#benefits of drinking buttermilk with hing
seoplassy · 4 months
Cooking with Hing Powder in Everyday Meals
If you're looking to add a unique twist to your everyday meals, look no further than Hing Powder. Also known as asafetida powder, this potent spice has been a staple in Indian cuisine for centuries, revered for its distinctive aroma and myriad health benefits. In this blog, we'll explore how to incorporate Hing Powder into your cooking, its health benefits, and tips for buying and storing it.
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What is Hing Powder?
Hing Powder, or asafetida powder, is derived from the resin of the Ferula plant. It has a strong, pungent smell that mellows out during cooking to impart a savory, umami flavor to dishes. Traditionally used in Indian cuisine, it holds a special place in Ayurvedic medicine and is often used as a digestive aid.
Health Benefits of Hing Powder
Using Hing Powder in your cooking can offer several health benefits:
Digestive Aid: Hing Powder is renowned for its ability to reduce bloating and gas, making it a common ingredient in dishes designed to soothe the digestive system.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: This spice helps in reducing inflammation and pain, contributing to overall wellness.
Antimicrobial Effects: Hing Powder fights against harmful bacteria and viruses, supporting a healthy immune system.
Cooking with Hing Powder
Incorporating Hing Powder into your cooking is easier than you might think. Here are some tips to get you started:
How to Use Hing Powder: Typically, a small pinch of Hing Powder is enough to add depth to your dishes. It is often tempered in hot oil to release its full flavor before adding other ingredients.
Combining with Other Spices: Hing Powder pairs well with spices like turmeric, cumin, and coriander. Adding it to your spice blends can enhance the overall flavor profile of your dishes.
Best Practices: Store Hing Powder in an airtight container to maintain its potency. Use sparingly, as its strong flavor can easily overpower other ingredients.
Everyday Recipes with Hing Powder
Hing Powder can be a versatile addition to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes:
Vegetarian Dishes: Use Hing Powder in lentil dishes (dal), vegetable curries (sabzi), and chutneys for an extra burst of flavor.
Non-Vegetarian Dishes: Enhance the taste of meat and fish curries with a pinch of Hing Powder.
Beverages: Add Hing Powder to buttermilk or digestive teas to enjoy its health benefits in a refreshing drink.
International Cuisines
While Hing Powder is traditionally associated with Indian cuisine, it can also be used in a variety of international dishes:
Fusion Recipes: Experiment with Hing Powder in soups, stews, and even pasta to create unique fusion recipes.
Global Appeal: Chefs around the world are starting to incorporate Hing Powder into their menus, appreciating its ability to add complexity to various dishes.
Flavor Profile of Hing Powder
One of the most distinctive aspects of Hing Powder is its unique aroma:
Unique Aroma: Although it has a pungent smell in its raw form, Hing Powder mellows during cooking to provide a savory flavor.
Umami Boost: Hing Powder adds depth and complexity, making it a valuable ingredient for enhancing the umami profile of your dishes.
Substitute for Garlic and Onion: For those who avoid garlic and onion due to dietary restrictions, Hing Powder serves as an excellent substitute.
Buying and Storing Hing Powder
To get the most out of your Hing Powder, it’s important to buy and store it correctly:
Where to Buy: Quality Hing Powder can be found in Indian grocery stores or online. Look for reputable brands to ensure you get the best product.
Storage Tips: Keep Hing Powder in an airtight container away from light and moisture to maintain its potency.
Cultural Insights
Hing Powder has a rich cultural heritage:
Traditional Uses: In addition to its culinary applications, Hing Powder is used in Ayurvedic medicine for its therapeutic properties.
Regional Variations: Different types of Hing Powder are used across various regions of India, each offering a slightly different flavor profile.
Incorporating Hing Powder into your everyday meals can unlock a world of flavor and health benefits. Whether you're adding it to traditional Indian dishes or experimenting with fusion recipes, Hing Powder is a versatile spice that deserves a place in your kitchen. Start small, experiment with different dishes, and discover the unique taste that Hing Powder brings to your culinary creations. Share your experiences and recipes, and enjoy the rich flavors and benefits of this incredible spice!
