#begginer cosplayer
angelic-waffles · 11 months
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PSMP!Owen cosplay I did :3
It’s a little cannon divergent but I think it has her essence
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heatsu · 11 months
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I finished my Noelle wig!!
I'm kinda proud of it because it's my second time stylising a wig and I had no access to hair strengthener or anything like that
Some parts look kinda messy because it was my first time upholstering😭
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juliuscaesar-txt · 2 years
how likely is finding a rather cheap fedora in a second hand store??
asking for reasons and reasons are “i decided to cosplay juno steel for hallowe’en but go with a classic noir look so i don’t have to explain it to every single person and thus i need a fedora because every single dress like noir detective tutorial says it’s apparently essential”
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merakidion · 8 months
Hi guys! I made a Mileena cosplay these days and if you can comment and like I'll appreciate a lot!
I know we have plenty of big and famous MK cosplayers but if you can please supsport a beggining cosplayer too!
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ariadnaltos · 2 years
ND Stevenson interview about She-Ra and animation in Celsius 232 (2022)
This post is a transcribe of second interview/talk made to ND Stevenson during the Celsius 232, a multimedia festival about fantasy, scifi and horror genres celebrated in Avilés, a city in the North of Spain. The interview was about She-Ra and The Princesses Of Power. There was another interview about his comics that I attended, but I couldn't find recordings of that one. In this interview ND talked about topics such as Catra's choices, toxic relationships, Nimona's film adaptation and Lumberjanes' TV adaptation. He also answered questions from the public.
Click on Keep reading to read the whole interview!
Thanks to Comic Astur for recording the interview. They have another interviews during Celsius 232 in their channel, both to Spanish and non-Spanish authors. So check it out!
First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! This post is being released on Christmas day in Spain, so I think it's a good moment to make a gift to the SPOP fandom. 🎁🎄
I don't do professional trancribes, I just want to share this interview. I love Celsius 232 and hearing ND Stevenson in person was a great experience. I want to share this with international fans. The interview is in a mix of Spanish and English, so I'll translate the Spanish parts (and also use some of Diego's translations that you can hear in the video) and I'll transcribe everything in English. I'll also add some notes here and there about the interview.
The auditorium opened some minutes before the beggining of the talk. It was almost full. There were some cosplayers of She-Ra, Adora, Catra and even one cosplayed as Finn, Adora and Catra's post-canon child. There was also a baby cosplayed as She-Ra (baby She-Ra!!). Some people brought with them pride flags because of the series nature. 🏳‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ When ND Stevenson entered the auditorium everyone started clapping.
In the scenario, as you can see in the video, there were three people. ND Stevenson (center), Jorge Iván Argiz (left, interviewer) and Diego García (right, interpreter). Jorge Iván did the questions while Diego translated everything to ND and then to the public.
The interviewer started the talk remembering that ND Stevenson will come back to Celsius next year, for Celsius 2023, and he also claimed the importance of animation. Then, he asked his first question:
Interviewer: When you make a comic you have full control. You have a blank paper or a screen. You have your pen and you can do wathever you want. However, when doing an animation film, even if it has a main creative, it's a hugely collective work. How it was your first experience? How it was entering the animation industry and realizing that it's a huge teamwork effort?
ND Stevenson: Getting into animation was actually kind of an accident for me. I didn't plan to go in that direction. When I started out writing comics I thought of myself as an artist first before I was a writer. And so getting hired as a writer in animation was kind of a surprise for me. And I wasn't sure if it was something I was going to stay with. But my first job was amazing. It was working for Craig McCracken who did Powerpuff Girls and a lot of other stuff that defined my childhood and other people's childhoods. It was a very cool job to work with him.
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Thinking of myself as a writer... it took me a while to accept that. But also, the collaboration of animation was what made me fall in love with animation. I also had always loved animation as a kid. Sneaking into my parents room where the TV was, when they were out of the house, to watch Teen Titans, which was my favorite show. To be behind the scenes, to be able to share this world that we were building together with the rest of the crew, that was... I immediately became addicted to that.
To write a comic it is all you. And unexpected things still happen but it all comes from your own brain, you own hands. With animation, everybody has a little piece of that world. And so, I would look over people's shoulders and ask to be in meetings that I wasn't technically a part of, just because I wanted to know everything and see everything. And so that is what made me fall in love with animation and that's what eventually lead me to make She-Ra.
Interviewer: Now we're going to talk about She-Ra. She-Ra as a character already existed, created as a base for a series of toys. I think that it started in 1985 and it was a show with near a hundred episodes. She-Ras was a twin sister to He-Man and she had a similar story to him, it was kind of complementary. But you made something completely new with this character and this universe. This seems wonderful to me. The first example already appears in the tittle [of the show]. The original series was called She-Ra Princess of Power. But here we're talking about She-Ra and The Princesses of Power. This collaborative spirit that you liked a lot when making animation shows was translated to the animation series. I imagine that this was the first decision [that you made], to bring a more complete arc for characters and to create not just one, but multiple princesses of power.
ND Stevenson: Yeah, the show ended up being- it was about teamwork. It's not just what the show was about, it's also the way in which we made it. It was a show that was made under a lot of pressure, not just because of She-Ra, but because we didn't have the biggest budget and we didn't have the longest timeline for making it. And so it was really something that if we were going to pull it off, we had to rely on each other to do it. And so that was something that really brought us together.
But that show, taking it from being- I hadn't watched the show myself [before], the original show from the 80s [when I was] growing up. But I loved it when I watched it [as an adult]. I had a lot of love in my heart for that show. Trying to pay that off and take that so it could appeal to new fans as well and still make old fans happy was always the line to find and walk. Taking it from one princess of power to an entire team of princesses who are very powerful and making it more about that, about the group instead about the one individual. That was something that was very important for us to do. Because it was so personal for us, with how the show was being made, because we were so close to each other. It was important to show that aspect of friendship and teamwork, and relationships in general. And love in every form. That was our inspiration behind that aspect of the show.
