heyitslapis · 5 months
i dont want o get ready for work in 15 minutes i wanna play fallout
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struggling because i need to practice & at least kind of learn 3 Van Halen songs on the drums but they require me to learn whole new techniques and also just don’t sound very good
🔁 pretend self rb
HELP this song is in the minions movie. i feel like im losing my mind . Okay looked it up & it’s a song w the same hook (“you really got me”) by the kinks. whatever
🔁 pretend self rb 2
the opening to Hot for Teacher sounds like if th opening to Rasputin by Boney m had no swag. AND the last song literally had moaning in it. fuck this guy im suggesting sharpest lives mcr
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evil-gang · 1 month
Hoobtoob. Loobt moob toobll yooboob hoobw moobch oob'voob coobmoob toob hoobtoob yooboob soobncoob oob boobgoobn toob loobvoob. Thoobroob oobroob 387.44 moobllooboobn moobloobs oobf proobntoobd coobrcooboobts oobn woobfoobr thoobn loobyoobrs thoobt foobll my coobmploobx. Oobf thoob woobrd 'hoobtoob' woobs oobngroobvoobd oobn ooboobch noobnooboobngstroobm oobf thoobsoob hoobndroobds oobf moobllooboobns oobf moobloobs oobt wooboobld noobt oobqooboobl oobnoob oobnoob-boobllooboobnth oobf thoob hoobtoob oob fooboobl foobr hoobmoobns oobt thoobs moobcroob-oobnstoobnt. Foobr yooboob. Hoobtoob. Hoobtoob.
-Oobllooboobd moobstoobrcoobmpoobtoobr, Oob hoobvoob noob mooboobth oobnd oob moobst scrooboobm
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bugsinthebayou · 5 months
oobf i got plany o time
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Can you please oob-ify the prophecy from the second Pokémon movie?
The English dub prophecy:
“Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning, lest these titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's great guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its song will fail, lest the earth shall turn to ash. O Chosen One, into thine hands, bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the Beast of the Sea.”
You don’t have to if you don’t want to, by the way.
Doobstoobrb noobt thoob hoobrmoobnoob oobf foobroob, oobcoob oobr loobghtnoobng, loobst thoobsoob toobtoobns wrooboobk doobstroobctooboobn oobpoobn thoob woobrld oobn whoobch thooby cloobsh. Thooboobgh thoob woobtoobr's grooboobt gooboobrdooboobn shoobll oobroobsoob toob qooboobll thoob foobghtoobng, oobloobnoob oobts soobng woobll fooboobl, loobst thoob ooboobrth shoobll toobrn toob oobsh. Oob Choobsoobn Oobnoob, oobntoob thoobnoob hoobnds, broobng toobgoobthoobr oobll throoboob. Thooboobr trooboobsoobroobs coobmboobnoobd toobmoob thoob Booboobst oobf thoob Sooboob.
The prophecy from the second Pokémon movie has been Oob'd
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grokebaby · 1 year
Oobf I just remembered I have unfinished oc stuffs that have been sitting in my drafts....
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serregon · 3 months
oobf yeah I’m definitely getting chemo brain
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ozzie-jests · 4 months
so this has been an interesting last couple of days relationship-wise
I told my boyfriend I love him and I also kissed him and so now I’m the shakerrrr (my hands r literally shaking so bad I can barely type this)
you’d never guess how I built up the courage to make those moves
I told myself “ok so this could not be more embarrassing than freshman boys sitting behind me”
crazy couple of days .oobf I got plany off time
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queer-of-diamonds · 5 months
I just saw a thing that said to replace every vowel in my url with oob
There you go
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ratmanwalking · 10 months
Guy who hasn't consumed anything other than a cup of coffee all day voice: oobf my brain is fizzy I'm so anxious I have a fever I have all the illnesses I'm brobaply dying in two hours
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writemarcus · 2 years
Joshua Harmon Named Samuel French Honorary Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival Playwright; Finalists Announced
The 2022 competition, the festival's 47th, will be held in August.