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jsms01 · 1 year
Buttermilk benefits: Why it is a better summer cooler than curd
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Having curd with food is almost a staple in every Indian household. It keeps the body cool. However, have you ever thought that chaach or buttermilk that is made using curd itself, may be better to keep your body cooler in the summer heat? As per Ayurveda, not only is buttermilk lighter to digest, but it also suits all body types. It is believed that curd leaves a warming effect on the body, while buttermilk is cooling in nature. If that blows your mind, then read on to know why buttermilk could be better for your body in terms of its cooling effects. Health Shots reached out to Dr Priyanka Rohatgi, Chief Clinical Dietician, Apollo Hospitals, Bengaluru, to understand why buttermilk cools down the body better than curd.
Health benefits of buttermilk vs curd
When you consume curd, it interacts with the stomach heat and catalyses the fermenting process aggressively. This increases the temperature of the body instead of cooling it down. However, the same does not happen when we drink buttermilk because when you put water in the curd, the fermentation stops.
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We can’t rule out the health benefits of good old chaach!1. Aids in digestionBoth curd and buttermilk are probiotics that keep the gut bacteria healthy. This tasty-yet-healthy drink of buttermilk is a powerhouse of important probiotics, vitamins, and minerals that keeps our body temperature low even in extreme heat. So, you can drink a glass of cold buttermilk to revive your energy and cool down your body naturally. Pro tip: You can add condiments such as cumin powder, pink salt, and cilantro to provide some extra added benefits in digestion. In India, people also add clarified butter (ghee) along with hing, ginger, chilly and curry to aid in the digestion process.2. Buttermilk aids in weight loss“If your digestive fire is aggravated and you have proper digestion, then you can have whole-fat curd to help you gain weight. However, if you have weight-loss goals, you can just have buttermilk with an extra amount of water and less curd ratio,” shares the expert.Also read: Make this buttermilk and oats mask for flawless skin and voluminous hair this monsoon Track your health on the go ! Download Healthshots App3. Drinking buttermilk gives you a lighter feeling“The potency of curd is hot, while the buttermilk made using the same curd goes through a different process and, its formulation makes it cool in nature. So, we can keep away from the curd in the summer season and have buttermilk instead,” says the expert.
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Stay hydrated this summer with chaas! Image courtesy: ShutterstockOther benefits of chaachApart from easing digestion and combating dehydration, buttermilk has some other health benefits, points the expert.• It helps soothe an irritated gut lining after a spicy meal. • It washes down the fats that you have consumed in a heavy meal. • It is a good source of calcium and can also be taken by lactose-intolerant people, who have to skip on milk. • It is rich in vitamins and is hence healthy for your body. • Milk fat globule membranes found in buttermilk help control high blood pressure. It is also a bioactive protein that keeps cholesterol under check. • The same globules are also anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer. • It also helps soothe an irritated stomach lining due to acid reflux thus helping combat acidity. Source link Read the full article
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digimakacademy · 4 years
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मासिक पाळीच्या वेदनांमधून सुटका मिळवण्यासाठी जाणून घ्या आयुर्वेदिक पद्धत मासिक पाळीदरम्यान पोट, ओटीपोट आणि कंबरदुखीच्या त्रासाचा सामना प्रत्येक महिलेला करावा लागतो. पीरियड्समध्ये प्रत्येक महिला कित्येक प्रकारच्या शारीरिक आणि मानसिक समस्यांमुळे त्रस्त असते.