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Interviewer: I would like to know if from the beggining it was always clear that the series was going to have that format and that number of seasons. The first season was a presentation of the princesses, almost one per episode. For me the series starts having more pace when each episode develops these stories that connect with each other. I would like to know if the series was already thought like that or if after season one you still had freedom to make changes.
ND Stevenson: The production of the show was actually pretty unsual in animation. The show had already been greenlit for 26 episodes before I was even hired for the show. They just bought the rights to She-Ra and they knew that Netflix had already ordered the first season. They also knew that they wanted to do 52 episodes total. So when I was hired it was my job to pitch that second season. And so, when I pitched the show, I'm kind of a wordy person, so my pitch was supposed to be like 20 minutes and it was like over an hour [in the end]. And I was lucky that the people I was pitching to were receptive and interested, but I pitched all 52 episodes. That is part of why it was so long, because I wanted to have this conception of it.
Some things stayed the same and some things changed over time, but we had certain ideas that stayed the whole time. For example, an early idea was that Catra was going to get a promotion at the end of every season and move further up the ranks. And also she was going to betray somebody in each season. That really ended up in the show. She just keeps kind of working her way up the ranks and eventually decides that she's out of there, going back to Adora. That was something that stayed true over time, but there were some things that we found along the way. A lot of things were really unexpected. At the very least, it was very helpful to have those broad strokes figured out from the beggining. I'm glad they didn't just cut me off after 20 minutes of talking cause that would be embarrasing *laughs*.
Interviewer: One of the best things that has happened to YA narrative is the shift from just entertainment and fun spirit to topics that were forbidden before. This change probably happened because of the new young people creating new stuff for young audiences. Some of this topics are abuse, bullying, mental health... She-Ra is about some of these topics, toxic relationships are very present in the show. There are multiple cases. It has been talked a lot about the relationship between Adora and Catra, but the relationship between Catra and Scorpia is also another perfect example of a toxic relationship. Something that someone denies, although everybody is warning them. I would like to know more about these messages that can make the audience think about their own relationships. Tell us about it.
ND Stevenson: I'm of the believe that it's important just not to see representation of good behaviour and role models that we can model ourselves on. But is also, I think, a good thing to see representation of characters making the wrong choices and doing the wrong thing. And Catra is defined by that. This was [something that] the crew [asked about as well]. People would come and they'd be like: "so, you told me that she's gonna join the good guys again, right? She'll be OK? When is that going to happen?" And people started to stop believing me that it was going to happen.
AJ, who voices the character, I would [tell her] "We have a big run for you today, Catra is going to do something new, but I promise that she's going to be OK in the end". And she'll be like: "yeah, sure, you say that every time". But I think that's why [Catra] was very beloved among the crew and by me. She's a character who kind of consistently always makes the wrong choices. And it can be so frustrating. Because you'll yell at her at just be like: "OMG, you know you don't want that, why can't you just do the right thing?". And that, I think, in it's own way can be something that also tells us how to make decisions ourselves. So when you see somebody who we sometimes want to scream [at], sometimes we're compelled to do things that make us a bad friend or bad people. And it's important, I think, to know the consequences of those wrong decisions.
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Catra is someone who expresses those things and my hope is that it is cathartic in it's own way, but it's also a little bit of a cautionary tell. She ends up alone at the end, without any friends. And that's the consequences of her actions. But then it's also something that it's- you know, there's nothing you can't come back from. There are things that if you work, if you make yourself vulnerable and open yourself up and try to make amends for your mistakes, it is possible to come back. That was something that was very important for us to show. It's my believe that it's important to see characters, specially female characters, making those bad decisions. We found it cathartic, and I hope that it was cathartic for others as well.
Interviewer: Now two short questions about the animation. First, it is traditional animation, or at least it looks like it, with some touches of CG here and there. I wanted to know if it was a conscious decision so the show would look like it was intended, or if it was because of the low budget and short production time which you said you had.
The second question is about the aesthetic of the ancient buildings. It makes me think about an illustrator called Roger Dean. I don't know if it's by chance or if it was an inspiration for this aesthetic.
*a fly 🪰 flies near the interviewer and he tries to hit it*
ND Stevenson: We had an option on pursuing 3D animation as well. It was something that was done at this studio I was at, at DreamWorks, pretty often. But it was also for an epic... There's a fly!! 🪰
*the interviewer and translator agree and everybody laughs* There's a fly in my... flying over and over... 🪰
Yeah, for epic action scifi fantasy it is harder, it's more expensive to do CG animation. And you have fewer resources. One thing that happens is that the characters can't go to many places because every room and setting has to be build in three dimensions. My friends who are writers working on shows in 3D have limitations of what they can use. They have a set number of characters and a set number of locations, which is true in hand-drawn as well, but less so. You don't have to design the whole thing if you'll only going to see it from one angle.
So that was a lot of the reason of just what was posible with the show. But also, I thought it was important because She-Ra was one of the last shows in the 80s animated in the US, before everything moved overseas to be animated in South Korea and Canada, France and Ireland. It felt important to stay true to the original and the hand-drawn look of the original.
As for Roger Dean, that was definitely one of my inspirations. You have very sharp eye! That very epic... The science fiction illustrations of the 70s and 80s that you would see on the cover of a paperback... That is how I wanted the world to feel. But populated by characters who felt a bit newer. As a kid, I always loved this covers because you would see these floating rocks or the sky with dozens of planets and moons. I wanted to capture that feeling. It always sparked my imagination to see those illsutrations and I wanted to capture that in the show.
Interviewer: Before starting with the questions of the public I have to ask about the adaptation of Nimona into a film, as well as Lumberjanes' TV adaptation. Tell us a little bit about both projects.
ND Stevenson: You're gonna see the Nimona movie early next year, I think february or march. *big applause from the public* So get excited because I just saw the newest cut and it has a lot of the animation. I've seen the board drawings for a while, but I started to get the animation and it is completely surreal to see really dumb drawings that I made as a teenager like, suddenly being executed in three dimensions and it's gorgeous and the style is amazing. So I'm very excited for everyone to see it.
