that's why i asked if they got blocked. because that's the only other reason i can think of that they would be getting that message lol
Hm, I'm definitely not blocked, because I never interacted with her page or the bellatrist, yet I don't see it
are you sure you're typing the right username? this is the page lol
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indiemags · 5 years
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#magazinemonday on a Tuesday because we were immersed in all the amazing publications that will be at Indiecon. ✨🌈
What you see over there is the cover of the last issue of BELLA triste, a publication dedicated to contemporary German literature.
It has been on the run for eighteen years, and since then, it showcases different text formats; publishing prose, essays, interviews, reflections and visuals by German-speaking authors.
The issue nr. 53 comes straight out of the winter depression to the shelves on this spring, presenting eighty-nine pages filled with stories from nine different writers, who transit amongst various text styles and deal with topics from science to culture and history to the future.
Catch BELLA triste next September at the Indiecon Island Residency. More info about the Indiecon Island Residency soon. Stay tuned 😉 
Title: BELLA triste Subtitle: Journal for young Literature Editorial office: Neustädter Markt 3-4, 31134 Hildesheim Editors: Elske Beckmann, Carla Hegnon, Simone Lechner, Selma Matter, Judith Rinklebe and Mirjam Wittig Topics: Belletristik First edition & publication frequency: 2001, three issues per year Copy price: 6,00 Euro Circulation: 2.000 copies Website: http://www.bellatriste.de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bellatriste.netz/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/triste_bella/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/triste_bella
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irrfahrer · 3 years
what genre does your muse prefer to read?
As mentioned before Ziv only seldomly reads bellatristic and then its mostly horrible slushy romance novellas that count definitive as erotica. Unless Ziv is around a person she wants to mess with and annoy, then she will take out such a holobook very openly and read unbothered until that other person had turned away either flustered red or left because they are uncomfortable or a Alien literally reading Erotica right next to them. However, when Ziv is not in the mood to mess with people, she usually reads scientific texts and researchpapers to vasten her knowledge in her professions. For the Tynnan reading is part of her work and as a AgriCorps member she had been teached that she could never learn everything and therefor needs to strive to always learn more. After all in a Galaxy full of planets with always different Flora, how could one Botanist be sure they know already the best way to heal, grow food or terraform when there are so many different plants out there that could actually do those tasks even better and feed and save even more people. Accordingly always reading up on the local Flora, newest discoveries in Medicine and medical papers about different Species that are not humanoids and therefor need different treatments, is part of Zivs work and she looks at it as her duty to always read up on the topics. Still Ziv also very much enjoys this aspect of her work as while she is not always a very humble person, she is eager to learn more and eager to help people better.
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megblairnichols · 4 years
If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.
@bellatrist Maya Angelou, The Heart of a Woman
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who-talks-first · 6 years
SW Ask-meme: please do every fourth question!
Ahhh, Pengy, thanks for asking all these! Did I send you some? I hope I did. These are really great questions. And I will provide unnecessarily deep answers. 4: would you join the rebelion or the empire?Obviously, I would pledge my life and soul to both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and General Organa's Resistance. I have aspired to the former since I was 11. Y'all could fuckin' put the rebel starbird on my headstone! 8: would you try aunt beru’s blue milk?I imagine it tastes like slightly fruity, bittersweet almond milk. I would absolutely have to taste it. 12: what planet would be your home?I have adored the verdant beauty of Naboo since I first saw episode I. If I was, ala Oscar Isaac, allowed to choose the planet of my birth in-universe, I would definitely choose Naboo. Somewhere out in the country. Knowing my luck, my planet of origin would end up being Jakku or some other dumpster fire of a planet. To settle, I would be happy on any temperate planet with lots of green and water. 16: what would your Darth name be?I have thought long and hard about this through the years and never found a root word I was satisfied with. Recently, I came across "bellatrist" someone who writes pretty words, and since that's kind of my "power" I wondered if Darth Bellatrix would be appropriate for me. Until I think of one better, I'll stick with it. 20: describe the life style of a scruffy looking nerf herder?They are carefree. They answer to no one but their own conscience and personal needs. They fly around the galaxy in their El Camino (mismatched fender, fuzzy dice, tits or gtfo bumper sticker) space ship, doing odd jobs (odd = questionable) and smoking dank Kushyyk. 24: what do you think Maz would give to you in her basement? I would really want it to be my family member's lightsaber, but I wouldn't be so lucky. It would probably be a massive bill for what my dead uncle owed her and now she expects me to pay it off or something. 28: what would be your job in the galactic senate?I would like to be in a position where I negotiate like maybe representing a union or some underdog group. Realistically, I would be a gopher or a receptionist. 32: what imperial craft would you command and why?I would like to fly a TIE interceptor. Fastest little thing in the galaxy. Whatever Jag Fell piloted in the novel. 36: what rebel starfighter would you pilot in the fight against the death star and why?Where's the gif of Oscar yelling "X-WING STARFIGHTERRR!!"? That's me. I played Rogue Squadron waayyyy too many times. If I ever saw even a life size model of an x-wing, I would straight up faint. 40: what would be the weirdest thing youd want to do in the star wars universe?Someone else asked me this question and I am still trying to figure it out. I really don't have an answer. All the stuff I wanna do is pretty reasonable. Ride in an x-wing, pet cute animals, talk to my heroes, visit landmarks. I mean the weirdest would be wanting to "interact" with my crushes. But I don't think that's particularly weird. I think @i-said-goddameron gets it lolI'm still pondering my actual answer tho. 44: what climate of planet is your favorite?Definitely green and warm. But not hot. I want seasons. I would prefer water, maybe beaches or rivers. Lots of trees. Cool autumn! Mountains! 48: what kind of jedi would you be?A very idealistic Qui-Gon Jinn type. Young Luke type. Using my feelings, the deep empathy I feel, to make the right decisions. The dark side maintains itself. If I favor the light, the balance won't be disrupted. 
