#before joining Psycho- who would totally share the dip with her
marinerainbow · 1 year
Pocho vibes right here.
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Misread: Dark
Summary: Kurtz/Reader; You start at Riverdale High and people get the wrong impression of you and Kurtz
You’re not surprised when your cousin Sam and your uncle are standing outside the fence. “Heyyyy Y/N. You have a good time at camp.” Sam winks and you roll your eyes stepping past the barbed wire fence of Centerville Correctional Center. “You got out early. We have time to grab breakfast before school if you want.” He smiles and you laugh nodding.
“I’d kill for a burger.” Sam holds his hands up. “You did according to the yard gossip right?” He barks laughing when you smack his shoulder. “I know, I know, it was a joke for Christ sake. We need to thank that lawyer by the way; what do you think we should give her?” You shrug. “I can think when I’ve had food.”
Sam’s decent enough not to comment on your clothes, what you had been brought in wearing; a painfully short skirt and an almost see through top. “You’ll have to change before school. Well at least grab a sweater or some shit. Pretty sure Kurtz left one in the car you can steal.” He nods to you and you tug over the half stack of pancakes he ordered. “Those are mine!” He smacks your hand and you pull one over drowning it in syrup as you push the rest of the plate over. “I think I might puke looking at that.” He snorts as you finish it, dipping the sausage into the leftover syrup. “I haven’t had anything besides prison eggs for breakfast for almost four months. I would drink that entire bottle if I wouldn’t puke from it.” Sam nods. “Come on then, school time, you’re gonna sugar crash if you have more of that shit.”
You weren’t surprised when Southside High shut down; although you were surprised both you and Sam had been transferred to Riverdale; he’d said something about the rest of the Ghoulies being in Greendale. You avoid walking with the other Southsider’s, who move from Pop’s; you avoid the buses and slip into Sam’s car. “You know he’s going to kill me right? For not telling him you’re in town.” Sam scowls as he pulls into the parking lot. You roll your eyes. “He won’t; he’ll be too distracted with me. Don’t worry. What class is he in now?” “English, you have math with me. Come on, I’m sure the teacher’s going to love you.” He smirks and you grip onto Sam’s arm. “Hey; you’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.” You nod settling next to him as the teacher isn’t in. No one moves to greet you but you tap Sam’s arm. “What?”
“Nobody here knows I got in trouble right?” He shrugs. “Most of them don’t know who you are. And really ‘trouble’ you could at least hint at the whole criminal vibe you’re oozing, you look like you rolled off a prison bus an hour ago.” He says as the teacher comes in and starts the lesson. You catch a few people looking at you, but you reason it’s either the fact you’re new or that it looks like all you’re wearing is an oversized hoodie.
“Lunch now; he usually sulks around the Serpent’s.” You nod and Sam’s hand tugs your shoulder. “He might not be to happy to see you.” You turn frowning at him. “Why?” “Because of what happened.” “I didn’t do anything!! He knows that!” You stomp your foot and Sam snorts rolling his eyes. You snarl shoving him, before he shoves you against the wall. “Try me Y/N. I dare you.” You see someone’s hand push against Sam’s shoulder and you’re confused as he lowers his arm.
“You’re new right?” The Serpent turns to you smiling. “Yes. Sorry about Sam, my cousin has a bit of a short temper; he hasn’t given you any trouble?” You ask. “No Kurtz is more trouble.”  He laughs half shrugging. “How?” You tilt your head and Sam smirks. “He tried to kill me. I’m Fangs, pleasure.” You nod side stepping Sam and Fangs. “Would you like a proper apology?” You ask Fangs as he walks with you and Sam towards where ever he eats lunch. You’ve already spotted Kurtz in the student lounge.
“I don’t get why you’re so uptight about the stupid rules, you’re not even the official leader you still have to-“ Kurtz trails off and you know he’s spotted you. “I heard you tried to kill him. What happened?” “No it wasn’t like that we were-“ “What happened?” Kurtz swallows you look unimpressed as he stays quiet. “I dropped him from the second floor.” “Did you apologize, at the least?” “No I-“ You arch an eyebrow and he swallows cringing. “I’m sorry Fangs.” “That’s not a proper one.” You arch your eyebrow again and he scowls, sighing as he stands, you whack at the back of his knee and he kneels after he stumbles, glaring at you as you nod to Fangs.
“Please forgive me. I’m sorry for trying to kill you.” Fangs nods as Kurtz stands, his hand brushing against yours. “I missed you.” He says and you roll your eyes as he pulls you into a hug, face against your neck. “I missed you too.” He sighs against you nodding, and you look expectantly at him. “Well who’re these Serpent’s you’ve cozied up with; I can’t just name them based on how they look like you used to.” You smirk as they narrow their eyes at Kurtz. “Ooh look it’s neck boy; you’re right he is tall enough to climb like a tree. Not bad looking either, you didn’t tell me they looked like a boy band.” “Sweet Pea.” He holds his hand out and you smile.