And Lumberjanes is still in the development period. This is a little more standard. I said that She-Ra was unsual in the animation industry and part of that is that the development happened very very quickly. Less than a year. For most animated projects it takes longer than that. So on Lumberjanes we are still on the development phase. We haven't launched into the actual production of the show yet. It's still on the writing and creating the look of the show, finding a studio and everything like that. I think that I'll hopefully have more news about it soon for you. And I think that it's going to be also really cool. So... yeah. *applause*
Interviewer: Great. (To the public) Any questions?
#1 audience question: 1) I heard some rumors that you had trouble with Netflix because the series did not have as much advertisement as they wanted, the low-budget... That was the case? 2) Would you be interested to start working for other platforms like Amazon?
ND Stevenson: Something that not many people know it's that I actually haven't worked for Netflix. I created She-Ra as the show that you saw on Netflix, but I made it at DreamWorks. DreamWorks is it's own animation studio and they had a deal with Netflix that Netflix would stream the shows that DreamWorks was producing. So that was the deal. That's different now. They still do co-productions with DreamWorks, but they [Netflix] created their own animation studio after a year or so after I started working on She-Ra. So actually I didn't have much interaction with Netflix at all. I didn't get notes from them. I didn't know my executives there personally... Actually, I did, but... One of my executives was actually a good friend of mine. But I didn't actually have meetings with Netflix in any way.
If there's rumors about being trouble with Netflix it's certainly not in any kind of working relationship way. They are pretty mysteryous, they guard their algorithm pretty closely. But yeah, that was my experience with Netflix. For me it was very positive. I can't speak any more to what their reaction towards the show was because we were in different places. Hope that answers that.
I'm not currently working with Amazon, but that's something that is definitely... it's pretty common in animation to kind of move around from studio to studio. So it's definitely posible.
#2 audience question: I'm almost 30 so I'm a bit old for the She-Ra target audience, but me and my friend loved it because there is a lot of queer representation. For me and my friend that is very important. I was wondering how it felt because we're more of less of the same age, so we've grown up with similar cartoons and there was nothing that showed you what queer means. We didn't really see ourselves in mainstream shows. I was wondering how it felt to put for the queer community out there this clear representation.
ND Stevenson: It was obviously pretty important for me in a personal level. But another thing that I don't know if that many people know it's that when I got the job I wasn't out yet as gay. So it was certainly not something... Honestly, the show is probably responsible for making me way gayer, just working on it. *everybody laughs*
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But it was something very important to me, just in the world of the show, you know? For me, it's always queer characters, they're always on the front of what I make, even before I was out. But also it's something that is defined by the show itself, what makes the world feel more alive. So I felt that having very fluid gender expression was an important par of the show. Because honestly, the original show has fairly fluid gender. He-Man wears pink and purple in his clothes and then wears a furry diaper when he transforms as He-Man. All the characters are wearing tights and belly shirts and men and women, there're not non-binary people in the original show, but it makes sense for us that there would be. So there's something for me that made the world feel more alive. And again, rainbows and drag queen princesses were such a big part of the original that it just makes sense to [have them] and it made our world feel bigger and more expansive. So that was a lot of my thinking behind it, and sometimes it was an easy sell I think. We were pleasantly surprised that the studio would be very receptive for Bow to have two dads. And Double Trouble, we were very excited about that and very supportive of hiring a non-binary voice actor.
And then there were other things that were a harder sell. I got on the phone with a lot of different people for the Adora and Catra relatioship and had to pitch it a bunch of different times to different people. Got a few notes at first. And then, you know, appealed it, and then the noes turned into yeses. And I still didn't believed it until I was actually watching the final season on Netflix. I didn't believed it'd really happen. But it did so, yeah, that was really cool.
*when the interpreter was translating this answer by ND he tried to hit the fly 🪰 and everybody laughed and applaud, it was really funny*
Interviewer: (To the public) One last question with a short answer?
#3 audience question: In the series there's a lot of characters. I wanted to ask who do you relate to the most?
ND Stevenson: I think all the characters have little bits of me and the rest of the crew. I think almost every character is sort of- there's someone on the crew who identified with them really strongly and that person became more expert on the character. So we have someone who strongly identified with Entrapta, or Tecnia as you said... (Tecnia is the name of Entrapta in the Spanish dub <3) I forget they have different names sometimes. Which is a great name, Tecnia is a great name! *public laughs* But yeah. Almost all of the characters had some counterpart among the crew.
For me, I think that I sort of related the most to a tie between Adora, Catra and Glimmer. One of the things I struggled with on the show was that I was very young when I was hired and I'd never been a manager before. And I mostly just worked on my own stuff and so, having to suddenly become a leader was a thing that I found very difficult and very scary. Like, I really really wanted to do a good job. I wanted everyone on the crew to be taken care of. And it was very difficult and terrifying. That's something that I think all three of those characters deal with in different ways.
Glimmer unexpectedly becomes the new queen. Adora changes sides and suddenly has to deal with all the guilt of having been on the bad guys side before. And Catra has this drive and this ambition, but she also starts to fall apart the higher up the ladder she moves.
I put a lot of those feelings into the characters. With Glimmer there's an episode where she can't go on missions anymore with Bow and Adora because she needs to stay and go to meetings, which was like my everyday. Everyone's going to do something fun and I have to be in a meeting, I can't hang out with [other crew members]. Like Adora in the episode where they play D&D and she keeps just being like: "no no NO, we're all gonna die and everything is gonna go wrong" and she's trying to anticipate every possible way it could go wrong. That was a lot of like, you know, having to conceptualize and keep consistent a story that was going to be told in such a long period of time, with such a large crew of people. That was how my brain felt a lot of the time. A lot of these feelings were poured into she show through the characters. Those are the characters that I think I have the strongest connection to.
