#beluga baby wrap
phoward89 · 7 months
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This is based on this ask.
Coryo is a hands on dad in this. (Thank God, since he was a real piece of shit in the last daddy!Coriolanus one shot)
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Everyone says that pregnancy is a beautiful experience. Women are supposed to look radiant and glowing as they're round with the new life they're growing inside of them.
What nobody tells you is that your feet and ankles swell, your back aches, you pee more than a race horse, you balloon into the size of a beluga whale, and your mood swings are all over the place because of the pregnancy hormones. Oh, and you crave the weirdest things.
Nope, people don't tell you that. You had to learn that the hard way. At least you had your husband by your side during everything.
Coriolanus is a very busy man, being the youngest President of Panem, but he always made time in his busy schedule for you. To check in on you and make sure you were okay. After all, it's his fault you're in the condition you're in.
You both agreed to try for a baby during the honeymoon, so it technically wasn't his fault you're big and miserable right now.
Honestly, Coriolanus had baby fever and replaced your birth control pills with sugar pills a month or so before the wedding, so you were bound to get pregnant right away.
Anyways, you're currently so big that you can't do anything by yourself. Hell, you can barely even walk anymore. You're practically waddling like a duck.
And you're so emotional. You've been crying at the drop of a hat lately. Anything, literally anything, can put you into a crying drag. It was emotionally exhausting.
Your husband, the president, was surprisingly supportive of you. He doted on you. Even when you were complaining about being uncomfortable or crying your eyes out for the umpteenth time, Coryo was right by your side trying to comfort you.
Despite his cold, calculated, stoic nature that everyone saw, he was soft and loving towards you. But only you.
Because he loves you more than anything in this world.
Despite vowing to never let himself fall in love again, when you became his personal secretary when he was Senator Snow he fell for you.
It was hard not to. Your beauty paired with your personality was hard for him to resist.
So, he broke a promise to himself that he made at 18 or 19 years old. But, when it comes to love it just happens. Vowing to never fall in love's a foolish notion because one can't control who they fall in love with.
It just happens.
But, unfortunately, when he fell in love with you it wasn't when you were available. You had a long time boyfriend. And since Coriolanus wanted you to be his, he got rid of your boyfriend.
With poison.
And then a few months after your boyfriend was out of the picture, Coriolanus wooed you. He asked you out with pretty words and a single white rose. Of course you accepted.
Then, when he was campaigning to become Panem's youngest president, he proposed. And after he won the election, becoming President Snow, he married you; made you his First Lady Snow.
And now you're about to become a mother, another thing he had a hand in the making of.
The only problem was that your due date’s come and gone.
And you feel absolutely miserable.
“Darling, I just got off the phone with Dr. Wellock about your situation of being overdue.” Your husband, Coryo, announced as he walked into the sunroom room you were lounging in.
“What did he say?” You asked as the platinum blonde made his way over to your side.
“He says that an induction isn't done until the expecting mother is anywhere between 10-12 days overdue.” He said, taking a seat next to you on the sofa.
“So that means I have at least 5 more days of feeling miserable?” You asked, feeling tears begin to well up.
“Unfortunately, yes, my darling rose.” Coryo told you while wrapping an arm around you. Pulling you into his chest, he said, “The doctor gave me a list of things that can help to induce you naturally.” Rubbing your lower back, knowing that it was bothering you lately, you husband told you, “I'm having the kitchen staff cook the foods that'll help naturally induce you, Y/N.”
Coryo was a godsend. He was looking after you when he should be busy running the country. He didn't have an easy job.
He was the President of Panem.
And here he was catering to you. Offering you comfort and gentle reassurances during your difficult time of being overdue and feeling uncomfortable.
Suddenly, you felt overwhelmed. Felt like a burdened. And, before you could even control yourself, you started to cry into your husband's chest.
“What's wrong, little dove?” Coriolanus asked, threading his long fingers thru your hair, trying to soothe you.
“I feel bad that you're here with me instead of running the country. You’re the president, you should be working, not by my side giving me backrubs and helping me get from point A to point B all the time.”
“Y/N, darling, I might be the president, but I'm also your husband. As your husband, I put you and our unborn child before anything, including work. The wellbeing of my family will always come first, Panem second.”
“How did I get so lucky to have you?” You asked between sobs.
Because he whacked your Academy Sweetheart.
But, Coriolanus couldn't tell you that. No, that's a secret he'll take with him to the grave. Along with all the other various murders he's committed and will keep on committing in order to be all powerful and filthy rich.
No, instead the president just presses a kiss to your head and tells you, “Dumb luck, I suppose.” Rubbing circles into your lower back, causing soft moans to fall from your lips, Coriolanus smiled, “But I consider myself the lucky one for being your husband. There's no other woman in all of Panem that I could ever see myself loving as deeply as I love you.”
Sniffing and wiping at your eyes, you say, “Don't tell me sweet stuff like that or I'll never stop crying.”
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Unfortunately, labor inducing foods didn't work. So, Coryo told you that the doctor told him that sex, nipple stimulation, and orgasms could help induce labor. You laughed at him, saying that had to be a lie since, despite your huge size, you were still very sexually active with him. Coriolanus just shrugged, claiming that's what the doctor told him.
You don't know if it was from sex or just your time to go into labor, but in the middle of the night (after having late night sex with your husband) you woke up with labor pains and a soaked nightgown. When you woke up Coriolanus, telling him that it was (finally) time and that you were in labor, he quickly grabbed your baby bag and rushed you to the hospital.
The man, being a very devoted husband and father to be, drove you himself. You feared that Coryo would drag you to the hospital in his pajamas, but much to your relief he did toss on some clothes before taking you.
Once at the hospital, since you're the First Lady of Panem, you were put on VIP status and given a private room with a window view of the Rockies. You didn't really care since you were in the worst pain of your entire life, but it was a nice gesture. Coriolanus sure did enjoy the special treatment you were getting. Remarking how only the best for his love would do.
The president never left your side during your labor. He wiped your sweaty forehead with a cool cloth, buzzed the nurses for ice chips and pain meds for you, and he let you squeeze his hand to the point he thought his bones would break whenever you had a particularly painful contraction.
The hospital staff just melted at the sight of President Coriolanus Snow doting on his First Lady Y/N Snow. The nurses were swooning everytime they heard Coryo tell you, “You’re doing so well, darling.”, “I know it hurts, little dove, but soon we'll have our baby and it'll be well worth it.”, “Squeeze my hand as hard as you need to, my darling rose. I served as a peacekeeper once, I can handle you breaking my hand while in labor pains.”
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You were sitting up, pushing hard every 5 seconds, around 3 times per contraction. Coryo was right by your side, holding your hand and telling you, “You're doing wonderful, darling. Just a few more pushes and we'll be parents.”
The nurse in the room fought back the urge to swoon at the president’s words while the doctor just assured you that Coriolanus was right, that he could see the baby's head and after another push the baby would be born.
So, gathering all of the strength you could muster after pushing for what felt like hours, you did one last, hard push.
Your baby came out with a healthy set of lungs. Crying before even needing a spank to the butt.
Dr. Wellock held the baby up in the air, only to announce, “It's a girl!”
A girl. You and Coryo had a baby girl.
Tears of love welled up in your eyes as Coriolanus’ baby blues shines with pride as he whispered, “A baby girl.”, before pressing a soft kiss to your chapped lips.
“Mister President, Sir, would you like to cut the cord?” Dr. Wellock asked your husband as a nurse helped you deliver the placenta.
“Yes, I would like to.” Coriolanus replied before standing up and going over to the doctor. Silently, the doctor passed him the scissors and he cut the cord. After cutting the cord, your husband returned to your side while the doctor passed the baby over to the nurse to be cleaned and wrapped in a blanket.
“She's beautiful, darling.” Coriolanus told you as the doctor quickly cleaned you up.
“Does she have your platinum blonde hair?” You asked, a curious smile splitting your face wide open.
“Yes.” The president nodded. “She has both my light blonde hair and blue eyes.”
“You're going to be beating all the boys off with a stick in about, eh, 13 or so years.” You knowingly giggled right as the nurse appeared with your bundle of joy wrapped in a soft pink blanket and matching hat.
Handing you your daughter, the nurse asked, “What's her name?”
“Cersei.” You and Coryo answered at the same time, looking at your daughter with nothing but love.
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Honestly, you were a bit nervous about how Coryo would be as a father since, after all, he had a lot on his plate as the president of the country. But it turns out that you didn't have anything to worry about. Coriolanus was a great father. He was very hands-on despite his strenuous and busy job being President of Panem.
The president always made time for his daughter and, of course, for you.
And when you went out in public, he was always by your side when wheeling your baby in the stroller. So many paparazzis would hide and flash pictures of President Snow with your daughter because it was the only way to get a picture of them together. Coryo never used Cersei for photo ops or publicity stunts. In fact he rarely talked about her at all interviews other then the general and polite answers of, “Oh, she's doing well.”, “Cersei's a happy girl.”, and “She’s hitting all of her milestones.”
Honestly, Coryo didn't like to talk too much about his daughter because he didn't want her in the limelight. He chose to become the president and you chose to become his first lady. You both knew the fame that came with it. But Cersei was born into it and your husband, President Coriolanus Snow, wanted her to have as normal of a childhood as possible.
And then, when your daughter was 3, you got pregnant again. Well, you and Coriolanus weren't trying, but weren't preventing either.
You were too far along yet, just nearing your 4th month. You knew that soon you'd be blowing into the size of a balloon tho.
But you weren't thinking about that right now.
Right now, you were just smiling at the sight of your daughter curled up on your husband's lap as he read her a book during one of his breaks from his office in the presidential wing of the mansion.
“Daddy?” Your daughter, whose platinum blonde hair was in little piggy tales, asked- causing your husband to pause in his reading.
It was cute how Coriolanus melted the first time he was called Dada and decided to let his daughter call him Daddy as she grew despite telling you over and over again during your pregnancy with her that he was going to be called father or nothing at all.
She's like Cersei has your husband wrapped around her finger.
“Yes, princess?” Coryo asked your daughter, looking at her with a genuine smile.
“Mama’s here.” She excitedly told your husband with a big smile on her face.
Coryo looked up, only to tell your daughter, “Oh, so she is.” Waving you into the room, your husband said, “Come in and sit down, darling. You don't need to stand in the doorway.”
“Oh, don't mind me, I was just walking down the hall and thought that I'd just check in on my favorite people while on my way to get a snack.” You told your husband, shrugging off his offer of you joining him and your daughter in the sun room.
“Mama, I want a snack!” Cersei exclaimed.
Coryo chuckled, only to close the book he was reading and place it onto the side table by his sitting chair. Standing up, with your daughter slung on his hip, the president announced, “Looks like a family snack time’s in order before I get back to work being the President Panem.”
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When Cersei was almost 4, you had your son, Cassian Xandros. Then when she was 5 you had another son, Caspian Xenos and when she was 7 you had your last child. Another son, who was named Caelestis Xanthias.
Even tho Coriolanus had not 1 but 3 boys to carry on the mighty and magnificent Snow name, it was your daughter, Cersei, that was his favorite child.
Coriolanus was a good father to all 4 of your children, but it was your daughter that had him wrapped around his finger. She was daddy's little princess. She could do no wrong in his eyes.
But your boys…oh boy…Your son's had to be perfect unless they wanted to hear Coriolanus lecture them. He expected straight A’s and top marks in school from his 3 boys. Expected them to be involved in school politics, chess club, and the debate team. And when it came time for them to be mentors in the Hunger Games for a district that didn't have a Victor to act as a mentor, well you better believe that they had to be perfect at that too.
