#being able to call him rulan for years to come. no one but those three probably even knew that “Rulan” was the name wwx had chose!
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sasukimimochi · 1 year ago
reply got too long so here we go again (pardon if i'm a bit disjointed, the adhd makes it hard to focus on one thing at a time rn):
I think its a little complex but at the same time pretty simple;
at the end of the day wwx didn't take it as insensitive bc the man was finally treating her right and wwx loved her and wanted to see her happy. I don't think he even thought about it being insensitive- I don't think Yanli did either, because she knows/loves wwx & loves jin zixuan.
We know wwx talked about being involved in yanli's wedding, he was always super excited to see her happy & in love and he shows how upset he is, albeit subtly, while eating with lwj. He starts drinking more, he talks (in lack of better terms) in a depressed manner kind of like how you would expect an alcoholic to (which i won't go too into- but i really do think wwx had a drinking problem and i think even he addresses it after lwj/wwx have a misunderstanding towards the end), revealing how he and jc had always talked about making her wedding the most grand. He was upset that he wasn't involved and thought he wouldn't be at all, having to hear it from lwj that there was a wedding to be had at all. I think if anything, this would have been the moment he would have been hurt by, but instead i believe more in something like this:
In canon further along (after jin zixuan's death) we know wwx has a moment of weakness as he thinks to himself (through the narration) that he wonders if he should have ever took them to the burial mounds- not a perfect quote here just summary, but yeah- we know wwx is capable of doubting his morals at this point despite him so strongly believing in them. So in that moment, he was probably thinking something similar, even if he agreed with himself he did the right thing: if only i hadn't saved the wens. But he knows this is a bad thought, he knows the dafan wen didn't cause the issues ppl kept pushing on them, so he knows he did right despite these thoughts. So in that moment as he drank and ate with lwj, he was upset because of being separated from them. He was close to them for so long, a little over half his life at that point, and now he couldn't have the things he always wanted because he was protecting a group of innocents from the other clans. He was briefly angry at himself. Upset with his own decision but living with it, because it was right. He would still be affected though bc it was another dream he realized he'd have to give up.
The jin family be damned, Yanli loved jin zixuan. I think it went without saying, as she regularly shielded wwx, that she didn't approve of how zixun treated him and if she had been present when jin guangshan acted out towards him, she probably would have married in anyway because she knows jin zixuan could eventually replace jin guangshan and thus make the clan a better one. She even responds to madam jin saying that she took the disrespect towards wwx very seriously: making her opinion of his mistreatment well known. I believe after jzx confessed, she started to spend a lot more time alone with him and thus, the opportunity for the jins to be extra foul just kind of happened. I think a good portion of what happened still came to her from jzx's and jc's perspective, but unfortunately not wwx's. She always seemed just conveniently placed out of the important scenes, (probably bc she was too good at her job and would have ripped into zixun when he dared to disrespect wwx when he was trying to save innocent lives) but thats a writers pov so i'm just going to get to the next bit.
wwx never felt wronged by yanli, so i don't think we should assume those feelings were there. They were all living in a world where everything was a little fucked up and trying to improve things. being able to see her when he was supposed to be kicked out of the clan for protecting the wens was probably one of the lights on his little path on the way to a terrible end, and they were doing their best. I don't think she brought soup just to temper the waters so to speak, she brought it because it was jc's and wwx's favorite comfort food growing up and she knows wwx misses them. I'm sure getting soup and seeing his shijie in her wedding dress was something positive, and they were just doing what they could to bring each other up!
but anyway, my thoughts were that! the two didn't see it as something bad but something of hope and happiness. Not all was bad, and maybe one day things could get better. Of course, we knew something bad was going to happen beyond what was already there. but they didn't know how bad things would get. It was a temporary and welcome balm, when everything felt wrong.
edit: also, don't get me wrong, i do think wwx would be worried about her, but thats about it. She is very good with her words and wwx has a lot of confidence in her, and a lot of people don't dare treat her badly because of her marrying jin zixuan as well as just being a woman, as bad as that sounds. This is not a modern novel so there is some immunity if only with her gender. (and, she is not described as being anything more than a regular girl in the novel, so she is unlikely to be targeted by jin guang-shit)
I've talked about this before but I like polls so:
I'm curious to read your thoughts!
