#been listening to hyolyn’s wait on repeat
comatosebunny09 · 9 hours
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“Sylus,” you whisper. It nearly comes out as a purr. A plea.
You’re on tippy-toe, clasping his hand with two of yours, tangling your fingers together. Pressing your warm bosom against his bicep, and he serves as your anchor in a world slowly blurring into colors, sounds, and sensations.
Sylus angles himself closer to you, offering the gentleman he’d been conversing with a curt, dismissive smile before grazing your ear with his lips.
“Everything alright?”
The abrasive, low gravel of his voice shoots straight to your core, and you pinch your thighs together to ward off the pleasant throbbing taking place between them.
Your tongue feels heavy in your mouth. Lids droop as the scenery beyond your boyfriend’s arm bends in and out of focus. You smoosh your cheek against his arm, trying vainly to maintain your bearings.
“I, um…I think someone put something in my drink.”
His brows lift in alarm. He snatches you closer until you stumble over his feet. Then, he drapes an arm about your shoulders, tethering you to the rigid pane of his body with fingers snuck up into your coif.
“What did you say?”
You cling to the lapels of his jacket. Brush your lips against the material, leaving a pretty, rouge smudge on it. “Yeah. It’s alright, though,” you laugh all breathy. Nuzzle into the safety his chest exudes, innocently gazing up into eyes that burn like fire. “Kinda like how it feels.”
He blinks disbelievingly at you. Works his mouth around a rebuttal. But to set his worries to rest, you discreetly guide his hand between your legs, grateful your dress hides your misdeeds from the prying eyes of the museum gala’s other guests.
Sylus sucks in a breath when he feels you, hot and pulsing and so very wet in his palm. You momentarily lock eyes, and you nod drunkenly in confirmation.
He draws you impossibly closer, your hands clasped around his biceps for support. “That bad?” he queries on a rasp, making you feel weaker.
You shudder with a pathetic whimper escaping your lips when he cups your muff, your legs threatening to give way if not for his arm around your waist keeping you upright.
“That bad.”
“Do we need to leave?” he asks, voice strained with barely concealed desire. He idly sways your bodies to the soft, ambient jazz music being played by the band. Reluctantly, he retracts his hand from the milky mess between your thighs, instead perching it on your waist.
You chuckle, still trying to catch your breath. “Probably.”
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silhouetted-beauty · 7 years
“Run-In” - Part 4
Genre: MILD GRAPHIC CONTENT, Angst, and Smut
Word Count: 8,019
A/N: There is a graphic scene in this chapter and can be triggering… (I think) Please read at your own risk.
 Theme Song for this Chapter- “Ven ft. Beenzino- On Your Body”
You fell, face-first, on your bed in exhaustion. Finally you had a moment to yourself to rest. You and Yoongi had been kicking it into overdrive, fucking everywhere and majority of the time. He would just randomly pop up to fuck you and you, like a horny teenager, are always willing and ready for him. He had showed up one day when you were out to lunch with Hyolyn thus making you return with the ‘I just had sex’ look. He would fuck you in his car after a meeting and some times before no matter if it’s daytime or night. Then he would just show up out of nowhere to your apartment. And it didn’t matter if you were sleep, in the shower, or eating, when Yoongi showed up you had to drop everything and fuck him. You haven’t been back to his club since the last time and he wouldn’t let you come back, said that you being there was bad for business.
You rolled your eyes at the thought, turning over on your side. Since you two have been getting along so well, you also were often running into his friends. You finally introduced yourself to Namjoon and Hoseok and quickly came to the conclusion that you liked them. They reminded you of silly older brothers and the fact that they occasionally bugged Yoongi, made you like them even more.
“Y/n, what do you see in this jerk?” Hoseok asked one day, nodding his head in Yoongi’s direction.
“Yeah I’m sure you can find someone a lot better to please you,” Namjoon stated, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him. “Like me.” He whispered in your ear but loud enough for Yoongi to hear. You blushed, not knowing what to say. But before you could respond, Yoongi pulled you away from his friends, leaving them laughing at his instant jealousy. Not that he would ever admit it.
A few times, he would invite you out with them. And while they were in a meeting, you waited patiently indulging in whatever was around. You at least got to hang out with them for a little bit before Yoongi pulled you away from everyone. Those evenings always ended with Yoongi fucking you.
The alarm on your phone went off and you struggled to get up. Your ass was beyond sore from all the hard spankings Yoongi released on your behind an hour ago. Now you had to get up and get dressed for work, waddling and limping to the bathroom. At work, you took your time moving about the store. You made sure not to bump against anything and if you needed to kneel down, you avoided touching your ass with the heels of your feet.
Mina laughed at you. “Wow y/n, your boyfriend really did a number on you, huh?”
You looked at her confused. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that the sex must have been great because you are limping around.”
“Oh!” You giggled. “Yes, it was amazing but he’s not my boyfriend. Just a guy I’m seeing.”
“Ohh… it’s one of those relationships. Friends with benefits,” Mina sighed. “Sex with someone you know you’re not supposed to be with, is always adventurous and exciting. My ex always knew how to please me. He would balance it between making love and rough sex. When we made love, he took his time catering to my body. But with rough sex… let’s just say those were some of the longest but best nights ever! Just last week we had a quick moment,” she giggled to herself. “That man is unbelievable.”
Now it was your turn to sigh. “Why don’t you two just get back together? You are giggling like a little schoolgirl over him.”“
"One day, I will introduce you to him.”
“Good, because when you do, I’m telling him how in love you are with him. It’s like a schoolyard crush.” You laughed.
Yoongi ran his hands threw his hair as read over the files in front of him. His family owned a lot of property which meant they controlled a lot of people. They foresaw any transactions on drugs in the city, they owned clubs, restaurants, and other small businesses. The responsibility on his shoulders was a lot but he handled it like he was the one who first started everything. His brother and father were elsewhere, looking to expand their businesses to other cities in the country.
“Playboy Min!” Namjoon shouted as he entered the office. “Even with all the pussy you get on a regular basis, you still seemed stressed.”