But not Cersei. Oh no… Coryo let Cersei get away with shit that he'd never let Cassian Xandros, Caspian Xenos, and Caelestis Xanthias get away with.
Cersei didn't want to be a mentor, so guess what? Her daddy, President Snow, let her stay home sick during the games so her mentor spot had to be given to somebody else. If she wanted to quit ballet lessons after just one lesson, saying it wasn't fun, then she could. She could get away with anything she wanted to, because your husband let her.
Coriolanus spoiled his daughter rotten.
And one day, as a young woman, when Cersei went running to her daddy saying that she was in trouble (knocked up) and that the Peacekeeper that got her in that condition didn't want the responsibility of a family, you know what Coriolanus did? He just told your daughter that he'd take care of everything.
And boy did he ever…
He had tea with that peacekeeper, where only one of them walked away from the garden tea table alive, and scattered the man's family all over the districts. Making sure that his younger siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc were reaped when eligible.
Coriolanus also assured your daughter that you and him would help her raise her baby. That she'd have your support and wouldn't be alone.
So, when Cersei gave birth to her daughter, Celeste Snow, as a single mother you and Coryo were by her side. Assuring her that everything was fine, that she was going to be a great mother.
You had a sense of deja vu whenever the nurses all gossiped and giggled about how President Snow was such a good father and grandfather to be for staying by his daughter's side and supporting her despite her being an unwed mother.
Coriolanus was a great father to all of your children, but his favorite was your daughter Cersei. So, naturally, his favorite grandchild was her only daughter Celeste. He dotes on your granddaughter Celeste. She was the apple of his eye, even when the boys started getting married and having children of their own.
Coriolanus loved all his grandchildren, but Celeste was his favorite.
You on the other hand didn't have favorites. You loved all of your children and grandchildren equally.
But Coryo wasn't like you. No, your husband was the type to love obsessively, so he had to pick favorites.
So, it didn't surprise you when one day, before the games started, you walked into the sunroom to see your granddaughter and your husband having brunch. It reminded you of how he used to read to her mother all those years ago.
He might be older now with pure white hair, a distinguished white beard framing his face, and a bit more weight on his bones, but he was the same man in spirit he was all those years ago when he used to cut time out of his day just for your daughter. Now he just does it for his granddaughter.
“Grandpa, Grandma just walked in.” Celeste announced, peeling little shell pieces off of her soft boiled egg.
“I see that, darling.” Coryo told your granddaughter. Looking at you, he gestured to the empty seat next to him at the table and suggested, “Why don't you join me, my darling rose.”
“Well, I wasn't planning to, but if you insist.” You smiled, walking further into the room.
Your eyes saw the way Celeste had her hair done in a braid, that looked like the one that Victor from 12 Katniss Everdeen wore and you secretly hoped that your husband wouldn't yell at her for it. You knew how much he couldn't stand the Everdeen girl and feared that he'd be upset with Celeste for wearing her hair like the victor's.
As you sat down, you heard your husband say, “Your hair looks lovely darling, when did you start wearing it like that?”
“Everybody at school wears it like this now, grandpa.” Celeste said with a little devious smile on her face.
And the backlash never came. He just nodded his head and went on to eat his egg.
And that's when you knew that Celeste had the same power over him that Cersei did. That you had as well.
Coriolanus Snow might be a cold, evil, dictator of a president, but to his granddaughter, daughter, and wife he's just a man that loves them unconditionally to the point where it might be considered a weakness if anyone knew.
And perhaps that's why he never speaks much about his girls in interviews. He'll speak about his boys, but not his girls.
Because if anything ever happened to his girls, well…the president wouldn't know what to do with him.
That's how much he loves his darling girls.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22, @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur, @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy, @belcalis9503 @shari-berri, @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak, @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1, @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88, @v-love
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anjuschiffer · 6 months
Momma's Lullaby
Welp here's another entry for @official-timari-server's Shutterbug Station 2024!
Tags: @toodaloo-kangaroo @vixen-uchiha
Damian is recovering from memory loss after a mission having gone wrong. With his memories barely in tact and only remembering his family's names, Damian was placed into 24 hour surveillance and staying home until his memories returned…hopefully. While at home, Damian was encouraged to do whatever he felt comfortable in doing, drawing and painting being one of them. Out of nowhere, Damian started to remember something from a very long time ago.
“Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea,
Swim so wild and you swim so free,
Heaven above and the sea below,
And a little white whale on the go.”
Jason stopped half stride as he heard someone sing, ensuing him to figure out who it was. 
“Baby Beluga, baby Beluga,” Jason turned a hall, muttering in disbelief when the voice came from Damian’s room
“Is the water warm, is your mama home,” He couldn’t believe it…
“With you so happy?” It really was Damian singing, the boy lost in his painting as he slowly swiped his brush across the incomplete canvas in front of him.
In the few weeks that Damian was brought to them, Jason has never heard the boy sing. Hell, he never sang to begin with. So hearing him sing, nonetheless a song that seemed so familiar to the boy, Jason knew he had to get Dick.
Damian watched as the blue paint he dabbed onto the canvas started to morph into a small rubber whale, watching as his hands morphed into small chubby ones, holding onto said whale. He watched as he threw the whale just a few inches away from himself, laughing up a storm when he watched the whale barely sink upon hitting the water
His own squeals were soon accompanied by some distant giggling, Damian feeling his entire body lighten up upon hearing the familiar laugh, feeling the need to smile as he turned to look at the person next to him, her face resting on the edge of the bathtub. Large bluebell eyes smiled at him.
“Was that fun, Dami? Was it fun?” She asked him, Damian finding himself just squealing as she pinched his cheek. “Oh you’re just so cute! Let’s get you washed up, okay?” She tucked a strand of midnight hair behind her ear before she went to scrub his hair. 
“Way down yonder where the dolphins play,
Where you dive and splash all day,” She slowly rinsed the soap off, Damian watching the suds surround him.
“The waves roll in and the waves roll out,
See the water squirting out of your spout.” She brought his bath toys closer to him when Damian started to cry as he watched his beluga toy float away.
“Baby Beluga, oh baby Beluga,
Sing your little song, sing for all your friends,
We like to hear you.” She sang as she took him out of the tub and wrapped a towel around him, kissing his nose as she took him to his room.
The room was dim, only a lamp lit the room, speckling the room with tiny stars of light. She laid him on the bed and quickly put him into a soft pair of pajamas so that he would remain warm.
“When its dark and your home and fed,
Curled up snug in your water bed,” She sang as she tucked him under some blankets and laid right beside him.
“Moon is shining and the stars are out,
Good night little whale good night.” She sang, Damian feeling his eyes turn heavy, his consciousness fighting the drowsiness that enveloped his body.
“Baby Beluga, oh baby Beluga,
With tomorrow's sun, another day's begun,
You'll soon be waking.” He found himself closing his eyes.
Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea,
Swim so wild and you swim so free,
Heaven above and the sea below,
And a little white whale on the go.
You're just a little white whale on the go.” Damian whispered as he opened his eyes, lifting his paintbrush away from the canvas, finally leaning back to look at the woman staring back at him. Or at least, he knew the face of a woman was looking at him, but try as he may, for the life of him, he just couldn’t-
“What do you have there, Dami?” Dick asked, Damian controlling his flinching from the sudden call. “Who’s that? Someone you know?”
Damian felt something stir in chest, because the longer he tried to stare at her face, he couldn’t see her face. He could only see, he could only recognize the bright shade of bluebell that he adored to see everyday. He loved her attention. Her hugs. He loved her voice and yet… “Damian. Is everything-”
“I don’t know.” Damian answered in the quietest voice Dick had ever heard him speak since he had known the kid. “I don’t know who she is.”
“Well for someone you don’t know…she’s very pretty.”
“She was.” Damian found himself saying, feeling his mind muddle. “She was very pretty…and her voice was pretty. She’d always sing me the same lullaby while tucking me in for bed.” Damian admitted.
“She tucked you into bed? When you were younger?” 
“I think…I’m not completely sure.” Damian looked at her face one last time, but like always, he could only see her eyes. 
Eyes that he wished he could see again.
What he would give to be able to see her again. “But I know one thing. 
I used to call her Momma.”
“Momma! Momma don’t go!” Damian yelled as Talia pulled him back, Damian watching as Momma was guided out the League’s compound, her luggage carried by two guards. “Momma!”
Damian watched as she stopped and said something to the guards. She turned around and simply smiled. “Momma?”
“Take care Dami. Grow up and find me, okay?” She smiled one last time before she turned around, Damian watched her disappear into the exit that led to the outside world he was forbidden to go into.
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mindshelter · 2 years
for your consideration: kon sleep-floats—and not only does he take the whole damn blanket with him, but it's often laid over his entire body like a corpse found at the scene of a tragic accident. only his feet are sticking out (he's very tall).
more than once, tim has woken up—shivering, rubbing away the goosebumps on his arms. kon's missing from his usual spot to tim's left; he looks around the room, but finds nothing. that's odd, tim thinks. kon's no night owl; he rises with the sun, and is dead as a rock until then.
tim looks up.
and there he is. kon isn't totally still—he's a wraith, tucked where the wall meets the ceiling. the blanket covers his face, torso and legs while the rest spills over the sides, fluttering with the slight sway of kon's body. he's midair, rocking lightly like the tides move with the moon.
"kon," tim says. "you look like you're possessed."
no response.
"kon," he says, louder, "they announced a wendy reboot."
no response.
"it's horrible. that's me as a werewolf?" tim says, casting bait.
if kon were awake, he'd perk up immediately, clear his throat, and finish the line: i'm so evil, and skanky... and i think i'm kinda gay.
"i still can't believe that's how you decided to come out to me," he mutters. kon had looked so serious that day, asking tim if they could speak privately, too. "get down, jackass. i'm cold."
the winds outside get more forceful, easing its way through the half-opened window. the breeze rustles the bedsheet, and the dim light that limns the folds of the fabric and kon's silhouette shift, white migrating over blue-grey. tim's fingers feel like ice.