(ND is, in fact, wordy, so it wasn't a short answer LOL)
Interviewer: There are big threats and the world needs to be saved a lot of times, and at the same time what you're woried the most is if the characters will recover their friendship... What's going to happen next? Someone will pay attention to Scorpia? *everybody laughs* This shows us something that happens in our lifes as well, that a big event can change you as much as an event that may seem small. This series also shows us that being different is cool, being the same as everyone else can be pretty boring. Being different can be even desirable. ND said that at the beggining he started working with someone who changed his life and who gave him a show such as The Powerpuff Girls, and I anticipate to him that right now, very very soon, there will be people that will say "I'm working for ND Stevenson, who changed my life thanks to She-Ra and his other works". To make easier our wait for the next year [Celsius 2023], when he comes back to Avilés, we're gonna say goodbye to him with a very very strong applause.
*all the public applauses, ND does a heart shape with his hands 🫶 He also thanked the Celsius 232 organizers and the public for coming*
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This interview was done on Friday 22nd, july 2022. ND Stevenson made another talk/interview the day before. After that one talk I went to the signing and got my copy of Nimona signed. He was really nice and we could talk with him a little bit. He seemed really happy to visit this event in Spain and I'm really excited to see him next year. At that time the Nimona movie will be out, so I'm sure that we'll be able to know more about it and his future projects!
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Photo with ND Stevenson during the book signing on Thursday. My boyfriend and I went together. We both love Stevenson's stories. <3
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Thanks to ND Stevenson for coming to Spain and to Celsius 232!! I've been going every year to this event since 2018 and they always have great authors and the festival is really nice. I've learned a lot of stuff thanks to this festival and with talks like this one that ND made. The event is mostly about books and literature, but as you can see other forms of media are in Celsius 232 as well.
That's all! Thank you so much for reading this whole thing. I hope that it was interesting. <3
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sc3ne-m1key · 2 years
GrEet1ngs Intern3t!!!
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My name is Mikey, welcome to my Tumblr blog!!!
Im just a weird teenager who just want to share the things i love with another people like u!!! here u could find things like drawings, cosplay, random post, and more!!!
first, let me tell you some things about me ^^
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-Pronouns: he/she/bat/star/honk ( and more xenos! )
-xenogender -Transmasc
-I speak spanish and in english
-Artist, cosplayer and fursuiter ( all hobby )
-I do kandi stuff like bracelets or stars
-Scene kid, love 2010s/2000´s
-Hyperfixations: TMNT, MLP,steven universe, creepypasta, horror stuff, Undertale and their AU´s, circus stuff and clowns
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Some random stuff about me:
Sometimes I play videogames, mostly RPG indie horror games
I love plushies so much!!
sometimes i practice quadrobics
some of my cosplays are: Demencia from villainous, Kagekao from creepypasta and Michelangelo from rottmnt
sometimes i write stories or do music ( moslty they are on spanish )
i do animations but not a lot
im a rise!Mikey🐢🧡Demencia🦎💚❤️and Bingo🐶🧡 fictionkin
im a pet dreamer/ age dreamer
my fav mlp characters are: Applejack, Pinkie pie, Fluttershy, Vinyl Scratch, Rainbow Dash, Princess Luna and Derpy hooves
I love horror movies!!
my fav types of movies are found footage and Screen life
I like drawing
my fav animals are bats, african wild dogs, hyenas, cats,wolves and turtles of course hehe ^^
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this a safe place for:
Alterhumans ( otherkins, therians, fictionkins, etc )
lgbtq+ people
aroace spectrum people ( grey, demi, etc... )
age regressors
pet regressors
scene/emo kids
artists, no matter if you are begginer or a professional, you´re welcome here ^^
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Social media:
Deviant art: Galaxybunny11
Spacehey: sc3ne_m1key
Instagram: galaxy_bunny_art
tik tok: sc3ne_m1key
Thank u for coming here!!! i hope u have a good day!!!
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midnightwaters65 · 4 years
Dungeons and Dragons
I want to start being involved into Dungeons and Dragons! Can anyone give me your guys tips? I look them up on YouTube and it feels like people are distantly from it for some reason. 😅 May I get D&D lovers in the comments telling me if it's worth it please !? I wanted to be very supportive and create a fantasy knowing that theres other "worlds" out there!💜💜💜💜
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lightleckrereins · 2 years
Did you see that Simplicity has made some Six the Musical inspired costume patterns? I saw it on a facebook group!
Yes I saw it. And it is bad.
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(@/lochnessofficial on tiktok)
This is not me saying don't buy these, if you want them as a base or for a halloween costume go for it. This sort of thing is great for people with no sewing experience who want to make six costumes, and there is enough information online to level them up for a nice look. Just don't expect the result to look like a stage costume. Also read from someone who has used patterns from this line that the plus size patterns are not necessarily good.
First lets get something out of the way. Those patterns are not official. This means simplicity just took show photos and "recreated" very basic versions of what they saw. All this with no permission.
Second. I can't speak for the quality of the patterns, only from what I see in the covers. Simplicity is one of the bigger pattern brands and they have a reputation for creating quality commercial patterns. This means the patterns are made for home sewists who know how to read and follow patterns and have a certain skill level. So basically anyone who is past the begginer stage and can operate a sewing machine. But commercial patterns are not proffesional costume patterns or historical patterns. So even if visually they look like six and would work well for halloween costumes that would see a few wears, they are not great for cosplay that aims for any degree of show accuracy and are probably very different from the show patterns. So even if you add all the necessary layers it probably won't look right. (If it is a base for a first mockup you could have good results after a few rounds of alterations).
