#bella felina
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All Death-Head's Deal Ugly Christmas Sweaters are now done! The missing characters here, like Alrick's flower shop neighbor Felina, Tony and North's duo Bella Ella and Frank Kain don't have colored character sheets yet. Maybe we'll see them next year in ugly sweaters?
#death head's deal#DHD art#DHD#niu drawings#alrick#kizzie#loulou#kahamet#DHD cat#miranda#joon#plague#rena#dio#cure#DHD cure#DHD plague#DHD miranda#DHD dio#loid#DHD loi#algoth#grimm#pearl#ama#awa
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I Cinesi leggono l’ora nell’occhio dei gatti. Io, se mi chino verso la bella Felina vedo sempre distintamente l’ora in fondo ai suoi occhi adorabili: sempre la stessa ora, un’ora vasta, solenne, grande come lo spazio, senza divisioni di minuti né di secondi – un’ora immobile che non è segnata sugli orologi, ma che è lieve come un sospiro.
Charles Baudelaire
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L’ira del gatto è bella, bruciante di pura fiamma felina, pelo irto e scintille blu, occhi fiammanti e crepitanti.
W. S. Borroughs
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Brillan joyas de Cartier en Museo Jumex
Uno de los museos más famosos de la capital mexicana albergó por tiempo limitado la lujosa y exclusiva colección de joyas diseñadas por Maison Cartier para la actriz María Félix.
La Doña portando un collar de serpiente diseñado por Cartier. Foto: Vogue México.
Por: Mariana César. Mayo 15, 2023. 12: 15 pm hrs.
Ciudad de México, Méx.- El pasado domingo 14 de mayo se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones del Museo Jumex la clausura de su glamurosa exposición gratuita El diseño de Cartier: Un legado vivo, la cual, ofreció al público un recorrido histórico sobre la Maison Cartier a través de una extensa selección de sus joyas más icónicas.
La exposición, inaugurada en marzo del presente año, ofreció a los visitantes del recinto la oportunidad de conocer más de 160 piezas nunca antes vistas de la legendaria Colección Cartier, compuesta en su mayoría por relojes, collares, dijes y objetos decorativos.
Las especialistas encargadas del proyecto, Ana Elena Mallet y Frida Escobedo, lograron desglosar a la perfección el testimonio cultural que han tenido las piezas de la exclusiva firma francesa de joyas, capturando así, su verdadera relevancia e impacto histórico.
El diseño de Cartier: Un legado vivo, se dividió en cinco secciones temáticas para exponer su historia. Dichas secciones se titularon: los primeros años y el nacimiento de un estilo, la curiosidad universal, el gusto de Jeanne Toussaint, la forma de medir el tiempo y portar la belleza y, el papel de María Félix con los íconos de la elegancia.
Vista general de la sección La curiosidad universal. Fotografía: Museo Jumex.
Desde su fundación en 1847, la Maison Cartier se convirtió en una de las fábricas joyeras más importantes del mundo, lo cual, le concedió la dicha de recibir encargos especiales de personalidades distintivas de la época. Entre las piezas más emblemáticas de la casa, se encuentran las famosas tiaras de diamantes realizadas para la realeza británica y los extravagantes collares de la primera actriz mexicana, María Félix.
Además de ser reconocida por su talento en la actuación, La Doña fue catalogada como un icono mundial de la moda por su estilo tan innovador y refinado, el cual radicaba en dos componentes: trajes elegantes de falda para vestir y joyas ostentosas. De su extensa y costosa colección de accesorios, destacan dos: el collar de serpiente de platino, oro blanco y oro amarillo (elaborado con 2437 diamantes) y el deslumbrante collar de cocodrilos fabricado con oro e incrustaciones de 1023 diamantes amarillos, 1060 esmeraldas y dos rubíes.
Ambos collares fueron presentados al público por primera vez en la aclamada exposición El diseño de Cartier: Un legado vivo, motivo suficiente para que gran parte de los visitantes se interesaran en asistir al evento patrocinado por la casa de joyería francesa. En agradecimiento por el espléndido recibimiento de la colección, Cartier sorprendió al público mexicano con la exhibición exclusiva de la línea de broches y brazaletes con temática felina que diseñó en la década de los sesenta para María bonita.
Collar de serpiente elaborado por Cartier. Fotografía: Hola!
Después de su primera presentación hace 24 años en el Palacio de Bellas Artes, la exposición de las joyas de Cartier se convirtió en la más visitada del Museo Jumex durante su primera temporada del 2023. Marcando así, el triunfal regreso de la prestigiosa Maison a México.
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hogwarts express | 01.07.2080
Guarda il cappellino della Serpeverde per poi dirle « Mpf, ti starebbe comunque meglio quello dei Bats, che è ‘sto coso. » guardando il cappellino apparentemente anonimo dell’altra. Arriccia il naso e mostra un sorrisetto mentre ancora protegge il suo topo, lanciando delle occhiate più attente verso la bestiola felina che si aggira dalle loro parti.
La mano destra si solleva a toccare la visiera del berretto quando il compagno lo menziona, e la quintina non può che storcere il naso « Non mi piace il quidditch » dice con voce vagamente stridula e un che di infastidito « Il baseball è molto meglio. » Aggiunge con un sorrisetto.