"ignoring me? are you dead?" dead as a rock. dead as a corpse. dead as his dad, or something. "booster gold made a soundcloud. his first track is, um... get your boost on? parenthesis, let me show y'all how it's done, parenthesis. it's rap."
no response. he might as well be sleeping through the end of the world.
tim throws benny beluga at him (his boyfriend won it for him during a strength tester game at a date to the fair). benny hits what might be kon's butt, and tim's head a moment later. kon does not stir. tim rubs his arms again.
tim would had worn more clothes to sleep, but had figured a t-shirt and boxers would have been enough. kon runs warm, after all—heat always radiates from his hands, his sternum, and the crook of his neck where he lets tim bury himself. sometimes it's the only indication he's alive; during daylight hours, kon's chest rises and falls with what is both a steady, natural rhythm and completely fabricated—but he's unnervingly still while asleep, forgoing all the extra adjustments he normally makes to blend in and make the people around him more comfortable. tim sometimes checks his pulse just to be sure kon is fine. it's slow, but the ten-beats-per-minute he counts by placing a finger under kon's jaw is enough for tim to be sure kon is just resting.
the mattress springs creak and whine as tim stands, grabbing the blanket on either side. it's an exercise in futility; tim pulls—with all his might, mind you, but kon remains lodged in the corner above him. tim is faintly reminded of aerial silks when he lets his feet lift off the bed, holding himself midair with fabric wrapped around his elbows.
up this close, tim can more clearly see kon's arms dangling underneath the sheet.
when he drops back down to his feet, tim extends his own to find it again, pawing clumsily until his fingers brush what must be kon's wrist. a forceful tug does not get tim any closer to bringing kon down, but if tim is anything at all, he's a problem solver.
the next option—lacing their fingers together, and giving kon's hand a firm squeeze before tim pulls—brings him down a few inches. for a moment, tim stares at where their joined hands are hidden underneath the bedsheet, and gets on his toes to brush his lips against kon's knuckles.
he pulls again, and kon sinks another few inches. the scoff tim lets out is incredulous. you big baby.
another press of the lips against the knuckles, then the wrist. then the lower half of kon's bicep. with kon following tim's touches in his sleep, tim nudges his body until he's hovering just above his usual half of their bed, and finally uncovers kon's face.
you gigantic baby, tim thinks, brushing his fingers against kon's cheek. kon turns to it. "what are you dreaming about, you weirdo?"
kon leans into tim's cold fingers. he rolls his eyes before leaning down to leave a soft, lingering kiss against kon's lips.
and just like that—the mattress creases under kon's full weight. he still doesn't stir.
tim breathes a sigh of relief when he gets back under the blanket—his teeth stop chattering, and he tucks his legs further inward to leach off kon's body heat.
the fabric over them rustles again, the tiny adjustments tucking tim in more snugly as kon shifts closer, an arm sliding between tim's arm and ribs, sliding down to his lower back to settle—
"kon," tim says, because there's no way this fucker isn't awake, right? "that's my butt."
no response.
he sighs—kon is nearby, keeping the cold at bay, and he can feel himself sink rapidly back into sleep. interrogation tomorrow.
tim closes his eyes.
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lars-n-drix · 2 months
Velveteen Rabbit
Inspired by this twitter post 🌽
Omega! T0mmy who has a headboard full of plushies eons before his second gender presents itself. Being such a late bloomer, he presents in his late teens instead of puberty. Has a plushy for each of the people he considers a pack mate, each one gigantic in size. Clutching a crow with soft velveteen fabric and green pinstriped hat close to his chest. A beluga whale cushioned his cheek and a leg wrapped around a crowned pig. These plushies quickly get incorporated into his nest when he's suddenly thrown into the first heat of his life.
At first he thinks it's a simple fever that coincides with the common cold. Kicking the blankets off as he's drowning in sweat. T0mmy realizes how incorrect that is when he notices there's a wetness trickling down his thighs. One he hadn't felt before. Sure, he had experienced morning wood plenty of times but nothing compared to this. Whimpering, he rutted his cock against the pig plushie. His nerve endings on fire.
T3chn0 sniffed the air as he exited his bedroom into the hall. Curious, the alpha followed the scent of freshly mowed grass and honeysuckle to its source. The smell reminded him of spring. His pace quickening as he deduced it was T0mmy as this was a new scent. It was distinct from his other two pack mates. Knocking on the door. ‘Tomms, can I come in?’ The question more a request to ravish him. The alpha in him nipping at the chance to break in a new omega. ‘T3chie, please!’ The door slammed against the accompanying wall. T0mmy latched onto the alpha’s smell; old books and netherwart.
'It's okay, first heat's always the hardest.' T3chn0 rasps, blood rushing down south to fill his cock. Praying to prime that this didn't induce a rut, fully aware T0mmy's smaller body wouldn't be able to handle it. Not wasting anymore time, he yanks T0mmy's pants and underwear down. Hooved hands pulling apart his ass checks, groaning at the sight of slick. 'Such a fertile 'mega.' Thrusting his tongue past the muscled rim, proceeding to tongue-fuck him. Pushing his back into an arch as the omega tried to aid in the ministrations. T0mmy's hips gyrated against the plush fabric. Desperate to get off.
'A-ah, need your knot.'
'Sorry baby but I can't give you that right now.' The refusal brought tears to T0mmy's eyes. Whimpers and moans falling from his lips. 'S'not that I don't want to. You'll get it eventually, just don't want to hurt you.' T3chn0 briefly placated him by working another finger in alongside the two that were rubbing against his prostrate. Slowly working his way up to a fist, believing that it'd mimic the feeling of a knot with his fist.
It's T3chn0 teething at his scent gland that finally pushes T0mmy over the edge. T3chn0 followed suit, cumming collected in his pants. The omega in T0mmy happily chuffed once cognizant of the damp warmth against his thigh.
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marierg · 1 year
So with all the Dad Batch and Dad clone Fics floating about it got me wondering what kind of lullabies do they sing in a Galaxy far far away? So here are a few Star Wars song's for littles! Have I watched waaaaaayyyy too much Miss Rachel, Bluey, Sesame Street, Ect.
This is also dedicated to @wild-karrde in honor of their new niece!
Little Baby Pergil (To the Tune of Baby Beluga by Raffi)
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Lil' baby Pergil in the vast galaxy, fly so wild and ya fly so free. Stars above and planets below and a little Pergil on the go.
(C)- Little baby Pergil, Oh little baby Pergil. Do you see the stars go by, flying through the sky, we like to see you.
Way out yonder where the Loth Wolf plays, where you fly and zip all day. Solar storms pass by, asteroids roll out see the stardust coming off your snout.
(c)- Lil' baby Pergil, little baby Pergil. with Tattoine's two suns another day's begun, you'll soon be flying.
When a Jedi calls and needs some help, and everyone eles gives a yelp. See your new friends need a hug, Wrap 'em in your arms real snug.
(C)- Lil' baby Pergil, Oh Little baby Pergil. Zipping through deep space, a big smile on your face, you look so happy.
Lil' Baby Pergil in the vast galaxy, fly so wild and ya fly so free. Stars above and planets below, and a little Pergil on the go.
Just a little Pergil on the go!
The Tookas! (the little bubble song from Ms. Rachael though the tune is much much older)
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1 little, 2 little, 3 little Tookas
4 little, 5 little, 6 little Tookas
7 little, 8 little, 9 little Tookas
10 Tookas follow Wrecker home.
Echo says, "Hey what's with all the Tookas?"
Tech's intrigued, Crosshair rolls his eyeballs.
Hunter sighs 'cause Omega also loves the Tookas
10 Tookas now have a home!
PS- if you wanna see the Bad Batch and some cute Tookas head over to @cloneenthusiast for their ADORABLE collection of Bad Batch and Tookas art!
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pomellon · 1 year
More himbros mer au stuff! Moving into Funz territory now >:3c
When talking about the beluga and narwhal breeds they have quite differing behaviours socially, especially when it comes to physical affection, with the belugas being more openly affectionate while the narwhals tend to keep more to themselves. 
The narwhals do value a kind of warrior brotherhood so it is common for them to share tight bonds with their friends and they’re no strangers to touch or snuggling up during cold nights. But they do kind of have a toxic masculinity going on and rarely display physical affection. They’re taught to act though and to not show weakness, to bottle things up, and it’s often the “strongest” males that move up in the pod hierarchy. Touches tend to be limited to rough play, or necessities like tending to wounds or sharing body heat. Casual and affectionate touches like hugs are usually only shared between lovers, or parents and their kids. Punz, being one of the stronger young males, didn’t really mind this much until he befriended Foolish and started seeing things from a different perspective.
Like many other things between them, the belugas are completely different. They’re very open with their wants, needs, and emotions to be able to communicate and to keep good mental health. They’re very casually touchy, often grabbing on to each other, holding hands, or touching tails when swimming. 
Foolish isn’t overly touchy but after a long time without his pod and his only company being a narwhal who shy away from most of touches, he does get a little desperate for physical affection. 
But, as mentioned, belugas are good communicators and Foolish tends to be quite blunt, so eventually he simply just asks Punz if he can hug him. Punz lets him, teasing him for being needy and acting like a calf that still wants comfort hugs, but the whole thing actually has him really really confused. Because as also mentioned, hugs and physical affection are mainly between parents and their children, or lovers. 
Foolish starts initiating more touches after realising he’s allowed to ask for them. He will grab onto one of Punz's fins when he wants his attention, fiddle with the straps and bag around Punz’s waist and tail, and give him a hug when he feels like it. Punz lets him, finding that he doesn't really mind it. The small touches help him keep track of where Foolish is even if he’s swimming ahead of him, and his hugs are warm and comforting to the point where Punz starts secretly looking forward to them.
But at the same time he’s also desperately trying to figure out what all the touches mean? One hug could just mean Foolish misses his pod and parents, but so many of them combined with all the small touches makes Punz wonder if Foolish is attracted to him and trying to court him. Something that he also has no clue what to do with since Foolish is another male.
With the narwhals being warriors and survivalists they tend to view most couples as a source for future babies and new blood. Love is of course part of it in most cases, but it’s not rare for them to get pair together simply to benefit their pods by having offspring. While same sex couples aren’t frowned upon they’re so rare that most narwhals don’t entertain the idea or consider them a possibility, which is why Punz is having a hard time wrapping his head around Foolish’s sudden increased affection.
Meanwhile Foolish has no clue that he’s basically flirting with Punz and leaving the narwhal confused, simply doing what’s normal for his breed and not really thinking anything of it. This confusion will keep gradually getting worse since a lot of normal and casual beluga behaviour actually translates to romantic and courting behaviour to the narwhals <3
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anexperimentallife · 2 years
My Spotify Wrapped revealed that Orville Peck is my toddler's favorite artist. The Replacements, Mitski, and Queen are also up there. So are the Beach Boys, mainly because of Barbara Ann, becaue that was her wake-up song for a couple of months.
Abba and Nick Shoulders ALMOST made it, and I'm pretty sure Bleachers and Lorde and the Psychedelic Furs and Gin Blossoms were close, as well. She absolutely loves this one old Gene Autry song, too. Also the music box lullaby versions of various songs.
I mean, of course there are typical toddler songs in her favorites, like Monster in my Mirror (wubba wubba), Baby Beluga, Wheels on the Bus, The Bubble Gum Song, and so on, but a lot of those we listen to on YouTube instead of Spotify.
Fun fact: The first time she stood up unsupported to dance was to a live Paul Westerberg recording. She has great (and varied) taste in music!
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saulbaby · 3 years
I found a kitten that got hit by a car and took her to the vet but they couldnt save her and they put her down but I held her while she fell asleep and pet her little ears and she got to pass away somewhere safe and not scary and lots of people came together to help her and it was really nice to see
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lokitu · 2 years
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Fast Food Rep, part 2
- commissioned and written by DeltaC -
John: DAMN. It’s been a few weeks since I came clean to Steve. The amount of guilt has been overwhelming Steve doesn’t deserve this. He took it relatively well. I was expecting a blow out. A full on fight. I wasn’t expecting the calm demeanor. The acceptance and the willingness to go forward with the situation.
And for some reason when Steve spoke of his future belly covering his cock and growing a wide bum…I don’t know it drove my motor into overdrive. I’ve never been harder. Never have I been as excited to take him then and there. It was the hottest night of love making we ever experienced. I want more. No, I need more!
**The following morning was what caught me off guard. True to his words he wanted a huge breakfast and damn did he demolish it all. The bloat he had afterwards. The bloat was such a sight I just had to rub his tummy. Just seeing him devour everything, the bloat, and the belly rubs it was simply too much. Not too long after the final bite did I notice my raging hard on in my underwear.**
Steve: So come on down and join me for a mega size meal down at Beluga Marv’s burger town! Where every hamburger patty is mega sized and grilled to perfection!
Director: And cut that’s a wrap! We’ll pick it up tomorrow morning. Great job everyone. Yo big Steve-O you are doing great. Are you sure you have never acted before? You are a natural.
Steve: Aww shucks you really think so?
