#benefits and disadvantages of the european standardization
blogbyahad · 17 days
Explainable AI (XAI): Making AI Transparent and Trustworthy
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to become a central part of our daily lives, one challenge stands out: understanding how AI makes decisions. Explainable AI (XAI) addresses this challenge by making AI systems more transparent, interpretable, and trustworthy. It’s about opening the black box of AI, so users, developers, and regulators can see not just what decisions AI makes, but why it makes them.
Why Explainability Matters
AI systems, especially those based on complex models like deep learning, are often seen as "black boxes." They produce accurate predictions or classifications, but the reasoning behind these decisions can be opaque even to the developers who created them. This lack of transparency can be problematic in high-stakes situations, such as healthcare, finance, or criminal justice, where understanding the decision-making process is crucial.
For instance, if an AI system denies a loan application, the applicant and the lender need to know why. Was it because of the applicant’s credit score, income level, or another factor? Without clear explanations, it’s difficult to trust the system, and it becomes impossible to address any potential biases or errors.
The Role of XAI
Explainable AI aims to demystify how AI systems arrive at their conclusions. It does this by providing insights into the decision-making process, often through visualizations or simplified models that humans can understand. For example, in a medical diagnosis scenario, an XAI system might highlight which specific symptoms or test results led to a particular diagnosis. This transparency helps doctors trust and validate the AI’s recommendations.
XAI also plays a crucial role in addressing bias in AI systems. By making the decision-making process transparent, XAI allows developers to identify and correct biases that might unfairly disadvantage certain groups of people. This is particularly important in applications like hiring, where biased AI could perpetuate inequality if left unchecked.
Applications and Benefits of XAI
Healthcare: XAI helps doctors understand why an AI system recommends a specific treatment or diagnosis. This clarity not only builds trust in AI but also enhances patient care by enabling doctors to make informed decisions.
Finance: In banking and finance, XAI is used to explain credit scoring, loan approvals, and fraud detection. Transparent AI decisions ensure that financial institutions comply with regulations and maintain customer trust.
Legal Systems: XAI can be used in predictive policing and legal decision-making to ensure that AI-driven recommendations are fair and unbiased. It helps legal professionals understand the factors influencing AI decisions, reducing the risk of wrongful judgments.
Autonomous Vehicles: Explainable AI is critical for understanding and improving the decision-making processes of self-driving cars, especially in complex driving scenarios. Knowing why a car made a particular maneuver can help engineers refine the technology and build public confidence in autonomous vehicles.
The Future of XAI
As AI continues to evolve, the demand for explainability will only grow. Regulators, particularly in the European Union, are pushing for more transparency in AI systems through legislation like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This trend indicates that explainability will become a standard requirement for AI systems, not just a desirable feature.
Moreover, the development of XAI tools and techniques is likely to advance rapidly, making AI systems more user-friendly and accessible. This will help bridge the gap between AI developers and end-users, ensuring that AI’s benefits are realized without compromising transparency or trust.
Explainable AI is a critical step toward making AI systems more transparent, trustworthy, and fair. By opening up the black box of AI, XAI empowers users to understand, trust, and effectively use AI in various applications, from healthcare to finance and beyond. As we continue to integrate AI into more aspects of our lives, the importance of explainability cannot be overstated. It’s the key to ensuring that AI serves humanity in a fair, responsible, and ethical manner.
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nsnfulfillment-blog · 4 months
The Materials Used for Aircraft Windshields: A Comprehensive Guide
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Aircraft windshields are crucial components of aviation design, ensuring both the safety and operational efficiency of an aircraft. These windshields must withstand a variety of stresses, including high speeds, extreme temperatures, and bird strikes. The materials used in their construction are chosen for their strength, durability, and clarity. Let's explore the key materials that make up modern aircraft windshields.
1. Glass: The Traditional Material
In the early days of aviation, glass was the primary material used for aircraft windshields. It provided the necessary visibility and was relatively easy to manufacture. However, glass has significant limitations in aviation. It is heavy and prone to shattering upon impact, which poses a severe safety risk. Despite these drawbacks, advancements in laminated glass technology have allowed it to be used in some aircraft applications, where multiple layers of glass are bonded together with an interlayer to prevent shattering.
2. Acrylic: Lightweight and Durable
Acrylic, also known as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), is a clear plastic that has become a popular choice for aircraft windshields. It is significantly lighter than glass and has excellent impact resistance, which is crucial for safety. Acrylic windshields are also more resistant to UV radiation, which helps maintain visibility and clarity over time.
One of the most significant advantages of acrylic is its ability to be molded into complex shapes, allowing for more aerodynamic designs. However, acrylic does have some disadvantages. It can be scratched more easily than glass and may become brittle over time, especially when exposed to certain chemicals or extreme temperatures.
3. Polycarbonate: The Modern Standard
Polycarbonate is a high-performance plastic that has largely replaced glass and acrylic in many aircraft windshield applications. It combines the best properties of both materials: it is as clear as glass, as lightweight as acrylic, and offers superior impact resistance. Polycarbonate windshields are highly resistant to shattering, making them ideal for high-stress environments like aviation.
Moreover, polycarbonate can withstand significant temperature variations and is more flexible than glass, reducing the likelihood of cracks and fractures. This flexibility also makes polycarbonate less prone to damage from bird strikes, a common hazard in aviation. One notable example of polycarbonate use is in the cockpit windows of commercial airliners and military aircraft, where safety and performance are paramount.
4. Laminated and Coated Windshields
Modern aircraft windshields often combine multiple materials to take advantage of their respective benefits. Laminated windshields typically consist of layers of glass or acrylic with polycarbonate sandwiched between them. This structure offers enhanced impact resistance and durability, along with the optical clarity necessary for pilot visibility.
Additionally, advanced coatings are applied to windshields to improve their performance. Anti-icing and anti-fogging coatings help maintain visibility in adverse weather conditions, while UV-resistant coatings protect against sunlight damage. Scratch-resistant coatings are also common, extending the lifespan of the windshield and reducing maintenance costs.
5. The Role of Safety Standards
All materials used for aircraft windshields must meet stringent safety standards set by aviation authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). These standards ensure that the windshields can withstand the stresses of flight, including high-speed impacts, pressure differentials, and temperature extremes. Manufacturers must rigorously test their materials and designs to ensure compliance with these regulations.
Conclusion: Sourcing Quality Windshields
The choice of materials for aircraft windshields is a critical aspect of aviation safety and performance. From the traditional glass to modern polycarbonate, each material offers unique advantages and challenges. Advances in material science and manufacturing techniques continue to improve the safety, durability, and efficiency of aircraft windshields.
For those in the aviation industry seeking reliable suppliers of high-quality aircraft windshields and components, NSN Fulfillment is a major supplier known for its extensive inventory and commitment to quality. By partnering with trusted suppliers like NSN Fulfillment, aviation professionals can ensure they have access to the best materials and components for their aircraft, enhancing safety and performance in the skies.
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daimonclub · 10 months
Colleges for international students
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International students colleges Colleges for international students, an article that gives useful information for foreign students who want to study in Great Britian, America, Canada and Australia. College days. A degree at a British or American university? It certainly sounds like an interesting possibility. It would be a remarkable linguistic and cultural experience, even if there are one or two drawbacks. First and foremost, going to a foreign university should not be seen as a means of learning English: your English will already need to be excellent, if you area to be accepted for a place. Understanding the system. One of the great advantages of the British and American systems is their relative simplicity. For most degree courses, both the period of study and the date of exams are fixed by the university and not the individual student. The first (or Bachelor's) degree will usually take three years in Britain and four in the United States. In both countries, the post-graduate (Master's) degree is either a one or two year course. The more advanced research doctorate (Ph.D. or "Doctor of Philosophy") has a more flexible timetable, but three to four years is generally considered average. Problems. One of the main problems with a foreign degree is the question of its validity in Italy. Although most countries recognize foreign degrees, Italy does not. Graduates could therefore find themselves at a disadvantage in certain professions. In the case of British degrees, it is hoped that they will become valid in Italy some time after the creation of the single European Federation, but we will, as they say, "believe that when we see it".
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Keble College Oxford University As a matter of fact foreign academic qualifications have no legal value in Italy. Therefore - if they are to be used in our country in various fields - it is necessary to ask for their recognition. It involves a different path depending on whether the recognition is intended to confer legal value on the qualification through academic recognition or is intended to allow access to public competitions or specific benefits to be obtained. The United States If you would like to study at an American college, there is a staggering total of 5,000 to choose from. The American definition of "university" is, however, fairly loose. Britain, in comparison, has fewer than 50 universities. It also has a large number of polytechnics, technical colleges and colleges of further education which, in the United States, would classify as "universities." The standards in American universities vary immensely and only a small percentage will be of interest to the foreign student. Nevertheless the beauty of an American college degree is its multi-disciplinary nature. American college students will "major"" in one subject'', but they will follow a number of other courses in their degree programme. In Britain, on the other hand, students will concentrate on one subject. Best U.S. Colleges for International Students. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students from around the world choose to go to school in the United States. In 2019, a record 1,095,299 international students were studying in the USA. International students are roughly 5.5 percent of all students enrolled in American colleges and universities. Most colleges and universities support students from other countries to navigate the admissions process, apply for a student visa, and pay for college. The best universities for international students also offer a thriving global community and opportunities to build relationships and explore on and off campus. 10 best colleges for international students: New York University; Columbia University; Arizona State University; Boston University; Indiana University; Pomona College; Stony Brook University – SUNY; Wichita State University; University of Southern California; Iowa State University.
