#before my alarm! cool 👍
b-blushes · 1 year
💀 why
💀 why
this was going to be a longer post but actually it's fine like that i think.
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breannasfluff · 11 days
using my own prompt-💥😅👍- for uh. I think it would be funny for DPxDC, Jack Fenton and Bruce Wayne. Yeah
“Hey! It’s Batman! Hi Batty!”
Bruce has seen a lot of strange things in life. He’s been to a lot of weird places. He’s friends with the Justice League. He’s adopted multiple kids who made it their life mission to give him gray hair early. 
Bruce has seen a lot of strange things in life. But this? This is going in the top 10. 
There’s a stranger in a bright orange jumpsuit in the middle of the Batcave. There’s no indication on how he got down here, but he’s got a futuristic gun on his back and metal gloves on. 
Bruce settles into a defensive crouch, scanning the rest of the cave. Why did none of the alarms go off? Where’s the rest of the team? 
“Batman! Hey! Hey Batty! Batty-man!” 
“What do you want,” he growls.
“I’m looking for a ghost! Chased the spook down here but he vanished. Wait, are you a ghost?”
Oh no. Bruce does not like the maniacal gleam in his eye. 
“Prepare to be wasted by the best ghost hunter, Jack Fenton!” The gun is level in his direction.
Before Bruce has a chance to jump out of the way it fires. Something glowing and green shoots toward him. He has a split second of guilt that his family will find his corpse like this before the blast hits. 
Green explodes around him. With it comes radio static that whites out everything else. Below it is the wail of departed souls, just barely on the edge of hearing. The explosion is all cold fire; no heat.
It also doesn’t hurt.
The green fades away and Bruce stands in the same spot, not reduced to a smoking pile of ash. What. Just. Happened.
Jack leans the gun on his shoulder and rubs his head sheepishly. “Huh, I guess you aren’t a ghost. My bad, Batty-man!”
Bruce is still stuck in limbo, adrenaline past its limit and onto the next. “You just shot me.”
“Yeah, but you aren’t a ghost. It’s fine!”
“You hit Batman.”
“It’s cool!” Jack gives him a thumbs up and a big grin.
Bruce growls, storming forward. Jack stays where he is; smile barely fading as his gun is yanked away. “You. Start talking.”
Rather than be cowed, Jack’s eyes nearly sparkle. “Oh man, just think if Batman uses Fenton tech! Think of what we could do with more funding! And look at the cool stuff in this cave! I bet I could rig that dinosaur into a robot to fight ghosts! And that penny could smash ghosts! And that–”
Bruce tunes him out before he strangles the man with his bare hands. Batman doesn’t kill people. But man, this guy sure is tempting. 
The elevator door pings as it reaches the Batcave and Alfred steps out.
“Ghost!” Jack whips out another gun–where was he storing that?!--and shoots at Alfred.
The butler freezes as the blast hits and harmlessly dissipates. 
Bruce turns to Jack. “Stop shooting people!”
Maybe he can knock the idiot out. Before someone gets hurt.
As a treat.
Prompt list
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tw33k-tucker · 6 months
Doodle requests are open‼️
The series characters I can draw the best(In order) are:
South Park, Eddsworld, Creepypasta, n' SMG4
Just a some things about me(changes/updates so much)
Fictionkin of:
Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick
Stan Marsh (South Park)
Mickey (Bobs Burgers)
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon (TWD) (I'm 99% sure I am a Fictionkin of him👍)
Gregory House (House M.D.)
Angel Dust (Hazbin hotel)
Medic {Pls, istg I'm not insane anymore, I swear😭} (TF2)
Tord (Eddsworld)
Shadow ( Sonic, but not sure which specific Sonic yet)
Questioning 2
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+ I have also found out I am a fictionflicker, so if there's some kins I have that aren't on the list above that's why👍 I do have a few recurring fictionflickers though, Such as:
Hunter (TOH)
Michael Afton (FNAF)
Crying Child/BV/Evan Afton (FNAF 4)
Tom (Eddsworld)
Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
SMG3 + Mr Puzzles (SMG4)
Ticci Toby
BEN Drowned + Jeff The Killer (Creepypasta)
Louise (Bobs Burgers)
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Therian but not completely comfortable to reveal some of my Theriotypes, but the ones I'm fine with revealing are a Border Collie, Island Fox, Clouded leopard, Red Panda, Some kind of Shark, Bi Color german shepherd, and an Opossum.
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Current Shifts/Kinfeels:
Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker
Ticci Toby
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He/Him (Trans FTM/Masc)
Minor !! (I'm changing it to minor cause I only want the people close to me/my mutuals to know my age, sorry if its weird or smthn!!!)
