#belongs to my pbf
bluespinoo · 4 months
my pbfs fursona (I designed it)
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Sigh I love him
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Him fr
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madkakerlaken · 9 months
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Characters from a Polish Lion King RP (Król Lew PBF): Ragir belonging to an old aquitance Dirke, son of Nuka and Dotty My Nakato and Qatila (I don't think her owner is somewhere on the internet) - no, there is no romance between them, but they just got caught in an interesting plot involving a mandrill healer... or rather his ghost.
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Why are the Weasleys poor? (eng&fr) (theories about pure-blood families, inheritance, etc)
(really sorry for the mistakes, I’m not a native speaker!)
There are two answers, but the first one’s in English, and the second one’s in French (initially, I wrote it in French in the comments of a video). The text is sometimes a bit different but it’s the same idea.
disclaimer: it’s theories, not the truth, I’m obviously not an expert (at all) about things like inheritance, how aristocracy worked during the last centuries) and things like that, I also probably do not have the same eye on it as a French person, and I probably forgot many things, and I’m quite unclear at several occasions, but good luck! (and also, I hope I’m not indelicate or something like that)
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                    - e n g l i s h -
Of course, the main reason is: M. Weasley is the only one who works in the family and Molly and him have 7 children (I do not consider that Bill, Charlie, Percy or the twins as “people who work” in the family, even if they probably give a part of their salary to help). But the Weasleys are also pure-blood: and most of the pure-blood families we know are rich, for different reasons – they are at least never poor.
So the real question I will try to answer here is: why, despite the inheritance the Weasleys should have (because they are pure-blood), are they poor?
(Before we continue: I’m aware that the Weasley family is the only poor family in the HP universe (Remus Lupin is the other poor character, but it’s not in the same context). Here, their true wealth is their love, the way they support each other, their braveness and ethics actions and convictions – and all of this is built in opposite of the Malfoy family (even if the fact they care for the others is the most important thing in the Malfoy family, but it’s not the subject here). However, it’s a “narrative” explanation (?) – I mean by that that JKR chose to have a poor Weasley family to carry a message. Here, I wonder why, in the world of HP, in the lore, the Weasleys are poor (so what are the logical and canon-compliant reasons to their poverty).)
(abbreviations: W = (the) Weasleys pbf = pure-blood families)
1. A bit of context: the other pure-blood families
Most of the pbf we meet in the saga have a huge capital inherited from their ancestors (the Malfoys, the Blacks or the Longbottoms for example). The other pbf (Bones, Abbot, Parkinson, etc.) doesn’t seem to be poor. Besides, we know that the Weasleys are related to the Blacks and the Malfoys, due to Molly's Prewett origins AND Arthur’s origins (if I remember correctly?).
We can think that the wealth is kept by the pbf, because they are all related. So how could Molly and Arthur have no money, no inheritance? It's can be quite surprising. It seems to me that there is no clear answer to that in the books, but there are clues and all. It's theories, it's up to you to say what you think!
(To be honest, there are exceptions to the rule “pbf = aristocracy = they have the money”: the Gaunts and the Potters. However, the Gaunts are quite particular – they ostracised themselves, so they do not belong anymore to the society and abandon their status of noble family. On the other hand, the Potters seems to belong to the bourgeoisie and not the nobility, because they are rich since only a few decades at the beginning of HP1 thanks an invention of an Harry’s ancestor. Like the bourgoisie and the bosses during the 19th century, they became rich with industry – they are not noble. (Besides, the Potters are not in the 28 sacred and some of them (Henry Potter, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century) seemed to be against the power of the pbf, if I remember correctly what I read on Pottermore (he was at least against the power and the Ministry sometimes).) My point is: perhaps the pbf are not all that rich, perhaps I’m biased by what we see in HP series with Malfoy and Sirius… Consequently, all the analysis is maybe a bit crappy and useless. But let’s consider the other pbf are rich and noble and the poverty of the W have to be explain.)
