#been thinking abt glenn on this wonderful evening
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risetherivermoon · 11 months ago
i imagine the first time nicky calls glenn 'dad' post-s1/trial, glenn has to try not to cry so he just ends up fkin shaking and nickys just like 'uhhh u good??'
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bestworstcase · 11 months ago
anyways. enough spitballing
i was so right abt fun parent tai
YANG: Do you… wonder why he’s not here? With everybody else? I know Qrow said he’s on assignment, but what’s more important than here? RUBY: Maybe we don’t have the full picture. YANG: I don’t know. Some things you just need to be there for.
first. there are two possibilities: if qrow knows what this “assignment” is, he hasn’t filled in his nieces and the old guard backslid HARD after team rwby fell—the exclusion of ren and nora from the secret meeting in B1 also points in that direction, so it feels quite plausible; on the other hand, if raven knows where tai is and what he’s doing, it seems strange that ruby and yang would not also know, unless the girls haven’t asked her about summer at all (in which case i’d believe that they’re just not really on speaking terms).
like if raven had a conversation with ruby about summer, i can’t see her hiding ‘the full picture’ with regard to tai if she knew about it, even if qrow wanted her to. maiden of knowledge, begrudging oz his secrets, and all.
on the other hand. if the girls know everything qrow does, that would imply that tai’s “assignment” is either an ozpin secret (and oz hasn’t been keeping his promise to be honest, which feels incongruous with him actively fighting his curse now) or a taiyang secret, in which case i am one hundred percent sure it isn’t to do with the crown of choice.
“maybe we don’t have the full picture,” says ruby, thinking about what the blacksmith showed her and what the blacksmith said. that’s the big lesson she learned in the tree, not to jump to conclusions on incomplete information. so that narratively links tai’s mysterious “assignment” to summer’s mysterious “last mission,” which was a “summer secret.” if tai stayed behind in vale to deal with a taiyang secret that not even oz knows about… it’s summer. lol. it can only be summer. if it were the crown, oz would know because ozpin would have given him that assignment in the first place; if it were defending people hiding in mountain glenn, there’s no reason for it to be secret.
but if he knows summer is alive and well and with salem, and he’s trying to, i don’t know, turn her against salem (or ‘save’ her)… well. maybe we don’t have the full picture indeed.
second. oouuugh the weight of what yang doesn’t say. back in v4 she forced herself to put on the prosthetic before she was ready and white-knuckled her way back to functional so she could go find ruby because her dad said he hadn’t gone after ruby because he had “some stuff to look after” at home, and yang thought he meant her; that the only reason he wasn’t out there with ruby was because he had to be here with her.
so she removed herself from the situation—left to find ruby herself—and tai… stayed at home. it’s been months, now. atlas fell and everyone is regrouping in vacuo, trying to prepare for an attack they know will come sooner or later, except tai, who is “on assignment.” what’s more important than here? what’s more important than being here with both his daughters, at the end of the world? if qrow knows, what’s so important that he has to keep them in the dark? if qrow doesn’t know, then it can’t reasonably be to do with the relic at beacon—which is the only thing that could arguably be more important than joining the vacuo coalition.
“some things you just need to be there for,” says yang. my dad just kind of… shut down. and then dad was always busy with school and ruby couldn’t even talk yet; i had to pick up the pieces. i had to keep things together, alone. ruby starts to reminisce about coming to this place with tai when they were kids, and it’s a fond memory for yang too…but one undercut with all of this. the outings were fun—they slowly increased from once a month treats to twice-a-week because ruby got so excited—(ruby is over the moon when she sees the boba shop; yang spends half the walk there second-guessing herself and downplaying the surprise; both reactions speak to their experiences of these outings in childhood)—and why isn’t he here now? why is it, once again, yang trying to pick up the pieces alone while he’s busy with something else more important?—and this time it isn’t even that he’s going to work to put food on the table and make sure bills get paid, he’s just “on assignment” doing… something. that qrow either won’t tell or doesn’t know.
and that feeling is what incites her to talk to ruby about her own failings, and the first thing she says is i don’t need an explanation, because she doesn’t want to make ruby’s crisis about herself but also because she’s about to apologize for not being attentive enough or present enough or aware enough to Be There when ruby needed her.
which is not untrue (surprise! parentified children don’t make good parents for their two-years-younger siblings!) but also. back in v5 when she confronted raven, yang compared herself to raven (you’ll give me the relic and run because you’re afraid of salem; i’m afraid of salem too but i’ll be here waiting for her when she comes after me).
and that’s what yang is doing here with tai (he was physically there and provided for their needs and took them on fun outings sure, but he wasn’t there, when yang looks back on her childhood what she remembers is a sense of overwhelming responsibility and isolation because her dad wasn’t present, and now he’s not even here; she let ruby down in a similar way, being around without really seeing what ruby was going through, but she sees now how she failed and knows what she needs to do to make up for it and she will, she promises, she already is.)
