#benedict yoluku
sonicringbond · 2 years
Sonic Ring Bond - Episode of Journey's Beginning 09
The following is a work of fan fiction by Joshua D. Tarwater and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.* *SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS retains full rights over the Sonic the Hedgehog™ intellectual property and can terminate or take control of this work at any time.
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★~Amnesia Island has it’s dangers, but it’s a safe enough place normally. Things changed however the day the Overgrowth arrived and brought the Stone Ghosts with it. They are a danger to everyone anywhere on the island. Yet it feels more like they simply woke up after visiting the labyrinth beneath the island. The bizarre castle town seems to be their home, though the fairies and unique Stone Ghosts there make me wonder.~
~Tempest The Black 
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Sky of volcanic glass and molten rock Luminescent, white trees, grass, ivy, moss, and lichen Castle town spreading out to unreachable horizon Floating on dark waters A shifting thing Like giant puzzle cube Monolithic in design Deadly in intention
“I found it!” Rosy shouted as she ran towards a Ghost Stone set in a circular recess of a massive stone brick wall.
“Rosy wait!” Tempest shouted after her, unable to reach out as Stone Ghosts that resembled ship anchors dropped from the ceiling of the underpass he was in. Dodging their initial attack was easy enough, but he could hardly dodge the fists they threw on the end of long chains. “That’s just another wheel!”
“Oops!” Rosy laughed at herself, but not for long.
The Wheel type Stone Ghost was exactly as its name implied, a large circular stone wall with the life-giving green gem of the Stone Ghosts, a Ghost Stone, set in the center of its face. Like all Stone Ghosts it could fire a beam of green light from it, and Rosy was knocked back as it struck her. The unique jingling sound made by the Rings filled the air as the Rings Rosy carried joined Tempest’s in bouncing about.
“Phooey! Rosy puffed up her cheeks as she switched places with Tempest to challenge the Anchor types in the underpass. “What type of crazy castle is this anyway!”
“One meant to keep unwanted guests out,“ Mote suggested as she flitted about doing her best to stay ahead of the school of Fish type Stone Ghosts that chased after her.
“Not like we can leave either,” Tempest noted as he destroyed the Ghost Stone of the Wheel, reducing it to dust and revealing another passage beyond. One that more Fish swam through the air out of, just ahead of a wall of water. “All this water and being beneath the island makes it impossible to leave!”
Tempest just stayed out of the water as he stretched out his right arm and took hold of a Fish that he pulled himself to. With a series of jumping Spin Attacks that resembled Sonic’s homing attack, Tempest reached a Rainbow Ring up above him and was launched well into the air above the city block he and Rosy were in. From his new vantage point, he could see that Rosy was washed out of the underpass and back into the plaza they were in before finding escape through the passage. Escape from the Guardian type Stone Ghosts.
They were bizarre even for Stone Ghosts. Only a handful of circular and semi-circular stone shapes floating around a massive orb of light held aloft by detached fairy wings. There was significantly more stone in the weapons that floated at their sides, plethora in variety from what Tempest had seen, as well the shield floating opposite. The shields were perhaps more trouble than the weapons due to seeming to always have some Ring misplaced item on them, from springs and spikes to even more untraditional Rings like Dash Rings. The lack of a Ghost Stone on them however had forced Tempest and Rosy to seek them out, hidden in the massive labyrinth. Doing so however brought with it yet another problem.
“Just leave me alone you creeps!” Rosy wailed as she ran back up the flooded underpass.
She could hardly run in the waist deep water however, but an opportunity to escape presented itself to her as she jumped back to avoid another Anchor type that dropped in from above. Above and from a hole in the ceiling of the underpass. It would be tricky to reach, but in desperate situations people could do amazing things, and Rosy was no exception as she jumped up to avoid the flying fist thrown her way.
Before the off target thrown fist of the Anchor type fully passed under Rosy, the pink hedgehog girl landed on it for just long enough to manage a second jump from relatively dry land. It was not much of a jump, but it was enough for Rosy to grab the chain that the Anchor dangled from.
“Not again!” Rosy wailed again as she saw green light started to gather in the Ghost Gem just past the connection point of the chain.
Not desiring to be shot again, despite having recollected several of her previously lost Rings, Rosy scrambled up the chain as fast as she could. It was not enough, and the green beam of light that came from below struck her easily and sent her flying from the chain. Naturally, her Rings were sent flying from her person as they kept her unharmed from the attack.
“Oh!” Rosy exclaimed, her surprise at landing in a hidden passageway keeping her from complaining again.
It was not much of a secret passageway though as it was only a few feet long in either direction from the hole in its floor. Strangely, it was stashed with old wooden crates of a far darker wood than the white trees and vegetation of the form the Overgrowth took in the floating underground city. As strange as it was though, it did not obscure the massive Ghost Stone sitting in the white grass that half buried.
“Finally,” Rosy sighed with relief, but stopped after taking only one step toward the Ghosts Stone, and the green fairies that flittered around it. “If I break it before Tempest finds me in here, we’ll be separated.”
:But can you afford to wait, my Medium?: the voice of Yoluku echoed in Rosy’s head as a sharp pain exploded in her left eye.
“Get out of my head you creep!” Rosy demanded of the uninvited divinity’s presence, rubbing at her left eye against the pain. It did not subside however.
Squinting against the pain, Rosy opened her left eye, revealing that her left iris was gone. In its place was a Red Ring very much like the Sky Ring. A broken two-fifth fragment of a Ring through which a cog wheel turned. Unlike the Sky Ring that encircled a speck of Darkness, this much smaller Ring encircled a matching hued five-pointed star. The sight of the thing terrified the fairies that were present, and they fled down the hole just as the Anchor reeled itself back up into the hidden passage.
:You’ve lost all your Rings,: Yoluku’s voice reminded Rosy as she dodged a beam of light before curling into a ball to make the thrown fists of the Stone Ghost miss her. :Even if you defeat this toy, the Guardians are coming and there is no room to fight them in here. You will fall and the Rings will whisk you back to safety before it turns fatal. You will be separated regardless.:
“You don’t know that,” Rosy argued as she bounced, uncurled, and leapt into a spin attack that took her straight through the Anchor and across the passageway. Before she could unintentionally break the Ghost Stone, she uncurled and landed on her feet before the green gem. “Tempest could still find his way here!”
:But can you afford to wait?: Yoluku laughed like crystal chimes in a fine summer breeze as green light started to gather in the Ghost Stone.