Yoongi tossed the paper on the desk and leaned back in his chair. He rubbed his face taking a deep breath. Hoseok, who was sitting at the desk, did the same. Taking a break from the files he was looking at.
“I think I gotta make a few stops at a couple businesses. Make an example out of them for not paying the full amount of what’s due.”
“I think you need you call y/n up and have her come over so you can relax. Withholding money is what these small businesses have been doing for the past year. It’s not worth getting upset over.” Namjoon stated looking at the paperwork.
“It maybe a little but over time, those dollar amounts add up.”
“Ok, then let’s take a drive by each one, if it will make you feel better.” Namjoon said, placing his hands in his pants pocket. “So how’s that situation going?”
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asked, picking up another paper to look over it.
“The situation with y/n. I gotta tell you, Yoongi, I thought you were biting off more than you could chew getting involved with her. But it’s been a couple months and I gotta admit she’s not as bad as I thought.”
“Well I’m only keeping her around so I could get information on the police.”
“And have you?” Hoseok questioned.
“Not yet, I need her to open up to me before I starting asking about the family. Otherwise, I’m sure she’ll get suspicious.”
Yoongi’s phone rung out. He looked at it and before answering. “The main woman in my life that likes to call and bug the hell out of me for fun.” He slid his finger across the screen.
“Yes, mom,” Yoongi rolled his eyes making Namjoon chuckled. His attitude quickly changed to a panic after hearing her frantic voice. “Whoa! Whoa! Slow down and repeat that.”
Yoongi stood to his feet alerting everyone around him. He listened carefully as she repeated it over. Yoongi shook his head in disbelief, trying to control his anxiety from taking over.
“L-Let me call you back.” He hung up the phone, her cries cut short. Lowering the phone from his face, Yoongi was frozen like a statue.
“Yo man, what’s up?” Hoseok asked concerned. Yoongi took a deep breath and looked up at his friends.
“That was my mom… she said that my brother was killed,” Yoongi stated in a shaky voice. Hoseok’s and Namjoon’s eyes widen at the news. “My brother is gone… he’s gone…”
Yoongi picked up the statue off of his desk, the same statue that you had hit him with. In anger, he threw it at the giant window listening as the loud sound of glass breaking filled the room. People in the club panicked, as the shattering glass fell down on them. They ran to the exit as fast they could, causing a stampede. Yoongi went on a rampage, destroying everything under his touch. Namjoon and Hoseok quickly went to restrain him.
“LET ME FUCKING GO!!!” He screamed in pain as tears fell from his eyes. He couldn’t believe it. He refused to accept the fact that his brother was gone.
They pulled him down on the couch, listening to him weep. Yoongi cover his face in his hands trying to keep from losing his mind. His head was racing with thoughts on what might have happened. Namjoon sat with Yoongi as Hoseok got up to look for his phone, which was ringing nonstop. He managed to find it under the debris items that were now no good. He answered as quickly as he could.
“Hello?… Hi Mrs. Min… yes this is Hoseok,” he listened for a minute, looking over at Yoongi broken figure. “No ma'am, he’s in bad shape… ok, I’ll give him the phone.” Hoseok held the phone for Yoongi to take. He took it, taking a deep breath to control his voice.
“Yeah,” he sniffed.
“Your father has called a meeting. Everyone is ordered to come here now. We’re leaving town in thirty minutes.” She spoke quickly.
“What happened?” He asked, ignoring her statement.
“He went to meet with a guy, but the guy rat him out to the police. They were on him in seconds, executing him on the spot.” She sobbed. Yoongi’s blood boiled just listening to her cry.
“Who was it? Who’s the guy and who is the pig bastard that shot him?” His voice was sharp and cold. His friends knew that Yoongi would be out looking for blood and this wasn’t just a simple kill. When Yoongi got like this, everyone the person was associated with was dead. Their children, their parents, family, and friends. It’s was about to be a massacre.
“Yoongi, we will deal with that accordingly. But for now, we are going to see your brother’s partner. He was the one that called your father but he was also supposed to be with him at that meeting. That’s all can say. Get over here now.”
Yoongi hung up the phone and stood to leave. “Close down the club. We’ll be leaving town for awhile. Go home, pack, and meet me at my parents place.”
He told his men before walking out of the office.
Car after car was parked out on the street surrounding the Min Estate. Everyone was dressed in all black, waiting on their orders from the boss. Yoongi paced the floor while his mother calmly sipped her wine. She was dressed in black too, ready to stand beside her husband and son. Mina held on to her hand watching Yoongi walk back and forth. When he called her, she was up in seconds waiting on him to pick her up. They may have been broken up but she wanted to be there for him.
Moments later, his father entered the room with thirty men in tow. Everyone stood as he walked by. Yoongi went to greet him, bowing as he stood in front of him.
“Welcome back, dad. Did you have a safe trip?”
He nodded removing his coat. “Yes. I take it, you’ve been taking care of everything here,” he asked and Yoongi nodded. “For safety reasons, I want you to double check everything and move on my say-so. I don’t want to lose you like I lost your brother.”
Yoongi’s mother put her glass down and stood. “When will those fucking pigs release my baby? I want to see him.”
He took his wife’s hands in his. “His body will be delivered tomorrow and we will have the funeral five days later.”
“What do you need me to do?” Yoongi spoke up.
“I need you to travel back to the neighboring district and speak with, John, his partner. For whatever reason, John didn’t show up for the meeting.”
“Yes, sir,” he signaled to his men. “Let’s go.”
John was asleep in his bed. He turned on his side to reach for his wife but she wasn’t there. His faced contorted in confusion as he continued to feel the cold sheets for her. In a panic, he sat up in bed and turned on the table side lamp. Yoongi was sitting in a chair close to the bed, wiping off a gun. He didn’t look up at John when he woke up, he just simply spoke.
“Glad to see you’re awake.”
John looked over and saw that not only did they have his wife tied up and blindfolded but also his two little girls. They were forced to kneel while Yoongi’s men surrounded them.
“Oh God! Please don’t hurt them!” He cried out.
Yoongi finally looked at him. “That’s really up to you,” he stood and walked over to the bedroom window.
“I’m really sorry about your brother, I really am. I blame myself for what happened. I told your father that I’ll take full responsibility.”
