#bendy sammy
bendysinitiation · 4 months
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Sammy’s cult if it was awesome
This isn’t technically in the au, it’s more concept, but I love it. It is based off of a snippet of a Snow White documentary where it was a band playing but all of them had these eerie Mickey Mouse masks on with soulless eyes. Apparently, it was extra footage in the Snow White dvd, but I can’t really seem to find more about it.
(Image ID: A black and white digital painting of Sammy Lawrence conducting a band. His hands are raised, the pose that signals the song is about to start, with his conducting stick in his left hand. He, along with the players, are all wearing plastic-looking masks of Bendy, much more 3D than his usual cardboard mask. He also wears a tuxedo with a tie and pants. End ID)
Reference photo under cut
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(Image ID: A black and white photo of a band. All of them have haunting Mickey Mouse masks on. The trumpets are in the front facing to the side, and there seems to be clarinets and a sousaphone to the far left. There’s a crowd watching them. The black sign on top says “Mickey Mouse”. End ID.)
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samdieded · 2 months
Happy birthday to that one guy who keeps dying in every bendy game
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Definitely did not forget and drew this last minute 👍
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sprodaniel · 1 year
Bendy and the Ink Machine // The Old Song Fanart
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sammykissesink · 2 years
Sammy Doodle~
Merry Christmas everyone!
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steelcrops · 2 years
Sammy AU in BaTDR - Security Break AU
It sucks how little screen time our little music boi got so here's an AU where he does get more time and how it would still kind of count as a video game level and could sort of act as a real thing
Sammy and Audrey meet in a prison. In this AU Audrey was captured by The Keepers. However, idk for some reason they decided to keep her alive in the containment facility. Kind of like Henry but for different reasons.
But basically, she's not the only one. The other people in the prison are The Butcher Gang, a few Searchers, and the one and only Sammy Lawrence. Henry is being held in a different prison for cyclebreakers.
But basically, they're cellmates. The Searchers (the ones in the cell over) warn her to just not talk with Sammy. But basically, Audrey is shoved into the cell, and Sammy IMMEDIATELY starts spouting his bullshit about worshiping the Ink Demon and how he will set them free, all of that. Audrey questions him with actually put together statements, however she's being nice about it. After all,
You attract more flies with honey than vinegar.
But she says stuff along the lines of "If he (the ink demon) is capable of hurting innocent people he's capable of hurting you too" and "If it cared enough to free you, it wouldn't let you suffer" idk something that is actually put together and because of how Audrey was not very defensive and hostile towards him at first, he starts to think "huh..." But basically it ends with Sammy just turning around and playing his banjo in silence.
The next day comes and Audrey is trying to find a way out of the cell. She asks Sammy how long he's been there and he says that he's lost count of the days.
But basically, Sammy is spitting his bullshit again that The Ink Demon will save them, Audrey withholds the information that Wilson supposedly killed him. But basically, Audrey stops trying to convince him, but they decide to work together to escape.
Audrey is then taken out of her cells by one of The Keepers. They aren't sure if she's completely ink and needs food or not so they take her to some sort of lunch room. And in said lunch room is one of the phone thingies that Allison talks through. Audrey goes over and is able to get a hold of Allison, here's the following convo: "Audrey! You're okay! What happened to you, are you hurt?" Allison questioned. "No no, I'm okay. The Keepers just...got a hold of me." Audrey replied. "Gosh, that's a long way down, Audrey. But don't worry. I'll come and find you." Allison said, clearly alarmed by the idea of Audrey at the mercy of The Keepers. "Allison, you don't need to panic. I'm okay. I've made a few friends down here." Audrey explained, referring to Sammy and idk maybe a few of the Searchers. Allison sighs with relief. "Good. I'm proud of you. But don't get too comfortable. I'm on my way. But I don't think that I can get there without a fight. Do you know any secret ways in?" Allison asked. "I'm not completely sure. But the doors and kept close by electricity. If you're able to turn it off, my friend and I could get out and meet you!" Audrey explained.
SO ANYWAYS Audrey goes back and she and Sammy figure out their escape route. Audrey later tells Allison where the power lever is. So at that point, all there was to do, was wait. But then the discussion of The Ink Demon comes up once more. However, this time it was brought up by Sammy. He's doubting himself. Audrey states this, and the moment Sammy begins to think he's doubting his "lord" he throws himself onto his hands and knees to beg for forgiveness from the demon. Audrey feels kind of bad for him. But the conversation continues. "Just because you can't get forgiveness(or idk freedom, approval, whatever) from anyone else doesn't mean you have to get it from the ink demon" and "It's okay to ask questions, and it's okay to form opinions of your own" idk something like that and Sammy starts to listen. Just a little. However not completely. Audrey definitely went with the "it's never to late" route instead of the "can't reason with crazy" side of things.
But regardless, prison break day comes. The power goes out. Audrey and Sammy avoid a few Keepers, solve a few puzzles, something something game design, and they make it to where Allison and Tom are waiting. Here's the vague dialogue outline:
"Allison!" Audrey called out as she rushed over to the woman and the wolf, Sammy slowly trailing behind her. "Audrey!" Allison called in response, pulling the woman into a tight hug. There was a warm moment there, where Audrey felt completely safe. Allison had one of the most beautiful smiles. But this moment was interrupted. Tom silently nudged Allison, growling loudly. "Oh! This is the friend I was telling you about! Meet Sammy!" She introduced the man with glee, all without noticing the growing tension in the air. "Oh yeah," Allison began. Tom gripped his ax, threateningly tapping it onto his hand. "We know who he is." She added. Tom growled once more. "It's been a long time, old...friends." He said the word hollowly with a kind of venom in his voice that Audrey couldn't decipher. "Stay away from her, Samuel. She's not joining your cult. So leave while you still can." She threatened, Tom backing her up. "Wait, Allison! He's the one that helped me get here. H...Have you three met before?" Audrey mumbled. (insert explanation)
Idk I'll turn this into a for real thing if there's some kind of demand for it. Hope you liked it though- lol
Edit: She's done! You can read it here now lol
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ifreakinglovedragons · 5 months
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How can these two be so similar yet so different.
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so-na-r · 1 month
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Bad news
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the2 · 3 months
realized I've been on this fandom for years but never did fanart until a few days ago ,, i was trying to learn how to draw this dude on the first one (also got a bit inspired from xenomorphs, love those dudes)
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Also funfact : for someone who is very attracted to monsters n such ,I've strangely never had a crush over bendy in any of his forms,
I find him very fun to draw though, very shaped fella,
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signanothername · 3 months
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That one fucking easter egg
I’m so fucking glad this exists
[flashing lights tw!]
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doberart · 5 months
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Doodle dump time! Took some character suggestions on Twitter for some warm-ups.
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ladyshigabana · 5 months
Time for a Poppy Playtime meme⚘️✨️
Cause chapter 3 will haunt our nightmares for days.....now....
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lunaticpebble · 6 months
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Waiting for our savior!
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sirensea14 · 5 months
I made a meme XD
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dictatortirah · 3 days
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salpho · 6 months
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Made this with my own two hands
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glitchedsoftware · 2 months
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idk if this has been done BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! SAMMY!!!! and batim chapter 2 ig
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