atimebomb · 1 year
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"Finally, someone intelligent to speak to." She's been avoiding returning Terra for that very fear - dealing with it's stupid inhabitants.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
@beingabadass / iron family is the only explanation needed
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Could this be considered an ambush, if she knew he was landing here?
It had felt like months since she had even seen the back of Rhodey's head let alone the War Machine in steel. In the truth, it had been months since they had been able to catch each other's wind and maybe Pepper had been the one to move a Resilient meeting or two around, when she heard Rhodey and here were going to be in the same quarter of the States.
❝ James Rhodes, is that you in that hunk of metal? ❞ She calls as she had been waiting for him, certain he had spied her come into the hangar. If there wasn't any pressing matters, that Pepper was hijacking him for catching up. He was more family to her than anyone else had been, and with how busy both of their own schedules were and on to top of the hero business. War Machine's and Rescue's.
If she had to carve out time for the both of them, than she would. Her therapist always said that self-care was essential and this was some much needed that. ❝ Get over here! ❞ She's moving towards him herself to catch him in her arms.
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eideticspider · 1 year
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@beingabadass asked: "GET WAFFLED IDIOT"
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{✗} The WAFFLE slams into her face and (admittedly) threw her a little off balance. She watches it bounce off of her face and roll on the ground, a pathetic little TOASTED shield. Brown eyes look up at the treat before they land on the culprit.
Her eyes narrow and Cindy cracks her knuckles. "You have exactly FIVE seconds to haul ass away from me Rhodes before I shove that thing down your WAFFLE hole."
She pauses and THWIPS it into her hands, a malicious and REVENGE driven glint in her eyes. "Or maybe I should say UP your waffle hole."
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marvelousjj · 1 year
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How do you need to be loved? tagged by: @oceansfirst. tagging: @marvelmyriad, @the-innumerable-heroes, @thegirlwhowaited-dw, @agentxromanoffx, @vekovoysoldat, @danversiism, @outlawiism, @beingabadass, @crisispider, and anyone else who wants to do it.
Carefully, like a gentle rain on dry Earth
You've been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn't come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you're not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure you're doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totally shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.
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marvelmyriad · 1 year
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What Symphony Are You?
The Nocturne: The Rise There is a darkness which has tormented you, and the genius lament burdens you, but fear not… you are the pull of the tide and the light of the moon on a winter path. You are the soft notes which increase in intensity till the pianist pours over the keys with such passion it can only bring tears to your eyes. You cannot do things halfway though you yearn for it, and you envy those blessed with blissful ignorance, but in the end you know you'd not have it any other way -- you are the rise they are afraid of till they cannot look away.
Your song: Nocturne in C Minor by Chopin
Tagged by: @zimnyayavdova
Tagging: @beingabadass @captainwithashield @facemypast @grimmusings
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irxnlegacy · 1 year
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@beingabadass asked: Okay okay okay but like can we talk about your portayal though? Because like it is down right amazing! I've had this blog for years and every time I was active on it I always follow you because I just adore Riri and the way your write her! You are always amazing to have on my dash, and I'm pretty sure you always will be at this point. <3 - 「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」
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alex6186 · 5 years
Messing with a classic 🍿Disney Movie🎥 lol #lizzo #disneyplus #classicdisneymovies #thearistocats #aristocats #truthhurts #lizzotruthhurts #funnyvideos #beingabadass #badbitch #rideordiechick #rideordiebitch https://www.instagram.com/p/B5STPGfluVf/?igshid=5h96vtx0sl95
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mxpotts · 5 years
blanket meme | accepting 
    Pepper had been working late, something she was used to doing, on the couch in the living room. Tony was down in his workshop probably on his sixth cup of coffee and blasting music that she could only feel slight vibrations from. She had managed to keep her eyes open but eventually, her tiredness caught up with her and she started drifting and drifting until she lay slumped against the sofa with her glasses askew on her face. 
     She jerked awake when she realized she was alone. She looked up and around until her gaze locked on Rhodey. She relaxed and sank back into her couch and took her blanket with her. “Thank you, Rhodey.” she yawned, hand moving to cover her mouth. “Tony is down in his workshop but you probably already know that.”
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goldauric · 5 years
beingabadass replied to your post: tony stark to every 25 y/o in the vicinity: SUP...
Rhodey vc: Tony no
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          tony yes !!!!!
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atimebomb · 1 year
“ …do i need to get the nurses to drag you out of here? ” - @beingabadass sent a MEME
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"Good luck with that." He wasn't going anywhere. He'd already been plenty of places at this point (here, then to the raft, to Siberia, and now here again) in the interim, so he wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. Sure, he still had the Spider-kid to deal with, and he knew he was ignoring several voicemails from Thaddeus Ross (a real pain in the ass on a good day), but that wasn't important at this moment. He still wasn't sure if his best friend was okay, even though he was getting regular updates. Actual physical health was not the same as being okay. "I haven't been here that long." Two days, maybe. He'd have to check the calendar. "Besides, you should be on enough drugs that they would just think you're seeing a bullfrog in my place. You're feeling alright?"