Christan (but excepts any religion)
Favorite Animal is Guinea pigs
2nd favorite drink is coffee (My #1 favorite drink is water cause I need it to survive)
Top 5 Favorite songs:
1st: Runs in the family - Amanda Palmer
2nd: Life - Mother Mother
3rd: Animals - STOMACH BOOK
4th: Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
5th: Cupid's Chokehold / Breakfast In America - Gym Class Heros
(it was top 10 before, but I'm to lazy for that crap)
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A few last random shit facts 'bout me + some random things
I am very scared of alarms(Like, fire alarms)
I have Trypophobia aka fear of holes(it's very bad)
I have a love hate relationship with insects
I'm AroAce but I still want a romantic relationship and Bi
Wolverine is my all-time favorite hero(I don't care that he's technically an anti-hero/also an X-Men, he's the best)
Black and Red are my favorite colors
HTTYD is my favorite movie series
I love Scooby Doo(Especially Mystery Incorporated)
I am a mix of Introverted and Extroverted
I swear I wanna cry when stuff I've been waiting for is altered(Don't ask, I have no idea why)
I have anxiety
I freak out VERY easily
Salamanders are so cool istg
I have sensitive ears so I hate loud noises(I think I'm just a wimp)
I was in a car crash when I was 8(Luckily me and my dad were fine)
I like Diary of a wimpy kid
I have an older brother that I fight with(Imagine Rodrick and Greg's rivalry)
Some noises also make me want to bawl my eyes out(Also don't ask why, I seriously don't know)
I will 'kill' you if you look in my sketchbook(I swear you do not wanna see it, like really, you do NOT)
I have social anxiety👍
I'm seriously fucked up in the brain
I have asthma
I have OCD and BPD
And also i've decided to make tags because it is so annoying trying to find certain posts. So: the art tag is #Tw33k Draws the ask tag is #Tw33ks asks and I also use #Tw33k Rambles when I'm just talking and then as well theres just the #Shitpost tag on the posts I post that have words or images that isn't art, I also #Tw33k Rants, I think that name is pretty self explanatory, I also don't add tags to like any of the stuff I reblog unless I'm talking in the tags
I'm horrible at spelling
And yeah, that's all I'm willing to tell
Also please don't hate me, I can't control who I am
Thanks for reading
Random Icons :D
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Okay! One last thing, sense I have started the Zombie Park series, you can ask them questions about litterly ANYTHING some stuff they might not be allowed to answer at the moment like some stuff that'll happen in the future, but if you have any questions about the AU feel free to ask
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queenofthepirates83 · 2 months
hiii! Can I request Ben drowned and male reader?? Like just a fluff thing?? It's okay if not😋 hope you have a good day
Of course, anon! Like I mentioned I’ll try my best with a male reader. Hope you enjoy!
Ben Drowned x male reader
Tag: fluff, one-shot
Tw: none but let me know if there is!
Words: 1141
A/N: this could also be read as G/N reader, I didn’t really specify pronouns but I wrote this w a male reader in mind 👍 I also haven’t seen the notebook 😭
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You sat in your room, bored out of your mind. The light from the moon shined through your window panes and into your room, creating a very dim glow in your room. Your bed was across from your desk, which only had a simple computer and whatever else you had decorated it with.
You stared at your computer screen, the bright lights illuminating what the moonlight couldn’t, which was the majority of your room beside the small corner from computer to wall. The theme song for Sonic the Hedgehog played over and over again quietly; it was a game you always liked, along with others of course. The game reminded you of your life before. When you were normal.
You weren’t quite sure if you’re normal now, but giving how your house was completely silent, it would prove you weren’t. You weren’t normal. You knew that, though.
You let out a quiet sigh, almost like a huff as you directed your gaze to your window, staring out at the road that went nowhere. You actually weren’t too sure, you never felt the need to go and explore down the road, that and you were always told to never go down there.
You jumped a little at the sudden sound of a thud. You looked back at your computer, staring at the guy that just fell through your computer. “What the fuck.”
He jumped up quickly, pointing at you with surprise. “Hi.”
The guy didn’t look real. Were you hallucinating? Maybe. It’s always a possibility. You glanced over to your nightstand, which was a simple brown color, the paint chipping away with every second. Your alarm clock was dimmed, the red light going out more and more. The orange pill bottle sat in front of it, a few pills discarded beside it outside of the bottle. Maybe you forgot to take your pills?
You looked at him, then over at your computer. The screen no longer had sonic on it, it was all glitchy and silent. You looked at the guy again…who simply stared at you with a blank look.
“I was…” he pointed over his shoulder with his thumb to your computer, trailing off. “I know you.” He suddenly commented, pointing at you again.
You only seemed confused. The guy crawled through your computer and he’s acting all chill. You could’ve only assumed he would kill you or something.
Originally he wasn’t. He was running away from Jeff and went through his computer and to the nearest source. In actuality he would’ve killed you. But he recognized you and now he’s curious, he doesn’t know where he saw you before and he wants to know.
You raised an eyebrow at him before you furrowed your eyebrows. “How?” You asked slowly.
He shrugged, still not sure himself. “Don’ know.”
You hummed, still staring at him. “Who are you?”
“‘M Ben.”
“Ok…why are you in my room?”