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Brown University USA How to get there. American universities, which are predominantly private institutions, are happy to grant places to fee-paying foreign students. Indeed a certain amount of encouragement is given to potential students by the "Commissione per gli scambi culturali tra ('Italia e gli Stati Uniti" in Rome (Via Castelfidardo 8, tel: 06/4819742). The "Commissione" has a special "servizio documentazione universitaria." This houses a large selection of brochures, which are well worth perusing before you make your choice. Videos are available for viewing on such subjects as "If You Want to Study in the U.S." Information can also be obtained from local U.S.I.S. offices. In order to be accepted, it is necessary to apply to the individual university. Most students will apply to at least six in the hope of being accepted by one or more. Applications should be sent off about nine months before the start of the academic year. Procedures and requirements vary, but in all cases it will be necessary to prove your competence in the English language. The two main language tests for American universities are T.O.E.F.L. (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and Michigan. Both of these can be taken in Italy and the U.S.I.S. offices can tell you how and when. Money. The hardest part about studying at an American university is paying for it. A year at the most expensive institution, Bennington College in Vermont, will cost more than 70,000 dollars altogether. As a matter of fact the annual list price to attend Bennington College on a full time basis for 2020/2021 is $78,764 for all students regardless of their residency. This fee is comprised of $57,350 for tuition, $16,840 room and board, $1,000 for books and supplies and $774 for other fees. Out of state tuition for Bennington College is $57,350, the same as Vermont residents. Another famous college is The Brown University whose tuition rate for the 2020-2021 academic year ranges from $59,254 to $71,312 (see the list of variable tuition rates on the Bursar's website ). Tuition will vary by program, discipline, and the number of courses required for full-time status. At a more typical American college, a year's study (including living expenses) will be somewhere between 40,000 and 50,000 dollars. Some scholarships are available both from the "Commissione" and from the Italian Student Loan Fund. Britain Studying at a British university will cost considerably less. This is because students from E.E.C. countries are now entitled to a study grant which covers all their tuition fees. The bad news is that getting a place at a British university is extremely difficult. Britain's 47 universities are in a state of crisis which, without wishing to sound unduly simplistic, is a consequence of "the Thatcher Revolution."
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A British library British universities are public organisations and, as such, their financial support has been severely cut. Furthermore they have been subjected to a series of reforms designed to make them more commercially viable and "functional," on the American model. As a result, Britain's seats of learning are desperate for funds. They are therefore quite happy to offer places to fee-paying foreign students: they are less interested in E.E.C. students, largely because they don't have to pay in hard cash. Britain's rigorous "numero chiuso" is becoming even more rigorous in these troubled times. It is hard enough for British students to get accepted by one of the universities: for non-mother tongue students it is virtually impossible. It is marginally less impossible in certain science subjects, such as physics and engineering, which are under-subscribed. Applying. Still convinced you want to give it a shot? If so, then it is necessary to go through U.C.C.A. (the Universities Central Council on Admissions). This is a computerised system which coordinates all undergraduate university applications. The "U.C.C.A. form" enables" you to apply to five universities, in order of preference. Applications must be received by 15th December of the previous year. In order to choose your five universities (and course of study), you should consult the "U.C.C.A. handbook" at the local British Council library. As far as linguistic competence is concerned, the recognised tests are the Cambridge Proficiency Exam and the "E.L.T.S." (English Language Testing Service), which is also administered by the British Council. The chances of being accepted for a post-graduate degree or a research programme are probably greater. Indeed a limited number of scholarships are available from the British Council for working graduates who wish to conduct some piece of research at a British university. Alternatives. If the situation at British universities sounds grim, then there are a number of alternatives. Cambridge (which is particularly beautiful in the summer) runs a special summer school programme in a variety of subjects for students over the age of 18. Although these courses don't carry any academic qualifications, they offer you the chance to taste this charming environment. (Contact: Secretary of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Cambridge, Madingley Hall, Madingley, Cambridge CB3 8AQ. Tel: 0044-954-210636). A special summer academy programme is also run by ten other universities throughout Britain. (Contact: The Summer Academy, School of Continuing Education, The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NX. Tel: 0044-227-470402).
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Sydney University Australia Studying in Australia. Each year, more than 50,000 students from around the world decide to study in Australian educational institutions. This number is increasing as Australia's high educational standards, unique environment and diverse culture have become internationally recognized. Many students are also discovering that Australia is the ideal place to learn English or improve English language skills. This is due not only to the range and quality of the courses available but also to the low costs of these courses as compared to other English-speaking countries. All English courses in Australia must be currently accredited by the National ELICOS Accreditation Scheme (NEAS) and are continually reviewed to see that standards are maintained. English language courses vary in length from one week to one year. Tuition fees generally range from A$ 500 to 700 per week. However, this does not usually include the cost of accommodation. Most colleges will help students locate suitable accommodation for the length of their course, whether it be on the college campus itself or with an Australian family, Studying in Australia can be a rewarding experience in itself, but combining study with travel allows overseas students to experience a new culture and Australia's unique attractions. Many students studying in Australia choose to travel after they have completed their courses, while Sydney University and the University of Santa Lucia are two of the many Australian institutions that host foreign students. Study in Canada as an international student. In Canada, each province and territory is in charge of its own education system. Post-secondary schools are colleges, universities, private career colleges, vocational and technical schools. Each post-secondary school has its own set of rules on how to apply, including the level of English or French you need to be accepted.
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A Canadian University If you apply for a study permit and your letter of acceptance is from an institution that is not a designated institution for international students, your application will be refused. Provincial governments may regulate private schools differently for different study programs. Make sure the private school you apply to is included on the designated learning institution (DLI) list. How to apply to a school. Once you choose a school, college or university, you must apply to go there. Every school has different rules on how to apply. Make sure you apply at least 6 months in advance if you want to study at a primary or secondary school, 1 year in advance for a post-secondary program at a university, college, etc. Contact the school where you want to study to learn how to apply. They’ll give you the list of all the documents you need to send them. They’ll also be able to tell you about: the cost to apply, tuition fees, health insurance, rent and how much it costs to live in Canada, language tests. Fill out the application forms for the school or schools of your choice. Follow their instructions to submit them. If the school admits you as a student, they will send you an acceptance letter. You need this letter to apply for a study permit. Canada is one of the affordable countries when it comes to studying abroad. That is why it is a popular choice among students. The cost to study in Canada depends on the program chosen and the location of the university. Technical and medical courses are more expensive than art courses. Surprisingly, business courses are in the middle range. Also, the post-graduate programs are cheaper than undergraduate programs and there is a major difference between the cost for Canadian citizens and immigrants. The cost also varies considerably for out-of-state and in-state residents for Canadian citizens. On average, the tuition and fees for an undergraduate program is C$30,000 per year and for a Post-graduation program is C$20,000 per year for an international student.
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International Students On average tuition for international students studying in Canada will depend on the type of program and where you choose to study. Bachelor’s degrees will vary from $7,203 up to $49,800 per year in tuition, while yearly tuition fees for Master’s degrees will cost between $3,222 to $42,850. Apply to study in Canada as an international student, extend your study permit and find out about working while you study or after you graduate. Changes to off-campus work hours. You may be eligible to work more than 20 hours per week off campus under a temporary public policy. Find out if you meet the requirements. If you’re a legal resident in certain countries, you may be eligible to get your study permit faster. If you want to find out more! www.graduateshotline.com World education news and quotes University world education news Education first of all Read the full article
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iwan1979 · 1 year
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rgoverseas23 · 1 year
Best PTE Classes in Rajkot & Bopal, Ahmedabad
The full form of PTE is the Pearson Test of English. It is an exam assessing the English proficiency of a student. If a student wants to get admitted in a foreign university or college where English is the only language of communication, he or she needs to take the test. Usually, countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and European Country ask for a PTE scorecard.
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We, RG Overseas Education, provide the Best PTE Classes in Rajkot & Bopal, Ahmedabad helping students secure high scores and ensuring one of the requirements to get admission in top colleges and universities.
Who Should Apply for It?
All those who are planning to study (i.e., Undergraduate & Post Graduate Degree) in various countries as well as migrate to Australia. Applicants need to be above 16 years of age. The age group of 16-17 need to produce parental consent to appear in the exam.
Fully covering the syllabus
There are no worries for any student as we dedicatedly cover the full syllabus of PTE. We teach without leaving any topic and equip the students with robust skills to perform satisfactorily in the exam. We are renowned for providing the Best PTE Coaching in Ahmedabad, setting standards for the education coaching industry in the city.
Consulting on a student visa
We also provide full-proof solutions to get student visas for pursuing higher studies in foreign countries, especially in developed English-speaking nations. As a Student Visa Consultant in Rajkot, we have goodwill in the market, ensuring a smooth preparation to receive the visa from the concerned authorities.
One major benefit of choosing PTE is that it is based upon Artificial Intelligence. It is unbiased “Unprejudiced marking”. It provides flexible testing and fast results “Workable measuring & quick outcome”.
It also gives an opportunity to send your scores to institutions unlimited times for free.
Major disadvantage of IELTS is that it is a paper based exam. It is mandatory to have a readable handwriting to get a better score.
The speaking part of the IELTS exam consists of one-on-one conversation which might make some candidates tense. This can lead to reduction of the score.
IELTS is a two-part exam. The listening, reading, and writing modules of the exam are conducted in one sitting while the speaking exam is taken on a separate day.
Types of PTE Tests:
Two Types:
PTE Academic
PTE Academic for UKVI
There is no difference between PTE Academic and PTE Academic UKVI in terms of test content and format. Instead, there are minor differences in the registration process to comply with UK Home Office requirements.
Most affordable service prices
We offer the most reasonable service rates for our consulting and coaching services. The expense complies with the market norms.
Get in touch
If you have any questions or confusion, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We promptly and clearly respond to queries from students and students’ parents.
