#bees with pollen pouch pants
foxsoulcourt · 1 year
B E E S!!!
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amberwild420 · 3 years
one step back, two steps forward (pt. 28)
A wolf’s howl
 Many heroes jumped at the scene. Wonder woman saw the destruction before her knees buckled. Robin was clearly shocked at the amount of destruction. Superman was willing to go himself, he was barely holding his rage at bay. Superboy was gripping the chair so tightly that it was crushed into dust but no one paid attention.
 The camera focused on ladybug and her team or what was left of it. The three were frozen in shock. The dust settled and they could see something. It was chat, hands in front of him like he was bracing himself for the hit.
 Problem? He was frozen. Not like the people who had their energy sucked and had a layer of frost on them. No. He was completely turned into an ice sculpture.
 There was no sign of Luna and Ryu. They were nowhere in sight. Ladybug could feel herself hyperventilating.
 That was close.
 A familiar voice said making them turn around. Luna put Ryu down before wiping a thin layer of frost off of her elbow. A sigh of relief came out of their mouth. They wanted to smile but the frown on her face turned them serious.
 She looked at chat who was frozen before gritting her teeth.
 She can’t be allowed to remain. We need to take her out one way or another. Right. Now.
 She hated chat. Yes. But she wasn’t completely heartless. The sculpture could mean only one thing. The akuma didn’t hold back on taking on his energy.
 The watchtower was filled with many cheers. Luna quickly got out of the trouble with her teammate. Though they should feel guilty about chat being caught in crossfire, but they didn’t paid much mind to it. Karma is a bitch.
 Superboy looked at Luna who didn’t even spare a glance to the drone. Her eyes were cold. Colder than ice. She was done with everything.
 She barely managed to take Ryu out of the way, slightly grazing her elbow on the beam. The shock she felt, she knew she was losing her very life energy. Should she feel lucky that this amount of frost was nothing for her or should she feel guilty for not saving chat?
 Ladybug, we need a plan. You saw what has happened to the end. So now we need a plan to end this one and for all.
 Ladybug felt like she was about to hurl. There was too much pressure. If not for Luna, she would have lost a lot. The pressure was getting to her. Before she went into spiral, the pain in her head brought her out. Honeybee hit her on the head.
 If you think you have all the burden, just so you know you aren’t the only one who’s carrying it. Have a little faith on us, ladybug.
 Ladybug looked around before gesturing to the drones.
 Please stay here. We need to recharge. We will return after we’re done. With a plan.
 And they all went in different direction. Away from akuma.
Honeybee jumped in her room before transforming. Pollen looked around both pleased and sad at the change. There is no way he didn’t miss this room.
 Let’s recharge and get some work done.
 Pollen smiled at the snacks and went eating.
 I hope we can win. This will get even more destructive if the akuma used that destructive attack in our direction.
 We’ll win. We’ll give our best.
 Chloe smiled before looking out.
Marinette put a macaroon in front of Tikki as she paced around. The akuma was destructive. More than she initially thought. She did saw the victims. The count was not as high syren but still high. The only living would be the one in the shelter.
 Picking up her phone, she saw the default text she had send her parents about her hiding in a safe place and telling them to stay safe.
 What a hypocrite she was. Telling them to be safe when she is the one putting her life in danger every day.
 Should we go Tikki?
 The exhaustion was clear in her eyes. They were all tired of being hostage of their own emotions. She could have fallen long ago if not for the soul of balance finding the soul of creation. But they still need a soul of destruction.
 Let’s do it. Together. Like we always do. Not just you and me. But with every friend of ours.
 Marinette smiled before calling for her transformation and flying out.
 Calling off her transformation she quickly pulled the stack of jerky for her Kwami. She had been on her guard since the whole destruction beam incident. Nova wanted to say something but stopped herself and ate her snack.
 Kaylan paced around before her eyes fell on a pouch. It wasn’t there before she left for school. Looking through it, she felt her heart jump at a familiar sight but put it in her pocket.
 She might need it in the fight. A bitter smile came on her lips.
 I couldn’t hide it after all.
 She whispered looking out of her window. The house will be fine. With her in here, she doesn’t need to worry about her. Looking at Nova, she nodded.
 Full moon.
 Feeling familiar transformation passing over her, she looked at the mirror before jumping out. Uncoiling her whip she swing it at the nearby chimney before swinging towards the regroup point.
Just as everyone regrouped, they saw the akuma opening fire again. This time the main blaster was not being used. The small amount of people that were still out were being attacked.
