#ben affleck alts
Brazil flooding will take weeks to subside, experts warn
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Brazil's southernmost state capital may suffer severe flooding for weeks to come, experts warn, compounding the struggles of half a million people forced to abandon their inundated homes.
Parts of Rio Grande do Sul state have seen more than 630 mm (25 inches) of rain so far this month, national weather service INMET reported – more than London's average rainfall in a year.
The waters of Lake Guaiba, which breached its banks to flood state capital Porto Alegre, have risen again this week to 5.22 meters (17.13 feet), well above the flood level of 3.0 meters and close to last week's all-time record of 5.33 meters.
Meteorologists and engineers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) said water levels could stabilize or keep rising if it rains again. They said it could take a month before the water retreats below flood levels, based on historical comparisons.
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
new catgirl hmmmm
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acaiispng · 29 days
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nonsense redraw of that one magazine cover with ben affleck and matt damon but specifically for my 70s au
magazine in question + alt versions below cut
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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(thanks as always to @incorrectbugsnaxquotes for inspiring many of these! also, alt text/image IDs under cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A two-panel comic of Eggabell and Lizbert. In the first panel, Eggabell is running down the stairs in a panic, shouting, "Is something burning??" In the second, Lizbert is leaning flirtatiously against the kitchen counter, wearing a frilly "Kiss the Grump" apron, with her hat and a spatula she is holding both visibly scorched and a toaster clearly erupting in flames behind her. She says, with a little heart, "Just my desire for you", while an offscreen Eggabell screams, "LIZBERT THE TOASTER IS ON FIRE".]
[Image 2 ID: A little doodle of Eggabell lying in bed with a quilted eye mask on, one arm folded over her chest, and the text "i sleep." next to her.]
[Image 3 ID: Lizbert sitting in bed, propped up by pillows, holding Eggabell in her lap with a smile. Eggabell is still wearing the quilted eye mask and is drooling slightly, with "ZZZZ" snoring sounds in the air above her.]
[Image 4 ID: A drawing of Eggabell recreating the Ben Affleck Smoking meme. She is grimacing slightly and looking unfocused out into the middle distance, holding a fry in one hand instead of a cigarette, with a package of fries and a glass soda bottle with a straw in it sitting on the balcony in front of her.]
[Image 5 ID: A drawing of Eggabell from the waist up, resting her head against her closed hand, looking exhausted. She appears to be speaking and there is a blank word balloon above her head.]
[Image 6 ID: A two-panel comic of Filbo, the Journalist, and Eggabell. In the first panel, the Journalist, facing away from the camera, is helping a visibly dizzy Filbo up. Eggabell, with a panicked expression, is running up behind them with a first aid kit under her arm, saying, "If it's a concussion, we have to keep him conscious. Ask him questions!!" In the second panel, Filbo is now sitting on the ground looking confused, with the Journalist next to him crouched with their back to the camera, holding up fingers and asking, "What's seven times seven?" Eggabell, opening up the first aid kit next to them, shouts back, "Stuff he knows!!"]
[Image 7 ID: A three-panel comic of Lizbert and Eggabell. In the first panel, they are sitting side by side on a log, staring lovingly at each other. In the second, Floofty walks by behind them loudly opening a soda can, causing Eggabell to look over in concern and Liz to look annoyed. In the third, Lizbert is looking over her shoulder saying, "We're having a moment.", to which Floofty, sipping their drink, responds nonchalantly, "And I'm having a soda."]
[Image 8 ID: A two-panel comic of Eggabell and Lizbert. In the first, Liz is laughing loudly, holding a drink bottle in one hand and shoving a nervous-looking Filbo's shoulder with the other, as Eggabell comes up behind her, places a hand on her back and says, "Lizbert, you're drunk." In the second, Lizbert, looking utterly sloshed, turns around and places a finger on the lips of an amused-looking Eggabell, slurring, "Shhhhhhhhhh. Don't tell Eggabell."]
[Image 9 ID: A simplistic, three-panel comic of Lizbert and Eggabell. In the first, Liz is picking up Eggabell, with a caption reading "1. Lift wife". In the second panel, Eggabell, still visibly in midair, picks up Liz, who has her arms in the air, with a caption reading "2. wife lift me". The final panel shows extremely simplistic renderings of them both lifting off into the sky, with a caption reading "3. flight".]
