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist, his lips meeting hers in a searing kiss and her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. When he pulled back, there were tears in his eyes, and she could feel them pricking at her own.  “Sophie Beckett, I am so in love with you.” He said, his voice cracking a little and she felt a tear touch her cheek as her heart stopped altogether. She took a shuddering breath. “Good, Because I Love you too.” She said and his grin was very nearly blinding as he leant his forehead against hers, their noses touching “But I really have to go to work.” He laughed brightly before kissing her cheek, opening the door and saying “Have a good day at work, I Love you!” 
And Sophie had to bite her lip to keep from smiling all day.  
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If Benedict and Sophie's engagement turns out to be a sham or some sort of PR stunt then I will lose so much respect for him. I will be really annoyed.
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heroninja-helvar · 3 years
Tag nine people you want to get to know better
Tagged @bridgertonian (thank you so much for tagging me <3)
Three ships: Benophie (bridgerton - and always part of the sophie beckett defense squad because YES
Helnik - forever and ever they're so perfect and I'll ignore everything that not include them happily ever after, i'm serious i love them so much and Danielle Gallighan and Calahan Skogman are sooooo perfect
Rollisi - I waited FIVE years for this shipp to happen. Nothing will take them from me now
First ever ship: Jack and Kate from Lost - I don't know how I feel about them now
Last song: Wonderland by Taylor Swift (always right as Jake Peralta would say)
Last film: Hotel Transylvania: Transformania (it was the worst of the series, the second is a masterpiece
Currently reading: The cousins
Currently Watching: Attack on titan - I'll need therapy
Currently consuming: Corn Cake, its amazing
Currently craving: chocolate pie
Tagging: @firelord-suki @finns-poe @quinlars @drsattlers @helnikdaily
and whoever wants to do it (and you can tag me i’ll love to see your answers :))
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