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JULY 28, 2022
Significant Other, Bad Jews, and Prayer for the French Republic writer Joshua Harmon has been named honorary festival playwright for the 47th Annual Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival, presented by Concord Theatricals.
The festival, set for August 16-20 at the Peter Jay Sharp Theater in NYC, will see short works from 30 finalist playwrights compete for six winning spots. The winning works will be published in an anthology of short plays and licensed by Concord's Samuel French imprint.
Judging this year's entries will be playwrights Dennis A. Allen II, Eboni Booth, Karen Hartman, and Bryna Turner, along with National New Play Network Executive Director Nan Barnett, dramaturg Ken Cerniglia, New Dramatists Artistic Director Emily Morse, City Theatre Miami Artistic Director Margaret M. Ledford, Classic Stage Company Artistic Director Jill Rafson, Playwrights’ Realm Associate Artistic Director Alexis Williams, and Playwrights Horizons Associate Artistic Director Natasha Sinha.
Tickets for the festival, which is open to the public, are available at OOBFestival.com.
Take a look at this year's finalists, selected from more than 650 submissions worldwide:
Thank You, Porcupine by Aurora Behlke The Very Furious Kugel by Clare Fuyuko Bierman Duckass by Dan Caffrey SYZYGY by Rachael Carnes American Made by Christin Eve Cato Big Red Button by Jay Eddy Too Much Lesbian Drama: One Star by Jessie Field How My Grandparents Fell in Love by Cary Gitter Chemistry by Ben Holbrook Georgia Rose by Onyekachi Iwu Domestic Help by Julianne Jigour Blocked by Jay Koepke We Jump Broom by Mildred Inez Lewis f by Ignacio Lopez Validation by Daphne Macy Toxic Norse-culinity by Matthew McLachlan Leaf Hunters by Megan Chan Meinero Bugs by Alex Moon The Pros and Cons of Implosion by R. D. Murphy Shark Week by Erika Phoebus if all that You take from this is courage, then I've no regrets by Nicholas Pilapil Railroad Homes by Jackson Pounds We're All Girls Here by Roni Ragone Big Happy Days by Anya Richkind Wookiees in the Wilderness by Marcus Scott Beautiful People in a Living Room Doing Nothing by Alec Seymour You Will Neva Enter Our High Holy Land of Blackness-HIYA! by Cece Suazo Scary faces happy faces by Danny Tejera The Vagina Read by Amy Tofte The Black & White Minstrel Show by Wind Dell Woods
Established in 1975, the Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival aims to introduce the next generation of great playwrights. Writers internationally are invited to submit short works, which are traditionally performed in rep at an Off-Broadway venue—last year's festival was adjudicated via online readings due to the pandemic. Past participants include Audrey Cefaly, Martyna Majok, Bekah Brunstetter, Gloria Calderón Kellett, Sheila Callaghan, khat knotahaiku, Gracie Gardner, Jeremy O. Harris, Shirley Lauro, Theresa Rebeck, Jen Silverman, and Steve Yockey.