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shesaysrodriguez · 11 months
So I first watched this movie with my dad about a year ago when I was 15, and I was amazed. I get the same feeling with movies I know will continue to have emotional impact on me throughout my life. Baby Driver, Kill Bill, The Godfather, Fight Club.
These are all amazing movies in my opinion (and I'll be writing about those soon as well).
I'm not even sure what exactly captivated me but I'm going to go through each of the things I liked about the movie and how they made me feel.
First of all, Ben Affleck as Matt Murdock. UGH. I LOVE THAT MAN. He was so attractive in that movie and everything about his character just drew me to him. His attitude and swagger- just everything. I think he presented the character so well and his chemistry with Elektra was so GOOD. That scene in the park where they're fighting and he's thinking "damn idk what this girl looks like but her voice is nice and she can fight good, I'm sold" and she's thinking "this blind guy followed me, and he's surprisingly good at fighting but MAN HES GOOD LOOKING" their energy is unmatched. Second of all, EVANESCENCE. GOT ME HOOKED. JUST PUT ANY SONG REMOTELY ALT IN A MOVIE AND IM COMPLETELY IN LOVE. And the ending OH. So tragic, but it felt right. And the fact that Matt has a priest help him with his injuries while he confesses his sins is such a beautiful thing to me I can't explain it. Pls ask me questions about my favourite movies. Please.
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
THE FLASH has arrived after being a tad delayed.
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But what's 5 years and 3 months amongst friends.
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Congrats to Andrés "Andy" Muschietti
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for getting this film across the finishing line. A s though there's reportedly a sequel script in play and Muschietti said that he would dream of replacing Ezra Miller in a subsequent film his assurance may be moot as THE FLASH signals the end of the DCEU while BLUE BEETLE will usher in the DC Universe under James Gunn.
But good news for Muschietti; he had been tapped to direct BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD.
No, not this cartoon beauty
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The live-action adaptation of the Grant Morrison run.
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For me, THE FLASH is the perfect swan song for the DCEU. Go out in style, Barry!
SPOILERS FOR THE FLASH (despite everyone and their grandmas posting spoilers all across social media to either trash the F/X or to spite an Ezra Miller fronted project). Yes, I have made hating spoilers a large part of my personality.
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-Ezra Miller was a delight. I loved the dual iterations of Barry. As current day Bruce says their scars (maybe he said traumas) are what made them. Of course a Barry who was raised by his parents ends up with a different personality than a Barry who was scarred by his mother's murder and father's incarceration. He had to grow up fast yet remained socially stunted as he was consumed with getting justice for his father. I think it would get tiresome real quick if the film were just quirky/awkward Barry. We got grounded Barry and that other side.
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-It was a nice touch when he does the messaging to the nurse that she should seek professional help after such a jarring event but the JL themselves haven't figured that out for themselves yet.
-I don't believe I have ever read a Flash standalone so maybe all of these themes were covered in his issues but there were certainly strains of Booster Gold Vol. 2 and Flashpoint in this. Alt!Barry repeatedly turning back time to try to save Supergirl and Batman and failing was exactly like Booster Gold trying to save Barbara Gordon from being shot and paralyzed by the Joker. Each time she would still get shot and Booster himself would be pulverized by the Joker Gang until Rip Hunter stopped him and let him know that event was a fixed point that couldn't be changed. It had to happen.
And Flashpoint where Barry wakes up to a new universe and tries to get back to the standard timeline but instead ends up and remains in a new universe similar but different from his own.
Which leads to -
-Batmans!!! I still don't know what makes a good Batman, but I do know what makes a good Bruce Wayne and Val Kilmer and Ben Affleck is that for me so I delighted in seeing him again. So fantastic that all these years later Michael Keaton gets his swan song.
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As Barry tells Bruce things change across multiverses but there are constants such as Bruce having a Alfred as it is fated. But there is also, seemingly, the constant that Bruce is defined by being Batman. In THE DARK KNIGHT RISES he doesn't return to Bruce Wayne but instead ducks out of society until Gotham is truly threatened and only bows out when he is assured that Gotham is in good hands. In THE FLASH Bruce cleans up Gotham and retreats to a hermetic existence until Barry coaxes him out. He dies happily in battle as Batman, a better death than just dying as the pedestrian Bruce Wayne.
And as I love reaching back to the past and closing circles seeing George Clooney as Bruce was amazing.
Talk about reaching back-
This is the man who said, "I think I was the right actor for the part at the time I played it, but I think the role is larger than any particular actor and should be reinterpreted from generation to generation."