You were playing this more off as a hallucination, as you had gotten those a lot when you were just a kid; hence the pills. The only thing that could actually prove to you that he was real were the glitches in your computer. Other than that he looked like an actual ghost; he seemed a little transparent but that could’ve just been your mind messing with you.
He blew your question off with a little wave of his hand, not wanting to answer it yet. Instead he asked his own question, “You are…?”
You raised an eyebrow at him again as he didn’t answer your question but you still answered his, deciding to just ask him again later or something. “Name.”
He nodded slowly as he began to look around. “Cool name,” he commented. He picked up something on a shelf that was on the wall your bed was up against by the end of your bed.
You couldn’t quite tell what he picked up, but you only had two things and a picture on there. You could only assume he picked the picture up.
“Nice family,” he commented again.
You blinked, your vision returning to its original state as you focused back on him. You shrugged at the comment, not necessarily having an opinion on it.
Ben watched your reaction, pausing for a moment and putting the picture back on the shelf. He moved over to your bed, sitting down and leaning back more closer to the end of your bed.
You stared at him blankly, wondering what he was doing.
He moved his hands behind his head as he relaxed on your bed, closing his eyes.
“What’re you doing?”
“Relaxing. Can’t a guy relax?”
“…I mean yeah you can, but one I don’t know you and two you’re in my bed.”
He opened one of his eyes and side eyed you for a moment before opening both of his eyes and turning his head to you. “So you can get to know me.”
You let out a sigh, rolling your eyes. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Running away.”
His answer kinda scared you. Running away from what? What is gonna appear in your room?
“Jeff the killer.”
That answer scared you even more. Jeff the Killer? What the fuck.
“We’re good friends. I’m his bestfriend but he doesn’t admit it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at him, confused and a little scared. “Best friends? You’re best friends with the infamous killer?”
“Who exactly are you? What are you?”
“I’m a dead guy who was drowned, hence the name Ben Drowned.”
You’ve heard of a kid being drowned and found dead a few years ago.
He noticed your silence and chuckled, a small smirk appearing at your reaction.
“Relax I ain’t gonna kill you.”
The reassurance was ok, it calmed your nerves a little. Just a little.
Ben could still sense your nervousness so he reached over and took your hand in his.
Whether it felt like a corny romance movie or not you still enjoyed it. You two held eye contact, only making the corniness last. At that point you two began laughing. He pulled his hand away as he began to roll around on your bed.
“Holy hell, what is this? The Notebook?”
You laughed more harder at his joke.
You two soon calmed down, leaving him to smile up at you and you to stare down at him with your own small smile.
He sat up and let out a huff of laughter. You watched him quietly as he stood and walked over to your computer.
“I‘ll be back, don’t try going through your computer it doesn’t work like that,” he joked as he went back through your computer and back to his room.
When he left your computer went back to normal, Sonic returning to your screen and the theme music coming back.
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pagusthebestus · 1 year
Heizou x Sick gn!reader
Character(s): Heizou x gn!reader
Prompt: Sick reader
Genre: Fluff
850 words
Heizou may be a little ooc
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You just got home from work and walked into you're shared home with your roommate Heizou. You had a pounding headache and just wanted to get to bed. "Well, someone is finally home." Heizou looked over at you from the living room. "Sorry, my boss made me stay late to fill out more documents..." you apologized to him. You headed straight for your bedroom that's right across the hall from Heizous. "Heading to bed already? Not even gonna get something to eat?" Heizou asks worriedly watching you walk over to your room. "Not hungry." That's all you said as you walked into your room and closed the door. You got ready for bed and went straight to sleep.
The next morning you woke up to your alarm blaring in your ears, your headache was somehow worse than the night before. You groaned and turned off the alarm and started to get out of bed. after getting changed you walked out of your bedroom and saw Heizou in the kitchen preparing himself and you some breakfast. "Need any help?" you asked in a groggy tone. "Not at all. You should just sit down" Heizou smiles over at you. You sat down at the dining table and waited for him to finish making breakfast. He saw you at the dining table with your head in your hands. "are you okay Y/N?" he asked with concern laced in his voice. "uh.. yeah." you replied "Are you sure???" he asked again "Mhmm." you assured him.
As he brought you your breakfast he sat down on the other side of the table. You sat there staring at your food, just the thought of eating made you want to throw up. he looked up at you and said "You don't look well at all. I don't think you should go to work today." "No, I have to go," you replied dryly. You were always a bit of a workaholic, it would take tons of convincing to get you to not go to work just for one day. Heizou sighed, "give me your phone," he said and reached his hand over the table. you stared at him for a second. "For what?" "Just" he paused for a second "Give it to me" You sighed and gave him your phone, and he grabbed it from you and began looking through your contacts trying to find your boss. Once he found your boss he started typing. Soon enough he gave it back to you. You took a look at what he did on your phone.