2.     Arthur's side
·         Muriel is alive
First, we know that Aunt Muriel has a large house, she owns objects of great value (the diadem of Fleur's wedding), and she is quite old (107 years old). So perhaps she has a lot of money and she owns all of the capital of the W family. Because she’s still alive, the other members of the family – Arthur for example – have no inheritance, she is keeping all of the money. That insufferable old bat is capable of that, fight me.
·         Arthur is disinherited?
It could also be because of a will. Arthur is definitely a non-conformist person: with his passion for Muggles and his unconditional love and tolerance, he could have been able to attract the wrath of few members of his family and to be disinherited. It is however quite unlikely in my opinion, because we know that the W family, at the difference of many pbf, did not in any case wanted to be counted among the "28 sacred families" (those listed by an ancestor of Nott as being the real pbf). In the W family, progressivism does not seem to be Arthur's exclusivity, because (from memory) the book on the 28 families appeared many decades before Arthur's birth, so Arthur’s ancestors were already non-conformist.
3.     Molly's side
·         sexist inheritance rights?
Similarly, why did Molly not inherit money? Again, there are several possibilities: perhaps the inheritance among the pbf is reserved for male descendants, as among the Blacks with Sirius. Bellatrix's chest is Lestrange’s, not Black’s. Maybe there is a tradition of this kind in a conservative part of the 28 pbf: after marrying Arthur, Molly quitted the Prewett family and consequently, abandon her inheritance rights.
·         Molly is (really) disinherited?
Sirius' uncle Alphard did make sure that his nephew had money though, so why would no one give anything to Molly? Perhaps, again, the fact that she is marrying a "blood traitor": she is anti-conformist, etc. However, we know that Molly’s brothers Gideon and Fabian fought in the first Order of the Phoenix, so were really the Prewetts such conservative? It is also possible that the Prewett family is tore apart: most of its members could have joined other families and dispersing the inheritance, so Molly didn’t received a lot of money.
4.     Other reasons
·         more powerful families than others (or… “siphon-families”)?
There is also the assumption that because of alliances and inheritance issues, the money ends up going to the same families. We can see in OotP that the Black family is extremely large: and that it integrated several other families within hers (Crabbe, Rosier, Bulstrode… ). So perhaps some families have arranged, or ended up by chance, to see a large part of the capital of the more pureblood families converge towards them (I hope I’m clear?). However, maybe we think that the Black family is central in the pbf because we only know the genealogy of the Black family (so we are biased, etc).
·         the aristocracy close to power?
In addition, certain pbf could have retained advantages by remaining close of the power or by seeking to obtain prestigious positions (director of Hogwarts (P. Black) or high-official (R. Scrimgeour, L. Malfoy, etc), which the W. family didn’t try (here, it is less a question of W’s poverty than a more or less unjustified wealth of other pbf).
·         they had money, but they spent it before HP1?
It is also possible that Molly and Arthur inherited something, but that they used it for various things: to acquire the land of the Burrow as well as to finance the construction of their house - what the Malfoys or the Blacks didn't need to do, for example. Or I can imagine them, when the Order of the Phoenix was first formed, to give funds. Nevertheless were neither Molly nor Arthur member of the first Order (Remus Lupin said it after the Molly’s Boggart scene of OotP), but Fabian and Gideon were.
·         bad luck
Finally, as with aristocrats, one can imagine that some families have simply lost a lot of money over the centuries, for reasons of laws, circumstances, etc. Well, that theory is not quite interesting, so that’s why I put it at the end, but it’s possible, so…
Honestly, I’m not quite sure that the pbf should be considered as aristocracy, even several members of pbf acts like we should. After all, Hannah Abbot, Ernie McMillan of Neville Longbottom don’t act like they are nobles. But there is discrimination in the wizarding world due to the witches’ and wizards’ blood-status (this is a fact); pbf have much more power than other families (that’s another fact); and people with power are generally also the one with wealth (at least in the Muggle world, and probably also in the Magic world, because it’s clearly not the people with special magic abilities who run the Ministry in HP)(that’s a third fact). So the pbf represent maybe a conservative aristocracy after all. Maybe.
(Frankly, I don’t know how to conclude. But all of this were theories, maybe we are going to learn more things with FB, etc. Anyway, thanks for reading!)