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How fitting that so many reinterpretations were presented, including the payoff of the Eric Stoltz BACK TO THE FUTURE jokes.
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Just as Stoltz was the Marty McFly that never really was, we got Nic Cage's near Superman reference!!
He exists in the multiverse!
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and yeah, we saw other Flashes but who cares when there is Supermen...and Helen Slater's Supergirl!
Another trip through the multiverse was done courtesy of TITANS where Gar
-The humour wasn't overkill. Loved how they did the slow reveal of Bruce being tied to the Lasso of Truth. It seemed OOC for him to be bashful around Diana but I went with it, but no need; he was just lassoed. I hope people caught him chastising himself for not donating his wealth to help the poor.
-Loved Sasha Calle's Kara. Would have loved to see more of her.
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-Barry's stakes only work if the audience cares and how much did I love Maribel Verdú as Nora Allen. It would not have worked if we couldn't feel the depth of Barry's loss. Verdú was so loving and vibrant that my heart ached that Barry couldn't save her.
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Verdú, Temeura Morrison (who appears), Jesse L. Martin of TV's THE FLASH and these hotties are the best parents in the DCEU.
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-Nice seeing Muschietti's pal and MAMA lead Nikolaj Coster-Waldau play a rando who has his pizza snagged by Barry and Muschietti himself playing a man who gets his hot dog snatched by Barry.
-Speaking of dogs that end credits with the therapy dog in free fall was a perfect clincher to the prior mad scene with the babies in the forefront. And for those bashing the egregiously fake babies in that scene I think it would have created anxiety for plenty of people if they CGI'd actual babies. The comedic element of such lunacy works because they're so fake looking.
-Kiersey Clemons getting short-shrift.
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If there isn't a sequel it's very disappointing how little she has to do. I would have loved to see their friendship flourish.
Also, does this film retcon the deleted scene which was reinstated in the Snyder cut of JUSTICE LEAGUE?
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Seemingly, no as she says she feels like she has seen Barry lately and he cagily denies it, but it's not as if Iris had a head injury or was knocked out during that scene. How can you not remember someone saving your life? Unless the implication is that Barry was moving so fast that she only got a glimpse of him, which...doubtful.
-Which brings me to my second issue..
-The issue with the Flash as a standalone is that is really serves to showcase Batman and to a lesser extent Supergirl. They Captain America: Civil War'red the film!
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But maybe that's just because as a character Barry isn't that compelling. His #1 enemy is just a reverse of himself. Barry is a hero but also an unwitting agent of chaos as his defining trait is not the speed force but upending the universe in a quest to save his mother,
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so maybe there isn't enough meat on the bone so to speak character-wise to delve deeper but if they could do it with Aquaman then Barry deserved a deeper exploration.
-I don't think we needed the angle that Barry was at the scene of Zod's attack and he has kicks himself over not being able to save the kid's dad. He has enough of a complex.
-This could very well be because I have an unreasonable dislike of Ron Livingston but what a downgrade from Billy Crudup (who was too busy with AppleTV+'s THE MORNING SHOW to return).
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Crudup's scenes in JL were infinitely more effective than anything Livingston eked out in this.
Just as Crudup had a minor role in JUSTICE LEAGUE, but made a big impression, Luke Brandon Field appeared in one ep of AMC+'s wonderful INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE but I clocked him immediately in his small role as a criminal Bruce takes down.
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romanarose · 2 years
I gotta know the full story about the baby Yoda Oscar Isaac bare feet thing 😂
Bro I WISH there was a good answer. Mike and I have a strange, strange relationship
I added him on Facebook bc he was hot and friends with one of my internet friends and I’ve been tryna smash ever since, with subtle flirts like “I will eat your ass if you’d like”
fortunately, while we have not fucked, we do have a lovely internet friendship with our circle of internet friends on Facebook. I have an alt account under a fake name away from family
Thing is, he hates baby yoda. (Or as he calls it, baby yoga. You shared a post a while back on my alt tumbkr where I just post insane things my friends and I say to each other where he said that) He’s on the baby yoda must die train. He is to baby yoda as I am to tom from triple frontier (fuck you ben affleck, it’s on sight bitch)
So, one day, I watched ex-machina. And I posted “I’m not saying I have a foot fetish,,,,, but I could be convinced for Oscar Isaac” the shitstorm of my friends BEGGING me to not start this (all I’m saying is this man has nice feet okay? Also Georgia moffat Tennant posted a pic on Instagram with David Tennant foot in her mouth and…. That might have awoken something in me)
Anyway mike created the first baby yoda feet pic as a “gift to me”
I told him we were breaking up. He said we were never dating.