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cool boss 👍
Y/N Hey, I can't make it in today, I'm not feeling too well. Read at 8:34 AM
cool boss 👍 Alright. Hope you feel better soon! Read at 8:35 AM
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You would be telling him off if you had the energy to do so, but you don't, so you stay quiet. "Thank you..." you mumble not really wanting him to hear it. "No need to thank me, darling. Get back to bed, and I'll take care of you today like your knight in shining armour" He winks at you as you roll your eyes at him and stand up to go to bed like he asked you to. You got on your bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
Once you wake up again you realize you've been tucked in. Must be Heizous doing, you thought to yourself. you looked over to your bedside table and saw a little bell with a note that read:
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If you need me, ring the bell! :)
-Heizou (a.k.a your knight in shining armour)
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You giggle slightly at his ridiculousness, You reach over and grab the bell and ring it wondering what his next antics are gonna be. you hear his footsteps coming closer to your room and once he opens the door you see him holding a tray. The tray consists of a cup of hot tea, a bowl of soup, some light snacks like crackers and goldfish, and a colouring book with pencil crayons so you don't get bored sitting in your room doing nothing.
"Your knight in shining armour has arrived, lovely" He brings in the tray and puts it at the end of your bed. You sit up "My knight in shining armour huh..." you say sarcastically. He glares at you and says "Watch your tone you sarcastic shit. I brought you this wonderful trey and I can take it away," You giggle at his goofiness "Sorry my knight in shining armour" You say with a small smile on your face. He brings the tray up to your lap and then steps back. "just ring the bell if you need anything else from me, Darling" He winks at you and turns around to leave the room.
You began eating the small snacks on the tray, it was the only thing you could eat without wanting to throw up. You also took a sip of your tea. It was surprisingly really well made and tasted great.
After Heizou left you started to think about what just happened, and you blush a little. Why were you blushing? you had no clue. Heizou was just your roommate. Right???
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A/N: uh I honestly have no clue how to continue. but y'know I might continue it anyways at some point, emphasis on the might 🥰. sorry if he's kinda ooc.. this is just how I see Heizou lmao. anyways thanks for reading :))
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lakesbian · 10 months
what do u think Taylor would say to Alec if she did find out abt Sophia before Alec despawned?
the less dramatic option is if she finds out while she's still a ward pre-behemoth--i think she would be like. 'prediction about him maybe turning into his dad vindicated but ive already done all i could to set him onto the right path...can only hope everything goes ok there while i continue being a cop here.' & then mention it to brian at behemoth, which results in them riding aisha and alec's sillay friendship behaviors during behemoth even harder, which makes it even more horrific for everyone involved when 45 minutes later alec dies for the fraction of a chance to save aisha.
the more dramatic option is if she finds out while she's still on the team. i think she'd be liable to pull a taylor and confront him about it in front of everyone like thats SO fucked up alec i cant believe youwould do that when i explicitly told you not to....meanwhile lisa (Knew it was happening and was like cool that solves the sophia problem 4 her 👍) is standing there like 😁(<- lisa equivalent of a deeply alarmed grimace). i think she would probably just keep her mouth shut and let them go at it LMAO. this would be interesting to see because alec genuinely thinks he did her a big ole favor, to the point of wink-wink-nudging her about it. even after he realizes he went too far he still doesn't grasp that the Entire Thing was bad and thinks he did her a favor!! so it would b very funny to watch him standing there like ":( why is taylor being so mad at me....comparing me to my dad and everything....thats so mean :((" trying to issue some flustered defense of himself & ending up exceedingly frustrated as he realizes he can't really explain why he thinks it's okay or make any other argument beyond pointing out that she too does bad things. and he instinctively looks at aisha 4 backup and shes like no yeah we talked about this ithink its like. uncool to revenge torture people. and then the fact that SHE knew but didn't say anything becomes a Whole Thing. alec definitely going home pissed and Stewing about it but ultimately sucking less over the event
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jellyfitzjelly · 3 months
My Dammon accidentally overheard his shy gn reader (crush) being teased by Karlach request is so good! I don't think Dammon was OOC to me 👍 I love it especially Dammon had been distracted by Tav stumbling at Last Light inn 💭, he had fallen for them since he first met them 💘, he thought they're cute but didn't think he had a chance 😔, he saw Tav & Karlach were there already & decided to sneak a peek 👀, he wanted to enjoy seeing them as much as he could 🤭, how much Karlach enjoyed teasing them as Tav denied it 😁, his heart raced 💓 as he couldn't believe what he heard 👂, he realised he might have a chance if they're nervous due to fondness for him 😍, Karlach caught him which he felt embarrassed 😳, he tried to play it cool 😌, he noticed how nervous Tav is 🫦, he answered her questions about her advancements ❓, she winked as she left them alone with him 😉, he asked them out on a date which they happy agreed (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠), and he had a bright smile ☺️ Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :) I definitely enjoy how loving Kar'niss & his drow lover are to each other as well as Tav being a supportive friend! Can I request this idea? Only if you don't mind of course!
aaaah thank you so much, your feedback always keep me writing! I dunno if the fic will EVER see the light of day, but here's a ficlet set before the events of the hypothetical fic! And I found a name for the drow, now he's called Tarlyn. :) I might have gotten carried away... Hope you enjoy it!