« Non ti piaceee? » domanda lui tipo sconvolto e con la mano libera si toglie il cappuccio dalla testa per mostrare ancora più sconvolgimento (?). « L’ho studiato a babbanologia quello con la pallina piccola e la mazza tipo battitori, giusto? » domanda per avere ulteriore conferma di non dire una trollata con buona pace dei GUFO di babbanologia appena fatti. « Sì, sembra sghicio, a dire il vero tanti sport dei babbani sono un sacco grinzafichi, è che il Quidditch è lo sport numero uno dei maghi, ciè la gente che si spacca mezza e le partite che possono durare un minuto come giorni! » ne parla come se fosse la cosa più bella del mondo, ma a lui piacciono tutti gli sport, a parte quelli noiosi, ma per dire, adora anche gobbilglie, per dire. « È di una squadra importante? » domanda chiedendo quindi in riferimento proprio al berretto che porta l’altra.
Ridacchia alla reazione del compagno, mostrando i denti bianchi e dritti « Nah, lo trovo noioso » risponde stringendo le labbra « Però a chi farei il tifo se non ci fossero i giocatori di quidditch? Quindi insomma, va sopportato. » Spiega riferendosi al suo posto nella squadra delle cheerleader. Annuisce al semplice ma efficace riassunto del baseball fatto dal grifondoro, lasciandosi scappare una risatina « Giusto. » [...] Toglie il berretto per avvicinarlo a Gregory, quasi invitandolo a prenderlo se volesse guardarlo meglio, ed indicargli lo stemma arancione che raffigura le lettere Y e N « Questo è dei Mets, una delle due squadre di New York. » Dice con entusiasmo, la voce squillante « Finalmente la scuola è finita e potrò andare almeno ad una partita » gli occhi sognanti « è da aprile che aspetto, ed è terribilmente ingiusto che voi altri avete partite del vostro sport preferito continuamente. » Con un finto fare lamentoso ed uno sbuffo che le fa sollevare una ciocca di capelli mentre si mette a braccia conserte.
Fa spallucce incassando il parere altrui anche se non proprio uguale a quello di lui. Il mondo è bello perché vario e ci sta che possa non piacere il Quidditch. Appoggia il peso del corpo contro una delle porte del vagone, poggiando la spalla contro il vetro e le dà attenzioni, certo, pur guardando comunque la gatta di cui non ha certo dimenticato la presenza e nemmeno Henry II che ancora si nasconde dentro la tasca e la sua mano. « Sei brava a fare la cheerleader, vi vedo sempre dagli spalti della telecronaca. » e come no, figuriamoci se gli occhi non vanno verso tutto il comparto cheerleader delle squadre. Fa spallucce sentendo che comunque non riesce proprio ad avere un parere positivo a riguardo. « Secondo me dovrei provare a fare la battitrice, così anche per scherzo per fa’ qualcosa e vedi che un po’ simile al baseball.. ciè non è uguale ‘kay, quelli stanno in terra, mica che volano! » ovviamente ai babbani questo lusso non è concesso, ahiloro « Però te lo può ricordare così.. » così lo sopporta meglio. Tira su col naso, mordicchia poi l’interno della guancia e con la mano libera afferra il berretto che viene allungato verso di lui per guardarlo bene. « Che grinzafico! » guardando il colore blu elettrico e quell’arancione che ne va in contrasto ma che al tempo stesso ci sta benissimo. [...] Ancora con il berretto in mano, poi se lo porta sulla testa, provandolo. Ridacchia mentre se lo sistema in testa, mentre sente sotto i piedi il treno che continua la sua camminata verso Londra. « Se non c’hai da fare ‘st’estate, ciè, quando non vai a vedere le partite dei Mets, dico, puoi venire a vedere lo stadio dei Bats! » propone con un ampio sorrisone in faccia.