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
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[ prompt ] -> accepting // @beingabadass -> ❛  i  know  things  were  bad ,    but  now  they’re  okay .   ❜ - For Pepper!
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Since she's never dove herself head first into the action, Pepper came away with fewer scraps than everyone else. That didn't mean that she hadn't had to sit by with a nurse checking her over, telling her to ice this and be careful of this.
No matter everything that she has faced, it's the moments after that always found her holding her breath, focusing on the thrum of her RT. She knows that there will be debriefs with Shield, calls from the federal state, calls from the whitehouse. The occasional interviews. Waiting to hear if her friend who got smashed through eighteen wall and stopped moving had bitten the dust.
It would not be the first time when they didn't get up right away, when they came up dead or brain dead. After a lot of trials and tribuations, they came back from that but not without a lot of pain in the middle.
Why was she still doing this? Oh! Right! She had been bitten by the same bug as everyone else. The rush that she felt when she was in her suit, when she felt the magnetism coming from her chest. She was alive, she was Virginia "Pepper" Potts, she was HER.
A sense of relief washes over her when Rhodey is discharged. A held breath let out and she rubs her eyes, there had been no tears but there might as well have been.
❝ I'm okay. ❞ She raises her hand to wave him off from being concerned. ❝ Everyone else had been cleared, just waiting on you. You got any special instructions? ❞ She's talking medical instructions, like he had to have a concussion. Eighteen walls, Rhodey! Wondering if he was needing someone to stay with him or anything at all, she'd offer her help.
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ir0nheir · 5 years
x. continued with @beingabadass
James stilled a moment. Did he really wanna tell Rhodey what he was doing. He was so sure even HE might kill him for this. James always looked up to his dad. Even before he knew he was his dad. So naturally when he finally found a way into his workshop, he had to try one on. " I tried on one of dad's suits and I think I BROKE it. Please Rhodey...He's gonna kill me. "
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soulgiven · 5 years
@beingabadass liked this for something small !! 
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“Guess I can’t even say something like he’s harmless, can I?” No, she knew she couldn’t, not when it comes to Clint. They’d always been two of the world’s best spies --- two of the world’s best assassins. Any time they fought, really fought, they’d been damn near evenly matched... and Natasha knew exactly how lethal he could be. “He’s struggling. I know... I know it doesn’t make it better, I know it doesn’t excuse him, because everyone’s struggling, but...”
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marvelousjj · 1 year
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ARCHETYPE QUIZ . tagged by: nobody
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38% Advocate The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
31% Caregiver Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend
31% Rebel The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
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tagging: @marvelmyriad, @amarvelousmencgerie, @the-innumerable-heroes, @kdcomic, @oceansfirst, @beingabadass, @w1nterwolf, anyone else who wants to!
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conflictandcontrol · 5 years
⏵ @beingabadass | { Continued from here. } 
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“I’ll have to take your word for it... I don’t believe I’ve ever made an attempt at a fairly cooked steak.” But he would take the tip and log it away for the future. On the... off chance that anyone ever asked him to do so again. But most were fairly wary about Vision’s cooking. Perhaps understandably so. 
“Asparagus... Right...” He said, a little absentmindedly as he drifted to the other end of the counter to pick up the other pan which had the asparagus in it which had already been cooked. Ended up setting it down for Rhodes, staring at him expectantly. At least nobody could say that Vision was not a decent student. 
He could have pulled this information fairly readily from the hundreds of access points he had to the internet, but... This seemed more hands-on. And maybe it provided him with an excuse to interact with someone before he spent all day holed up in the maintenance corridor, fiddling with wiring.
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itsybitsyparker · 5 years
@beingabadass cont. from here 
A guys night. Peter couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a guys night. Mr. Stark didn’t do guys nights he did workshop days that went so long they turned in to nights and ‘why don’t you just sleep over kid? C’mon I’ll put on a movie.’ He thought the last time he’d had a planned guys night must’ve been with Uncle Ben.
Fuck. Uncle Ben. His father. Tony. For a moment it was as if he was drowning in his grief, he’d lost all of them. They were all gone. They were all dead and it wasn’t fair, goddammit it wasn’t fair. Tony had a little girl (and when did that happen? Why hadn’t Peter been there? Why had Peter been dead? It wasn’t FAIR!) -he didn’t deserve to die. That little girl didn’t deserve to grow up with out a father. And Peter...he didn’t want to grow up with out Tony.
He swallowed down the lump in his throat and nodded, trying for a smile and not quite making it.
“Okay.” His voice was ragged, fraying at the edges. “I-I’d like that, thank you.” He hesitated a moment, he didn’t know Rhodey particularly well and didn’t want to make him uncomfortable-
Then he realized he didn’t care. He needed a hug and Rhodey was the closest available source. Besides, Rhodey looked like he could really use a hug as well. He all but launched himself at the man, burying his head in his shoulder and trying very, very hard not to think about anything that was going on around him.
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“This sucks.” He admitted. “This really, really sucks.”
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