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sarjimaz · 2 years ago
Nefret ediyorum kendimden
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hazaannn · 2 years ago
peki ya bütün bunların hepsi bir rüyaysa?
yaşamın kendisi aslında zaten bir rüya değil mi?
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nonameladym · 4 days ago
Hatırlamak. Unutmak. Unuttuğunu hatırlamak. Hatırladığını unutmak. Seslerin silinmesi. Yüzlerin değişmesi. Yaşadıklarımızı unutacağım diye ödüm kopardı eskiden. Bir daha seni göremeyeceğimi düşündüğümde nefesim kesilirdi. Normaldi de. Hafızam iyi değildir. Öyle de oldu. Korktuğum kadar var-dı. Korktuğum kadar yokmuş. Hatırlayamadığım detaylar, beynime kazımak için yıllarımı verdiğim yüzün önemli değil artık. Bazen bir şarkı, bazen bir sahne, bazen bir cümle, çok daha önemlisini hatırlamama yetiyor. Nasıl hissettirdiğini. Eskiden benim hangi duyguların peşinden gitmem gerektiğini öğrenmem için bunları yaşadığımızı düşünürdüm. "Biri bana tekrar böyle hissettirene kadar kimseyi istemiyorum." Ve yanlış hisler. Ve yanlış insanlar. Dünya'nın en mutlu, en aşık insanı olmak nasıl yanlış bir his olabilir? Yolda yürürken gülmeden yürüyememek neden kötü olsun? İdealize. Kişiyi olmadığı biri gibi görmek. Sevilebileceğine inanmak. Çaresiz bir romantik olmak. Umut etmek. Tekrar, tekrar, tekrar. Yanlış anlaşılmak istemem. Yaşadığım her şey için minnettarım. Bir daha olsa bir daha isterim. Yükseği bu kadar güzel olmasaydı düşüşü bu kadar sert olmazdı. Tamamen değer. Amma yeter. Aynı döngüler. Aynı hisler. Aynı kırgınlıklar. Aynı umutlar. Aynı cevaplar. Ayrı insanlar. Aynı Cemre. İşin rengi değişmeye başladı. Ben nasıl başladım, nasıl devam etti. Bu da bana ders olsun. Her şey planladığın gibi gitmeyebilir Cemre. Nerden başlamak istediğini ve nereye gitmek istediğini bilebilirsin. Yolda kafan karışırsa, başka yola sapmak istersen sap. Belki gitmek istediğin yoldan ve yerden çok daha iyisini bulursun. Belki de bulmazsın. Ama denersin. Her şeyin fazlası zarar. Akışı bölecek her şeyin fazlası zarar. Sağlıklı iletişimin dahil. Doğal sürecin öğreteceklerini öğrenmeden atlayamazsın. Hadi artık bırak. Gelmek istediğin yere gelemedin. Ama yeni keşfini yaptın. İstemediklerine sadık kal. İSTEME. ARZULAMA. KOŞMA. YAPMA. DÜŞÜNME. UĞRAŞMA. KAFANI KARIŞTIRMALARINA İZİN VERME.
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littlegirlinvisible · 8 months ago
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.08: And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else IWTVTwT Version.
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nuclearpatrol · 3 months ago
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brotherconstant · 8 months ago
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE BEN DANIELS: This was one of the first jobs I’ve ever done sight unseen, just because it meant working with Rolin. From the outset, Rolin called up and said, “Listen, are you OK if we don’t make Santiago queer?” I was like, “Yeah, I can sort of see it.” But as the script started to come in, I thought the only way this level of vitriol that he has works is if he’s in love with Armand. There is this extraordinary psychological term called reaction formation, which is what Iago has for Othello. It’s a defense mechanism whereby your impulses are so unacceptable to your ego that they’re replaced by this opposite, exaggerated behavior. Santiago finds Louis incredibly attractive. Because Armand killed Santiago’s maker — who I think he was in love with too — and also finds Louis attractive, the whole thing must be destroyed. It gave such a drive to his hatred. It was just something ruminating in myself that drove him forward in a very aggressive, mad, extreme way.