“Yeah you seem really stricken with grief,” Yoongi replied smartly. “That’s why you’re resting comfortably in bed instead of trying to help us,” he knocked over the dresser causing everything on top to fall over in a mess. The girls screamed out in fear. “I swear to God if you repeat such a stupid thing to me again, you could kiss your youngest goodbye!”
“Ok ok, I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt them.” John begged with his hands up in defense.
“I want to know who was he meeting with and why didn’t you show up?”
“The guy’s name is BigE.”
“BigE?” Yoongi asked confused.
“Yeah, I was on my way to the rendezvous when a car pulled me over. Five guys jumped out claiming to be BigE’s men. They handed me a suitcase full of money and drove off. When I arrived to the scene, the police was there and your brother was dead. I’m sorry, I tried to get through to him but they arrested me.”
“Where’s the case?”
John pointed to a small silver case in the corner. Yoongi picked it up. Right away he could tell something was off about it. It was heavier than the average case with just money.
“How do you know money is in this? Did you open it?”
John seemed taken aback by the questions. “Well no, but what else could it be?”
Yoongi handed the case to one of his men. “Do you have an address for BigE? Where does he stay?
"I have a location for his ex wife.” John scribbled something down on a piece of paper and handed it to Yoongi.
“If the address is a fake or if I find out that you’re lying to me, I’m gonna come back and make you watch me put a bullet in each of your daughters and your wife. And then I will kill you. You got that?!”
Yoongi left the house leaving one of his men to stay behind.
BigE climbed out of bed to go to the kitchen. He reached in the fridge and pulled out a beer, checking to make sure the gun on top was secure in place. Being an informant for the police, not only put his life in danger but also his family and he wanted to make sure they were protected. Him and his estranged ex wife had their differences and he wasn’t too happy when she took the kids and left. But with the money he made that day, he could afford to take them all on a long vacation.
He walked into the living room, taking a seat on the couch. He took a swig of beer only to be knocked upside his head. When he looked up, he was surrounded by four men. They covered his mouth and dragged him out of the house, throwing him down on the cold concrete. Yoongi slowly paced back and forth looking at his Rolex.
“5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”
BigE watched in horror as the living room exploded into pieces. The fire slowly spread to other parts of the house. He could hear his ex wife screaming for help as the fire trapped her in the bedroom. It wasn’t long before he heard his kids screaming for help too. He struggled to get up as their little voices yelled and cried at the top of their lungs. And soon the only sounds that could be heard, was the roaring of the fire. BigE tried to get up but Yoongi pointed a gun his face.
“I’m not ready for you to die just yet but I promise that you will be joining your family soon enough.”
The men placed BigE in the back of a black van. Yoongi walked over to his private car and climbed in. He pulled out his phone and called Hoseok to make sure everything was set up. They headed to an abandoned warehouse at the edge of town. BigE was already tied down to a chair when Yoongi had arrived. He walked up, handing his coat to one of the guys.
“Now that we finally have some privacy, we can talk.”
“Fuck you, Min! The police will come looking for me when they know I’m missing. You might as well give up.”
Yoongi laughed. “I’m not worry about the police. I’m not worried about anybody coming to disturb us but if you like, you can scream for help.” BigE looked intimidated but tried not to show it. “Come on, do it. I’ll do it too. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SOMEBODY HELP! COME SAVE BIG-E!!!! PLEASE!” Yoongi screamed out with his head tossed back, making sure his voice echoed around the empty warehouse. He looked back down at BigE.
“I guess that means we are all alone. Now are you ready to answer my questions?”
“Fuck you!” He spit on the ground in front of Yoongi. “I’m not saying shit!”
Yoongi didn’t say another word. He searched BigE’s pockets, pulling out a pack of cigarettes before he grabbed a gas can and poured a little on his bare feet. Yoongi put the cigarette to his mouth and lit it, a cloud of smoke surrounded his face as he exhaled. He flicked the stick of nicotine, igniting his feet. BigE yelled in pain as flames burned off his skin. Namjoon and Hoseok, as well as the rest of the crew, watched the graphic scene. The smell of burn flesh filled everyone senses.
“I guess this must have been what your family felt before they were melted to ash, huh?” Yoongi laughed. “Are you ready to talk now? I can always burn off more body parts.” BigE nodded and Yoongi signaled for them to put out the fire.
“I want to know why… why did you set my brother up? Where did you get the case with the bomb?”
BigE groaned from the pain as he tried to talk. “The police… the police raided my hideout. I didn’t know it was a bomb. They just told me to give the case to John and to trap your brother.”
Yoongi and his friends shared a confused look before he turned his attention back to BigE.
“Do you really expect me to believe that cops set you up?”
“They did! They even paid me! I was told to leave town with my family!”
“Ok, who was it?”
“I don’t know who they were. They weren’t the cops we usually see around here. They seemed more like thugs in suits. The one that shot your brother was wearing a suit too, not a uniform.”
“But you don’t know his name?” Yoongi asked. BigE shook his head. “Well, thanks anyway.”
Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon walked away as the rest of the guys dealt with BigE. They lit him on fire until his charred body remained. He was then chopped up and burned again and his ashes were scattered into the nearby river. Within a couple of hours, everyone was back at home and the death of one family seemed as though it was caused by ghosts. Yoongi got out of bed, leaving Mina to sleep quietly. He reached for his phone and dialed Namjoon’s number, listening to it ring until the sleepy voice of his friend came on the line.
“I had been thinking…”
“No no no, don’t you ever get any sleep?” Namjoon groaned.
“Sleep is for the dead. Now as I was saying before you interrupted me, I had been thinking and I wanted your thoughts. What do you think of his accusation about the police?”
“I mean it was strange. When do you hear about the police using their intel as bait to kill off mobsters? That was the first time for me.”
Yoongi sighed. He had a bad feeling about the entire situation. “Something’s not right about this and I’m willing to bet my entire fortune just to prove it.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Meet me at the office downtown first thing in the morning. And bring Hoseok too.”
“You got it! Now gets some sleep before you turn into an old man.”
