lagunamarieart · 1 year
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a painting by me, never posted art here before but why not 
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animelover6195 · 5 years
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Lily (old boarder) came to say hi. Axxel got overexcited. Lily got scared. Axxel got scolded 🤦🤦🤦 @shriganenthra #petboardingmalaysia #dogboarding #dogstagram #doggo #Axxel #crazyboy #whysohyper #beniceplease #poorlily (at Southlake Terraces Field) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhsXAyhxfy/?igshid=nj9dcte6y3ez
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kibatsuchibi · 7 years
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"I am so sorry. Your occupation sounds tedious. I mean, really, woefully, dull. Politicking must be the most unstimulating job in existence." -- R. F. Jackaby #ghostlyechoes #williamritter #jackabyseries #jackaby #bookworm #bookstagram #booklr #bookquotes #beginnerbookblogger #beniceplease #toomanyhashtags #sorrynotsorry
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anarchannie · 8 years
Now just to perfect the makeup/skin tone Weeee #cosplay #costume #raven #teentitans #diy #create #imnewtocosplay #beniceplease
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"What are you doing!?" I yelled angrily at Caleb as he slumped onto me as we played on my old Nintendo. "You know I'm not that strong you asshole and you're heavy as fuck..." He sighed as he got off of me. "Well you didn't have to yell in my ear Jack... Plus your comfy so shut up... "He said laying his head back on my shoulder. I blushed from embarrassment but pouted because I was told to shut up "So-sorry..." I mummbled looking off to the side. He smirked lifting his head to look at me, "Better be." Blushing again as his green eyes shimmered looking at me, my heart raced slightly looking at my dear friend. He then got up ruffling my hair then walked towards my door," Well I'll see you tomorrow at school alright and get some sleep, you've haven't been looking well lately alright." As he left I grabbed my pillow and fell to my side holding it tightly, /"And who's fault is that exactly..." /I thought bitterly knowing the answer. Lately I've been thinking a lot about Caleb, it could be the death of me. He's always been by my side since elementary. Me being weak and all...he's always been the type to take care of people who look helpless. I then bury my face into my pillow thinking,/ "am I helpless..."/ Driffting off into a sombersome sleep. As I walked to the school I felt like shit. "Hey Jack how you doin!?" I look up to see Hailey in front of me and the next thing in my face are her Double d's smothering me. I start flailing in a panic hoping Caleb won't see "Hailey let me go Damnit!" I exclaimed but it mostly came out as muffled noises. "No way! I finally see you without your body guard and I wanted to see you!" She said happily swaying back and forth still smothering me. I finally manage to break free to gasp for air and look at her angrily, "FOR FUCK SAKES WOMAN LET ME GO!" I nearly screeched at her. Her hazel eyes then start tearing up, "Yo-you... Didn't have to yell..." She started to whimper and sniffle as she set me down. I sighed in defeat, "Sorry I just am not in the mood..." I scratched my head sweating slightly as on goers and classmates watched and passed "What's going on?" I jumped slightly hearing Calebs voice behind me as Hailey's face brightened up again and glomped at Caleb's arms and pressed up against him, "Jack won't accept my love, Caleb." She whined as I sighed shaking my head and walked away. "You teasing him again Hailey?" He laughed softly, looking at me. I sighed looking over my shoulder and blushed thinking as I looked at him in his school uniform, /"Has he always been that handsome..."/ I then turned my head shaking my head blushing covering my mouth. He then walked behind me and tilted his head, " Jack... You alright?" I kept my head forwards and nodded, "Yeah.. I'm fine." I lied as I ruffled my hair again and started off to our class with him and Haily on my heels. "Hey are you really okay?" I look up to see his eyes looking at me as he hung his head over, nearly making me jump out of my skin, but instead made me fall to the ground, "Shit man are you trying to give me a heart attack!" I said flustered as I grasped at my shirt as if it where my heart, silently hoping he couldn't hear it. Sitting on the floor against his legs he looked down covering his mouth trying to hold back a laugh, then hid his face with his hair auburn red hair, then chuckles out, "Sorry there Jack..." then bends down and picks me up without any effort and sets me back on my feet and dusts me off. I fumed silently as he dusted me off then grabbed my chin to make me look at him and tilted my head side to side, I then smacked