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reticent-vampire · 2 months ago
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"And again, I'm kissing Lestat on the altar."
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gollancz · 11 months ago
Vampires vs Werewolves, ft. Joe Hill, @victoriocity, Aliette de Bodard, Ben Aaronovitch, Oraine Johnson, Garth Nix, @sarah-hawley and @jonnywaistcoat prevaricating like he knows any answer will be used against him in the future.
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tampire · 5 months ago
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Ben Daniels kissing as Father Marcus and The Vampire Santiago in The Exorcist and Interview with the Vampire Series.
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danlous · 8 months ago
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But as the script started to come in, I thought the only way this level of vitriol that he has works is if he's in love with Armand. There is this extraordinary psychological term called reaction formation, which is what Iago has for Othello. It's a defense mechanism whereby your impulses are so unacceptable to your ego that they're replaced by this opposite, exaggerated behavior. Santiago finds Louis incredibly attractive. Because Armand killed Santiago's maker — who I think he was in love with too — and also finds Louis attractive, the whole thing must be destroyed. It gave such a drive to his hatred. It was just something ruminating in myself that drove him forward in a very aggressive, mad, extreme, way. – Ben Daniels [X]
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sam-reid · 6 months ago
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Interview with the Vampire (2022-) + book lines
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loo-nuh-tik · 6 months ago
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Interview with the Vampire | 2.07
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dizzydizney · 7 months ago
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I was going to put Maddox on here but I truly feel like he never gets found out for his crimes
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arcanejude · 10 months ago
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watching vampires kill a woman on stage and shaking my head the whole time so people know i disagree with it
Interview with the Vampire 2.02 " Do You Know What It Means to Be Loved By Death"
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littlegirlinvisible · 8 months ago
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.07: I Could Not Prevent It IWTVTwT Version.
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kaivenom · 10 months ago
How you meet the Descendants' boys HCS
Carlos de vil
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You are the only one hacker in Auradon, so when you saw another person on lind doing your thing on the Auradon network, you decided to discover who that person was. After some digging on the internet and some observation on the real life, you discovered that your oponent was the son of Cruella d Vil.
You approached him on his way to the school and he seemed really happy that someone shares his hobby and can teach him something.
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Your fathers were Yasmine and Aladdin and Ben had the incredible idea of introducing you to the VK because your parents were enemies. He tried to impress you but your father taught you how to deal with tricksters and that led to him having the personal goal of getting you flustered.
Chad Charming
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You were a tansfered student from Arendell, emparented with Ana and Elsa, Audrey was your guide on Auradon. She presented you to Chad and well, you being a princess so beautifull with such an attitude (ice Kingdom=strong personality) made him get speechless and start to follow you like a puppy.
Ben Florian
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Your father is the chesire cat so you can somehow travel between worlds and barriers so when Ben saw you with Island clothes on the lake he was captivated. You are not used to talking to people so you escaped with a smile. A couple of days later you came again and he was waiting for you with a basket full of food and invited you to talk.
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You were Evie's sister, the black ship of your family because you were always really nice and good and couldn't hide it. So you were the first one to apologize to him about the team's behaviour and you always greeted him on the halls. That make him took the courage to ask you on a date.
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His father knocked him out of the house for the night and he was wandering around the Island, you saw him and thru him a piece of bread. He was really hungry so he took it and then went to sit next to you. You didn't know why he did that but he was pretty funny and a little dumb so you didn't considered him a threat and let him sit.
Harry Hook
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You are Scar's daughter (hibrid or witch human-lion) and you were on Lady Tremain's hairdress store, this was now your territory. Harry entered the place to recolect the money of the month and when you confronted him about the new situation and took the money away from him, he proposed to himself to take on your nerves everytime he could.
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