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behlkerepasses · 1 year ago
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andrewfoodforthought · 6 years ago
Episode #12 - Matt Behlke discusses his food project at La Torta Gorda
Matt Behlke loves to cook. He regularly spends between 5-10 hours a week cooking breakfast and dinner, and makes a conscious effort to try new recipes every day. As he has continued to explore new cuisine, Matt was inspired to start a food project where he will research different regions around the world and immerse himself in the cuisine of that region. In this episode, Matt and I discuss his new food project, his love for cooking, and his tips for new cooks, all while enjoying the relaxed atmosphere at Matt's favorite restaurant - La Torta Gorda.
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hurtworld · 5 years ago
mesaj attım ama cevap vermedin dostum. PCR ve qPCR teknikleriyle alakalı kaynak olarak yardımcı olabilir misin?
mendeley kullanıyor musun bilmiyorum ama ben APA şeklinde buraya atayım kaynakları sen seç beğen al dostum.
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shortrunseattle · 5 years ago
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Liz Behlke
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paderbornnews · 2 years ago
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Jürgen Behlke (IHK Geschäftsführer Leiter der Zweigstelle Paderborn + Höxter); Dr. Claudia Auinger (IHK stellv. Geschäftsführung), Tanja Berghahn-Macken (Amtsleitung Stadtentwicklung), Barbara Mikus (Vorsitzende Ausschuss für Wirtschaftsförderung, Kultur und Tourismus),...
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writemarcus · 3 years ago
Joshua Harmon Announced as Honorary Festival Playwright of Samuel French's Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival
The top 30 playwrights will be narrowed down to 10-12 finalists, from which six will be selected.
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by Chloe Rabinowitz Jul. 28, 2022  
Samuel French's Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival has announced that Joshua Harmon (Prayer for the French Republic) is this year's honorary festival playwright.
The distinguished lineup of judges will include playwrights Dennis A. Allen II, Eboni Booth, Karen Hartman and Bryna Turner, along with Executive Director of National New Play Network Nan Barnett, dramaturg Ken Cerniglia, Artistic Director of New Dramatists Emily Morse, Artistic Director of City Theatre Miami Margaret M. Ledford, Artistic Director of Classic Stage Company Jill Rafson, Associate Artistic Director at Playwrights' Realm Alexis Williams, and Associate Artistic Director at Playwrights Horizons Natasha Sinha.
This year's top 30 playwrights were chosen from over 650 submissions around the world. They will present their plays during a week-long festival August 16-20 at the Peter Jay Sharp Theater in New York City (416 W 42nd St, 4th Floor). These will be narrowed down to 10-12 finalists, from which six will be selected to be licensed for future productions and published in an anthology of short plays that will become the 47th edition of the Off Off Broadway Festival Plays series.
Presale tickets are available through Sunday, August 14 at $20. Tickets will be available Monday, August 15 through Saturday, August 20 online and at the door for $25. The Festival will also be offering a $90 Festival Pass. This pass gains the holder access to the first four nights of the Festival, allowing them to see all 30 productions at a 55% discount. For tickets and a complete performance calendar, click here.
Thank You, Porcupine by Aurora Behlke The Very Furious Kugel by Clare Fuyuko Bierman Duckass by Dan Caffrey SYZYGY by Rachael Carnes American Made by Christin Eve Cato Big Red Button by Jay Eddy Too Much Lesbian Drama: One Star by Jessie Field How My Grandparents Fell in Love by Cary Gitter Chemistry by Ben Holbrook Georgia Rose by Onyekachi Iwu Domestic Help by Julianne Jigour Blocked by Jay Koepke We Jump Broom by Mildred Inez Lewis f by Ignacio Lopez Validation by Daphne Macy Toxic Norse-culinity by Matthew McLachlan Leaf Hunters by Megan Chan Meinero Bugs by Alex Moon The Pros and Cons of Implosion by R. D. Murphy Shark Week by Erika Phoebus if all that You take from this is courage, then I've no regrets by Nicholas Pilapil Railroad Homes by Jackson Pounds We're All Girls Here by Roni Ragone Big Happy Days by Anya Richkind Wookiees in the Wilderness by Marcus Scott Beautiful People in a Living Room Doing Nothing by Alec Seymour You Will Neva Enter Our High Holy Land of Blackness-HIYA! by Cece Suazo Scary faces happy faces by Danny Tejera The Vagina Read by Amy Tofte The Black & White Minstrel Show by Wind Dell Woods
Originating in 1975, the OOB Festival is one of Samuel French/Concord Theatricals' primary initiatives to introduce the next wave of emerging playwrights. These include Audrey Cefaly, whose full-length version of her 40th OOB Festival-winning play The Gulf won 2018's Lambda Literary Award in the category of LGBTQ Drama, and Martyna Majok, whose play The Cost of Living (originally produced as part of 39th OOB Festival as John, Who's Here from Cambridge) won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Other notable past participants include Bekah Brunstetter, Gloria Calderón Kellett, Sheila Callaghan, khat knotahaiku, Gracie Gardner, Jeremy O. Harris, Shirley Lauro, Theresa Rebeck, Jen Silverman and Steve Yockey.
