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munawirpro · 4 years ago
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Hunian Cluster Islam masa depan di  Bekasi, Maryam Residence⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Perumahan berkonsep lingkungan islami yang terletak di Setu Taman Rahayu Kabupaten Bekasi, dilengkapi dengan :⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ - Masjid Jami'⁣⁣ - Pesantren Tahfidz Quran⁣⁣ - Area Olahraga Memanah dan Berkuda⁣⁣ - Ditanami oleh Pohon Kurma⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 🔰Lokasi Sangat Strategis⁣⁣ - Kawasan di akses langsung dari jalan raya utama⁣⁣ - 1.5 KM dr Rencana Tol Setu⁣⁣ - 4 KM dr RS 24 jam Kartika Husada⁣⁣ - 5 KM dr Mall Metropolitan Metlend⁣⁣ - Dikelilingi oleh perumahan komersil⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Dikelola oleh developer yang berpengalaman dan professional, insyaaAllah amanah sampai tuntas⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 🔰Tersedia pilihan unit berupa⁣⁣ - Type 36/72⁣⁣ - Type 45/82⁣⁣ - Type 60/66 (2 lantai)⁣⁣ - Type 80/74 (2 lantai)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 🔰Serah Terima Bangunan Maryam Residence⁣⁣ - Cash Keras 12 Bulan⁣⁣ - KPR 18 Bulan⁣⁣ - DP 20% 24 Bulan⁣⁣ - DP 0% 30 Bulan⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Juga tersedia pilihan kavling siap bangun⁣⁣ Dapatkan promo menarik bulan ini⁣⁣ =================⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Ingin tau info properti syariah di wilayah Anda?⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ chat kami saja, Kami siap membantu Anda mendapatkan property idaman Anda⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ narahubung : Kang Munawir⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ wa.me/628995677474⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣........⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ #rumahbekasi #rumahbekasimurah #RumahBekasiTimur #rumahbekasiutara #bekasi #BekasiBanget #bekasikeren #bekasitimur #bekasibarat #bekasiutara #bekasiasik #bekasicity #maryamresidencebekasi #setubekasi #tamanrahayubekasi #rumah #rumahkpr #interiorrumah #rumahmasakini #rumahtermurah #rumahsyariah #rumahidaman #rumahshabby #rumahistanaku #bekasirumah #tanahbekasi #kavlingbekasi #propertibekasi #investasibekasi #kprsyariah (di Maryam Residence Setu Bekasi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXCzEABd9-/?igshid=1k1cxinheuxs7
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yudhytrisuharno · 8 years ago
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Maafkan tembok yang sudah luntur warnanya... 😂😂 Gaya duluuu.... 📸: @hengkyrobert05 #instamoment #instalife #instalike #indoboy #instagood #chineseguy #asianguy #handsome_guy #handsome_boy #latepost #OppoF1S #BekasiCity #GrandGalaxyCity #TamanGalaxi #selfie #Asian #OOTD (at -=Outer Space=-)
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0811-9891-300 Jasa Pasang Granit Bekasi Barat BekasiCS
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"0811-9891-300 (WA) Jasa Pasang Granit Bekasi Barat Bekasi, Jasa Bevel Granit Bekasi Barat Bekasi, Jasa Potong Granit Bekasi Barat Bekasi, Jasa Coating Granit Bekasi Barat Bekasi, Jasa Stepnosing Granit Bekasi Barat Bekasi, Jasa Tukang Pasang Granit Bekasi Barat Bekasi, Jual Granit Bekasi Barat Bekasi
AyoCariTukang merupakan perusahaan jasa konstruksi rekomendasi terbaik yang menyajikan layanan lengkap mulai perencanaan, pengawasan, manajemen proyek serta pelaksanaan konstruksi. Untuk bermacam-macam kebutuhan : toko, rumah, kantor, fasilitas industri (pabrik), dll.
Layanan AyoCariTukang.com meliputi:
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Jasa Pasang Granit
Head Office
Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Tambun City Blok RE.5, Tambun Selatan, Kab. Bekasi 17510
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Site Office
BSD, Nusaloka, Sektor 14.5 T7 No.2 Tangerang Selatan, Banten
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Jl. Swadaya RT.03/RW.05 No. 68 Kel. Rawa Mekar Jaya, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
AyoCariTukang | Solusi Lengkap Bangunan dan Renovasi
#JasaPasangGranitBekasiBaratBekasi #JasaBevelGranitBekasiBaratBekasi #JasaPotongGranitBekasiBaratBekasi #JasaCoatingGranitBekasiBaratBekasi #JasaStepnosingGranitBekasiBaratBekasi #JasaTukangPasangGranitBekasiBaratBekasi #JualGranitBekasiBaratBekasi"
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rizalwepe · 3 years ago
Selamat dan Semoga Sukses Selalu
Salah satu kata yang membuat saya sedikit mual mendengarnya. Pertama karena saya bukan orang sukses. Kedua saya emang tidak terlalu menyukai pujian yang kebanyakan juga basa-basi formal dalam etika pergaulan. 
