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applbottmjeens · 7 months ago
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Sending here too!
We need more BelleGraves pls ❤️
Ah, America's codependent power couple. ♠️♥️⛓️
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applbottmjeens · 11 months ago
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newspecies · 4 years ago
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hi its Redding time
design notez (also explanations for stuff bcuz i dont think anyone who follows me has read these books):
all the Reddings will be foxes. The scar is from when Prosper was cut by an iron knife and when Alastor is controlling him that limb is completely unusable. I'll probably talk more about Possessed Prosper when I design Alastor. I think Prosper and Pru are described as not looking alike despite being twins? So she's not going to look much like him. His dark fur and hair i got from both descriptions in the book and the second book's cover, which shows the back of his head.
uhm also I'll design his disguise in Salem, Ethan White, later. Ethan will probably be like. a labrador or something.
more notes! just to get some thoughts down. I think I'm going to make the Bellegraves rabbits for symbolism reasons, but I want to make Nell a different animal to show her disconnection from the Bellegrave family. I debated on making her a cat but that might get confusing with Toad, so I don't know what I'm going to do with her yet.d
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applbottmjeens · 11 months ago
the adler-graves bloodline is genetically weak 2 loyal thick baddies and pollen
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(Aly this is so goddamn funny oml)
I can imagine kid Phillip just having the weirdest crush on his step mom like "Hmm this better not awaken something in me" (it did)
Like father, like son
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Quick sketch for today.
Phillip inherited a lot from his dad, this one was one of them. The preference for brunettes, foreign, thick women. Yes, yes. 👁️👄👁️
Yes, Aleks spend time with Phillip as a kid, why he didn’t learn proper Spanish? I don’t know.
Anna is from my dearest @applbottmjeens
Aleks is mine ✌️
Reminds me of this meme LOL
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graveyard2 · 5 years ago
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bellegrave for @propknife !
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losing23-blog · 8 years ago
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#chateau #bellegrave #aşkşarabı #bugecede #boyle #instagram
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applbottmjeens · 1 year ago
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"Just a bit"
One of my two last BelleGraves pieces before I work on some other stuff!
(She loves seeing him pout, its so cute)
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inlandempiresign-blog · 5 years ago
10247 Bellegrave Ave  Suite #134/135 Jurupa Valley, CA 91752 
Are you looking for an attractive way to draw more customers to your business, improve their experience, and ultimately grow your business? Eye-catching, impactful high-quality signs and graphics by your local Inland Empire sign company, Precision Sign and Graphics, will do exactly that! With custom-made, cohesive indoor and outdoor signage, you will not only pique the curiosity of passersby and motorists, you will also entice them to want to get to know you better.
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les-degustations-ugo · 2 years ago
❓❓Et vous, quel est votre dernier Saint Emilion que vous avez dégusté ❓❓
🇬🇧🇮🇹In comment🇬🇧🇮🇹
☑️🗣️Description @la_belle_pucelle dans le premier post juste en dessous de ma dégustation🗣️✅.
🍇🍷AOP Saint Emilion Château Barrail Bellegrave 2018 du @la_belle_pucelle🍇🍷:
🍇 :
Merlot 70 %
Cabernet Franc 30 %
12,50€ /bouteille
📆Age des vignes :
35 ans
Élevage en fûts de chêne
👁️ :
Robe de couleur grenat soutenu
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de fruits rouge (griotte, groseille)
💋 :
En bouche on a un vin avec des tanins assez présents et puissants. Sur des arômes de fruits rouges, des notes boisées qui apportent des goûts de noisettes torréfiés. Les épices (poivre, eucalyptus). Une bonne longueur en bouche avec une finale sur la boîte à cigares.
📜En résumé📜 :
Une belle bouteille sur une appellation que j'aime beaucoup. Un beau potentiel de vieillissement. J'ai utilisé l'aérateur @calicewine pour cette dégustation.
🧆Dégusté sur une daube à la provençale 🧆.
🙋‍♂️Un grand merci au @la_belle_pucelle pour l'envoi de cette bouteille, dans les prochains jours  je vous présenterai d'autres vins de domaines différents. Restez connecté pour en savoir plus🙋‍♂️.