Taking a step back, Rosy looked over her shoulder and saw the familiar green glow of a Guardian closing in on her from the hole in the floor. Had she not had Yoluku’s voice in her head, or perhaps at least had Mote at her side, she might have considered that if she could just dodge the green beam of light fired by the Ghost Stone that there was a chance it could force Rings out of the walls. Instead, she grew desperate with Yoluku laughing in her head and performed the quickest Spin Dash she ever had and shattered the Ghost Stone.
As the Ghost Stone shattered, a Seed of Light sprang forth and the entire structure shook fiercely. Not to be freed dangerously of her footing, Rosy leapt up just before the entire city block turned sideways and grabbed the Seed of Light. In a flash of light Rosy was curled up into a tight ball within a Light Bloom as its detached stem found purchase in the wall turned ceiling.
“Please Tempest, still be able to reach me,” Rosy pleaded quietly as she waited out what was happening with the flower of light that dangled like a fancy light fixture.
Though Rosy could still feel the rumbling and moving of the labyrinth, she could not behold the sight that Tempest did. Entire city blocks up and moved themselves, circling about, turning sideways and upside, and even plummeting beneath the surface of the dark waters. The labyrinth rearranged itself like the world’s most complex puzzle block, a thing composed of countless smaller puzzle blocks forming some elaborate shape. But Tempest hardly appreciated the spectacle that surrounded him as he was caught up in a waterslide that took him from the city block he and Rosy had been in to a spring. The spring in turn sending Tempest through several Dash Rings and eventually a Rainbow Ring that carried him easily into a completely different block.
Shouting as he did was useless. As Tempest ran up the steps of the plaza he had landed in, he was afforded a view of the labyrinth taking on the form of a massive Ring due to most of the city blocks sinking into the water. From where he stood, it was impossible for Tempest to determine where Rosy could have wound up, or even where Mote was left as the labyrinth changed shape around them. As it had with every Guardian that they had managed to destroy up to that point.
Tightening his right fist, a minor curse fell from Tempest’s lips, and he gritted his teeth. But there was no time to wait around as a school of Fish type Stone Ghosts were rapidly advancing on his position from across the water. Swearing again, Tempest took off, but not before taking note of the enormous black sphere that had appeared in the center of the newly formed circle of water. It was as though the labyrinth had become a replica of the Sky Ring.
“Maybe,” Tempest contemplated how to meet up with Rosy aloud. “Maybe if I head there, I can meet up with Rosy. I’m sure she’d think the same thing with such an obvious landmark. Heh! I’m sure she’ll have an easier time of it since she can swim.”★
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Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic The Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement.
The Sonic Ring Bond alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and IP research which can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
The Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond story are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein, regardless of creator, context, use/ function, intent, and time of creation, considered for all legal purposes without contest, compensation, employment, or offer of employment, liability, etcetera, the property of the Sonic The Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS regardless of having read or possessing awareness of this disclaimer.
Sonic The Hedgehog Copyright© 1990-2022 SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS
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sonicfanj · 2 years
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All of the canon (immigrant) character and OCs of Sonic Ring Bond so far! What do you think? Please let me know!
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sonicringbond · 2 years
Sonic Ring Bond - Episode of Journey's Beginning 08
The following is a work of fan fiction by Joshua D. Tarwater and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.* *SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS retains full rights over the Sonic the Hedgehog™ intellectual property and can terminate or take control of this work at any time.
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★~It’s been home for what seems like forever, but Amnesia Island always finds new ways to amaze me! While Ring Shifts change up the island often enough to keep exploring fun on the surface, there’s a labyrinth deep below the surface that seems to stretch off forever in all directions. It’s really dangerous down there, but maybe if you’re really good at exploring it’s worth visiting!
~Rosy the Rascal
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Darkness banished by water reflected light Motes of green light Castle brick Flooded underground courtyard Green vegetation overgrowing Monolithic structures looming Distant rivers of molten earth
The surface of the water broke, and Rosy strained as she stumbled backwards up stone castle steps. Her lungs were burning, but she was more focused on dragging Tempest out of the water along with her. It was a task that was made more difficult for multiple reasons.
For whatever reason, the Darkness that comprised Tempest’s right arm sought to consume Rosy. Should she touch it, crystals that matched those growing from Tempest’s body would sprout on her and begin crawling over her leaving her coated in the Darkness. The further they reached the more violent the forms of the crystals would become, and where the Darkness coated her, Rosy’s body grew limp. Pulling Tempest from behind and under his armpits assured that she could not avoid contact with it. Her entire right arm had grown coated, the crystals crawling over her torso and face as they spread. And just as the ones growing from Tempest’s body, they cast a red light through with matching hued sparks of electricity raced.
Up to this point, Tempest had managed to keep the Darkness that comprised his arm finding purchase on Rosy. As he was concentrating on something his arm was stretched out to grab under the water, he could do nothing to try and stop it, even as he felt Rosy being slowly pulled into his right arm.
“Come on Tempest!” Rosy enthusiastically encouraged her fellow hedgehog, “Pull!”
Acting impulsively, Rosy shifted her position as best she could and grabbed Tempest’s right arm with her left hand. Immediately another batch of crystals sprung up from where she made contact with the Darkness and began racing up her arm attempting to meet the cluster that already had quite the journey behind it.
“Rosy!” Tempest yelped as the awkward position he found himself in cost what footing he had almost gained, the light of his crystals shifting to purple as he fell.
“Sorry!” Rosy apologized as she took advantage of Tempest’s stumble to better brace herself. “Just hold on and keep pulling!
“YAH~!” With a great cry, Rosy slammed her foot into the ground and yanked back on Tempest’s arm with everything she had.
Despite her small stature, Rosy was incredibly strong. As Tempest’s stretched out arm whipped back, she ended up throwing herself back with it as she could not let it go. But instead of worrying, she smiled brightly as the surface of the water erupted, the bi-wing rotorcycle breaking the surface safely in Tempest’s massively swelled hand.
“Yay~♥We did it!”
“I can hardly believe it,” Tempest gawked as he got his feet under him and withdrew his arm, allowing it to return to its normal size and pulling the plane up the steps in the process. He tried to act like he did not realize he pulled Rosy right up against him as he focused on the plane, but the blue light given off by his crystals gave him away. “But it’s in pretty bad shape still.”
“Nothing we can’t fix with a few Rings, right Mote?” Rosy shifted her attention to the Ring Fairy while vainly attempting to pull her arms’ free of Tempest’s.
“The repair of the plane is hardly a problem,” Mote agreed as she fluttered about to take in where the group found themselves. “Even transporting it should be of little difficulty with enough Rings, though there are hardly any here.”
