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The Essential Services Commission raises the bar with ongoing CX benchmarking
The ESC Water Performance Report for 2021-22 showed a small improvement in the overall average score for customer experience in the Victorian Regional Water sector compared to the previous year.
Meanwhile, the overall average score remained stable for the Victorian Metropolitan Water sector, suggesting that customers continued to receive a similar level of customer service as previous years, despite the uncertainty and change due to the pandemic.
However, the longer-term trend reflects that stability and complacency is causing stagnation in overall scoring, said CSBA managing director, Paul van Veenendaal, commending the ESC for its commitment to improve customer experience using ongoing CX benchmarking to provide insights.
The ESC annual report includes the analysis of all of Victoria’s water businesses against key service measures, such as customer bills, household water use and customer experience. As part of the report, ESC commissioned CSBA to independently benchmark the call centre performance of Victorian water businesses over a 12-month period.
The value of CX benchmarking
“Measuring the customer’s experience gives you clarity on where you stand from the customer’s perspective,” explained van Veenendaal. “It helps each water business identify specific areas for improvement. At the same time, you can compare your performance against your peers and with other sectors.”
“The ESC is a role model for industry regulators. It has taken the leadership to make customer experience benchmarking central in driving continuous improvement for all 15 water businesses in Victoria,” he said.
The power of CX insights
The latest report shows that while customer service scores have remained consistent for the last three years, there is considerable opportunity to uplift the level of customer service from good to best for Victorian Water retailers.
Ease continued to be the lowest scoring index for all retailers at 36%, compared to Success at 70% and Sentiment at 64%, indicating a need for retailers to be proactive at being transparent to keep customers informed. There is also a need to increase “ownership” in helping customers feel that they are being helped by a person with knowledge and skills.
Barwon water continued to be the best performing retailer with an overall score of 73% compared to the sector’s average overall score of 57%. While GWM Water had the greatest overall score improvement, increasing its ranking from sixth to second.
The Victorian Water sector performed on par with the Australian Water sector and Utilities.  However, when compared to top performers, showed clear room for improvement.
ESC and CSBA partnership
Since 2009, CSBA has worked with ESC to measure call centre performance using 30 unique criteria in the key areas of Ease (the effort the customer must expend to accomplish their goals), Sentiment (how the interaction makes the customer feel) and Success (the degree to which the customer is able to accomplish their goals).
This partnership will strengthen and evolve as we continue to reflect best practice in navigating the fast-changing customer experience landscape.
Read the ESC Water Performance report.
For more information on working with CSBA on CX Benchmarking, email [email protected]
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ikram1909 · 9 months ago
Culers are such cucks, why are you ready to defend a player who doesnt play for us but always shit on the youngsters that would give everything to the club? They act like gavi or pedri arent talented, mind you theyre the benchmakers everyone compare them when their players do a good game, the reason theyre so hates its because they play for barca lol. Its surprising how other club fans defend till death their fans (chelsea fans were ready to go to war to defend Enzo disasterclass for exemple) yet culers will immediately sell a player bc of something they dont control like injuries or because they dont have enough g/a (stupid argument + thats a problem from elders who are bums and cant score)
We genuinely have the worst fanbase in the world when it comes to backing our own players and it's why the universe keeps on punishing us
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minetrojects · 3 years ago
Welcome to Minetrojects! A blog for introjects from Minecraft,MCYT,or any MC related media! ( •̀ ω •́ )9
Singlets, kinnies, endogenic/non-traumagenic systems are not allowed. We won't talk about discourse, just don't interact with us! Our DNI is also standard criteria- no pro-shippers,NSFW blogs,etc.
We make stimboards, moodboards/aesthetics, skin edits, block palettes, build requests and possibly more stuff in the future, just for systems! Factives, fictives, AUs and just anyone related to Minecraft is allowed to request!
The blog is run by mods Ender (🌌,they/them+vo/void) & Glowstone (☀️,sol/suns) ! System members will post individually with their tags attached.
That's all for the intro post! See you later,chat! (✧ω✧)
header is from here!