🗣️N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet de @la_belle_pucelle pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment 🗣️. 
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »����
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #boisson
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yescolosangelesca · 2 years ago
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Hard Rock Café guitar sign restored by YESCO, on display in The Neon Museum boneyard.
YESCO announces the YESCO Conservation Fund, which was established to maintain, repair and improve signs in The Neon Museum’s collection.
10235 Bellegrave Ave Los Angeles,CA 91752
(909) 923-7668
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beyondpublishingcaribbean · 3 years ago
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"Admiral Felix Mesh is a psychic super soldier on the run from his former subordinates as he seeks freedom amongst the stars." Now available on Amazon! THE ROOK by Aguinaldo Bellegrave ( @abel_grave ) #comic #afrofuturism #blackfiction #scifi #graphicnovel #bajanart #bajanculture #barbados #sciencefiction #space #scificomic #nerd #blackandwhite https://www.instagram.com/p/CffOoILptVT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dba256pomona · 6 years ago
Reposted from @bellegraveband (@get_regrann) - Still hyped about last Friday's gig @dba256 the crowd was alive and well! We hope you're hyped about our first album "Rebirth" dropping this friday! #rock #hardrock #modernrock #metal #heavymetal #powermetal #modernmetal #newmetal #alternativemetal #classicrock #classicmetal #stonerrock #groovemetal #grunge #bellegrave #zachwhite #danielaragon #eianlopez #mattlusk #prestonfraser #rebirth - #regrann (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zfwrAhlE6/?igshid=zskcx832658q
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sunnycrimes · 7 years ago
I don’t have much of her back story, she’s still a workin progress. Harrel (Diamond Jane) BellegraveCaptain of the S.S. Jewel Box and the glass pirates. She’s been a long time rival of Captain Walice (or Wally) and his aptly named Wally pirates. Compared to other space pirates, she doesn’t accept side Jobs like the others. She goes around and generally does what a pirate should do. Pillage ships and rob them of their cargo and sell them off to the black market.She loves jewelry. If she sees anything anything made out of or decorated with gems, it will not belong to you anymore. The name “Diamond Jane” stuck to her because those who have been caught by her described her to be as tough as Diamond. Mainly because her skin literally can’t be pierced by any known means. So far no one knows the reason for this. She has never revealed her real name to anyone.Harrel only has one son whom she visits often. He strongly disagrees with his mother a lot and wishes she would give up her life as a pirate and finally settle down for a normal life. The father of her son is currently unknown.
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applbottmjeens · 7 months ago
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THE MIRROR [page 1]
in which we take apart Annabelle Pham's identity from who she was, is and will be.
Reevaluating yourself after coming out of a constant state of a trauma response can go some ways.
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soopahighration · 5 years ago
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On y est presque!! J-1 !! Tellement hâte de vous retrouver pour cette grosse soirée! Voici les dernières infos: 🎪 Salle Bellegrave: Avenue du Colonel Robert Jacqui 33600 PESSAC 🚊 Tram B Pessac centre 🚪 Ouverture des portes: 19H / Fermeture 03H45 🍔 Food truck @greengaragefoodtruck dès 18H (attention toute sortie est définitive, merci de prévoir avant de rentrer dans la salle) 🍺 Bière locale par @brasseriemira 💳 CB acceptée à l'entrée et au bar 🎒 Vestiaire disponible mais limité 🚌 Navette Pessac -> Victoire dès 03H ⏰ Timetable: 19H00 - AWAKX Sound System 20H45 - @bazil__ 22H30 - @obfsoundsystem & @nazamba1 00H30 - @lentourloop ft @skarramucci , @yotroyo & @nzengmusic 02H15 - @o.sisters DJ set by @djmissill A demain!! (à Vibrations Urbaines - Ville de Pessac) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4UitVhCmmH/?igshid=f4xckgd1xwno
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bertweinstein666-blog · 5 years ago
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Who dat... (at Shops at Bellegrave) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2p_0tDlhuR/?igshid=1675dq0pi3sl0
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