“Well, at least it seems safe enough to go exploring to find more,” Rosy observed the lack of danger in the underground courtyard as Tempest suddenly stretched his arm out to snag a distant Ring. The quickness of the motion was enough to finally pull the Darkness and crystals free of Rosy’s body and she began to rub feeling back into her arms. “But where are we?”
“Somewhere we should not be,” Mote commented as a small cluster of the green lights drifting in the air approached her. Only they were not simple lights.
“Ooh~!” Rosy’s eyes lit up as she caught sight of the green glowing tear drops with tiny orbs above them and wings of light just detached from their bodies. “Are those more fairies! They look just like you and nothing like you at the same time Mote!”
“I- They are indeed my brethren,” Mote conceded with a sigh while trying to pay attention to the unwanted attention she received from her fellow fairies.
“I don’t understand,” Tempest confessed as he found several of the green fairies, the only color of fairy present, eying him warily. “We can hear you, but…”
“Ooh~! You’re right Tempest! I don’t hear them at all, even though they look like they’re asking Mote a bunch of questions.”
“Before you even try to explain, maybe you should consider actually telling us what’s going on,” Tempest suggested as Mote seemed unprepared to explain the current situation. Tempest was not willing to give her time either as he grabbed his right arm and began tapping his foot. “Since that night, I haven’t said anything because I agree that getting off Amnesia Island is more important, but…”
“Tempest…,” Rosy attempted to diffuse Tempest’s ire, speaking softly and trying to get in his line of sight.
“No Rosy, when I met her, she told me that it was unlikely that she could be heard at all by most due to being a Ring Fairy, yet it’s her we hear and not these green ones which barely resemble her. And she still has yet to explain why she fled, why she knew who I was talking about, and warned you immediately of the voice that you heard that night. She even knew what to do when that strange Ring appeared in your eye.”
“Well…,” Rosy failed to come up with anything meaningful to say as she delicately reached for her left eye. The delicate moment only lasted an instant however and she was immediately full of energy again, though this time with fire.
“It’s not like everyone who comes to Amnesia Island has amnesia!” Rosy excitedly bounced, balling up and waving her hands. “Just look at the Empire jerks who wrecked our plane and keep starting fires! They don’t seem to have amnesia!”
Tempest closed his eyes, lowered his head, and sighed. The speed that Rosy went to defend Mote was exasperating, but he knew he could no longer let the fairy keep her secrets. And so, he spoke a name, just barely audible, but powerful enough to make Mote flinch. “Emperor Benedict Yoluku.”
Mote was not the only one who flinched. Every fairy in the room froze, slowly turning to look at Tempest with an air of panic.
“Eh?” “Rosy vocalized her surprise and confusion. “How come they all seem to know that name?”
“Because green fairies are keepers of secrets and knowledge that no civilization today could fathom,” Mote answered as she eyed Tempest warily herself. “That so many are gathered here… We should not be here.”
“Why?” Tempest pressed Mote impatiently. “What’s here beneath Amnesia Island? Is it a way to get back to him? Because I can just try to make a Ring Bond with Rosy and he’ll be more than happy to torment me wherever it is that weird tree in the sky is.”
“You really must learn not to blurt out things like that,” Mote swallowed with dread as the green fairies again turned their attention onto her. “They know full well who he is, and that you two are somehow connected to him, it is not something that is making us welcome, or even safe. In fact, I advise that we leave as we shall soon be the enemies of who actually sleeps here, the god who calls this island home, and is likely why those who come lose their memories.”
“The Machine God,” Tempest stated, causing such a change in the air that even Rosy could no longer ignore it.
“Tempest, maybe we can ask Mote about this later. I mean, we need to gather up enough Rings to at least take the plane with us and staying here may not be as safe as it looks.”
“Nowhere will be safe should the Machine God wake,” Mote warned.
“They are not our enemy by malice, but should they wake then they will be duty bound to see any threat to Yoluku’s seal terminated! That means the two of you must be eliminated as he can reach the world through you. But you are also my only chance to find a way to fight back!”
“Mote…,” Rosy tried to offer a comforting voice, but it was too little too late. The other fairies had become a threat in Mote’s eyes, and she was desperate to buy them what time they could.
“The Sky Ring! It is one of Yoluku’s most sinister creations, a Ring that affords him access to the memories of every individual Ring allowing him to rewrite all of the world’s history in an instant. He made it during his slumber, but the Thief I am tasked with finding stole his ability to use it from him. If I can find them, then I can find out how and even undo the damage caused to the world by Yoluku’s waking. But I have been told that he claims it is unlikely that the thief even still exists, undone by their own heist. Yet you were forgotten by the Rings, my vassal, but persist because of Sonic the Hedgehog’s memories of you! If he has met the Thief, then maybe, just maybe…”
:It’s amusing, isn’t it?: a boyish man’s voice, so pleasing to the ear rang out in Rosy’s head, laughing like wind chimes on a clear summer day. :This is my game, my Medium.:
“Ow,” Rosy whimpered, and drew the immediate attention of everyone present as she squeezed shut her left eye.
“Rosy,” Tempest asked, carefully reaching out for her with his left hand.
:What do you say my Medium? You want to be a hero and save the world like the Dirt Dweller, don’t you? Then let us play! I would be delighted to be eased of my boredom!:
“What is he saying,” Mote asked warily, earning a look from Tempest as she confirmed a fear he did not desire to have.
“He’s asking me if I want to play his game…”
“Insufferable,” Mote spat in disgust. “If he is asking you at all you’ve already been dragged in. But you can keep him out of your head. Your Ring Bond with Sonic does not only grant you his speed, but it is based upon him being able to resist the will of the gods. Yet right now it is his speed that we need. You two must fly before this island becomes not just our jail, but your grave!”
“I guess I wanted the truth…”
“It’s alright Tempest,” Rosy offered the black hedgehog a smile, even as she kept her left hand balled-up against her still closed left eye. “He’s not wrong. I do want to go on an adventure and save the world. It’d be so much fun, and I’d have such a grand story to share with Sonic that I’m sure he’d be happy to share all of his stories about me. And maybe he knows you too, so we can both get our memories back.”
“You two will be as erased from history as Yoluku himself if we do not hurry!” Mote once more insisted on haste. “For now, we need make use of the Rings while they are still our allies and not his and assure ourselves passage from the island. If we must fell that soldier who has come to this island in the name of whatever empire he speaks of us, then so be it. We now move to save the world and your lives!”★
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Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic The Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement.
The Sonic Ring Bond alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and IP research which can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
The Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond story are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein, regardless of creator, context, use/ function, intent, and time of creation, considered for all legal purposes without contest, compensation, employment, or offer of employment, liability, etcetera, the property of the Sonic The Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS regardless of having read or possessing awareness of this disclaimer.