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jacobdorpfeld · 6 years ago
Well I’m not sure who shared the video about this jig but it was perfect timing. Only took met 20 minutes to make it and it is way faster and safer than doing it on the table saw. Sorry for the mood lighting, the over head light by the band saw when out this morning. #woodworking #finewoodworking #benchmaking #bench #woodbench #benchlegs #bandsaw #bandsawjig #woodworkingjigs #shopsafety #shopefficiency #handmade #woodshop #furniture #furnituremaking
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tfidgen · 7 years ago
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Getting started on a Saturday morning... The Snow Hill Bench Weekend Workshop with Vic Tesolin. #theunpluggedwoodshop #anunpluggedlife #woodworkingclasses #woodworkingintoronto #handtoolsonly #saturdaymorning #handcrafted #torontolife #leslieville #benchmaking #furnituremaking (at The Unplugged Woodshop)
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loud-whistling-yes · 4 years ago
THE ADVANCEMENT "Benchmaking" WAS CHANGED TO "Minecraft"?????? WHEN????? HUH??????
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maffeijr · 8 years ago
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Obrigado a toda equipe da educação básica e profissional pelo carinhoso acolhimento e por compartilhar a maravilhosa experiência educacional de vocês. ❤️ #benchmaking #senai #sesi #colegiosesi #fiep #firjan #sesirio (em Colégio Sesi Internacional de Curitiba)
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chez-mimich · 3 years ago
Non so che di voi si ricordi di Otto & Barnelli. Probabilmente pochi e tutti della mia età, poco meno o poco più. Otto & Barnelli erano due musicisti di strada, due “buskers” in termine tecnico, erano dei tutto fare che suonavano più o meno una decina di strumenti contemporaneamente e in Italia li fece conoscere la mente geniale ed in perenne ebollizione di Renzo Arbore. Anche se il paragone può apparire irriverente (ma poi è tutto da dimostrare poiché Otto & Barnelli erano assolutamente geniali nel loro genere), è la prima cosa che ho pensato leggendo il comunicato stampa che accompagna “Suitable Benchmarks of Reform”, disco dell’ecclettico Collin Sherman, uscito nello scorso mese di gennaio. Il giovane jazzista statunitense con questo lavoro giunge alla sua tredicesima pubblicazione utilizzando sempre lo stesso metodo: suonare tutti gli strumenti da solo, ovvero: sax contralto, sax soprano; clarinetto, clarinetto basso, oboe, tastiere, sintetizzatore, chitarra elettrica, batteria e, naturalmente, elettronica. Collin Sherman è un artista molto “tecnico” e metodico e anche le note che accompagnano il disco sono un piccolo trattato di tecnica musicale che, a ben vedere, sembra non lasciare spazio a sbavature di sorta. È tutto molto ben descritto, organizzato, programmato e, di conseguenza, eseguito. Scrive Sherman a proprosito di “Phalanx Strictures”, primo pezzo dell’album: “ La melodia di apertura, "Phalanx Strictures", ha un ritmo 15/4, rotolante e propulsivo e una melodia ripetitiva che sfrutta la tendenza del metro dispari a dare la sensazione che ogni misura stia cadendo sopra la successiva.” Ed è certamente vero che la melodia appare ripetitiva su un ritmo “rotolante e propulsivo”, ma il problema è forse che la musica ha anche bisogno di afflati poetici. Per fortuna il pezzo seguente ovvero “Rival Machinations” è completamente improvvisato e sarebbe bello vedere, o almeno sapere, come si possa improvvisare su pezzi che poi verranno convogliati ed integrati col suono di altri strumenti che a loro volta improvvisano. È proprio in questa operazione molto tecnica, che la genialità di Collin Sherman si manifesta appieno, poiché un conto è teorizzare e un conto è fare. Ma se come diceva un vecchio filosofo dimenticato, un certo Karl Marx da Treviri, “la grandezza di un’idea si manifesta nella sua realizzabilità”, bisogna ammettere che su questo Sherman mantiene ciò che promette. Col terzo brano, ovvero “Worthless Object and Photographs Thereof”, brano melodico tutto clarinetto e corni, si chiude la prima parte del disco. Con la seconda parte la musica cambia e non solo in senso letterale. Qui siamo in presenza di una intensa suite in quattro parti, denominata "Rumination Suite" che, con una rustica immagine agreste e pastorale, introduce il tema universale della introspezione musicale. “Meditation on Resentement” è la prima parte, dove la grancassa sembra un metronomo della meditazione, mentre il tema è condotto da una pacata voce di clarinetto. Segue il più dialettico (non solo nel titolo), “Faults and Missteps”, dove il sottofondo di brevi e ripetitivi accordi di chitarra elettrica, sembrano voler essere anche un controcanto alle elucubrazioni del clarinetto. “Things Turn Around” esprime il tempo del superamento del dubbio con un tema sinuoso e variegato sempre sostenuto dal clarinetto. Il conclusivo “Fundations of Serenity”, conclude il percorso meditativo-introspettivo” e la costante sembra essere il ritmo dettato dalla grancassa con un finale più animato e brioso. Un lavoro sicuramente interessante, forse solo un po’ acerbo dove il tecnicismo qualche volta sembra prendere il sopravvento sulla poetica musicale. Ma Collin Sherman è giovane e nonostante, come abbiamo ricordato all’inizio, abbia alle spalle già ben tredici incisioni, ha dinnanzi una carriera di compositore, che viste le premesse, potrebbe essere molto interessante e proficua.