However when posting that stupid pic got you, one of my favorite writers, to follow me, we got back together. He still insists we aren’t dating
A week or two latter, I get this monstrosity
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I genuinely do not know what I did to deserve this but I feel as if it’s an act of TERRORIM and I’m calling the FBI
We are currently broken up. Other times mike and I broke up is when I found out his phone background is the default (serial killer energy) and when he didn’t know welcome to the black parade
We will be broken up until I decide I need make attention and post something slutty for him to compliment
Hope that makes sense welcome to my blog it only gets worse
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gamerbulten · 10 months
Liam Neeson, aksiyon dolu Blacklight fragmanında FBI'ı ele geçirdi Çok sayıda araba kovalamacası ve silahl...
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dear-indies · 6 years
can you please help me find an alternative fc to ben affleck? with his problematic antics i'd rather not use him but somebody with a similar aesthetic would be liked
Eric McCormack (1963) 
Billy Burke (1966) 
Timothy Olyphant (1968) English, Scottish, 1/8th Ashkenazi Jewish, small amounts of German, Dutch, and Irish, remote French Huguenot.
Néstor Carbonell (1967) Cuban [Spanish, Catalan, Basque]
Danny Nucci (1968) Italian / Sephardi Jewish.
Ben Mendelsohn (1969) ¼ Ashkenazi Jewish, 1/8 Greek, 1/32 German, Scottish, English, Irish.
Shemar Moore (1970) African-American / French-Canadian, Irish.
Jon Hamm (1971) 
Gabriel Macht (1972) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Arjun Rampal (1972) Punjabi, Dutch.
Jason Behr (1973) 
Kaneshiro Takeshi (1973) Japanese / Taiwanese.
Florian David Fitz (1974) 
Sendhil Ramamurthy (1974) Kannada and Tamil Indian.
Danny Pino (1974) Cuban. 
Paul Amos (1975) 
Justin Hartley (1977)
Brian Tee (1977) Japanese / Korean. 
Lee Dong Wook (1981) Korean. 
Steve Memmolo (?)
Although if you’re recasting Batman please cast somebody who is Jewish! -C
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crimeronan · 3 years
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started from the bottom now we here
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Working on my alt's Scholar zeta relic in FFXIV by going through Pharos Sirius sync'd repeatedly for poetics and gc seals makes me want to finish the relic and never play healer again. 😅😅😭
The sheer rage I feel every time, just to go out and feel like the Ben Affleck smoking meme for 15 minutes before queuing again... God DAMN this is rough.
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Zack Snyder's Justice League Stream Deutsch Film Ganzer Online 2021
Film stream - https://zack-snyders-justice-league-de.blogspot.com/
Der Director's Cut der Justice League von Zach Snyder, in dem Darkseid der Hauptgegner ist.
Manchmal ist der Name eines Regisseurs im Titel nur ein Akt des Ego, aber im Fall von Zack Snyders Justice League ist er durchaus für einen Film geeignet, der nicht das Werk eines anderen als des Autors hinter 300 sein könnte. Ein fehlerhafter Blockbuster Diese erweiterte Version der Superhelden-Extravaganz von 2017 wird in einem neuen Schnitt wieder veröffentlicht, der vom ursprünglichen Filmemacher Jahre nach seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Projekt betreut wird. Sie wird durch Snyders fein kalibrierte Vorliebe für mythische Pop-Größe sowohl gestärkt als auch behindert. Das Bild läuft vier Stunden und bietet einen weitreichenden Rahmen, während Batman und seine Kohorten um die Rettung der Erde kämpfen. Obwohl der Kampf um eine zufriedenstellendere und endgültigere Darstellung der Justice League sicherlich atemberaubend sein kann, wird Snyders Version sicherlich durch seine Exzesse und die zugrunde liegenden Mängel einer überfüllten Geschichte zunichte gemacht. Zack Snyders Justice League trifft HBO Max und internationale Partner am 18. März dank einer von Fans inszenierten Kampagne, in der Snyder gebeten wird, seine ursprüngliche Vision zu verwirklichen, nachdem der Avengers-Filmemacher Joss Whedon ihn während der Produktion ersetzt hatte. Abgesehen von Wonder Woman 1984 war das Superheldenkino während der Pandemie Mangelware. Erwarten Sie daher ein beträchtliches Interesse - ganz zu schweigen von der krankhaften Neugier auf diese zweite Einstellung bei einem kritischen und kommerziellen Misserfolg.
