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suzukiblu · 3 years ago
💖 📥 🌝 ✨
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
How dang much of it there is. I am a big fan of being prolific, I am very proud of how much I can write. Last year I wrote like 500k. I definitely didn't do that much THIS year but still proud of that number anyway, haha.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Almost always whatever multi-chap is currently updating, I appreciate knowing people are reading along with stuff. Also it makes it a lot easier to KEEP updating, ngl.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
. . . hmmmmmm. Okay this one is REAL HARD, lemme think. Generally speaking I write what I wanna write pretty quick, I am not what one would consider a creature of much impulse control. Maybe some Star Wars characters? I have actually written very little Star Wars fic, ninety-nine percent of my Star Wars content is/was meta. To be honest I actually don't feel like I have a good grip on too many SW characters, thus the very limited amount of actual fic.
Or maybe Lex Luthor, but only the REALLY SPECIFIC Lex Luthor that I came up with in my head for one day this will all be yours.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Long, evocative, subversive. Are those even all adjectives?
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musette22 · 4 years ago
I can't find my fic either 😢 So disaster college student Bucky, possibly with past Rumlow relationship, meets architect Steve who knocks over Bucky's coffee and that's the last straw of everything piling on in his life. He ends up telling Steve all the things and Steve puts him in a hotel at first and feeds him all the things. Bc of a truly tragic apartment, Steve insists Bucky move in with him. And buys him a phone and or laptop at some point? It becomes very much accidental sugar daddy acquisition with Feels. Mother hen besties Sam and Clint do their best to look after Bucky and Sam is a childhood best friend who feels a little betrayed that Bucky didn't tell him about his older gentleman friend. With this much info, I figure I have to be misremembering something otherwise I'd have found it by now!
Hi darling! Okay so I KNOW I’ve read this one... I can see the opening scene in my mind very clearly, but I can’t remember which fic it was either.. I thought it might have been one by Mambo but I just had a quick look through their fics and I don’t think I saw it. Ugh so annoying, it’s on the tip of my tongue 😅 So uhh... I am once again asking that if someone knows which fic we mean they kindly share the information with us 🙏🏻 Thanks in advance!! 💗
Edit: @belladonnaprice Could it be that we’re actually thinking of Sugar Daddy, which is not Stucky but in fact Evanstan, and that’s why you couldn’t find it even though you knew lots of facts? 😂 I didn’t think I’d read that one but perhaps I have after all haha! Thanks to @becassine for the tip!! <3
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themonkeycabal · 5 years ago
belladonnaprice replied to your post:
So Picard is great, and also Star Trek: Discovery...
Just a head’s up about Altered Carbon season 1; it’s one of those grimdark shows that blam-blam men die (A Lot) but when women are killed it’s all body horror, mutilation, and desecration. And while we do spend quite a bit of time in flashbacks with the original Takeshi (a Japanese/Russian man), it pulls the GitS ScarJo thing where it has the main protag played by a white dude. YMMV, honestly the worldbuilding
is magnificent, but the way it disrespects its characters and portays depressingly unchanged human behavior in a future filled with fantastic tech is upsetting.
My roommate watched it and said what you did about the grimdark and gore. I also know they also had a lot of issues early in the production with the adaptation and went through some creative changes and producer changes that got a little much for a bit. I think that all put me off it. I’ve got to be in the mood for grimdark and honestly, geez, that’s getting tiresome. 
eta: and i meant to say, thanks for the heads up. Yeah, I’m not sure if I’m in the mood. 
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anqarfamily · 1 month ago
@thesillyghost @day-time-dream @acebean @allthecastlesonclouds @elshrektricity @original-asteria @epicramen05 @script-ed @counting-dollars-counting-stars @fakestrawberriez @personblogging @hazelcephalopod @notexactlyanartblog @aceofthefandoms @guilmongivesreallygoodbread @wait-this-isnt-my-homework @my-little-sherlock12 @kingxgarm @halpalite @dynabrit @artofthepurpleminded @galaxygal618 @axolotl-anemonoides @hungry-for-bread @thick-thighs-and-sharp-eyes @mo-ons-stuff @weary-capybara @polyphylactery @baellielurk @c0ffeewitch @powerbrowser @poisonfallen @dasflauschy @paintedpigeon1 @joran55 @kitkat-of-doom @myloveliveshere @belladonnaprice @ogglegoogles @dead-salmon @lynx-tales @aroace-elgyem @xylemblu @slingsandarrowroot @alsoleafwateraddict @icarus-fell-png @rotinotrotisserie @bayeis @zevrra @deepcoraldragon
I would be very grateful if you Reblog this post 🤍. ❤️
From Gaza Strip i extend my heartfelt congratulations to America and its people on the inauguration of President Donald Trump, hoping this moment marks the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity for the world.