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hotty44-blog1 · 1 year
Moving To Germany and the cost of living
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Is Moving To Germany A Good Idea? Are you considering moving to Germany? It can be a daunting prospect, with so much to consider. However, there are many advantages to living in Germany that might make it the perfect choice for your new home. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of moving to Germany, helping you decide whether it's really the right move for you. Germany has a rich and vibrant culture which offers plenty of exciting activities and experiences. From its stunning architecture and historical sites to its unique culinary delights, there is something for everyone in this diverse nation. On top of this, Germany offers an excellent quality of life with safe cities and reliable public transport systems. The cost of living is also very reasonable compared to other countries in Europe. Despite these positive aspects, there are also some drawbacks that should be considered before making such a big decision. For example, language barriers may present an issue if you don't speak German fluently or at all. You'll also need to obtain permission from the government if you wish to stay longer than three months. These are just some of the things that need to be taken into account when deciding whether moving to Germany is right for you. Is Germany A Good Place To Live For Foreigners? Germany is an attractive country for people looking to live abroad. With its stable economy, highly developed infrastructure and excellent healthcare system, it offers a great quality of life. It also has a rich culture, with over 3,500 museums, beautiful landscapes and vibrant cities like Berlin and Munich. Living in Germany as a foreigner can be relatively easy if you are from another European Union member state. You will benefit from the freedom of movement across the EU countries, allowing you to live and work in Germany without needing any special visas or permits. In addition, German citizens are known to be friendly and welcoming toward foreigners. However, it is important to remember that the cost of living in Germany can be quite high compared to other parts of Europe. Also, those who do not speak German may find it difficult to integrate into society due to language barriers. It is important to research these issues before making a move. Is It Easy To Get A Job In Germany As A Foreigner? Getting a job in Germany as a foreigner can seem daunting, but it is possible. One must first obtain the proper work visa from the German embassy or consulate. This process can take several months and may require multiple documents such as financial statements, proof of education, and a letter of invitation from an employer in Germany. Once the work visa is granted, one can start applying for jobs. The job market in Germany has grown significantly over the past few years, with more than three million vacancies currently available. However, competition can still be tough and employers may favor German citizens over foreigners. Therefore, it is important to have a stellar resume and cover letter tailored to the specific job that one is applying for. Additionally, having a good command of German will help stand out against other applicants who do not know the language. Overall, getting a job in Germany as a foreigner is possible yet challenging. Doing research on visas and permits beforehand as well as being prepared with related documents will make the process smoother. Moreover, having knowledge of the language and customizing one's resume to each job they apply for will give them an advantage when searching for employment opportunities abroad. What Are The Disadvantages Of Living In Germany? Living in Germany can have its drawbacks. The cost of living is high, and the standard of living is also quite expensive. In addition, certain cities may not be as welcoming to foreigners as others. Language can also be a challenge for those who are not native German speakers. Although many people speak English, it can take some time for newcomers to learn the language and feel comfortable using it in everyday life. This could limit one's ability to find employment or engage in social activities. In Germany, there is an extensive bureaucracy that can make navigating everyday tasks difficult and time-consuming. This includes anything from getting a driver's license to applying for health insurance; even something as simple as opening a bank account might require paperwork and lots of patience. All in all, these obstacles should be taken into consideration when contemplating a move to Germany. The cost of living in Germany can vary depending on the city, but generally it is considered to be relatively high compared to other European countries. Here are some approximate prices for a single person: Food: A meal at an inexpensive restaurant: €10-15 A meal at a mid-range restaurant: €15-25 A meal at a high-end restaurant: €40-60 Groceries for a week: €50-70 Cup of coffee: €2-3 Beer (0.5L) at a bar or restaurant: €3-4 Transportation: One-way ticket on local public transportation: €2.80-3.40 Monthly public transportation pass: €60-80 Taxi (starting tariff): €3.50-4.00 per kilometer Other costs: Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center: €700-1200 per month Gym membership: €30-50 per month Movie ticket: €8-12 It's important to keep in mind that these prices are just estimates and can vary depending on the city and specific location within the city. Conclusion Living in Germany as a foreigner can be a great opportunity and an exciting adventure. It's important to consider the pros and cons before making the big decision. On the one hand, Germany offers good job opportunities for foreigners, reasonable cost of living, and easy access to healthcare. On the other hand, language barriers and cultural differences can be difficult to adjust to. In conclusion, moving to Germany is a great idea if you have strong financial means and you're prepared for a few challenges along the way. If you have a good grasp of the German language, it will definitely make life easier. Plus, having friends or family who are already living in Germany can help with adjusting to the new culture. All in all, it's up to each individual whether they decide that moving to Germany is right for them and their situation. Read the full article
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igetvapes · 1 year
Everything You Should Know About Disposable Vapes
Expendable vapes are progressively famous for their benefit, dependability and minimal expense. They utilize a straightforward plan that pursues them an ideal decision for new vapers hoping to stop smoking. Expendable vape pens are as simple to use as customary vape units, which permits them to be famous for both new and old clients of vaporizers. One contrast is that expendable vaporizers needn't bother with to be charged, however give less fume than their standard partners. This blog responds to each of the inquiries that vape clients ordinarily have. It will take you through how they work, how to utilize them, talk about security as it connects with the two disposables and other vape units, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Dispensable Vapes: How Can it Works?
Dispensable vapes have similar parts as a standard vape unit. Gadgets comprise of a battery, tank and a curl. The curl warms up to disintegrate the vape juice which is then smoked. Vape units come in two structures: disposable vapes and regular vape packs. Expendable vape packs are helpful in light of the fact that they require no arrangement, and they're prepared to utilize from the get-go. Traditional vape units require charging, and that implies you can re-energize them when the battery is low. However, a few pieces of the traditional vape pack can't be reused, so disposables offer a more maintainable decision.
The most famous expendable sorts of vapes are ones that utilization prefilled fluid units and can't be topped off by the client. As they work by warming up the fluid in the container to make a fume, it consumes a specific measure of force with each utilization.
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Is dispensable vaping safe?
Indeed, it is protected to utilize a dispensable vape expecting that it's been bought from a legitimate retailer. These items are dependent upon endorsement by two administrative bodies to be specific the European Tobacco Items Order (TPD) and the Drugs and Medical services items Administrative Office (MHRA).
The central issues of the TPD as they relate to vape packs are talked about as follows:
A greatest tank limit of 2ml.
To be supported available to be purchased all items should be submitted to the MHRA.
All items have some data and relevant admonition.
One shouldn't utilize vapes in the event that one isn't a smoker, might be pregnant, or younger than 18. It's likewise essential to take note of that one shouldn't involve dispensable fumes for different purposes on the grounds that these gadgets can jeopardize your wellbeing.
Easy to understand
Less expensive
Lower responsibility
Prepared to Utilize
Item life expectancy is more limited
No choices of Customization
No Re-energizing or Topping off
Over the long haul it ends up being more costly
There are a couple of reasons individuals like dispensable vapes. One explanation being that they're more reasonable and come in low-responsibility choices for new clients. They shift in cost and usability, yet generally, they are a decent answer for the people who need to vape when making the rounds. More experienced vape clients will find it resolves all the more financially long haul.
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euroinvestteam · 2 years
Euroinvest is Social Responsibility as a Concept of Success
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When they talk about socially responsible businesses, they usually mean a kind of additional activity of companies that neutralizes the harm they cause. If a company damages the environment, it builds playgrounds for children. If its products are harmful in themselves, it engages in large-scale philanthropy. Despite this, the correct version of social responsibility is when your projects are designed to benefit society. Andrey Berezin, co-owner and one of the founders of Euroinvest, implements such ideas in repeatedly successful ways. 
The social responsibility of business is a phenomenon studied by scientists and economists. There are different ways to understand it; for example, some people consider this phenomenon harmful. In their opinion, the state solves its problems at the expense of business, which means it does not cope with its work. 
Others understand social responsibility as a social burden - when successful companies contribute to transforming the communities in which they operate. This is the understanding researchers consider characteristic of Russia. A striking example of this model is Gazprom, which implements numerous social programs, from direct financial charity to the construction of new children's sports complexes and stadiums. 
The third and final option towards social responsibility of business is when a company conforms its activities to ethics and environmental standards and evaluates its impact on society's well-being. This option has only one disadvantage, and some researchers point out that such an approach to work hurts profits and has nothing to do with the company's interests. It is evident that, if you do not control the level of hazardous waste and do not install purification systems, you can make a lot more money. 
This disadvantage is untenable because a healthy society that lives in favorable conditions creates a much stronger market that can consume more. Accordingly, companies that incorporate a humanitarian mission into their work from the outset have a more significant economic impact in the long run. They build their money and reputation while strengthening society. As the researchers point out, this approach is generally characteristic of large American companies. There are many such companies in Russia, one of which being Euroinvest.
Development Environment
Euroinvest was originally a development company. It has been working in the real estate market for 30 years, and during this time, it has been able to raise the quality of the projects it implements. It started with ordinary residential neighborhoods by European standards. Although it was a significant breakthrough at the time of the launch, the company now offers projects of a completely different class. 
Their concept is called 3id. It is assumed that in this approach, the comfort elements are implemented on three levels. Firstly is the apartment itself. Then, it uses all the latest attributes of a smart home, including complete control of utility meters, "smart" home appliances, constant video surveillance, and automatic notification of unplanned events.
The second level of comfort is provided from the house itself. The interior and exterior design involve more than just pretty packaging; each element and each room assumes a precise functionality, creating a multiplicative effect of creating a club or community of interest. The uniqueness of this format is that Euroinvest bets on the entertainment and education of its tenants. This is the main chip of the complex and the main reason to consider this project socially responsible.
The third level of comfort is territory. Everything here was initially designed so that the neighbors had a reason and an opportunity to meet and get to know each other, spend time together in the open space, and participate in the activities of educational clubs. 
In the Russian Federation, almost no one works with such a problem of our time as the atomization of society. Each family is a separate unit that has no contact with others. There is no ideology in our country, religion is highly poorly spread, there are no urban activities, there is almost no traditional culture left, and, as a result of the highly turbulent 20th century, there are nearly no threads that weave together and bind society together. The Institute of Good Neighborhood is an excellent tool to bring people back together, if only on the stairway. There are no such projects in Russia. In this respect, Andrei Berezin is a pioneer, perhaps even a pioneer. 
The Development of Industrial Splinters
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The 20th century in Russia was characterized by highly aggressive industrialization. It is possible to assess the long-term impact of this process on our history in different ways. One fact remains unchanged; almost all of the factories built at that time were made entirely without regard for environmental standards, the natural development of urban spaces, and even trivial logistics. The closed nature of the USSR economy forced it to make exquisite solutions, which in the XXI century were utterly uncompetitive.
Consequently, many industrial buildings in Russia have become abandoned hangars, attracting criminals and marginal societal elements. Individual renovation projects are not saving the situation and are being implemented chiefly only in capital cities. In many cases, the only solution is the demolition and reintegration of the space into the natural urban landscape. An additional bonus is the rehabilitation of enterprises by selling non-core and unprofitable assets.