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cosmicteengirl · 2 months ago
uhm guys why was the walking dead ending so sad 💔
No because as I see all the characters finally defeating the Commonwealth and getting the freedom and sigh of relief they most definitely deserve I can’t help but feel a bit melancholy and nostalgic looking back on where they all started out. THEY WERE JUST BABIES.
Ugh and don’t even get me started on the past character’s deaths (MY SHAYLA).
Just thinking about how many people sacrificed their lives to get the crew to this point, or what was left of them anyway is oh so heartbreaking, like i’m in pain. AND DONT EVEN HIT ME W THE FLASHBACKS OF THE CHARACTERS THAT DIED. From T dog, Dale, Andrea, everyone from the earlier seasons (1-4), etc., to characters like Rosita and Glenn in the later seasons. (Rosita and Glenn’s deaths make me sick, like oh my gosh poor Eugene having to live his life now that two of his best friends are gone and that breaks my soul i’m sorry 😢)
I could literally get into so much depth with their deaths.
Also ps the season 5 scene with all of them in the road was arguably one of my favorite and best scenes in the twd. I don’t know, I js rlly liked seeing all the characters come together, and just looking at all these strangers who have come how formed an alliance and became each others family does something to me.
I’m still in denial I fear, like how can you tell me Beth doesn’t live happily ever after with Maggie, Glenn, Hershel Jr, and Hershel Senior in Alexandria??
And don’t even get me started with Rick’s family because Im actually gonna throw up. Carls death was such a shocker honestly, and the irony of it all is that Rick, who always taught his son to have empathy, to care, but in the end it’s what kills him. I’m sobbing.And when him and Judith said goodbye for the last time AND NOT TO MENTION SHE WAS CRYING?? the baby crying sound made it even worse. Honestly Carl was robbed all because the directors didn’t want to pay Carl’s actor the wage for an adult. The gains and potential would’ve been so crazy but it is what it is ig 🙁��
Okay but on a positive note i loved all the new characters that came later on. Like Princess, the commonwealth folk, and even some of the other characters from communities like the Kingdom (Jerry my beloved) and Hilltop. I loved the way their relationships started to form over time, how they relied on eachother. They started out as total strangers!!
Speaking of relationships forming, the Maggie and Negan scene at the end when they defeated the Commonwealth was so well written. The tension all came to a close and were left with Maggie monologue on Glenn and what he meant to her.
And Negan who finally understands and accepts who he is and what he’s done, since he’s now realized the worrying sick feeling of losing a lover (Annie and the troopers scene). I actually really hated Negan when he first showed up like I was ready to hop into that screen and beat his ass, like oh my goodness that man had my blood boiled. But overtime that hate definitely wore down after Carls death and his wishes, while also seeing him try so hard to build a life for himself. Maggie really did a good job of conveying my feelings toward Negan, and said what we all wanted to say. Perfect execution.
If you couldn’t tell, I love the found family trope <333
But yk who didn’t die from the og group?? DARYL and CAROL as in the GOATS. They’ve gone through so much development and so much agony, but still kept going, sometimes I wonder if it pains them to think about the past idkkk. Those two rlly deserved their peace and quiet 💞💞
i might start dexter i need new tv shows 😭. Someone help me out here!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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jazzythursday · 2 years ago
No because— no because nooooo
I’ve spent over six hours binging GO s2 (there were many parts where I had to pause to scream and rewind) and just—ngk
I have to watch it again to really form full thoughts but here are some completely out of order that I can remember from my current pterodactyl brain very much still freaking out abt it
Spoilers under the cut
I couldn’t get over Crowley when they first go to the bookshop taking his sunglasses off and just… leaving them by the door. It seems so habitual like he wouldn’t even think to leave them on in the bookshop or that he would possibly need them once inside. He didn’t hang them on his shirt or hold them— he left them by the door. The whole season Crowley really seems like he doesn’t wear his glasses with Aziraphale at all anymore when they’re alone, which is just— it makes him putting them on again in ep 6 SO MUCH MORE PAINFUL.