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                    - f r a n ç a i s -
(bonjour les francophones)
Évidemment, la principale raison est que M. Weasley est le seul de la famille qui a un emploi, et Molly et lui ont 7 enfants (je ne compte pas Bill, Charlie, Percy et les jumeaux comme des membres de la famille qui travaillent, même s’ils le font (tout du moins le long d’une partie des bouquins) et qu’ils donnent probablement une part de leur salaire pour aider le reste de la famille).
Mais ce qui est étonnant dans la pauvreté de la famille Weasley, c'est qu'ils sont une famille de sang-pur – et les sang-purs qu’on rencontre ne sont jamais pauvres.
Avant de continuer: je suis consciente que la famille Weasley est la seule famille pauvre de l’univers d’HP (et Lupin, le seul autre personnage pauvre, l’est pour des raisons et dans un contexte différents). Leur vraie richesse, c’est l’amour et le soutien qu’ils s’apportent mutuellement, leur courage, leurs actions morales et leurs convictions – à l’inverse de la famille Malefoy (même si les liens familiaux restent la chose la plus importante chez les Malefoy, mais on diverge). Néanmoins, c’est une explication « narrative » : je veux dire par là qu’ils sont pauvre car JKR l’a choisi dans le but de transmettre un certain message. Notre objectif à nous, c’est de savoir les raisons de la pauvreté des Weasleys à partir du lore, de l’univers – et donc selon les règles et le canon – d’HP.
(abréviations : W = (les) Weasley fsp = familles de Sang-Pur)
1.     Un peu de contexte : les autres familles de Sang-Pur
La plupart des familles de Sang-Pur que l'on croise dans la saga possède un sacré capital hérité de leurs ancêtres (les Malefoy, les Black ou les Longdubat par exemple), et les autres familles (Bones, Abbot, Parkinson, etc) ne semblent pas du tout être dans le besoin. D'ailleurs, on sait que les Weasleys sont parents avec les Blacks et les Malefoy, du fait des origines Prewett de Molly (si mes souvenirs sont bons ?).
Donc comment ça se fait qu'ils n'aient pas d'argent, pas d'héritage, qu'ils n'obtiennent pas des sommes à minima non-négligeables alors qu'une grande partie des richesses des sorciers reste confinée au sein de ces familles ? C'est assez étonnant pour que ça interpelle. Il me semble qu'on n'a pas de réponse claire à ça, dans les bouquins, mais il y a des schémas, des pistes et des indices. C'est des théories, à vous de dire ce que vous en pensez!
(Pour être honnête, il existe des exceptions à la règle « fsp = aristocratie = ils ont de l'argent »: les Gaunt et les Potter. Cependant, les Gaunt sont assez particuliers - ils se sont ostracisés, donc ils n'appartiennent plus à la société et ont abandonné leur statut de famille noble. D'un autre côté, les Potter semblent appartenir à la bourgeoisie et non à la noblesse, car ils sont riches depuis seulement quelques décennies au début de HP1 (grâce à une invention d'un ancêtre de Harry). Comme la bourgeoisie et les patrons au XIXe siècle, ils se sont enrichis grâce à une industrie, donc ils ne sont pas nobles. (En outre, les Potter ne font pas partie des 28 familles, et certains membres (Henry Potter, qui a vécu début XXe) semblaient être contre le pouvoir des fps, si je me souviens bien de ce que j'ai lu sur Pottermore (ce qui est sûr, c’est qu’il s’est embrouillé avec le Ministère)). Ce que je veux dire, c’est que peut-être que les fsp ne sont pas toutes si riches, peut-être que je suis biaisé par ce qu’on voit dans la série HP avec Malfoy et Sirius… Par conséquent, toute l'analyse est peut-être pas ouf et inutile. Mais considérons que les autres fsp sont riches et nobles et que, de ce fait, la pauvreté des W doit être expliquée.)