Untuk yang pertama ini hendaknya harap maklum karena setahu saya kategori sukses bukan dilihat dari kepintaran atau dedikasi orang tersebut pada kerjanya tapi lebih ke apa yang sedang ia sandang sekarang. Ketika saya menjabat sebagai seorang presiden, menteri, atau yang lebih sederhana semisal dokter, meski saya goblok dan tidak punya prestasi apa-apa alisan tolah-toleh doang saya jelas dianggap sukses karena menyandang profesi-profesi tersebut. Bahkan sampai sekarang kalau orang jual barang biar cepet laku bisa tuh dikasih embel-embel semisal wajan ex presiden atau mobil ex dokter calon pembeli langsung berpikiran wah bekase wong sukses pasti terawat dan lain-lain. 
Lantas bagaimana dong dengan seorang kang somay bandung yang ia selalu konsisten pakai ikan salmon, atau seorang montir yang selalu bisa diandalkan memperbaiki apapun kerusakan pada mobil pelanggannya apakah itu tidak sukses wak? Ya jelas sukses dong dalam pekerjaannya doang. Namun dalam hierarki sosial kang somay dan montir bukannya orang sukses karena penilaian masyarakat yang terbentuk sekian lama bahwa kesuksesan hubungannya dengan prestise. Hal ini lah yang mengacaukan presepsi kita. 
Tentu kita paham hal ini tidak lah benar, tapi anehnya kita sendiri sering mengamini hal tersebut karena sudah seperti lingkaran syaiton. Apa sebabnya? salah satunya yang saya pahami adalah kita sebagai manusia dalam eksistensinya tetap membutuhkan manusia lain. Kita butuh adanya pengakuan dari orang lain atas keberadaan kita atau kerja kita, maka ketika presepsi mengenai sukses sudah sesat, yang terjadi adalah kita akan berusaha menggapai pengakuan untuk dibilang kesuksesan yang salah kaprah itu dengan cara-cara yang ngawur dan ugal-ugalan. Terus akhirnya kita capek sendiri.  
Kemudian untuk alasan kedua saya lebih suka menghabiskan waktu bersama ayang dari pada mendapat karangan bunga yang isinya pujian basa-basi selamat dan sukses. Hehehe....
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carilahmas · 3 years ago
Dibekuk Polisi, 5 Begal Kendarai Dua Motor Pepet dan Bacok Anggota Brimob di Bekasion 16/02/2022 at 8:35 am
Dibekuk Polisi, 5 Begal Kendarai Dua Motor Pepet dan Bacok Anggota Brimob di Bekasion 16/02/2022 at 8:35 am
Zulpan merinci peran dari kelima tersangka yakni pertama MH (17) sebagai otak pelaku. Kemudian AM (16) berperan untuk mengambil motor korban, MAL (17) bertugas menyediakan dan simpan senjata tajam.Zulpan merinci peran dari kelima tersangka yakni pertama MH (17) sebagai otak pelaku. Kemudian AM (16) berperan untuk mengambil motor korban, MAL (17) bertugas menyediakan dan simpan senjata tajam.Read…
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mas-jhon · 3 years ago
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Jajanan jadul Krupuk sambel Ea cao Rasane enak Regane murah Lokaso geluran Gg rambutan Pas pinggir kali mburine mcd belok kanan Lurus sampek onok bekase telepon umum Wis ya iku warunge iku (di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW5zlW2pfHJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifestylethesaurus · 5 years ago
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Wicked sinners of sojers kem to these part
Samuel Lover (1797 – 1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be? and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
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lifestylesa · 5 years ago
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Wicked sinners of sojers kem to these part
Samuel Lover (1797 – 1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be? and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
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0811-9891-300 Jasa Pasang Granit Sukawangi BekasiCS
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"0811-9891-300 (WA) Jasa Pasang Granit Sukawangi Bekasi, Jasa Bevel Granit Sukawangi Bekasi, Jasa Potong Granit Sukawangi Bekasi, Jasa Coating Granit Sukawangi Bekasi, Jasa Stepnosing Granit Sukawangi Bekasi, Jasa Tukang Pasang Granit Sukawangi Bekasi, Jual Granit Sukawangi Bekasi
AyoCariTukang merupakan perusahaan jasa konstruksi rekomendasi terbaik yang menghadirkan jasa mulai dari perencanaan, pengawasan proyek konstruksi, manajemen hingga pelaksanaan konstruksi. Layanan kami untuk pembangunan dan renovasi : fasilitas industri (pabrik), rumah, kantor, toko, dll.