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Discover the Benefits Of Turmeric, The Great Indian Herb
When you may go into the sauna, should certainly begin to take a seat on over the bench. If you feel dizzy or ill at any age while on sauna, require to immediately exit the house. If it is your first time, make sure you gradually get use for the environment to take a seat for about 15 minutes at an occasion full. Work your way nearly the upper benches as you become accustomed towards heat. As well, have a lower temperature so which adjust towards temperature better and not feel faint or tired. Avoid taking alcohol and drugs and you should have $ 22 of water available you're now done sitting. Stress boost cortisol, decrease proper digestive function and impair how essential nutrients get wrapped up. Without these nutrients can not be feeling very theraputic for long. Keep your meal environment as stress free as conceivable. Believe me, it claims. I have seen a variety of my clients suffering from all of sorts of digestive discomfort, and by doing this simple fix they really become more relaxed, healthier and far better. Juice cucumbers and dark leafy greens together. While leafy greens are high in nutrients, do not make for your tastiest of juices. Cucumber will just mask this taste, but adds a refreshing flavor to your drink. Cucumber also contains important nutrients; include the peel for max benefit. Some forms of seaweed or kelp contain small varieties of EPA. For example, wakame kelp could be the best vegan source of EPA. Ought to you consumed 44 (forty-four) tablespoons of dried wakame per day, you would get about 400mg of EPA. Of your respective daily lot of wakame. Particular consumption is closer to or two tablespoons. Asafoetida (hing in Hindi) is is a resin from the neighborhood tree. Has a very unpleasant smell which is most likely why Turmeric Benefits could be also called Devil's dung. Its odour is so strong that going barefoot should remain away from other spices if you would like to prevent it from contaminating them. It is available as a fine powder or in small chunks that could be crushed. It needs to be added small quantities at the start of a dish, right after the oil has heated a small amount. Asafoetida is very very therapeutic for digestion as well as anti-flatulent. If you use skinless chicken, be specific to marinate it in buttermilk to help seal on the inside moisture. Your website coating of seasoned flour to seal in the flavour and provide a nice crispness to the outer come to the fore. You will be very pleased with this excess fat chicken meal that will taste just like cold given that it was hot from the oven. The mentioned benefits probably appeal to everyone. Some people truly enjoy creating outfits and dazzling themselves in garments at a night on the town. However, Boost Turmeric nudism has scientifically Turmeric benefits. Tip 2 Salt isn't a Spice: If you are needing to refill your salt shaker every week there's definitely something improperly. Salt should only be used when cooking to bring out the natural flavor of food to cover it up. NaCl (Sodium Chloride) or table salt is yet it will help natural meal. Even purchase are using sea salt, remember added with it sparingly - a dash almost all you need.
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baileyarthur33-blog · 6 years
Best Chronic Hyperacidity Cure for Indigestion to Remove Gas Problem
Step by step process for how to cure indigestion problem is one thing that loads of individuals want to know about. It is a common problem and frequently caused by the way you live your life. Sometimes it also causes serious inconvenience in the stomach area, and can cause torment, acid reflux, queasiness and notwithstanding regurgitating in extreme cases. Therefore, it is better not to ignore indigestion problem and find some herbal remedies for hyperacidity cure.
The main cause behind indigestion problem is poor dietary patterns or way of life; therefore, the very important and first step which you need to take in order to get rid of indigestion is to change your lifestyle and eating habit. Obviously, your specialist can endorse certain medications, yet if you are looking for a natural way for how to cure indigestion problem then read this article till the end.
The primary activity is to altogether wash down your stomach related framework. This should be possible by including fruits in your diet, consume less calories for around 5 days. After this, you can begin to include vegetables into the eating routine alongside buttermilk for a time of around 10 days.
At that point you can step by step start taking different foodstuffs until the point that you are eating a decent quality and solid eating regimen. If you experience the ill effects of interminable acid reflux you ought to likewise take below discussed precautions:
• Try not to eat and drink in the meantime. Fluids ought to be devoured about ½ an hour prior to a feast, and after that again after around an hour of eating.
• Take as much time as is needed when eating.
• Try not to eat until the point that you can eat no more. You ought to dependably complete before you get to this point.
• On the off chance that you are not ravenous, at that point don't constrain yourself to eat
• Try not to eat when feeling enthusiastic.