Sicuramente non lo fa di sua spontanea volontà ma il petto si gonfia ugualmente quando si complimenta per la sua performance, con tanto di sorrisetto compiaciuto « Grazie, era ora che qualcuno lo notasse. » E anche se dal tono non è affatto a disagio, il modo in cui si sposta una ciocca di capelli scuri dietro l'orecchio un po' la tradisce. Sgrana gli occhi, chiaramente sorpresa dal suggerimento, passandosi una mano sulla nuca « Non ci avevo mai pensato » ammette, lo sguardo pensieroso si sposta per un attimo lontano da Gregory « Magari l'anno prossimo mi iscrivo ai provini. » Si esibisce in un eye-rolling piuttosto esagerato, nonostante ci sia una punta di ironia nel modo in cui pronuncia quelle parole, non sembra del tutto restia all'idea. [...] cerca lo sguardo del compagno, le sopracciglia scure si sollevano verso l'alto, la bocca leggermente schiusa per lo stupore « Tu... Ah... » Si schiarisce la voce « Sei assurdamente gentile. » Commenta soffocando una risatina « Ma perché no? Non sono mai stata ad una vera partita di quidditch. » Calca su quel "vera", visto che le partite scolastiche l'hanno vista in prima fila dal suo secondo anno « E se per caso ti incuriosisce il baseball, ti porterò ad una partita dei Mets. » annuncia entusiasta, proponendo una sorta di scambio « Ci stai? »
« Tanto che c’hai da perdere? » domanda poi lui con le labbra che si piegano verso il basso, come a farle notare che tanto male non può farlo a nessuno. « Basta che non ti fai prendere troppo e diventi pure titolare e spedisci i bolidi contro i Grifondoro, sennò, ciè! » si sentirà tipo in colpa con la propria squadra di aver creato una battitrice sugli ultimi due anni di scuola che magari è anche brava e può fare il culo agli altri. Nono. L’idea è divertente al punto da fargli fare una risatina. Non può davvero sapere com’è la sensazione di andare ad uno stadio di uno sport babbano, ma sa com’è andare in quelli del Quidditch, quelli veri e se la sensazione è la stessa, si trova ad annuire alle parole della Serpeverde come se potesse paragonare la stessa situazione. « Assurdamente? » domanda con quel che di ironico nel tono della voce e le labbra che si increspano lasciandole poi ad una risatina divertita. « Oh sì, quelle sono vere davvero! E sono super sghicissime, ci sta tutta una roba che a scuola, seee.. vere-vere. » commenta con l’annuire del viso che accompagna il suo dire. Si gratta la punta del naso, mentre nell’altra mano ancora si accola nascosto dentro la tasca il suo topolino enfatico. « D’accordo! » dice alla fine con il ghignetto furbo, tanto che ora fa sì che un laccio dello zaino scivoli dalla sua spalla e che venga avanti a lui e lo apre per tirare fuori il proprio berretto dei Bats. « Facciamo ‘sto scambio, tu tieni il mio, io tengo il tuo. » dove il berretto da baseball che è dei Bats è nero e rosso, ha lo stemma della squadra con il pipistrello che muove le ali magicamente. « Tranqui, se lo usi nel mondo babbano, le ali stanno ferme. » a prova di statuto di segretezza e cose del genere, insomma.
Gli angoli della bocca si sollevano in un sorrisetto diabolico mentre gli occhietti grigi scintillano di malizia « Adorerei buttare un grifondoro giù dalla scopa con un bolide. » Lo dice senza vergogna, trepidante solo all'idea, il che le dà un'aria un po' da sadica. Intanto la gatta si è appollaiata non lontano dalla sua padrona, non sembra voler fare alcuna mossa verso il topo ma non ha mai smesso di guardare in direzione della tasca di Gregory. Il naso lentigginoso si arriccia appena « Sì, assurdamente » conferma l'aggettivo scelto « non è un male... A meno che qualcuno non voglia approfittarsene. » Essere così assurdamente gentili, come dice lei. « Spero mi piacciano di più di quelle che ho visto a scuola. » Ma se somigliano anche solo vagamente ad una partita di baseball allo stadio, beh, sicuramente potrebbero piacerle, ma per ora non lo fa sapere al compagno, limitandosi ad osservarlo incuriosita mentre pesca dal suo zaino un cappellino simile a quello che indossava, chiaramente con colori e stemma differenti. Accetta il berretto, lasciando che Gregory prenda il suo, rigirandolo un po' per guardarlo meglio « Carino » commenta in un mormorio prima di indossarlo « Come sto? » Chiede sollevando il mento e inclinando la testa per mostrare ulteriormente il cappellino, dandosi un po' di finte arie prima di scoppiare a ridere « Grazie, è proprio grinzafico » aggiunge in tono cinguettante, guardandolo negli occhi.
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Cat: Feline ID Pack
Names: abby. aina. aislin. amaris. apricity. artemis. aspen. aster. aylin. babi. bell. bella. ben. bennett. benny. boo. bristle. buddy. buttercup. calico. callie. cat. cataka. catalyn. catarine. cataura. cate. catelynn. caterina. catherine. catlyn. catnip. catra. catriel. catrin. catriona. charlotte. chat. chatters. cheshette. cheshire. chompo. citrie. claw. clawrina. clementine. cleo. coco. cole. cozie. critter. dessie. diana. diona. dippin. ditzy. dots. dreametta. drowsette. edur. eira. elara. fang. fausta. faustette. faustina. felicity. felina. feline. felisha. felix. fennec. ferri. fluff. fluffie. fluffles. fluffy. fortune. freya. fur. furayah. furina. furona. gato. gatto. gianna. gigi. ginger. hiraya. hissan. holly. hyacinth. hypnoticesse. iris. izzy. jett. jinx. kalico. kat. kataka. katalyn. katarina. katashi. kate. katelinn. katelyn. katharine. kathayani. katherina. kathi. kathirah. kathita. kathleen. kathrine. kathryn. katika. katilyn. katinah. katinka. katlin. katrina. katsen. katte. kattie. katzchen. katze. kelly. kettlingur. kismet. kit. kitti. kittie. kitty. kizzy. korat. kot. kote. kuting. kyathi. lawler. layla. lee. leo. leon. leonardo. lil. lilith. lily. lioness. lionette. liora. loki. lola. lottie. luckitty. lucky. lucy. lumi. luna. lunar. lunette. lynx. maine. mao. maola. maoli. maolia. maolmin. marie. mau. meowesse. meowli. meowy. mew. mewlina. mewy. midnight. milka. milo. missy. mist. misty. mitten. mittens. mizuki. mona. moonie. morphius. nala. napolean. narcyz. narkissa. neko, nemuri. neoma. neomi. nepeta. nevada. noir. nyamu. nyasia. nyx. olwen. onyx. oreo. orpheus. owen. paris. pawelek. pawleen. pawline. paws. popoki. poppy. prince. princess. pumpkin. purresse. purrette. purriette. purrlina. purrse. ragdoll. ravae. river. ruby. scar. selene. selenia. shade. sleepesse. stitch. stripe. sunny. sunrise. sunshine. sylvester. sylvie. tab. tabby. tabitha. thimble. tigris. tilly. tiny. tom. treat. valorie. vulpes. whisker. whiskers. willow. yue. yume.