Layanan AyoCariTukang.com meliputi:
Jasa Aluminium
Jasa Interior
Jasa Konstruksi
Jasa Wall Moulding
Jasa Pasang Granit
Jasa Instalasi Listrik
Jasa Railing Tangga
Jasa Renovasi
Jasa Tukang
Jasa Bangun Rumah
Head Office
Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Tambun City Blok RE.5, Tambun Selatan, Kab. Bekasi 17510
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Site Office
BSD, Nusaloka, Sektor 14.5 T7 No.2 Tangerang Selatan, Banten
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Jl. Swadaya RT.03/RW.05 No. 68 Kel. Rawa Mekar Jaya, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
AyoCariTukang | Solusi Lengkap Bangunan dan Renovasi
#JasaPasangGranitSukawangiBekasi #JasaBevelGranitSukawangiBekasi #JasaPotongGranitSukawangiBekasi #JasaCoatingGranitSukawangiBekasi #JasaStepnosingGranitSukawangiBekasi #JasaTukangPasangGranitSukawangiBekasi #JualGranitSukawangiBekasi"
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yurstarc · 5 years ago
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Wicked sinners of sojers kem to these part
Samuel Lover (1797 – 1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be? and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
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funfashionlife · 5 years ago
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Wicked sinners of sojers kem to these part
Samuel Lover (1797 – 1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be? and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
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fashionnewsx · 5 years ago
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The fairy lady and more’s the pity
Samuel Lover (1797—1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell—aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be?and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
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lifestur · 5 years ago
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The fairy lady and more’s the pity
Samuel Lover (1797—1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell—aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be?and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
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younglsre · 5 years ago
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The fairy lady and more’s the pity
Samuel Lover (1797—1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell—aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be?and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
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lifebeg · 5 years ago
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The fairy lady and more’s the pity
Samuel Lover (1797—1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell—aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be?and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
0 notes
lifestylechangebg · 5 years ago
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The fairy lady and more’s the pity
Samuel Lover (1797—1868)
Samuel Lover was born in Dublin of an English Protestant family. He studied painting at an early age, and though he continued to practise that art, he soon discovered his talent for writing. Many of his most delightful sketches of Irish life appeared in various Dublin periodicals in the early thirties. In 1832 he published his Legends and Stories of Ireland, in which The White Trout is found. The best known of his novels is Handy Andy.
The White Trout is reprinted from Yeats’ Irish Fairy and Folk Tales; New York, no date.
The White Trout
There was wanst upon a time, long ago, a beautiful lady that lived in a castle upon the lake beyant, and they say she was promised to a king’s son, and they wor to be married, when all of a sudden he was murthered, the crathur (Lord help us), and threwn into the lake above, and so, of course, he couldn’t keep his promise to the fairy lady and more’s the pity.
Well; the story goes that she went out iv her mind, bekase av loosin’ the king’s son for she was tendher-hearted, God help her, like the rest iv us! and pined away after him, until at last, no one about seen her, good or bad; and the story wint that the fairies took her away.
Well, sir, in coorse o’ time, the White Throut, God bless it, was seen in the sthrame beyant, and sure_the people didn’t know what to think av the crathur, seein’ as how a white throut was never heard av afor, nor since; and years upon years the throut was there, just where you seen it this blessed minit, longer nor I can tell—aye throth, and beyant the memory o’- th’ ouldest in the village.
At last the people began to think it must be a fairy; for what else could it be?and no hurt nor harm was iver put an the white throut, until some wicked sinners of sojers kem to these parts, and laughed at all the people, and gibed and jeered them for thinkin’ o’ the likes; and one o’ them in partic’lar (bad luck to him; God forgi’ me for saying it!) swore he’d catch the throut and ate it for his dinner the blackguard !
Well, what would you think o’ the villainy of the sojer? Sure enough he cotch the throut, and away wid him home, and puts an the fryin’- pan, and into it he pitches the purty little thing. The throut squeeled all as one as a Christian crathur, and, my dear, you’d think the sojer id split his sides laughin’ for he was a harden’d villain; and when he thought one side was done, he turns it over to fry the other; and, what would you think, but the divil a taste of a burn was an it at all at all; and sure the sojer thought it was a quare throut that could not be briled. “But,” says he, “I’ll give it another turn by and by,” little thinkin’ what was in store for him, the haythen.
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