“Y/N, pleasure.” You name each of the serpents, they seem to take their nicknames in stride and welcome you into their group as Kurtz had been. You meet Jughead’s friends Archie and Veronica and his girlfriend Betty; as well as Josie and Kevin. You sit draped half on the chair half over Kurtz, his hand running through your hair. They watch you oddly and you assume it’s based on the fact you’re a ghoul. Kurtz smirks seeming to enjoy there discomfort and you wait for an explantation that doesn’t come. You notice his hands linger on you more when someone’s watching. You joke about him being a voyeur and Jughead visibly gags. You can’t help but laugh joining Kurtz in whatever odd game he’s playing with the Serpents. Your favourite is when Betty caught you kissing him and tripped over the trashcan when she tried to leave. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen her look so disgusted and it makes you dissolve into a fit of giggles every time you picture it.
“Y/N Walters.” You raise your hand, you can tell someone is watching you but you ignore it. “They’re siblings, I swear. I think Y/N took the fall or got transferred out or something to do with jail, but they’re siblings.” Betty hisses as you walk by. You try your best to keep a straight face, but you text Kurtz to let him know what his friends seem to think. He meets you outside, sliding into the back of Sam’s car with you. Sam glares fixing the mirror so you know he can see both of you. “You’ll have to tell them.”
“But it’ll be funny to watch them guess. I bet it’ll take a week.” “I’m still surprised they haven’t caught on, you think the rings would be a dead giveaway. I really think there’s only so many times they can catch us making out before it boils over.” “Well to be fair they’ve seen me wear mine for months without mentioning you.” “Ooh what about necklaces?” “No that’s too hard they’re Serpent’s remember, dumb as a sack of bricks.” Kurtz laughs. “Yeah they gotta be dumbasses to let you in.” You grin when he smacks your shoulder. “That’s it, no welcome home meal.” You laugh more. “And you knew I was coming today?” “Well you’re not going to be now.” “Will you two shut up about-“ Sam glares from the front seat. “You know what they say about people who get out of prison right Sam?” “I swear if you-“
“They’re incredibly sexually frustrated.” You have tears in your eyes at the disgust on Sam’s face. “She’s my cousin Kurtz, I don’t want to hear anything involving my cousin again.” “You do know she’s my wife right so we’ve-“ “Shut it!” Sam slams the breaks on and Kurtz gets shoved into the back of the front seat grumbling. “Fine, Y/N’s a god damn virgin, you happy?”
You’re not trying to hide it but still the panic that shoots through you when you hear some clear their throat is unavoidable. You know you weren’t being discreet, curled on Kurtz lap in the student lounge tongue in his mouth was about as public as you could get besides going at in the middle of class, which was something you had shot down when he suggested it. You shiver slightly watching as Jughead glares at the two of you. Kurtz nudges you behind him and you peer from around his shoulder, his arm snaking around your waist. “What Jones?”
“You two are related.” He states nodding and you can see the rest of the Serpents and his other friends gathering around. You roll your eyes. “We really taking advice from Mr. I’m dating my half sister?” Jughead narrows his eyes. “Charles shares one of our parents and-“ “He’s your sibling, so you’re dating your half-sibling. Not to mention didn’t your parents fuck when your dad was off being a serial killer?” You comment and both him and Betty glare. “We’re not actually siblings, unlike you two.” You assure them. “You two are brother and sister! You have the same last name, and you call your dad, well dad! The same dad!!”
“Kurtz do you want to tell them? I think they’d get a kick outta you saying it.” “Say what?” Jughead eyes Kurtz warily. “When I say dad, I mean my father in law.” “We’re not siblings, we’re married. You idiots” You chime in and everyone stares, as you hold up your ring, waving it slightly. The Serpent’s stare; turning to Kurtz. “You’re married!??!” “Yes? Why do you guys think I never dated anyone..” “You’re psycho! No one would want- Why? How would you even-“ “You go down to the court and sign the certificate? We both had parental permission; totally legal. Also I love her, it’s not that hard to think or do.” He shrugs at them and you loop your arm in his. “Why is that so surprising?” He asks and Jughead shrugs. Sweet Pea speaks up.
“Just never thought you’d find someone so well normal.” “Oh they don’t know; Sam was right.” “Right?” “I spent my summer in the Centerville Corrections Center. Wrong place, wrong time and all that.” you smile at them and they hesitate. “Why was it the wrong place at the wrong time.” One of them asks. You turn to Kurtz and he shrugs. “Your call.”