Batman (Ben Affleck), der noch immer vom Tod von Superman (Henry Cavill) betroffen ist, versammelt ein Team von Superhelden - Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) und Flash (Ezra Miller) Konfrontieren Sie einen interstellaren Feind, Steppenwolf (von Ciaran Hinds geäußert), der gekommen ist, um die Mutterkisten zu sammeln, mystische Geräte, die, wenn sie zusammengefügt werden, den Planeten zerstören werden. Aber ohne den Mann aus Stahl sind unsere Helden möglicherweise nicht mächtig genug, um ihn aufzuhalten.
Es wurde viel darüber gesagt, dass Snyder den Film 2017 verlassen hat (teilweise wegen des Selbstmordes seiner Tochter Autumn) und durch Whedon ersetzt wurde, der einen Großteil des Bildes neu geschrieben und neu aufgenommen hat. Mit einem geschätzten Budget von 70 Millionen US-Dollar enthält Zack Snyders Justice League kein Filmmaterial von Whedon, stellt Snyders Material wieder her und enthält neu gefilmte Szenen. (Diese neue Version wird im 4: 3-Format und nicht im herkömmlichen Breitbildformat angezeigt, falls der Film jemals in IMAX abgespielt wird.)
Im Gegensatz zu Whedons witziger, hektischer zweistündiger Version nimmt sich Zack Snyders Justice League Zeit, um jeden ihrer Charaktere - einschließlich Steppenwolf (dessen CG erheblich verbessert ist) - zu etablieren und die Einsätze für den vorhersehbaren Kampf um Leben und Tod zwischen Gut und Böse zu legen böse. In einer Zeit, in der es dem Publikum leichter fällt, Streaming-Serien zu spielen, ist die vierstündige Laufzeit von Zack Snyders Justice League möglicherweise nicht so entmutigend, und der Filmemacher leistet gute Arbeit, um das Verfahren in einem gleichmäßigen, selbstbewussten Tempo zu halten.
Im Laufe seiner Karriere hat Snyder stets übergroße Brillen mit einem dunklen Ton und einem stilisierten visuellen Flair hergestellt, das sich an Graphic Novels und Videospielen orientiert, und tatsächlich schwelgt der Film in seinem operativen Ehrgeiz. Die traurige Farbpalette des Kameramanns Fabian Wagner und die brütende Partitur von Tom Holkenborg verleihen der Geschichte, in der diese DC-Helden - im Gegensatz zu ihren sonnigeren Marvel-Kollegen - als gefolterte Personen behandelt werden, die durch die Verantwortung belastet sind, als letzter Kampf der Erde gegen den scheinbar unbesiegbaren Steppenwolf zu dienen. Trotz der klugen Comic-Erleichterung von The Flash fühlt sich Snyders Vision wirklich düster und episch an - nicht nur wegen Supermans Tod, sondern auch, weil dieser alternde Batman befürchtet, dass er es nicht wert ist, seine Mitstreiter zu führen.
Die längere Erzählung hilft bei einigen Aufführungen - insbesondere bei Fisher als jungem Mann, der mit seiner neuen Realität als kybernetischem Wesen ringt. Aber Affleck bleibt ein bisschen zu mürrisch, und Gadot hat nicht den gleichen Funken wie in ihren eigenen Wonder Woman-Filmen - ein Hinweis darauf, dass diese Charaktere selbst nach vier Stunden in eine weitläufige Erzählung eingebettet werden, die nicht immer jeden zulässt von ihnen zu glänzen.
So bewegend Snyders auffällige Theaterstücke auch sein mögen, der Film sackt schließlich unter dem Gewicht seiner eigenen Selbstbedeutung ab. (Während Zack Snyders Justice League der ursprünglichen Kinofassung überlegen ist, weiß man zu schätzen, warum Whedon versucht hat, Leichtsinn einzufügen.) Und im Vergleich zum weitaus geschickteren Jonglieren von Charakteren und Vorfällen in den Avengers-Bildern bleibt Chris Terrios Drehbuch bei der Suche nach Mother Boxes sowie die Adressierung unzähliger Nebencharaktere, darunter Amy Adams 'triste Lois Lane.