Sonic The Hedgehog Copyright© 1990-2022 SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS
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sonicringbond · 2 years
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8 notes · View notes
sonicringbond · 3 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 54
Finally, we are here. The last scene of Season 1. There will be some huge changes coming, or at least they feel huge to me. But none of that will come until after this scene, so let me get out of the way so everyone can read...
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“It has been too long, old friend,” Ix’s disembodied voice stated from where it now rose from his autogolem body.
Sonic could barely tell as a blast of energy from Rosy had sent him tumbling and he had not quite righted himself yet. As he attempted to, he heard Ix continue.
“My apologies for being so long in waking you. It took some time to learn what had happened after my own shameful defeat. Though, I owe a great deal to the foreign Ring Mage and the Medium who serves as your present, unworthy host.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Pir’Oth,” Rosy, but clearly not Rosy comforted the autogolem. “I have grown rather attached to this Medium. She has been touched by so many of my brethren. It is exhilarating to see so pitiable a Medium so touched by them. The Gaia Twins, The God of Destruction. Illumina. Even Solaris has touched her. I can hardly fathom what makes this girl so special, but she is. That, and she is far from one who appreciates boredom. She has a love of entertainment to merely match my own. I may even keep her once I’ve recovered my own body.”
“Not happening…”
“Oh~? Did you still have something to say, Dirt Dweller?”
“I have plenty to say,” Sonic grunted as he forced himself to his feet. “But the only thing you need to hear is ‘let her go’.”
“You do not realize your position,” Ix interceded on behalf of the entity that possessed Rosy. “You are but a frail, meaningless mortal. My old friend is the one and only rightful ruler of this world.”
“I doubt it,” Sonic spat as he noticed a giant Red Star appear at the center of the sphere, the bottom loosing form and becoming a cloud of Rings. Still, he pressed on. “I heard you name a lot of familiar faces a moment ago. Believe it or not, but a couple I’ve helped and made pretty good friends with, and a couple more I had to stop from destroying the world. Can you guess who’s still standing?”
“You expect me to believe that, Dirt Dweller?” the entity that possessed her scoffed at Sonic’s claims. turning Rosy’s now red right eye and Gear Star Ring iris left eye onto Sonic,
“I’m guessing you’re controlling her via a Ring Bond,” Sonic surmised as he started to walk towards Rosy, even as the ground beneath him began to lose its supports as they turned to Rings. “But you didn’t touch her memories at all, or you would have noticed. She watched me fight Chaos, and she believed I could beat Dark Gaia. Or maybe it’s just because Rings in the lands under that troublesome egg in the sky absorb people’s memories so her memories aren’t there for you to pic at.”
“You are surprisingly wise, Dirt Dweller,” the entity commended Sonic. “But I can make a Ring Bond with you and silence you in an instance, no less gain all of your memories. After all, they seem to be unnaturally intact. I never would have believed there were any who could resist my mastery of the Rings. Still, even through this vessel it will be no problem dealing with a simple, boastful, Dirt Dweller.”
Spinning up from the rapidly growing cloud of Rings and Ring Gates, a single Ring presented itself between Rosy and Sonic. The smirk on Rosy’s face deepened the scowl on Sonic’s and entertained the entity that possessed her. Still, Sonic walked forward unfaltering. It bothered Ix as he had seen the speeds Sonic could run at.
“Perhaps it would be best if we simply eliminated him now, Benedict,” Ix suggested, and at last gave a name to the entity possessing Rosy.
“And where would the fun in that be Pir’oth,” Benedict laughed through Rosy. “This Dirt Dweller, he is so fun I may yet let him flounder. It has been too long that I’ve slept, and to be greeted by so perfect a gift. I can hardly discard it so readily.”
“Then I shall devote myself to planning your awakening ready for this one’s challenge,” Ix held from arguing and turned to enter a Ring Gate that awaited him. He kept his blue glowing eyes on Rosy a moment longer though. “I will not allow your need for pleasure to keep you asleep any longer. The world shall know once more of the name Emperor Benedict Yoluku of the Empire of the Ring. Stay well old friend, I hope to see you once more, far sooner than later.”
“And now he’s gone and ruined the surprise,” Yoluku laughed, watching Ix disappear through a Ring. Surprise came to Rosy’s face as Yoluku turned his attention back to Sonic. “Oh? Is there something amusing.”
“Don’t mind me,” Sonic snickered, even as he held a tight smirk. “I just didn’t realize how accurate I was. Benedict? Yolk? Come on, you’re like a breakfast food, Eggs Benedict.”
“Ah, so the Dirt Dweller has a sense of humor.”
“I bet you look like an egg too, don’t you,” Sonic pressed, obviously agitating Yoluku. “Well, you know, or I guess you don’t since she’s missing her memories, but scrambling eggs is my specialty.”
Stopping before the Ring Yoluku had summoned, Sonic casually collected it. “A foolish move, Dirt Dweller. That was your last link to this precious girl. Soon the floor shall fall out from under you and you’ll be helpless to take her back. Unless that is how you foreign Dirt Dwellers beg for mercy. It’s so hard to say. It has been ages since the concept of foreigners could even be had. Little matter, I accept this girl as your gift and will let you fall to where the Rings may take you.”
Sonic had not been paying attention to the fact that Rosy had been floating this whole time, but it was impossible to ignore when she floated down to the walkway he was standing on, the whole thing turning to Rings at the touch of her feet leaving him with nowhere left to stand. Naturally, he fell helplessly.
“How boring,” Yoluku remarked, a look of disappointment weighing down Rosy’s normally cheerful features. “I suppose I shouldn’t have let his boasting get my hopes up.
The sound of collected Rings reached Yoluku far after he felt a gloved hand take Rosy’s wrist. He hadn’t expected it at all. And turned to look with Rosy’s eyes through a Ring into Sonic’s emerald eyes, stunned by the surprise he felt. “A Light Speed Dash? Performed by a mere dirt dweller?”
“What can I say, I’m full of surprises,” Sonic smirked as the Ring he held burst into motes of golden lights.
“Yet you are still a fool, Dirt Dweller. There is nothing you can accomplish by making a Ring Bond with me. I shall dominate it and make you my servant.”
“Who says I was making one with you, Eggs? I’m making one with Amy, and you’re too late to stop me.”
“What can you possibly offer her that would be a threat to me, Dirt Dweller?”
“If you could see her memories, then you’d know that even Dark Gaia couldn’t dominate me.”