To stay up to date with all Festival information, follow @OOBFestival on Twitter, facebook.com/oobfestival, and #OOBFestival on all social platforms.
SAMUEL FRENCH is proud to have served as a leader in theatrical publishing and licensing for over 180 years. Its catalog features some of the most acclaimed work ever written for the stage and titles by writers at the forefront of contemporary drama. In December 2018, Samuel French became part of Concord Theatricals. With a growing staff of unparalleled experts, Concord Theatricals continues to support and expand Samuel French's ethos of championing playwrights, innovating in the industry, and celebrating all those who create theatre around the world.
Concord Theatricals is the world's most significant theatrical company, comprising the catalogs of R&H Theatricals, Samuel French, Tams-Witmark and The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection, plus dozens of new signings each year. Our unparalleled roster includes the work of Irving Berlin, Agatha Christie, George & Ira Gershwin, Marvin Hamlisch, Lorraine Hansberry, Kander & Ebb, Ken Ludwig, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Dominique Morisseau, Cole Porter, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Thornton Wilder and August Wilson. We are the only firm providing truly comprehensive services to the creators and producers of plays and musicals, including theatrical licensing, music publishing, script publishing, cast recording and first-class production. concordtheatricals.com
Joshua Harmon's plays include Bad Jews, Significant Other, Admissions, Skintight, and Prayer for the French Republic. His plays have been produced on Broadway and the West End; Off-Broadway at Roundabout Theatre Company, Lincoln Center Theater and Manhattan Theater Club; across the country at Geffen Playhouse, Speakeasy, Studio Theatre, Theater Wit, About Face, Actor's Express, and The Magic, among others; and internationally in a dozen countries. He is a two-time MacDowell fellow and an Associate Artist at Roundabout. Graduate of Juilliard.
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ambfurniture · 3 years ago
9701-02 5 pc Red barrell studio behlke dark wire brush finish wood top black metal frame 45' Dia. dining table set. This set includes the table and 4 - side chairs. Table measures 45' x 45' x 30' H. Side chairs measure 19.25' x 20' x 38' H. Some assembly required.
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ofgerrymulligan · 5 years ago
1/27/2020 - Gerry Mulligan All Stars ft. Alec Behlke soloing on Trumpet
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claudiocarmo1968 · 6 years ago
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🅱 *BEHLKE REPASSES!* 🅱 Land Rover Discovery4 SE 3.0 V6 Bi-tubo Diesel 4x4 automática 2013 / 2013 com 154 mil kms, *7 Lugares!* Veículo extremamente novo! interna bem novinha, tudo funcionando. Motor e caixa de câmbio bons, pneus bons. Possui livreto de manutenção e chave reserva. Manual carimbado até 90Mil km. ✅ *IPVA 2019 TOTAL PAGO*✅ R$ 103.000,00 FIPE R$ 153.762,00 Valor a vista R$ 112.990,00 #claudioveiculospremium #discovery4se Whatsapp 12 981339974 https://www.instagram.com/p/B09BtiYjcww/?igshid=11ru472o5azf2
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morrisbrokaw · 5 years ago
5 Ways I’m Getting Beauty Sleep in a Season of Sleepless Nights
"It’s sort of a vicious cycle—we all know we need more sleep but there is trepidation because of all there is to do. We know that it would vastly improve our health and well-being, but if we don’t get XYZ done on our list, who will? Well, the answer is this: Someone else will, because we will crash and burn sooner or later." Today contributor Sarah Hrudka Behlke is sharing a few simple ways we can all improve the quality of the occasionally oh-so-elusive thing that is sleep.
Continue reading 5 Ways I’m Getting Beauty Sleep in a Season of Sleepless Nights at Wit & Delight | Designing a Life Well-Lived.