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djinmer4 · 4 years ago
Matchmaking for the Greater Evil (4/4)
Jiang Cheng waited four months, two AWOL Cultivation Conferences, one missed visit, and entirely too many unanswered letters before he hopped on Sandu and flew to Qinghe.  Truly, it was a remarkable exercise in patience.  He sent no letter and brought no retinue but even so, the Nie retainers let him in without even an aside glance, directing him to the usual location and letting him navigate the familiar halls sans a single guard.  The same way the Jiang retainers would allow Huaisang to wander Lotus Pier alone.
He paused at the door to Huaisang’s office, the familiar rush of pride filling him.  He was pretty much the only person outside of the Unclean Realm who even knew that Huaisang had an office and that he even used it for its intended purpose.  Unfortunately, the tide of positive emotion ebbed away.  Wanyin had seen, had been allowed to see more than others but it still hadn’t been enough.  Pride souring into the usual feelings of failure, he kicked the door open and shouted, “Just because he was a rat, doesn’t mean you have to turn into a turtle!”
Fuck, that wasn’t how he had meant to start this conversation!  Jiang Cheng felt the heat rush to his face and was sure he was as red as a brick.
Huaisang looked up, dark eyes wide and face slack with confusion.  After a second, he waved his fan to the cushion in front of his desk.  Jiang Cheng gladly slumped to his knees, trying to reorganize his thoughts.  His friend waited patiently while Wanyin tried to remember the speech he had prepared earlier.  Giving up, he at least tried to remember the one he had given his nephew.  “What I meant to say was, it’s okay if you’re mourning him.  He was a bastard-”  Huaisang narrowed his eyes, and he backtracked.  “He was a treacherous snake, but you were friends once.  Even after he killed your brother, he still cared for you.  It’s alright to miss that.”
“I don’t miss him.”
“Are you sure about that?  You did the exact same thing after Mingjue died, holing up in Qinghe and not seeing anyone.”
 “I don’t miss him.  I may have missed Meng Yao a bit, but I don’t miss Jin Guangyao.  And I finished my mourning for Meng Yao a long time ago.”  The older man put down his brush and resumed fanning himself lazily.  “You know, this isn’t how I anticipated this conversation going.”
“What did you expect then?”
He lifted the fan in front of his face, only letting his eyes show above the blades.  “More screaming?”
Jiang Cheng snorted.  “I did most of my screaming in my letters.”
“So I read.  But perhaps you have questions?”
Satisfied that the other wasn’t going to seclude himself any longer, Wanyin relaxed and shifted so that he could sprawl out in front of Sect Leader Nie’s desk.  “I’m not an idiot.  I may not be as smart as you or Wei Wuxian but I heard enough to put things together without needing to have it spelled out.”
The fan lowered and a smile drifted across the other’s face.  “What about Lan Wangji?”
“I’m absolutely smarter than him,” he scoffed.  “I knew that Wei Wuxian was back almost immediately.”
“Of course, of course, forgive my doubt.  But really, not even one question?  What about . . . “ Huaisang’s eyes drifted above their heads to a corner of the room.  “Jin Rulan?”
“I’m pretty sure if you had intended to kill my nephew he’d already be dead by now and I’d be at war with someone else.  Possibly Jin Guangyao.”
Huaisang’s nose wrinkled adorably as he frowned.  “That’s true.  Jin Ling wasn’t even supposed to be there, but no matter what happened he inevitably showed up and you almost always followed.  I felt like tearing my hair out trying to compensate for the two of you.”  He glanced up.  “Wei Wuxian?”
“As if you were going to resurrect a different demonic cultivator to be your investigator.  Wei Wuxian’s a walking force of chaos and your friend, it only makes sense you’d want his help in uncovering the Chief Cultivator’s crimes.”
“I’m not so sure we’re still friends,” he said under his breath.  “Mo Xuanyu?”
“I didn’t remember Mo Xuanyu even existed until Jin Ling reminded me on Dafan Mountain so why the fuck would I care about him?”
“You’re so mean, Jiang-xiong.  Still,” he snapped his fan shut.  “If you’re not here to yell about my underhanded methods or to ask questions, why did you come?”