• Endeavor to eat proteins and starches independently, not in the meantime.
Other natural way to remove gas problem
1. Yellow Mustard
This is a very basic and easily found best chronic hyperacidity cure. It contains acetic acid which helps in lowering the acidity level and provides instant relief from indigestion problem and also cure heartburn and gas.
2. Ginger
Ginger is another successful best chronic hyperacidity cure treatment for acid reflux and is additionally incredible for solving your indigestion problem.
3. Cinnamon
Cinnamon anticipates gas arrangement by diminishing the discharge of gastric corrosive and pepsin from your stomach and that’s why known as a best chronic hyperacidity cure treatment
Along with all Herbozyme capsule also comes under best chronic hyperacidity cure.
Ingredients used
Hing, Podina, Sat Podina, Ajwain and Madhur Char that are some of the known herbal ingredient used in this herbal remedies for hyperacidity cure
On the off chance if you are facing indigestion for a long time then you have to be careful in your eating regime, so that all the natural way to remove gas problem may benefit you completely.
Read about Herbal Acidity, Heartburn Relief Treatment. Also know Natural Cure for Heartburn, Hyperacidity. Read about Herbal Treatment for Acidity.
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roajer · 7 years
Preparation of Ragi Malt
Ragi malt is a healthy and filling drink that you can serve as a breakfast or snack. It is an excellent drink for replacing a meal and helps in weight loss.
Uses of Ragi Malt:
Ragi malt is easy and simple to prepare at home. Ragi flour is easily available at Indian grocery stores. You can prepare both sweet and savory version of ragi malt. A sweet version of ragi malt is prepared by roasting the ragi flour and boiling with milk and dry fruits. It tastes sweet, delicious and kids would love it. Sweet ragi malt is a healthy breakfast option for kids. It keeps them filling and energetic for a long time.
Smart Cooking Tips:
Roast the ragi flour over a medium heat for a nice taste.
Add water slowly and mix well to avoid forming lumps.
Tempering the ragi malt is optional but it gives an excellent taste to the malt.
Health Benefits of Ragi:
Ragi  (finger millet) is widely used in South Indian cooking. It is a gluten-free grain that is rich in fiber, calcium, and healthy carbohydrates. Because of its high nutrition profile, ragi porridge is recommended for babies. Ragi laddoo, ragi banana dosa, ragi wheat dosa, ragi mudde, and ragi idli are the popular recipes with ragi. The fiber content in the ragi make us feel fuller for a long time and helps in controlling the blood sugar level. Ragi malt is an excellent drink for the diabetes patients. It is a great drink to replace the sugary beverages and fruit-based smoothies in the summer.
As I mentioned before it is an excellent replacement for heavy meals and helps in weight loss. It is low in calorie and helps us feel fuller for a long time.
Preparation of Ragi Malt
Ragi malt is a healthy and filling drink that you can serve as a breakfast or snack. It is an excellent drink for replacing a meal and helps in weight loss.
0.25 cup Ragi Flour
1.50 cup Water
2 cups Buttermilk
1.50 tsp Salt (to taste)
1 tsp Water
0.50 tsp Mustard Seeds
1 pinch Asafoetida (hing)
1 tsp Oil
5 no Curry Leaves Chopped
1 no Green Chilies Chopped
Dry roast the ragi flour over medium heat for 4 to 5 mins until nice aroma comes out.
Add water, mix well quickly and cook until the ragi flour becomes thick. Allow to cool.
Blend cooked ragi and buttermilk together until smooth in a blender or using a hand mixer.
For tempering: In a small saucepan, heat oil, add mustard seeds and let it splutter. Add asafoetida and mix well in the oil. Add curry leaves, green chilies and mix well. Add to the ragi malt and serve.
How to serve Ragi Malt?
Serve ragi malt for breakfast and snack.
The post Preparation of Ragi Malt appeared first on Anto's Kitchen.
from Anto's Kitchen http://ift.tt/2sS6Cns via Anto's Kitchen
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