5 Ways I’m Getting Beauty Sleep in a Season of Sleepless Nights published first on https://workbootsandshoes.tumblr.com/
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inhandnetworks-blog · 6 years ago
A New Birth S Secure remote networks  tory for Gigantic Marine Lizards That Once Roamed the Oceans
Paleontologists now believe that mosasaurs gave birth to their young in the open ocean, not on or near shore.
They weren Industrial 3G Router  ’t in the delivery room, but researchers at Yale University and the University of Toronto have discovered a new birth story for a gigantic marine lizard that once roamed the oceans.
Thank wastewater treatment  s to recently identified specimens at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, paleontologists now believe that mighty mosasaurs — which could grow to 50 feet long — gave birth to their young in the open ocean, not on or near shore.
The findings answer long-held questions about the initial environment of an iconic predator that lived during the time of the dinosaurs. Mosasaurs populated most waters of the Earth before their extinction 65 million years ago.
“Mosasaurs are among the best-studied groups of Mesozoic vertebrate animals, but evidence regarding how they were born and what baby mosasaur ecology was like has historically been elusive,” sai gateway  d Daniel Field, lead author of a study published online April 10 in the journal Paleontology. Field is a doctoral candidate in the lab of Jacques Gauthier in Yale’s Department of Geology and Geophysics.
In their study, Field and his colleagues describe the youngest mosasaur specimens ever found. Field had come across the fossils in the Yale Peabody Museum’s extensive collections. “These specimens were collected over 100 years ago,” Field said. “They had previously been thought to belong to ancient marine birds.”
Field and Aaron LeBlanc, a doctoral candidate at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, concluded that the specimens showed a variety of jaw and teeth features that are only found in mosasaurs. Also, the fossils were found in deposits in the open ocean.
“Really, the only bird-like feature of the specimens is their small size,” LeBlanc said. “Contrary to classic theories, these findings suggest that mosasaurs did not lay eggs on beaches and that newborn mosasaurs likely did not live in sheltered nearshore nurseries.”
The other co-authors of the study are Adam Behlke and Adrien Gau of Yale’s Department of Geology and Geophysics.
Support for the research came from the Smithsonian Institution and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Publication: In press Journal of Palaeontology
Image: Julius T. Csotonyi
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tumimmtxpapers · 6 years ago
Single-Stranded Nucleic Acids Regulate TLR3/4/7 Activation through Interference with Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis.
Related Articles Single-Stranded Nucleic Acids Regulate TLR3/4/7 Activation through Interference with Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis. Sci Rep. 2018 Oct 26;8(1):15841 Authors: Järver P, Dondalska A, Poux C, Sandberg A, Bergenstråhle J, Sköld AE, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Martinon F, Pålsson S, Zaghloul E, Brodin D, Sander B, Lennox KA, Behlke MA, El-Andaloussi S, Lehtiö J, Lundeberg J, LeGrand R, Spetz AL Abstract Recognition of nucleic acids by endosomal Toll-like receptors (TLR) is essential to combat pathogens, but requires strict control to limit inflammatory responses. The mechanisms governing this tight regulation are unclear. We found that single-stranded oligonucleotides (ssON) inhibit endocytic pathways used by cargo destined for TLR3/4/7 signaling endosomes. Both ssDNA and ssRNA conferred the endocytic inhibition, it was concentration dependent, and required a certain ssON length. The ssON-mediated inhibition modulated signaling downstream of TLRs that localized within the affected endosomal pathway. We further show that injection of ssON dampens dsRNA-mediated inflammatory responses in the skin of non-human primates. These studies reveal a regulatory role for extracellular ssON in the endocytic uptake of TLR ligands and provide a mechanistic explanation of their immunomodulation. The identified ssON-mediated interference of endocytosis (SOMIE) is a regulatory process that temporarily dampens TLR3/4/7 signaling, thereby averting excessive immune responses. PMID: 30367171 [PubMed - in process] http://dlvr.it/QplSdr
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writemarcus · 3 years ago
Joshua Harmon Named Samuel French Honorary Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival Playwright; Finalists Announced
The 2022 competition, the festival's 47th, will be held in August.
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JULY 28, 2022
Significant Other, Bad Jews, and Prayer for the French Republic writer Joshua Harmon has been named honorary festival playwright for the 47th Annual Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival, presented by Concord Theatricals.