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firstdraftpod · 4 years
It's Complicated, It's Complicated, It's Just Complicated with Zan Romanoff
First Draft Episode #244: Zan Romanoff
Zan Romanoff, journalist and author of A Song to Take the World Apart, and Grace and the Fever, whose newest YA novel, Look, is out now!
Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode
Listen to Zan Romanoff’s first First Draft interview here, as well as her Mailbag episode where she answers listener questions (you can watch that episode on First Draft’s IGTV, too)!
Catie DiSabato, author of The Ghost Network, helped Zan enormously in her capacity as a public relations professional to promote Grace and the Fever
Sarah Burnes is Zan’s literary agent — and mine!! Listen to me chat with Sarah about my debut, Tell Me Everything, on this very special episode of First Draft!
Zan has written quite a bit about the Kardashians, and you can find all of it here!
British magazine The Gentlewoman asked Zan to interview Karina Longworth, who podcast You Must Remember This is a must-listen. Zan reviewed Karina’s book, Seduction: Sex, Lies, and Stardom in Howard Hughes’s Hollywood and found inspiration within that for Look
Zan’s editor, Jessica Dandino Garrison
Zan was interviewed by NPR about the “Decade of Celebrity,” and the Kardashians specifically
Brandy Colbert, author of The Voting Booth, The Only Black Girls in Town, and many more books (listen to her First Draft episodes here and here), told Zan to keep a scene in Look that I really loved!
Zan is going to be part of Bellatrist’s Instagram book club and Quarantine Book Club
I want to hear from you!
Have a question about writing or creativity for Sarah Enni or her guests to answer? To leave a voicemail, call (818) 533-1998.
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Every Tuesday, I speak to storytellers like Veronica Roth, author of Divergent; Linda Holmes, author and host of NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast; Jonny Sun, internet superstar, illustrator of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Gmorning, Gnight! and author and illustrator of Everyone’s an Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too;  Michael Dante  DiMartino, co-creator of Avatar: The Last Airbender; John August, screenwriter of Big Fish, Charlie’s Angels, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; or Rhett Miller, musician and frontman for The Old 97s. Together, we take deep dives on their careers and creative works.
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irrfahrer · 3 years
[ 🏆 ] is your muse multitalented? what are their hobbies, and why did they pick up these hobbies? if they don’t have hobbies, why don’t they?
Ziv is not as much talented as she is a hard worker. Her only true talent had been her ability of Force-healing and how easily she learned the different versions of it and her intelligence in continueing her work with it. Yet she nolonger is able to use this Force-techniques.
In general all of Zivs 'hobbies' are born from skills she had to pick up for her work and are only preformed when she is doing her work. In this manner Ziv is as dutiful as she is boring. However there are four activities she enjoys even outside her work :
Fishing and Swimming- Not with utensils, but Ziv loves to jump into cool water and catch herself fish and shells for a snack. Ziv had never been to Tynna, what she knows about her race and their way of eating and living she had read up herself curiously and catching fish and swimming feels for her like she was made for it. Which she obviously is, considering her race and it makes Ziv feel closer to where she came from when fishing and swimming. Also she usually keeps herself trained when she playfully swims after fish to pass them with her own strenght and swimming speed to catch them. Its a little like a catplaying with mice to train the reflexes. She is also still a aquatic mammal and therefor her natural living area is water, so she craves to be in it and finds it relaxing just layng on her back and floating in water. On a similar sidenote:She also prefers having Sex in water or showers, so its clearly the area where she feels the most comfortabe and “at home”.
Reading- Ziv is a obsessed reader in the topics of  herbology, Biology, Gardening, and every little Text about the Jedi-order and the Force she can get her paws on. Especially she is eager to read every work of the Jedi-Master Bowspritz. Ziv enjoys widening her knowledge and when she is especially bored she would even read bellatristic.
Drawing- As someone who had been schooled in the AgriCorps Ziv had been prepared to someday make her own researchs all over the Galaxy and maybe even research or let alone discover new kinds of Flora. This skills she had been teached also includes beeing able to fixate what she is seeing perfectly on any kind of medium, be it a holopic or just a traditionel drawing with a stylus on flimsi.  Accordingly, while Ziv is not a painter, she is able to draw realistic drawings of her enviorment and make technical- drawings of the structure of the plant she is researching on to fixate them on flimsi. Ziv is a very good draughtsman. The Tynnans belongings include a flimsi-sketchbook in which she keeps drawings and notes of the Flora she encounters on her travels from Planet to Planet. Also she uses her drawings to get a better picture of the people she is interacting with as with her horrible poor eyesight she has to use the seldom moments in which she is close enough to one person to see there detailed facial features, to draw a proper portrait of them in her sketchbook so she would be able to keep a mental image of how they look like. If one would find their face in her sketchbook, it measn that she want to remember tha person. So while there are many technical drawings of plants in the young womans sketchbook, there are occasionally the faces of people she had met on her travel and whichs features she did not wanted to forget for one reason or another.
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indiemags · 11 years
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Titel: Bella Triste Untertitel: Zeitschrift für junge Literatur Redaktionssitz: Neustädter Markt 3-4, 31134 Hildesheim HerausgeberIn: Karl Wolfgang Flender, Juan Guse, Marco Lehmbeck, Benjamin Quaderer, Stefan Vidovic, Lena Vogelhaus, Juli Zucker Themen: Belletristik Erstausgabe & Erscheinungsweise: 2001, drei Ausgaben im Jahr Einzelpreis: 5,35 Euro Auflage: 2.500 Stück Website: http://www.bellatriste.de
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