“Now you really are being an idiot.  I’m here to support you.”
For a few moments, there was silence, broken only by the birds twittering in the garden behind the office.  When Huaisang resumed speaking, his voice was very soft.  “I always knew you had a soft spot for me.”
“Don't act like you haven’t known for years that I’ve been in love with you.”
“I knew.  I expected you to give up a long time ago.  Never did figure out why you never moved on.”
“I thought . . . I knew you had to have a reason for acting the way you did.  You were too smart not to realize what was going on.  If you didn’t want anything to do with me in that way, I was sure you would have just rejected me outright.  But the fact you never pushed me away beyond those first few years after your brother died made me think that you had a reason you couldn’t say yes.  I was certain of that after you gave me that cloak.”  Jiang Cheng shrugged.  “Admittedly, I didn’t think ten-year revenge murder plot was it, but in hindsight it now makes sense.”
“I knew that cloak was a mistake,” he muttered to himself.  “So what did you think I was waiting for all those years?”
“I thought you were waiting to get married.”
Huaisang gaped at him.  “Wait, what?  You thought I was waiting to get married to accept your courting offers?  Please tell me how that works because that explanation is completely ridiculous.”
“It’s a reasonable conclusion!  We both know you care about your sect more than your reputation suggests and you don’t have an heir yet.  It makes sense that you’d want to focus on getting one before allowing yourself to follow your heart.  It’s what I tried to do after all.”
“So you mean . . . the blacklisting wasn’t on purpose?”
“Why the fuck would you think I did that on purpose?”
“No reason at all!”  He fidgeted with his brush a little then put it back again.  “In any case, I do in fact have an heir already.”
Jiang Cheng frowned.  “Who?  I’d know if you had any children.”
“Not a child.  Nie Zhenzheng, my second-in-command.  Also my cousin.  He’s got three kids already.”
“Isn’t he the one who’s always harping on you to get married?”
“Yes, that one.  He says he went from being a comfortable fourth in line with two healthy cousins and an older brother who were all capable of having children, to second with only a cut-sleeve between him and the throne.  He’s rather desperate to get more buffers between him and the position of Sect Leader, but that’s part of the reason I trust him as second-in-command.”
Wanyin nodded.  It was pretty clear why Huaisang would prefer an heir and vice who wasn’t ambitious but still competent.  “So do you have any other grand, overarching plans that need to be accomplished?”  He reached out to take the older man’s free hand.
“Not . . . really?  I’ve got ideas about how to deal with the Nie Sect’s qi deviation problem that I’m planning on focusing on.  I always knew I would need a goal to pursue after I got my revenge.”  He looked down at their intertwined hands.  “Jiang-xiong, Wanyin, are you sure about what you’re asking?”
“Why not? We like each other, neither of us is planning to get married, you’ve accomplished your goal.  Unless there’s something else I don’t know about?”
“Jiang Cheng,” Huaisang sighed but didn’t pull away.  “What do you want out of this?  There are things, there will always be things I won’t be able to give you because of our positions.  I’ll never be fully honest with you.  Even without having to hide from Jin Guangyao, there are things pertaining to the Nie sect that I will never tell you.  You’ll always come second to that.  I can’t even say I’ll never hurt you because there will probably be times when Qinghe and Yunmeng will clash.  What could I possibly give you that would not be better served elsewhere?”
“I already know all that; I’ve thought about this for years and I’m willing to deal with those things.  I’m not asking you to be completely honest with me or to put me above your sect.  I won’t be completely honest with you either, that’s just what it means when two Sect Leaders get together.  As for not harming each other . . . “ He grimaced and felt heat flood his face.  “At the last Cultivator Conference before everything went down, I called you a ‘witless coward’.  I’d be losing more face than I can stand if I took you to task over that.  I know better and you don’t care much but I know there are times when I hurt you.”
The other hummed a little in agreement.  “You do tend to let your temper get away from you.  But on the other hand, you did apologize later that evening.  You always apologize to me and you don’t even apologize to Jin Ling!”
“Yes, I’m working on that.  But as for what I want . . . A-Sang, what I want is to know more of you.  There are parts of yourself that you won’t share with anyone and there are parts of yourself that you’ll share with people who aren’t me.  But I want to be certain that I know more of you than anyone else.  But this isn’t just about me.  What do you want out of a relationship?”
