#belladonna is not here for rude customer shit
mk-writes-stuff · 6 months
WIP Questionnaire
Rules: answer as many (or as few) questions as you’d like!
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks and @illarian-rambling for the tags! This one seems like a lot of fun :)
What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
For the Seven Stations, I created Belladonna, Cassie (although her name was actually Cass for a bit) and the general concept of “stations floating in the void” all at once chilling at a bus stop going “I want to write space fantasy.” Belladonna and Cassie were created as “stuck-up noblewoman (actually being abused) and her rude (but actually not a bad sort) bodyguard who hate each other and are in lesbians about it.” The stations came about because I went “wow I don’t want to write about planets I just want to be on a ship” so I structured the world so I could just do that.
The Pirates’ Roost is a fanfiction so I started with that. I think the first independent thing I came up with was Amelia’s wife and Malcolm’s husbands. Then Malcolm’s tragic backstory (which slowly got worse, sorry Malcolm). Then Julian and Finley as the first major OCs.
If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
The Seven Stations would probably call for a custom space-opera-esque orchestral piece. Somewhere between “ball music” and “Star Trek theme song.”
The Pirates’ Roost - well the theme song I currently have for it is Sea Shanty Medley by Home Free, but the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song would also suit well.
Who are your favourite characters you’ve made? Why?
Seven Stations it has to be Stellaris. He’s the world’s sweetest most awkward autistic nobleman who’s trying really really hard and still keeps screwing it up (relatable). I love writing him - he’s so blunt - and he’s always so earnest. For later books, Septimus and Shen are two of my other favourites, but I haven’t talked about them that much.
For the Pirates’ Roost, it’s Tatum. I love them. Tatum is probably the most dysfunctional individual on Ixalan who’s been through so much shit and keeps going through so much shit and everyone hates them. They’re trying really hard but every circumstance is stacked against them and also they’re dying, so it’s not going too great.
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story?
Hmmm this is a hard one. I feel like “fantasy space lesbians” might grab some of the Locked Tomb fans for Seven Stations but I know they’re pretty different outside of that. I’m not entirely sure yet?
The Pirates’ Roost is fanfiction so I’d hope some of the Magic: the Gathering fanbase would be interested :). Also the Our Flag Means Death fandom might get some interest because gay pirates
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Honestly, with the Seven Stations, mostly actually writing the thing. That and trying to keep the story aligned to an actual plot and not just meandering to do all the cool things and forgetting why I’m here. I think I’ve done a pretty good job :)
With the Pirates’ Roost, pinning down some of the characterization has been surprisingly hard. Malcolm was difficult to get consistent. Also figuring out how to post it in something readable - I still don’t know if I’ve achieved that.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
The Seven Stations have bees. That’s literally the only animal on the stations. They’re exclusively used for farming. They’re absolutely vital to the stations’ ecosystem but they are not plot relevant lol.
The Pirates’ Roost has a lot of animals - there’s a side arc about a kid who, among other things, really wants a pet dinosaur - but I have to focus on Francisco. Francisco is a very intelligent Ixalani Black parrot who was rescued from the hold of a smuggling ship by Malcolm. He’s basically Malcolm’s therapy animal - Malcolm lavishes affection and attention on Francisco as a way of coping with his own neglect and abuse over the years. He also inadvertently trains Francisco to spy for him by teaching him the question, “Who said that?” There is an incident where a deckhand cuts Francisco’s primaries and Malcolm sneaks into their room and shaves them bald, including their eyebrows.
How do your characters get around?
On the Seven Stations, within stations, they get around through walking and elevators. They travel between stations and ship cargo via shuttles. There is also a generation ship they encounter briefly but it quickly gets stranded.
In the Pirates’ Roost, other than walking (or flying if you’re Malcolm), it’s pretty much all ships. Sailing ships are the only practical long-distance travel. The Sun Empire rides dinosaurs sometimes though!
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Draft 1/1.5 of book 1 of the Seven Station Chronicles! I always do one quick editing pass immediately after I finish a scene so drafts 1 and 1.5 kind of happen at the same time.
The Pirates’ Roost is on the backburner but I’m currently posting what I have! Hoping to post Tatum’s first focus short very soon for anyone who’s interested :)
What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
For the Seven Stations, I’m hoping the novelty of it being all on space stations will get some attention. Also I have a lot of representation in the series, so I’m hoping that’ll catch a few eyes. Besides that, we have enemies/annoyances to lovers, lots of space politics, and cool regency space aesthetics.
For the Pirates’ Roost, well - pirates! Also dinosaurs. Again, lots of representation. Found family, chaos adventures, the world’s most cinnamon roll protagonist, his grumpy but loving boyfriend, and his deeply deeply traumatized friend (whoops they’re all deeply traumatized actually).