“I used to be a runner, not track, I got caught up on a pretty big job near Greendale, didn’t make it out at the right time is all.” “So you went to jail?” Jughead states and you nod. “Basically. I mean they let me out pretty quick, just gave me tons of community service. Which I still have to do, so that’s how I’m spending my summers.” “Y/N; you can’t just tell them that. The full story.” You glare rolling your eyes. “I was in the wrong place and the wrong time, with a knife; and one of the other runners got stabbed at the same time, it was a really weird coincidence.” “Oh my god?” “Yeah I get it I stabbed someone and-“ “You married Kurtz, like you actually chose to marry him? Him of all people.” “You’re insulting me in front of my wife after she just admitted she stabbed someone? Jesus the Serpent are dumb as fuck.”
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
two sides of reality: two
A/N: I have been overwhelmed with the response you have all given me for not only this story, but my other stories as well. I just want to thank you all for just taking time out of your day to read my stories. I love seeing the likes and comments you guys have been living me. Thank you so much! I hope you all enjoy this latest chapter. 
The next prompt should be posted in two days. Snapshots update will be posted by the end of the week and another one-shot I have planned will be posted at the end of the weekend. I might post snapshot first, really depends where my muse will be this next few days since I have finals. But I will post for sure!
For anyone else having finals this week, good luck!
Thank you all again! <3
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic​ ; @iambabyharry​ ; @thegirlwhowritesfics​ ; @carlaangel86
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Angel parked his bike beside Coco, Gilly parking beside him. EZ opted out, reasoning that he had some reading to do. Angel didn’t answer. Between himself and EZ, Rhian was a sore subject. EZ blamed him, always did when it came to Rhian, which he understood. It was his foolishness that broke their friendship, a ten year friendship down the drain. But EZ could have fought for her, the problem was, Emily became his main priority, Rhian truly just became a memory to EZ. At least from Angel’s understanding, that’s what happened. 
Daniel had heard the motorcycles and prayed his tio didn’t decide to make a surprised appearance, but to his relief, it was Coco and Gilly, who regularly watched when Rhian was there. But what surprised him was Angel’s appearance. 
“The fuck is he doing here?” He heard the disdain in Sergio’s voice. 
The bad blood between Sergio and Angel occurred due to various reasons. But the most prominent, at least from what Daniel believed, was that Angel took Sergio’s opportunity with Erica and they never recovered from that. They were never friends, but they were at least cordial till that whole debacle. 
Rhian walked over to Daniel and Sergio, waving hello to the Mayans members. 
“Tio Taza is going a little overboard with the protection tonight,” Rhian stood beside Sergio, his arm wrapping around her shoulder. 
“Angel never goes, why is he here? Is the club being threatened?” Sergio looked at Daniel.
He shrugged. “I don’t keep tabs on them, did you want me to start doing that too besides the numerous things you have me doing?”
“Don’t be such a wise ass.” Sergio rolled his eyes. “This isn’t your scene,” it was the first thing Sergio said, but he didn’t direct it towards Gilly and Coco, who he got along with. It was towards Angel.
“Why, you insecure I’m gonna steal your thunder?” Angel smugly retorted.
“Okay, okay, let’s not play who has the bigger dick,” Rhian rolled her eyes. “I’m dipping right after my race.”
“You’re the only race, drifting makes too much noise.” Daniel looked at the time, ten minutes till start. “Are you leaving for Seattle after your exam tomorrow?”
“Yes, well depending when this old man gets up,” she playfully smacked Sergio’s stomach.
“You’re such a brat,” Sergio shook his head. 
“Seattle?” Coco questioned.
“Sergio goes with you?” Daniel never knew this fact. He always thought that Rhian went alone. At times Sergio was gone the same time as Rhian, but he always thought Sergio was in LA since his daughter was over there. 
“Not all the time,” Rhian and Sergio shared a look. This didn't go unnoticed by Angel who was surprised by this. Did the two have something going on under Daniel’s nose? There was no fucking way. “He just joins me to make sure I don’t die.”
Daniel frowned. At times, he was intimidated by the relationship Sergio and Rhian shared. Sergio just seemed to be the better older brother to her and it didn’t sit well with Daniel every now and then, especially now.
“Don’t do that, it’s nothing big. He has a girl he sleeps with in Seattle.” That was a lie, but it wasn’t far fetched. Sergio was a good looking guy, he’s had his fair share of women.
“Oh, Daniella?” 
Daniel fell for it and Sergio couldn’t believe just how well Rhian could lie at times.
“Yes, psycho,” Rhian agreed. “See you boys later.”
Rhian passed by Angel, smiling at him as she did. She wasn’t sure why Angel was here today, but she hoped this wouldn’t be a normal occurrence. She didn’t have a problem with Angel, whatever happened in high school, stayed there. Him and his brother were the ones who avoided her or acted awkward towards her. But she didn’t mind. The Reyes men were trouble and she rather steer clear from that. 
“So, abandoned parking lot, I’m guessing she’s drifting?” Coco looked around and he knew that the only reason that the cops weren’t swarming the parking lot was due to their connections. The cops didn’t bat their eyes on street races in an abandoned parking lot, it was much more controlled than a drag race in the streets. 