Kar'niss whimpered softly.
"My love?" Tarlyn strode over, alarmed.
"My consort," his lover answered, lowering himself to his level to caress his face.
"Are you in pain, darling dearest?" the drow asked with concern.
"Kar'niss can endure pain, he will take care of his gift," he said.
Tarlyn sighed with weariness and fondness alike. Even now, Kar'niss was still reluctant to voice his needs, as if the drow would leave him should he ever tell him he was an actual being with needs and wants. He gently returned the caress on the drider's face.
"Is your belly troubling you again?" he asked with gentleness as he put a hand on it.
Kar'niss' abdomen had started to get rounder and rounder a few months ago with seemingly no explanation. It scared Tarlyn senseless. Was Kar'niss gravely ill? He had noticed changes over the months. The drider's sex was puffier and more sensitive than usual, to the point that sometimes penetration was out of question, despite Kar'niss protests of the contrary. The latter was also warmer to the touch, especially on his abdomen. Even now, he could feel the heat radiating from it.
"We are fine," Kar'niss assured, surrounding Tarlyn with his many legs. "We will take care of our consort."
"I know, my love. But I will also take care of you! Please, allow me to call a healer."
"Is our gift ill-taken?" the drider asked with adoring concern.
Tarlyn took his hand and kissed it reverently.
"For you, my love. Your state worries me. I am afraid you may be ill."
"Kar'niss is not weak," he recoiled sharply. "We are strong. We can endure. We will protect you, our consort."
Once again, the drow's heart broke. They both had been raised in the Lolth-worshipping society of the Underdark, where violence was the norm. They both had been taught that to admit to pain was to admit weakness. Tarlyn had never questioned Kar'niss on his past, not wanting his love to relive the horrors he had gone through, but he knew his training had stuck even after his transformation. Tarlyn, for his part, had only ever owed his survival in this hell to his wits and his older brothers' love. He wasn't cut out to be a warrior.
"I know, my dearest. I owe you my life," he told Kar'niss, putting a hand on his heart. "You know I am yours, just like you are mine. Please, my love. I am worried about you. I–I cannot lose you."
Kar'niss visibly softened, coming to embrace him with both arms and spider legs. Tarlyn gently caressed his bump, and felt his lover's puffy slit get slick.
"We shall seek a healer," the drider finally conceded to him, voice trembling a bit.
Tarlyn knew all the signs. Kar'niss was pent up, but would never voice his need.
"Tomorrow, I shall go to town and seek a healer then," the drow smiled. "Come now, I'll draw you a bath. It helped you last time."
"We can endure," Kar'niss assured him, but Tarlyn was no fool.
"Let me take care of my consort," he told him, kissing him fiercely. "I shall satisfy you."
The drider gently whimpered, shifting slightly. The drow loved nothing more than to take care of his beloved. His mysterious illness seemed to stimulate his libido, though his cock didn't show anymore. Not that it truly mattered: the drider preferred to be penetrated, and Tarlyn was satisfied as long as Kar'niss was. The drow led him to the water room as they called it. It housed a vat large enough to accommodate the drider. Upon their arrival, Tarlyn had made it his personal project to provide themselves with easy hot water and had come up with a system of pipes warmed by the heat of a brasier. He turned on the contraption and alimented the fire. The hot water started to fill the vat, making Kar'niss chirp with content. Tarlyn watched him relax with happiness. He stopped the water and came to massage the drider's belly with care. Sometimes, he could swear he felt something stir under his touch, but that was probably his imagination.
"Feeling better?" he asked with a smile.
"Yesss," Kar'niss purred, blissed out with his eyes closed.
Yet Tarlyn could see the way his slit had opened up, showing off his engorged, large clit. He loved to suck on it, but Kar'niss had been too sensitive for that those past months. The drow carefully circled the big nub, making the drider moan.
"You are so wet for me, my love," he drawled, feeling himself stir between the legs. "Your clit is all hard already."
"Please," Kar'niss murmured, opening eight pleading eyes. "We will be so good, please."
"Tell me what you want, darling dearest."
He knew it was difficult for the drider to voice his desires, which only served to enflame the drow's desire when his lover inevitably complied.
"We–" Kar'niss swallowed, hips twitching. "We wish for the hose."
Tarlyn hummed. Initially, he had built a hose to facilitate Kar'niss' washing, but after he found him riding it in the bath, he modified it to add different pressures. He put it on the most gentle pressure possible, hoping the large volume of water would make it bearable for his lover. Kar'niss eagerly presented his sex to Tarlyn just under the surface, clearly desperate for release.
The drow circled the erect clit slowly, making his lover moan and shift. He then held the hose right on Kar'niss clit.
"Come on, my love. Take what you need," he told him huskily as he opened his pants with his other hand to free his cock.