Yoongi hung up the phone just as he heard Namjoon laugh. Instead of going to bed, he stared out of his large window at the moon. He didn’t know why but killing his brother was just the beginning. The beginning of what?
The funeral was held on a cold and rainy day. The dark clouds kept the sun away preventing the light from shining through. Yoongi was really out of it after seeing his brother in a casket. He was grateful that the bullet to the back of his head didn’t exit through the front. He wanted to see his brother one last time and was relieved that he could. Yoongi chuckled shaking his head, reminiscing about all the times they had growing up. No matter how hard their father was on him, his brother was there for support. Yoongi wanted to be just like him but his brother told him to grow up and be himself. “Dad will be proud when he sees what a man you have become. I guess you didn’t need to be like me after all”. He reached out and touched the cold hand.
“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what you went through the last couple minutes before you were killed. But I promise you that whoever is responsible, will die. I will send them your way so you could finish the score.”
Now they all stood at the graveside. His mother crying into his father’s arms, Hoseok and Namjoon were on his left and Mina stood on his right, and the rest of their family and friends surrounded them. Yoongi stared as they lowered the glossy wooden box into the ground. He was trying like hell to keep his anger at bay. His brother shouldn’t be the one to lie in a cold grave for eternity. No, he planned on bringing enough pain and death to whoever was involved.
Mina held on tight to his arm. She could feel his body tense up and became worried. She didn’t want Yoongi to get himself in trouble or worst, wind up dead. During the Repast, he kept to himself except for a few conversations with his friends and father. He gave her attention but she could also feel him withdrawing away from her. As much as Mina wanted to comfort Yoongi, she gave him space hoping that he would open up to her but it was just like before. He wasn’t really there. She sighed and went to talk to his mother who embraced her.
“Give him time, sweetheart. He is just grieving the lost of his brother, they were very close.” His mother stated wiping away tears.
“And what about the days when he’s not grieving? I thought that this would bring us closer together but maybe it’s time to let go. I want to be with him but he treats me like I don’t exist.”
“Just give him time. Yoongi has his own way for going about things.”
Mina looked over at him. He had his phone out and his attention was into that. Yoongi sent you a quick message before leaving from the ceremony.
You were on your couch watching TV when a message came through on your phone.
7:13pm- The Big Asshole: I’m on my way, be ready for me!
You had rushed to the kitchen making sure everything was ready. You haven’t seen or spoke to Yoongi in six days and you wanted to do something special. You two had grown a little closer in a short period of time and he wasn’t as bad as you thought. Your feelings had changed and you were starting to like him. You found yourself smiling at the thought of him and reminiscing on all the past sexual experiences you two shared. You even wanted to dial his number just to hear his voice, no matter if he was annoyed or not. So you had prepared a meal for him, liquor for him to drink and relax, and you even had on a little surprise under your robe. Hoping that maybe you two could take your relationship to the next level tonight. You planned for this moment three days ago when he disappeared. You went shopping for lingerie for him to rip off and toys from an adult store for him to use on you.
You smiled and quivered with anticipation. You were starting to suffer from withdrawals without him. Hearing your front door open and close made you straighten up your posture. You were waiting on him to enter the kitchen and finally he did. He was dressed up and you wondered where he had been. Yoongi looked around the kitchen and then his eyes focused on you.
“I thought I said to be ready.” His deep voice spoke. You could hear the irritation in his voice but chose to ignore it.
“Well I thought we could have dinner and a drink first.” You replied, gesturing towards the table where everything was set up. “I wanted us to take things a little slow. We could eat and talk because there was something I wanted to say–”
Yoongi immediately swiped his arm across the table, knocking everything over. You watched in horror as the food you cooked made a mess over the floor.
“I told you to be ready, not to do all this romantic shit!” He yelled in anger.
“B-But… but I thought–” you stuttered as tears filled your eyes.
“I hope you aren’t insinuating that this could be anything more than just sex.” He gauged your reaction and when you didn’t deny it that confirmed his suspicions. “You thought I liked you?!” He grabbed his head in disbelief, laughing sarcastically. You could slowly feel your heart breaking. “Let me remind you so that this stupid idea doesn’t cross your brain again. You mean NOTHING to me! NOTHING! I only want you for one thing and if you didn’t feel so good wrapped around me, I definitely wouldn’t be here! Now if you can’t control your fucking hormones then just say the word and I’ll leave.”
You wrapped your arms around yourself and looked down at the mess on the floor. This was not what you had imagined at all. If he didn’t want to be with you, he could have said it without making you feel so low.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” You sniffed.
The moment the last word left your mouth, you were being lifted in the air. Yoongi thrown you over his shoulder and carried you to your bedroom. The entire time, you felt a pull at your chest. You had offered your body without your heart and that really bothered you. He tossed you on the bed and climbed on top of you. He roughly kissed you, moving down to your neck so he could plant hickeys on your skin. Your moves, however, became mechanical. Responding without feeling because your mind was elsewhere.
Yoongi opened up your robe, immediately liking the view. He nibbled at your smooth skin waiting to hear that sweet sound of your voice but nothing came out. He sat up and the look on your face made him stop his actions. You stared up at the ceiling, breathing calmly but deeply. He watched as tears spilled from your eyes. Knowing that he was watching and you had to hold back how you felt made your interior wall break. Unable to hold in your emotions, you burst into tears. You covered your face with your hands as you cried. Yoongi was taken aback by your sudden change in attitude. He didn’t know what to say or do so he got up and left. You felt the bed shift and then heard the front door close. You grabbed the nearest pillow and cried into it. You didn’t know why it hurt so badly but it did.
It had been a week and you haven’t heard from Yoongi. Not a single call or text. Deep down you knew he was avoiding you and the thought ate at you. You felt like shit. Being ignored because of your feelings for someone. You didn’t want to think about it anymore. You grabbed your phone and called, Riku, a girl who you used to work with. She was an absolute party animal and was very obnoxious. She was warned for her rude attitude towards the customers five times and was eventually fired. She also used to brag about the different guys she had every week and tell you about her sex escapades all the time. Hyolyn didn’t like her and thought she was bad news, so did your family when you told them about her. After Riku was fired, the two of you only talked when you both made plans for going out.