 Let’s do it.       Ladybug said before calling for her lucky charm. A magnet fell in her hand. Silently looking around she saw a few things lit up. Or rather people.
 Her teammates and the akuma.
 Let’s begin. We will follow the plan but if we are not in the position to follow, let’s improvise, whatever you think is alright.
 They looked at the drones in distaste. Like they wanted to tell them what they go through every single time.
 Getting into positions one more time, they stared at the akuma. Luna grabbed something in her hand, before running towards the akuma on the signal. Jumping left and right to avoid getting hit, she uncoiling her whip, she grabbed the nearby debris before hurling it towards the akuma.
 Though it didn’t do much damage as it was broken before it could touch her. But that was all the plan, as Luna dropped from above from the cloud of the dust. The roundhouse kick threw it off guard. Before she could gather what happened, Luna started her onslaught.
 Not giving her time to recover, Luna kept hitting with her whip. She needed to distract her enough for the rest to grab the akumatized item. Just as it looked like the akuma was nearly to the point.
 Lightening dragon!
 Ryu attacked from above like a lightning strike, rendering akuma unfocused. Just as bee was creeping closed to use her ‘venom’ the akuma laughed like a madman. The blasted on her chest powering up.
 She could feed on lightening?!
 Ladybug yelled in disbelief. She was wrong in her assumption.
 “She uses life force from a person and use it as an energy. If I’m not wrong she hasn’t use any form of electrical energy. It could be because she can’t feed on that. Otherwise, the power gird would have been the first to struck.”
 Ladybug said before pulling out the magnet. They looked at the akuma wincing slightly as another person froze.
 “Any metal when charged, exhibits a magnetic field. If we feed her a large dose of something she doesn’t digest it would be making her slow. That’s when we paralyze her and get the akuma.”
 Ladybug trembled at the maniacal laughter. She was wrong. She was so wrong in her evaluation. She forgot that human also have electrical energy aside from just life force.
 She has been feeding on electrical energy all this time. She messed up. She messed up so bad.
 All over.
 This is all over and it’s all her fault.
 Silicus milez sasitatio!
  Ladybug looked up, Luna had used her magic once more. This time it was three stone creatures. The humanoid creatures attacked the akuma, physically overwhelming her. Luna unwrapped her whip, walking forward, passing Ryu.
 If you think I’ll just give the satisfaction of winning against me. You have a lot coming for you. Because I would rather die than to give you that satisfaction.
 Uncoiling the whip, she attacked again. Combined with the effort of the stone creature she brought, the akuma didn’t have time to focus on the attacks.
 Her attacks were all fueled by rage. After winning constantly, the despair that she might lose today was fueling her rage even more. The unexpected events that had turned the about to win battle in a may lose this battle. And she was not having it.
 Honeybee stood there tense looking for a moment to attack, beside her ladybug stood, the magnet tied to the end of her yoyo. She couldn’t do much in the battle, and she’ll be damned if she didn’t take off the necklace.
 Python waited for when he might need to call for second chance. There is no way he would let them get hurt.
 But that happened in an instance. The akuma got away from the stone creatures, charged the blaster and fired.
 ........directly towards the ladybug and other two.
 It was like, the whole world slowed down. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. Feel her body tremble. It was like the fear she had pushed down for long started to grip on her.
 Not noticing her throat glowing, she ran in front of the beam. Opening her mouth she howled. But instead of a sound, it was a beam of magic that came out.
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And then the clash happened. Both beams clashed, and then nothing, except for the dust cloud.
 Gritting her teeth, she shouted.
 Get her!
 The akuma struggled against three giant creatures. Honeybee also snapped out before using her venom. The creatures let go of the akuma before making their way towards Luna who fell on her back panting. This akuma took too much of her energy. She was exhausted.
 The stone creatures shrank until they were the size of a normal dog and rubbed against her. Ladybug grabbed the necklace before breaking it and purifying the akuma. Throwing the magnet in the air, she witnessed how a million ladybugs swept over the city, reversing all the damage that occurred.
 The drones came near the team before showing the holographic screen.
 How about we study the whole battle again and discuss how could we possibly help you before our meeting?
 Ladybug nodded and waved as the drones flew away. The office woman sobbed as she realized that she was turned in the akuma.
 Soon enough she was consoled. Ladybug sat next to Luna who was staring in the distance. Petting the dog like creature, she cleared her throat bringing the girl back to her senses.
