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Belarus Vintage style retro souvenir
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Осторожно!!! Сногсшибательные ведущие на ваш праздник @duetps 😂 #duetPS #PostScriptum #дуэтведущих #PS #осторожно #ведущийнапраздник #ведущийбеларусь #сногсшибательные #ведущие #attention #caution #belarusgram #belarus #toppeopleby #vedejas #vedejasrusukalba #peopleminsk #eventby #belarusnow (at Minsk Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1NCfHo1PG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Poultry Farm #belarus2020 #belarusnow #artfrombelarus https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9z3UcsUhw/?igshid=17zv6ymlbgea6
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Прилетели в Беларусь и наконец-то попали ко мне в кадр.Это была самая быстро отснятая плёнка в моей жизни) Портрет Антона и Даши
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Складываю прут для дальнейшей сортировки #прутивы #willow #work #belarus #belarusnow #могилев (at Ivavivo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6HU8Utt0h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Baltkrievijas autoritārā līdera Aleksandra Lukašenko režīma izvērstā hibrīduzbrukuma ietvaros aizvadīto mēnešu gaitā notikuši centieni Latvijā 🇱🇻, Lietuvā 🇱🇹 un Polijā 🇵🇱 no Baltkrievijas iesūtīt tūkstošiem nelegālo imigrantu, kuru lielākā daļa kā tūristi ieradušies Baltkrievijā no Irākas un citām valstīm. Kopš šīsnedēļas pirmdienas notiek masveida migrantu mēģinājumi no Baltkrievijas puses vardarbīgi ielauzties Polijas teritorijā. 🛫🛬🇧🇾🇪🇺 . Several thousand migrants have become stranded at the border, at the centre of an escalating international row. For months, the EU, and now Nato and the US, have accused Belarus's authoritarian leader of provoking a renewed migrant crisis in Europe. Ever-increasing numbers have headed to Belarus's borders with the EU. Alexander Lukashenko, who won a largely discredited election last year, denies luring would-be migrants - mostly from the Middle East - to the EU's borders in retaliation for sanctions imposed since he brutally cracked down on protesters and opponents. The situation has come to a head this week with repeated attempts to tear down the razor-wire fence erected on Poland's eastern frontier. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Wednesday that the EU would not be blackmailed. He said the block would work to extend sanctions on Belarus: "We will sanction all those who participate in the targeted smuggling of migrants." The capital, Minsk, has regular flights from destinations across the Middle East, including Istanbul, Dubai, Damascus and Baghdad. Belarus state carrier Belavia has daily flights from Istanbul and also serves Beirut and Dubai. 🛫🛬🇧🇾🇪🇺 . . . #belarustravel #belarusnow #belarusborder #politicalcartoon #politicalcartoons https://www.instagram.com/p/CWKmy2PgeE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Мы с @taliya_lisa на ярмарке за Ратушей. Приходите за керамикой! А возле Дворца Республики выставка ретро-авто, играет the Doors, а так же есть развлечения для деток. #ярмарка #керамикаминск #подаркиминск #минск #ретроавто #ретроавтомобили #ретроминск #олдтаймер #керамика #ceramic #pottery #handmade #minsklove #minskart #minsktut #belarusart #belarus #minsknow #belarusnow #oldtimer #retrocars (at Ратуша)
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Сегодня в сети появились новые фото и подробности о первом лукашенковском концлагере Лагерь рассчитан на 2000 человек. Задержанные сообщают, что в одном бараке одновременно ночевало от 100 до 150 человек. Людей с Окрестина сюда начали привозить 13 августа. Как сообщалось ранее, объект находится в лесу под Слуцком и существует под официальным названием Лечебно-трудовой профилакторий № 3 (ЛТП № 3). Однако всего за несколько дней августа его переоборудовали в натуральный лагерь: бараки, большая территория, огороженная заборами с колючей проволокой, вышки, автоматчики и собаки. На некоторых фотографиях как раз запечатлён процесс переоборудования объекта. Этим занималось управление Департамента исполнения наказаний по Минску и Минской области. #belarusgram #belarusinsta #belarusnow #tagify_app #беларусь🇧🇾 #belarus🇧🇾 #беларусь #belarus (at Minsk, Belarus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKiua-znc8U/?igshid=bvrv83mx321w
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Creative Ну, погоди! (Just you wait!) street art in Belarus! This beloved Soviet animation revolves around a Tom and Jerry relationship between a wolf (Волк) and a hare (Заяц). If you haven’t watched it, definitely check it out on Russian Film Hub! In the show, the hare always escapes with slapstick panache, after which the wolf yells Ну, погоди! The implication in this street art is that the Belarusian security services are the wolf and will soon themselves be shaking their fists in failure at the Belarusian protestors. #нупогоди #нупогоди🐰🐺 #nupogodi #belarusprotest #belarusprotests2020 #belarus2020 #streetart #streetartworldwide #streetartphoto #animationart #animationmeme #animationmemes #sovietanimation #russiananimation #russianculture #sovietculture #belarusfreedom #belarusnow #belarus🇧🇾 #belarusphoto #belarusart #protestart #subversiveart #subversion #subversive https://www.instagram.com/p/CG2Wq62l4wv/?igshid=lucz552c1gkt