Drifting refers to a driving technique where the driver intentionally oversteers, causing loss of traction in the rear wheels through turns, while maintaining vehicle control and a high exit speed.
It was another form of racing. Not quite like the straight shot races where you had four cars battling it out on the streets of California. Drifting was slightly different.
For example, the usual drifting races only had two cars racing at a time and the usual venue for this type of race was a parking structure. The objective of drifting was to be the first one to get to the top of the parking structure. In every floor of the parking structure there were cars waiting for the racers to come up, recording the race on their phones, cameras, or GoPro’s. While the competitors make their way up the structure, the people from the first floor usually make their way up to see who wins. Some stay downstairs to prepare for the next race.
Basically, the objective of the race was to be the first car to reach the top floor. But the difference with other races was that one had to do it in style. Glide at every corner, with full control of your car, flawless being the key cause if you weren’t your car would end up totaled or worse, someone could die.
“Didn’t think this type of scene was still thriving, Fast and the Furious ain’t doing it for you two?” Gilly loved pulling Sergio and Daniel’s leg. They took this seriously, but he knew that the reason they were so invested since it brought in business for them. 
“Everyone wants to emulate,” Sergio smirked. 
“Can’t believe you let your sister put her life on the line like this,” Angel commented, causing both Daniel and Sergio to narrow their eyes at him.
“That’s rich, coming from the asshole who broke her fucking heart.” Sergio spat out with venom.
Daniel watched Sergio walk away and make his way over to the other members of their team, Knockout. “Listen Reyes, no one invited you to come and if you actually think I can tell my sister what to do, it just shows how much you don’t know Rhian.” He followed after Sergio.
“You just had to open your fucking mouth,” Coco shook his head, taking out a cigarette. “I told you, it was a bad idea for you to come here.”
“Why did you come? You never cared about Rhian before.” Gilly added.
“How the fuck would you know that I don’t care about her?” Angel countered.
“No need to get hostile hermano, I’m just pointing out that you and baby brother avoid Rhian like the fucking plague.” Much like Coco, Gilly knew of what occurred years ago between Rhian, Angel and EZ. The three never talked about it and for him, EZ and Angel was ashamed and for Rhian, well, it was years ago. She had other things to worry about that things that occurred in high school. 
“See, told you I wasn’t the only one who noticed.” Coco scoffed. 
Angel chose to remain quiet. He didn’t need to tell them his reasons. Him and Rhian had enough time to avoid one another, maybe it was time for him to grow a pair and make it up to her like he always wanted to do so.
Rhian inspected her car, making sure everything was in order. 
“Rhi, I made some modifications in your car, should be able to drift much smoother than last time,” Aaron informed her, his handy tablet on hand. “We changed the shifter and it should be able to tell you when is the best time to shift.” It’s not that she needed a computer telling her to do so, but Aaron liked putting in the latest technology in Rhian’s car. 
“You spoil me.”
“Someone has to.”
“Rhian, always a sight to see,” her opponent, Joey greeted her. 
“Joey, still running the harem,” she nodded her head over towards the four women wearing white shirts behind his car. “How do you keep up?”
“You can join and find out.” He winked at her. 
“Watch it mother fucker!” Sergio called out, hearing his comment. 
“Tell your dog to heel, it was a joke.” Joey held his hands up.
Rhian laughed. “I don’t know, maybe it’s about time you get your ass beat by someone.”
“Why not put your money where that pretty mouth is and let’s add a stipulation.”
“And what is that?” 
“I win, you go on a date with me, if I lose, I’ll double the amount.”
She enjoyed egotistical bastards like Joey who thought with their dick. This wasn’t the first time a stipulation such as this was added. Men were such simple creatures, especially men like Joey. To get their dick wet, they were willing to double an hefty amount of money just to appease their own ego. 
Rhian thrived on that. 
“So you’re gonna put in ten grand for a date that isn’t even guaranteed?” 
“Oh, it is baby, your cute little mouth is going to be wrapped around my cock by the end of the night.” Joey looked over at the Knockout members, who were now joined by the Mayans. His brows furrowed, swallowing hard, knowing he may have stepped the line, but he was already in there. 
“Guess we’ll have to see,” Rhian gave him a tight smile, looking back at her brother who did not look happy with Joey’s comment.
Rhian slipped inside her car, nodding her head towards the host. She turned her car on, taking a deep breath. Another race, another thousands of dollars in her savings. Once she was done with the cartel debt, which was in two months, then she could go wherever she wanted. It was insane how she was surrounded by so many people, yet, she felt alone. Everyone has their own interest and after being screwed over multiple times, she learned to take care of number one, herself.
The host stood in front of the two cars. The two women on the edge of the start line, dresses leave little to the imagination. 
He pointed to the woman to his right. “Ready?” She said.