Director: Absolutely! I mean you are a bit on the hefty side, but trust me if you lose a couple here and there you can make a killing as an actor. Heck, pack on enough muscle and you’ll be a Hemsworth!
Steve: Thanks again. Yeah, I’m not sure about that. Plus this belly here has grown on me.
Director: Haha pun intended? Huh cute and with a sense of humor. Here is my card if you ever change your mind and decide to drop a few.
Steve: Huh, a Hemsworth? Haha what a fun idea, but no, I rather enjoy the heft and that dervish twinkle behind John’ eyes every time he squeezes my belly. I don’t think John realizes how much my fat is turning him on these days. Our loving making has intensified tenfold. Before John would have me focus on his beefed up physique, but nowadays John seems more focused on me. I do love the gentle belly rubs he gives me. How John fondles and squeezes my budding love handles as he whispers sweet words into my ear. The way he describes my fattening body…there is a hunger in his tone that drives me wild and to eat more for him. To grow for my Papi. The breathless desire that wells up as he nuzzles my neck and smothers me in kisses. Sometimes it is sensory overload. No, I think this belly is here to stay.
John: There’s my big boy! How was your first day on set? I see we need to get you a new tank top. Your cute little belly is peaking underneath again. Mind if I tickle it?
Steve: Hehe. John cut that out, you know how ticklish I have become. First day was fun. Get this, the director thinks I can make it big as an actor.
John: Oh you have gotten BIG already baby.
Steve: Stop that already I’m blushing as is. You’re not going to stop until you get your hands on my tummy and tickle it aren’t you?
John: Maybe.
Steve: Gosh you can be such a kid sometimes, which is why I love you so much. Fine give it a quick squeeze…hey you said just the tummy! You made no mention of ass grabbing.
John: Eh I got greedy sue me.
As much as I miss Steve’s lean hunky body this increase isn’t half bad. His bum is still nice and firm as are his chest and arms. Maybe, just maybe, it won’t be so bad if he continues getting fatter. If he is able to maintain some muscle under all the fat he has been piling on we may be able to hit 300 lbs without him getting to be such a whale. Muscle does weigh more than fat. He just needs to keep on eating and gaining. It is selfish on my part, but at the pace Steve is gaining it looks like I am off the hook for being his replacement.
Steve: Earth to John. Why are you staring at me like that?
John: Oh it’s nothing. Say how’s about we hit a buffet and fill up that tummy of yours. Then we’ll go home and I’ll rub down that sexy belly of yours and who knows if you are a good boy I’ll let you…
Steve: Deal! You had me at the buffet. Let’s get going.
Damn he is so cute when he hears the mere mention of filling his tummy to the max. Yeah maybe a fat hubby won’t be so bad after all…
John: Umm babe let’s get you some new jeans too. As much as I love seeing you in form fitting jeans you are just about to split out of those.
Steve: What? Nooo? I just got these. There is no way I’m about to split them…
What was that?
John: That baby was your button flying off your jeans and into the camera cracking the lens. I say we slip out as quietly as we can before the cameraman notices.
Steve: Agreed! Ummm can we not run though?
John: Heh you got it big boy.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
elderly advice ❀
rafe cameron x plus!reader.
warnings: slight bullying for weight, harsh words, mention of a grandpa, use of word baby, swearing, physical and verbal fighting.
words: 1,964.
summary: when you work at a golf course as a cart girl, you are happy because that means you’ll be seeing rafe more often. but, there’s a downside when you realize that kelce and topper will see you more often as well, and with seeing them more often, you also get to hear their harsh words.
request? nope :)
a/n: i’m just overflowing with idea’s right now. :) i hope you all enjoy this story. it’s angsts at the beginning but it turns into fluff i promise! like and comment if you enjoy this story so i know what you guys want me to write more of. ily thanks! <3
my masterlist
“you’re a fat ass who shouldn’t be working here. point blank, there’s nothing else to be said.” kelce stared at you in disgust, his eyes dragging up and down your body. topper laughs in agreement, “damn straight. we are trying to golf, not be distracted by a beluga whale who doesn’t belong here.” you quickly hand them their drinks. you ignore their remarks, just trying to finish your shift. tears slowly fall from your eyes but you wipe them as soon as they touch your nose. “can i get you anything else?” you ask, slightly urgent to ensure you leave before your boyfriend comes back.
rafe and you had been dating. not in secret, everyone knew you two were dating. which included kelce and topper. despite them knowing that, they didn’t stop being rude to you every chance they got. they believed you weren’t worthy for rafe, and that he could do much better than you. “yeah, actually. can you give us some space? damn, you are fucking all over us.” you shake your head, speed walking away. you take a deep breath, trying to slow your breathing so you could stay calm. after a few minutes of air, you got back to work. out of the corner of your eye, you see rafe had joined his friends. you avoided going over there, especially since you had just served them.
you walk over to an older man, he smiles lightly at you. “thank you.” he replies softly, taking the drink you were handing him. “why do you let them talk to you like that?” he asks, clearly indicating he had seen the whole event that just happened. “i don’t- i don’t know what i can say. if i say what’s truly on my mind, i’m afraid i’ll lose my job.” your lips curl into a small smile. you acknowledge him nodding his head before you walk off to the next table.
when you turned around, the old man you once saw had got up and moved. you search around to ensure he wasn’t complaining about your service and that’s when you finally spot him at rafe’s table. your breath gets caught in your throat. you profusely apologize to the table you were currently serving, before you start to walk in the old man's direction.
the old man looked familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. once you get closer to the table, you can hear their conversation. you arrive at the table, swiftly shielding your body with the circular drink holder that was once placed on your flat palm.
“is there a problem?” topper asks, smiling. the old man chuckles, “do you believe there should be a problem?” he asks. your heart beats faster as you fear what the man's next words might be. obviously you don’t want topper and kelce to treat you with hostility, but you didn’t want to go against them in fear that rafe would choose their side. “no sir, no problem here. you are the one who came up to our table.” kelce exclaims before putting on a fake smile when glancing at you.
your eyes are wide, and you calmly tap the old man's shoulder. “i’m sorry sir, is everything okay? is there something you need in particular? i would happily assist you and grab you anything you need.” he glances down at you, now noticing that rafe had placed his arm around your waist. he clearly notices rafe's gesture and laughs lightly. “girl, you deserve so much better.” you nod slightly, but he continues. “i’m assuming that this is your boyfriend?” he asks. rafe smiles, “yes, i’m the boyfriend.” you couldn’t understand the tone in his voice. whether it was protectiveness, jealousy, or just plain amusement, there was definitely something off.
“well, isn’t this a funny picture?” you frown at his words. your eyes plead to him to drop it and move on but he shakes his head, not budging. “that boyfriend of yours sweetie,” his eyes are trained on you. “does he know that his friends harass you every chance they get?” rafe's’ smile has fallen from his face, anger now bubbling up. “what are you talking about?” his eyes narrow, waiting for his response. “i hate to break it to you, but those friends of yours mistreat your girlfriend daily. i’ve see it everyday, she’s just walking around doing her job, and your hooligan friends fat shame and cuss her out. but obviously as her boyfriend you knew that right?” he questions, rafe's grasp on your waist tightens when you begin to walk away. his hands prevent you from walking off.
“not so fast.” rafe says, now standing. “who is this guy?” you hesitate, but he answers for you. “this guy is her great grandpa who has just flown to town a week or so ago.” your face drops as the realization hits you like a ton of bricks. your great grandpa. you hadn’t ever met your family, unless they lived in the house with you. you had only met him once for a family reunion when you were seven.
“oh. sir- i’m sorry i didn’t mean to…” grandpa cuts him off immediately, “i shouldn’t be the one you are apologizing too.” he nods, but before rafe can register it you had already ran to the employee only break room. you slide down the wall, your arms wrapping around your legs as you begin to weep. it’s hard to breathe as you realize that rafe now knows. the next interaction with rafe is detrimental as it will showcase if he truly loves you, or if he would rather choose his friends. 
“sir! you can’t be back here! i won’t hesitate to call security!” your fellow employee called out. you had a huge inkling that they were talking to rafe. “call the security, i don’t give a shit. i need to go back there, my girl is back there and i know she’s not doing okay.” rafe pushes past them and sees you crying on the floor. his heart burns in his chest as he sees the distraught state you were in. “baby…?” he questions.
“yes, rafe?” you respond, your head still hiding in your palms. “baby look at me, please.” you hesitated, but inevitably lifted your face up. he rushed over, sitting in front of you, “what do they say?” he immediately asks, while he wipes away your stray tears. you frown recalling the numerous events where his friends would bully you, “which time?” you ask. his heart drops at your words. he hated to admit it, but he was oblivious to what they were doing to you.
“please. you have to tell me what they were saying to my baby.” he frowns, his voice being lighter than you’ve ever seen it. “rafe-,” you try to tell him to drop it, but he shuts you up immediately. “what the fuck do they say to you? i’m not playing any games.” you breathe out, “they just say i don’t deserve you, and that you could do better, and that they think i’m a fat waste of space.” his grip on your hand tightened. “what the fuck...” is all he said before he stood up and stormed out of the room.
you quickly wipe your tears away, before following after him. by the time you catch up, he’s already yelling at both topper and kelce. “why the fuck have you been saying that shit? it’s not your fucking place to say shit like that about my girl!” rafe’s hand were grasping at toppers t-shirt. your hand covers your own mouth as the event in front of you unravels. “trust me rafe, we’re doing you a favor.” rafe scoffs, pushing topper, as he stumbled back. “fuck you mean man? i don’t need any favors from you.” rafe’s yelling caused a commotion as half the guests were now staring.
you frown, not knowing what to do. “alright. so what? we make a few jokes. it’s not our fault she’s so sensitive and takes everything to heart.” kelce laughs, and so does topper. “for real, she’s being extra like always. what’s fucking new.” topper exclaims, he now has regained his balance, rafe stands straighter. “you guys are assholes, you know that right? i mean what? you thought i’d never find out?” topper laughs, “well obviously, we knew she’d never tell you. i mean, we’ve been messing with her for fucking months man.” rafe’s anger grows stronger, he knew it had been going on for a while, maybe a week or two. but months??
rafe looks back at you, his eyes softening. you’d been dealing with his friends, taking every low blow and jab just so you could be with him. rafe’s attention returned to kelce and topper. “we will talk about this later. fuck both of you. that’s fucked up, regardless if she was my girl or not. such fucking dicks.” rafe pushed them both one last time before hurrying to your side.
his arms immediately find a placement against your hips. you avoided eye contact. “come on baby, let’s go.” he grabbed your hand and walked you to his car. luckily your shift had ended so you wouldn’t get in trouble with work. once inside his car, he starts it. before he pulls out of the parking lot, he’s staring at you, a question lingering in his mind.
“baby?” he quietly asks, his entire demeanor changing from just a few minutes ago, his hand reached for your thigh. “yes?” you reply, finally gaining enough courage to maintain eye contact with him. “why…” he hesitated but decided to ask anyway. “why didn’t you tell me that they were doing that? if i had any idea they were doing that… i mean, they wouldn’t even hear the end of it.” you frown. “do you want the truth?” you wait for his response. “yes.” you nod, “well. i was scared that you would pick them over me.” he was speechless. his jaw clenched as his grip on your thigh tightened.
“baby. i would never condone what they were doing. they are fucking assholes. they were undoubtedly trying to ruin the best thing i have. i would never choose them over you. i don’t- why would you even believe that?!” his eyes were soft, pleading for any excuse you could muster up. “i’m sorry, i was just scared.” he nodded, he finally drove you to your house.
once inside your house, you two were sitting on your bed in comfortable silence. you were sitting down playing on your phone, as his head was laid against your thighs. “you know i love you, right?” he asks. you nod, your hand massaging in his hair. “i know rafe. and you know i love you too.” he nodded, one hand gripping your thigh, as the other drew shapes against your skin.