You squeezed into a tight hot pink dress that hugged your curves. You put on your black heels and made sure your hair and makeup was perfect before you had Riku pick you up. Because you didn’t want any other problems, you avoided going to Yoongi’s lounge and instead, had Riku picked the destination. When the car pulled up to the club, you could hear the music from the outside. People were everywhere, drunk and sober. Riku found a spot and parked the car. The two of you got out and walked over to the line. Four guys came and stood next to you. You watched as Riku instantly greeted and hugged them, pushing her body up against them. She introduced them as her friends and also invited them out to hang with you. A part of you knew that there was a good chance she probably already slept with them. Three of the guys stood around her while the other one showed interest in you. He asked you a lot of questions and your thoughts on different topics. The conversation was never boring and you found it refreshing. Once inside the club, you all were seated at a booth. You were going to stick to your usual cocktails but Riku wasn’t having it.
“Sorry, y/n. But we’re only drinking shots tonight. We gotta loosen you up!”
Everyone cheered and you couldn’t help but blush a little. The first five shots were nothing. The next five made you tipsy. The five shots after had you slumped over, seeing three of everything. Riku tried to hand you another drink but you ended up spilling it due to your inebriated body. The guy who you were talking to moved closer to you.
“Hey, are you alright?” You looked over at all three versions of him.
“Yeeeaaah, I ammm okaaay.”
“Good, for a second I thought you were done partying.” He smirked looking over at Riku and his friends. They were all smiling, watching him make his move. He moved even closer placing his hand on your thigh, slowly moving his hand up your leg. Your inner self was screaming to get up but you felt weighed down. You were way too drunk for your liking.
“Excuuuuse meee.” You slurred.
You knew you must have looked like a fool as you stumbled away. But you had to leave, something just didn’t feel right. The guy snapped his fingers at his lost.
“Dammit! I was so close.”
“I thought you said that your friend puts out, Riku?” One of his friends asked.
“She does! We didn’t get her drunk for nothing. You just have to wait.” She stated irritatingly. Now that you had left, she had to deal with all four of them and that wasn’t her plan. She quickly spotted someone in the crowd that was in dire need of her attention and got up.
Yoongi was there to meet a good friend of his father’s to talk business. He hadn’t even been inside the club, two minutes before he was being harassed.
“Min Yoongi…”
“What do you want, Riku?” He asked in irritation as he continued walking to the back of the club.
“I just wanted to say 'hello’.”
“And now that you have, don’t break your cute little ass walking back to wherever you just came from. You know you won’t be able to sell pussy of you do.”
Riku pouted. “I’m not a hooker, Yoongi! You should know that.”
“That’s not what Namjoon told me. Or Hoseok.” He chuckled walking behind a door only meant for staff.
Riku huffed, stomping her heels as she walked away. Yoongi walked further into the back, entered the elevator that lead to a private upper office. He found an older man sitting at his desk looking over paperwork. He went to make himself a drink before taking a seat in a leather chair.
“You look like shit, Min.” The man said still staring at the papers in front of him. “When was the last time you got a good night sleep?”
“Sleep is for the dead.” Yoongi replied sipping the expensive liquor.
“How’s the old man? Tell him I’ll have what he asked for in a few days.”
“I’m not here for that. I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Did you run this by your father?”
“For now, I’d like to keep him out of this.” Yoongi took a big swallow of his drink, finishing it off.
The man finally looked up. “Let’s hear it.”
Yoongi waited for the elevator to come up so he could leave. He recounted the conversation he just had over in his head. He knew what he was doing would pay off in the future. He smiled to himself and stepped on. His thoughts went to you and the last encounter he had with you. Yoongi knew he crossed the line shutting you down like that. He should have said it another way, something less hurtful but he didn’t know how. He channeled his anger from the funeral and took it out on you. Even now, the image of you crying clouded his mind. He refused to admit the fact that he felt guilty about the entire thing which was he stayed away. He shook his head and walked back through the club, heading for the exit. Yoongi had pulled out his phone, about to make a call when something caught his eye outside. Four guys were surrounding one girl, trying to get her to leave with them. The girl was sitting on the ground slumped over against the building. It was clear that she was drunk off her ass. Yoongi shook his head and got into his car.
“Dumb broad.” He mumbled to himself.
He drove by them, about to pull out of the lot when one of the guys pulled the girl up to lean on him. Yoongi was now able to get a good look at her face. It was you. He quickly pulled the car over with a loud screech and hopped out. He wasn’t sure why he reacted this way but he wasn’t about to let you leave in the condition you were in. He walked over, grabbing all four guy’s attention.
“Thank you gentlemen but this one is spoken for. I’ll take it from here.” Yoongi stated confidently. The guys looked at each other in confusion but held their ground.
“No way, man! She’s a friend of ours and she is come back with us!” One replied.
“Yeah, we’re just waiting on Riku then we are leaving.” Another one spoke. The moment Yoongi heard Riku’s name, he definitely wasn’t letting you out of his sight. Just the thought of you hanging out with that whore made him mad. You were honestly better than that.
“Listen closely because I’m only going to repeat myself once. You can either put her in my car, or put her back on the ground but she is not leaving with you.”
“And who are you? Another asshole ex boyfriend trying to save the day?” The guy asked sarcastically.
Yoongi stepped closer to him. “And if I was, what were you going to do about it?”
The guy was about to say something when Yoongi pulled out a gun and pointed it at his head. The guys immediately became afraid and placed you back on the ground where you were. You were mumbling something nobody could understand. They guys took off, running as far as they can away from the club. Yoongi put the gun away and carried you over to his car. Once you were secured in the passenger seat. He climbed in and drove off, heading to your apartment. Along the ride, the movement of the car shook you awake. You were still feeling the effects of the alcohol but you were alert. Looking over, you were surprise to see who was sitting next to you.
“Who were you expecting? Your four 'friends’ ready to run a train on you?” He replied smartly, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Yoongi…. Yoongi….” you repeated numbly, feeling a little car sick.
Yoongi looked at your face and instantly pulled the car over. He got out and rushed over to get your door open. You vomited over the pavement, trying empty your stomach.