Am tödlichsten ist jedoch, dass Snyder nach dem letzten Showdown mit Steppenwolf einen langwierigen Epilog aufgreift, der noch mehr Charaktere einführt, was zu dem Gefühl beiträgt, dass seine Besessenheit dieses Mammutunternehmen zwar befeuert, ihn aber auch anfällig für Overkill macht. Dieses oft absorbierende Werk kann so mächtig sein wie Superman selbst, aber ein Mangel an Zurückhaltung erweist sich als sein Kryptonit.
Es sollte leicht sein, Zack Snyders Justice League als Unsinn abzutun. Es geht um eine Gruppe von Superhelden - einige gekappt, andere nicht -, die zusammenarbeiten, um einen intergalaktischen genozidalen Alien zu besiegen. Dies ist auch die gleiche Handlung wie bei einem Avengers-Film, daher liegt der Hauptunterschied in der Ausführung. Während sich die Marvel-Filme für eine allgemein ansprechende Pop-Sensibilität entscheiden, ist diese Justice League bedeutungsvoll und manchmal nachdenklich, ein Werk eines einzigartigen Regisseurs, der eine einzigartige Interpretation von Superhelden hat. All dies wäre interessant, sogar provokativ, wenn Snyders Talent seiner Vision entsprechen würde. Leider untergraben das Aufblähen des Storytelling und die bombastische Aktion sein endgültiges Update des Originalfilms. Aufgrund beruflicher Unterschiede und familiärer Tragödien konnte Zack Snyder die Justice League 2017 nicht beenden. Joss Whedon übernahm die Zügel und lieferte dann einen zweistündigen Beiljob, der Snyders mythischen Ehrgeiz unbehaglich mit seinen eigenen witzigen Instinkten verband. Diese aktualisierte Justice League ist zugegebenermaßen eine Verbesserung: Snyder hat viele Szenen, die nicht funktionierten, abgeworfen und einige andere hinzugefügt, um sie (grenzwertig) kohärent zu machen. Das Ergebnis ist ein maximalistisches vierstündiges Epos (ja, dieser Film ist länger als Lawrence von Arabien und Vom Winde verweht). Sind alle vier Stunden notwendig, um diese Geschichte zu erzählen? Absolut nicht. Werden diejenigen, die #releasethesnydercut-Trends haben, mit dem, was ihnen gegeben wird, zufrieden sein? Wahrscheinlich, obwohl sie eher erschöpft als berauscht sein könnten.
Snyder fügt so viel Aufblähung hinzu, dass sich sein Film so anfühlt, als würde er sich über vier Tage und nicht über vier Stunden entfalten. An einem längeren Film ist an sich nichts auszusetzen - Der Ire ist fast dreieinhalb Stunden alt und verdient seine Laufzeit -, also liegt das Problem hier im Detail. Mehrere Charaktere werden mehr als einmal vorgestellt, während die Ursprungsgeschichten von Cyborg (Ray Fisher) und The Flash (Ezra Miller) die größere Erzählung verlangsamen. In sechs Teilen und einem Epilog erzeugt und löscht die Justice League erzählerische Impulse, bis nur noch eigenständige Szenen oder Bilder übrig bleiben. Einige einzelne Szenen sind faszinierend, wie ein langer Rückblick, in dem sich alte Helden gegen einen gemeinsamen Feind vereinen. Sie bieten Snyder die Möglichkeit, sein Lieblingsthema zu erkunden - das Nebeneinander von Superhelden und ursprünglicher Mythologie -, außer dass sich seine Helden nicht so entwickeln, wie er es wünscht. In Snyders Herzen gibt es eine resonante Version dieser Geschichte, aber egal wie viel er versucht, er will es nie ganz in unsere hinein.
Anstelle eines Seitenverhältnisses „Briefkasten“ wählt Snyder Boxer-4: 3-Dimensionen, die fast quadratisch sind. Dafür gibt es zwei Gründe: Er kann die Höhe eines hoch aufragenden IMAX-Bildschirms ausfüllen, obwohl der Heimbetrachter auf der linken und rechten Seite vertikale schwarze Balken sieht. Noch wichtiger ist, dass dieses Seitenverhältnis es ihm ermöglicht, Bilder und Menschen auf unterschiedliche Weise zu betrachten. Hier ist die Justice League etwas Einzigartiges. Der quadratische Rahmen betont Gesichter und Körper, eine formale Einschränkung, die das Thema „Götter auf Erden“ vertieft, das den Film dominiert. Vielleicht ist die IMAX-Version des Films wirklich beeindruckend, ein Gonzo-Superhelden-Experiment, das etwas Dringenderes und Ursprünglicheres erschließt. Manchmal sind die Bilder großartig, wie eine Einstellung von Superman (Henry Cavill), der eine messianische Pose einnimmt, während er über dem Planeten schwebt. Trotzdem besteht eine ständige Inkongruenz zwischen der formalen Schönheit und jeder tieferen Verbindung.