Pronouns: (=^・ω・^=)/(=^・ω・^=). /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\//ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ. :3/:3. >:3/:>:3. >:3/>:3. >ww<. ^^/^^. ^^/^^. ^w^/^w^. ado/adore. ash/ash. aw/warm. bell/bell. bit/bit. bite/bite. ble/bless. blizz/blizzard. bow/bow. box/box. ca/cat. calm/calm. candle/candle. car/caracal. carni/vora. cat/cat. cat/nip. caterwaul/cayerwaul. catnip/catnip. cha/chase. chan/chance. chase/chase. chatter/chatter. cheer/cheerful. cher/cher. chew/chew. chom/chomp. chub/chub. cla/claw. claw/claw. claw/clawed. cli/climb. collar/collar. cookie/cookie. cozy/cozy. cu/cute. cud/cuddle. cuddle/cuddle. cute/cute. cute/cutie. dark/dark. des/destiny. dream/dream. drow/drowsy. eep/eepy. ey/em fa/fate. fang/fang. fay/fem fe/line. fel/feline. feli/dae. feli/feline. feline/feline. fi/fish. fish/fish. fleur/fleur. fli/flip. flick/flicker. floof/fluff. fluff/fluff. fluffy/fluffy. for/fortune. fri/friend. fu/fur. fur/fur. fu/fuzz. fuzz/fuzz. ga/to. gloom/gloomy. happ/happy. hi/his. hiss/hiss. ho/hop. hope/ful. hu/hunt. hunt/hunt. hunter/hunter. hy/hymn. hyp/hype. intro/vert. jagu/jaguar. ju/jump. kat/kat. kit/kit. kit/kitten. kit/kitty kit/kitty. knea/knead. kya/kya. lawl/law. lawl/lawl. leap/leap. lion/lion. lu/luck. luv/luv. lynx/lynx. mao/mao. me/meow. meo/meow. meow/meow. mew/meow. mew/mew. miau/miau. miew/miow. mil/milk. milk/milk. mimimi/mimimi. mlem/mlem. moon/moon. mrow/mrow. mrr/mrrp. mrreow/mrreow. mrrp/mrrp. nap/nap. neko/neko. night/night. nip/nip. noct/noct. nom/nyom. nya/nya. nya/nyan. pa/paw. panth/panthe. panth/panther. paw/claw. paw/paw. pawpad/pawpad. pessi/pessimist. pet/pet. petal/petal. pi/pink. pitter/patter. pla/play. play/playful. pou/pounce. pr/prr. pra/prance. prowl/prowl. prr/prr. pup/paw. purr/purr. quiet/quiet. ribbon/ribbon. ro/roll. roll/roll. sca/scratch. scra/scratch. scratch/scratch. sha/shake. shade/shade. shadow/shadow. shy/hyr shy/shy. skit/skitter. slee/sleep. sneak/sneak. sniff/sniff. snooze/snooze. snow/snowflake. soft/soft. spe/speak. spi/spin. squi/squish. sta/stare. swe/sweet. sweet/sweet. swi/swipe. ta/tail. tail/tail. tig/tig. tig/tigri. tiger/tiger. tire/tired. tired/tired. toy/toy. tre/treat. tri/trick. trill/trill. vae/vaem vix/vixen. waf/waffle. warm/warmth. whis/whisker. whisk/whisker. wonder/wonder. ya/yarn. yarn/yarn. yaw/yawn. yawn/yawn. yip/yip. yowl/yowl. zoomie/zoomie. zz/zz. 🍣 . 🐅 . 🐆 . 🐈 . 🐱 . 🐾 . 💤 . 😺 . 🥛 . 🦁 . 🦴 .