Eyes wide and mouth slightly pursed like a doll, Huaisang looked so adorably confused that Jiang Cheng couldn’t resist dropping a kiss on the hand in his grasp.  “What I want . . .” he sighed but still didn’t separate their hands.  “The problem is I don’t know what I want.  I never thought about having a relationship.  I had my plan for Jin Guangyao, I had contingencies set-up for Zhenzheng in case I died in the process, and I had goals set up if I survived.  I have my sect, my birds, and my porn.  The possibility of getting a cultivation partner didn’t even occur to me.”
“Ouch, was I really so easily dismissed?”
“That’s not what I meant, just that I never allowed myself that kind of hope.  I can’t tell you what I want because it’s going to take time and a lot of reflection before I even have a clue.”
“I can wait.  Hell, I’ve waited eight years already, what’s a couple more?”
“Even if it turns out that I don’t want you?”
“Does Heaven truly bar the way?”
Huaisang’s eyes drifted and Wanyin knew by memory what he was looking at.  The books they had exchanged, the incense burner filed with the coils Jiang Cheng had sent him.  The large painting of Lotus Pier across from the bookcase and had taken the Nie Sect Leader two entire trips to finish.  The gash in the wall when Jiang Cheng had gotten drunk and had tried to demonstrate how he had taken down a demon to the other man.  The office was filled with mementos of their years of friendship.  Jiang Cheng promised himself that he would make this work.
Huaisang smiled.  It wasn’t the one he used outside of the Unclean Realm, tremulous and ingratiating.  This was warmer and more confident, his eyes seemed to glow and there was no shaking anywhere to be seen.  “No, I don’t think it does.”  And for the first time, Jiang Cheng stopped second-guessing himself and kissed that smile the way he always wanted to.
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 5 years ago
Could you do a thing about who The Untamed characters are? Your weekly posts and such are good, but I was wondering what their context is?
-Sure!! I’ll put it under a “Keep Reading” so it doesn’t flood anyone’s dash :)
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**I usually reblog Untamed asks to my Untamed fandom page as well, so this note is for followers of Wuxian-vs-Wangji:: I’m avoiding spoilers in these descriptions and trying to simplify things into a format non-viewers can follow, so please do not comment with spoilers.
I also limited the list of characters to those in 10+ episodes, which left some fan favorites off the list.
Main & Major Characters Throughout the Story::
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Wei Wuxian // Wei Ying (Informal Name) // Yiling Patriarch (The Sage of the Burial Mounds)
Think... Battlemage Necromancer.
Uses the dark flute Chenqing to draw out and command the hate and resentful energy of the dead, weaponizing it against his enemies.
Adopted by the Yunmeng-Jiang Clan Leader after his mother (a rogue cultivator) and father (a beloved Jiang servant) were killed in a monster hunt.
Considered by Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng to be no different from a blood sibling.
Killed on the Cliffs of Heavenly Nightless by his brother Jiang Cheng while committing suicide in the first 5 minutes of the show; Resurrected via a rare and dangerous spell by madman Mo Xuanyu 16 years later.
In the Present Arc, Wei Wuxian dons a mask so others will not recognize him (laughably the mask fools absolutely no one but he Commits to the Look) and pretends to be the insane outcast Mo Xuanyu.
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Lan Wangji // Lan Zhan (Informal Name) //  Hanguang-Jun (The Light-Bearing Lord)
As younger brother to the so-far childless Clan Leader of the Gusu-Lan, he is the Clan Heir and commands a position of high power and respect worldwide.
As he and his older brother are seen as the pride and joy of the Lan Clan, they are referred to worldwide as “The Twin Jades of Lan”.
Considered a paragon of righteousness and virtue.
Joyless, friendless, and isolated from others at the start of the story, but develops first a begrudging respect for- then love for- Wei Wuxian.
For 16 years he refuses to accept that Wei Wuxian is dead since no body was recovered. Lan Wangji travels the world and throws himself headfirst at chaos both to protect the common people and in hopes that Wei Wuxian will appear.