There are two such projects in the investment pool of Euroinvest. The first one was realized quite a long time ago and is old, abandoned warehouses and hangars of Svetlana. Andrey Berezin bought a controlling stake in the holding, dumped ballast from it, and used the proceeds to launch a program to modernize the company's technical facilities. The results of this work are another long story, but the main outcome is that Svetlana has doubled its net profit for a year under Berezin's leadership. Ten years later, it is steadily entering a new market of high-tech medical equipment.
Years later, Euroinvest began selling specific land plots formerly owned by Svetlana. This is Residential Complex ID Svetlanovskiy; it is already being built on the site of abandoned hangars. A vast area of about 150 thousand square meters is returning to the urban environment. It is a great fortune for the residents who previously had to look at the abandoned and dirty premises of the Soviet shards. Without Berezin's intervention, this place may have remained untouched for decades.
The second project is being implemented on a similar territory of the Rigel plant. Berezin did not take the easy way out, refusing to buy out the abandoned buildings from the plant. He decided to purchase a controlling stake, optimizing the work, and launch an investment program to modernize the industrial facilities of Rigel. Only after that, the businessman embarked on a project to build a residential community on the site of the abandoned hangars.
This is an essential component of social responsibility. There have been thousands of cases all over the country when plants were torn apart into separate pieces that no one wanted, for a short gain. The embodiment of this approach is when fleets of new cars were sliced up for scrap. Berezin shows that it was possible to act differently and, in the long run, to make much more profit by developing the plant to a competitive level.
Projects For Health
At a particular stage of Svetlana's development, Berezin realized that the holding's scientific developments had great unrealized potential. This epiphany happened due to the businessman having graduated from Voenmeh with a diploma in engineering. Moreover, he has some scientific publications, postgraduate experience, and patents from his first job. In other words, he knows from inside the whole kitchen of the scientific-industrial industry that Russia inherited a Soviet legacy.
He was well aware that the tools existing within the plant did not allow him to realize the full potential of the latest developments. That is why he and his partner decided to launch Euro Venture, a company specializing in venture investments and manually supporting promising projects. The initial capital was at once quite serious: 10 million euros. This is comparable to one of the stages of Rigel's investment program, which ended up being implemented several years later. 
Euro Venture took on the role of a business angel for employees of PJSC Svetlana. The unique project of the robotic complex for early diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases was the first to be supported. It allows diagnostics and surgery to remove tumors, simultaneously irradiating damaged tissues. The investment was followed by several years of development and testing of the prototype, which has gone through experts' fire and brass pipes. After many minor adjustments, it receives only positive feedback. 
Currently, the device is planned for installation at the Petrov Oncology Institute. The patent of Svetlana for the unique X-ray tube has passed a long way to become a full-fledged apparatus complex, which will help to treat cancer in the conditions of a shortage of foreign medical equipment. The Euro Venture initiative considered the social component of this project. 
Investments in Education
As Andrey Berezin has repeatedly said, it is most important to invest in human capital at this point. Only education will allow us to overcome all the challenges our country faces nowadays. More specifically, we are talking about implementing the import substitution policy, which is an urgent need for Russia today. This is not just advice and reasoning; Euroinvest is actively involved in projects that involve the development of human capital and the education system.
Andrey Berezin explained the direction of the company’s work to try and get others to understand his intentions: "I believe that the most important thing is education because now nothing, but education will be quoted in the world. Have you read the book Technologies of the fourth industrial revolution? It was written by one of the founders of the Davos Forum, Klaus Schwab. What used to matter was a territory, markets, and raw materials. All this is gone and does not mean anything anymore. What matters is the human capital, the intellectual potential of a country. Only what you can invent yourself is valued in the world." 
The most ambitious project was announced quite recently - the construction of a new academy in St. Petersburg. The academy will be focused on the education of future engineers and employees of the domestic scientific and industrial industry. Unfortunately, few entrepreneurs have taken on such a task and responsibility, with the vast majority remaining limited to financial support for individual educational institutions. 
Euroinvest has realized the scholarship program to provide encouragement for the best students of Voenmeh (alma mater of Andrey Berezin himself) for a long time. It is named after another famous graduate of the institute, two-time Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko. The company supervises the association of Voenmeh graduates, as well as the World Club of Petersburg.  
Striving For a Prosperous Future
The year showed how many businesspeople in Russia do not associate their future with our country. Having earned capital, they tend to go to the West, taking their family and fortune there. Unfortunately, against this backdrop, many responsible businesspeople willing to work for the well-being of their homeland are lost. This is a misleading impression that has a perfectly reasonable explanation.
"When you do alms, do not blow a trumpet before yourself," reads a biblical principle. However, it is Russia that it has taken root in. More often than not, people have only heard about the projects of the former owner of Magnit, Sergey Galitsky, who created the new look of modern Krasnodar with his projects. However, no one has heard about, for example, the Loga park in the Rostov region, created by entrepreneur Sergey Kushnarenko on the site of a reclaimed landfill. Few people know that the Good Deeds Fund was created by Vagit Alekperov, the main shareholder of Lukoil, and he has already contributed over $40 million in personal funds. Viktor Vekselberg's company Renova bought the Faberge collection and restored the Shuvalov Palace to create a museum.
Such an approach by businesses in this country is natural, as even foreign researchers note. Due to the unspoken taboo on telling about their good deeds, the image of Russian business as deaf to the needs of society is formed. This often affects the attitude of Russians towards their wealthiest and most successful compatriots.
This practice should be changed fundamentally. This is all the more reason to pay attention to the benefits coming to the native city of these projects, which were implemented by a businessman of his own free will, and which are not always attractive commercial ideas. Andrey Berezin and his Euroinvest is a real example of social responsibility when the development of a company goes hand in hand with the interests of society. The more people that know about this, the more entrepreneurs will follow in his example. 
In Russia, the scale of philanthropy grows every year. According to experts, they are already comparable to Great Britain (considering the difference in purchasing power), amounting to about 2.5-3 billion dollars. The table shows Russia's position in the Global Philanthropy Index. It considers, among other things, the index of social responsibility. 
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notionfornonprofits · 2 years
Helpful information to the Best Notion Alternatives
notion for students
Note-taking equipment like Notion are generally increasingly important within a online world. While there are Notion alternatives available, are they truly any good? When you get notes, manage paperwork or collaborate with all your team every single day, ones tool has to be really perfect for you. In this posting, we’ll look at Rationale in more depth, as well as some well-known alternatives to Thinking, so that you can choose the software programs that’s designed for people.
notion for students
Choosing a tool with regard to note taking together with collaborative documentation may be tough. That’s how come it’s important to check out the benefits of several corresponding tools, each using unique advantages and disadvantages meant for individual users, competitors and entire agencies.
What Is Notion?
Idea is a tool to get collaborative note choosing. People can make electronic digital notes with the product, replacing traditional put in writing and paper options and word digesting software. Notion marks teams and their own workplace problems, certainly regarding communication. Internet note-taking tools get transparency: everybody can perform together on one page, simultaneously or with different times. The following takes teamwork for a whole new level, and it is relevant with increasing remote work legal agreements.
Notion has a number of strengths: it’s user-friendly and uncomplicated, it’s customizable, and choose which info you want to share. Nevertheless it’s not excellent. If you’re with the desktop version, everyone can’t work not online which is limiting when you’re somebody which commutes a lot. A few users have lamented about glitches inducing data loss: which includes a tool that shops all of your important information, that you don’t want to associated risk any system outages. Similarly, Notion’s info is stored the united states, making it less appealing to European companies, which often mostly prefer experiencing their information stashed away more locally.
Using Notion, you’re confident to get a lot of fascinating features. For instance, it gives thousands of pre-built desing templates so you can make ones own notes better, sooner. You can also enhance venture with comments and additionally mentions, and monitor your tasks to make sure you never forget to do everything. However , some people feel it moves overboard. This actually leaves customers to look for Concept alternatives which complete fewer things, within a more powerful way. Let’s dive into the environment of online paticulars and find you a more powerful solution.
Why Are you needing an Online Paperwork Tool? Recording Info
However much a lot of people try to resist acknowledging it, we accomplish live in a scientific world. Most of us have some of our phones on people day, every day. Of course, if we don’t, we’re probably sitting in front of some sort of laptop. We’re much more likely to have this phone at hand compared to a pen and newspaper. So when we abruptly think of a brilliant approach, we need a digital method to record it. Cue, online documentation gear (especially ones that will work offline too). Storing Information
That universal attraction with online note-taking applications is that you can’t lose your paperwork. How many times have you ever made a grocery list and lost and forgotten it? The amount of times did pet eat your assignments as a child? Today imagine a similar condition but in a business natural environment. The consequence isn’t that you forget apples, or get detention, but that you fail an important meeting, and also lose the information a person had to pass on to your colleague.
A good internet documentation software might:
Help you create crystal clear, coherent documents in addition to lists. Have protected storage standards. Help you edit notes high street. Be unlimited. Possess a share function.
Centralizing Information
Online note-taking tools centralize dotted information. Instead of which has a desk covered with folders and covers of paper, you may digitalize everything along with place it in one nice looking online note. Any sort of changes to it usually are instantly updated together with accessible via many other devices. This also assists other people find information and facts that is relevant to these without them being required to ask you. You’d be surprised just by how much time this could possibly save you.
Improving Connection
Note-taking tools is usually applied differently to resolve more specific troubles. They can help centralize corporate communication, or even enhance logical relationship all within an individual interface. Ultimately, on line documentation tools clear up internal processes and additionally save you valuable time, rising efficiency and return. For example , important information could be written within the applications and the relevant fellow workers notified using plugs. With apps which include comments features, peers can discuss options or expand with notes. As a result, connection is clearer plus more effective.
I will share the BEST NOTION ALTERNATIVE I've come across. The tool is called Taskade. This is a complete TASKADE TUTORIAL and REVIEW. You will learn how to use Taskade in this comprehensive Taskade guide. As a Notion user, I'll also go through some differences between Taskade vs Notion.