He pointed to the woman to his left. “Ready?”
“Go!” The host extended his hand to the front, signaling the drivers to be on their way.
As soon as they heard the host say the two letter word, Rhian and Joey immediately accelerated, Joey claiming first place immediately. He shifted gears perfectly, his smirk growing as he did. There was no one better than him in drifting, in every county in California, he has beaten everyone who had to be beat. Beating Daniel’s precious baby sister would be just icing on top of his already well layered cake. Daniel beat him years ago and he could never get the best of him. But he would now, even if it was over his sister. It was basically the same thing, except he would get a date after as well. 
The first turn was coming. Joey looked over to his side view mirror and Rhian was closely behind him. Before colliding with the wall, Joey swiftly turned his steering wheel, perfectly drifting on his first corner, accelerating once more to the next corner. A few cars were on the side, cameras out awaiting on them. 
Rhian, who was caught off guard by Joey’s speed, almost collided with the wall, but she recovered quickly enough to swiftly drift around the corner, accelerating faster to meet up with Joey. She knew she had to shift perfectly or Joey would win. There was no way she was going to lose to this prick. 
Joey looked at his rear view mirror and found Rhian right behind him. He turned once more, nearly missing a spectator that was a little too close to the track line. Joey slightly swerved, but he recovered quickly, accelerating once more.
Rhian turned right after Joey, finally being placed right beside him since the parking lot grew wider. She knew that she had one more floor to go before reaching the top.
She couldn’t break concentration now.
She had to beat Joey.
The turn was coming up, Rhian was slightly in front of Joey now. Their cars were still neck to neck, but Rhian was winning. They turned at the same time, their bumpers were so closed to the wall, you would have thought that they scratched it. Rhian almost hit a car as she turned, but thankfully her car wasn’t that wide to hit it. She accelerated, leaving Joey behind. The road to the top was narrow and it was like a slide that you had to climb up with your car. If she got their first, she would surely win against Joey.
Joey couldn’t believe what he was seeing, Rhian was an amazing drifter, just like her brother. It’s not like he expected her to suck, but he didn’t expect her to be good. They never spoke about Rhian in their world. It was always about Daniel and Sergio, how their team was amazing, but nothing compared to them. He watched as Rhian reached the slide first, professionally turning her car in a sideways position, her side of the car facing the road to the top, as it went up the slide. Joey did the same, following right after her car, but she won.
She reached the top first, meeting a crowd of people not at all surprised to see her car to be the one to make it to the top. She stopped right in front of her team, who was cheering for her. Sergio opened the door and grabbed Rhian, dragging her out of her car. He hugged her as the rest of the members congratulated her. Coco, Gilly and Angel joined in, clapping for her, but their eyes were trained on Joey. They heard the disrespectful words he had said to Rhian, they couldn’t let that slide. 
Joey’s car made it to the top and parked right beside hers. The crowd was now cheering for Rhian. Joey opened his car door, dismayed by his loss. But he recognized that he lost, he wasn’t an idiot to try and fight his lost, especially with the way the Mayan members were glaring at him. 
“A win is a win, I can respect that,” Joey took out the envelope that held the money Rhian won, handing it over. “You’re almost as good as your brother.”
Before Rhian could reply, Coco and Gilly stepped in front of her with Angel in front of them.
“That’s cute, but do you think we can forget how you disrespected her before your race?” Angel gave him a sinister smile.
Joey backed up, holding his hands up. “Listen man, it was just my competitive nature.”
“Competitive nature? So you tell all of your opponents that when you win, they’re gonna suck your dick?” 
“Look man, I don’t want any trouble.” 
“Angel, it’s okay,” Rhian touched his arm, causing Angel to turn to her. “He’s harmless.”
He sighed and turned to Joey. “You lucky she’s merciful cause I would have had you eating through a fucking tube. Now beat it,” Angel dismissed him.
Joey immediately left.
Angel turned to speak to Rhian, but by the time he did, she was back in her car, going down the way she came up. 
“Where’s your sister going?” Angel questioned.
Daniel shrugged. “I don’t know, she got a text message and got back in her car.”
“Do you even care where she’s fucking going?” Angel didn’t understand why Daniel just seemed so nonchalant when it came to Rhian, did he even care about his sister?
“Watch it Ignacio, you don’t know shit about my sister, what she does and where she goes is none of your concern.” Daniel was tired of Angel’s comments towards them. He cared about his sister, but he trusted Rhian. She was never a troublemaker, kept to herself, and that hasn’t changed. “You haven’t been part of her life since high school, why come back now?”
“Yeah, and who’s fault was that?” Angel glanced at Sergio.
“You’re insinuating that I had something to do with this?” Sergio scoffed. “Don’t give me all the credit when this is all on you. Rhian is her own person. Maybe if you weren’t so full of yourself, you would actually have a relationship with Rhian, Ezekiel would as well.” He brushed past Angel, making his way down the stairs where his vehicle was. 