/end PT ]
NAMES ⌇ abby. aina. aislin. amaris. apricity. artemis. aspen. aster. aylin. babi. bell. bella. ben. bennett. benny. boo. bristle. buddy. buttercup. calico. callie. cat. cataka. catalyn. catarine. cataura. cate. catelynn. caterina. catherine. catlyn. catnip. catra. catriel. catrin. catriona. charlotte. chat. chatters. cheshette. cheshire. chompo. citrie. claw. clawrina. clementine. cleo. coco. cole. cozie. critter. dessie. diana. diona. dippin. ditzy. dots. dreametta. drowsette. edur. eira. elara. fang. fausta. faustette. faustina. felicity. felina. feline. felisha. felix. fennec. ferri. fluff. fluffie. fluffles. fluffy. fortune. freya. fur. furayah. furina. furona. gato. gatto. gianna. gigi. ginger. hiraya. hissan. holly. hyacinth. hypnoticesse. iris. izzy. jett. jinx. kalico. kat. kataka. katalyn. katarina. katashi. kate. katelinn. katelyn. katharine. kathayani. katherina. kathi. kathirah. kathita. kathleen. kathrine. kathryn. katika. katilyn. katinah. katinka. katlin. katrina. katsen. katte. kattie. katzchen. katze. kelly. kettlingur. kismet. kit. kitti. kittie. kitty. kizzy. korat. kot. kote. kuting. kyathi. lawler. layla. lee. leo. leon. leonardo. lil. lilith. lily. lioness. lionette. liora. loki. lola. lottie. luckitty. lucky. lucy. lumi. luna. lunar. lunette. lynx. maine. mao. maola. maoli. maolia. maolmin. marie. mau. meowesse. meowli. meowy. mew. mewlina. mewy. midnight. milka. milo. missy. mist. misty. mitten. mittens. mizuki. mona. moonie. morphius. nala. napolean. narcyz. narkissa. neko, nemuri. neoma. neomi. nepeta. nevada. noir. nyamu. nyasia. nyx. olwen. onyx. oreo. orpheus. owen. paris. pawelek. pawleen. pawline. paws. popoki. poppy. prince. princess. pumpkin. purresse. purrette. purriette. purrlina. purrse. ragdoll. ravae. river. ruby. scar. selene. selenia. shade. sleepesse. stitch. stripe. sunny. sunrise. sunshine. sylvester. sylvie. tab. tabby. tabitha. thimble. tigris. tilly. tiny. tom. treat. valorie. vulpes. whisker. whiskers. willow. yue. yume.
PRONOUNS ⌇ (=^・ω・^=)/(=^・ω・^=). /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\//ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ. :3/:3. >:3/:>:3. >:3/>:3. >ww<. ^^/^^. ^^/^^. ^w^/^w^. ado/adore. ash/ash. aw/warm. bell/bell. bit/bit. bite/bite. ble/bless. blizz/blizzard. bow/bow. box/box. ca/cat. calm/calm. candle/candle. car/caracal. carni/vora. cat/cat. cat/nip. caterwaul/cayerwaul. catnip/catnip. cha/chase. chan/chance. chase/chase. chatter/chatter. cheer/cheerful. cher/cher. chew/chew. chom/chomp. chub/chub. cla/claw. claw/claw. claw/clawed. cli/climb. collar/collar. cookie/cookie. cozy/cozy. cu/cute. cud/cuddle. cuddle/cuddle. cute/cute. cute/cutie. dark/dark. des/destiny. dream/dream. drow/drowsy. eep/eepy. ey/em fa/fate. fang/fang. fay/fem fe/line. fel/feline. feli/dae. feli/feline. feline/feline. fi/fish. fish/fish. fleur/fleur. fli/flip. flick/flicker. floof/fluff. fluff/fluff. fluffy/fluffy. for/fortune. fri/friend. fu/fur. fur/fur. fu/fuzz. fuzz/fuzz. ga/to. gloom/gloomy. happ/happy. hi/his. hiss/hiss. ho/hop. hope/ful. hu/hunt. hunt/hunt. hunter/hunter. hy/hymn. hyp/hype. intro/vert. jagu/jaguar. ju/jump. kat/kat. kit/kit. kit/kitten. kit/kitty kit/kitty. knea/knead. kya/kya. lawl/law. lawl/lawl. leap/leap. lion/lion. lu/luck. luv/luv. lynx/lynx. mao/mao. me/meow. meo/meow. meow/meow. mew/meow. mew/mew. miau/miau. miew/miow. mil/milk. milk/milk. mimimi/mimimi. mlem/mlem. moon/moon. mrow/mrow. mrr/mrrp. mrreow/mrreow. mrrp/mrrp. nap/nap. neko/neko. night/night. nip/nip. noct/noct.��nom/nyom. nya/nya. nya/nyan. pa/paw. panth/panthe. panth/panther. paw/claw. paw/paw. pawpad/pawpad. pessi/pessimist. pet/pet. petal/petal. pi/pink. pitter/patter. pla/play. play/playful. pou/pounce. pr/prr. pra/prance. prowl/prowl. prr/prr. pup/paw. purr/purr. quiet/quiet. ribbon/ribbon. ro/roll. roll/roll. sca/scratch. scra/scratch. scratch/scratch. sha/shake. shade/shade. shadow/shadow. shy/hyr shy/shy. skit/skitter. slee/sleep. sneak/sneak. sniff/sniff. snooze/snooze. snow/snowflake. soft/soft. spe/speak. spi/spin. squi/squish. sta/stare. swe/sweet. sweet/sweet. swi/swipe. ta/tail. tail/tail. tig/tig. tig/tigri. tiger/tiger. tire/tired. tired/tired. toy/toy. tre/treat. tri/trick. trill/trill. vae/vaem vix/vixen. waf/waffle. warm/warmth. whis/whisker. whisk/whisker. wonder/wonder. ya/yarn. yarn/yarn. yaw/yawn. yawn/yawn. yip/yip. yowl/yowl. zoomie/zoomie. zz/zz. 🍣 . 🐅 . 🐆 . 🐈 . 🐱 . 🐾 . 💤 . 😺 . 🥛 . 🦁 . 🦴 .