The way that this fandom has been so on the money about these characters and where the story was going. Obviously not everything, but so many things from fanfic carried over and it makes me insanely happy that our versions of Aziraphale and Crowley are really just Aziraphale and Crowley.
Crowley making stars— CROWLEY MAKING STARS. He’s so happy and enamored and he loves it as much as I always thought he would. Even as a demon he’s always loved too much and cared too much (about people, about earth, about Aziraphale) but Crowley in the first scene is Crowley untempered. No glasses, no armor, no self enforced cynicism—why would he need it? He’s joyful, and enthusiastic, and excited, and he hasn’t been given a single reason to hide it or play it down, and it broke my heart, because then we see present day Crowley so unsure and existential and the direct juxtaposition between ‘it doesn’t need to be for anything, it’s a nebula, it has value just for existing’ to ‘what’s it all for? It’s all so pointless’ we know Crowley is an optimist, but I feel like so much of this season is him adrift, standing still, wondering where it’s all meant to be going.
Did Shax like, expropriate his flat? Is that what happened? Does that technically make the flat property of Hell? Like having to give back the company car when you get fired? I just want to know if that’s the reason he didn’t just laugh and shut the door on her face. Also I can’t stop thinking about him grabbing as many plants that he could carry before leaving and nothing else. (Also also, why is he not living with Aziraphale since we have confirmation that until Gabriel—erm—Jim showed up there was an EMPTY BEDROOM NO ONE WAS USING. Yeah, I get it, their idiots who can’t stop talking in circles around each other to save their lives, but Aziraphale knows Crowley loves being in the bookshop, and goes as far as to say it’s basically theirs in a way, so it doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch. I’m not saying it’s not believable, I’d just like to know why.)
Speaking of which, Aziraphale driving the Bentley. AZIRAPHALE DRIVING THE BENTLY!! It’s fucking yellow, he’s giving it stern talks about appropriate music and eating sweats and listening to Glenn Millar Band and Crowley is threatening to sell his books! I can’t, it’s perfect.
Aziraphale trying to use a smart phone was everything to me. I imagine it’s exactly how he speaks to his computer in the bookshop. He’s so polite, and OF COURSE it listens. Just, that whole thing.
Shax using both their fears of the other getting hurt hurt me. She threatens Aziraphale to Crowley and Crowley to Aziraphale. Especially her talk with Aziraphale stuck out. Her saying he wasn’t Crowley’s type and the little raised eyebrows from Aziraphale made me laugh. Also her saying she didn’t believe they were a couple before. (I’m assuming Crowley’s threats about if she harmed Aziraphale were part of that?) And her not understanding what/why Crowley feels for Aziraphale. “He thought you were his ticket to the big time” but that was never what it was about for Crowley. He wants Aziraphale as he is, and for Aziraphale to want him as he is. And I wonder if Aziraphale understood that or what she meant at the time.
Crowley was SO fiercely protective of Aziraphale this season. Especially his talk with Gabriel about what he said during the execution. Also I think it implied that he never told Aziraphale exactly what was said (I could be wrong) but just. Crowley’s anger on behalf of Aziraphale, and his need to take it out on Gabriel (up to a point), his insistence in the first ep that Gabriel isn’t their friend, that Heaven tried to have him killed, it’s the same argument over and over again and they walk it all the way to the end of ep 6 and Aziraphale is still in so much denial about it. He doesn’t know, he hasn’t seen, and you can tell that before this season Crowley had thought they were already past that, on the same page, and that it hurts so much to find out they weren’t.
Um… I think this post is getting a bit too long, possibly. I still have more thoughts so I’ll make a pt 2, but for now I’ll leave you with that.
I shall return.