The drider keened, gyrating his hips on the current, taking his pleasure as the drow took himself in hand and watched him.
"You are so beautiful for me, Kar'niss, my consort, my lover, my life, my light. If only I could suck on your clit, taste your cunt," he panted.
Kar'niss came with a long moan, hips going back and forth as he rode his orgasm. Tarlyn came soon after and turned off the hose. Overwhelmed with love for the drider, he gently pushed his hair out of his face.
"My love," he whispered to him smiling, caressing his cheek.
"My consort," Kar'niss smiled back.
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rose-riot-johnson · 2 years
Hey My Tumblr Peeps😃👍 I decided to change my profile pic to the new pic, minutes ago😃👍
My newest profile pic for Tumblr:
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The profile pic before then:
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For those who didn't know or don't remember, or new to Tumblr, or back in Tumblr(,etc...), I do have a habit with talking in my posts about my profile pics, whenever I do change my profile pics,so please don't be alarmed, or mind me, or anything 😅 Anyways this time I would like to talk about both the newest profile pic and the profile pic before then (the profile pic I kept the same for a long time)😃👍So for those who don't know (or remember), I do have a husby (goes by Redlink Johnson on Facebook, and Ninjaluxray on other social media stuff (he also has a Ninjaluxray page on Facebook as well) and recently on TikTok as well) and he has a friend named Naranity who worked on some art pertaining both of the profile pics I'm showing here, so credits to Naranity on both the profile pic I had used previously and the profile pic I'm using now😃👍I love both the profile pics in this post alot, however my husby sent me the pic of the profile pic I'm using that Naranity worked on earlier and I find that cool just as well as the profile pic I had previously used😃👍I just figured I'd mention about both of the profile pics, because I really love both of the profile pics very much😁👍Also the change in profile pics is really sudden, as well🙂
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Haha tysm!!!i cant believe i got into my fav college!
So...can i request gojo x female reader,where reader is one year younger than gojo and is a sorcerer as well,and is the second years' teacher?and she studies outside the jujutsu tech as well,and the day she gets into the college she wants and can study microbiology while fighting curses,she rushes to where gojo is and jumps on him while laughing and telling him the news???what would his reaction be???
(some of her family and friends are super happy for her while the others look down on her cause they think her major isnt good enough?)
Tysm! Have a good day/night!
That’s cool! Hope you have fun at your college! (*-`ω´-)👍
You grumbled as you heard your phone alarm go off, lifting yourself up you search through your scattered pillows and covers to find your phone and shut off the annoying ringing. You stretched your arms up and yawned before looking back at your phone to check the time. You grumbled more, too tired to start your morning routine and head over to Jujutsu High. You were exhausted more than ever, the anticipation of waiting on a letter keeping you up at night. You had applied to your favorite college and you were still waiting on your letter of acceptance. You begrudgingly drag yourself out of bed and start getting ready for your job.
Your shoes clicked along the floors of Jujutsu High as you made your way into the classroom.
“Morning, kids.” You yawned out
Yuta Okkotsu and Panda called out a good morning while Toge Inumaki calls out a rice ball ingredient and Maki Zenin stayed silent. You smiled at your students, all still behaving as themselves.
“L/N Sensei!” Panda called out, “Did you receive the letter yet?”
You raise a brow at Panda. You don’t remember ever mentioning to your students that you had applied to college and were waiting on your acceptance letter. You sigh in defeat,
“Gojo Sensei told you guys, didn’t he?”
All of your students nod.
“That idiot really can’t keep his mouth shut sometimes.” Maki let out bitterly.
“Well, it’s not like it was any sort of large secret.” you replied to Maki.
“Yeah, I’m sure he was just too excited, you know? That it slipped out. Excited for L/N Sensei that is. Since he’s not the one applying to college.” Yuta chimes in, trying to back up his other Sensei for his loose lips.
Maki sighs as she crosses her arms, “Whatever. As long as he doesn’t go out telling anyone my business.”
You smile once more, “Okay kids, let’s focus now.” They all turn to you, gaining their attention once more.
You had sent the kids out to go train in the field so that you could go get some paperwork done. You walked down the long hallways of Jujutsu High once more. You mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of anxiety. What if the college hadn’t accepted you? Where would go next? The other colleges you had in mind weren’t bad schools but you really wanted this one. You’d be sad if you didn’t get accepted. Your thoughts clouding your mind, making you lose all focus on the world around you as you clashed into someone else who was turning the corner. You stumble back with a yelp and large hands catch you.
“Now now, is Y/N falling for me again?” A familiar voice called out to you.
You look up to see Gojo smiling widely at you, his marble blue eyes hidden behind his usual blindfold again.
“Satoru! Sorry, I was just thinking. I wasn’t aware where I was walking.” You give Gojo a tight hug and a quick peck on the check to greet him. Gojo reciprocating as well to give you the same greeting.
“So, did you get the letter?”
“No, not yet. I checked the mail before leaving and there was nothing. I can’t handle the suspense anymore.”