#3rdpp#neopronouns#nounself pronouns#technopronouns#emojipronouns#pictopronouns#keyword: fauna#keyword: mammals#keyword: felidae#lists#npts#needs id
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Altea, 11 de diciembre de 2023 En una decisión sin precedentes, el Juzgado de lo Contencioso Administrativo Nº 1 de Alicante ha adoptado medidas cautelarísimasa solicitud de las asociaciones de protección animal Bigatos y Somos Gos, a fin de proteger las colonias felinas afectadas por la obra del Plan Parcial Bellas Artes de Altea. Antecedentes Ambas asociaciones, firmantes de un Convenio…
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Razas de Gatos Gato Van Turco Belleza Acuática y Carácter Leal
Razas de Gatos Gato Van Turco Belleza Acuática y Carácter Leal
Los gatos Van Turco son una de las razas felinas más bellas y peculiares del mundo. Estos hermosos felinos poseen una belleza acuática y un carácter leal que los distingue de sus congéneres. Conocidos también como gatos de agua, estos lindos animales son una de las pocas razas de gatos que se caracterizan por su … Leer más » https://mundomascotil.com/razas-de-gatos-gato-van-turco-belleza-acuatica-y-caracter-leal/
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mi sombra es blanca (tiempo de lectura: 90s)
mi sombra es blanca.
han pasado ya meses desde que palideció de pronto y desde entonces no he vuelto a ver el tono oscuro habitual de la vieja sombra común que tuve siempre; en su lugar desfila junto a mí esta figura blanquecina, volteo hacia abajo y la veo enseguida estirarse bajo mis pies, definitivamente clara. y en ocasiones me detengo a observarla tan asombrado como la primera vez.
por lo demás no es muy distinta a una sombra cualquiera. no es más discreta, ni menos fiel y va tras de mí a todos lados como las demás sombras. por las mañanas se oculta con la luz del día y en las noches de insomnio, cuando me encuentro quieto en mis actividades de vigilia, al lado mío reposa siempre su presencia albina.
por más extraño que fuera en un principio, nos hemos ido adaptando mutuamente, y ahora incluso mis familiares se han habituado a su caprichosa naturaleza. es así que con más empeño entonces, mi sombra blanca, se muestra conmigo hasta en el patio o en la cocina.
por mucho tiempo yo pensé que cada sombra debía ser como esa gris que desde siempre conocía. igual de opaca, igual de fría, solitaria.
pero un día...
en el invierno que cerraba un año de melancolía. sus cuatro patas se precipitaron corriendo hacia mis pantalones de mezclilla, que desde entonces van cubiertos de suaves canas adhesivas
y no hay noche, madrugada ni vigilia, ni tristeza tan pesada entre mis días, que no pueda ser sutilmente sazonada con la tibia suave y bella compañía que me da con su constancia de rutina, winter. mi blanca sombra felina.
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if you were to assign death head characters tarot cards, who would be what?
I'm not super familiar with tarot (I'm getting back to them after a decade and try to relearn) but here's what intuitively came to my mind. I also wanted to check my own tarot deck and pull a card to represent each character so let's see how they match! :3
Ama, Awa and Cure won't be here as I have just recently met them. I also left out Frank Kain, Hagon, Viv, Remy, Felina, Bella Ella, most of Alrick's clients and Antonya as I couldn't decide their cards. Maybe later when I know them better! :3
By the way, you can calculate your own tarot card from the major arcana! It's calculated from your birthday. If you are born 4th of November 1999, calculate 4+11+1999= 2014. Then 2+0+1+4 = 7. Your tarot card is card number 7, The Chariot. If the sum is more than 21, for example 24, then calculate 2+4 = 6 = The Lovers. You'll find all Major Arcana card with their numbers and meanings here!
ALRICK My chosen card: The Lovers Deck's chosen card: The Wheel of Fortune
I chose The Lovers for Alrick because for me this card represents intentional, big choices. These choices are based on your values and what you think is important, and one has to be willing to make them if they wish to go forward in life. It might require even going against everything that is considered sacred in order for the person to live authentic life. It represents me the general idea of love, and also pacts, contracts and deals between people.
The Wheel of Fortune for me is this universal force (some call karma vs dharma) which moves the wheel. We can't really do anything to make the wheel move or stop. It's going to run its course and all you can do is to follow. It represents to me drastic changes, which seems to fit Alrick now. Maybe Alrick himself is also The Wheel of Fortune for those he meets as his clients?
KAHAMET My chosen card: The Emperor Deck's chosen card: 9 of Wands
For Kahamet, I feel that The Emperor is suitable card, albeit The Devil would fit him, too. The Emperor is a leader who does what he wants and has very little time to think about what other's want. It can be a ruthless leader or a compassionate leader, depending how the energy is used. The Emperor knows his value and sets down the rules which he uses to rule his own empire. It's hard to say "no" to The Emperor and he can be persistent in what he wants.