Diese Herangehensweise an das Spülen von Küchenspülen ist letztendlich statisch, fast wie eine Urlaubs-Diashow, die jedes erschöpfende Detail abdeckt. Ohne jeglichen Impuls leiden die Aufführungen entsprechend. Es gibt keine Spannung zwischen Batman (Ben Affleck) und den anderen Helden, als er versucht, sie zu rekrutieren, weil wir wissen, dass es eine lange, charakterbasierte Szene gibt, die das Verfahren bald in die Länge ziehen wird. Aquaman (Jason Momoa) und Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) sind wie nachträgliche Gedanken, ein vergessenes menschliches Element in einer Geschichte, die nur Raum für intergalaktische Zerstörung bietet. Der Bösewicht Steppenwolf hat leichte ästhetische Verbesserungen erfahren, aber er hat immer noch die Bedrohung eines mittleren Managers, dessen Hauptziel es ist, magische Kisten zu sammeln (bei aller Feierlichkeit verlässt sich die Justice League immer noch auf dieselben müden McGuffins wie ihre Marvel-Äquivalente ). Bei so vielem, was hier passiert, geht es um Verpflichtung - eine, die Snyder den Charakteren und seinen Fans gegenüber empfindet -, dass wichtigere Elemente wie Charakter / Leistung zweitrangig sind.
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project-casting · 4 years
Hollywood Abandons U.S. Over Lack of Coronavirus Testing
Hollywood Abandons U.S. Over Lack of Coronavirus Testing
Hollywood abandons filming in the U.S. due to the lack of Coronavirus tests.
A movie starring Ben Affleck was supposed to start filming in the United States. However, due to the lack of COVID-19 Coronavirus testing material and fast lab results, producers moved the filming location to Canada.
Ben Affleck’s latest movie is just one of several projects leaving the U.S. for Canada, the U.K., and…
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fencer-x · 5 years
I prefer liogalo, and I’m generally not interested in switching. I feel like some folks talk about switching because it’s idk more woke or some bullshit but lbr most of the fandom is gonna go for the ~twinkier~/smaller/delicate-looking one bottoming? (Whether that’s actually true or just a headcanon) And like half the fanfic with the rarer configuration is gonna emphasize how ~rare~ it is for the other one to top like “dw this isn’t how they normally do it of course ;))))”
Examples that immediately come to mind: otabek and iwaizumi in the western fandom because that’s also unfortunately (unfortunately in the sense that my preferences went against the fandom grain and therefore I have almost nothing to consume) where my interests swung as well, and at some point you just get so tired of it like yeah yeah okay *insert meme of Ben Affleck smoking*
It’s a lot easier to not have a hardline stance when your preferences are met I guess? People make their preferences obvious in art portrayals/visual cues/their characterization — it’s in the way the tropes are used/what’s emphasized even with pg stuff. Idk if it’s necessarily a bad thing — i def use it to determine if a fic /dj/artist artist enjoys the same configuration I do. Idk sometimes it’s super obvious? Sometimes it’s just kinda lonely not being in the majority lol
Lol sorry didn’t mean to wall of text you, it’s just something I think about sometimes. Not necessarily top/bottom dynamics but like, what gets popular and why and how this influences fan content, feel free to ignore me :’D
I personally prefer the OPTION of switching, because the fans I’ve met who are adamant about one or the other are adamant for gross reasons (usually couched in “lol have you SEEN him! He’s a TOTAL bottom!” expecting me to agree with them... which is what the shippers that prompted my initial post were saying...).