his hand away blushing madly, my face burned with his touch. He looked hurt, something that I have never seen before, but then stood back up rubbing the back of his neck and mummbled, "Sorry... I did something unnecessary again.." I looked up at him concerned then felt hands wrap around my waist as Haily hugged me from behind resting her chin on top of my head making me feel short. "You know today's our physicals today in P.E." she smirked and then started feeling up my chest, "I'd love to know your measurements Jack.." she giggled. I fumed as Caleb watched smirking, "Seriously Haily..." I said through gritted teeth, Caleb then pulled me away and hugged me, then groped at my chest, "Well don't hog him now Hailey." He teased but I blushed furiously and pushed away at him then was saved as the teacher came in and told us to sit down. I then rested my head on my desk already worn out from those two. As class dismissed, I grabbed my bag and headed for lunch in hurry away from both of them, accidentally bummping into someone in the process but was sent flying back onto the floor, "Shit..." I grummbled rubbing my neck from the whiplash, as a tall senior bent over to look me into my face worried, "Are you alright?" He asked his kind grey eyes and handsome face took me off guard making me blush, he stared at me for a moment then smiles, "If you make that kind of face, I'll want to kiss you." He tilted his head smiling, I nearly jumped out of my skin again blushing madly, then looked off to the side, "What a weird thing to say...." He then chuckles then held his hand out as I reached for it. Caleb then walks up and picks me up from behind by my waiste and looks at the senior, "Sorry Kenny, but this is mine..." He then runs with me dangling there, I flailed as a slew of profanity escaped my mouth as we flew the halls. He stops and sets me down panting. I looked about and found us in the locker room. I was fuming, "Seriously WHAT THE HEL-" He then looked at me with an expression I've never seen before then he hugged me. "Don't let him near you... Do you hear me..." He said softly but with a tone of seriousness behind it. He then chuckles and looks at me, "May I rest my head on your shoulder..." He asked catching me off guard, "I've never stopped you before..." I said softly looking off to the side blushing slightly. He then rest his head then turns his head towards my neck, his hot breath against my skin made me blush madly as I looked up at the ceiling I practically sat against my hands on the locker as not to do anything. He then smiles then shifts slightly enough, his lips barely touched my neck as he spoke, "Can you not be cute please..." He said softly with a pain in his voice, catching me off guard, I leaned away to look at him but was caught up in his grasp as his lips lock onto mine his tongue wrapping around mine leaving my mind reeling as he then leaned back to look at me, my hands then raised up to hit him but he then grabbed both of them and pinned them above my head as he looked at me. "Ca-Caleb.. Wh-what are you..." I said completely lost for words my face burning, his eyes looked me up and down as his free hand slowly unbuttons the top two buttons, and his lower half of his body presses against mine, "Do you know how patient I have been with you.." he said softly bent over kissing my neck. Then bites down on my exposed collar and sucking slightly leaving a mark, I gasped in pain but then blushed madly feeling the burning sensation course through my body. I looked at him lost in thought as he caressed my cheek looking at me then whips his head around looking about then let's me go. I slide against the lockers onto the floor, he then squats down to look at me and raises my chin up and kisses me gently this time, "Please be more considerate..." He said then gets up and walks away. I watched in shock then looked down at my shirt and then runs over to the sinks and saw how red my face was, my hands trembled as I tried to re-button my shirt, I looked at my face again my black hair all in a disarray my neck red and already starting to bruise, my lips slightly swollen, my reflection looked at me, wide with surprise yet confusion I then bent over holding myself tightly, "What the hell was that..." I said softly as tears swelled up I then wiped at my face then stood up and fixed myself up and stared into my own dark blue eyes intensely. "This is Caleb we're talking about... He'd have a reason.." I blushed again feeling confused yet elated to think we share the same feelings. I then looked up to see Kenny leaning against the lockers, I turned and grasped at my shirt collar hiding my neck and slowly inched towards the exit. He looked at me pained, "Awe... Did Caleb say something to you... I'm not that bad... But I'd never stoop low to steal another guys man..." I looked at him and sighed looking down, "Well