9 of Wands was a surprise but generally, this card talks about a need of control. One needs to have all things planned and controlled as they see the best (because otherwise they're anxious and worried). It is possible that with this card present, there might be a deeper meaning for Kahamet's desire to rule everything, as well as a hint that if you avoid doing as he says for a long time, there will be Emperor's rage upon you.
JOON My chosen card: The Magician Deck's chosen card: 7 of Pentacles (followed by 6 of Pentacles)
I don't know why The Magician came to my mind but I read it always as someone who will get what they want through a hard work but the way to get things and work might be different from the norm. There's a sly energy in this card, as well as a sense of illusion. I think with Joon, this illusion is that despite his chaotic looks, profession and nature, he's very family oriented and reliable.
7 of Pentacles is a good financial card, where hard work is financially paid of. It represents stable income and we have seen Joon saying that if Miranda wants, she doesn't have to work as Joon earns so well as a Death-Head. I'm sure he, as a family person, helps financially out his older sister too, if needed. This is especially thrue when the card of generosity, 6 of pentacles, also appeared.
GRIMM My chosen card: Justice Deck's chosen card: Queen of Swords
Why I chose Justice is that Grimm plays the game of being a Death-Head down by all rules. Justice is fair in a way that you'll get what is right, whether you like that or not. Grimm will take whatever he rightfully can from his clients, whether they like it or not, and will not feel any remorse for it. He also takes deals and handles them without pondering if it's OK or not; it needs to be done, those are the rules. I think Grimm never truly feels guilty after any deal. We've seen Grimm also owning his own mistakes and paying his debts, which he will never forget.
Queen of Swords is very fitting, as this card strikes down anything and anyone it needs to. It's emotionally unattached to things or people (something Grimm admitted himself). Hard to approach, hard to win over, this Queen has no time for softness, especially not in work. Thus, Grimm is really good in what he does as a Death-Head.
RENA My chosen card: Strength Deck's chosen card: 2 of Cups
My own hunch is that Rena has fought hard to get where she is, and she never gave up nor thought she couldn't make it all the way to her goal. Strength isn't so much about physical strength but more of invisible, mental strength. It makes things happen, sooner or later. Strength's card never abuses its power.
The ultimate card of love, 2 of Cups for Rena would mean that whatever she does, she does it from the place of love and fairness. This is a very balanced individual. We have seen Rena being very protective over her underlings and expressing genuine emotions for their well-being. Under such a leader, it would seem that East Faction is more emotionally tuned faction than others - and opposite of Grimm's faction.
ALGOTH My chosen card: The Chariot Deck's chosen card: 5 of Swords I wanted to choose The Chariot for Algoth because while this card represents movement, it can't move until the direction is known. It's a very intelligent, planning card. Once the plan is made, the Chariot will move and reach its destination. Algoth is the mind behind North Faction and I'd say he does majority of thinking and planning. Without his help, Grimm couldn't do deals and work as the North's boss as effectively as he now does. The Chariot requires keen senses and understanding, to see what's behind everything in order to make the best decisions. I also read this card as a bit nosy and snooping.
5 of Swords usually means dissatisfaction but in a way that the person knows when to voice their dissatisfaction openly and when to just suck it up. It's a card requiring thinking before acting, underlining again Algoth's sharp mind. 5 of sword always checks their behavior and won't fall into pettiness or battles of others, especially not in the workplace.
PLAGUE My chosen card: The Devil Deck's chosen card: 3 of Pentacles
Plague's energy is chaotic, disruptive and hard to contain. The Devil doesn't care how things should be done, nor does it care about rules and regulations. The Devil will just grin at them and do what ever the hell it wants. It's a card of earthly lust and desires, and obsessive behavior. The Devil person might get a bad reputation from others rather easily. It's a destructive energy at its worst, for everyone around, the Devil itself included.
3 of Pentacles was a surprise but I think this represents Plague's current learning journey. 3 of pentacles is about collaboration, helpful people and devoting to your work. It is possible that with Cure being around, Plague is learning how not to try to do things alone and how some rules should just be followed, because it's easier like that. 3 of Pentacles also has a plan and it's a very well thought plan - nothing is going to stop this person from pursuing their plan. This is how Plague is and you'll learn about it later.
DIO My chosen card: The Hermit Deck's chosen card: Knight of Swords While I don't know Dio very well yet, I think The Hermit fits him well as he doesn't seem to like to be on a spotlight, and does what he needs to do without big fanfares or spotlights. As long as Dio gets paid, that's fine. He is capable of doing is own individual decisions but follows the given rules the best way he can. Thus, there's a sense of Hierophant also present in him, as Hierophant is about organizations and rules.
Knight of Swords is at its peak energy, in all possible levels. He's physically fit, mentally fit, emotionally fit. It represents good job opportunities and balanced work life. This knight works hard and is always busy, having typically lots of responsibilities due him being so reliable. He gets the shit done. Period.
PEARL My chosen card: 8 of Pentacles Deck's chosen card: The Star
While The High Priestess also fits Pearl due her spiritual life style, I went for 8 of Pentacles. It represents enjoying the harvest and rewards of your hard work, abundance and being good at what you do. She has worked hard and now her garden is full of positive things. This is a feminine card and for me, it always carries the same kind of energy as all Queen cards. For me, 8 of Pentacles is either an uncrowned Queen or the Queen who left her throne and now enjoys a life which is the most suitable for her.