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onstrangehighways · 6 years ago
6 crushes⚡
I was tagged by @thedarksideofchildintime to do this... thank you, girl!😊
1. Rory Gallagher
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Sometimes i think i'm over him, but then i see a random pic of him and my heart skips a beat😄 He's pure perfection: the sweetest, softest, kindest guy in the whole music industry, not to mention that he's my favourite guitar player ever. An angel who blessed the earth with his presence. The love of my life🤧💘 lol i started crying of tenderness while writing this, rip me😄
2. Steve Vai
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He's the 2nd one here because he's also a softie. A lovely lad with a beautiful soul who's also really hot, even now despite his age. Listening to what he says makes me believe in myself a little more. I also like his creativity and how he plays with mysticism and eroticism, i find it very intriguing. He's creepy and mesmerizing at the same time. His music is wacko tho but i love him:3
3. Jake E. Lee
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I've had a crush in him since i first saw/heard him in Badlands. His gorgeous hair was covering half of the screen so i thought "yeah, i like this guy, what's his name?"😄 He's half Japanese, an amazing guitarist imo and a nice guy i guess... or maybe not😅 (hashtag asshole dreamboy)
4. Glenn Hughes
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And the hottest picture of him imo!! I've never been in love with him and i'm not sure he's a "crush", i just love him and that's all. He's such an amazing person it can make me cry, plus his voice gives me goosebumps. He is, in fact, my favourite singer. Luv💞
5. Yngwie Malmsteen
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Lol! It all started as an innocent joke but then i realized that if i can talk abt him 24/7 i might actually have a thing for this lil donut😂🍩 also @oneforsorrovv pointed out that i was stroking his record in a very erotic way and, to my surprise, i didn't mind😂 If seriously, i think he's a genius. He does have soul and he's a wonderful composer🤧 the end.😂
6. Adrien Brody
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Warning: not a rockstar here! He's my favourite actor and a brilliant one, as far as i can judge. I've watched a shitload of movies with him including "The Pianist" that's portrayed in this picture and i just... really like him. Idk what kind of person he is but he's hot as hell, sorry not sorry💁
Idk if you guys have already done it but i tag @dead-aid @arnold-layne @punkslap @gettin-tighter and whoever wants to🌺
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clary-jace · 7 years ago
a-z :D
ohh alright anon we’re just gonna go there and do all of them!!! alright!!! let’s do this!!! 
A: Your current OTP. 
well, as y’all know i’m always on my rucas shipping bullshit because i’m me and i’m literally always thinking about them, but i’m also currently really into glenn/maggie, like i’ve shipped them for years but i’m in a Mood™ with them recently, so i’d say them. 
(gonna continue these under the cut bc this is probs gonna be long) 
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. 
this isn’t necessarily true anymore bc i kind of don’t care abt any ships from this universe and i stopped watching all these shows but back in the Day aka like 2014, i was watching arrow and the flash and phoebe ( @justiceleague2017dirzacksnyder ) turned me into a barry/felicity shipper. 
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't. 
there are very few ships that i actively wished that i shipped but a lot of the time i wish that i shipped a ship that was more popular in a lot of my fandoms, like i like the pairing itself but i wish that just ONCE i could ship the most popular ship in a fandom for all the content 
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? 
looking back on my ff.net account, which was my first Online account, the first thing i ever contributed to any fandom was a sonny with a chance fanfiction back in july of 2009. 
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? 
ajflkdasf i definitely have, i have this han solo edit that was kind of my first “cracky” edit that i ever posted and then i have the best post i ever made (my riley “look what you made me do” edit) and i also think my girl meets world incorrect quotes would also fall under this category 
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? 
hm, i would maybe say the walking dead? i’ve considered myself part of the fandom for like 3 years even tho there was a solid like 9 months where i didn’t post any original content, i’ve been a fan for a long time and have plenty of original content to show for my time in the fandom 
G: What was your first fandom? 
honestly?? probably like late 2000s disney/nick shows ajkfldjasf, that’s what all my earliest fandom contributions are for and considering i was joining the internet fandoms at like age 13, it makes sense 
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? 
real life! the only animated show i’ve ever been super into is bob’s burgers, which is like my favorite show of all time, but most of my other favorite shows are real life, not animated. 
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? 
tumblr has never ruined an entire tv show fandom for me but it’s definitely ruined ships/shipping fandoms for me, like a lot of times if a shipping fandom is really like rude towards one of my favorite characters that’ll make me stop being a fan of that ship/that ship fandom.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. 
tbh most fandoms that i join, i join them because of tumblr like i distinctly remember the walking dead being all over my tumblr and originally having no desire to watch it but all the gifs and edits that i saw made me really interested eventually so i caved and watched it. the same kind of goes for girl meets world too. 
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). 