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notionforstudents · 2 years
Helpful information to the Best Notion Alternatives
notion for students
Note-taking equipment like Notion are generally increasingly important within a online world. While there are Notion alternatives available, are they truly any good? When you get notes, manage paperwork or collaborate with all your team every single day, ones tool has to be really perfect for you. In this posting, we’ll look at Rationale in more depth, as well as some well-known alternatives to Thinking, so that you can choose the software programs that’s designed for people.
notion for students
Choosing a tool with regard to note taking together with collaborative documentation may be tough. That’s how come it’s important to check out the benefits of several corresponding tools, each using unique advantages and disadvantages meant for individual users, competitors and entire agencies.
What Is Notion?
Idea is a tool to get collaborative note choosing. People can make electronic digital notes with the product, replacing traditional put in writing and paper options and word digesting software. Notion marks teams and their own workplace problems, certainly regarding communication. Internet note-taking tools get transparency: everybody can perform together on one page, simultaneously or with different times. The following takes teamwork for a whole new level, and it is relevant with increasing remote work legal agreements.
Notion has a number of strengths: it’s user-friendly and uncomplicated, it’s customizable, and choose which info you want to share. Nevertheless it’s not excellent. If you’re with the desktop version, everyone can’t work not online which is limiting when you’re somebody which commutes a lot. A few users have lamented about glitches inducing data loss: which includes a tool that shops all of your important information, that you don’t want to associated risk any system outages. Similarly, Notion’s info is stored the united states, making it less appealing to European companies, which often mostly prefer experiencing their information stashed away more locally.
Using Notion, you’re confident to get a lot of fascinating features. For instance, it gives thousands of pre-built desing templates so you can make ones own notes better, sooner. You can also enhance venture with comments and additionally mentions, and monitor your tasks to make sure you never forget to do everything. However , some people feel it moves overboard. This actually leaves customers to look for Concept alternatives which complete fewer things, within a more powerful way. Let’s dive into the environment of online paticulars and find you a more powerful solution. https://www.youtube.com/embed/F8Yr5zqicfY
Why Are you needing an Online Paperwork Tool? Recording Info
However much a lot of people try to resist acknowledging it, we accomplish live in a scientific world. Most of us have some of our phones on people day, every day. Of course, if we don’t, we’re probably sitting in front of some sort of laptop. We’re much more likely to have this phone at hand compared to a pen and newspaper. So when we abruptly think of a brilliant approach, we need a digital method to record it. Cue, online documentation gear (especially ones that will work offline too). Storing Information
That universal attraction with online note-taking applications is that you can’t lose your paperwork. How many times have you ever made a grocery list and lost and forgotten it? The amount of times did pet eat your assignments as a child? Today imagine a similar condition but in a business natural environment. The consequence isn’t that you forget apples, or get detention, but that you fail an important meeting, and also lose the information a person had to pass on to your colleague.
A good internet documentation software might:
Help you create crystal clear, coherent documents in addition to lists. Have protected storage standards. Help you edit notes high street. Be unlimited. Possess a share function.
Centralizing Information
Online note-taking tools centralize dotted information. Instead of which has a desk covered with folders and covers of paper, you may digitalize everything along with place it in one nice looking online note. Any sort of changes to it usually are instantly updated together with accessible via many other devices. This also assists other people find information and facts that is relevant to these without them being required to ask you. You’d be surprised just by how much time this could possibly save you.
Improving Connection
Note-taking tools is usually applied differently to resolve more specific troubles. They can help centralize corporate communication, or even enhance logical relationship all within an individual interface. Ultimately, on line documentation tools clear up internal processes and additionally save you valuable time, rising efficiency and return. For example , important information could be written within the applications and the relevant fellow workers notified using plugs. With apps which include comments features, peers can discuss options or expand with notes. As a result, connection is clearer plus more effective.
I will share the BEST NOTION ALTERNATIVE I've come across. The tool is called Taskade. This is a complete TASKADE TUTORIAL and REVIEW. You will learn how to use Taskade in this comprehensive Taskade guide. As a Notion user, I'll also go through some differences between Taskade vs Notion.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I heard this, but couldn't find any source for it: is it true that capitalism is rooted/based on slavery, and that's why the prison system uses the unpaid labor of prisoners to do things and why many "essential workers" get ow pay? Because capitalism wasn't designed to function with everyone being viewed and paid as people?
Yes. The modern system of capitalism, as developed from the late 18th century onward, was never designed to function for the benefit of and in recognition of the personhood of all people. Indeed, quite the opposite. The invention of the cotton gin in 1791, the machine that quickly and easily separated seeds from the cotton plant (previously, they had to be laboriously and time-consumingly picked out by hand), is often cited as the beginning of the age of industrialization, which exploded exponentially in the 19th century in both Britain and America (and elsewhere, but for the purposes of this analysis, we will be focusing on those two). Slavery was outlawed in mainland Britain in 1774, but continued in its overseas colonies until the early 19th century and the efforts of William Wilberforce to put a stop to the transatlantic trade (which was how the British Empire had amassed a vast portion of its land, holdings, and wealth). Thus, they had to hastily find a replacement for that workforce, and that gave rise to the conditions of the early Industrial Revolution, wherein almost every working-class British citizen, regardless of age or infirmity, was expected to labor in factories for upwards of 10 hours a day for very little pay and in oftentimes horrendously unsafe conditions. This is when Britain experienced its fiercest labor wars (often, yes, literal wars between workers and bosses) and organized legal drives to outlaw child labor and establish basic standards of health and safety.
The history of capitalism unfolded somewhat differently in America, where slavery remained legal until 1863 in theory and did not fully begin to disband as an organized economic system until after 1865 and the end of the Civil War. Even then, recently emancipated slaves remained so hugely disadvantaged that they had to build their wealth from scratch, and this period saw en masse Black migrations to industrial northern cities such as Detroit, Chicago, and Pittsburgh. But American workers of all races -- white, Black, Chinese, European immigrants, etc etc. -- were likewise forced to physically (and violently) fight for their rights. The history of 19th-century labor relations is littered with bloody strikes, violent uprisings (such as the 1877 Great Upheaval) and other militant workers' movements that constantly pushed back on the bosses (who in the late 19th century were often the "robber barons" who saw nothing wrong with making as much money as fast as possible and with likewise very little regard for the lives and health of their workers). Capitalism was initially designed and carried out as a brutally inhuman system designed to enrich the societal and economic elites as fast as possible, and the only reason it was modified to take anyone else into consideration at all was because workers fought back en masse. And that is because, as noted, it had its essential roots in slavery and the British and American elites' systemic expectation that they could reap massive economic gains without having to pay anything to their enslaved workforce or redistribute their own wealth in any way. Once that was dismantled, they ferociously resisted having to do so, until they were forced.
Twentieth-century socialist economic theory and political movements modified this somewhat, and the previously discussed high taxation rates in postwar America, especially under Eisenhower and his successors, helped to redistribute wealth in substantial and impactful ways. Starting in 1980, that was then all rolled back under Reagan, and an unreconstructed 19th-century robber-baron policy of massively enriching those at the top, at the direct expense of those at the bottom, was returned to primacy in American and Western economic doctrine. (If you want to learn how the "gospel of the free market" was disastrously exported into other countries as part of American military and cultural imperialism, read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein.) But yes; the only reason capitalism has ever granted any rights or accommodations to the working class was because it was forced to do so. Karl Marx already had it dead to rights when he published The Communist Manifesto in 1848, where he developed his theories of the bourgeoise and the proletariat wherein the former exploits the latter at outrageously unequal balances of power and profit, and called for the proletariat to actively and fiercely resist this exploitation.
Of course, Marxism has since become a byword for all kinds of pseudo-leftist political movements and philosophies that are only tangentially related to Marx's original work (or indeed, make any sense at all), but at the point of its appearance in the mid-19th century, capitalism was functioning, indeed, largely the same way it functions today. That was why his ideas found such an eager audience and inspired the latter half of the 19th century and its associated workers' rights movements. But anyway, yes. Even a cursory glance at 19th-century history of labor, and how the working class had to fight tooth and nail to even get to the badly flawed system that we have now, is both depressing and illuminating.
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southeastasianists · 4 years
Over the last 2 years, the ABC’s news website has featured at least six stories focussing on cruelty to animals in Indonesia. The stories are accompanied by graphic images and a warning: ‘This story contains graphic images that some readers may find distressing’. The ABC has not paid equivalent attention to violence against animals in any other foreign country during this period. Indonesia seems to be the site of choice from which the ABC sources images of cruelty to animals. Furthermore, the experts and commentators encountered in this coverage are almost invariably Australians or Europeans, which gives audiences the incorrect impression that it is only Australians or Europeans who are protecting animals from cruelty in Indonesia.
Australians continue to know little and think poorly about Indonesia. This is a little puzzling, for there are many reasons to think these problems might have disappeared. For example, Australians love Bali, and for decades Australian governments have been introducing programs to make it easier for young Australians to study Indonesian language and to visit the country.
We have had ample opportunity to broaden public knowledge of Indonesia beyond beaches, terror and natural disasters, and to recognise the amazing array of civilisations and cultures that combine together under the flag of the Republic of Indonesia. Yet the Lowy Institute, which regularly polls Australians to establish their attitudes towards countries in our region, concluded this year that “Australians continue to demonstrate a lack of knowledge about, and trust in, our largest neighbour, Indonesia”.
Media representations clearly have much to do with these public attitudes. The ongoing broadcast of negative images about the country has probably dissuaded all but the most curious from wanting to know the realities of Indonesia. Australian media do not malevolently or ignorantly circulate negative images; they have moved beyond the attitudes that in the past underpinned media misrepresentations about Asia. Rather, the construction of negative impressions happens almost invisibly as a by-product of well-meaning coverage of problems with which we are legitimately concerned. The ABC’s reportage of violence towards animals illustrates how this happens.
The ABC’s journalists do not search for or create this content. It comes from advocacy groups independent of the ABC, or is sourced from Jakarta’s English language news media. Occasionally ABC journalists write as guests of advocacy groups, which invite journalists to participate in their media strategies. So, when the ABC journalist Anne Barker was hosted by the World Wildlife Federation at a nature reserve in Indonesia’s Riau province, she joined Richmond footballers who had also been brought there for the promotion (Sumatran Tigers on the Brink of Extinction, 3/12/19).