we're not exactly going out.." I said softly, he perked up slightly but smiles shaking his head, "I've never seen Caleb that serious for anything other than wrestling..." He said smiling looking at me, I blushed looking down, "And I can see why.." He smiled brightly and then turned to see another person come in, a younger slender yet built student, he looked at me then to Kenny, "Are you having an affair on me you jerk..." He said as his light blue eyes getting slightly teary eyed. Kenny laughed softly shaking his head then reached his hand out to him, "Skylar babe, you know that can't happen..." He smirked as Skylar then ran up to him and hugged him. I blushed confused watching them then shakes my head, "Uh... Excuse me then..." I then walked towards the exit. "Cherrish him... But if you need anyone to comfort you when he's being an ass, come to me." He said to me smiling softly. "Kenny you ass, I am here you know.." Skylar pouted, Kenny laughed patting his head then leans down and kisses him, he kissed happily back. I then turned and left completely baffled./ "So they can be so open in public huh.."/ I thought as I walked back to class. As school ended I made myself scarce when it came to Caleb and Hailey. But then I then felt someone come up behind me and hug me and at the same time smother me with her breast, "WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY! ME AND CALEB WERE LOOKING FOR YOU!" She wailed in my ears, I leaned away to gasp for air, "Well I'm here aren't I?" I looked about and didn't see Caleb, I then looked up and sighed as Hailey rubbed her face into my hair, "Hailey I'm fine please let me go..." She let me go surprised that I didn't yell and looked me up and down. "You okay Jack..." She asked softly, I looked at her and smiled softly, "Thank you for worrying about me..." She blushed then smiles happily, "No problem, you know you can talk to me about anything. Ah, also you'll find Caleb in the Science room asleep." she giggled then skipped away. I shook my head watching her then sighed as I walked back and found him, laying his head down oh his desk. I walked over and squatted down and peeked up at him resting my chin on his desk. "You idiot..couldn't you wait till you get home to nap..." I said softly watching his face, listening to his soft snores, my hand then gently moves his hair out of his face and I smile watching, "I love you..." I said gently. His eyes then snap open as his hand grasped my wrist. "What did you say.." He looked at me surprised, my heart leaped out of my chest as I stood up looking at him. "Yo-you were awake!?" I squeaked out blushing madly. He then let my wrist go then looked down and then hid his face his ears exsposed, completely red. "Well how could I seriously be asleep after what I did to you... I thought you'd hate me for sure..." He said muffled hiding his face in his arms. I then blushed then smirked shaking my head then leaned down to whisper into his ear, " Come to my room tonight... I want to tell and hear everything." I turned not looking back,/"Its up to him if he wants to come or not but I want to know everything... And I want to tell him everything..."/ I thought while blushing madly. As night time came around I patiently waited and jumped as I heard my door open, he stood there looking at me, I looked up at him while hugging my pillow tightly, "What took you so long." He then plopped himself right next to me and turned to look at me. "I was scared to be honest..." He said softly, "I thought this was a test... But I wanted to know..." He looked at me and my heart raced looking at a new face I've never seen before, my hand without knowing caressed it he leaned into it holding my hand there and started to tear up, "I thought my feeling would never reach you..." He said softly his eyes looking at me while he kissed my hand. I looked at him blushing but sighed looking at him and leaned forward and kissed him, he closed his eyes as tears escaped, "I thought you where always mad at me..." He said softly, "Always avoiding me...But that only made me want you more..." He said looking at me. I chuckled softly, "Well I thought you were only doing that as a friend..." I smirked then leaned back and exsposed my now purple neck, "But I got the point now..." He jumped then blushed madly, something I've never witnessed before, "I-I.. I didn't mean to be that rough... I just kinda snapped when you where near Kenny... And what he said..." I blushed when I watched him curl up hiding behind his knees, pouting, "I didn't mean to..." I then stopped him by patting his head and smiles shaking my head, "Well to be honest, I'm happy this how you feel... Because I've been in love with you for awhile..." He chuckled looking at me, "Well I've probably been in love with you longer..." He looked at me, "How can that be? How long have you loved me?" I asked curiously, feeling