Coco just shook his head. “I told you, bad fucking idea.”
“Shut up.”
Rhian parked outside of the dress factory that Galindo owned. She saw motorcycles and just cussed under her breath. Recognizing the bikes, it looked like one of them was Bishop’s. The others, she couldn’t really tell. She’s been doing this for four years and her uncle has never found out, now, the motorcycles that were parked outside made her nervous. They were supposed to be in Mexico or some shit, nowhere near the fucking dress factory. Taking a deep breath, she let it out, making her way into the factory. Once inside, she greeted Galindo’s men, people that she had grown to at least be civil with. She wasn’t an idiot, she knew what they did for a living. One of his men led her to the room where she usually collected the products she moved for the cartel. She thanked the man who led her inside, screaming in her head as her eyes landed on Coco, Angel, Bishop and Gilly, whose eyes widened seeing her.
“Fuck,” she cussed under her breath, moving further in.
“Rhian,” Miguel fondly greeted her. He gave her a hug, leading her further in.
Miguel was a nice man, but Rhian knew it was due to her taking on her ex-boyfriend’s debt. He was nice since he was being paid back. The world wasn’t rainbow and sunshine, she knew of his dark side and quite frankly, all she wanted to do was move on. He was always kind to her and he approached her like a businessman. 
His offer was simple.
Take on his debt, or pay for the consequences. 
He believed that if he threatened Rhian’s life, her ex-boyfriend, Bryan, would come out of hiding and save her. Well, jokes on him, Bryan was a coward and wouldn’t come out for her. 
So she took his debt, but it was more for his family’s safety than his. After he left her at Bakersfield, Bryan could literally fuck himself for all she cared. Miguel somehow found her admirable for taking on his debt even though he did twist her arm to take it. 
But she figured it was high honors to gain the respect of a drug lord.
“What are you doing here Rhi?” Coco questioned, not liking this situation whatsoever. 
“Rhian has not informed you? She works for me.” Miguel informed them. 
“What?” The four Mayans said in unison.
Rhian felt her world becoming smaller and she definitely wished she wasn’t where she currently was.
“What do you mean she works for you?” Bishop asked the question, knowing it was not advisable to seem that you weren’t on Miguel’s side.
“She moves my products up north.” Miguel shrugged, as if it was nothing unheard of and it wasn’t, except no one in the MC knew about this. 
Bishop was seething. He saw a Rhian as a part of his family and this was a big secret to withhold from them. He could tell Rhian was uncomfortable with the way she had her hands intertwined in front of her, looking anywhere but him. Suddenly, he was thankful Taza wasn’t here since he would lose his shit.
“Since when?” Angel spoke up this time, his brows furrowing at their current predicament. Rhian was always secretive, which was within her own rights however, this was something she should have kept to himself.
“She’s been doing this for four years, but if she wishes to do so, I do not mind if she continues to work for me. The type of loyalty that she exhibits is what I want for anyone who works under me to possess.” Miguel explained. “I know your paths have never crossed however, due to the recent incidents during the Vegas run, I want someone to come with for her runs.”
Rhian screamed internally, but she figured she had two more months and that was it. The only thing that was going to be painful was her favorite tio finding out. She wanted to tell him, but the last thing she wanted to do was bringing him in all this mess.
It was her choice to take on this debt, she wasn’t going to bring anyone else in this mess.
“Miguel, you know Sergio goes with me.” 
It all clicked for Coco, Angel and Gilly then. Daniel’s innocent baby sister was not so innocent after all. And from what they gathered no one knew about her job with the cartel. It didn't make sense for them as to why she would even be a part of the cartel. 
“Yes, but Sergio can’t always protect you. I have to be sensible about this. You can have Sergio and a Mayan with you, it would ease my nerves.” Miguel reasoned.
Rhian didn’t want to argue. If this was what he wanted, that would be fine. She would just request for Coco or Gilly to go with her, hell anyone but Taza. 
“That’s fine, shouldn’t be a problem.”
Miguel liked Rhian’s low maintenance. She did whatever she had to do, no questions asked, which was the reason he wanted for her to come and become a permanent member of the cartel. He’s sure he could find ways of utilizing her talents. He did his research, he didn’t let anyone come in contact with his cartel without being thoroughly investigated. From what he saw, Rhian’s education was placed on the back burner due to the debt she was currently paying off. Rhian dated Bryan, the man who owed him a large sum of money, ran away instead of facing his consequences, for three years. It shocked him how she agreed to take on his debt, but he admired her loyalty, not to Bryan, to his family. 
As she had told him, “innocent people shouldn’t suffer due to his addiction.”
“I will let you all decide which one of you will go with Rhian, please keep her safe.” Miguel said his goodbyes, leaving Rhian to deal with this difficult predicament. It’s not like Miguel knew that Taza didn’t know. She wasn’t even sure if he knew she was related to Taza. 