“i’m really sorry they treated you that way. if i had any idea-.” you cut him off immediately. “rafe you couldn’t have known. it’s okay i promise. please, it’s okay.” he shakes his head. “it’s not okay. they are supposed to be my friends but now i come to find out they tried to actively run you away. it makes me fucking mad.” you nod. “well i’m still here. and i don’t plan on running away.” he nodded, sighing. “thank you.” you lean down and press a kiss on his hair. “of course.”
silence surrounded you again. “can i still beat the shit out of them?” he asks. you gasp. “rafe! no!! they aren’t worth it.” he slightly laughs. “fine. only because you said no.” he snuggles his face deeper into your thighs, playing with the fabric of your shorts. “i’m happy here.” you shake your head, setting your phone down. “only because you are between my thighs.” you feel him smile. “exactly.”
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Free! as Dads | Haru, Ikuya, Natsuya
Pairings: Haru X Reader (gender neutral though reader isn’t mentioned), Ikuya X Reader (gender neutral though reader isn’t mentioned), and Natsuya X Reader (female)
Genre: fluffy domestic swimmer dads
Author’s Note: free! needs more appreciation ✨
Free! as Dads | Rin, Sosuke, Makoto
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Haru: gif from @makeusfreefromthisfandom
The water welcomed his body as natural as air and food, making his hair dance as freely as the wind with every stroke he made
It was like the water had embraced him after so long
But he was back
And this time, he brought someone with him
“Do you like it, S/N?” He pushed his hair back as he stood, the water just below his waist, his son puppy paddling toward him pushing a kick board with a dolphin on it with matching dolphin floaties on his arms
He was quiet as he focused on paddling and keeping his head above the water, nodding his head
Haru smiled as he held the front of the board, guiding his son
“Do you wanna try without the board? You can hold my hands.”
His son hesitantly paused, letting his legs sink down before he nodded
The little dark haired boy was like a carbon copy of Haru in terms of looks and personality, it made you wonder if your genes had even mixed in or not
The water glimmered beautifully as the reflection marbled on the ceiling of the swim club
The little boy clung onto Haru’s hand as he slowly walked backward in the water, letting the little boy paddle
Haru’s eyes were filled with adoration for his son, content he liked the water as he did
“Wanna try it for yourself?” He asked after a bit of swimming in the shallow area
Your son, quiet as he was, nodded after hesitating
“He’s gotten so big,” the chiming voice of Makoto returned from the office of the swim club, his hair damp as he was finally free from the wetsuit
The same swim club from their childhood that he was now the owner of
A large splash sounded from the deeper end as Makoto dove in, freely swimming his way over to the shallow ends where he spent most of the days as he trained the little kiddos to swim
“Yeah,” a small smile spread on Haru’s lips. “Do you want to try to swim to uncle Makoto on your own?” He asked as he picked his son up, holding him in his arms as Makoto stood where he was, the water was a bit above his waist
His little boy took deep breaths as he held onto his father’s shoulder, his hair crazy on his head before Haru reached up and fixed it fore him, pushing his hair back
“Do you wanna swim over there?” Haru pointed to Makoto as Makoto waved to S/N a few meters away
His little boy was even quieter than he was as he shook his head, not wanting to go into the deeper end
Haru walked closer toward the deeper end towards Makoto
“S/N, would you like to join my class?” Makoto looked down to the little boy, his eyes bluer than any ocean and sky combined, hair as dark as the night
The little boy looked up to Haru with wide eyes. “Can I?” He asked
“Of course,” Haru smiled, his heart content now that he could have a swimming buddy
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Ikuya: gif from @makeusfreefromthisfandom​
“It’s dark, papa,” the timid voice of Ikuya’s son were caught by Ikuya before proceeding into the open ocean exhibit
The sheer size of how much water there was was daunting itself
But the views were unforgettable once you were able to see the various ocean life forms that lived so differently than humans
“It’ll be alright. I’ll be with you, okay?” He knelt down beside him but he still knew it would be no use
His son was just too afraid of the dark and what his imagination made him believe what lurked within
“Papa will be with you the entire time though. Is that still too scary too?” He tried to urge his son but of course he didn’t want this special trip to turn sour
The little boy clung onto his father’s hands with his head down and lips pouty
“S/N, would it help if you had a friend with you?” Ikuya looked to his deep teal haired boy, hoping it would help
“Come, let me show you.” He stood back up with his body leaned down, his son holding his hand as they walked toward the gift shop, a place significantly brighter
He wanted to save this part for the end of the trip, for his son to pick out a souvenir to remember this trip
The store was so open and welcoming as kids like Ikuya’s son’s age, both older and younger as they ran about
The store was so much bigger inside
“Do you want a shark?” Ikuya lifted his son into his arms, giving him a better view of all the various stuffed animal
His little boy quietly shook his head in response, his hand holding onto the collar of Ikuya’s sweater
“Mm, how about this one?” Ikuya pointed to a colorful starfish to which his son still shook his head in response
“Hmm,” Ikuya pondered as he looked at all the colorful fish and other toys, wondering which would be good
Maybe a bubble machine? One of those overpriced yet cheaply made wand lights?
“Papa,” the small voice of his son brought him out of his thoughts as the little boy timidly tugged on his father’s collar, bringing his attention to one of the smaller, single colored stuffed animals
“This one?” Ikuya pulled one off the shelf towards his son whose eyes never left it. “A beluga whale.”
“You sure, Buddy?” Ikuya wanted to give his done a big one like a whale shark plushie that was almost as big as him
But the little boy nodded as he already hugged the plushie close, petting the bulbous head of the plushie, content
“Okay.” And with that
His son was able to bravely go through the dark tunneled entrance of the open ocean exhibit with Ikuya and his new little friend in his arms as his eyes and mind were blown away at the grand exhibit
And every time Ikuya looked over to his son, his little one couldn’t take his eyes off of all the different aquatic creatures that swam right before him
He could see sea the ocean and all its wonders in his son’s wide vermillion eyes
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Heavy rumbles echoed all throughout the sky as the dark gray clouds blocked out the sun, not letting a single ray of sunshine sneak through
You typed away at your computer, catching up on some work, your eyes occasionally drifting to check up on your daughter as she crawled about
As little and young as she was, she was so curious, always sticking with you to keep you company while working
But once Natsuya was spotted
She was determined to find him
You paused your typing, letting the room fill with the tapping noise of the rain pelting against the side of the house as she crawled away, disappearing into the room where Natsuya was
The room was calm and silent, filled with the deep breaths of Natsuya as he laid as still as a log in his futon taking a long nap
She approached her father, only slowing down to a stop beside him as she just sat there and watched him
But this wasn’t enough for her
She crawled on top of the blanket on top of him, and sat herself on his chest
She leaned forward and pressed her hand to his face, abruptly waking him from his peaceful slumber
But instead of annoyance, he immediately saw who it was and saw his little flower
He could never be annoyed
“Hi, buttercup,” his voice raspy and dripping with sleep as his eyes blinked slowly up to her
A small smile spread on her face as she cooed
“Whatcha doin here?” He yawned, in turn making his baby girl yawn as well
She only tilted her head as she patted his face again, bringing her little hand to the top of his nose as if to say “I got you”
“Wanna join papa? Hm?” He asked as he already began drifting but before she could respond in any way, a clap of thunder scared her
She buried her face into his shoulder into a little ball
Natsuya could’ve sworn his heart skipped three beats
She was so tiny
“There’s nothing to be scared of, papa’s here to protect you, alright?” He turned toward her, rubbing his hand to her back, bringing her out of her little ball
“Papa’s here,” he smiled as he tucked her hair behind her little ear
The longer she stared, the drowsiest she got as yawns began to fall from her lips
“Oh it must be your nap time,” he mumbled as he rubbed his fingers to her chubby cheeks, as she pouted, her little hands rubbing her eyes
“Nap nap time,” he tapped the back of her hand to which she peeked open her eyes before being laid down beside Natsuya’s head onto the futon with her own pillow and little blanket
He turned onto his side, his face inches away from hers as she began to drift too
His smile only grew bigger seeing how her wide eyes were drifting
The longer she tried to say awake, the longer she couldn’t stay awake
“Go to sleep buttercup, papa will still be here when you wake,” he whispered as he leaned close, pressing a little kiss to her forehead
And with that, his little princess drifted off, her hand wrapped around his fingers as Natsuya drifted off too
The last thing he saw, was his little girl
And even in her sleep, she couldn’t let go of his fingers - she couldn’t let him go snd he never would
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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tf2-hellhole · 3 years
Hey, I really love your mermerc au and it got me thinking. How would the mercs react to having a love interest who is a merperson?
My server members and I like to joke that there are places in/around the Center (the place the research and interaction between the species happens) that are known for being make-out spots. He’d probably be dragging you to these places for a deep kiss all the damn time, often just to fluster or annoy you. There’s a coral reef a few miles off the coast where the Center is located that’s his favorite.
He’s always showing off his swimming skill to you, and likes to drag you around to show you how fast he is. He always has this adorable, proud smile when you compliment one of his skills or tricks, especially if they're new.
He’s quite protective of you. He gets grumpy and acts coldly toward people he doesn’t know that are around you, and he can get full-on aggressive towards larger merfolk that approach you, even if you’re bigger than he is. He knows the merfolk world is much more dangerous than the human world, and he doesn’t know what he’d do if any harm came to you.
Likes to keep you physically close to him, both out of protectiveness and just enjoying when you’re near. He’s not used to people touching him, so a hug or a quick cheek kiss will turn him into jello.
Pyro likes to have you there for medical checkins if you’re already in a full, established relationship (they don’t have any fresh injuries, but they were once very injured in the past, and that shows in deep tissue scars. They sometimes need physical therapy to be able to swim properly). They find your presence comforting, as the physical therapy can sometimes be frustrating or uncomfortable.
They loves catching food for you, and they make sure that they know your species’ diet so they take good care of you. They also bring you pretty rocks and human trinkets from the sea floor.
His family has a tradition of spending a certain part of the year in Scotland, and part of the year in the sea. It absolutely breaks his heart to have to leave you for months at a time, but he sends you letters (probably laminated lmao) and little gifts every week, and he gets so adorably excited when he gets back. He always jumps into the water with no regard for his clothing to hug you as soon as possible.
His family has a special hierarchy for when they’re in the ocean that places him as one of their most important warriors, so he often ends up in the center’s medical ward after fights. He’s a bit of a baby sometimes, so he likes to seek out your comfort when he’s really injured.
Most merfolk have unique behaviors towards mates/partners/crushes that are similar to the courting rituals of the species their tail is. Male belugas will make a lot of noise towards females they’re interested in, so as a result, Heavy tends to make lil beluga clicking noises when he’s around you. He’s a little embarrassed about it, so he’ll disregard it if you point it out.
It’s normal for smaller merfolk to hold onto the arms/fins or kinda piggyback on bigger loved ones just for safety or to make sure currents don’t pull them away, so he’s very used to his sisters and mothers holding on to him. It makes him blush a little if you trust him enough to hold on to him.
He's certainly not tiny (he's actually about 5'8" long), but Engineer is certainly very small for a merman, so he's pretty self-concious, both because people mock him for it and that it puts him at a physical disadvantage. He'll need some assurance that you don't think negatively of him because of his size. But when you tell him, he gives the most heart-warmingly shy smile and mutters out a soft "Thank ya, darlin'."