A few minutes to the beginning of a new era. I hope that peace will prevail throughout the world.
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thebibliosphere · 6 years ago
Ah, Ursula is the bear version of a selkie. I understand now lol
Hmmm nope! Also fun tidbit, stealing selkie skins was outlawed a very long time ago in Phangs. Primarily to protect humans from the merfolk drowning all their fishermen and sailors as justice for their kidnapped relations. (What, it’s not their fault they can’t breathe under water.)
@pumpkinleif said: She's a werebear! A wearbere! A beware!
She certainly associates with them.
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lightshadowverisimilitude · 6 years ago
belladonnaprice replied to your photo “Someone was nice enough to call me a fat cow at work, so I drew a...”
May that person get a flat tire every month for the rest of their lives. *hugs or fistbumps*)
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swingsetindecember · 6 years ago
belladonnaprice replied to your chat: cashier: do you need a bag *pulling open my purse...
This reads like a shitpost, but I also 100% believe it’s something you’d do ��
my pliage large tote can hold it all 
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clockwaysarts · 6 years ago
splinteredstar reblogged your photo and added:
I can’t piiiick
Don’t worry! They’ll all happily share being your favorite then! Unicorgi are a friendly heard! Well except for Wilbert. He’s a bit of a sour one.
copperbadge reblogged your photo and added:
Oooh I like that dusty rose one on the left.
That’s a pretty one~ It’s got a nice warmth to it!
ameliahcrowley replied to your photo  “*sings The Rainbow Connection* All of the candy pop goth unicorgi are...”
The green second from the right looks hopeful in the face of tragedy.           
I- that makes me feel sad for them! Don’t worry, it’s a good line up in this case! They’re showing off!
belladonnaprice replied to your photo “*sings The Rainbow Connection* All of the candy pop goth unicorgi are...”
WHY IS THE BLUE ONE DINKY :D I ❤ THAT ONE.                 
The blue one is actually the same size! It’s sitting on all four hooves since it doesn’t have a post-it note and some casting left overs propping it up becauuuuse-
shinyrock6498 reblogged your photo and added:
man, that one unicorn in the middle doesn’t get a stylish post it note and rubber band cape too?  so sad                    
-that one is ready for it’s close up! It’s been sanded and cleaned and had it’s lovely eyeliner painted on!
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the-knights-who-say-book · 7 years ago
Written in Red by Anne Bishop
the blood magic in the synopsis reminds me of Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst, you should read it!
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ragwitch · 7 years ago
Darcy/Heimdall/Sif Darcy runs herself ragged looking after the Avengers, but who looks after her? (I'm thinking they think of her as a precious bab but very much not in a ddlg type deal which is a major squick for me, but maybe in a you are very young and precious to us, but we fully acknowledge that you are a grown ass adult in your realm. We adore how carefree and happy you are even with the burdens you carry, here come on an Asgardian Spa Retreat with us
Cool! I am using that as the background info for what’s happening in your answer. Just to avoid using precious words on anything other than the characters for you!
Pairing: Sif/Darcy Lewis/Heimdall
Rating: G to T (depending on how you feel about the word orgasms, I guess.)
Darcy woke up with a gasp. “What if we plug the feed converter into the data output monitor and wire it all to the main console?” she asked Jane in a rush.
She swiped her hair out of her face and found that Jane was not there. Most likely because Darcy had somehow woken up outside of the labs. Her palms were pressed into the softest mattress she had ever met, fingers studying the coarse and silky fabric surrounding her. There was bright, warm light reaching through the gauzy curtains sheltering the four poster bed she was in and she could hear the distant cry of birds and the whistle of wind through tree branches.
“Ummm.” Darcy blinked and then a curtain at the foot of her bed flicked to the side and revealed Sif, eyes smiling and lips twisted with amusement. “Hey!” Darcy said, grinning. “What’s going on?”
“A little bird told me you were running yourself down again,” Sif said, arching an eyebrow. Darcy raised her own in answer and her grin stretched at the deep scoff issued behind Sif.
The curtains twitch again and Heimdall appeared at Sif’s side, armor abandoned in favor of a robe that looked both so big and so soft that Darcy was determined to share it with him.
“You fell asleep on the Lab floor again, little one,” Heimdall said, his voice rumbling down to her toes in that way she loved.