“Don’t worry to much over it, Y/N!” He wraps an arm over your shoulders, “I’m sure the letter will come in soon and you’ll be accepted. Now what’s this?” He grabs the papers from your hands and peers at them. “Paperwork? How gross.”
You laugh at your boyfriend as you snatch your papers back, “You’re a teacher too, Satoru. You better be doing your paperwork as well.”
“I get to it when I can.” He smirks. “The kids out in the field?”
“Yeah, I sent them out there about thirty minutes ago.”
“Great, I’ll leave you to your boring paperwork and I’ll go meet up with the kids. See you later, Y/N!” He places his large hand on the top of your head and ruffles your hair slightly with a soft smile before walking the opposite direction. You continue down the hallway to get back to your work.
You shift was finally over and you were making your way back home. Gojo usually liked to join you but he had to stay for a meeting he couldn’t avoid. You finally arrived home and immediately ran to your mailbox. Opening it, you see a handful of papers and grabbed them all at once. Heading back to your door, you flipped through the papers until you finally came across it. A letter from your college. You squealed in delight as you started to head to your front door faster. Swinging it open and running inside as it shut behind you. You toss the other mail to the side and quickly start to open the envelope. Unfolding the papers as your hands started to shake with excitement and anxiety. You eyes quickly scanning over the letter to read that you had been accepted. You jump around with glee while shouting excitedly. You quickly grab your phone to call Gojo.
“Toru! Are you done with the meeting now?”
“Yeah, just finished.”
“Can I meet you now?”
“But of course my love! I’ll head over to your place right now. See you in 10.”
You hung up your phone and danced around in excitement. You couldn’t wait to tell Gojo the great news. You hear a car door slam outside and you quickly open your door to see Gojo. You quickly run out of your house and towards your boyfriend. Your arms spread out as you lunged towards him, Gojo wrapping his arms around you to catch you before you both could tumble backwards.
“I got in! I got in! Satoru, I was accepted!”
Gojo laughs and smiles, pulling you in for a tighter hug, “Y/N! That’s amazing! I’m so, so happy for you! I knew you’d get accepted! You’re so smart and you worked so hard to get into that college. I’m so proud of you.” He places a hand against your jaw to bring you in for a kiss. You smiled in the kiss, still barely able to contain your joy.
“Now let’s get inside, it’s cold out here.” Gojo laughed as he started to guide you towards your front door.
“Oh, I can’t wait to tell my family and friends! I’ll call them tomorrow, it’s pretty late now. God, I just can’t get over this. I’m so happy right now. I’m smiling like an idiot.” You laugh
“It makes me extremely happy to see you this happy, Y/N.” Gojo beams once more before bringing his hand to the top of your head, placing a small kiss on your forehead before ruffling your hair.
“Now I can finally study microbiology and fight curses? That’s so cool!! Thank you for supporting me the entire way, Satoru. I don’t think I could have done it without your help.” You scoot yourself closer to him and hug him tightly along with a lingering kiss on his cheek.
“Of course, Y/N. I’m always here to help you. If college ever becomes to stressful, you know you can always lean on me for support. I’ll help you with everything that I can. And don’t overwork yourself with Jujutsu and school! I don’t want my pretty Y/N getting so stressed. It’ll make you age faster.” He teased at the end as he strokes stray hairs behind your ear.
“Satoru! I’m not that old! I’m only one year younger than you.”
“Yes! And you look wonderful, but stress can cause wrinkles.” Gojo continues to joke around.
You laugh at him and nudge him with your elbow.
Gojo walked into the empty classroom. The students had already left to go on their assigned missions and you were alone, organizing your last papers and cleaning up the classroom a bit.
“So, did you tell your friends and family yet?” He strolls closer to you, hooking an arm around your waist and giving you a quick kiss.
“Yeah, I did…”
“Hmmm. Didn’t it not go as you thought it would? Your answer seemed a bit dull.” Gojo worries.
“I mean, some of them were happy for me. And I greatly appreciate that. I’m glad they support me. But some of them questioned my major…”
“Questioned your major? Why?” Gojo asks.
“They don’t think it’s good enough…” your voice starts to grow quieter. You really thought it was a good major. Even your students were happy for you and found your major fascinating. But maybe they were just being polite… what if your other friends and family were right. Maybe it was a stupid major.
“Not good enough?” Gojo remarks. “Well that’s just fucking stupid.” He starts to scowl.
“Satoru.” You call out, not expecting such an irritated tone from him.
“What? It is. How could they not be proud. Microbiology is a fantastic subject to major in. Takes a lot of brains to be able to understand that stuff,” he taps your forehead, “I’d like to see them try and master that as easily as you do. You got a knack for that stuff, you understand it like it’s nothing! I’ve seen you work on some of that stuff before and even I was confused. If they don’t think it’s good enough, they’re clearly wrong.” Gojo huffs out angrily.
You smile widely at Gojo, hugging him tightly and hiding your face in his chest.
“Thanks, Satoru.”