He collaborates with a lot of the human Center scientists, and after learning about human tech, they've made a lot of technical advancements together. When they've had a breakthrough, he always comes to you, presses a deep kiss to your lips, and excitedly explains everything to you.
For a while, he's not very convinced that you're interested in him. I mean, who would want a partner who could accidentally kill them just by brushing tails? Besides, he's very happy on his own, thank you very much.
But eventually that hard shell wears down because honestly, he is a little affection-starved. Eventually, the center invents a fabric which is used to safely and comfortably wrap his spines, so he's completely safe to touch. After he gets to put it on, he's all over you.
Earning his trust is difficult sometimes, because he's so used to not depending on anyone other than his (now dead) parents or his one friend, Scout. But his reactions as you eventually break his boundaries and earn his trust, like the first time you hold his face or give him a kiss, are highkey heart-breakingly sad, but oh so worth it. Just like, imagine giving him a soft kiss and he just tears up a lil and smiles a lil and he's all shy-
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He absolutely lives to be gently held or cuddled. He doesn't care if you're half his size, please hold him
He's a little protective of you, but he doesn't stop you from doing what you want to do. He has a lot of scars from other merfolk, so he's not too happy about trusting other merfolk with being around you. Over time, though, you show him that the world isn't as cruel as he thinks it is, especially when he stops acting like a prick.
He has a lot of scars that he's pretty uncomfortable with and doesn't like talking about them. Please trace or kiss his scars and tell him that he's still handsome, but he might melt to the point he dissolves in the water /j
Shows off his color changing ability by constantly changing them when he flirts with you
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Sweet Honey and Iced Tea (Part 1): Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
synopsis: prequel to Lemonade. Your first brushes with the Fushiguro clan head aren't so beautiful or elegant. But they do leave some sort of impression.
wc: 2.1k (this got so long, I'll have to make part 2 tomorrow)
tw: drinking, drug use, violence
"Get up," you mumble, looking at the little boy whining and clutching his scraped knee. "I said: Get. Up."
"Why did you push me?" he cries out, tears in his emerald eyes. "I didn't even do nothin'!"
"You're a baby, Fushiguro," you answer, placing your chin in the palm of your hand. "You need to grow up."
"You need to stop being a bully," he gripes, and you stand from the sidewalk, rolling your eyes.
"We don't get brownie points for being nice to each other," you retort, kicking your leg out at him but missing. "One day, you'll be the Fushiguro clan head, and I'll be the L/N clan head. We won't be friends." With this, you walk away, stuffing your hands into your overall pockets and mumbling something about eight-year-olds who don't know what's good for them.
Age 17 (9 Years Later)
"Y/n, a letter from your secret admirer." Your best friend, Gojo Satoru, hands you a folded-up piece of notebook paper, wiggling his white brows. You swiftly toss it at the bottom of your locker, sighing.
"If my boyfriend sees another letter, he's going to break up with me," you mutter. For three weeks, you'd been receiving letters from this "secret admirer" who - at first - claimed to be the better choice of partner, instead of the son of Principal Yaga. But as you slam the black locker closed, you know that these letters won't stop. So, you had to find the source and beat the shit out of them after school. It's the only way you're going to be able to salvage what meager romance you have with one of the five clan's sons.
You and Gojo walk down the hallways in silence, your hands full of your books, and you think of the prime suspects on the list: Nanami Kento, Yu Haibara, and Geto Suguru. But all three men are a class ahead of you, and you don't think any of them would dare to romance the eldest child of a prominent clan leader and not think they would be rebuffed. Especially since you're already preoccupied with--
A shove on your shoulder brings you back to the present, and you look up to see Toji Fushiguro and his friends passing by, some of them eyeing you with disdain. Your rival barely glances at you, but the person who bumped your shoulder - a girl - sneers at you.
"Watch where the fuck you're going, y/n." You stare at Fushiguro's flavor of the month, mouth curling up into a scowl.
"Yo, what the hell," Fushiguro snaps at the girl, pulling her around to face him. "Fuck you think you're doin', talking to L/n like that? Apologize." You look at the future head, and he nods at you, emerald eyes stern.
"Sorry," the girl mutters.
"No worries. I don't expect any less from one of Fushiguro's playthings," you retort, turning on your heel and walking off to class.
The rest of the day passes by in a blur, and you tap your pencil on the backside of your hand, watching the clock tick tick tick until the second-hand reaches the hour and the bells chime. You gather your things quickly, rushing over to your locker and shoving them in before grabbing your purse and beating it to the back of the school. Satoru stands off to the side of the brick building, glasses placed over his sensitive eyes, and Suguru hangs out next to him, smoking a joint.
"We can't smoke on school property," you remind him, but the senior waves you off, rolling his eyes. "Well, at least offer me a hit," you finish, and Suguru hands it to you before offering you a light.
"Satisfied, princess?" he jokes, and you inhale deeply, eyes scanning the blacktop before landing on a group of boys standing around in a huddle.
"What the hell are they doing?" you choke out, coughing as walking closer.
"Uh-uh," Geto stretches out his hand, stopping you. "It's the final step to initiation."
"For who?" No one answers you. As your vision gets a little clearer, you can see the boys fighting - no, jumping - a lone figure in the middle. A bloody face with emerald eyes looks in your direction, and you inhale sharply.
Fucking Fushiguro.
"Why are they beating the shit out of him like that?" Concern laces your tone involuntarily, but you already know the answer. If Fushiguro can stand the beating from his own associates, then he'll be able to withstand anything.
"Ah!" The sound of Toji's cry echoes around the blacktop and you flinch, the joint dropping from your hand. As Suguru leans down to pick it up, you cross your arms defensively, muttering,
"Get up. Get. Up."
But it's not like Toji can hear you now.
Or could he?
The moment he headbutts his nearest opponent, you clench your jaw, bracing yourself for his next move. And within a few minutes, he's beaten them all back, face bloody with a nasty cut decorating the right edge of his lips. Toji pushes past his associates and approaches the three of you slowly. You stiffen as he holds a blood-covered hand out to Geto, observing the minor interaction: the joint is passed to him, and Toji closes his eyes, taking a long drag before handing it back. As he walks past you, he exhales, holding your gaze until he passes directly by you and leaves the three of you behind.
"I wouldn't want to fuck with that kid in a one-on-one fight," Gojo mumbles, and Geto shakes his head, taking a drag of the joint.
"I don't think you'll ever have to."
The next year, Toji returns from summer break with a new body, a new wardrobe, and a new coldness about him that stuns absolutely no one. Your first encounter with him is towards the end of the year, at lunch in the courtyard. His emerald eyes roll up to your face as you sit next to him.
"You've buffed out," you mention, handing him a rice cake from your bento box. "Steroids?"
"Reality," he grumbles, shoving half of the rice cake in his mouth. You lean back onto the bricks behind you, pursing your lips as he continues to consume the offering. You look at the scar that's formed on his lips, the mark paler than the rest of his skin. But it's healed well.
"It's hard to enjoy life, isn't it?" you whisper, and Toji shrugs, glancing up at the sky.
"I heard you broke up with little Yaga."
"I heard he got his ass beat when everyone found out why," you reply, chuckling.
"Yeah," Toji pipes up, his tongue fishing around his mouth. "Heard about that, too." You sigh, leaning your head back to look at the sky as well. "Why aren't you eating?" he asks, and you look over to see him frowning. "Not hungry?"
"No," you answer, sliding him the box. "Go ahead." Toji takes pieces of your shrimp tempura and eats them greedily, providing you with much-needed peace and quiet.
"You ever find out who your secret admirer was?" The notes come back to your memory, all of them dumped into the trashcan at the end of the year.
"No," you answer again, crossing your arms over your legs. "Thought it was..." you drift off, not sure what to say next.
"Shame," Toji laughs. "Would've loved to make fun of his ass for not just saying it outright."
"I don't blame him." You shrug, looking down at the blades of grass blowing in the wind. "Kind of hard to fess up to a girl who's virtually unapproachable."
"You really think that?"
"I know that." Silence.
"You're wrong," Toji states, just as the bells chime for the end of lunch. He stands, dusting his pants off and walking away from you without another word.
Your second encounter with him is at a house party celebrating the end of the school year.
The music is loud, and you're clad in skimpy clothing and attracting way too much attention. But with your girlfriends by your side and Gojo and Geto back from their first year of college, you feel safe nonetheless. You're standing in the kitchen when you see Toji walking through the house, eyes roaming over the crowd with displeasure.
When they land on you, though, his brows lift a little, then his lips part slightly as he raises a broad hand up to wave at you. You wave back, earning you a coo from a few of your friends, and then turn to see if Gojo and Geto see him. But they seem too wrapped up in getting a couple of senior girls to make out with them, so you turn back around, walking toward the lone Fushiguro and smiling widely.
"No crew?" you wonder, handing him your cup full of vodka. Toji takes it, sniffs it, then chugs it.
"I don't go out with them like that," he answers. "Just want to be alone tonight. What about you, unapproachable girl?" You roll your eyes at the nickname, and he taps the skin on your waist, walking into the kitchen. "What did you have?" You point at the Beluga Noble Gold, and he opens it, flicking off the cap and pouring some in your cup before chugging the rest of it.
"All I want tonight is just to forget for a minute," he groans, hands running through his hair after he puts the bottle down. You sit your cup on the counter, seeing the stress on Toji's face and cupping it between your hands. You run a thumb over his scar and he flinches, but you don't let go.
"I can help with that," you offer, walking back into the living room where the lights are off and people are dancing to the rhythm of the song. Toji pulls you close in the darkness, his hands resting on your hips as you sway back and forth, still holding his face between your hands.
"Y/n, this year has been fucking hell," he breathes, and you nod, knowing both of you had gone through extensive training on picking up the clan's responsibilities in the light of his father dying and your father's health failing. "I can't sleep."
"I know," you reply, tucking your head into the space between his chest and neck. He brings one of your hands down from his face and onto his chest, where his heart beats rapidly. You both listen to the song in silence, letting the vodka work its magic and strip your senses of the fine-tuning they've been under for over sixteen years.
"I needed this," Toji finally exhales, and you look up at him curiously. "Vodka is really clearing up my head." You're about to reply when he moves your hand off of his chest and kisses your knuckles slowly, one by one.
"You're drunk," you whisper, chuckling and trying to pull your hand away. Toji grips it tighter, looking down at you and biting his bottom lip.
"Nope. Never been clearer-headed." He angles his head down and captures your lips with his, hands moving off your waist to hold your face. You lean into the kiss and finally feel something that you've only heard about but never actually felt: a spark.
"Fushiguro..." you moan into his mouth, and he pulls away, looking around for something. When he spots it, he grabs your hand and takes you up the stairs, throwing open a bedroom door. You see two people already making out on the bed, but Toji flicks on the light and grunts, "Out."
When the two girls see him, they scamper out of the room, and Toji turns to you, eyes roaming your face. "If you say no, I stop. We forget this ever happened."
"I'm not saying no," you retort, hands on your hips.
"Then fucking come here," he murmurs, pulling you into him again and flicking the light off. You close the door with your foot, leaning back onto it and letting Toji press both hands on either side of you while he kisses you deeply, hungrily.
"But it will be my... first time..." you whisper between kisses. Toji stops, pulling back.
"Uh-huh," you reply, staring into his bottomless eyes.