As six costumes I just don't trust these, even the ones that look half decent (Aragon top minus the sleeves and Boleyn skirt) have big issues only from the photos. The six patterns are notoriously complicated. In the US six uses a single costume workshop that has makers specialized in a single queen, UK keeps going back to the same makers who are again specialized in one or two queens. The costume makers are editing and improving the patterns to this day, these almost definitely didn't consult them. And I haven't seen a single six cosplayer (myself included) who doesn't want to change at least one fit detail, or changed already. Take a guess as to how someone who has never worked with six or done extensive research will do when creating a pattern. And this isn't against the pattern makers, this is just outside of the things they usually work with.
Now just for fun my quick review of what can be seen. Looks like most are bases with details sewn on top, and it looks like its all fabric, no vinyl, no structure and a lot of spandex. Aragon, collar is too wide, missing front side panel, no shoulder straps, lets not even mention the sleeves, peplum is too narrow and I am not sure it would even fit the skirt underneath, skirt is again super narrow, panels nowhere to be seen. Boleyn, darts instead of princess seams, top is square not fitted, I am 90% sure there is no undersleeve, skirt is not structured, even hem, not sure it flattens to a full circle, the squares definitely don't work like that, looks like squares might be painted?. Cleves, (tell me you referenced Esme without telling me you referenced Esme) looks like the boleyn top with a zipper and no darts, super short, shorts look like regular spandex shorts with the side panels just sewn to the waistband and falling over it. Parr, its just mesh with two bands sewn on top, sleeves are too long and bands are too thin, has a choker for reasons, pants are way too short and look like basic black pants with blue sewn on top. Also you have to love the Boleyn/Parr look switch and the silver Cleves with ponytail and teal Parr.
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ghxstlypuppet · 3 years
Im not too much on the MHA fandom anymore but i still have a few hc's and small fics that i wrote for friends i had back then, so i decided to post them here i thought yall could enjoy them, let me know if you want me to post the others and if you have any requests i will be down to trying to write them for you i may take a while tho since i'm not doing very well lately but enough rambling ,let's get to it.
Where i got the idea for this:
So i watched a tik tok a while ago from a Denki cosplayer were they were showing a 'fried denki' and the other students laughing at him because of the funny faces and sounds , y'know fried denki stuff, i can't remember who but there was a dialogue between some characters saying stuff like "Is he okay?" "Omg look at his face! *laughs*" "Don't worry about him he will be fine ,just let him alone for a while"
And then they showed how much Denki actually suffers when he have those short circuits, he can't talk but inside of his mind he is screaming for help , so , me being the angst bitch that i am tried to write something based on it. Enjoy ig-
» Thank you...«
Pairings : Denki x GN!Reader
Genre : Angst and fluff, Mc comforting Denki and a little bit of Denki comforting mc.
Warnings : Angst at the beggining
Pronuns : I believe i didnt used any specific ones for this.
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It was a busy day of training everyone were giving their best to get stronger and find some new ways to use their quirks , you were training next to the place were Denki was , you two were friends he was the first one to talk with you when you joined the class and always would invite you to hang out with the squad , you got along very well with the other members of the squad except for Bakugou, well it is kinda hard to approach him anyways so you didn't cared that much about it, you all always had fun together.
Denki was really trying to focus his attacks on a single target without having to use any equipment , you were distracted with your training and thoughts and only had time to get kinda scared with a loud noise comming from were Denki was , everyone rushed to see what had happened just to encounter Denki short circuiting , most of them laughed and started making fun of the faces and 'weird' noises that the boy was making, most of them except by you, you had a worried look in your eyes , you got scared by the loud noise but seeing Denki like that and people laughing at him made you feel a pain in your chest , Denki was used to that already even tho he never told anyone how much that actually hurted him, it was painfull, it burned all that he really wanted was someone helping him somehow, you could even feel some tears forming on your eyes when you rushed into his direction and without thinking twice you hugged him, some people looked at you with a surprised look some others just ignored and got back to training , but you didn't left , you were hugging Denki wanting to make sure that he was really going to be okay, for some reason seeing him like that was truly painfull to you, you were 'scared' and didn't said much , you were just reasuring him that everything would be okay and that he wasn't alone, it just felt like the right thing to do right now so you did just that.
After all the training everyone got back to the dorms, Denki was feeling better now but you two didn't talked yet after what happened, Denki was just feeling 'awkward' and so did you, when that happened you acted by instinct and now you were just quiet sitting on the couch by yourself reading a book, the others were all on their rooms already but you couldn't sleep , you didn't said a word but you couldn't help to feel mad at the others for not helping Denki, you couldn't even focus on your reading all of those thoughts were distracting you and you even jumped a bit when you felt a hand on your shoulder so you look behind you just to see Denki there, he was smiling at you even tho he seemed to be a bit blushed
" Hey.. are you busy?"
- Hey, no, not really, are you feeling better?
That question got him by surprise he just smiled again and made his way around the couch to sit next to you
"Yeah i'm fine...ahm...i just.. Thank you for that... like for real..thank you.."
You smiled with his answer and looked at him when he was sitting by your side
- You don't need to thank me, i got really worried that just felt like the right thing to do, so i did...Sorry if that was too intrusive or something like tha-
You didn't even finished talking and the boy interrupts you
"Of course i have to thank you! That wasn't intrusive "or something like that" at all! I ahm.. i kinda needed that.. y'know i never talked about it with anyone here ,but when that happens it really hurts...it's terrible, i get that i can't control the stupid expressions and noises that i make but still, it really hurts sometimes more than other times, and no one ever really worried they just think that it's something normal and let it aside until i get back to my normal self again so..Thank you very much.. When you were there with me i could focus on something else and forget about the pain so you really helped me."
He said with a sincere tone , he was looking away while talking and when he finished he just sighed in relief , he didn't wanted you worrying about him but now it was too late, he jumped in place when he heard you sniffing and looked at you with surprise and worry even more when he noticed that you were tearing up
- I knew it! I knew you were in pain and everyone laughing instead of helping you! I'm sorry, sorry that they treat you like that i...i wish i could do more for you...b-but i-
You couldn't finish your sentence the tears started rolling down your face, Denki now was super lost he was worried and panicking he didn't knew exactly how to help and was afraid of making things worse somehow
"H-Hey! Hey don't need to cry! It's okay, really it always happens i...damn it...sorry for worrying you , it's not your fault that this happened okay?"