“I don’t believe this shit!” He mumbled to himself, sitting on the hood of the car.
He listened as you groaned in sickness. You had coughed up the rest of the contents and now you had rid your body of the toxic liquid. You were still a little drunk but at least you were feeling better. You pulled yourself up, straightening yourself in the passenger seat. Agitated, Yoongi got back in the car and sped off.
He helped you inside your apartment, dragging you to your bedroom. He stripped you out of your clothes and heels and carried you to the tub. Placing you inside, he turn on the water, hoping it would sober you up. You slowly opened your eyes, hazily gazing up at him.
“Hey asshole…” you giggled drunkenly.”That’s your name in my phone.“
"How nice.” Yoongi stated sarcastically, straighten out his clothes.
“Your name is Yoongi, right?… I’m fucking this guy named Yoongi but you wouldn’t like him. He is the biggest asshole on the planet earth.” You stated trying to sit up, splashing water everywhere, even on Yoongi. He was getting pissed by the second. He wasn’t in the mood to play babysitter. When he looked over at you, you had a sick look displayed on your face again. He pulled you out of the water, bringing you to the toilet to throw up.
“How much did your ass drink?!”
You fell against the toilet in exhaustion. “I didn’t have that much. I had fifteen shots then Riku said we needed to party more so I had five more.” You groaned. “Ugh! I feel like shit.”
Yoongi chuckled. “You look like shit.”
He looked back down at you and saw that you were passed out, on the verge of falling inside the toilet. He took a towel, wet it, and wiped your face. He picked you up, bridal style and the movement shook you awoke briefly. You held on to him tightly, not wanting to let him go.
“Thank you.” You whispered to him as tears ran down your cheeks.
Yoongi placed you in bed, pulling the covers over your naked body. He stared down at your sleeping form and smiled to himself. You were such a pain in his ass yet he wasn’t sure why he continued to let you get away with it. He leaned forward and wiped away the tears before walking out of the room.
You woke a couple hours later, sitting up in bed. It scared you when you woke up naked in a dark room. But you didn’t feel any pain between your legs and upon further inspection, you realized you were in your room. You grabbed your robe off the chair and put it on. You walked out of your bedroom into the living room. You freeze when you spot a dark figure on your couch. You immediately reach for anything to use as a weapon and turned on the lights.
“Yoongi?” You asked stunned. “What are you doing here?”
He sat up rubbing his eyes trying to adjust to the light. Yoongi decided to stay because he wasn’t sure if you would be okay on your own in the state you were in. But seeing how you were back to your annoying self, he should have gone home. He stood to leave but you stopped him.
“You’re not going to answer?”
“What do you want me to say? You should be the one thanking me right now. If I didn’t show up, you would have become another whore like Riku and I don’t touch damaged goods.” He joked. You frown in confusion. The last thing you remembered was drinking with Riku and her friends.
“I… don’t…” you tried to get the words out.
“Oh and by the way, stay away from Riku. You wouldn’t want people to think you’re two of a kind. I may not be there to save your bratty ass next time.”
You were trying to think of everything that happened that night but your anger was rising. The last time Yoongi was there, he made it known that you were just his sex toy but now you learned that he carried you home, drunk and tucked you into bed. Something completely out of character for him and you didn’t understand why he did it. You weren’t going to let your guard down a second time just for him to hurt you again.
“Why did you save me the first time? Instead of just leaving once you got me home, why did you stay?”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow at you. “Are you saying that you want to be taken advantage of by a couple of creeps?”
“I’m saying, make up your mind! What do you want! You told me that I mean nothing to you yet you try to control my life! You know what, Yoongi? Fuck you! I think you’re just scared to be nice and care for me!”
Yoongi walked closer staring down at you but you stared back, standing strong. His intimidation tactics no longer worked on you and you weren’t afraid of him either. Now you wanted answers. Yoongi didn’t know what to say because he was confused as well. He didn’t have any feelings for you but he was definitely treating you different, he couldn’t deny that.
“Watch who you are talking to.”
“Fine! If you’re not going to talk to me then I changed my mind. I’m not fucking you anymore!” You stated with your hands on your hips.
The look of surprise flashed across Yoongi’s face. Out of all the things to say, he wasn’t expecting you to say that. You, denying him for sex? Yeah, right! He could tell that you wanted him just as bad. In all actuality, your defiance was turning him on big time. His mind was working out a plan to get everything to work in his favor.
“How about we go out to dinner tomorrow night and you can ask all little questions until you’re satisfied.”
You thought it over, not fully moved by his offer. “And what do you get in return?”
Yoongi raised his hand to your shoulder, slowly moving your robe aside. Your heartbeat sped up and you could feel the wetness gathering between your legs. He lowered his head, licking the base of your neck. You moaned, moving your head to the side allowing him access to your skin. He planted wet kisses along your neck, leaving dark marks along the way. His hands undid your robe, letting it fall to the floor. You stood before him naked while he was still fully clothed. Yoongi lifted your leg in the air, giving him admission to your wet center. You leaned against the nearest wall and watched as he licked two fingers, moving them closer to your heat. You moaned as you felt them penetrate you. Yoongi fucked you on his fingers, rubbing his thumb against your clit. You drooled, getting lost in complete ecstasy. He definitely had the magic touch. You were getting so wet, you were starting to drip down your leg.
“And you always try to put up a front like you don’t want my dick inside you. Look how wet you are.” He teased, adding a third finger.
You were a moaning mess. Grabbing onto him for support as he drove his fingers inside you repeatedly. Eventually, your legs went out but Yoongi held you steady, increasing his pace. You wrapped your arms around his neck crying into his shoulder as you were on the verge of cumming. Yoongi’s cock twitched in his pants at your sweet voice. He needed to be inside you now before he lost his mind. He removed his hand causing you to whine and pout. He made you undress him first before he led you over to the couch. Sitting down, he held his cock straight up for you.
“Ride me.”