"I need to be super sober for this," he admits, wiping his face. "No, I can't do it. Not right now." You swallow hard, the aftertaste of the vodka now bitter. "We can cuddle if you want, but--" Toji breaks off, running a hand over your cheek. "Your first time is special. I want you to look back on it with no regrets." You nod, understanding his reasoning, then allowing him to lead you to the bed, where he spoons you from behind.
"We'll just sleep it off," you mumble, and Toji buries his face in your neck, encasing you in his strong arms.
"Yeah. We can decide what to do tomorrow. If that is, you still want to do anything."
"I think... I will..."
"We'll see."
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nnightskiess · 4 years
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r e q u e s t : Hi! If it’s cool can you please write an imagine with Quinn Fabray where her s/o thought it’d be fun to watch Quinn do flips and tumbles to work on her routine for Cheerios at Quinn’s house. But Quinn, in the middle did her tumbling accidentally kicks/hits her s/o so the rest of the day becomes her apologizing, cuddling, and holding an ice pack on her s/o’s cheek. Thank you!
Two arms wrapped around her from behind, interrupting her conversation with Santana and Brittany. The kiss planted on her temple revealed it was her girlfriend, Y/N. 
Quinn looked up, seeing her grinning back at her. She shook her head softly and let out a breathy chuckle at the giddy look on Y/N’s face. 
“Come here, I’ve missed you.” Quinn leaned forward to kiss the girl.
“Wanky.” Santana joked, but she loved seeing the two together.
“You’ll get some lady kisses too, after school.” Brittany shrugged and put her head on the Latina’s shoulder.
“Talking about after school,” Y/N took a seat next to Quinn and put her legs onto her girlfriend’s lap. “Want to do something? It’s been a week since we’ve been on a date.”
“I have to practice for the Cheerios.” She groaned and rubbed her temples. She knew Sue had purposely made her practice more just because she assumed Y/N was taking her mind off her real priorities; being captain of the Cheerios.
Y/N pouted, “Again?”
Quinn reached to grab Y/N’s hand and started playing with her fingers. “Yeah, Sue’s still breathing down my neck. She’s threatening degrading me to the bottom of the pyramid if I don’t get this flip right.” 
Y/N nodded understandingly and squeezed her hand. Quinn was so grateful that Y/N was this considerate and empathetic. 
“Why don’t you just help her, Y/N?” Brittany offered. 
“I can’t do flips or anything... how would I be able to help?”
“You can stand next to her and support her lower back the first few times.”
Quinn immediately nodded, “Wait- yes, that might work! Besides, I need someone to tell me if my form’s looking good.”
“Okay, count me in then.”
The two looked at each other sheepishly until Quinn broke their stare and smiled, looking down at her lap.
“I feel like I just ate a bucket of cotton candy.” Santana faked a gag.
“Santana...” Quinn rolled her eyes in amusement and turned to Mr. Schue when he walked in, not letting Y/N’s hand go.
“Tell me again what I need to do?” 
Quinn and Y/N were standing on the edge of the football fields, where a football practice was going on. 
“I’m going to run up to you, then jump like this-” She demonstrated in slow motion, “And then you need to put this hand here...” Quinn put Y/N’s hand in place, “I’ll do the flip and meanwhile this hand... needs to support me here.” 
Quinn looked up at Y/N when she kept silent, only to see a tiny, devilish grin on her face. “Oh, please.” She pushed her off, laughing. “Come on, if you help me then maybe we’ll have some time left... okay?”
Y/N nodded and stood in place while Quinn took some steps back. She was about to run until Y/N raised her hands.
“Wait- I don’t want to drop you.”
Quinn’s expression softened at the genuine worry on her girlfriend’s face.
“You won’t drop me, don’t worry. I’m going to do all the work, you just need to make sure that I do it right.”
Y/N nodded softly.
“You ready?”
“Yeah, come on, kangaroo.”
Quinn laughed and sprinted, stretching her arms in the air. She dove forward and pushed herself over with her hands. She turned to Y/N after she landed, hands still in the air as her finishing pose.
“Now i’m going to do the same flip but without my hands this time. ”
Quinn walked back to her starting spot. “You can support me in the same places, okay?”
Y/N nodded once again.
Quinn took a sprint and jumped. She made herself small in the air as her hands balanced next to her body. But when she was about to flip over, her foot made contact with something-- or rather, someone. Quinn clumsily landed on the ground since she had lost all concentration and balance the moment she realised she had hit her girlfriend. 
“Oh my God-”
She ignored the turf burn on her legs from the fall and immediately crawled over to Y/N, who was sitting hunched over with her hand on her forehead.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay? Let me see-” Quinn quickly removed Y/N’s hands and gasped when she saw the burn scrape that her shoe had left on the girl’s forehead. The area around it was red and Quinn was sure it was going to bruise. 
“I’m so sorry I-”
“No, it’s my fault.” Y/N groaned and rubbed her forehead again. “I thought you were going to topple over so I leaned in closer and-” Quinn sighed softly, she truly didn’t deserve Y/N. 
“Let me see again, baby?” 
Quinn leaned closer and softly held Y/N’s head. Yup, it was already bruising. She caressed it slowly with her thumb until Y/N winced. 
Quinn immediately apologised, “Sorry.”
“Are you dizzy? Nauseous? Blurry vision...” 
“No, none of that. Just hurts.” 
Quinn bit her lip. “Let’s get some Neosporin and an ice pack.” She helped the girl up, quickly gathered their bags and slung them over her shoulder before walking back into the school.
They sat in the nurse’s office. Y/N was seated on the stretcher while Quinn stood between her legs, holding the ice pack to her face. The nurse told them that it would probably bruise very badly, but that was all.
“I don’t want to walk around with an egg on my forehead for a week.” Y/N pouted.
“I’m sure you’d rock that look, though.” Quinn teased and laughed when she saw the glare Y/N was sending her. “I’m still so sorry, baby.”
Y/N shrugged. “Eh, it’s worth it. We’re spending time together now.”
Quinn’s smile dropped and she put the ice pack on the stretcher. 
“I’m sorry that I’ve been so cooped up with cheer practices... I shouldn’t have put you in second place, even if it was unknowingly.”
“No, no- Quinnie, I know how important it is to you. You’re not putting me in second place. I love seeing you so proud of yourself during every cheer performance. I want that smile to last. If that means we get to spend a little less time together, then so be it. I love seeing you happy.”
Quinn wasted no time and immediately grabbed Y/N’s cheek and kissed her. Y/N put her arms around the girl’s neck and kissed back. The two broke apart after a few seconds, realising they were still in the nurse’s office.
“I love you.” She blurted out.
“Wait, what?” Y/N rose her eyebrows.
“I am so in love with you.” Quinn repeated. “Even if you walk around with an egg on your head for the next few days-- I love you. All of you.”
Y/N bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears. But of course Quinn noticed.
“Are you crying?” 
“No... My head still hurts, remember?”
Quinn jokingly slapped her chest, “Of course,” before embracing her.
“I love you too.” 
the next day
Y/N woke up with a pounding in her head which immediately made her remember what had happened the day before. Her head was now blue and the spot where Quinn’s shoe had scraped her forehead was still red. A huge bump was visible. She tried to cover it up with foundation, but every contact with her forehead hurt. She hissed and groaned until it looked as good as it could. 
Y/N thought she’d done a decent job covering it up until she passed Brittany in the school’s hallway.
She gasped, “Did you call her Lucy Caboosey?”
“Wha-? Who? What does that even mean?”
Santana joined the two. “Did someone use you as a boxing bag because damn, you look rough.”
Y/N groaned, “Is it that bad?”
“Yeah, unless the look you were going for today was Smurfette.”
Quinn walked up to them, “It’s my fault, it’s my fault.” She panicked a bit when she saw how bad her girlfriend’s forehead looked today. She grabbed a soothing ointment out of her backpack and applied it to Y/N’s forehead. 
“Ouch, Q. Careful.”
Santana eyed the two. “So... what happened?”
“...Lucy Caboosey.” Brittany whispered, earning a glare from Quinn.
“I hit her in the head during a flip...”
Santana snorted but immediately excused herself when Quinn looked at her. 
“You look cute though,” Brittany booped Y/N’s nose, “Like a cute, beluga whale.”
Y/N laughed, “Thanks, Britt, I guess...” She turned to Quinn. “I’m going to get another ice pack or something before Glee, I’ll see you there.”
“I’ll get it for you.”
“My head hurts, my legs work just fine.” 
Quinn nodded and planted a quick peck on Y/N’s cheek before the three walked off to Glee club.
All eyes were on Y/N as she walked in. Not only because she had interrupted Mr. Schue, but also because of the giant bump on her bruised forehead.
Rachel gasped, “Y/N! You look ridiculous! Sectionals is this weekend!”
“Hey! Don’t talk to her like that.” Quinn shot at her. 
Y/N completely ignored Rachel and the others staring and sat down next to Quinn. She was sucking on a lollipop. 
“Where’d you get that?” Brittany shot up.
“Nurse’s office.”
Y/N grabbed a handful of lollipops out of her pocket and handed them all to Brittany, who gasped in excitement. Quinn shook her head in amusement and so did Santana when Brittany put three of them in her mouth.
“What? I like to mix flavours... I call this the ‘outer space’ flavour.”
Quinn turned to Y/N when Mr. Schue continued talking, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, she gave me some pain killers.” Y/N whispered back.
“C’mere.” Quinn softly grabbed her girlfriend’s forehead and kissed it gently.
“I’m never going to let you help me again.” She cuddled up to her.
Y/N laughed,
“Fine by me.”
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melancholic-pigeon · 3 years
bonus wip #1
Because it’s mother’s day and I happen to be writing about Sally’s birthday (which I made up) in a multichapter of mine: a longer excerpt (same one I published last time, plus revisions) to show some appreciation to everyone’s favorite mom. (No context needed.)
In the morning, Paul makes coffee while Estelle helps unwrap. She's at the age where ripping paper makes her squeal with hysterical laughter, which worms its way into Percy's heart and melts it into pudding. 
Several of the presents are from Percy's friends, including a handbound book of original recipes from Leo, a lovely silver bracelet inset with mother-of-pearl that Beckendorf made himself, and a huge sheathed knife with a matching decorative handle from Clarisse. The last one makes his mom snort as she gets up to put it on the bookshelf, out of reach of curious toddler hands. 
"Decorative. Sure." 
"I bet she'd teach you how to use it if you asked." 
"I know how to use a bowie knife, dear. Your father and I used to catch and cook our own fish when we went camping."
"Which reminds me, he still hasn't taken me out," Paul cuts in, frowning. "We've got dad jokes and stories to swap, and you can't teach me to fillet a herring without a herring to fillet."
"I'll bug him about it the next time we talk," Percy promises. "It's probably the ADHD." 
"Do you want me to bug you about bugging him?" 
"If you haven't set something up by blueback season, yeah."
Percy and Paul went in on a pound of jasmine tea, which his mom reaches for next. She immediately asks for a cup— it's one of two days out of the entire year where she lets other people wait on her, for a change, and even that took a lot of cajoling. 
Paul makes the tea, since Percy usually scalds the leaves and it turns out tasting like grass. She probably wouldn't complain anyway, but it's her birthday, and she deserves to have the best tea that can be made in their kitchen. 
"Is the blue bag from Jason?" Paul sets the mug on a coaster in the middle of the coffee table, and Percy scoops the baby into his lap so she doesn't try to grab it. She mashes her toddler hand against his cheek.
"And Thalia. I'm not sure if they went in on stuff or he just packed them both in one bag to make it easy." 
Either is a possibility. He watches as his mom reaches in and pulls out a large frame, her eyes widening as Estelle rips away the paper.
"Please pass on that I am absolutely furious."
