Mark Brennan
14 posts
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markbrennan · 4 years ago
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Above Tom Lake, The Big Bog Wilderness. Oil on panel, 10x12”. #markbrennan #canadianart
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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Kilcoursie Bay, Parry Sound, Ontario. 2015. #ontario #markbrennan #canadianphotography #northernontario #kilcoursiebay #pine #canadianshield
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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School Bus Interior, 2017. Medium format film. Kodak Ektar. Set back in the woods I stumbled across this abandoned school bus one snowy morning while photographing old cars. It had been used as a chicken coop and shed and took on what I felt was the appearance of an abstract painting after decades to weathering. I photographed it through the smashed out back window. This is part of a colour series I have been working on for 3 years looking at my immediate watershed.
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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A small oil sketch from this spring, Afternoon, Speichts Lake. 6x8” oil on panel. #markbrennanfineart #oilpainting #novascotia #canadianart #canadianlandscape
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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Cabots Landing, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 2017. Medium format film. The moon rises over the eroding coastline of a Northern Nova Scotia beach. I would imagine this tree is likely gone now, swallowed by the ocean. Bigger storms, higher tides are increasingly becoming the new normal as we ‘advance’ human civilization.
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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Moon over Anti Dam Flowage, Nova Scotia. I had arrived at this place for a quick stop while on my way to the Atlantic coast a few years ago. The sun was rising behind me and over the distant dark landforms the moon was setting. In mid-March everything is frozen here and in some places there were perfectly round open holes in the ice. It was very cold and I had limited time to lineup the moon and one of the holes in semi darkness with an exposure time that wouldn’t cause the moon to be soft but also being able to bring out the details in the shadow of the ice hole. A few frozen fingers later this is the result. It seems to be a sort of mystical photograph, another realm in the landscape we seldom experience. I have never printed this photograph but look forward to seeing it as a print one day. 6x6 Kodak Ektar 100 #moon #markbrennan 6x6 #film #kodakektar100 #ice #winter #markbrennanphotography #canadianlandscape #canadianphotography #canadianart #dawn #novascotia
@mark_a_brennan on Instagram
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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Five Islands, Nova Scotia. Print. This is the landscape on Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy Shoreline. It is a landscape photographers dream, the islands stand like monoliths to prehistoric times, drawing up out of the ocean to form overwhelming land masses against wide beaches were the tides are the highest in the world. It is always good to see the work in print form. If you zoom in on the foreground you will see a clam digger, an idea of the scale of this landscape. #markbrennan #fiveislands #novascotia #blackandwhitelandscape #blackandwhitephotography #landscapephotography #print #clamdigging #bayoffundy
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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Wine Harbour, Atlantic Coast, Nova Scotia. 2018. 6x6 Kodak tmax 400. I used a long exposure to flatten the light hitting the waves in order to make this beautiful white rock the subdued centre of attention in this work. This is a remote coastal landscape on the Eastern shore of Nova Scotia, old Homesteads, fishing shacks and the odd cottage can be found here. The fog seems to be a constant. #markbrennan #wineharbour #coastallandscape #novascotia #canadianart #blackandwhitephotography #film #blackandwhitelandscape
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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The Somme. Railway Hollow Cemetery. 1994. Sobering visit during my 20’s to the First World War battlefields. This is the Somme, where on July 1st 1916 the British army were supposed to walk into the German trenches. The graveyards dotted across the landscape tell another story. #somme #railwayhollowcemetery #markbrennan #battlefield #lancasterregiment #greatwar #firstworldwar
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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Loos Battlefield, Northern France. 1994. I have visited the battlefields of the first world war several times and I am now going back through my negatives looking at the work. Having relatives who fought and died on this ground made it a sort of pilgrimage as a young man in my 20s. This is in May, spring, and I remember walking across this ground finding the remnants of a fierce battle, shards of iron, fired bullet casings, bones. I’ll post a few of these works over the next few days. They were all taken with a 35 mm Olympus, the only camera I could afford back then, it got me going. I used to develop my negatives in my parents bathroom back in the late 80s, a wonderful time of expression and exploration. #markbrennan #blackandwhitelandscape #loos #firstworldwar #battlfield #greatwar #france #35mm
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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markbrennan · 5 years ago
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Night Comes...
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