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I want people to read and enjoy it! For both of them - I would absolutely love to get even a handful of excited fans, that would be the dream for me. Even for Seven Station, I think I’ll be going down the online self-publishing route but I’d hope to get a few really excited readers! I just want to share my creations with the world and have people like them :)
This was a fun game! @elsie-writes @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @finickyfelix y’all want to try this one out? Questions are below:
What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
Who are your favourite characters you’ve made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story?
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around?
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
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thick eden cum = higher sperm count
breeding kink go brrrr
I haven't said it on here, but I've already planned out the 4 kids my PC Kody and Eden are going to have :) If you were around when I did the younger AU, how about Next Gen Edenspawn?
Axel, Phobos and Deimos (twins boys), and Bella.
Axel takes after Eden the most, got raised by an Eden who was still a bad person. Hates town as an adult, wants to get a wife the same way his dad did. Via kidnapping. Eden named him, too. Has his own cabin a few clearings over, but spends a lot of time with his parents. Extremely emotionally constipated, no matter how much Kody tried to counteract Eden's harsher parenting style. He is slightly bitter towards his siblings that they got a nicer Eden than he did - and that he had to become an adult very quickly - but he will not allow anyone to say anything bad about his father at all. Spends his free time drinking/hunting with Eden or cooking with Kody. Otherwise, very into wood-carving. Born January 4th. Currently 27 in the AU.
Physical appearance:
6ft2, Eden's dark hair and facial structure, Kody's blue eyes (and her ears, which he finds weird that people mention). Has like no body hair and can't grow facial hair well, which pisses him off to no end. Same body build as Eden (stocky muscle). Dresses in plaids, plain shirts, cargo pants or clothes made from animal products. Covered in scars after a bad mental health period where he just went out hunting with 0 respect for his own health and had a bad run-in with the wolf pack.
Phobos is the older twin, Deimos is the younger. Phobos idolises Bailey. Deimos idolises Landry. They were older teens (like 19) when they start hanging out in town - also they're banned from most establishments for being little shits. Kody named them. Phobos is gay, but hasn't told anyone yet. Deimos is a man whore. They're both living above Landry's Bar, as he wants to pass it on to them, but they visit home often. They also bother Robin a lot, mostly asking if she'd like them to teach rude customers a lesson. She always laughs and tells them no. They were both mostly allowed to run amok because Kody beat it into Eden's head that he was far too harsh on Axel (true) and so he went almost full lax and oops now there's two tiny terrors. Deimos is a music snob. Phobos does a lot of charcoal sketches. Born October 11th. Currently 22 in the AU.
Brown hair, lightens up a lot in the summer. Brown eyes. Both 5ft8, slimmer builds, Kody's facial structure but Eden's eyes. Deimos has his septum and tongue pierced and tends to go for 80s punk inspired looks, while Phobos dresses more in slacks and sweaters. Phobos also has a nasty scar up his back from almost getting kebab-ed by a boar when he was 13. Phobos keeps his hair shorter and well-groomed, while Deimos keeps his long, often bleaches it blonde. It's kinda fried.
Bella is the youngest. Bella is short for Belladonna - aka, Wolf's Bane. She was tiny when she was born, but Eden gave her the name because she'd be a force to reckon with when she got older, he swore. She follows Axel around all of the time, lives in his cabin with him (they share most of the work equally), but still has curiosity towards town. Eden and Axel would spar a lot when she was a toddler, and they'd fake-fight her to make her laugh. The twins used to try and get her in trouble with pranks they'd pull, but Eden could never be mad at his golden child. The most emotionally available out of them all, but also deals with a tonne of anxiety. Got the bookworm gene. Also dances with her ma a lot, especially if Deimos brings his guitar over to play for them. Born August 23rd. Currently 19 in the AU.
5ft7, Kody's nose, Eden's bone structure and eyes. Eden's colouring, too. You know how Axel is mad he has no body hair? Bella is self conscious because she has more than other girls (or rather, the ones she saw at the pub last time she went to visit the twins). Also has the classical stocky build. She is proud that she is so strong. Dresses basically exactly the same as Axel, but has a few dresses that she wears on occasion to feel pretty.
And how are Eden and Kody doing? Grand! Eden is in his 60s now, but still as active as ever (shut up about his back, it doesn't hurt). Hair has gone white. Kody is in her 40s. They're still extremely intimate with one another - hence why the kids decided to move several clearings over/into town. Just gross to see your parents all over each other all of the time. Eden's mellowed out a lot, but still has his old habits. Still tries to scare-monger about town (not that the twins listened to him like ever). They still fall into classical roles about the cabin. It might not work for everyone, but it works for them. Kody isn't as submissive as she used to be and scolds Eden a lot when he slips back into old behaviours. But at the end of the day, they do what they've always done. Sit in front of the fire and read their favourite books to one another while looking at each other in complete adoration.
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memedemonhours · 4 years
I’m getting addicted to making my Inferno Girl OC in picrew
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