With Rosy’s widening eyes, Yoluku realized he was bested, and laughed as Sonic spoke to Rosy. “Impossible”
“It’s time to wake up, rascal,” Sonic gently whispered to Rosy and watched her right iris return to the shade of blue that always reflected him. He still had a few last words for Yoluku however as he saw the Gear Star Ring still turning in Rosy’s eyes. “And don’t think I’m done with you either, Eggs. I’ll find a way up to you and put a stop to this foul Ring Bond myself.”
“I welcome the challenge,” a youthful, pleasant, and cheerful voice greeted Sonic from the Rings. “I have not had this much fun in ages. I look forward to seeing all of the ways you two entertain me for your short little lives, Dirt Dweller!”
~Maybe I hear voices in the darkness. But Sonic shared something with me in that Ring Bond. And not just the ability to resist the will of the gods, which is so strange. I’ve never resisted them so openly before. I can only wonder how that will affect my relationship with my cards. But it’s so hard to tell right now. There was something else in that Ring Bond from Sonic. It’s so, so warm. But I can hardly focus at all. I can barely see Sonic, or the red glowing eyes behind him. I think they’re supposed to be familiar. I can feel myself getting scared, but they also feel so much like Sonic. But Sonic seems to recognize them. I can hear his voice, and maybe it sounds scary too.~
“I should have known there would be one last troublemaker to come and crash my party crashing. Heh, and all things considered, I should have expected you sooner.”
~I’m too lost in Sonic’s warmth to hear the name he says. That’s okay. I know this is the real Sonic in this warmth. And for once, I think he’s willingly engulfing me in it. Tee-hee~♥ A shame I can’t enjoy it, just a little… longer…
Scene 54 · CLEARED Party Crashing & Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Season 1, End
And that’s that. Season 1 is over. Hooray!
With celebrating out of the way, I do have to admit that I am exhausted. It was a daunting project to start with, but with several idea changes and honestly discarding my original ideas for The Journey to try and be more welcoming to everyone who has been following my AU. Now though, with everything set up, the other characters addressed as being out there, and establishing Sonic’s main goal, I can finally start to make The Journey what I originally imagined.
What is that you ask? The original idea to The Journey was to tell a story with only Sonic and Rosy. An unending road trip that explores the dynamic of Sonic and Amy and how they can work together as characters, friends, traveling companions, and even as boyfriend girlfriend, all without sacrificing their individual characters. It’s an even more massive undertaking for an amateur writer like me, but the smaller cast of characters and a more focused, yet also more open approach I’ll be taking should hopefully make it easier for me to nail. Or as close I can.
I hope everyone will continue to stick with me on this journey, even as the other characters become more of an occasional background element. Of course, if you want more out of them than that, I’ll be opening prompts again when it is time to start expanding the world of the story again. I may have my own plans, but Sonic Ring Bond is a communal AU. So please, come join me on the next leg of the Journey!
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra and every one of you! Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – Fuse Man Stage (Arranged) – Yoshiya Terayama – MEGAMAN 11 Original Soundtrack
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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sonicfanj · 3 years
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Nothing fancy here, just what the title says. Rosy has new art coming, just have to draw it after drawing one more character. For now, enjoy seeing everyone I have so far comparatively sized next to each other. You may also notice that I increased Mote's size from 5cm to 10. She was just a pinch too small XD Enjoy!
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sonicringbond · 2 years
Sonic Ring Bond - Episode of Amnesia Island III 03
The following is a work of fan fiction by Joshua D. Tarwater and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.* *SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS retains full rights over the Sonic the Hedgehog™ intellectual property and can terminate or take control of this work at any time.
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Blue iris replaced by the Sky Ring Except not quite Thing of red color Encircling five-pointed star of matching hue Falling through into sea of white Clouds parting away around great tree Roots finding purchase in great inverted pyramid Black and covered in green glowing geometric lines Drifting in the blue sky Like giant Ring hanging before great tree A lazy throne to an impossible beauty
“What… What is this?” Tempest asked as he found himself having to stand up, watched by mesmerizing eyes of red that opened at his words.
“What a curious visitor,” a boyish man’s voice rang out cheerfully, so pleasant to the ears to hear as to be intoxicating. But the voice’s words were not so honeyed as its sound. “You smell like the Dirt Dweller but are marked as if you are mine.”
“What?” Tempest simplified his first question and raised his gaze in the direction that the voice came from.
There, lounging in the giant Ring that hung in the air before the great tree was a beautifully thin and boyish human man. He was garbed all in white with red lining and Ring like adornments decorating his garb. A flowing cape like the Ring colored hair that framed his face was playfully tossed by a gentle breeze. His dancing hair flirted with a face of inhuman beauty, with skin the color of sun kissed sand and delightfully boyish.
“Ah!” the impossibly beautiful looking and sounding man playfully held a finger to his lips to silence the coming string of questions from Tempest. “You have so many questions, I can see them in your eyes. Surely then you could hardly be the Dirt Dweller.
“But you are here, and I wonder how and why that is. Who are you little dirt dweller to present your unworthy self before Emperor Benedict Yoluku, God of Rings and ruler of the Empire of the Ring?”
“Empire? God?”
The questions fell from Tempest’s lips dryly, the light cast by his crystals turning red with flakes of intense lilac light swirling within.
“Are you the reason that those monsters hurt Rosy?”
“So many questions still, even after I honored you with an introduction from a god before you introduced yourself,” Yoluku smiled maliciously as he addressed Tempest. His smile widened however as he closed his eyes for a moment before locking them with Tempest’s. “But I will forgive you, as you have spoken one of the names of my Medium. I had thought her lost when my Seal was restored, but I am delighted to hear that she yet lives.”
Laughter so beautiful filled the air, yet a shudder ran down Tempest’s spine and he clenched his right fist sensing danger drawing near.
“You’re not making any sense,” Tempest shook his head as Yoluku seemed utterly amused watching his confusion. “I don’t understand who you are or what you have to do with Rosy.”
“And I not you little dirt dweller,” Yoluku continued to laugh. “The Rings do not know you even as their memories– No, I think it will be more fun not to tell you.”
“Wait! If you know–“
“Something?” Yoluku tilted his head to the side as he cut off Tempest’s request. “You stand before a god; a crafter of your fate and you recognize not the honor that you have. But I forgive you for I am so bored and need to be entertained.
“Do tell me though, does my Medium still desire to be entertained as well? I can’t seem to see her while you stand here before me despite the Rings telling me you know her.”
“Who are you…?” Tempest asked, Yoluku’s words chilling him to his core despite the beauty of the voice that delivered them.