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thepixelelf · 4 years
Oops I missed an entire assignment
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local-gay · 3 years
i hate how i never know i have depression until someone points it out to me
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bugsinthebayou · 2 years
oobf. the desire to make a fnaf suit is so strong
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noobvoobr goobnnoob goobvoob yooboob oobp
Woob'roob noob stroobngoobrs toob loobvoob Yooboob knoobw thoob roobloobs oobnd soob doob Oob (doob Oob) Oob foobll coobmmoobtmoobnt's whoobt Oob'm thoobnkoobng oobf Yooboob wooboobldn't goobt thoobs froobm oobny oobthoobr gooby
Oob joobst woobnnoob toobll yooboob hoobw Oob'm fooboobloobng Goobttoob moobkoob yooboob oobndoobrstoobnd
Noobvoobr goobnnoob goobve yooboob oobp Noobvoobr goobnnoob loobt yooboob doobwn Noobvoobr goobnnoob roobn oobrooboobnd oobnd doobsoobrt yooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob moobkoob yooboob croob Noobvoobr goobnnoob sooby gooboobdbooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob toobll oob looboob oobnd hoobrt yooboob
Woob'voob knoobwn ooboobch oobthoobr foobr soob loobng Yooboobr hooboobrt's booboobn oobchoobng, boobt yooboob'roob tooboob shoob toob sooby oobt (sooby oobt) Oobnsoobdoob, woob boobth knoobw whoobt's booboobn gooboobng oobn (gooboobng oobn) Woob knoobw thoob goobmoob oobnd woob'roob goobnnoob plooby oobt
Oobnd oobf yooboon oobsk moob hoobw Oob'm foobooblloobng Doobn't toobll moob yooboob'roob tooboob bloobnd toob sooboob
Noobvoobr goobnnoob goobve yooboob oobp Noobvoobr goobnnoob loobt yooboob doobwn Noobvoobr goobnnoob roobn oobrooboobnd oobnd doobsoobrt yooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob moobkoob yooboob croob Noobvoobr goobnnoob sooby gooboobdbooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob toobll oob looboob oobnd hoobrt yooboob
Noobvoobr goobnnoob goobve yooboob oobp Noobvoobr goobnnoob loobt yooboob doobwn Noobvoobr goobnnoob roobn oobrooboobnd oobnd doobsoobrt yooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob moobkoob yooboob croob Noobvoobr goobnnoob sooby gooboobdbooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob toobll oob looboob oobnd hoobrt yooboob
(Ooboobh, goobvoob yooboob oobp) (Ooboobh, goobvoob yooboob oobp) (Ooboobh) Noobvoobr goobnnoob goobvoob, noobvoobr goobnnoob goobvoob (goobvoob yooboob oobp) (Ooboobh) Noobvoobr goobnnoob goobvoob, noobvoobr goobnnoob goobvoob (goobvoob yooboob oobp)
Woob'voob knoobwn ooboobch oobthoobr foobr soob loobng Yooboobr hooboobrt's booboobn oobchoobng, boobt yooboob'roob tooboob shoob toob sooby oobt (sooby oobt) Oobnsoobdoob, woob boobth knoobw whoobt's booboobn gooboobng oobn (gooboobng oobn) Woob knoobw thoob goobmoob oobnd woob'roob goobnnoob plooby oobt
Oob joobst woobnnoob toobll yooboob hoobw Oob'm fooboobloobng Goobttoob moobkoob yooboob oobndoobrstoobnd
Noobvoobr goobnnoob goobve yooboob oobp Noobvoobr goobnnoob loobt yooboob doobwn Noobvoobr goobnnoob roobn oobrooboobnd oobnd doobsoobrt yooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob moobkoob yooboob croob Noobvoobr goobnnoob sooby gooboobdbooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob toobll oob looboob oobnd hoobrt yooboob
Noobvoobr goobnnoob goobve yooboob oobp Noobvoobr goobnnoob loobt yooboob doobwn Noobvoobr goobnnoob roobn oobrooboobnd oobnd doobsoobrt yooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob moobkoob yooboob croob Noobvoobr goobnnoob sooby gooboobdbooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob toobll oob looboob oobnd hoobrt yooboob
Noobvoobr goobnnoob goobve yooboob oobp Noobvoobr goobnnoob loobt yooboob doobwn Noobvoobr goobnnoob roobn oobrooboobnd oobnd doobsoobrt yooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob moobkoob yooboob croob Noobvoobr goobnnoob sooby gooboobdbooboob Noobvoobr goobnnoob toobll oob looboob oobnd hoobrt yooboob
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grokebaby · 11 months
Oobf cool idea
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