Once they were alone, Bishop spoke up.
“You have some explaining to do.”
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stattic-writes · 5 years
Misread: Dark
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therewas-a-girl · 8 years
What do u like about Wildqueen?
Anon i love that u asked me this question (i cant sleep so this is great).
Rene is ex military; he was dishonorably discharged for doing sth morally questionable because of something he believed he had to get done. He regrets that deeply (though im not sure he regrets what he did as much as the results of it), as seen in the episode after he was tortured, and he is haunted by his failures , which he sees as a sort of chain that make up his life.
now, thea knows how that feels. She would be able to relate to the discipline, to the dedication that might be ingrained into someone from a military background. and also to bending of general morals to get shit done and/or compromising herself and her integrity for something. (Because she did go with Merlyn, compromising herself cause she wanted to be stronger) I don’t think she would hold what he did against him, or judge him; nor would he hold it against her that she did sth very daring to get control of her life again.
Both Rene and Thea tried doing good with what they were left with, after their failures/tragedies/disappointments. Here is where Rene and Thea might have interesting discussions though, because the WHY of this varies for them. Thea’s morality is much more fluid than Rene’s, I feel. Rene seems to have the whole ‘this is right and this is wrong’ thing going on, while Thea seems more of a ‘this is right for now cause it gets the job done or works for me’ kinda girl. (she has limits obviously) She is not really a joiner or a by-the-system kind, while Rene was military. [what could have possibly prompted a man with such contempt for anyone telling him what to do, to join the military? maybe he was running away from something  - his family situation  - and saw the military as his only escape?] I don’t think he really like being within a structure that tells u what to do, though he could have made friends and found a family of his own there. After his discharge and what prompted it, its also just as probably that he is very disappointed/disillusioned by it. (Personally i doubt that he likes being part of a hierarchy because he has serious authority issues which thea shares and in both cases it stems from parental abuse). Anyway i just know that when it comes to why they do the stuff they do, or why he does and she stopped, those two could have some interesting conversations.
Not to mention that they both would totally relate to each other when it comes to the fuckton of trauma they have been through. Just once i would like to see someone react humanly - as in, the way I do, not the way arrow characters react to fucked up shit that happens to that - to what Thea has been through. I mean, can u imagine? Rene would lose his shit if he knew that
‘yeah i was stabbed through the heart with a sword and almost died and then took a dip into a magic hottub and then got super bloodthirty and THEN ALMOST DIED AGAIN FROM THAT SAME WOUND". ‘u were stabbed.’'Yeah’'Through the chest’'Yup’'By an actual sword? ’*a beat* 'what kind of fucktard psycho uses a sword? ’'oh u would be so surprised. Actually thats bad. With the kind of record the team has, u need to learn to handle one.’'A sword? o_O R u shittting me??’'I shit u not’'Wait wait wait. You took a dip into this pit and now youre like… alive. ’'Yeah’'…dude… thats way weirder than im prepared to handle.’'I KNOW RIGHT!!! ’
(Idk what that up there is, ignore it. Itbsounds more like me talking to thea 😂)
Rene is instinctively protective of those that he percives as needing protection. He went against olivers orders to help a little girl who was in danger in the II ep; because he probably didnt even think about what the Green Arrow would say or do to him. But he also treated Evelyn as an equal and never babied her. (Cause arrow forgot she was a kid but anyway). Thea would most definitely apriciate that and also find it highly refreshing after olivers constant worrying about her and malcolm taking away her agency at every point.
Not to mention that Rene is exactly the kind of dude to find Thea’s ability to kick his ass with one hand behind her back incandescently hot. U gotta respect a guy who respects and is turned on by female power.
He fights hard for what he wants - he is determined and Thea would respect that cause so is she.
Also notice how he always kept his flirting very casual, never pushy never putting anything on her, mostly fun. Cause thats a good point in his favour and would be in Thea’s books too. And how she dismisses him but in a kinda half amused half annoyed way. Its rather hilarious. And i love that despite her shooting him down he never gets bitter about it. Those two times he just kept on smiling. I bet their flirting would be so agressively playful.
He is very observant (as far as I’ve noticed he is the only one that brings in the evidence for felicity) and im thinking he is very good at noticing when ppl change patterns of behavior. he didnt realize what the change meant in Evelyn, in terms of emotions, but he was able to pinpoint exactly /when/ it had happened: after they learned oliver was a the Hood. —> Thea is super smart emotionally and has this amazing radar about when ppl’s *feelings* shift. Oliver and moira never fooled her with their 'were gonna pretend for theas sake’ shtick. She didnt know why but she knew sth is up. That’s great material there. Id be willing to explore that. The good and the bad. The way they might pick up on each other’s moods, tendencies. Good and bad days. The different ways they would notice stuff about each other: Rene by noticing when she does things differently, when she deviates from her routine. Thea noticing when he is angry or happy or annoyed about something, learning how to associate his expressions with his feelings. The two of them baffling each other on how they notice these little things that the other wouldn’t think to notice about anyone, or that they didn’t think anyone noticed about them.