The festival, set for August 16-20 at the Peter Jay Sharp Theater in NYC, will see short works from 30 finalist playwrights compete for six winning spots. The winning works will be published in an anthology of short plays and licensed by Concord's Samuel French imprint.
Judging this year's entries will be playwrights Dennis A. Allen II, Eboni Booth, Karen Hartman, and Bryna Turner, along with National New Play Network Executive Director Nan Barnett, dramaturg Ken Cerniglia, New Dramatists Artistic Director Emily Morse, City Theatre Miami Artistic Director Margaret M. Ledford, Classic Stage Company Artistic Director Jill Rafson, Playwrights’ Realm Associate Artistic Director Alexis Williams, and Playwrights Horizons Associate Artistic Director Natasha Sinha.
Tickets for the festival, which is open to the public, are available at OOBFestival.com.
Take a look at this year's finalists, selected from more than 650 submissions worldwide:
Thank You, Porcupine by Aurora Behlke The Very Furious Kugel by Clare Fuyuko Bierman Duckass by Dan Caffrey SYZYGY by Rachael Carnes American Made by Christin Eve Cato Big Red Button by Jay Eddy Too Much Lesbian Drama: One Star by Jessie Field How My Grandparents Fell in Love by Cary Gitter Chemistry by Ben Holbrook Georgia Rose by Onyekachi Iwu Domestic Help by Julianne Jigour Blocked by Jay Koepke We Jump Broom by Mildred Inez Lewis f by Ignacio Lopez Validation by Daphne Macy Toxic Norse-culinity by Matthew McLachlan Leaf Hunters by Megan Chan Meinero Bugs by Alex Moon The Pros and Cons of Implosion by R. D. Murphy Shark Week by Erika Phoebus if all that You take from this is courage, then I've no regrets by Nicholas Pilapil Railroad Homes by Jackson Pounds We're All Girls Here by Roni Ragone Big Happy Days by Anya Richkind Wookiees in the Wilderness by Marcus Scott Beautiful People in a Living Room Doing Nothing by Alec Seymour You Will Neva Enter Our High Holy Land of Blackness-HIYA! by Cece Suazo Scary faces happy faces by Danny Tejera The Vagina Read by Amy Tofte The Black & White Minstrel Show by Wind Dell Woods
Established in 1975, the Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival aims to introduce the next generation of great playwrights. Writers internationally are invited to submit short works, which are traditionally performed in rep at an Off-Broadway venue—last year's festival was adjudicated via online readings due to the pandemic. Past participants include Audrey Cefaly, Martyna Majok, Bekah Brunstetter, Gloria Calderón Kellett, Sheila Callaghan, khat knotahaiku, Gracie Gardner, Jeremy O. Harris, Shirley Lauro, Theresa Rebeck, Jen Silverman, and Steve Yockey.
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ofgerrymulligan · 5 years ago
Comradery in Jazz
Jazz brings people together. This is something Gerry Mulligan himself was a part of for all of his life and has even continued to do so now, over two decades after his death. He made many musical groups throughout his life: jazz big bands, quintets, quartets, sextets, symphonies, and many other groups. He brought people together that otherwise might never have met because of music.
Gerry Mulligan also continues to bring musicians together today. If it weren’t for Mulligan, I never would have met Bill Mays and the other members of the Gerry Mulligan All Stars last month. From them, because of their music, me and other members of our community jazz band.
One of our trumpet players, Alec Behlke, reflected on what he learned from them that night. “The pianist always had a smile on his face. All of them did. They were just up there having a great time. They were really listening to each other, too. Especially when they were playing as a quartet, or just a trio, just the piano, bass, and drums. They were all listening to each other and playing off each other. Hell, even Bill Mays, the piano player, changed a song from 3/4 time to 4/4 time with no warning, and they were all like ‘Oh shit!’ and changed to 4/4 with him. Just the whole transition was incredible. And they all laughed, too, when it happened.”
This is an example of how jazz musicians communicate on stage in a way that is different than most other musicians in other live performances. There is this sense of comradery on stage that all jazz musicians have with each other after spending so much time performing and practicing together and getting to know each other. Though jazz musicians spend countless hours practicing every single day, what happens on stage is often never prepared. This instance where Bill Mays changed the meter in which the song they were soloing over was being performed was not planned, you could see it in their faces.
Jazz music is an entirely different world that can change your life. It is something that all people should experience at one point or another in their lives.
“I just get to perform with so many cool people and I’m always listening to such cool music, it’s fantastic. And I haven’t had to pay for any of it, and you can’t put a price on that [laughter]” (Behlke).