“Science bender,” Darcy said, shrugging. She looked to her sides and then back to her lovers. “So why am I in this bed all alone? I’ve missed you guys.”
“We brought you here for rest, not recreation,” Sif said smirking.
Heimdall disappeared behind the bed curtains for a moment for turning up again at Darcy’s side. She thought for a moment he was reaching in to join her, but instead up he scooped her up beneath her arms and legs and lifted her, laughing, from the bed.
“Where are we going now?” Darcy asked, pressing a kiss into the bristly scruff on Heimdall’s chin.
“We are caring for you,” Heimdall said.
“With orgasms?” she suggested.
“With a massage and a soak in the tub,” Sif said flatly but with eyes narrowed in interest.
“I don’t see how that rules out orgasms,” Darcy murmured against Heimdall’s cheek, body thrilling with the way his laugh hummed against her.
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suzukiblu · 4 years ago
@belladonnaprice: replied to your ask post: I work retail and I've got Asics. On sale with a coupon at Kohls and they're not badly priced. 💖😘 Glad to hear you're doing okay otherwise.
Hmmm, might check those out, thanks for the tip! And thank you! ❤
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sailor-neptunus · 7 years ago
I'm with you on most of this, but you know Chibiusa and Usagi have Mamoru wrapped around their little fingers. He would absolutely be the parent who puts up a token resistance, but then drives all around the county to collect all the happy meal toys.
Yeah see I put him up there because 1. He would try at first to be like “Come on.... We have food at home... We cannot eat McDonalds every day of the week”, and 2. I just think he is boring and I don’t really care for his character haha, I wasn’t even gonna but him in at first.
But you are absolutely right, he would give in to Chibiusa especially very fast.
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themonkeycabal · 6 years ago
belladonnaprice replied to your post “okay, alright, i’ve seen it.”
Tea, cakes, and liquor are to the left. Cuddle pile and counseling is on the right. Volunteers will be coming around periodically with shock blankets and tissues.
Ahahaha! I’m good, though. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I was afraid. 
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musicalluna · 7 years ago
belladonnaprice replied to your post: loving-that-officey-feel replied to your photo: ...
Mine’s normally the same color as yours. I use normal processed grocery store flour.
yeah, that’s what i did so that must be it ^_^
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sixohsixoheightfourtwo · 7 years ago
I mean, I can see where you're coming from with that, but also my fav abo stories have lady alphas and or male omegas? Like, suzukiblu has some stellar abo. Or was it not the bio gender roles you meant? Idk, I read a lot of problematic fic that I know isn't sanguine with the real world so I can totally understand the problem folks have with some fic and tropes : )
haha i deleted that post basically because i thought ‘ah man people do like this trope, they can do what they want, trope and let trope!’ I really don’t mean to diss anything people genuinely enjoy. but since you asked! I guess I’m explaining why I can’t get INTO it to begin with. what I was thinking about was really: the core of the trope feels to me like replacing our real world gender binary with an even more restrictive structure. whenever i’ve come across abo fic (in my fandoms it’s almost always m/m) I can’t get past the “omegas are for getting pregnant, alphas are for impregnating” thing. That is biological determinism! like, it literally is: person has biology type “x” therefore behaves like x, is sexually active like x, reproduces like x. and very often it’s “person is in heat, other person is only person available”, which for me removes sense of agency or control unless it’s very precisely handled. it verges on “forced pregnancy” - dnw. 
people obviously reproduce (no pun intended) what they’ve read and enjoyed, but for me (cis female person who likes dudes and has no intention of getting pregnant anytime soon) reading an a/b/o story feels hopelessly restrictive, physically restrictive, it stresses me out. 
otoh, I haven’t read much in this trope. do characters get to break out of what an “omega” or “alpha” role is? are there stories where being alpha or omega is more like a gender and less like a biological sex? There must be. what is it to be trans in an a/b/o world?? does abortion exist in the a/b/o world? does alpha/alpha and omega/omega exist; what cultural place do those couples have? does an alpha ever want to get fucked by an omega? in the science fictiony world of an ABO universe we are not dealing with the gender binary, we are dealing with up to six biological sexes - a gender hexaply?? - is there fic which examines this?  there must be! it just doesn’t seem to be the core of the trope.
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twistedingenue · 7 years ago
belladonnaprice replied to your photo “Tell me I don’t need winter soldier socks”
I hella do. What store is this? Kohls, walmart, target???
Meijer. They are Steve Madden socks, in a two pack with a green and black pair. I haven’t bought them, yet. YET.
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