He said while trying to think what he could do and just like you did earlier he approached you and hugged you and said with calming and reasuring voice
"It's okay now...I'm fine! I really am, thanks to you! Don't worry about the others, i think they just get scared or something that's why they don't approach me , b-but it doesn't matter now! I'm okay and i'm here with you so don't cry...unless you want me crying too..."
He said , you couldn't help to giggle you were hugging him too but soon he let go of the hug and looked you in the eyes you could notice that he was sad to see you crying , Denki gently put his hands on your face and with his thumbs he whiped your tears away
"There there....much better!"
He said with a smile, you smiled back and sighed
- Thank you Denki, i promise that i will not let you alone if that happens again... Don't push yourself that much tho..
You said looking at him, he couldn't help but blush a bit more , it was good, that feeling was good knowing that someone truly worried and cared about him, he noded
" I will try to not let that happen again, but if it happens i know you will be there for me, right?"
He said with a bright and cute smile, you blushed and wanted to hide your face on the pillow you had with you or even throw it at him that boy was just 'too much'
- I will.... You dork..
"What was that now? First you were worried and now i am a dork? Fine!......dork number two."
He said it with a 'serious' face, you gasped and now threw the pillow at him
- You take that back!
" Don't wanna."
He replied , you two pretend to be mad at each other but it didn't last not even 5 seconds until you two bursted in laughter , the fun would suddenly be interrupted by Iida ,saying that it was late and you two were being too loud
' You two should be in bed already! Tomorrow morning we may have the day off but an emergency could happen and-'
"Right right we got it! We were already heading to bed don't worry!"
Denki didn't let Iida finish, he knew that the other wouldn't stop talking so early too, you two got up and headed to your rooms, but a few minutes later you hear a knock on your door , you already knew who it was and opened it, just to see Denki smiling
- If iida see you here you will get in trouble!
" Yeah i know ,so be quiet! Wanna go play some games? I'm not sleepy yet so i thought it would be fun!"
He said whispering , you just rolled your eyes but smiled and left your room, quietly following Denki to his room.
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that-wizard-oki · 5 years
Hey Oki! I'm thinking of getting into cosplay! Do you have any tips on making props and foam armor?
Before I start: If you’re like, not 18 or well trained in using things like power tools or other hardware craft stuff, some of the advice/tools im gonna talk about will requre adult supervision or aid. Just wanted to say that b/c sometimes younger cosplayers message me about advice or what to do with cosplay, and i don’t want y’all using a heat gun or bandsaw because i told you to lol. Please use common sense and if you are not sure how to do something, ask an adult or someone who know’s what they’re doing :’D
Props advice:
If you’re looking to make something like a staff, bow, wand, something like that, PVC pipe is a great way to build a skeleton/base for things like wands or staffs. I used this to make my Dragonspyre Wand as well as one of the wizard city staffs. Wodden dowel rods (they come in so many sizes) also are a great base- that’s what makes up the shaft of morganthe’s wand.
Clear plastic “ornaments” are what a lot of people use to make translucent bulbs or orbs by painting the inside of them or hooking LED’s inside the ornament- you can easily find these on amazon or at a crafts store like Jo-Annes. 
Styrofoam balls (and triangles and squares and so many other shapes) can also be a great base for making props. I used a 48 in. styrofoam ball for morganthe’s staff and then paper mache’d the spider design ontop with newspaper and then just painted it from there!
I only have done one foam armor costume and let me just say- your first foam armour is probaly not going to look exactly how you want it to. Unless you really plan out what you want to do and make test patterns (which reminds me, PLEASE use patterns for stuff instead of guestimating measurments and stuff, it’ll save you a lot of heart ache, and if you want to re-do a prop or piece of armour, you won’t have to start from scratch that way!), foam armour can be fairly fickle for begginers because you’re just starting out with it. Which is okay! Practice makes progress!!
Other materials that i have not used but also know work well- Worbla is GREAT for armor esp if you have a heat gun! It might seem more intimidating that craft foam but if you have the extra cash to spend i’d reccomend trying worblas for certain props or armour depending on what you’re doing!
Clear worbla is also fantastic for making translucent blades or glasses or visors that have a specific shape!
3D printing has also been a godsend for a lot of cosplayers- if you have acess to a 3d printer, please utilize it! You can make a plethora of tiny detailed things instead of doing it by hand which is always helpful!
Instilation foam is also fantastic for making huge props or armour necause it’s incredibly light weight!
Tools to use with some of the products i’ve mentioned: 
A heat gun is normally used to shape/form worbla and craft foam. 
A hand dremel (or just hand sanding with sandpaper, but that takes SO much longer) can be used to decorate or impliment designs onto craft foam, instulation foam, and at times worbla. You can also use them to touch up your props and make them look smoother!
Hotwire Cutters/ Hot Knife Cutters can also be used to decorate, shape, or cut instulation foam (and sometimes craft foam)
Box cutters can also be used for general cutting out your rough shapes of 
It is maybe a good idea to work on a selfhealing mat so you don’t completely ruin the table you’re working on (unless you don’t mind getting hundres of cut marks into your table lol)
YOUTUBE! For the love of go,d there’s so many tutorials on how to use all of these materials and where to start/buy them from as well. They honestly will be of more help that this post is imo, this is just what i have learned from my years of cosplay!
Also another learning resource for me was cosplay tutorial (link to the website atatched)! This is a collection of how other cosplayers make specific things. It has everything from sewing, wigs, props, to acessories. I hihgly reccomend it as it might also help!
I hope this was at least semi helpful- and don’t be sad if what you first attempt to make doesn’t look exactly how you want! Just keep trying and you’ll learn a lot of skills by doing that! Also cosplay is about haiving fun no matter what your “skill” is, so even then just have fun and do your thing (safely)!