I HAVE TO SAY that most people in the rucas fandom are pretty wonderful and all things considered the rucas fandom is probably the nicest shipping fandom i’ve ever been in like obviously there are sour apples in every fandom, but most rucas shippers are pretty sweet, i will also say that i’ve never met a mean gleggie shipper which i’m Thankful for. 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? 
considering my favorite gifmaker AND fanfic author is maggie @friarlucas aka my bestie, i like to think that i have more than one request BUT if i only had one and am not allowed to request the next chapter of atlp, i would request a follow up to her hp au fic where lucas fell off his broom 
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. 
at the beginning of our friendship, samantha @jakeamys kinda pulled me into the dylan o’brien fandom tbh, that’s really the only time i can think of something like that happening tho 
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). 
HONESTLY probably the gleggie fandom, when i was more firmly in that fandom every single person that i met was an angel and i also have to say that i always felt like most gleggie shippers loved both glenn and maggie and truly just wanted to see them together and just genuinely loved their scenes and that’s all you can ask for which i love, i hope all my gleggie shippers out there are doing well bc i love them all 
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? 
i’m sorry i can’t think of any song randomly ajfkljdaf i’m really bad at questions like this i’m sorry i failed you 
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). 
OK so an au i’ve had on my mind for like a week that i have yet to post abt is a zombie apocalypse au for riley and lucas where the apocalypse happens when they’re in college (+ dating long distance) so riley is in nyc and lucas is in texas so obviously they have no way to contact each other and they’re really far apart and they have no idea if the other one is still alive and then like a year or two into the apocalypse riley is living at this community/camp and one day lucas randomly shows up bc like he was wandering around the area and ended up getting hurt and needed help and he has no idea riley is there and wow they reunite and it’s beautiful 
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. 
i used to be really into riley and maya and i just kind of lost interest in them, i realized that i just didn’t like them as much as i thought i did so i don’t really consider myself a shipper of them anymore 
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.  
i don’t know if i’m necessarily the Only shipper but i feel like i’m one of the few people who ships zay and lucas romantically, same goes for maggie and sasha like i don’t think i’m the only one but i’m one of the few that’s for sure 
S: What's a headcanon you have? 
i literally have been sitting here for like 10 minutes trying to come up with a hc but like i can’t think of anything i’m so sorry anon for failing you i’ll try and do better next time 
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? 
i’ll admit that i don’t have many m/m ships but i really love zay/lucas (girl meets world) and adam/ronan (the raven cycle), as for f/f ships i love maggie/sasha (the walking dead), riley/smackle (girl meets world), malia/lydia (teen wolf) and spencer/emily (pretty little liars) 
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? 
my top five m/f ships are riley/lucas (girl meets world), glenn/maggie (the walking dead), han/leia (star wars), matt/julie (friday night lights) and rich/grace (skins) 
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
riley/lucas/zay!!!! the ot3 we were robbed of!!!!!!!!!!! they’re really all i can think of tho. 
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. 
riley matthews (girl meets world), maggie greene (the walking dead), julie taylor (friday night lights), han solo (star wars) and spencer hastings (pretty little liars) 
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. 
riley/lucas (girl meets world), glenn/maggie (the walking dead), han/leia (star wars) 
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. 
i truthfully ship in pretty much any fandom that i’m in but i would say that i have pretty much no ships when it comes to bob’s burgers like, obviously, i love bob and linda but like outside of that i don’t really “ship” anything???
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
i literally can’t think of anything for this one??? like yeah tumblr hates a lot of my ships but i’m also not like ashamed of any of them so like???? i can’t say there’s anything that i don’t talk abt shipping if that makes any sense 
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autism-asks · 8 years ago
[1/2] i do this thing where i regularly call things by their basic nouns, which is fine for inanimate objects (like when i run into a wall and say "watch where ur going, Wall") - but can get kind of awkward for people and animals w given names. like when i talk to my pets ("excuse me, Dog, are you dead or just sleeping?") or even friends/family (calling my sister Lady). i'll still refer to them by their names a lot, esp older humans, but mostly it's simple nouns: Cat, Dog, Lady, Kid, etc.
[2/2] i've only started to feel a bit guilty abt it recently bc my sister had another child a couple months ago and even tho everyone has long been calling her by her given name, i'm still just calling her Baby lol. and probably will continue to do so exclusively for some time. so was just wondering if this is in some way an autistic thing?            
I think that it is likely an autistic thing. I know I tend to add the base noun of things to things a lot too. Generally names for my pets like Tommy-cat and Glenn-kitty or Winki-dog. I’ll also just call the pets cat or dog or bird or pet.
- Os
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