In the present-arc, acts as a teacher and guide to the Junior Disciples of the Gusu-Lan.
Particularly skilled in a Lan musical technique called “Inquiry”, in which a guqin (zither) player mixes spiritual energy into a song and plays notes as a coded language to commune with the souls of the dead and ask them questions. Lan Wangji also develops a proficiency for an extremely rare and difficult form of guqin magic where he can literally attack people with the sound and power of the instrument.
Wei Wuxian’s own use of music to control others seems to have been heavily inspired by the Lan magics, though theirs are mainly in the vein of healing and suppressing darkness.
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Jiang Wanyin // Jiang Cheng (Informal Name) // Yunmeng-Jiang Clan Leader // Sandu-Shengshou (Master of Three Poisons)
Most commonly referred to only by the informal name “Jiang Cheng”
Beloved brother- and eventually bitter enemy of- Wei Wuxian.
One of those fancy multi-purpose tools in human form (the Tooliest of Tools)
Thanks to his parents, has a massive inferiority complex that usually leads to violent outbursts against his adopted brother.
Like Lan Wangji, cannot accept that Wei Wuxian is dead as only charred bones were found where he fell. Spends 16 years hunting down any whisper of Wei Wuxian or demonic cultivation and executing any demonic cultivators he finds. 
Feels both extreme hatred and guilt towards Wei Wuxian.
Wears a purple snake bracelet-and-ring combo on one hand, the spiritual tool Zidian given to him by his mother. Zidian takes the form of a whip that strikes not only the flesh, but the soul of a person. It can instantly destroy any spirit possessing a body.
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Wen Qionglin // Wen Ning (Informal Name) // The Ghost General
Almost exclusively referred to by the informal name Wen Ning.
Considered to be a weapon- or pet- of Wei Wuxian’s.
A young cultivator who Wei Wuxian resurrected from the dead and who acted as his subordinate during the rise of the Yiling Patriarch.
Fiercely loyal to Wei Wuxian in both life and death.
Black veins and eyes mark him as one of the ultra-rare Living Dead. Not a mindless zombie slave (Ghost-Puppet), but a fully conscious reanimated human capable of independent thought and action.
In battle, Wei Wuxian will use his flute Chenqing to focus resentment and hatred through Wen Ning and give him enhanced abilities, control his actions, or calm him.
Other Figures: Both Past and Present Arcs
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Lan Xichen // Lan Huan (Informal Name) //  Zewu-Jun (The Grand Overgrowth Lord)
Clan Leader of the Gusu-Lan and elder brother of Lan Wangji.
Though he is Clan Leader, often deferrs to or is advised by his Uncle Lan Qiren (who HATES Wei Wuxian).
As he and his younger brother are seen as the pride and joy of the Lan Clan, they are referred to worldwide as “The Twin Jades of Lan”.
The most respected Clan Leader in the world for his kind and fair nature. Often acts as an arbitrator in disputes.
Uses a white jade flute to calm and settle angry or resentful energy around him. Wei Wuxian is his dark reflection.
Willing to give anyone a chance due to his pacifist nature. Does not feel hatred towards Wei Wuxian but rather tries to understand what drove him towards darkness and help guide him back.
Ships Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji relentlessly and often finds ways to push them together early on.
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Nie Huaisang (No formal/informal name) // Nie Clan Heir // Nie Clan Leader
Half-brother of the Nie Clan Leader Nie Mingjue, later becomes Clan Leader in his place.
Despite being first heir to- then leader of- a Clan that prides itself on brute strength, Nie Huaisang is a kind and gentle soul who prefers the arts and artistic pursuits.
Religiously carries around a fan and never holds a sword.
Sweetheart, goober, and close friend of Wei Wuxian. Even in Wei Wuxian’s fall from grace, never bears him any ill will as Wei Wuxian never does anything to harm him. 
The only major (still living) character not at the Battle of Nightless where Wei Wuxian dies (though his brother Nie Mingjue was present).
Informally titled “The Head Shaker” as Clan Leader due to his indecisive nature. Whenever asked questions he frequently shakes his head and says “I don’t know”.
Considered a weak fool by many, but he is frequently advised (and coddled) by Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao.