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orideknews · 3 years ago
Tingkatkan Mutu Jurnal Ilmiah, Polbangtan Kementan Lakukan Benchmaking di UGM
Tingkatkan Mutu Jurnal Ilmiah, Polbangtan Kementan Lakukan Benchmaking di UGM
Orideknews.com, MANOKWARI, – Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah merupakan suatu hal yang wajib dilakukan oleh peneliti untuk membangun jejaring yang bereputasi internasional sekaligus menjadi bukti orisinalitas suatu penelitian.  Publikasi bagi dosen dan dunia pendidikan tinggi merupakan hal yang sangat penting, karena karir dosen sangat tergantung pada publikasi jurnal. Di sisi lain jurnal juga merupakan…
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volleyguy16 · 4 years ago
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2000m Benchmak Days are always incredible especially when someone absolutely crushes their previous PR. @teenagripka blew away her previous by over 2 minutes. So many others set new PRs and established their times that will come the next time we do this again. It's such a good feeling to see the looks on everyone's faces once they have completed this challenge. It's one of the most difficult and most rewarding all at the same time. Be proud of what you accomplished tonight everyone! Keep putting in the work... we are all getting 1% better everyday! Quick Note: Wanted to also welcome Andrew M. to the family... looking forward to seeing you achieve your goals! @orangetheorynicholshills @orangetheoryedmond @orangetheorynwokc @orangetheoryoklahoma #WeAreFamily #weearnedtheafterburn #2000mBenchmarkRowComplete #WeSetNewPRs (at Orangetheory Fitness Nichols Hills) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDArTEEhZKW/?igshid=1czl3n9h5w7lv
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gozealouscloudcollection · 5 years ago
放棄PCIE 4.0吧 這可能是目前最能打的SSD
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WD_BLACK SN750散熱片版評測
西部數據的這款加裝了散熱片版本的WD_BLACK SN750 SSD和標準本一樣於年初發布,提供從500GB、1TB、2TB三種容量選擇,本次測試的版本為1TB,關於它實際表現,就讓我們一起通過今天的評測來了解吧。
閃迪64層 3D NAND搭配閃迪主控
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相信熟悉PC硬件的玩家都了解底部的logo的含義,這也註明了WD_BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD帶散熱片版本在散熱方面的不俗造詣,它與PC冷卻領域的領導者EKWB的合作將溫度控製做到目前極致,突破存儲界限,以此為遊戲發燒玩家提供目前最頂級的遊戲體驗。
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閃迪顆粒 單顆大小512GB
WD_BLACK SN750散熱片版本與標準版一樣,��用了閃迪打破存儲瓶頸的64層3D NAND閃存,存儲密度是上一代的2倍,所以WD_BLACK SN750 SSD最高可以提供2TB版本。
單面PCB設計,兩個閃迪的512GB 3D NAND閃存顆粒分佈在PCB左右兩端,外置緩存則依舊是海力士的DDR4。
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同我們年初測試的標準版本一樣,WD_BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD帶散熱片版本依舊採用自家閃迪20-82-00700-A1主控,由中國台灣製造。
該軟件讀寫速度測試傾向於非壓縮算法,而非壓縮算法SSD具備不掉速的特性。測試時選用的CrystalDiskMark版本為6.1.0 x64,默認隊列深度為1,默認測試次數為5,下面我們來看看測試結果如何。
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通過測試成績我們可以看到,在CrystalDiskMark測試中,WD_BLACK SN750 SSD散熱片版本的連續最大讀取速度為3491.4MB/S,最大連續寫入速度為3011MB/S,延續了標準版的優異表現,這樣的成績可以說是相當能打了,當然作為主打高端遊戲體驗的SSD也應該達到這樣的水平,這是它的分內事。
在ATTO測試中,  由於測試衡量維度數據變成實際應用文檔類文件的大小,所以測試成績更符合我們日常的使用場景,測試成績也就比較有參考意義。
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在ATTO測試中,WD_BLACK SN750 SSD散熱版的讀寫成績依舊延續了之前的表現水平,達到了3480MB/s、3033MB/s,整體發揮依舊十分穩定,��經足以可見其在日常真實使用場景下的優秀表現。