“Look at you, little dirt dweller,” Yoluku laughed, the pleasing sound filling the air like wind chimes in a summer breeze. “You don’t seem to be able to comprehend me at all. Perhaps it’s because… No again, I think it will be more fun to not tell you. Your confusion is delightful, but I’m afraid it’s not enough. I desire for my Medium to entertain me as well as be restored to her rightful role as my liberator.”
A ripple formed across the surface of the inverted pyramid an instant before something burst forth that revealed a layer of still water had covered it. The object was a saber which had its hilt replaced by a clockwork motor that powered dragon fly like wings to let the blade fly. Its flight was short though as Tempest swung his right arm and snapped the blade in two with a backhand that also crushed the motor. Crashing to the ground the motor exploded and Rings burst free as though forced from a fountain. Tempest casually collected one and looked down at it as the others faded, his crystals shifting to giving off a blue light while arcs of red electricity arced through them.
“You’re right, I wasn’t comprehending you at all. But now that you’ve attacked me, I know you’re no friend of Rosy’s.”
“Friends with my Medium?” Yoluku scoffingly laughed at Tempest’s statement. “I am a god and she my tool to which I honor you dirt dwellers with my divine self, for surely you could hardly understand it if I revealed to you my true glory! You truly are amusing little dirt dweller.”
“I wonder if you’ll feel that way after I give you a reason to leave Rosy alone.”
“Do please entertain me with your struggles, little dirt dweller. I am so bored.”
The water that Tempest found himself standing in barely rose halfway up his feet, yet more Flying Sabers like the first that attacked him burst out of the water straight up into the air before starting to spin like saws and hurtling towards him. It was easy enough to sprint away, and he could deflect them if he curled into a ball and performed a Rolling Spin Attack like Sonic or even a Spin Dash. Yet the sabers kept coming, spinning like saw blades and flying like missiles all aiming to cut him down in one way or another. But even when he slipped, the Rings protected him and there were plenty more to grab as the sabers he felled always burst, covering the surface of the inverted pyramid with more Rings.
The situation could have gone on indefinitely, but Tempest had no desire to dance for Yoluku and raced for the god’s position. A cloud was blown between him and his destination however by a strong gust of wind, and when he passed it the great Tree and Yoluku were no longer in front of him.
“Did he warp reality?” Tempest asked as he looked back and saw the tree and the giant Ring that Yoluku lounged in across the inverted Pyramid, but still somehow centered.
The chime like sound of collected or dropped Rings filled the air as Tempest was caught off guard and a saber collided with him from behind and sent him and his Rings flying. A sight that left Yoluku laughing with delight.
“You do play a fine court jester, little dirt dweller, but it is time to send a message to my Medium that I remember her even if she has likely forgotten me.”
“How?” Tempest asked as he returned to his feet and dashed out of the way of several more blades. “I was told that only Sonic remembered her!”
“Oh~!” Yoluku exclaimed, his eyes lighting up as he smiled at Tempest’s words. “The Dirt Dweller remembers her, and you know that no one else does. Then someone from the other side has brought you into my game. How delightful! How very entertaining!”
Throwing himself from the giant Ring, Yoluku spun about and ever so slowly fell to the ground as a Winged Saber rose up from the water, motor first, to provide him a foot hold. But even as Yoluku landed upon its pommel, the saber kept rising and the surface of the pyramid broke and rose after it. Becoming as a collection of shifting cubes of various sizes covered in the same green glowing geometric lines and patterns, the detached surface took on the form of a human torso with massive arms and a tall cylindric head.
“It’s like the Ring machines that Rosy and Nana use,” Tempest remarked to himself at the golem that rose in front of him before being distracted by Yoluku again.
“You should be honored, little dirt dweller!” Yoluku proclaimed. “You have become a piece in my grand game to free myself and restore the world to its rightful state as my plaything. Unfortunately, it means you can’t stay here to entertain me with your vain struggles. You must return to whence you came. But worry not, I shall gladly watch you through my Medium.”
“What are you even talking about?” Tempest yelled out as his crystals shifted to casting a lilac hue through which sparks of red electricity tore. “The world isn’t anyone’s plaything!”
“Only because I’ve been foolishly sealed away,” Yoluku laughed as the golem of shifting, black stone cubes lunged after Tempest as its own glowing lights turned red.
At a size of three meters the golem was challenging at its speed to dodge as it swung its massive fists at Tempest, but it was the lasers that would suddenly shoot out from the glowing geometric patterns that covered it that gave Tempest the most trouble. Even stretching his right arm to attack it proved difficult as the lasers would have made ribbons of him if not for his Rings.
Tightly gripping where his body ended and the liquid Darkness that made up his right arm from the shoulder down with his left hand, Tempest gritted his teeth as he stared down the golem as it and several Winged Sabers descended on him. Whatever his next move aimed to be, he heard Rosy’s voice suddenly call out. But it was not his name she cried, or with concern. Rather, with elation she called…
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Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic The Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement.
The Sonic Ring Bond alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and IP research which can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
The Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond story are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein, regardless of creator, context, use/ function, intent, and time of creation, considered for all legal purposes without contest, compensation, employment, or offer of employment, liability, etcetera, the property of the Sonic The Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS regardless of having read or possessing awareness of this disclaimer.
Sonic The Hedgehog Copyright© 1990-2022 SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS
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sonicringbond · 2 years
Sonic Ring Bond - Episode of After Fall 01
The following is a work of fan fiction by Joshua D. Tarwater and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.* *SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS retains full rights over the Sonic the Hedgehog™ intellectual property and can terminate or take control of this work at any time .
Before the New Age of Rings can begin, a hero must fail... ...and a world fall.
This is a tale that comes after. One the Rings will always remember.
Under a sky so blue.
A story of a girl and a boy's love for her. A story of a Ring Bond.
Can you say...
… I love you?
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★The Earth.
It is hard to imagine anyone who lives on it who knows not of it. But perhaps they do not know it’s full extent. The layers of the world and its construction by the Rings. This is a story about the Earth after it has ended, only to be brought back by the Memories of the Rings. But the Memories of the Rings are a fickle thing as the Rings are wont to remember inaccurately more often than not. And like many things in the world, they have a god of their own, one who delights at using mortals for entertainment, manipulating the Rings to manipulate mortals in kind.
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Blue skies full of lush white clouds A lush great tree growing up among them An inverted pyramid holding its roots in the sky A thing of unnatural black stone blocks Shifting constantly Covered in glowing green lines Geometric patterns with no clear meaning A thin layer of water across the surface Spilling endless into the clouds below A single pedestal set before the tree A chess board atop it with no pieces
“Hmm, you’ve come to entertain me, have you?”
