xserenitas-blog · 9 years
          “  Isn’t it a bit dangerous for you                 to be wandering by your own? “
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sinbad-no-ousama · 10 years
I love you too ;-;
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magiofkou · 10 years
Send me a § and I’ll post the first three words my character associates with yours.
bright rukh, annoying, good-for-nothing
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sinbad-no-ousama · 10 years
belovedbyrukh replied to your post “[Aggressively tap dances in]”
[hello friend]
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laetationis · 10 years
Send me a ☠ to hear what my muse would say to your muse's grave.
Teardrops left its trails on each corner of his eyes down his cheeks.Small sobs escaping the back of his throat whilst busing wiping the never ending waterfall from his eyes that started to grow his vision blurry and eyes red and puffy.
"I’m so pathetic…I’m sorry Aladdin."He hiccuped."I hope you’re safe and happy…wherever you are now."More of less he had joined the flow of rukh once more.He knows Aladdin wouldn’t want to see him like this,but he couldn’t help it.Loosing a friend was painful,sorrowful and dreadful.He couldn’t bear the loss of his magi and blames himself each day for it;For not being able to protect him as much as he should.He wishes his friend could bring himself to forgive him for being so weak.He also wished he was more strong back then so such tragedy that day wouldn’t had happened.
The world had lost another soul,but the rukh gained a powerful and wise magi.
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laetationis · 10 years
"auld lang syne"
send “auld lang syne” for my characters reaction to waking up from a happy dream about your muse —- only to remember that your muse is already dead.
Today was rather dull.Nothing better to do.No training,no fights,no event like a festival…no nothing.Just dull and rather too quiet.So quiet he wanted to scream just to make sure he didn’t go deaf all of a sudden.
But his train of thoughts and boredom ceased the moment he spotted a blue haired magi hover above him in his flying turban.”Aladdin?!”He was startled at first.Hence why he rose—more like jumped into a sitting position from the ground he was laying previously and glancing at the clouds.”What—”
"Alibaba-kun!Lets go on another adventure!"
"Wait.Right now?"
"Yeah!"He nods,flashing the blond prince a cheesy grin as he extends his hand out to him.
Alibaba glanced at it for a few seconds,pondering over the matter.A sigh of relief escapes his lips and soon followed by a smile adorning his features.He gladly takes his hand and allows the magi to help him by pulling him up and hop onto his turban.Both young males happy and eager for a new adventure ahead of them.Exploring the unknown and dangers ahead of them.”Lets go!”
A gasp along with rigid breathing echoes through the room.The young man run his fingers through his hair in hoped of calming down after the shock he received the moment he opened his eyes to reality.
No to a nightmare.
Aladdin was no more.
He was dead.
How cruel can fate be.Not only taking away his dear friend but also remind him of the bitter-sweet dreams and memories they had made while alive and spent time together.He may put on a strong facade for others to see as their new leader and king.But behind closed doors he would allow himself to be weak.His mask coming off,features soften and take in a sorrowful look as tears would roll down his cheeks followed by a few sobs.It happened again.He had lost another dear friend…and there was nothing he could do to save them no matter how hard he tried.
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expectingbutler · 10 years
"Hey, Sebastian. If you have a lot of babies, does that mean you will have a mix of boys and girls?"
"Well, there is a chance they will either be all boys or all girls. My kind tends to have a nice mix of them, so yes. For all I know- I could be having a bunch of girls and one boy in me right now."
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priestofkou-blog · 10 years
belovedbyrukh replied to your post:I just wanted to create the Kouen blog because my...
Maybe try making him as a sideblog to judar?
I already have two sideblogs to Judar...and it's damn hard to rp properly with a sideblog, at least for me.
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laetationis · 10 years
Aladdin you can't just look at a goddamn gun with a curious look.That's not how things work!
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