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but-who-saves-you · 4 years
I can always count on @ending-tune when she plays a tag game :’D Thank you 🥰
Rules: Answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to get to know better
Nickname: Szofi
Zodiac Sign:  Aries/Taurus
Height: I think 169 cm
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor /  Hufflepuff 
Last Thing I Googled: Lulu mobafire build ( to play with her in LoL)
Song Stuck in my Head: Say so - Doja Cat
Following and Followers: I follow 202 ppl and I have 1375 follower (wow when and why? :’D)
Amount I Sleep: Ugh.. maybe 7 or 8 hours? 
Lucky Numbers: I don’t have a lucky number :c
Dream Job: Author, Screenwriter, Barista
Favorite Songs: NF - I miss the days, I just wanna know  Billie Eilish - Everything I wanted but nowadays I recently listen: Kesha- Cannibal and Doja Cat - Boss Bitch
Favorite Instruments: flute, piano, violin, harp 
Random Fact: I’m a member of a cosplayer club and I manage our instagram profile. It’s not a big deal, we are sentence begginers, but I love taking pictures, editing and posting them about us. 
Favorite Authors: Leiner Laura, Sarah J Maas
Favorite Animal Noises: maybe that soft dog squeak when they want sg from you ( mostly food )
Aesthetic: tired eyes, messy wheat blonde hair, coffee scent, midnight sky, vibrant blue and purple led light, highlighted text books, bittersweet smile I tag: @skateintothelights @treitike 
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tagged by: @nctapeopleperson
nickname: I have no nicknames. My first name is really short, exists in almost every language (however it's quite rare in my native language) and I have no friends who would give me any cool nicknames.
zodiac sign: Virgo
height: 5'6
last thing i googled: “onlinevetelkedo” It's a site of a foreign language team competition. My team compete in French, and we were looking forward to the result of the last but on turn for three days aaaand... we're in the final turn. Wish us luck. 🍀
song stuck in my head:  Hellfire (Disney Hunchback of the Notre Dame)
amount of sleep i get: Maximum 6 hours/night. I'm a secondary student, I've no time to sleep.
lucky number(s): 3, 51
dream job: Computer Science Engineer and Architect are my dream jobs since I was about 12.
wearing: T-shirt and shorts
favorite songs: My all time favourite is Rosenrot by Rammstein.
instruments: Non. I've no talent in music.
random facts: I'm a begginer cosplayer, and I've never learned acting, but my director acquaintance already asked me to play main roles in her next two costume films. I hope she knows what she's doing...
aesthetic: Mostly black, with some green, blue, crimson, purple and grey. All dark of course. Dark jeans and leather jacket with boots or heels.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it. :)
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pigfartsitsonmars · 5 years
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I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I'd love you to love me. I'm beggin you to beg me. #selfie #makeup #jeffreestar #jeffreestarcosmetics #alternative #alternativegirl #emo #emogirl #tattooedgirl #punk #nye #curledhair #bodypositive #cosplayer #lgbt #lgbtq #pansexual #single https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Hv3s7Jd6y/?igshid=1r76a98j7zql7
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The Blocklist: A essay (this is very long)
I know everyones sick of it at this point but I got shit to say so feel free to not read this absolute unit of a poorly written essay. The jjbablocklist divided their list into two different list now. One for creators and one for consumers/rebloggers and I cannot stress enough about how dumb that is since it shouldve been done since the beggining. Also, following alot of these artist and “consumers” of these medias, I noticed some of them are falsely accused, others while being minors. here’s why:
1. A lot of teens and young adults in the community like ships like GioMis, FuMis, NaraGio, MisTrish and plenty more and I know your singular shared braincell cannot handle the idea of 2-3 year age gaps not being pedophilia, but uh, newsflash for ya, THEY AINT. Legally, it is not a crime and that in america where the age of consent is 18, not in Italy where its 15 and not in Japan where its even less. Under the general United States Law, which is where I assume the list makers/defenders are mostly from, these ships are not classified as pedophilia or should be problematic and the ages of consent change to lower ages depending on state. The only way you can add these shippers for their “crimes” is if they promoted or created the interactions of these characters in a sexual or intimate manner whether they are aged up or not, which is still wack if their age is above that of the age of consent in writing/art and the fact that minors, in this case teenagers with the VA cast, are allowed to express themselves with people of their own age group in a sexual manner, real life kids do it all the time amongst themselves so why shouldnt people be able to create it, the whole ordeal is ridiculous imo BUT I can see how it makes a lot of people uncomfortable, a lot of it makes me uncomfortable too so we gotta make compromises somehow so absolutely no lewding the mafia lolis/ jojo lolis in general and if you do, tag it properly so it doesnt spread onto the basic hastags of characters and the show. If you dont you on the list.
2. Claim genderswapping/r63 is transphobic all you want but until I see clear and definitive proof of it being purposely made for that purpose then it’s absolutely ok. If someone makes it to offend someone then its wrong and they should be called out for it (which has never been the case in this fanbase as far as I cant tell) It’s creative, it allows people create new desings for characters or adjust current ones for cosplayers or other artist. Im sure one of your mods can relate, since the do the exact same thing as we do while not addressing a certaint character properly by their canon pronouns. Genderbending does not promote the attack or harrasement of the trans community and that is a fact unless its done by actual problematic artist like Sh*dbase and others, which is still a stretch because I dont think they’ve done it to target people or make fun of them but they are the popular problem icons. So get the actual transphobes on the list, aka those who created the content specifically to harras a specific person, or remove the catergory entirely. Its unnecessary and hypocritical.