And I expect this isn’t widely understood in PM fandom, but: liogalo is not actually all that rare (in JP fandom at least)! It accounts for 1/3 of the content with lio and galo together at the next event, so while galolio has more doujinshi/fan content coming out for it at this event, it’s by no means utterly dwarfing liogalo, so the idea people need to be ‘on guard’ and aggressively express their support for one version over the other is a little absurd. It’s in the minority, but one out of every three people enjoys it, pretty much :) And that’s just JP fans who ONLY ship it, to the exclusion of galolio, suggesting that a much larger portion are more than excited for lio topping. He may have the ‘look’, but even Japanese fandom isn’t treating him like they treat other characters with similar builds.
I already talked about your Otabek and Iwaizumi woes (I assume you mean Yuri/Otabek and Oikawa/Iwaizumi? since those are the alts of the more popular versions; but even Oikawa/Iwaizumi isn’t terribly rare, in JP at least, because tsundere ukes are super popular here...)
On which note, you mention fanfic a lot--have you looked for doujinshi of your rarer ships? Because people who ship ‘usually on bottom one is on top’ are almost NEVER the ‘lol this is just a one-off thing’. They like that one on top--or more aptly, they like the OTHER one on bottom. So you’ll find eager shippers of those ‘orders’ in JP fandom rather than ‘switching for social justice points’ (which boggles my mind... why wouldn’t you just ship switching pairings BECAUSE IT’S HOT? I get to see either character in whatever position I like. IT’S FANTASTIC. why do it performatively? fandom.......)
And yes, even PG stuff can be OOC when an artist/writer ships something in a way you might not enjoy. Making one character overly aggressive, or another crying at the drop of a hat. It all stems from a poor understanding of the characters imho, but that’s another story entirely, because sometimes a creator just has an itch they want to scratch and who really cares what others think, because they’re creating for themselves, not others.
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bambiskii · 5 years
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Throwback MondaY cus thats a thing now, whos your favorite dude actor?? Ben affleck has a special place in my heart ♡ . . Shirt @coolshirtz (the best) Wig @trendywigs Alt acc @bambiskii_basic almost at 9k les go! . . #coolshirtz #lacewig #kawaiifashion #kawaiistyle #kawaii #catears #cosplayer #altgirl #alternativefashion #fashioninsta #fashioninspo #kfashion #jfashion (at Perth, Western Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/By0PoyLjV4O/?igshid=bu02frb5r4th
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derfilminmeinemkopf · 5 years
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Motherless Brooklyn
Regie: Edward Norton          Gesehen am: 02.01.2020               Wertung: 07/10
„Wir haben das gleiche Chaos im Kopf.“
Nach fast zwanzig Jahren Pause wagt sich Edward Norton mit „Motherless Brooklyn“ zum zweiten Mal auf den Regiestuhl und macht es damit seinen Schauspielkolleginnen und -kollegen George Clooney, Ben Affleck, Clint Eastwood oder zuletzt Greta Gerwig nach. Und auch wenn er sich mit ihren Werken noch nicht messen kann, erschafft er doch durchaus einen interessanten Film, der aber vor allem an seiner Länge leidet.
Norton präsentiert uns eine klassische Pulpgeschichte, wie sie auch in einem alten Film-Noir spielen könnte, allerdings verschiebt er hierbei den Fokus. Nachdem der alte Hase im Detektivgeschäft Frank Minna erschossen wird, bleiben die Mitarbeiter seiner Kanzlei in einem Scherbenhaufen zurück. Die üblichen Verdächtigen, der Bogart-Charakter und die Femme Fatale, wären mit der Witwe und dem neuen Kanzleichef zwar präsent, in dieser Geschichte dienen sie aber lediglich als Randkoordinaten, um deutlich zu machen, dass man sehr wohl weiß, in welchem Referenzuniversum man sich bewegt. Statt dessen schwingt sich jedoch ein anderer Schützling von Frank Minna zum Protagonisten auf, der mit seiner Mischung aus Tourette und Asperger alles andere als genretypisch ist. Edward Norton spielt seinen Lionel Essrog dann auch mit voller Hingabe selbst. Allerdings verbleibt der Plot dann doch ziemlich genau innerhalb der Grenzen, die man von einer solchen Geschichte erwarten würde, was die üppigen 144 Minuten Laufzeit dann doch als ziemlich aufgebläht erscheinen lässt. „Motherless Brooklyn“ nimmt sich somit mit einem Augenzwinkern eines fest etablierten Genres an und weiß ihm spielerisch neue Facetten abzugewinnen, schafft es dann aber doch nicht, sich vollends zu emanzipieren, so dass schließlich auch die Begeisterung des Zuschauers auf der Strecke bleibt.    
Rico Handorf
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