It’s fun to think about.
Rene is exeptionally straightforward and honest. Thea would love that about him. Both would speak their mind frankly to each other since neither is more sensitive than the other.
Rene seems to concentrate on things he does well - mostly physical stuff, stuff with his hands (i noticed this in the crosover. While the nerds were doing their own thing rene was calmly sitting down doing his own thing, handling his weapons i think). He’s probably a kinetic learner, like Oliver. And is very comfortable around ppl who do well with their own things, which Rene might have no idea how to do. I just mean that he is comfortable in his own skin and isnt threatened by other people's power or inteligence. (That moment when Felicity delegated to him and Rory to do that analysis thing, and Rene was totally chill admitting he had no idea what felicity had been talking about and that he Rory and Curtis were the smart ones). And this brings me back to Thea being absolutely charmed by this kind of quality because Rene can manage to be sure in himself without being arrogant.
Also circles back to him loving that he can actually learn stuff from her, fighting-wise. And that would really boost Thea’s selfconfidence because i can just see Rene being flirty about it at first and then surprising her by taking her very seriously and truly wanting to learn.  And in turn she would be a good teacher because though not always the most sensitive, Thea is patient. She would love it that he is sure in himself that he would think nothing of asking her to teach him. And that he respects her and her skill to want to learn from her. Something that nobody has asked her before. And in turn, she would notice that he is an amazing team player and that she can actually play off of him when it comes to having a laugh or teasing the other team members cause theyre both sich little shits. (im also thinking that Rene’s specialty in the field would be recon - because he is so good that noticing when the environment changes, and keep track of patters and routes and stuff like that)
Rene was physically abused by his father. Thea was psycologically abused by hers. They would be able to regognise each others hurts and false-steps naturally and it would add another layer of understanding to their relationship but also a kind of tenderness and protectiveness for each other. I feel like neither of them is much of a cudler in the traditional sense of the word but they would be able to understand each others need for affection and the occasional fear of it. I mean - their scars are symetrical in some way so they would understand each others impulses a lot better than most have before them.
Despite his history tho, rene loves kids and seems hopeful about having kids (abused children will tell u that growing up into that kind of person takes strength and most certaily, goodness), which tells me that there is a lot of hope inside that man. Thea seems to be struggling to grasp onto some kind of hope, for a normal life, a normal self, something to give her meaning. They could help each other find that hope within themselves. Rene could have a positive thing or two to share with thea even, since she is more of a stark realist while rene seems to be more positive.
He is so fucking upbeat about things he actually enjoys. Like the christmass sock that evelyn gave him. Remember that smile? How eager he was and how he tore into that gift - that was precious and so pure, in the real sense of the word, not the tumblr one. I think even after all hes seen rene - and i think this is his best character trait - still has that boyish wonder intact. What makes him an idealist no matter how hard he protects himself with that jaded attitude. Hes not jaded - hes pragmatic and has issues.
And thea, oh my god, she needs someone who can really just have fun with her again. Someone who would delight in having a good time, who would love to laugh with her. Who would teach her how to see the wonderous and the joyous in the world again because i think she is having such a hard time this year. (Im very suspitious of the extreme change she has made from last year to this year and how stubborly she clings to this new status quo. Not that she shouldnt want to get away from the violence - that is an a+ reasoning for her. But her stubborness to keep away feels like fear. And i want to know what she isafraid of and why. Why she doubts herself) Im not at all convinced she is doing as well as she fronts and even if she is, she seems so serious all the time. She used to love parties - not the drug and alcohol kind but the 'together with my family and friends’ kind and rene dies too. They would have the most outrageous christmass ever. Thea would totally spoil him with all these eccentric gifts that are rpobably super inner jokes between them and rene would have a blast decorating the tree with her.
The fights would probably be very explosive cause theyre both hotheaded ppl and where thea can admit she was wrong, rene would need a little more work but im willing to bet that it wouldnt be so hard in the face of someone he loves and considers equal to himself (it was harder for him to apologise to oliver cause its a power thing and a dick measuring thing and a pride thing - elements that would be a non issue cause there would be no such disparities with thea)
Theyre also both very physical ppl and very expressive ppl so im guessing sex would be such fun for them and theyd love to try new things and just go for whatever they want.
Look i could go on. But these are all the surface level stuff i could think of. Im sure there is more. For the most part, what got me into thinking i could rly like the idea of them is the fact that around her, rene is a total goofball (i just love how sincere he is in his admiration without once seeming creepy) - i like seeing him like that and i would love to see thea laugh more. I just think they could be good to each otherband that there is a story there.
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