The WWF, ABC and the footballers are doing valuable work in drawing attention to animal populations at risk. But must Indonesia continually be the location from which images of cruelty are sourced? By relying on Indonesia as the source above other countries, and by circulating the associated images so liberally, the ABC is unwittingly constructing and affirming an unfair and inaccurate image of the country.
Animals Australia In recent years, the ABC has frequently obtained Indonesia-related material from Animals Australia. This organisation provides the ABC with content sourced by its staff and investigators, and the ABC circulates it. The synergy between the two organisations is understandable. Animals Australia plays an important role in drawing attention to cases of cruelty to animals. The ABC recognises correctly that most Australians accept this issue as one that concerns the national interest.
In some stories, the relevance to Australian government policy is direct: Animals Australia has done valuable work in advocating compliance with the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS), a code governing the conduct of animal export established by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.
Yet there are dimensions to this collaboration that we ought to question. For one thing, there are never any stories in which visual images are not central. These images encourage readers to click into the content, but they keep a triangle of re-occurring elements before the attention of ABC readers: graphic depictions of cruelty to animals, judgements such as “inhumane” that scream from the headlines and warnings, and thirdly, the fiction that Indonesia is the prime site for the occurrence of such cruelty.
One can understand why the Animals Australia website would make use of such shocking imagery. Animals Australia is an activist group advocating for its ideological position, and the group should not be expected to give much consideration to the geographical source of its images. The images enable it to convey its messages effectively, and are important for its fundraising efforts. The first image welcoming visitors to its website is an image of a lamb with pleading gaze. The ‘Donate Now’ button sits centimetres from the lamb’s eyes. The cute images sit beside horrifying images of violence towards animals – many of them recorded by the group’s activists during visits to Indonesia. The donate button sits close to these images also.
But must the ABC cooperate so actively in the circulation of images provided by Animals Australia? The ongoing coverage is creating an unfair and untrue impression of Indonesia for Australians. This impression could be righted with recognition of two other strands of the story.
The true story behind animal cruelty First, Indonesia is not as different from Australia as these images suggest.  In fact, Indonesia has an enthusiastic and well-supported animal rights lobby.
Indonesian volunteers rally around the programs of Profauna, for example, a not-for-profit established in East Java in 1994 to protect animals from illegal trading and habitat destruction caused by logging. Animal welfare organisations and clubs gather increasing numbers of like-minded people to raise awareness and activism. Popular celebrities such as Davina Veronica and Nadya Hutagulung leverage their profiles in order to publicly advocate on behalf of animals, just as Brigitte Bardot and Leonardo DiCaprio do in Europe and the USA. Were Davina and Nadya made the subject and agents of ABC reporting, fairer and more representative images of a humane Indonesia would appear before Australian readers and viewers.
The second point is not about similarity, but difference. In understanding why standards of animal treatment in Indonesia often fall below those in Australia, it is helpful to understand how progressive causes of this kind catch on widely. They rely upon populations being drawn into shared conversations in which progressive positions are advocated and justified. This has not happened in Indonesia in the way it has here.
Indonesia has had to build its educational, economic and public health systems almost from scratch since it became independent in 1945, and has laboured to create for its population the prosperity taken for granted in Australia. Educational standards have not developed in accordance with the hopes of policy makers and citizens. Large segments of the Indonesian population lack access to basic information concerning health and sanitation, let alone emerging causes such as animal rights and environmental issues.
On the UNDP Human Development Index Australia is ranked sixth, while Indonesia is ranked 111th. Indonesian young people attend school for a mean of 8 years, while the mean for Australia is 12.7. These rankings reveal the difficulties the Indonesian government faces in empowering its population, and also explain the slower uptake of progressive causes.
Against this background, the ABC’s reliance upon Indonesia for images of cruelty is unfair to our northern neighbour. It is also unfair to Australians, for it compounds Australians’ ignorance of the history and contemporary conditions of life in the country. The coverage continues the unfairness post-colonial nations like Indonesia have had to encounter in building national systems from a position of massive disadvantage in comparison to prosperous settler nations like Australia. And it dissuades Australians from wanting to know more about Indonesia.
Changing the story Is anyone to blame here? Not really. Animals Australia is doing what its mission requires it to do – draw cruelty to animals to the attention of Australians and to raise money to enable it to do this. The ABC knows the material will find approval from Australian viewers. Furthermore, it helps the ABC play a valuable public role in calling industries to account for their treatment of animals.
Yet this situation ought to be changed out of fairness to our Indonesian neighbours and for the benefit of young Australians needing a better knowledge of their region. Such changes will not be difficult: images of animal cruelty sourced from Indonesia should be reduced in ABC news coverage and replaced by images from other locations. This will not hurt the pro-animals cause at all.
And second, the ABC should establish a new relationship with an Indonesian partner, enabling Australians to learn that this humane cause is shared – not opposed – by our close neighbours. Animal cruelty is not an Indonesian specialisation, but is present everywhere, and Australians will benefit from gaining awareness of the similarities and differences to be encountered in the true story of animal welfare in Indonesia.
Julian Millie ([email protected]) is Professor of Indonesian Studies in the Faculty of Arts at Monash University
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sajanbabu1234 · 3 years
Top 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing.
Social media began in 1997 with a site called Six Degrees.
Tumblr media
Quick forward to the mid 2000s and renowned locales including Flickr, MySpace and YouTube arose in 2005 with Facebook, and Twitter the next year, there are currently countless clients on social media destinations. Where individuals are, organizations make certain to follow. Utilizing the stages similarly as normal clients, organizations figured out how to promote their labor and products.
Quick forward to now, and there are a lot more social systems administration stages, many are supported by explicit socioeconomics. For instance, 90% of clients of Snapchat are matured 18 – 24, and 66% are female.
In addition consolidations and acquisitions of social media locales make it much simpler to share content across stages and utilize the equivalent login qualifications, for instance, Facebook possesses Instagram and WhatsApp. Letter set claims Google and YouTube. There are additional up-sides for your business from dividing content and switch among the stages utilizing the equivalent login certifications.
Organizations need to showcase their labor and products on locales like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn to contact their target group, nonetheless, is SMM excessively costly?
A few specialists say SMM (social media advertising) doesn't convey an incentive for cash for example see Neil Patel's video on Facebook Ads. There are so many computerized showcasing methodologies, including email promoting that are simpler to do and less expensive as well yet for how long?
Fresher innovations including artifical insight, AI and other fourth and fifth mechanical transformation programming further developing ROI for advertisers including utilizing social media for business.
Hence in this article, we uncover our advantages and disadvantages for organizations promoting on social media, for example social media promoting (SMM).
The most clear benefit for organizations utilizing Facebook to advance their image is the enormous userbase. There are 2.7 billion month to month clients as indicated by Statista. You'd figure it is difficult to focus on your advert at your target group, however upgrades in tech have been effectively utilized for sponsors.
Client Data Analysis
Destinations like Facebook have outsider suppliers gaining practical experience in programming and administrations for data division and organizations utilizing the data get the award with their SMM adverts been seen by their expected clients. This is a benefit for sponsors however for clients it's been a hindrance as indicated by the adverse result of Cambridge Analytica utilization of Facebook client data in the US 2016 political race.
Expanded brand mindfulness
By 2021 Statista foresee more than 3 billion individuals will utilize social media in some structure. Thusly given that pretty much every individual possesses a cell phone, work area or a PC, and they invest a ton of energy on social media locales, doing any kind of SMM whenever carried out effectively ought to best case scenario increment brand acknowledgment for your business.
The way to being effective with social media showcasing is executing a thoroughly examined plan. Natural sharing of supported posts, for instance, can further develop openness, and this can start inside the business with workers. Their Instagram, Twitter and so forth adherents and companions enjoying and sharing your posts and page.
Creating commitment is fundamental, and it's in the real essence of social systems administration so when individuals collaborate with your item posts more noteworthy mindfulness among different clients happens, and from here references and enquiries increment and afterward real deals.
Better consumer loyalty
Overall, most people look to stand out and affirmation, and the systems administration locales empower it. It's standard practice to take selfies, and that incorporates sharing pictures and recordings of utilizing items and so on
Devotees will like, remark and offer these posts and after a short time forthcoming clients will pose inquiries identifying with your items and administrations, and they anticipate a speedy answer. It's this immediacy of contact that further develops consumer loyalty. Hence when you're mindful, and you react straightforwardly inside your page to questions, your page draws in additional perspectives from your supporters and your clients' organizations.
The insight is your business truly minds and offers fantastic support, and this is a benefit for SMM, for example the immediacy of contact with forthcoming clients.
Social media promoting can be savvy when you realize how to do it effectively. The underlying making of another profile and marking in is free for pretty much every social media stage so getting set up is definitely not a tremendous speculation nor hazard. Notwithstanding, you can consume your advertising financial plan rapidly by endeavoring to do it without anyone's help without help from a SMM master.
Try not to do it without anyone's help. Pick an advertising proficient or office with a background marked by demonstrated SMM achievement. For instance, request to see the office's contextual investigations on Facebook advertisements for business. Request help on a SMM technique and the spending plan. Do it right the initial time, this is the most practical methodology for your business.
Expanded inbound traffic
Internet advertising should increment inbound traffic to your site. With SMM, when the mission is expertly created with a single tick activity from the channel to your site and in a perfect world the item page, guests will come and remain on your site in the event that they like what they see and read. Subsequently ensure your advert has a source of inspiration and on the presentation page try not to populate it with 'commotion,' for example spring up flags and unintuitive provisions.
Offer some incentive with high-esteem content on all pages and especially on your item pages. Thus, the increment in rush hour gridlock to your site from social media channels likes what they see as well as converts into a deal or at least pursues your pamphlet.
Gain market knowledge
For any business to succeed, it should realize its clients all around well. What are their necessities, sentiments and interests? This is called customized data and we composed another article on the best way to get more knowledge into client assumptions and wants from current computerized advertising drives.
With the high commitment among clients on social media, the stages give a vehicle to organizations to acquire market knowledge to work on their contributions and administration.