 I realized just today, how much I have to learn.
 And I need to learn I can also lose.
 ..........thank you. If .........i-if it wasn’t you.......
 Tears filled her eyes but she wiped them before they can fall. Grapping her hand, she squeezed it.
 Even if it wasn’t me, it would have been you instead. For the first time I have people to care for....................and now.....I’m ready to go to hell and back just to keep them safe.
 .......You’re an idiot.
 So are you.
 A giggle left her lips before tension left her shoulders. But that was short lived, as chat dropped in front of her, ignoring Luna and smiling silly at ladybug.
Luna rolled her eyes at his behavior. Looking at ladybug from the corner of her eye, she saw her sighing before looking at his goofy smile. It was like he forgot that he had nearly died once again in the akuma attack while recklessly jumping in.
 Chat meet me at Eiffel tower at midnight. We need to talk.
 Anything for you bugaboo!
 Ladybug grimaced before leaving them. Luna sighed before standing up as well. The stone creatures glowed before floating and shrinking to the size of marbles and landing on her palm. Pocketing it in her space she left as well.
 They were doing it tonight. It’s happening tonight.
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yukiwrites · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Mazzo!
HUFF HUFF IT’S STILL BEFORE MIDNIGHT HERE, I MADE IT!! For my wonderful friend @mazzori who wanted some Robin x Stahl fluff and I’m happy to oblige! Hopefully today’s been a great day for you, friend.. May this make it even better! ;D
During the short years of peace that followed the war against Plegia, Robin found herself in a new home, though still not so far from the castle: She was living with her beloved Stahl and everyday was a new, interesting memory.
Since she didn't remember her birthday, Stahl proposed that the day they first met could be regarded as such -- it was, in a sense, the day the Robin they knew was born, after all. During the years of war, they would make simple commemorations -- secretly lightning a candle in the middle of camp and shyly kissing under a secluded tent, for one.
However, in these times of peace, they could finally enjoy such special day out in the open, by themselves.
Or so Robin thought, but apparently her overly-eager and jumpy husband had other plans in mind. He had woken up before dawn as usual (despite having asked for a day off especially to spend more time with her) and was frantically organizing a basket and some pouches by the time Robin woke up.
"Stahl...?" She lazily rubbed her eyes, yawning right after. "I thought you'd be in bed for a while longer..."
The knight flew past his wife, carrying a checkered blanket over his shoulder. He gave her lips a quick peck before making a U turn back to the kitchen. "Good morning, love! Everything's almost ready to go and we best hurry -- I'm famished already...!" He laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
It didn't take long for Robin to understand what were his plans -- a basket; the smell of freshly baked bread, cheese and fruits; pouches for beverages... They were going to have a picnic.
She placed one hand over her chest in emotion. "Aww, you didn't need to, Stahl." The tactician said, walking over to her husband and wrapping her arms around his torso, resting her head over his chest.
How wildly did his heart beat! ... Was he nervous? How cute!
She laughed by his chest as he reciprocated the hug and tilted his head to the side. "R-Robin? Did I do something funny?" He asked, almost starting to panic -- did the bread smell funny or--?
"Ahaha," she giggled again, looking at him from below as she rested her chin over his chest. "I'm just so happy with everything -- the food's smelling wonderful, the blanket you picked is cute and, above all, you're so fidgety I can't help but laugh!" She smiled and got on her toes so as to snatch a proper kiss, biting his lower lip after.
Despite being together for so long, he still felt elated whenever they exchanged kisses -- that time was no different: he was blushing as his shoulders sagged for the weight of his worries had diminished. "Oh, phew! Do you really like it? But we didn't even go yet!"
"Of course I do! How could I not?" She kissed his cheek before taking a step back, away from his arms. "I better get ready soon, hm? I wouldn't want to anger Frederick tomorrow by starving you to death today!"
They heard a loud growl and Stahl's blushing face turned bright red. A moment of silence followed before Robin laughed aloud as she walked back to their room to change. The knight brought both hands to cover his mouth, "way to damper the mood, you bottomless stomach!" He scolded himself, but only heard another hungry growl in response. "Ughh but I really am starving... Hurry up, Robin!"
She was never a woman of much flair, so in only a few minutes the tactician was ready to go -- wearing a dress Stahl had given her in one of her previous birthdays; she always enjoyed how he tried to hide his proud smile whenever they went out while she wore it.