— The rest of these are just things that bother a lot of people in the community so if you only cared about minors being on the list then you dont have to continue reading. —
Tumblr is infamously known to be a shitshow of a site where all you can find is problematic content. If you dont like this kind of content, why the hell are you here in the first place? There’s a lot of safer websites to use where like instagram, twitter, amino, facebook, and more. They have actual filters unlike tumblr and finding content you dont like is a lot harder unless you are purposefully looking for it, and even then it could be a challenge due to shadow bans or privatized accounts. Tumblr has none of that, everyone knows it, all of those who dont like it try to stay away from it or use it very scarcely. Why do you think that most of these “problematic” artist/creators/consumers are here? Tumblr has always been its own weird realm, trying to make it anything else goes against what it stand for.
You’re crimes make are literal nonsense sometimes because you include such obvious personal attacks like “Made a literal essay defending GioMis” and “All kinds of awful stuff” as crimes. You added a few account because they message you about how ridiculous the whole ordeal is and you take to findind the slightest bit of “evidence” that can aid you into making them look bad. You know thats not a good reason right?? Even if it were, yall are even more guilty for committing acts of Liable and Defamation and you are choosing to for those you incorrectly put on the list, invluding the minors! Let alone hypocrisy but yall are tired of hearing that one.
Dont add other fandoms into this mess. The Hetalia fandom has been dead for more than 5 years and it aint none of your buisness. It has nothing to do with Jojo. Unless you plan on making more blocklist for ALL fandoms then, goodluck, though make em better.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a wonderful and yet problematic series, guess who’s fault it is... its Araki’s. Created a hilarious nazi character, nah its the fanbases fault for roleplaying such a funny character. Pedophilia and rape represented in Jojo and not treated seriously, nah its the fandoms fault for romanticizing it. Homophobia as character traits and degradation of women in Jojo, pfft nah f a n d o m s f a u l t for painting such “false” representations of the characters. Ah, but yall wont drop Jojo cuz that kid your trying to control media for wont drop it either. It is not your responsibility to create a childproof community when the show already has heavy themes. Its their caretakers/parents or the childs own responsibility.
I despise the argument “well Jojo is a 17+ only show so no kids allowed!” you might be right, but has that really ever stopped kids from doing anything?? It does the opposite, it creates a sense of overwhelming curiosity which leads to venturing unkown territory which they may or may not end up enjoying. The problem lies wether young teens are mature enough to watch it or not and judging by this whole fiasco, alot of the people, teens and adults, involved are not.
I will give you this guys this, theres a few artist and creators that do belong there, very few as far as I could see and read into and some are missing since they are mostly on twitter instead of tumblr. But hey, I managed to find like 12 accounts that I probably wouldn’t like seeing the content of, and I found a lot of good accounts too. A hell of a lot more.
I know Im harsh and a total loser but y’all really gotta do some damage control and think ahead. Merely ignoring the fact that your movement cause a floodwave of hatred, deaththreats and suicide baiting is disgusting, adress it properly, dont condone it. Cuz Im yall wouldnt like 200+ messages of “Kill yourself you of lowlife degenerate. I dont like your the disgusting trash you like so I hope you rot in hell for the rest of your life” It isnt fun, a lot of people have received these, some are even worse and a lot dont even deserve it.
Run the list correctly, its a good idea, it could’ve been handled way better than this and you guys know it. This would’ve been great for 14 year old me not stumbling onto a lot of problematic ships when I first looked up Jojo and it can help many children in the community in the future, but you are ruiling out a majority of the fanbase with such vague and pointless rules as regular shipping and creative freedom. You are demonizing people who like basic shipping and different character desings, and that’ll scare them because they dont want tobe hated for something they like. Because a few biased opinions decided to rule out that what the kids liked is morally wrong and irredeemable. Cuz thats all I can see on the list with the exception of maybe a 12 people on the list. Thats all the rest of the JJBA community sees.
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Just watched a "Koreaboo/Weaboo cringe compilation", and it reminded me why I left cringe culture behind. Not a single one of them was a koreaboo or a weaboo. It was 10% trolls, 40% cosplays, and 50% people just having fun. Yes, they used videos of people COSPLAYING and saying that "Oh it's so cringy look at those weaboos".
What really made me sad was they showed a clip of a girl being super happy because she got tickets to see BTS, and they showed it as her being a koreaboo. So a girl being happy because she's going to see her favorite band is cringy now?
Who cares that the cosplayers were using TikTok? Who cares that the girl couldn't pronounce the names right? Who cares that the people weren't that good at dancing?
And besides, most (if not all) the people they showed were teenagers aged 16 or less. If they do something a little "cringy", that's fine! They're supposed to do that! They're kids!
Cringe culture is so stupid, please do whatever you enjoy doing without fear of looking "cringy", especially if you're a begginer at what you're doing
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lightleckrereins · 3 years
Do you have any advice for begining cosplayers? I'm trying to talk myself out from making Six costume, however, I still would want to know where experienced cosplayers like you advice to begin :-)
The best begginer cosplay advice I gan give (and probably what most people will tell you) is just start. No matter how many tutorials or photos you see practice is the only real way to do it.
Do characters and designs you love. Many people forget that playing is in the name, but do things you enjoy. If you are going to spend a lot of time and money in a costume better be something you love. Don't just fall into trends and pressure (and this includes tiktok, people there have a lot of money to fund cosplay).
And start small; alter clothes, learn how to sew if you don't, find basic patterns, craft small props, don't fear the hot glue gun. There is a learning curve to everything and cosplay is not the exception. And look into which skills you are interested, sewing, pattern making, crafting, etc. Do things that involve those and (if you can afford it nothing wrong if not) comissioning or buying allready made stuff that you don't want to make is alright.
Also the thing not everyone talks about. Go at your pace. Some people might make a full costume in two days and some in two years, find whatever works for you.
And last. And I really hate it everytime I have to say this. Do not make a six costume as your first project. With so many of us making them it might seem easy, but it isnt. Six costumes are really advanced. Super precise sewing, advanced pattern making, detail work, complicated (and expensive) materials. Start on something smaller and work your way to it. There are a few people on instagram who have bought already existing pieces and altered them so that is a route. But making a full costume first is a recipe for frustration and dissapointment.
But the most important part is always have fun.
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