The question left the lips of a youthful and slender man, boyish yet beautiful. He was garbed in white, possessed hair the color of the golden loops that hung in the air known as Rings, and looked out with a piercing but beautiful gaze from red hued eyes. His skin was the color of sun kissed beach sand and his voice intoxicatingly pleasing to hear. He lounged in the loop of a Ring far larger than the more common half-meter sized that one could see all over, and his white cape grew damp where it hung down and dragged along the surface of the water.
“I could use the entertainment, especially as your actions as they seem wont to do have ended the world yet again. Though things may be more dire than most instances in the past.”
Gentle laughter escaped the boyish man’s lips, and he turned his gaze towards the sky. There, two moons drifted among chunks of destroyed planet, an asteroid belt where the Earth once was. One moon was nearly as broken, half of it lost to some long past calamity.
“Saving the world from me?” the boyish man continued laughing as he brought his gaze back down and across the chess board between him and his guest. “I am the God of Rings, Emperor Benedict Yoluku. The world as it is made of Rings is naturally mine to do with as I please. If not for the troublesome seal that binds me, I could easily restore this broken world. Though watching the few surviving dirt dwellers struggle is its own entertainment.
“But I am awake, and they do not know of me,” Yoluku stated, the mirth gone from his demeanor. “It is scarcely a setting worthy of my attention.”
The cold glare Yoluku granted his guest only lasted a moment however, and soon he was once more laughing. A sound most beautiful.
“Your defiance continues to amuse me. Truly, I am grateful for your visit.
“I can’t help but wonder why though. The world ended because of you several times over. There is no longer a world to save.”
Carefully Yoluku studied his guest, seemingly to find an answer to his question. However, it was far from an answer likely to come easily. Except that Yoluku’s guest was not solely focused on him.
Higher yet in the sky, it’s position nigh indeterminable, a massive Ring lay in the sky. Hundreds of miles across, it was a sight to behold. Even more so due to that only two-fifths of it remained, the loop completed by a matching hued cogwheel that turned through it. Both the fragment of the Ring and the Cogwheel however were subjected to the occasional arc of electricity that erupted from the relatively minute black sphere at the center of the circle they drew. It was an odd and unnatural thing, like a hole in the fabric of space time, holding something far deeper than the eye could see. A Darkness beyond comprehension. A Darkness that could easily hold one’s attention too long. Especially with the God of Rings watching you.
“The Ring of Memories?” Yoluku questioned as he laughed. “Why yes, if you could control it then you could very well change the world without me. But I wonder, how will you do it?”
Shifting in the Ring he lounged in, Yoluku turned his own gaze past the great tree and to the massive Ring in the sky. Watching it he smiled proudly, and amusedly. “It is perhaps the greatest Ring I’ve ever crafted. One that allows me to give a person new memories, or to change the Memories of the Rings themselves to rebuild the world as I see fit.
“Really, it was barely more than a toy though,” Yoluku laughed as he fondly recalled the Ring of Memories’ purpose. “Watching the dirt dwellers lose their sense of selves as I changed their memories would have been so amusing, their struggles and confusion, their desperation and loss of self. So delightful it would have been. Though I first would have needed to use it to break the bothersome seal that still leaves me so trapped. And I was so close.
“Alas,” Yoluku sighed with a smile as he returned his gaze to his guest,” my power over it was stolen. Now only the thief can control the Ring of Memories, but they are… Well, I can hardly say, but I doubt there is much left of them if anything.
“Now that would be something very interesting,” Yoluku smiled enthusiastically. “Is that your plan? Is that how you’re going to try and save the world next?”
Laughter erupted from Yoluku, and he near fell from the Ring he lounged in due to his delight. “That would be perfect! But can you save the thief? Can you even find them? Would you be really willing to make a pawn out of one of my former pawns? A pawn who betrayed me.
“How I desire to see it.”
Sitting up, Yoluku stretched a gloved hand out over the chessboard. Twinkling in motes of golden light, very tiny Rings spun into being to fill the starting points of the chessboard. One however turned from a Ring to a crystal figurine representing a pawn.
“Very well, I allow it,” Yoluku smiled as the pawn was set in the collection of Rings opposite his side of the chessboard. “Let us begin the game, one where we do not eliminate pawns, but steal them from each other.
“What a delightful idea,” Yoluku laughed with a great deal of vigor. “I truly am so glad you came to visit. My forced slumber is long over, and it is far past time that I am relieved of my boredom.
“Now, I can’t wait to see who you shall make your pawns, and who I can steal as my own.
“Let the game begin.”
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A game for a god and his guest so begins. And so too does a story begin. One held in the Darkness housed in the Memories of the Rings.★
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic The Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement.
The Sonic Ring Bond alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and IP research which can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
The Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond story are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein, regardless of creator, context, use/ function, intent, and time of creation, considered for all legal purposes without contest, compensation, employment, or offer of employment, liability, etcetera, the property of the Sonic The Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS regardless of having read or possessing awareness of this disclaimer.
Sonic The Hedgehog Copyright© 1990-2022 SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS
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sonicringbond · 3 years
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sonicfanj · 2 years
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Daily SonAmy Thumbnail Free to finish or use Rosy/Ring Bond Amy Refs + Emperor Benedict Yoluku Ref↓
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[Artist's Note]
Yoluku here is a necessity for this piece since it is rooted in the idea of him successfully fully possessing Amy so that way he can circumvent his seal. It's a key component of my AU and i hope everyone enjoys!
Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal, and all affiliated imagery are registered trademarks and copyright of  SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 1991, 1993 - 2022
Sonic Ring Bond AU, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal with blue eyes in white leotard design and The god of Rings, Ruler of the Empire of the Ring, Emperor Benedict Yoluku designs created by Sonic Fan J @ sonicfanj.tumblr.com and deviantart.com/sonicfanj/Joshua D. Tarwater on Twitter @JoshTarwater, unregistered Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 2021-2022.
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sonicfanj · 2 years
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Daily SonAmy Thumbnail Free to finish or use Rosy/Ring Bond Amy Refs + Emperor Benedict Yoluku Ref↓
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[Artist's Note]
Yoluku is here only because this one follows up my one comic and is the starting point for if I were to continue the story from there with a thumbnail comic. So, Amy is still in his costume. I hope everyone enjoys!
Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal, and all affiliated imagery are registered trademarks and copyright of  SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 1991, 1993 - 2022
Sonic Ring Bond AU, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal with blue eyes in white leotard design and The god of Rings, Ruler of the Empire of the Ring, Emperor Benedict Yoluku designs created by Sonic Fan J @ sonicfanj.tumblr.com and deviantart.com/sonicfanj/Joshua D. Tarwater on Twitter @JoshTarwater, unregistered Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 2021-2022.