They knew each other well -- he knew what to give her and she knew when to make use of it to make him happy he chose something she liked. They walked through the waking city with their arms linked, the sun still shyly radiated through the buildings. She let herself be guided as he masterfully went left and right deep into the city, then out of it towards a secluded hill.
On top of it, lay a small glade, covered by a few trees and flowerbeds, directly in front of the sunrise. Well, the sun had already risen, but the cold light it emanated was still in harmony to the fresh breeze that softly blew Robin's hair up. Once again she brought one hand to her chest as she watched Stahl stroll ahead to cover the ground with the blanket.
"Well? What do you think?" He asked, eager, his arms open after putting the basket on the ground.
Once again Robin looked around -- the vibrant colors from all around them: the flowers, the trees, the sun, even the wind somehow carried colors from the petals and pollen -- before putting a tuft of hair behind her own ear. "I think it's wonderful." She replied, taking it all in and committing it to memory. He's always had that habit of wanting to show her the world to make up for the memories she had lost prior to their meeting.
Oh, but he needn't. Only by staying with him she had so many good memories! Even if they had only lazed around in bed all day to make most of his day off, it would still be a precious memory for her.
She was making her way towards him with open arms to once again snuggle by his chest when she saw it first: it was only a single bee, but it somehow caught her attention since it was hovering around the basket right by Stahl's feet.
But then another one came. And another. And another. Robin got increasingly paler by the second, making Stahl's smile falter. "R-Robin?" He meant to take a step forward but she raised both of her hands, her eyes wide.
"Stahl! DON’T... don't move. Look down." She pointed with her chin, both of her palms facing him so he wouldn't leave his spot. It was as though hearing her tell him to look down made him finally hear the intense buzzing by his feet.
The bees weren't hovering over the basket -- he had placed the entire blanket right over the flowers they were pollinating on and more of them rose from under it by the second.
He gulped.
Oh no, she thought, I didn't bring my wind tome. I could've scattered them away with it. The buzzing started to get more aggressive, however, and their pale expressions mirrored one another. "Stahl..."
"RUN!!" They screamed in unison as he leaped from the blanket and took her extended hand, running for their lives as a swarm of angry bees followed them around.
They screamed all the way downhill towards the city, flapping their free hands around their heads, never letting go of the handhold. Only after reaching the outskirts of the capital did the bees finally give up pursuing the couple and went back to their business.
Both knight and tactician panted and threw themselves on the ground, exhausted. "Running... Running for your life is way more tiring than any drill Frederick can come up with..." She panted, feeling her arms and neck throbbing at the random spots the bees stung.
Stahl sat on the floor resting both hands behind his back, almost slipping to lie down on it. His hair was even more disheveled than usual. "I forgot... the basket..." He almost cried, the beestings barely a discomfort for him compared to the hunger he felt.
Robin snorted, choked and had a coughing fit while she laughed. "Hrrk, gwa-ghahaha!" She lied down beside him, holding her stomach. "We were chased by bees for an entire hill, Stahl! F-forget about the basket, they claimed it as their own now!" She managed to say amidst the laughter, resting her head over his thigh.
"I'm so sorry, Robin; it was supposed to be such a happy occasion..." He mourned the loss of the delicious breakfast he had prepared, but most of all the memories his wife wouldn't have because he didn't pay attention.
"Silly," Robin poked at his abdomen, making him flinch.
"Ouc-- Hey!" He massaged the area, a pout still by his lips.
"Can't you see the smile I have on my face?" She pointed to her mouth, still trying to catch her breath from all the running and laughing. "Sure, I could do without the stings, but I don't think I've ever had this much fun in my life! And the day's barely begun."
He placed one hand over her stung arm and caressed a spot that was already swelling, but he smiled softly, "yeah, it's been crazy. It's very different from what I expected, but at least now you have very... unique memories for your birthday, haha!" He laughed, but then apologized after a short pause. "I'm still sorry, though."
"Well, don't be!" She sat up and flashed another smile. "Now let's get up before people start to think we're beggars and let's go hunt for our breakfast! Hopefully a bakery or two are already open by now."
"Oh, yes!" He replied eagerly, getting up before she did and giving her a hand. "We'll also need to buy lotion for bee stings... maybe some bee repellent so I can go back to get the basket later." He whispered the last part more to himself, but his wife heard it and smacked him in the head.
"Forget about the basket, already!" She laughed, trotting on ahead, "c'mon, I know a good shop around here; it's not gonna be what you had planned, but we still have a whole date ahead of us, hm?"
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