my face get hot. "Since the day I met you..." He chuckled looking at me. I blushed then looked down, "I only started loving you since last year..." He smiled then pulled me into his lap, "Well I'm happy all my paid off love came to this then." He held me there and nuzzled into my neck and kissed it softly. I blushed and looked at him, he looked into my eyes then smiles, he then lifts my chin up and kisses me with a more gentle force his tongue wrapping around mine again, I leaned back panting feeling hot all over. His free hand then travels up the front of my shirt and starts massaging my chest and pinching my nipples, I let out a small moan then covers my mouth panting, He looked at me and smiles pulling down my hand, "No I want to hear you." He said as his other hand then slides down into my sweats, I gasped as I felt his touch burn through my body. He then got up and bent me over and stripped me of my sweats and boxers and continued to touch me and stroke me, I gasped and panted letting out soft moan but then gasped again as I felt him press against me and then moaned softly, "I want you now...Jack.." He said as his fingers tailed my back muscles, I then sat up and took my shirt off and bent over and exposed myself not knowing what came over me, "I want you too Caleb." He looked me up and down then grabbed my waist and I jolted up feeling him enter slowly, it hurt at first then he grabbed my throat and bent me back enough to kiss me deeply as he entered me all the way. I smiled as tear escaped feeling the one I loved connected with me. I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes I sat up and instantly bent over In pain wondering why I was in such pain, then I look over and see Caleb sleeping soundly next to me, I stared blankly at him and then covered my mouth and scooted to the wall and looked at him, completely exsposed, "So it wasn't a dream..." I said softly looking at him. His eyes fluttered open then sat up yawning and looked at me, "Oh.. why are you over there?" He asked curiously looking me up and down then covers his face blushing, " Uh... Don't you have a swim meet today?" He mummbled into his hand, I looked at him confused then looked down and noticed it was covered in little hickies and glares at him, "SERIOUSLY!" I then launched myself at him and wrestled with him. As we both walked to school Hailey then runs up and hugs me as usual, and as I was about to yell at her, Caleb pats her shoulder, "Hey be gentle he's a little sore.." she looked at him I glared at him blushing, she then laughed letting go and sighed out, "Finally, I thought it was never going to happen." she then winked and smirked, "I've always been cheering you two on." I blushed and looked down then felt Caleb grab my hand slightly blushing but he smiled at me, "I love you... You know that Jack." He squeezed my hand and I smiled back, "Better be." I squeezed his hand in return.
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mssarahlouise · 9 years
#musicmonday this is incredibly rough and not my best because I'm still choking on dust from the Renaissance Faire yesterday, plus I'm losing my voice for the umpteenth time this year, but this song has been stuck in my head for two days and sometimes you have to sing a song because you're nostalgic and miss someone that much. #alltimelow #thepoppunkpixie #nostalgia #defendpoppunk #amateursinging #beniceplease
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itsaminaduh · 11 years
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I always get asked about my makeup so.. ya girl made a makeup video! Just in time for valentines too! Look out for it some time tonight💁✌️😊 #beniceplease
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So today I had everything thrown in my face. I feel like I'm going to fall apart. 
1. I woke up to my thumb being swollen and filled with puss.
2. I have six math homework assignments to finish this week.
3.I have a giant IB Biology photo collage to do for my "Dad".
4. I have to read Gatsby and do four blog posts on it.
5. I have to get an MRI with a dye in my hip= mega pain for four days.
6. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow where I will probably get told I have to get my wisdom teeth out.
7. I might miss first day of crew because of the dentist.
8. I have to make up two labs and a few papers for IB Biology by Friday.
9. I can't get my MRI this weekend because FINALS ARE NEXT WEEK. I can't get it the weekend after because I have crew and it's comic con. Then the next weekend is the Masquerade. Yay February 7th.
10. Periods and boys.
11. Depression
12. PTSD related to hospitals.
13.Family problems are blowing up again.
I could use a little bit of hugging and laying off this week. So please, do that. And maybe even bribe my teachers to do so as well.
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