2.     Du côté d’Arthur
·         Muriel ne mange toujours pas les pissenlits par la racine
D'abord, on sait que la tante Muriel a une grande maison, des objets de grande valeur (le diadème du mariage de Fleur), et qu'elle est très vieille. Donc peut-être qu'elle n'a pas encore eu l'occasion, en passant l'arme à gauche, de transmettre ces richesses que détient la famille Weasley au sens large – ou n’a pas voulu le faire. Cette vieille chauve-souris en est capable, j’en suis absolument certaine.
·         Arthur déshérité ?
Aussi, on n'est pas à l'abri d'une question de testament. Arthur est définitivement anticonformiste : avec sa passion pour les moldus et son amour et sa tolérance inconditionnels, il a donc pu s'attirer les foudres de certains membres de sa famille et se faire déshériter. C'est quand même peu probable, car on sait que la famille Weasley, à la différence de beaucoup de familles, ne voulaient en aucun cas être comptée parmi les "28 familles", celles recensées à par un ancêtre de Nott comme étant les vraies familles de Sang-Pur. Chez la famille Weasley, le progressisme semble ne pas être l'exclusivité d'Arthur, car de mémoire, le bouquin sur les 28 familles est paru bien des décennies avant la naissance d'Arthur.
3.     Du côté de Molly
·         des droits de successions sexistes ?
De la même manière, pourquoi Molly n'a-t-elle pas hérité d'argent ? Plusieurs solutions là encore : peut-être que l’héritage, chez les Sang-Pur, est réservé aux descendants mâles, comme chez les Blacks avec Sirius. Le coffre de Bellatrix c'est celui des Lestrange, pas des Black, donc celui de son mari. On n’est pas à l'abri qu'il y ait une tradition du genre chez une certaine partie, conservatrice, des 28 familles, qui aurait donc fait que Molly, en se mariant à Arthur, quitte les Prewett et renonce à des droits de succession.
·         personne ne lui aurait légué quelque chose ?
L’oncle de Sirius, Alphard, a pourtant bien fait en sorte que son neveu ait de l'argent - donc pourquoi personne n'aurait légué quoique ce soit à Molly ? Peut-être, encore une fois, du fait qu'elle se marie avec un "traître à son sang" (et qu’elle soit donc anticonformiste, etc). Après, on sait que Gideon et Fabian, les frères de Molly, étaient engagés aux côtés de l’Ordre du Phénix – est-ce que les Prewett peuvent vraiment être une famille conservative, contre les anticonformistes (entendons nous, « anticonformistes » veut dire ici tolérants, humains, etc) et autres joyeusetés ? C’est aussi possible que la famille Prewell était alors déjà éclatée, dans le sens où la plupart de ses membres ont rejoint d'autres familles en dispersant l'héritage – donc Molly est susceptible de ne pas avoir reçu beaucoup d’argent en héritage à cause de ça.
4.     Autres raisons
·         des familles plus puissantes que d’autres (ou les... familles-siphons ?) ?
Il y a aussi l'hypothèse que du fait des alliances et des questions d'héritage, l'argent finisse par se diriger vers les mêmes familles : on voit bien dans OotP que la famille Black est extrêmement étendue, et qu'elle a intégré plusieurs autres familles au sein de la sienne (Crabbe, Rosier, Bulstrode…). Donc peut-être que certaines familles se sont arrangées, ou ont fini un peu par hasard, à voir converger vers elles une vaste partie des capitaux des familles de Sang-Pur plus mineures (j’espère que c’est clair ?). Après, on est peut-être biaisés par le fait qu’on ne connaisse que la généalogie des Blacks, du point de vue des Blacks, et par conséquent, on a l’impression que la famille Black est plus importante que les autres (un peu une famille clef, nœud).
·         l’aristocratie proche du pouvoir ?
De plus, certaines familles ont conservé des avantages en se mettant dans la poche le Ministère ou en restant proches du pouvoir, en cherchant à obtenir des postes prestigieux (directeur de Poudlard ou haut-fonctionnaire), ce que n'a pas fait la famille Weasley (ici, c'est moins une question de pauvreté des Weasleys que de richesse plus ou moins injustifiée chez les autres).
·         ils ont eu de l’argent, mais ils l’ont dépensé avant HP1 ?