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😲😄 Bielorrusia ha estrenado el sistema para matrículas eléctricas 🚗 Desde el pasado mes de julio, los vehículos eléctricos de Bielorrusia tienen sus propias matrículas eléctricas con caracteres verdes. Pero esto no es todo... 👉 Descubre mucho más aquí: matriculasdelmundo.com/noticias/bielorrusia-matriculas-electricas/ 🚐 Since the month of July, Belarus has a new license plate system for electrical cars. It has green characters and plates began with E. But this is not all ... 👉 Discover much more here: matriculasdelmundo.com/noticias/bielorrusia-matriculas-electricas/ #Bielorrusia #matriculasdelmundo #coche #matriculasdecoches #matricula #matrícula #matriculas #matrículas #matriculas2020 #matriculation #coches #belarus #belarusnow #carphotography (en Belarus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGr48Q9l8zM/?igshid=7djup0mgfvc2
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Top news stories of August 27 ! In less than a minute, enrich yourself with the TOP UPDATES from around the world 🌐🌏🌎🌍🗺️☕☕📰📰 #news #newsoftheday #worldnews #globalnews #worldnewstonight #august27 #topnews #toppodcast #top9 #top10 #topnine #topten #newspapers #nesupdates #upsc #minsknews #minskinsta #serbia #belarusnow #katypery #katyperry #orlandobloom #headlines #tiktokfunny #tiktokusa #walmartfinds #walmart #Microsoft #tiktokusa (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEaV6hFJEpR/?igshid=wfoxcdyh8p7i
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Осторожно!!! Сногсшибательные ведущие @duetps 😂 #duetPS #PostScriptum #дуэтведущих #PS #осторожно #ведущийнапраздник #ведущийбеларусь #сногсшибательные #ведущие #attention #caution #belarusgram #belarus #toppeopleby #vedejas #vedejasrusukalba #peopleminsk #eventby #belarusnow (at Minsk Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnoNcQcIb8_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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📣Belarussischer ⚽Profi-Fußballer ⚽Ilya Shkurin gegen Lukaschenko Regime❗ In der Fußball Saison 2019 🥅wurde er mit 19 erzielten Toren 🥇der beste Torschütze der belarussischen Premier League. ➡️Zurzeit spielt Shkurin als Mittelstürmer für PFC CSKA Moskau. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Seine Zitate: "Ich erfahre über soziale Netzwerke, dass ich in die erweiterte Liste der Nationalmannschaft aufgenommen werde. Deshalb schreibe ich hier meine Antwort. ❗Ich weigere mich, die Interessen der#belarus Nationalmannschaft zu vertreten, solange das Regime von Lukaschenko in Belarus (Weißrussland) existiert. "Жыве Беларусь! - Es lebe Belarus!" FOLGE UNS AUF newsandscore.com ------------------------------------------- #voiceofbelarus #sportbetting #sport #football #bettingexpert #belarusnow #honestpeople.by#honestby #shkurinilya #germany🇩🇪 #deutschland #gambling #bet 🟡🔴⚫ KOPIERE DEN Link, um unsere Website zu besuchen newsandscore.com. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJwfytAY9H/?igshid=1aqvnyo4rhepy
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From the riot police with love. Download vector https://www.dropbox.com/s/pibur0muk8bma88/omon_with_love.zip #belarus2020 #freebelarus #belarusnow https://www.instagram.com/p/CH753nHsNQJ/?igshid=9pha2g6e7ylj
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💔Please let me take a break today from beauty posts, I hope no one unfollows, as I must share my platform for awareness 🇧🇾 Share, or comment and save so my post is visible to politicians, influences, diplomats and businessmen of the world. Global support needed #humanrights #democracy #helpbelarus ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ My dear friends, please help spread the word about what is happening in Belarus right now, our country needs your help!! As many people as possible should know what is being done by the authorities. People are treated like animals, they get brutally beatten, they get arrested, tortured, traumatized and even killed for the peaceful protests against the authorities who falsified the results of the elections to continue the dictator's reign which lasts 26 years already. People are suffering for the freedom which they have been dreaming of for many years and which they are still deprived off. The government has been shutting down the internet in the country for 3 days, today is the first day when we have internet but nobody knows how long will it last. Please look for some videos and photos in the internet, on youtube, there are a lot of them already. Show them to your friends, relatives, Belarus needs support from all over the world, please show these people that they are not alone, support their will for truth and freedom!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #worldwidenetpower #belarusnow #agnescallamard #humanrights #жывебеларусь #michaelpompeo #globalcrisis #freedom #freeelection #freebelarus #zyvebelarus #minsk #belarus2020 #беларусь #peacefulprotest #unitednations #earthpeace (at Grodno) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4C7TPn7Qy/?igshid=ho3mf7xusqdy
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