Gojo hugs you back, his arm hooked around your waist as his other hand rests on the top of your head. Your soft hair grazing across his lips as he places a kiss on your head.
“Of course, Y/N. I always got your back.”
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Thoughts on the shifter polycule + Darlin???
I personally think it’s pretty cool 👍
What do you get with four werewolves one stealth and two humans?
absolute chaos. also im sorry this became nsfw so quickly in my head. this is also very darlin centric so anyways
Darlin was the last to join the polycule mostly because of their absence. It was Angel fault mostly dragging them to what was technically date night for the group. Movie nights, camping trips Angel was bringing their plus one the whole time.
Darlin isn’t stupid they realized they were seventh wheeling but the moment they tried to pull away and give them space Angel latched on like an octopus. It was impressive honestly the shifters had known them for a while yet they didn’t bend for anyone like they did for Angel. Giving in with a barely hidden smile to their whims.
Angel had brought it up before of course first to david who expressed slight worry that Angel didn’t really know what Darlin was like. To prove him wrong they managed to get Darlin talking near straight for about thirty minutes about themself which was absolutely unheard of. Stories that should alarm or worry people yet Angel listened. Darlin realized they were getting feelings for the human and tried to pull away again underestimating the stubborn mate.
It was very dramatic how they confessed basically attempting to run away again only for angel to emphasize how theres nothing but open arms and finally kissing them. David’s kiss was more of a “finally you idiot” Milo decided his kiss was the perfect time to introduce them to the fear of being dipped. Asher was mostly spur of the moment after Darlin got him a gift and in his excitement kissed them. Sweetheart absolutely torments them and kisses them right after scaring them. Babe grabs them suddenly by the collar just to get it out of the way.
It is a long day when they realize that Darlin isn’t exclusively a dom. They swear one whine and its like pin drop quiet in the entire house. David who was happy to have two of his mates making out half on his lap freezes commenting with a look. “I know what Angel’s whines sound like…” They immediately try to hide their face in embarrassment yet gets pulled into their alphas lap. With them already groaning out his name in annoyance. They had plenty time to get off or to even stop his hands from slipping between their legs underneath the borrowed pants they were wearing. The gasp pulls Angel to kiss them again.
David and Darlin is a pair that usually requires no walking for an hour at least because they lean into rougher sex. There was almost a moment where someone wanted to check on them after they thought the pair were done for the night. Darlin tied down spread eagle and as David was trying to untie them he happens to tickle their foot leading to “Hey watch the feet asshole!” David despite used to their mouth pulls their leg keeping it right where he wants it and asks “Or what?” Darlin is an idiot and tells him “Or I’ll bite your dick off now quit it” It leads to a whole nother round that requires david to go get them water halfway through as well as a whole cool down in between. Everyone watches in horror as he goes back in to tame the beast.
Milo and Babe all have a field day with the realization Sweetheart and Angel certainly enjoy it but Asher talked too much shit and ended up in trouble as well.
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sailorplanet1997 · 3 years
Of all none fairies characters Blaze is my favourite character😊👍
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1: Blaze will always be there for others (even though only Tinkerbell and Terence knew him so well because they had their adventures with him, the others hardly knows Blaze but i can imagine a movie where he's also be there for others)
2: he's funny to me
3: he wants to be involved with the adventures even if it is dangerous
4: he won't leave you alone no matter what and begs you to stay if needs to
5: he nearly risked his life with the rats so Tink and Terence can run safely
6 i like his personality type
7: no matter how much he argues with someone he'll stay by their sides and sticks together
8: he's there for comfort if someone is having a hard time (noticable with Tinkerbell)
9: he'll call for the animals for emergency if needs to (noticable when Tinkerbell was confussed, lost everything and was all hungry and thirsty)
10: if it wasn't for Blaze, Tinkerbell won't be able to survive her dangerous adventures
11: he stayed with Tinkerbell even if he was blamed by Tinkerbell (most of her friends will probably leave her till She cools off)
12: if someone is in danger he likes to helps out (obviously noticed when Vidia alarmed everyone about Tinkerbell, and Blaze heard it aswell, i wish he joined Tink's friends to come to the rescue, not just helping them to build an boat though, i mean it could've been handy most likely with the cat)
13: i found the scene when Tink asked him if he was a tough guy and he was like "come and get me, you can't mess with me" funny
14: Blaze knew a way how to get Tinkerbell to cross the troll bridge when 2 troll argued and got TOO distracted to notice anything (it was kind of a "Tink now is the time to go through a troll bridge, hurry before it's too late" and Tink was like "oh yeah you're right Blaze")
15: he comes as handy in other things too, like the times Tinkerbell used him as a lamp and scared all rats away in the lost pirateship and when Tink and Terence was working on the fall scepter
I keep talking how Periwinkle, Terence, Tinkerbell and Vidia are my favourite ones when i can talk to none fairies characters aswell, and he is my favourite from the none fairies characters😁👍 (i wish he appears more in the future because i REALLY love him as the character type)
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