C'est aussi possible que Molly et Arthur aient hérité de quelque chose, mais qu'ils s'en soient servi pour diverses choses : faire l'acquisition du terrain du Terrier ainsi que pour financer les travaux de leur maison - ce que les Malefoy ou les Black n'ont pas eu besoin de faire, par exemple. Ou je les imagine bien, lorsque l'Ordre s'est formé la première fois, donner des fonds. Ni Molly ni Arthur n’en étaient alors membres (on le sait car Remus Lupin le dit après la scène de l’Épouvantard de Molly pendant OotP), mais c'était bien le cas de Gideon et Fabian.
·         la faute à pas de chance
Enfin, comme chez les aristocrates, on peut imaginer que certaines familles aient simplement perdu beaucoup d'argent au fil des siècles, pour des raisons de lois, de circonstances, etc. On ne va pas se mentir, c’est pas très intéressant comme théorie, mais c’est techniquement possible, donc bon, voilà.
    Conclusion :
Honnêtement, je ne suis pas sûr que les fsp doivent être considérées comme l'aristocratie magique, même si plusieurs membres de ces mêmes familles agissent comme si nous le devrions (après tout, Hannah Abbot, Ernie McMillan et Neville Longdubat n'agissent pas comme des nobles). Mais il y a une discrimination dans le monde sorcier en raison du statut de sang des sorcières et des sorciers (c'est un fait); les fsp ont beaucoup plus de pouvoir que les autres familles (c'est un autre fait); et les gens avec pouvoir sont généralement aussi ceux qui ont de la richesse (au moins dans le monde moldu, et probablement aussi dans le monde magique, car ce ne sont clairement pas les gens particulièrement doués en magie qui dirigent le ministère dans HP) (c'est un troisième fait). Donc bon, peut-être que les sang-purs sont représentatifs d’une élite noble et conservative quand même, en définitive.
(Franchement, je ne sais pas comment conclure. Mais tout ça c’est des théories, nous allons sûrement apprendre plus de choses avec FB, etc. Bref, merci d'avoir lu !)
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terminalotter · 7 years
Text from a buddy,
Females do not belong in combat. It’s not a matter of equality, it’s not a matter or having a cunt or a cock. It’s a matter of life and death: the choices and actions that relate to both saving and taking life. Regardless whether or not the screeching feminists banshees of today want to acknowledge it or not, it is FACT that the mental and emotional wiring is drastically different. It’s a part of human nature,“Well what about the women who are murderers or psychopaths, they have different wiring, so your point isn’t valid.”....Having a mental disorder is having...a DIS-FUCKING-ORDER. And commuting a crime is universal. And if that is the deciding factor that what?...we screen females that only hold a mental disorder to fill our combat roles?....
“Jenna is a 13th degree CrossFit blackbelt who climbed Mount Everest x3 on her period, she even won in the men’s Battle Royale Open”....how many Jenna’s do you know? All branches of the DoD are filled with volunteer members. Out of those volunteers how many Jenna’s are going to show up? Marine Corps has 184k Marines, of that 18-19.5k of Grunts, out of that only 15-16k are base lvl Grunts (not Recon/MARSOC/Snipers). How many Jenna’s are you going find out if that? For the Silly Sally whose not Jenna, can she not only pick up her dead or wounded cock bearing counterpart, but then move him X amount of distance of God knows what type of terrain? “Of course she can! GIRL POWER!!” Fuck you cunt. I’m 5’8 220lbs in my birthday suit. Add: canines and boots 9lbs, my rifle at 7lbs, 16lbs for sappy plates, plate carrier material 3lbs, 3lbs for Kevlar, 7 full magazines weighs 7lbs, six 203 rounds at 8lbs, 2 grenades at 2lbs, assault pack with:chow, 40oz of water, NVGs, smoke grenades, radio gear, EPW gear, demo gear, a THOR, extended ifak etc. (that’s hoping your only an 0311)...that puts it at a total body weight plus gear of: 337lbs. Your telling me Non-Power Puff Peggy who has that same gear weight of 116lbs plus the AVERAGE American female of 5’4 160lbs, brining her to 282lbs solo, is going to move that weight plus my weight? She’s going move 619lbs? Fuck you Lana Del Rey. “Some of the best shooters in the world are females!” Ya....I’ve been outshot by POG bitches multiple times on the range and by civilians at the local pop shot range....of combat was only shooting, the YouTube gunslingers and InstaGram Lead throwers could single handedly stop world wide terror. It has been scientifically proven that men feel NATURALLY protective over females as a species whether they know the female at all. It is in the blood. There have multiple simulated experiments to demonstrate this fact. That if a female is wounded 30m away and a male is wounded 15m away the female is almost always the one rushed to...even though COMBAT rules dictate you help the closest causality. If we flood the combat arms with bleeders, how many needless deaths will occur with only that issue alone? I have seen first hand the effects of a females screams from combat injuries. My best friend in the world had been shot to shit, there was a FET member who had almost been shot to shit...I’d never met that broad but her screams damn near shook me more than that of my best friend who I was holding in my arms.