You eagerly obliged, straddling his legs so you were position right over his crotch. You managed to get the tip inside you before Yoongi became too impatient and slammed you down. His thick girth invaded your walls, making both of you moan out. He leaned his head back against the couch enjoying the feeling. You felt amazing wrapped around him and he loved every minute of it. You leaned back, holding on to his knees as you moved his cock in and out of you. Yoongi lifted his head to stare at your breasts as they bounced in his face. Your head was tossed back and your mouth hung open. He wrapped one arm around your waist holding you still while his other hand grabbed your hair, yanking your head further back. He began thrust his hips upward, sliding his cock in and out at an increasingly fast pace. Yoongi peppered kisses on your neck as he spoke.
“Why don’t you ever behave like a good girl, huh?” He groaned into your skin. “Why do you always test my patience with that smart ass mouth of yours? Do you misbehave because you love fucking yourself on my dick?”
You were too far gone to speak. The words were lodged in your throat and refused to come out. But the pull on your hair made you release a loud gasped.
“Yes!… Yes Yoongi! I misbehave because I love it when you punish me.”
“Yeah?” He asked letting his hips move faster. “Does that mean you belong to me?”
You whimpered, feeling your orgasm approaching. “Yes.”
“I didn’t hear you. Who do you fucking belong to, y/n?”
He yanked your head causing you to scream out as you came, releasing a guttural moan. “YOU! I BELONG TO YOU!… OH GOD!!!”
He felt your pussy spazzing around him and he bit his lip at the feeling. Your body trembled as you fell onto of him limply. Yoongi held you close, flooding your walls with his DNA. You both remained that way as you caught your breaths.
“Were you seriously about dinner tomorrow night?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes and moved you off of him so he could get dress. “Why not.”
You smiled to yourself. For once the two of you were going to be together and sex wasn’t involved. You knew that nothing has probably changed between you and him, but at least this was a step in the right direction.
©2017 Silhouetted_Beauty
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arummything · 7 years
My 17 favourite kpop songs of 2017
well well well... that was some year. Personally below average. Internationally terrible. Politically disastrous.
BUT at least the music was good. Oh good golly was the music GOOD.
A few points before I get started.
1) There is no Jonghyun on this list. It’s still to painful for me and him being my favourite artist he was going to take the #1 spot anyway. I guess now we’ll just consider him GOD TIER. Nobody, except SHINee, will ever come close.
2) I have limited myself to 1 song per group/artist because if I allowed for more this would look more like “my top 500 kpop songs of 2017″. So. There’s that. A LOT of these came down to me looking at my music apps and counting the listens when I just couldn’t decide between songs by a certain group or artist.
3)This was an emotionally charged year and these song choices reflect that. In other words, THIS IS A LIST OF SONGS I PERSONALLY LOVE. Yours might look entirely different.
Let’s get down to business:
17.Really Really - Winner
After being stuck in the YG dungeon for so long, these boys finally came out with new stuff and boy, did they deliver!! I chose this song because it's just so feel good and it forces me to get up and dance even when I don't feel like it.
16.Sleep - walking - Dreamcatcher
When you need a song to really just WAKE YOU THE FUCK UP. Dreamcatcher are AMAZING. THE VOCALS. Please love them. And check out all of their cover songs, you won't regret it, I promise.
15. AKMU - Dinosaur If you don't love this song you're wrong. (just kidding. kinda) This song makes me feel whimsical and childlike while raving in my kitchen.
14. Downpour - I.O.I *sobs internally* *sobs externally* *sobs eternally* I miss them so much.
13. Only U - Laboum It was a long and bloody fight between Only U and Hwi Hwi. I still don't know why I chose this one. I love both songs equally honestly. Maybe it's because this one sounds like it was pulled straight from a musical and I LOVE musicals.
12. Blue Moon - Hyolyn & Changmo I was sold from the first second, and then her divine vocals came in and I was a goner. Good lord I love this woman with my entire being.
11. Night Rather Than Day - EXID My queens released two amazing albums 2017 and I love them forever. The way this song courses through my body is something magical.  LE's finishing line of the song makes me crave for more every time.
10. Fine - Taeyeon Another fine (get it???? eh? ehhh????) example of me dying trying to chose a song from a perfect album. Honestly this one only won because I love to karaoke belt it in the shower while the water runs over my face and I can pretend I'm not crying.
9.  I wait - Day 6 2017 was an AMAZING year for Day6. Their monthly singles were all stellar and the two albums they released have been on repeat for me. We started the year with "I Wait" and it still hasn't left my system. Just everything about this track gives me goosebumps.
8. Sun and Moon - NCT 127 These boys released two amazing albums in 2017 that have been on repeat pretty much non stop for me. But this track just edges out the others for  me. This one is absolute PERFECTION. *body rolls to the moon*
7. Change Up - SVT Leaders Oh 2017 was Seventeen's year. Pass it on. They did soooo amazing. I'm so proud of my boys like, wow. I had a real tough time choosing my favourite song from them and I felt a little guilty about it not being a full group song but this one just stood ever so slightly above the rest for me. Everything about this song is just perfect. Absolutely everything. Jihoon's "Let me do it again, do it again" leaves me weak.
6. What U Do- EXO Objectively probably not the best song from EXO this year but this is just such a simple, sweet, feel-good love song. Kyungsoo's vocals leave me quaking. Unpopular (?) opinion: I love it when Chanyeol sings!
5. Eclipse - Kim Lip (LOONA) It was love at first "yEaAAaaaAhhhH" for me. End of story. Listen and fall in love tbh.
4. Perfect 10 - Red Velvet Holy R&B gods on high!! The vocals, the harmonies, the rhythm. Send me straight to heaven on a winged beast. This was actually another track that I had a real fight with myself about because the girls released three amazing albums this year that have just left me in a mess on the floor. BUT, this song is JUST. SO. SEXY. I had to choose it.
3. Gashina - Sunmi If you're not listening to this song what are you doing?? Sunmi is perfection. Get on it.
2. Rise - Taemin This had to compete with a whole album of songs and so purely came down to the amount of times I've listened to it compared to the others. And even that was down to one single listen. THE VOCALS IN THIS SONG. It has my body on the floor and my soul soaring in the sky at the same time. And if you're not raising your hands to the heavens by the end I don't know what you're doing, tbh.