The Star is about dreams coming true, typically in magical or unexpected ways. We know that Pearl's life changed when she literally bumped on Grimm. The life is easy and protected, also spiritually. This is a card of high intuition and following your calling.
LOU-LOU My chosen card: Queen of Cups Deck's chosen card: The Tower
For me, Lou-Lou is very caring, compassionate and always seems to think good about others. This has let her in the past in many troubles, as we can see with The Tower. She's soft and kind, and a true friend of everyone and everything, nature included. Her soft feminine energy goes well together with Queen of Cups' softness and energy. She will be your aid, no matter what. Just give Lou-Lou a call and she's at your side asap.
The Tower here represents Lou-Lou's big life changes and challenges she has gone through, and is probably still going trough. Starting dating after being abused for a long time is a Tower moment of its own, as Tower always represent a drastic change. This change doesn't have to be destructive but it will be something new and thus scary and uncomfortable at first. Lou-Lou is afraid of Death-Heads and The Tower probably represents also her inner fears and demons.
MIRANDA My chosen card: Queen of Wands Deck's chosen card: Judgement
Queen of Wands is full of energy and life. She's independent, resourceful, friendly and doesn't hesitate to bunch in some teeth if needed. She doesn't need anyone but makes a great friend and a reliable partner. Business wise, she knows how to navigate in her work but she can be a bit too hasty when making decisions. She says what she means and means what she says.
Judgement in this case can mean that people judge Miranda easily - which wouldn't be a surprise taken in count her looks, work and the fact that she has chosen a life with a Death-Head. She's very clear in what she wants in life, love included, and won't hesitate to voice her opinions. Unlike Wands' energy, Judgement can move slowly and take its time. It's negative side is to be too hasty with coming into conclusions and decisions.
KIZZIE My chosen card: The Empress Deck's chosen card: The Empress
Well look at that! The deck and I agree! The Empress is the embodiment of feminine energy and womanhood. She's hot, she's nurturing, she's sexy, she's creative. She takes matters into her own hands and won't take "no" as an answer, as she knows her worth and talents. It can be easy to fall in love with The Empress but she's not an easy catch. She has her own throne, her own life, and everyone who wishes to be part of her life needs to know that she's the Empress with her own empire. You can't access her empire unless she allows it, and you need to show kindness and respect. This woman is busy and often successful.
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El libro de Agustín Pérez Bellas | Antonio S. Río Vázquez
Entre las obras que nos legó Agustín Pérez Bellas (Vigo, 1927-1982) figura un libro de poemas y relatos titulado «Mi silueta felina», publicado por Ediciós do Castro en 1996. En la introducción, Graciela Baquero y Beatriz Ruibal, encargadas de la edición, explican que
«Intenta ser una primera aproximación a la obra literaria de un hombre, hoy desaparecido, que dejó entre nosotros el fruto de su tarea: relatos, poemas, novelas, canciones, dibujos y pinturas».
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Mi mimosa y dulce amiguita
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Booaaa Nooiiteee miAUmigos !!! Cansei desta vida #FELINA ( 😺😺 )agora vou ter uma vida #CANINA ( 🐕🐕 ) !!! 😹😹😹 Cansei de ser 😺 vou pra cachorrada 🐕 @cookie.souza essa CAMA NÃO é sua ??? Essa é a cama da #BELLA !!! Irmão, eu cansei desta vida de gatoooo, quero ir para as cachorradas deste mundão, minha vida felina é completamente sem GRAÇA ( só sei DORMIR )!!! 😴😴😴 NÃO faço nada....só DURMO !!! Tô igual a humana @lohanemoraes só têm serventia pra DORMIR !! NÃO sei de onde vêm tanto SONO ! 😴😴😴 @simonepetsitter escutei a humana @marystelamoraes falando que vai te processar.... Pois vc vendeu GATO por LEBRE ( no cso ) deu um GATO 🐱,mas na REALIDADE é um CACHORRO 🐶 Ixiii....se ferrou !!! 😹😹😹 (em Henrique Pancada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXfEhr1tXD9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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La hermosa e imponente Beatriz les desea buenos días 🐱🐈 • #Beatriz #cats #gata #reina #felina #catsofinstagram #cats #gatos #miercoles #fun #cuteness #feline #cute #amazing #beautiful #awesome #bella #Guayaquil #Ecuador #MauroRojas #MauroRojasART (en Guayaquil, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDO42fvjCvS/?igshid=ex7rnkn9uf1w
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Eye need some names like Kitti
Anything kinda cute and sweet and catlike??
So sorry I took so long...
I did a similar request in the past so I'll include those names too!
Cat / Feline Names!!! [General meaning + energy]
Katrina Faline Catra Marie Felicity Mew Kitty Cat Catherine / Cat Kathy Priscilla Bella Chat / Chaton Fel / Felicia Calico / Cal / Callie Tom / Tomcat Lynx Felix Sylvester Leon Caitlin Felina Mittens Whiskers Paw Leo Lioness Kit Tortie Paw Luna Bella Sweetie Pie
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