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Jin Guangyao // Meng Yao (Informal Name) // Lianfang-Zun (Hidden-Fragrance Master)
Originally a servant of the Nie family, taken in by Nie Mingjue.
Bastard son of the Jin Clan Leader Guangshan and a prostitute, is consistently demeaned and debased for his parentage. The only ones who show him respect and kindness are Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang and Lan Xichen.
Half brother of Jin Zixuan and Mo Xuanyu (the madman who resurrects Wei Wuxian)
While a servant of the Nie Clan, Guangyao frequently acts as a buffer between ultra-masculine Nie Mingjue and his softer half-brother Nie Huaisang.
Nie Huaisang may be thought a dumbass by most, but he’s *Guangyao’s* dumbass, and thus Guangyao consistently shows care towards Nie Huaisang.
Other High-Profile Characters:: Both Past and Present Arcs (Noted by their names)
**Some will say I’ve left names off this list, but to avoid getting into EVERYTHING  everyone does, I’m limiting this to characters in 10+ episodes. This leaves some fandom favorites off the list but this is only meant to be a basic introductory guide. 
Sorry to fans of Xiao Xingchen, Song Lan, A-Qing, and Wen Yuan.
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(Past Arc) Wen Qing (women do not have formal vs informal names or titles)
Wen Ning’s beloved elder sister.
Distant cousin to the evil Wen Ruohan and Wen Chao, and thus holds a prominent position within the Wen Clan. In the novels I believe she is said to be the 4th most powerful person in the entire Wen Clan (Behind Wen Ruohan and his two sons).
Considered to be the greatest physician ever produced by the Dafan-Wen, a clan of healers subjugated by the evil Wen Clan.
Her loyalties lie exclusively with her little brother Wen Ning, and she will do anything to keep him safe and protected. On her own though, she does tend towards the side of good and acts against her Clan when she is able to do so without putting Wen Ning at risk.
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(Past Arc) Jiang Yanli (women do not have formal vs informal names or titles)
Beloved elder sister of both Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian.
Eldest daughter of Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu.
Eventual wife of Jin Clan Heir Jin Zixuan and mother of Jin Clan Heir Jin Ling.
Engaged to Jin Zixuan since infancy, though he is initially dismissive of and even cold towards her.
The Peacekeeper of her family, Jiang Yanli protects Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng from her emotionally (and sometimes physically) abusive mother.
Acts as a mediator of disputes between her two younger brothers. Jiang Yanli is very much the glue that binds the family together.
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(Past Arc) Jin Zixuan (No other name given) // Jin Clan Heir
Only *acknowledged* child of Jin Clan Leader Jin Guangshan, though he is the half-brother to a large number of bastard siblings.
These siblings include Nie servant Jin Guangyao/Meng Yao and Mo Xuanyu (the madman who resurrects Wei Wuxian)
Eventual husband of Jiang Yanli and father of Jin Clan Heir Jin Ling.
Originally a haughty and arrogant young lord, he is dismissive of his lifelong fiancee Jiang Yanli and frequently disparages her (leading to violent fights with her brothers).
Is very much disliked by both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng (for his treatment of Yanli).
A semi-professional dumbass, maturity comes to him slower than most.
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(Present Arc) Jin Rulan // Jin Ling (Informal name) // Jin Clan Heir
One of the so-called “Junior Squad”, a handful of Junior Disciples from different Clans who band together to fight the bad guys (Ancient Fantasy China Power Rangers).
The only child of Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan.
In episode 2 it is revealed that Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan died tragically just after his birth.
Largely raised by his uncle Jiang Cheng with some input from uncle Jin Guangyao. As uncle Jiang Cheng has the emotional stability of a spoon, Jin Ling tends to be rash, arrogant, and rude. He is kept isolated from other youths of his age and thus has no friends.
Accompanied everywhere by his dog Fairy, a spiritual beast (more powerful than a normal dog).
Also a nephew of Wei Wuxian, though Jin Ling was a newborn when Wei Wuxian died and thus has no relationship with him.
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(Present Arc) Lan Sizhui // Lan Yuan (Informal name)
One of the so-called “Junior Squad”, a handful of Junior Disciples from different Clans who band together to fight the bad guys (Ancient Fantasy China Power Rangers).