She turns the frame around. An autographed vinyl EP of Sign O' the Times by Prince— one of the albums Percy grew up on, though she skipped a few of the songs when he was little, most of which ended up in his library by high school anyway. Thalia must have spent a fortune on it. 
"That woman is incredible," Paul breathes, lightly touching the glass. "How does she even find this stuff?" 
"Ebay genius, probably." Percy grins as Estelle reaches for the album, and holds her over the glass so she can touch it too. "She's also really good at barter chains."
His mother shakes her head as she puts the album aside and digs back into the bag. 
This frame is smaller and wrapped in the same paper, with Jason's careful print written out across it. The crinkling sound draws Estelle's attention, and she reaches over to do her job and tear it off.
Their mom gasps and puts a hand to her mouth, her eyes going bright.
It's a watercolor portrait of Percy and Estelle, laughing by the shoreline. She's dressed in a little bucket hat, a ruffled swimsuit patterned to look like a clownfish and the coolest shades in the world— sparkly blue frames shaped like seashells that he kind of wishes he could get in his size. He's in a wetsuit, having spent the morning of his birthday surfing, and he's holding onto her hands so she can jump at the waves. In the distant background is the Montauk lighthouse.
It's beautifully done, like everything else Jason's ever put to paper, but Percy's never choked up like this over one of them. 
"You remember that, Beluga? That was on my birthday, when you came and visited me and Jason at the beach."
"Beach?" she asks, expectant. Paul bursts into laughter. 
"You're your mother's daughter, sweet pea."
"Beach!" Estelle insists. Percy noses her pudgy cheek. 
"It's too cold to swim, baby." His mom's eyes are sparkling, still a little teary. He can see Estelle in the smile on her face. "But we could go for a walk and visit." 
"Brunch first." Paul kisses her— Percy averts his eyes, wrinkling his nose at his sister to make her giggle again— and gets up, heading back into the kitchen. 
It's a lovely way to spend a late morning. Pale blue araucana eggs, courtesy of Grover's new hens; a blueberry coffee cake from Nico by a fantastic hole in the wall in Hell's Kitchen; Paul's signature home fries, made from blue potatoes and seasoned to perfection; all of it delicious.
Jason calls while Percy's doing the dishes. After his deep, resonant performance of the happy birthday song, the five of them chat on speakerphone for a little while, though he has to excuse himself pretty quickly to keep banging through his reading. 
"Maybe next year," Percy sighs. His mom puts her hand on his hip, then crouches down to help Estelle with her light-up sneakers. 
"He's always welcome for a rain check." 
Percy ends up carrying his sister on his hip, snuggled into his jacket to block the chilly sea breeze. She points at seagulls, shouting triumphantly every time. 
"More bird!"
"That's right. A whole flock of 'em."
They watch for a while as the gulls fight over a discarded pizza crust. Then Percy feels an arm around his back and a head against his shoulder.
"I don't know how I got so lucky," his mother murmurs. "I have a wonderful husband, time for my passions and the best two kids in the world." 
Percy's eyes sting. 
For most of his life, her birthdays had been spent without fanfare. He was rarely actually there for them anyway, and Gabe complained so much it was easier to just ignore the day and focus on survival instead. 
She'd been triaging like that since before she even met Percy's dad, keeping herself afloat when nobody seemed to care if she drowned. It would have been easy to lie down and give up. Percy's pretty sure he would have.
He turns to hug her with the obligatory proclamation of a Stella Sandwich, leaning his cheek against the top of his mom's head while his sister wriggles with delight. 
"Luck's got nothing to do with it."
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luvidzy · 4 years
fishes and kisses | hvc
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☆ tct summer collection masterlist
☆ genre: fluff
☆ pairing: hansol vernon chwe x reader
☆ summary: vernon and reader go to the aquarium. that is it.
☆ word count: 1.7k
You bounced your leg up and down as you sat beside Vernon on the train. The scenery outside whooshed past, but there was only one thing on your mind: the aquarium. Vernon smiled at you fondly as he watched you practically buzz with excitement. You had been talking about going to the aquarium for months, reminiscing about your childhood and how you hadn’t been to an aquarium in ages. Then Vernon decided to surprise you with a date to the aquarium. It was his way of making up for the fact that he had been really busy with his summer classes lately and unable to take you on a proper date. 
So here you both were, on the train that was going to take you to the aforementioned aquarium. Your brain was already formulating a strategy on how to see everything you wanted to see within the couple of hours you and Vernon had before dinner. Vernon was watching as you pulled out your phone to make a list of the animals you wanted to see. He knew that the minute you got into the building the list would fly out of your head, but it was cute to see you so excited about something.
When the train finally stopped, Vernon was quick to grab your hand, partly because he wanted to hold your hand but also because he was afraid that you were going to run off and he was going to lose you. You two walked hand in hand down the street towards the aquarium. It wasn’t too busy, seeing as it was a Wednesday afternoon and most parents were working. You were practically jumping as Vernon paid for your tickets and led you into the aquarium.
“Where do you wanna head first?” Vernon asked, turning to you. You looked around at the signs that were pointing you guys in the direction of different exhibits. You read each sign before your eyes widened.
“Can we pet the stingrays?” you asked, eyes wide and pleading. Vernon’s heart melted at the sight of your pouty lips and he nodded to you, watching with a smile as you let out a small cheer. You began down the hallway towards the stingray exhibit, humming contentedly to yourself as you pulled Vernon along.
When you finally entered the room, you couldn’t help but smile widely. Turning to Vernon, you were jittering with excitement.
“Come on! I see an empty space over there,” you said, pointing to an empty spot by the tank where the stingrays were happily swimming around.
“I’m right behind you, Bubs.” Vernon followed you as you rushed to claim the spot, eyes following the stingrays that were swimming contentedly around the tank. You reached your hand out and let your hand be submerged as you pet the creature. Your eyes were wide with happiness as you giggled when the stingray swam past, slowing down when it felt your hand.
“I think he likes me, Vern,” you said, sending him a grin. Vernon nodded.
“I don’t see how he couldn’t. You’re amazing.” You flushed at the compliment, watching as Vernon smirked at your reaction to his comment.
“Are you going to join me in petting the stingrays, or are you just gonna ogle me from afar?” you asked, an eyebrow raised. It was Vernon’s turn to flush, moving closer to you and slowly reaching his hand down. A stingray swam past, giving him the chance to pet it. He smiled at the little creature, turning to see you grinning wide at the sight.
“Come on, let’s wash our hands and head to the next exhibit!” Vernon followed you to the next exhibit you wanted to explore, which was the whales. The aquarium you were at had 2 whales in their custody, a beluga whale and an orca whale. You walked up to the glass on the beluga whale enclosure, staring in wonder into the water. In the distance, a shadowy whale figure was swimming along the walls and little pillars in the tank. Vernon felt you squeeze his hand as the whale grew closer and closer until it was directly in front of you both. 
“Vern, look! He likes us!” You waved at the whale, nudging Vernon to do the same. With a chuckle, Vernon waved at the whale alongside you. The whale swam around for a bit more, enrapturing you both with its every move.
“Come on. We don’t want the orca to feel left out, do we?” Vernon asked. You smiled at his silliness, walking alongside him as you moved to the next whale tank. The orca was already out and about. You walked over to the plaque, reading the words that were etched in.
“Her name is Millie. She’s only 4 years old!” You said, looking at the small orca. Vernon smiled as you both walked over to her. She was swimming around, seemingly playing around with a little ball that sat on the surface of the water. 
“I almost feel bad, she’s all alone,” you said, pouting slightly. Vernon looked down at you, before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. He planted a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“But she’s got all these people that come and visit her. I’m sure she’s content.” You looked up at him and nodded, pecking his cheek as revenge for his head kiss. 
“Come on. I think the dolphin show is going to be starting soon.” Vernon and you made your way to the show area, making sure to get the perfect spot to watch the dolphin show. You snuggled close to Vernon, holding his hand tight as the stands got more and more crowded. Vernon smiled to himself, secretly loving when you clung to him like this. He would never admit it, but he was soft for moments like these.
The minute the show started you sat up a little straighter, taking in every word the dolphin trainer said. You occasionally whispered a comment or joke to Vernon, who would just snort or laugh in response to you. You both clapped as the dolphins did some tricks.
“Who wants to see Macy splash?” The crowd cheered and before you knew it you were getting splashed with water. You gasped at the cold water on your face, squeezing your eyes shut. You heard the audience cheer and laugh as you turned to Vernon who was tensed up from the sudden chill. You burst out into laughter as you ran a hand through your now soaking wet hair. Vernon opened his eyes to look at you, laughing at your expression of pure joy. 
After the show, Vernon pulled you aside near the wall and reached into his bag.
“Vernon, what’s up?” You asked, giving him a strange look. He pulled a sweatshirt from the bag and handed it to you with a gentle smile.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been shivering since we got splashed.” He said. You stared down at it, a large grin spreading on your face as you pulled the sweatshirt over your head. It was far too big for you, nearly covering the shorts that you were wearing and giving you sweater paws. Vernon felt his heart thump at the sight of you wearing his clothes. It wasn’t the first time, but for some reason it made him feel warm inside. You stared up at him and gave a smirk.
“I hope you know you’re never getting this back.” Vernon groaned jokingly, already well aware that you were a notorious clothes stealer. With a new item of clothing on your body, you took Vernon’s hand in yours and continued on throughout the aquarium. 
You let Vernon take the lead for a little bit, smiling when you saw he was leading you to the otter enclosure. The otters were out and about, splashing around and playing. You smiled excitedly as one of the otters came up to the glass by you and Vernon and chirped. 
“He’s so cute, Vern,” you said, eyes wide with happiness. Vernon pouted jokingly.
“I think I’m cuter.” You turned to him and gave him a small smile, squeezing his hand.
“You’re absolutely right, baby.” Vernon grinned down at you, before turning his attention back to the pair of cuddling otters that were lazing around in the water. 
Before long you and Vernon began to head to the exit. In order to get the entrance again, you needed to pass through a large tunnel that was submerged in one of the tanks. When you entered you were entranced by the fish and aquatic animals that swam around and above you. You moved to the side, with Vernon, not saying a word and just taking it all in. Vernon wasn’t looking at the tunnel, but instead at you. 
Vernon knew he liked you a lot. You were beautiful, funny, and smart. You kept up with his stupid humor and even though you were dating, you were also each others best friend. But watching you stare at these creatures, the light from the tank illuminating your face while you were in his sweatshirt made him realize that he was in love with you. That he wanted to spend every moment with you. 
You and Vernon hadn’t said ‘I love you’ yet. You were both of the mindset that ‘I love you’ was a special phrase, and neither of you liked to say it unless you really really meant it, that way it kept its meaning. But after a few years of dating, Vernon finally knew that he was in love with you. He wanted to come to the aquarium with you for the rest of his life, see you wearing his clothes everyday, and get to stare at you whenever he wanted.
“I love you,” Vernon blurted out before he could stop himself. Those words drew your attention and you turned to look up at him with wide eyes.
“I love you,” he said with much more confidence. Waiting for your response felt like ages, but Vernon’s heart nearly combusted when you smiled so wide he thought it might hurt your face. You grabbed his other hand and leaned up, pressing a light kiss to his lips.
“I love you too, Vernon. I love you very very much.” Vernon smiled down at you, before giving you a hug. You hugged back, making sure to give him a squeeze as you hugged him. You loved being his arms, and you loved him.
As you both walked out of the aquarium, hand in hand, you smiled to yourself. You loved the aquarium, but you loved Hansol Vernon Chwe more. 
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