Works Cited:
Behlke, Alec. Personal interview. 22 February 2020.
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behlkerepasses · 1 year ago
@behlkerepasses Esse é o jeito da Behlke! Link a baixo https://behlkerepassesgrupovip.com/
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party-hard-or-die · 7 years ago
U.S. states set to gain billions in sales taxes after court ruling
NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. states could reap billions in online sales tax revenue and buttress their budgets after the nation’s top court ruled on Thursday that e-commerce companies could be forced to collect the money, even if they have no physical presence in a state.
FILE PHOTO: The U.S. Supreme Court is seen as the court nears the end of its term in Washington, U.S., June 11, 2018. REUTERS/Erin Schaff
The Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of South Dakota and against Wayfair Inc and two other online retailers was a victory for state governments, and a boost for brick-and-mortar stores.
The effect is expected to be positive and widespread because 45 states impose sales taxes and until now were barred from requiring those companies to collect remote sales taxes.
That meant state and local governments lost as much as $13 billion of revenue in 2017, according to a federal report.
Now, states can push ahead with legislation requiring companies to collect and remit sales taxes for goods bought online elsewhere.
States that rely more heavily on sales tax – as opposed to personal income tax, for instance – “are the big winners here and could see real budget gains if they follow South Dakota’s example,” said Fitch Ratings analyst Stephen Walsh.
As many as 24 states and their local governments could see tax revenue gains of at least 1 percent, according to Fitch’s research.
For a large state like Texas, the combined state and local revenue growth could be as high as $1.2 billion per year and will likely grow over time, Walsh said.
Washington, Florida, South Dakota, Nevada and Tennessee get more than half of their total revenues from sales taxes, meaning big gains could be in store.
An analysis by Barclays found that Louisiana would get an estimated 3 percent bump in total tax receipts if it begins forcing out-of-state online retailers to collect sales taxes. Oklahoma could also see a sizeable 2.7 percent gain, Barclays found.
But the party does not extend to places that do not charge sales taxes: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon.
“New Hampshire’s lack of a sales tax is a competitive advantage for our state, and this decision will unfairly punish small businesses that are the backbone of our economy,” U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan said in a statement.
The decision “will remake the landscape for state tax collection in the U.S.,” said Harley Duncan of the auditing firm KPMG.
However, the path is not clear. The court left room for future legal challenges, so state legislation could still face delays and backlash from the e-commerce industry.
The ruling “definitely goes out of its way to suggest there may have to be future litigation to decide ultimately where things will shake out,” said lawyer Paul Clement, who filed a brief backing Wayfair.
“You will certainly see, absent congressional action, significant litigation as states try to push the envelope on this,” said Mike Dabbs, eBay’s senior director of government relations.
Even so, most states may look to pass bills similar to Washington state’s, said Max Behlke of the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Its law was effective even before the court ruling, Behlke said, by expanding sales tax collections to third-party marketplaces – a category that in most places has so far gone untaxed.
That led Amazon.com to start collecting taxes on its entire platform, including third-party merchants, in Washington starting in January.
Amazon then added Pennsylvania to that list after a similar law there went into effect April 1.
Even before that change, Pennsylvania got $202 million of online sales tax revenue in 2017 – 2-1/2 times as much as it did in 2014, when it received just $81.2 million, according to information the Pennsylvania Treasury provided to Reuters.
Minnesota and Rhode Island passed similar “marketplace laws” last year.
Ahead of the court ruling, Illinois enacted a budget that counts on $150 million in new tax revenue – to come from out-of-state internet retailers – for fiscal 2019, which begins July 1.
A new Connecticut law goes into effect at the end of this year to collect taxes from some online retailers. Now the legislature should consider going back into session to broaden that law and “eliminate the disadvantage retailers with physical locations in Connecticut have long struggled to overcome,” said Senate Republican President Pro Tempore Len Fasano.
In total, 38 states have considered and 15 enacted, measures aimed at collecting remote sales taxes since 2016.
“There has been pushback against these new laws but the new ruling gives states more support for these positions,” said Fitch’s Walsh. “I expect we will see both new legislation and additional legal challenges over the next few years.”
Reporting by Hilary Russ in New York; Additional reporting by Karen Pierog in Chicago and Lawrence Hurly in Washington; Editing by Daniel Bases and Cynthia Osterman
The post U.S. states set to gain billions in sales taxes after court ruling appeared first on World The News.
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