4k性能的高低,決定了產品在日常複雜的應用場景中的實際體驗,在一定程度上更能反映出產品的實際性能,我們一般使用AS SSD Benchmak進行測試。
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AS SSD Benchmak
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AS SSD Benchmak
我們可以看到,在4K隨機讀寫測試中此款WD_BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD帶散熱片版本的最大4K隨機讀取為436K,最大4K隨機寫入為560K,而在總分上則達到了5684分,這樣的表現在同級PCIe3.0 x 4 SSD來看依舊是穩妥的第一梯隊表現,這也就意味著其在日常使用中能為我們帶來的實實在在的性能提升。
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PC MARK8綜合性能測試
最後一個測試環節,我們通過PC MARK8進行西部數據WD_BLACK SN750 SSD散熱版的綜合性能測試。
作為一款老牌的pc測試工具,PC MARK8內置的存儲性能測試,可以比較精準的反映存儲產品在模擬的各種日常負載情況下的真實性能表現。
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通過測試我們可以看到西部數據WD_BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD帶散熱片版本在PC MARK8的測試中的總得分為5067分,而在具體的帶寬速度上則是476.15MB/S,依舊是第一梯隊的水準,整體素質十分優秀。
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安裝好西部數據WD_BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD帶散熱片版本以後,我們可以在官網下載專屬的儀錶盤來進行硬盤性能實時監測,以及開始它的專屬遊戲模式。
西部數據近兩年來在NVMe SSD領域給我們帶來的驚喜確實不少,今天的這款WD_BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD帶散熱片版本依舊延續了標準本的高水準表現,無論是雙3000MB/s的順序讀寫或者是560K的4K隨機,單拿出一項都是頂級產品的水準。
from 放棄PCIE 4.0吧 這可能是目前最能打的SSD via KKNEWS
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tigermobiles · 6 years ago
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ZTE Axon 10 Pro benchmaked with Snapdragon 855 and 6GB RAM
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minetrojects · 3 years ago
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For Tommy & Ranboo factives with pinks,reds & hints of being trans! -☀️/Mellohi
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rafi1228 · 5 years ago
AMD è ancora indietro rispetto a Intel nel settore dei processori per PC portatili
AMD è ancora indietro rispetto a Intel nel settore dei processori per PC portatili
Negli ultimi mesi AMD si è dimostrata molto competitiva soprattutto grazie alla linea di processori Ryzen 3000 riuscendo a superare Intel come prezzo, prestazioni e consumi. Ma c’è un’area dove rimane ancora indietro: quella dei computer portatili. 
Negli ultimi giorni sono emersi i primi benchmak dei nuovi processori Intel di decima generazione Ice Lakei7-1065G7. Nonostante si tratti di chip…
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joycongamers · 7 years ago
Minecraft (Nintendo Switch Edition) Achievement List Revealed
Minecraft (Nintendo Switch Edition) Achievement List Revealed
We have received the achievement list for Minecraft (Nintendo Switch), which is developed by 4J Studios, and published by Microsoft owned Mojang. There is 79 Xbox Live Achievements worth a total of 1,750 Gamerscore, with no secret achievements: Name Description Gamerscore Getting an Upgrade Construct a better pickaxe. 15 Have a Shearful Day Use Shears to obtain wool from a sheep. 15 Benchmaking…
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maffeijr · 8 years ago
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#fiep #colegiosesi #sesi #senai #benchmaking (em Sistema FIEP)
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