Social media has been around almost years and years, so we're more alright with it now, and we trust it all the more as well. Notwithstanding, it's not generally been like this. Take Facebook, for instance, utilizing it was a lofty expectation to absorb information, and there were an excessive number of programming refreshes which changed presentations and ease of use. Then, at that point the default client security setting set to 'public' which after client kickback actually took Facebook five years to change to apparent to companions.
Most likely the greatest Facebook fall flat was the Cambridge Analytica catastrophe, and client's confidence in Facebook arrived at an untouched low. Security is significant, and all destinations should have protection explanations on how they oversee client data catch and how they manage it. For instance, Europe has the GDPR for the European Union and organizations offering types of assistance to EU countries. Be that as it may, for business utilizing SMM, the negatives incorporate expense, slow returns, intricacy, and contenders.
Openness to contenders
Social media advertising empowers you to concentrate on your rivals' methodology. In any case, they can in any case concentrate on your business techniques through your social media stage. This puts your business at the danger of being outperformed.
Needs qualified work force
To zero in on center business issues, you should utilize qualified work force to deal with your record. For instance, to take full advantage of a WhatsApp Business various clients account beginning with utilizing the stage's API for business. Endeavoring to do this without anyone else's help wind up setting you back more than contributing the abilities of a social media designer or advertiser.
Slow profits from speculations
Social media promoting is a drawn out speculation for example plan to run crusades consistently.
Stain brand name
On the off chance that a piece of negative data discovers its direction onto a social media stage, the public will get the opportunity to communicate their disappointment. This will discolor your item name and discourage likely clients from building up connections and working with the brand.
Individuals may intentionally disregard your page since they might be keen on different locales. To get them to appreciate and share your posts might set aside time. Thus, assets as far as cash and time should be apportioned to guarantee regular distributing of tasteful posts.
Before you put resources into a social media advertising procedure, draw in a SMM office to assist you with exploring and plan a useful way to deal with accomplish your showcasing and deals objectives.
SMM is certainly not a 'one size fits all' procedure. Thusly it's not difficult to miss the point and end up more terrible off with minimal new business to show for your speculation. Thusly wear' be bashful in drawing in the specialists to slice through the 'commotion' to convey a high pace of change and ROI for your business.
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swordoforion · 3 years
Orion Digest №25 — The UNSC Members and World Federation
The nations of Earth are widely varied in history, environment, and people, giving us a rich landscape of human society to view across the world. There is no one nation unimportant, and the goal of a world federation is to support and protect all of them. However, the development of recent world history in the wake of the World Wars has led to five nations in particular becoming prominent world superpowers, as evidenced by their position as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council — the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the French Republic (and, for purposes of this discussion, the rest of the European Union), the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. These are not the world’s only superpowers, but their position as founders and shapers of the post-WW2 world is undeniable.
Each of the UNSC Permanent Members is noteworthy among superpowers — the United Kingdom once ruled an empire that stretched across the world, and their influence has been left behind in language and culture (as evidenced by my writing in English). One of its offspring, the United States, grew from colonies to a major world power, and invented the nuclear bomb that set off an international arms race. The European Union is a potential model for stable world federation, and its members have all spread their ideas, languages, culture, and inventions around the world. The Russian Federation pioneered one of the largest and most well known examples of socialism in the 20th century, and is the largest nation in the world. The People’s Republic of China is one of the oldest lasting nations in the world, dating back to the dawn of civilization, and not only is it the most populous nation in the world, but it has emerged as an economic giant among the international economy.
For their participation in the Second World War (Russia, the US, and the UK fought to liberate France in Europe, China and the US pushed against Japan in the Pacific), each of these nations was granted access to the United Nations Security Council, a section of the UN dedicated to maintaining international peace. While regular members are rotated out to allow other nations to serve for two year terms, each of these nations has remained on the UNSC since its inception, only changing due to changes in the respective national governments for the members. They also receive the power to veto adoption of policy and elections of Secretary-General, an authority that has been exercised hundreds of times.
For these reasons, I believe that among the nations of the world, these five superpowers (counting the EU in lieu of France) are the keys to the foundation of eco-socialist federation, both economically and politically. The error in previous attempts to make an international alliance was the lack of coerciveness, the lack of participation. In both the League of Nations and the modern United Nations, there is little incentive for nations to cooperate for the greater good of peace, environmental security, and preservation of human rights. If, through democratic push or through the means of revolution, these five nations were to establish a precedent for the principles of eco-socialist federalism, to be the founders of a United World Federation and use their position in the world as leaders to open membership up to the entirety of the world, a greater chance could be secured of its establishment than done otherwise.
In order to create a strong and moral world federation, a constitution and set of guidelines for each nation must be laid out, rules that a nation must follow for membership, rather than allowing nations to operate within it that don’t abide by fundamental moral principles. In the United Nations, having as many nations as possible as members takes precedence over withholding the moral standards that the UN stands for; there is compromise and accommodation where there should not be. This makes for an easily formed but ineffective federation where oppressive nations hold the advantage, as they can simply disagree and overturn attempts at reform, since their peers have little way to force them without risk of conflict. There needs to be a point at which we put our foot down, at which we prioritize the protection of the people over the interests of the government. There needs to be a minimum set of legal qualifications for entry into the world federation; standards are worth the difficulty.
To back up this constitution and the subsequent protections of human rights and freedoms that it entails, as well as the willingness to put economic interests aside for the greater good, we must have founding nations that can act as the first examples of these guidelines, the first members of a federation that can demonstrate principles not just on paper but in action. These first nations need to be powerful, to show that the federation can stand even despite the costs it must undertake, and that the enemies that could conspire against it shall not easily destroy such a partnership of nations. If we start the federation off with morally uncompromising nations that are powerful to run a federation by themselves, it will demonstrate the strength and the worthwhileness to the world of membership, the value of the cost of moral and legal reform.
The Five Nations I have listed are some of the most powerful and influential in the world, acting as longstanding centers of culture, development, and economy. To sway them from their current political paths, and to get them all to commit to the foundation of a world federation would be difficult, for various reasons — opposition to socialist economics, current violation of civil rights, historical divides and grudges. However, I believe that if it were done another way, and if we were to try to form federation and gain their support afterwards, they would prove even more of a challenge as an adversary, opposing entry through the theatres of diplomacy or war. A fledging federation would already face enough difficulty trying to establish itself to come up at odds with major world powers in the way other socialist nations throughout history have. On the other hand, their resources and reputation would automatically make a young federation a considerable world power, and by that image alone could serve to sway many more nations to our side.
Democracy and diplomacy are always the first option, but to some degree, each of these nations would require some sort of reform, a preparation phase to move each into the proper position for entry into a world federation. While I have ideas, I know that I can only reliably speak for my own nation — the United States is plagued by discrimination and a propaganda-fueled hatred for socialist and internationalist principles. We have an idea of how to advance, but decades-old paranoia of social change and a widespread contentedness with the shallow victories of moderate liberalism keep us moving at a snail’s pace. Simply put, we have no time to wait years for the old and the wealthy to come around to diversity and livable salaries while people and the environment are suffering. Fear of public backlash from outdated ideologies keeps us in political gridlock, and we must be bold and not cautious in our time of need.
Other nations in the Five run along the same general trends, having not reached a level of societal development where the equality of gender, sexuality, race, religion, etc. are guaranteed, or where the social freedoms granted to citizens either restrict the ability to live a fulfilling live (i.e. violations of a citizen’s free speech) or put citizens needlessly in harm’s way (i.e. open and unrestricted use of firearms). As with my feelings about my own nation, I simply don’t have the patience for the slow crawl of politics when any delay harms others, and I don’t believe that anyone should have patience for it. It is not in the nature of citizens to restrict and disadvantage themselves, and it is often more in the interest of government. Government is meant to serve its people, and if it cannot evolve with the times, it is in need of an upgrade.
Should the need arise where these nations refuse to change and to meet the conditions necessary for a functioning eco-socialist federalist society, the option arises of simultaneous and coordinated revolution, at varying levels, of the five major superpowers. Once again, this proves no easy task, but the difficulty of this task does not diminish its worth. The first step is to spread the word, to make the concepts and principles of eco-socialist federation known, and when the people see that there is a way beyond war, pollution, and hatred of our fellow humans, they will rise up in support of it. It is the choice of their respective governments if they will heed the demands of the people, or if they will face the consequences for holding us back.
Through whatever means, to have the citizens of each of the Five Nations move to prepare their nations for entry into a federation designed to benefit all of humanity and all future generations will be the next step in securing eco-socialist federation. At some point or another, an eco-socialist federation will require the agreement of all nations to democratic structure, socialist economics, and environmentally friendly policy, and if we are to start with any nation, a coordinated turn of these five nations, whose position in the world is exemplified by their position as permanent members of the UNSC, would be the most advantageous and strongest start to a future world federation.
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uselesspotat82 · 3 years
COVID-19: Present and Future Challenges in the Dental Practice
The coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) had a major effect on the oral healthcare profession, with dentists having a higher risk of transmission. The transmission of this infectious disease is thought to be primarily caused by aerosols and droplets. Without the interference of aerosols in everyday dental practice, quality dental care may not be possible. However, numerous protocols and algorithms with standard infection management protocols have been developed by dental societies and healthcare communities all over the world. Nonetheless, several unanswered questions arise in the minds of dentists considering starting a dental practice during or after the COVID-19 pandemic.
A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was responsible for the latest global pandemic outbreak of pneumonia. Coughing, sneezing, and physical contact were all ways for this virus to spread by respiratory droplets. Globally, the lockdown was favoured to avoid faster transmission and mortality. The current situation of global lockdown has caused panic among oral healthcare professionals, who are unsure whether to continue practicing despite the difficulties or to remain benign until the environment returns to normalcy. Oral health workers are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 transmission and face a higher risk of infection. The only disadvantage is that dentistry produces contaminated aerosols, which are also a major cause of cross infection. This blog discusses details on a few issues, some of which may necessitate additional study and time.
1st Challenge: Can coronavirus only spread by patients who have active symptoms? No, it's not true. Asymptomatic, symptomatic, and even pre-symptomatic transmission are all possible ways for it to spread. It can also spread among convalescent patients. It can also be passed from person to person by touch. As a result, even if the dental operatory is limited to a dental emergency, identifying super spreaders and limiting their use in general dental practice is difficult.