As Lan Wangji’s chief student, Lan Sizhui is heavily favored by the normally cold and detached Wangji. He is therefore the de-facto leader of the Lan Junior Disciples.
Sizhui is warm, kind, and caring. He never speaks ill of others and even tries to be kind to Jin Ling while the other junior disciples (including Lan ones) generally scorn the other boy.
Regardless of if he is posing as Mo Xuanyu or after he is “outed” as Wei Wuxian, Lan Sizhui is always very respectful and kind towards Wei Wuxian. He considers him a wise senior and feels at ease when Wei Wuxian is nearby.
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(Present Arc) Lan Jingyi (No other name given)
One of the so-called “Junior Squad”, a handful of Junior Disciples from different Clans who band together to fight the bad guys (Ancient Fantasy China Power Rangers).
If Lan Sizhui is the de-facto leader of the Lan Junior Disciples, Jingyi is Sizhui’s second. The two are best friends and are almost never seen out of one another’s company.
Snarky, sarcastic, and big-mouthed, Lan Jingyi is the “Wei Wuxian” of the Junior Squad. He has yet to meet a cultivator he isn’t willing to talk back to, be that “Mo Xuanyu” (Wei Wuxian) or even Jiang Clan Leader Jiang Cheng.
Lan Jingyi is also highly intelligent and is the first to question if “Mo Xuanyu” is truly insane or just someone pretending to be so. He makes other accusations throughout the story that at the time see unfounded but are later proven correct.
Mortal enemy of Jin Ling (if by ‘mortal enemy’ you mean bitchy and reluctant friend)
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(Past Arc) Nie Mingjue (No other name given) // Nie Clan Leader // Chifeng-Zun (Scarlet-Blade Lord)
Clan Leader of the Nie Clan in the “Past Arc”.
Elder half-brother of Nie Huaisang.
Nie Mingjue is hard on his half-brother, as the Nie are renown for their warrior skills and Huaisang is more of a lover than a fighter.
Nie Mingjue is close friends with Lan Xichen, and often visits him for guidance. Lan Xichen is his closest friend and confidant throughout the story.
Nie Mingjue is a powerful and ruthless cultivator (against his enemies, he’s no sociopath) and often loses his temper. 
He is closely bonded with his broadsword Baxia, and she often moves on her own if he is particularly enraged.
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(Past and Present Arcs) Xue Chengmei // Xue Yang (Informal name)
Most commonly referred to simply as “Xue Yang”- his formal name may not be in the show at all.
A low-level thug taken in by the evil Wen Clan and used as a sort of private hit-man.
Xue Yang is brutal, ruthless, and merciless against anyone he crosses paths with. Holds particular disdain for powerful and righteous clans, as he was maimed by a low-level Clan Leader.
Is missing his pinky finger because of an “accident” he suffered as a child and thus wears a glove on one hand.
Initially Xue Yang is introduced as a “guest disciple” of the Wen Clan, but later he branches out on his own.
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(Past Arc) Luo Qingyang // Mian-Mian (nickname)
Though it is not customary for a woman to have courtesy vs informal names, Luo Qingyang is almost exclusively referred to by the nickname “Mian-Mian” throughout the series.
A guest disciple of the Jin Clan and direct subordinate of Jin Zixuan.
Mian-Mian originally is shown to be haughty and fiercely loyal to Jin Zixuan, though she often finds ways to assist Jiang Yanli get closer to him throughout his Dumbass Phase.
Mian-Mian is a tough and outspoken female cultivator, sometimes even standing at odds with her own clan.
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(Past Arc) Wen Chao (No other name given)
The vicious, cruel second son of villain Wen Ruohan.
Distant cousin of Wen Qing and Wen Ning. He frequently takes Wen Ning as a sort of hostage to guarantee Wen Qing’s compliance with his demands.
Wen Chao is arrogant and haughty. He considers himself superior to all other disciples because of his clan. 
He is the main antagonist of Wei Wuxian in the “past” arc, and considers it part of his duty to destroy Wei Wuxian and the Jiang Clan for their refusal to bow to his family.
Frequently appears together with his mistress Wang Lingjiao (a wife is mentioned but never shown) tormenting or directly torturing younger cultivators.
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