A final part to the puzzle. The social ramifications would be CATASTROPHIC. Example one: the DoD has more sexual assault cases than any other...ANYTHING. And now you want to FORCE FEED females into an all alpha male society? Even worse is the FALSE allegations that WILL occur and destroy not only Careers of Marines but their LIVES. Example 2: PBF Carter has a crush on Big Booty Judy, but Big Booty Judy likes Sgt Hard-dick, but Sgt Hard-Dick only fucks Thai Hookers. So now PBF Carter is hear broken and mad at Sgt., Big Booty Judy is unfocused and now holds a grudge against Sgt Hard-Dick. But then add that Stupid Steven and Fucked Up Frank are witnessing this shit so now they hate all 3 of them because it’s annoying drama...that’s 5 trigger pulls out of a sqd of 13 that at now operating In a non cohesive manner. Example 3: such a basic one...tactical nightmare. You sleep in a bivwax, you keep it tight to reduce your units footprint, no where everyone’s at, unit cohesion, and to have a smaller aerial target....except now you need 2 sites...all those tactical points lost. Example 4:The Marine Corps. Trails the other branches in funding by a average of 100BILLION dollars (we are also the smallest). Now we need new female friendly spaces, new bootcamp ideas, new SOI ideas, where is that money coming from? It’s coming out of ammo funds, weapons funds, training funds.
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madkakerlaken · 8 months
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More or less time-consuming doodles from January 2024. 1. A few of my favorite characters from the original Król Lew PBF - taking place in The Pridelands region after Kiara and Kovu's reign. All of those OCs are over 10 years old... - Kat Malay - small,  feisty, cynical healer from the Outlands. Very feisty, very annoying. My first serious role-play character, first created in 2009, last drawn... probably here.  - Lavi - a sweet, good-hearted guy. Too bad he was the leader of a rather neutral-bad-ish pride and he hated it to the bone. - Moran - oooooh, another man from the top! Seriously, writing his storyline was one of the most intense events in my life. Adopted son of a charismatic leader, Moran grew through the ranks of the Scarlet Dawn pride until he himself sat on the throne. - Ornareni - once a cheerful lioness, who gave up her sanity for getting demonic powers - to better serve her beloved pride. (yea, these are horns, man that were crazy times in the game). 2. Sorley - project of a new rp-char from a different game, here portrayed as an adolescent.
3. My sweetest baby Damaja and his daughter, Nyesha (belongs to @hawkclash ). Damaja's angsty story needs a separate post. Anyway, these two finally got to talk a bit longer than just a "Hi". 4. Moran and Padme (belongs to a friend over dA, if they are even still on that site), the love of his life. I just heard that stupid Polish pop song and while I hate the lyrics etc, the chorus is just a bomb of bass and melody - and this combination is the ultimate ear worm for me. It definitely suits the naive, young love of these two. 5. Scar's daughter Roho (again - @hawkclash ) and Mosi, the king's most loyal guard and follower. Both are from an alternative universe timeline, where Nala doesn't get to get help, and Scar continues his rule over Pride Rock.
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