2nd Challenge: Is the dental team well equipped to deal with COVID-19? This latest pandemic has come as a surprise to the world, with no vaccine or clear treatment regimen available to date (Padron-Regalado 2020). The new understanding is insufficient to protect the dental team from the possibility of spreading the virus to others. Also with the proper use of PPE and personal disinfection, many healthcare professionals have died while attempting to save patients.
3rd Challenge: Will I continue to run my dental practice as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic? No, operating a dental practice without proper knowledge of COVID-19 is equivalent to building a hotspot for virus transmission. Additional improvements in the dental environment are needed, such as large reception areas with social separation between patients and staff, telephone triage, accurate scheduling of appropriate appointments, high degree of disinfection, extra-oral high volume suction system, negative pressure rooms, strict sterilization procedures, strict adherence to the use of N-95 masks, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
4th Challenge: Is my current experience sufficient for practice? I'm not sure. Due to the rapid evolution of data, additional training and updates are required to remain compliant. The revised guidelines must be taught and shared with the entire team. The dental team's understanding of proper PPE donning and doffing is critical.
5th Challenge: Can I be cost-effective to my patients? It's likely that it won't be possible. The cost of dental care may rise and burden our patients due to the high cost of PPE, which must be adjusted for each patient, as well as additional disinfection measures and a limited number of appointments per day.
6th Challenge: As compared to other healthcare professionals, are dentists really at a higher risk? Yes, indeed. Dental professionals may be at a higher risk. Saliva serves as the primary reservoir of droplet transmission because coronavirus has a high affinity for ACE2 receptors, which are more abundant in salivary glands than in respiratory mucosa. With the use of a high- and low-speed handpiece, a 3-way syringe, and an ultrasonic scaler, droplet, spill, and spatter production is high during dental procedures. The virus-carrying droplets can live for a few hours to days, depending on the surface, and may float in the air for a few hours, depending on the surrounding atmosphere.
7th Challenge: Is managing saliva a significant challenge for the dentist? Yes, indeed. Saliva acts as a significant reservoir of virus load, and droplets are a major source of novel coronavirus transmission through airborne and contact transmission. The range of transmission is determined by the size of the salivary droplets (diameter < 10 μm has the capacity for long-range transmission). A cough can produce 3,000 droplets, while a sneeze can produce 40,000 droplets that can travel many meters in the air, implying the importance of being aware and alert during practice. During dental care, aerosols are combined with saliva, blood, and various pathogens. They pollute the air and inanimate surroundings in the workplace, and they can linger in the air for long periods of time. Disposable PPE, face shields, gloves, surface disinfection with 0.1 percent sodium hypochlorite, 62–71 percent ethanol, or 0.5 percent hydrogen peroxide, and well-ventilated treatment rooms remain critical in this hazardous, potentially infectious setting.
8th Challenge: Can I defer treatment to a patient during or post COVID-19? The ethical concerns of treating a patient during or after a pandemic are largely determined by the laws of the concerned country or state authority. The majority of dental organizations advocate for emergency and urgent dental treatment. During emergency treatment, social distancing might not be possible. It has the potential to infect the entire dental staff, which could then become a vector of infection in the community. The moral decision to treat a patient who is experiencing a dental emergency is consistent with a high level of integrity and assurance. To avoid legal and professional indemnity, conscious and diligent alteration of treatment consent forms illustrating the risk of virus transmission, self-responsible monitoring, and alerting the dentist if any symptoms occur post-treatment is required.
Despite the fact that various infection prevention protocols have been suggested to prevent COVID-19 disease transmission in dental practice, it has been confirmed that COVID-19 can be transmitted through direct and indirect contact, primarily through respiratory droplets, saliva, and blood spatter, putting dentists at risk. Aerosols are used in the majority of dental operations, which increases the risk of cross-contamination of acute respiratory infections. Aside from that, the dental operatory has a higher number of contaminated surfaces, such as dental instruments, spittoons, doctor stools, and dental chairs and their handles, all of which are possible transmission sources. However, strict protocols such as environmental surface disinfection, mandatory cough etiquette instruction, meticulous hand hygiene, pre-procedural mouth rinse, rubber dam isolation, and the use of suitable particulate respirator masks such as certified N95, European Standard Filtering Face Piece 2 are all required (EU FFP2), or European Standard Filtering Face Piece 3 (EU FFP3) respirators in case of dental emergencies. During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of low-cost high-volume evacuator (HVE) and high-cost high-efficiency particulate arrestor (HEPA) filters is strongly recommended. Dentists, on the other hand, cannot prevent the development of aerosols when delivering quality dental care; they can only restrict it by adhering to strict protocols and following clear guidelines for urgent/emergency dental care. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated socioeconomic and racial disparities and would unquestionably worsen dental practice across the world. Currently, it is critical to be more accessible to people's oral healthcare needs and to prioritize oral treatment for high-demand classes. For the benefit of society and oral healthcare practitioners, it is more important to incorporate virtual consultation using the teledentistry model. The current crisis has clearly identified dental practitioners, and the dental profession must be integrated into the larger framework. The task now is to define the clinical functions of dentists in a more coherent model of treatment.
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violetsystems · 4 years
Apple has removed Epic Games’ battle royale Fortnite from the App Store after the developer on Thursday implemented its own in-app payment system that bypassed Apple’s standard 30 percent fee. The decision marks a significant escalation in the feud between Epic and one of the most popular mobile app stores in the US, and it comes at an especially fraught time for Apple as the iPhone maker navigates antitrust concerns over its operation of its mobile marketplace and the rules it imposes on certain developers.
Apple said in a statement to The Verge says it plans to work with Epic to “resolve these violations,” but that it has no intention to create a “special arrangement” for the company. Here’s the company’s statement in full:
Today, Epic Games took the unfortunate step of violating the App Store guidelines that are applied equally to every developer and designed to keep the store safe for our users. As a result their Fortnite app has been removed from the store. Epic enabled a feature in its app which was not reviewed or approved by Apple, and they did so with the express intent of violating the App Store guidelines regarding in-app payments that apply to every developer who sells digital goods or services.
Epic has had apps on the App Store for a decade, and have benefited from the App Store ecosystem - including it’s tools, testing, and distribution that Apple provides to all developers. Epic agreed to the App Store terms and guidelines freely and we’re glad they’ve built such a successful business on the App Store. The fact that their business interests now lead them to push for a special arrangement does not change the fact that these guidelines create a level playing field for all developers and make the store safe for all users. We will make every effort to work with Epic to resolve these violations so they can return Fortnite to the App Store.
Epic’s approach seem designed to provoke Apple into a response, as the Fortnite studio explicitly laid out in its new iOS update how using Epic’s in-app payment system would result in cheaper prices. For instance, 1,000 v-bucks, which is roughly equivalent to $10 in-game Fortnite currency, now costs just $7.99 if you use Epic direct payment, instead of the standard Apple payment processing. Normally, that amount of currency costs $9.99. Epic says that in this case, customers and not the company itself keep the extra savings, which cast the new arrangement as a pro-consumer move instead of a greedy power play.
Epic isn’t just trying to weasel its way out of money it rightly owes. CEO Tim Sweeney has long complained that mobile app stores no longer justify the 30 percent cut they take from all developers, and he’s called for substantial changes to how companies like Apple and Google conduct business with third-party developers. “It’s time for change,” Sweeney told The Verge in 2018. “Apple, Google, and Android manufacturers make vast, vast profits from the sale of their devices and do not in any way justify the 30 percent cut.” Epic itself launched a game store on PC in which it takes only 12 percent of revenue as a way to try and encourage a similar change in competitor Valve’s Steam marketplace.
The debate is larger than just the 30 percent cut. Apple is facing heightened criticism these days over how it not only manages the App Store and its mandatory fees, but the ways it applies its guidelines in ways some developers and critics feel is unfair and may in fact be designed to benefit Apple over its competitors.
For instance, Apple recently gave Amazon an exemption to the 30 percent fee when selling TV show and movie rentals through its Prime Video app, something the company says is only allowed for certain streaming video platforms. Additionally, court documents released during the recent Big Tech antitrust hearing last month revealed Apple cut a special deal with Amazon in 2016 to lower the fees it takes on Prime Video subscriptions from 30 percent down to 15 percent to get Amazon’s app on the App Store.
Meanwhile, four years later, Apple just laid out why it will never approve cloud gaming apps and game subscription services like Microsoft’s xCloud and Xbox Game Pass, as well as Google Stadia. Apple’s justification for doing so — that it cannot individually review all the games offered by cloud gaming platforms as it would standard iOS apps — provoked Sweeney to issue another harsh condemnation. “Apple has outlawed the metaverse,” he wrote on Twitter. “The principle they state, taken literally, would rule out all cross-platform ecosystems and games with user created modes: not just XCloud, Stadia, and GeForce NOW, but also Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox.”
Since Fortnite first arrived on mobile in 2018, the game has existed as a standard iOS app; Epic CEO Tim Sweeney has openly said his company only did so because there is no other way to enter Apple’s closed ecosystem. That means Apple has taken 30 percent of all in-app purchases of Fortnite currency used to purchase its battle pass subscription service and the cosmetic skins, emotes, and other digital goods that make the battle royale one of the most lucrative entertainment properties on the planet. Fortnite earned Epic $2.4 billion in 2018 and $1.8 billion in 2019, helped in large part by its popularity across platforms, as players can use the same account across iOS, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Epic previously bypassed Google’s Play Store on Android by releasing Fortnite as a direct download through its own software launcher. But the studio eventually relented earlier this year after failing to appeal Google for an exemption of its similar 30 percent cut of all in-app purchases. “After 18 months of operating Fortnite on Android outside of the Google Play Store, we’ve come to a basic realization,” reads Epic’s statement. “Google puts software downloadable outside of Google Play at a disadvantage.”
Epic’s statement at the time was transparent in its displeasure at how Google, and by extension Apple, treat third-party software that doesn’t abide by its rules. Epic also later joined Match Group, the parent company of Tinder and other dating apps, in issuing statements of support for two ongoing antitrust investigations into Apple conducted by the European Union, launched only after Spotify and other app makers protested App Store policies they say unfairly punish Apple competitors.
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