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sonicfanj · 2 years
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Daily SonAmy Thumbnail Please hit the jump to see attached question and provide and answer! Thank you!
Thank you for hitting the jump to see the question, and in advance for answering it. To not waste anyone's time, after my last three daily thumbs coming together to form a short comic (in today's thumb ↑) I was curious if everyone was fine with me doing scenes like that occasionally or would like me to focus on different types of thumbs instead. For example, just going back to really rough and simple one off scenes, doing a thumb with an attached text story like in the image, or even taking requests(/Ko-fi commissions).
Your feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you so much!
(And yes, those are Sonic and Rosy finger puppets😁💖💕)
Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal, and all affiliated imagery are registered trademarks and copyright of  SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 1991, 1993 - 2022
Sonic Ring Bond AU, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal with blue eyes in white leotard design and The god of Rings, Ruler of the Empire of the Ring, Emperor Benedict Yoluku designs created by Sonic Fan J @ sonicfanj.tumblr.com and deviantart.com/sonicfanj/Joshua D. Tarwater on Twitter @JoshTarwater, unregistered Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 2021-2022.
"J" the Tanuku © Copyright 2022 @sonicfanj
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sonicfanj · 2 years
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Daily SonAmy Thumbnails put together to make full mini comic. Free to finish or use Rosy/Ring Bond Amy Refs + Emperor Benedict Yoluku Ref↓
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[Artist’s Note]
Yoluku here is a necessity for this piece since it is rooted in the idea of him successfully fully possessing Amy so that way he can circumvent his seal. It’s a key component of my AU and why Amy appears as she does in this comic. This is not a Super Amy.
Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal, and all affiliated imagery are registered trademarks and copyright of  SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 1991, 1993 - 2022
Sonic Ring Bond AU, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal with blue eyes in white leotard design and The god of Rings, Ruler of the Empire of the Ring, Emperor Benedict Yoluku designs created by Sonic Fan J @ sonicfanj.tumblr.com and deviantart.com/sonicfanj/Joshua D. Tarwater on Twitter @JoshTarwater, unregistered Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 2021-2022.
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sonicfanj · 2 years
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Daily SonAmy Thumbnail Free to finish or use Rosy/Ring Bond Amy Refs + Emperor Benedict Yoluku Ref↓
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[Artist’s Note]
Yoluku here is a necessity for this piece since it is rooted in the idea of him successfully fully possessing Amy so that way he can circumvent his seal. It’s a key component of my AU though by this wrap up panel it's just his clothes still around.
Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal, and all affiliated imagery are registered trademarks and copyright of  SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 1991, 1993 - 2022
Sonic Ring Bond AU, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal with blue eyes in white leotard design and The god of Rings, Ruler of the Empire of the Ring, Emperor Benedict Yoluku designs created by Sonic Fan J @ sonicfanj.tumblr.com and deviantart.com/sonicfanj/Joshua D. Tarwater on Twitter @JoshTarwater, unregistered Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 2021-2022.
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sonicfanj · 2 years
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Daily SonAmy Thumbnail Free to finish or use Rosy/Ring Bond Amy Refs + Emperor Benedict Yoluku Ref↓
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[Artist’s Note]
Yoluku here is a necessity for this piece since it is rooted in the idea of him successfully fully possessing Amy so that way he can circumvent his seal. It’s a key component of my AU and I hope everyone enjoys the happy ending follow up to yesterday's thumb!
Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal, and all affiliated imagery are registered trademarks and copyright of  SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 1991, 1993 - 2022
Sonic Ring Bond AU, Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal with blue eyes in white leotard design and The god of Rings, Ruler of the Empire of the Ring, Emperor Benedict Yoluku designs created by Sonic Fan J @ sonicfanj.tumblr.com and deviantart.com/sonicfanj/Joshua D. Tarwater on Twitter @JoshTarwater, unregistered Copyright © SEGA, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Inc. 2021-2022.
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sonicringbond · 3 years
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Welcome to the Sonic Ring Bond [tumblr] account!
While traces of the older version of the AU blog will persist, from this post forward this blog will be focused on the latest version of the AU.
Please check this pinned thread regularly as the directory after the jump fills in with direct links to story chapters.
Thank you so much for visiting, and please enjoy!
-----Episode of After Fall-----
001: Episode of After Fall 01
-----Episode of New History-----
002: Episode of New History 01
003: Episode of New History 02
004: Episode of New History 03
005: Episode of New History 04
006: Episode of New History 05
007: Episode of New History 06
008: Episode of New History 07
009: Episode of New History 08
-----Episode of Amnesia Island-----
010: Episode of Amnesia Island 01
011: Episode of Amnesia Island 02
012: Episode of Amnesia Island 03
013: Episode of Amnesia Island 04
014: Episode of Amnesia Island 05
015: Episode of Amnesia Island 06
016: Episode of Amnesia Island 07
017: Episode of Amnesia Island 08
018: Episode of Amnesia Island II 01
019: Episode of Amnesia Island II 02
020: Episode of Amnesia Island II 03
021: Episode of Amnesia Island II 04
022: Episode of Amnesia Island II 05
023: Episode of Amnesia Island II 06
024: Episode of Amnesia Island II 07
025: Episode of Amnesia Island II 08
026: Episode of Amnesia Island II 09
027: Episode of Amnesia Island II 10
028: Episode of Amnesia Island II 11
029: Episode of Amnesia Island II 12
030: Episode of Amnesia Island III 01
031: Episode of Amnesia Island III 02
032: Episode of Amnesia Island III 03
033: Episode of Amnesia Island III 04
034: Episode of Amnesia Island III 05
035: Episode of Amnesia Island III 06
036: Episode of Amnesia Island III 07
037: Episode of Amnesia Island III 08
038: Episode of Amnesia Island III 09
-----Episode of Journey's Beginning-----
039: Episode of Journey's Beginning 01
039: Episode of Journey's Beginning 02
039: Episode of Journey's Beginning 03
CHARACTERS [In order of appearance]
001: God of Rings, Emperor of the Empire of the Ring, Benedict Yoluku
002: The Remnant
003: Sonic the Hedgehog
004: Super Sonic
005: Amy Rose
006: Miles "Tails" Prower
007: Doctor Eggman
008: Rosy the Rascal
009: Tempest the Black
010: Thorn the Crimson
011: Page General Pinn Bowlings
012: Brilliant the Projector
013: Nana the Hen
014: Mote the Fairy
015: Unremembered Rosy
016: Metal Sonic
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