1. Spring Day - BTS This song.... wowowowow this song. There are just very few songs that I love with every fibre of my being and this is one of them. From the moment I heard it I knew it would be at the top of the list for me. This song knocked me for six. I was stripped to my bones and everything I had bottled up came bubbling out in pretty violent emotion. The lyrics absolutely fucking wrecked me. For me, very personally, this song is about deep sorrow but ultimately, about healing. Shout out to Tae who’s voice punched me in the gut. I honestly don't think I'll ever recover from this song.
If you're salty about my list I have one thing to say to you: JOIN THE CLUB Here are some honourable mentions that I can't sodding believe didn't make it on the list: Epik High - No Thanxxx (Cuz I. AM.    GROOT. MOTHERFUCKEEEEEEER ...... and mind yo fuckin' business) GD - Untitled, 2014 (I SOBBED LIKE A BABY) The Rose - Sorry (the. vocals *cries*) Lee Jin Ah - Stairs (if you're not listening to her get on it right now) Suran - Wine (literally pour yourself a glass of wine - if you're so inclined - and chill the fuck out) Twice - Likey (WHY IS THERE NO TWICE IN MY TOP 17.. IDK. I'M STUPID?) Wanna One - Beautiful (the "I MISS you so MUCH" part has me on the floor) Pristin - Black Widow (just.... a whole boat load of YES) T-Ara - What's My Name? (my forever queens) Stray Kids - Hellevator ( they haven't even debuted and they released this?? i was knocked sideways) Astro - Crazy Sexy Cool ( THIS SOOOOONG. Why is this not in my top 17??? I just don't know) KARD - Don't Recall (I absolutely adore this song and I was super lucky to see them perform it live) Brave Girls - Rollin' (so freaking sexy) B1A4 - Rollin' ( SING IT WITH ME NOW: ~i'm rolling in the rolling in the rolling in the deeeeeeep) Wake Me Up - B.A.P (i can fucking relate)
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nyangibun · 7 years
Thank you for tagging me @gadisnaplasma​!! <3 
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I tag: @qinaliel @everythingjonsa @riahchan @lydiia-martins @fedonciadale @13irgit @thenutofroyalty @janeyfoster @bulletandsophia @buttercup--bee @occupyvenus @honxrable @steambend @theadamantdaughter @soapieturner @sansapotter @leannedirewolflover @geekprincess26  (let me know if you guys dont want to be tagged in these in the future! and sorry if you’ve already been tagged)
the last…  
1. drink: lemon soda 
2. phone call: my brother
3. text message: my boss u_u 
4. song you listened to: umbrella by far east movement ft. hyolyn and gill chang
5. time you cried: when i had an anxiety attack earlier this month. 
6. dated someone twice: when i was 18-19 (and more like three, four times. >_<) 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: 2 months ago lol 
8. been cheated on: when i was 18
9. lost someone special: when i was 22
10. been depressed: all the damn time lol. it just ranges for manageable to crippling. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: does the next day count? because that would be in may but otherwise... like a year or so ago. 
favourite colours

12. pink
13. purple
14. aquamarine
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yessss
16. fallen out of love: nope. 
17. laughed until you cried: yesss
18. found out someone was talking about you: uh no i dont think so
19. met someone who changed you: yesss my soul twin! <3 
20. found out who your friends are: figured that out a couple years back xD
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no way
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 80-90% i think 
23. do you have any pets: too many. 2 dogs 4 cats. 

24. do you want to change your name: not really. maybe when i’m married.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i had japanese food and ice cream cake.
26. what time did you wake up: today? about 5 something in the morning then officially at 6:30am for work
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: on tumblr on my phone.
28. name something you can’t wait for: moving to new zealand. finally getting the fuck out of here. 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: last night
31. what are you listening to right now: umbrella by far east movement ft hyolyn and gill chang. it’s literally on repeat right now. 
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah an old fling named tom literally just messaged me out of the blue a day ago, which reminds me i need to reply
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance and indifference. 
34. most visited website: tumblr and ao3 
35. hair colour: dark brown
36. long or short hair: long hair
37. do you have a crush on someone: nah. unless you count fictional characters.
38. what do you like about yourself: my sense of humour. i make myself laugh.
39. piercings: i have 7 piercings (2 on each side, a tragus piercing, a cartilage piercing and navel piercing) 
40. blood type: i actually dont know. that’s bad right? 
41. nickname: supreme overlord. or you know, i dont have one.
42. relationship status: single and not really ready to mingle. 
43. zodiac: aquarius
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: uhhh... netflix’s daredevil season 1. 
46. tattoos: one day
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: never.
49. piercing: uhhh??? 
50. sport: softball and touch rugby competitively in high school. volleyball competitively since i was 12 up until i graduated university (so roughly 12 years altogether).
51. vacation: i want to go to the amazon!!!! or iceland! 
52. pair of trainers: my adidas ones with the all black stripes. 
more general
53. eating: nothing. 
54. drinking: water
55. i’m about to: get off work!
56. waiting for: the clock to strike 5pm
57. want: to get out of this country and start living my life again
58. get married: once i have my shit together. oh and once i meet bob morley.
59. career: novelist, screenwriter, something along those lines. 
60. hugs or kisses: kiss me, you fool! 
61. lips or eyes: eyes for sure.
62. shorter or taller: i’m short. i want someone taller. idk what this question is asking. 
63. older or younger: older. i like older people. 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms jfc. always arms.
65. hook up or relationship: terrifyingly, a relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: is there an option for broody with a heart of gold?
67. kissed a stranger: hahaha 
68. drank hard liquor: hahahahahahaha
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: never glasses but yes contacts
70. turned someone down: yeah :/ 
71. sex on the first date: depends. i mean as a rule of thumb, no, but if it’s bob morley, hell yeah. 
72. broken someone’s heart: unfortunately :( 
73. had your heart broken: unfortunately :( 
74. been arrested: nah
75. cried when someone died: no. i completely shut down when bad things happen.
76. fallen for a friend: un-fucking-fortunately. what a time that was
do you believe in …
77. yourself: i believe in my desperation to feel free again to get shit done. 
78. miracles: i don’t know. 
79. love at first sight: not a chance.
80. santa claus: sure why not 
81. kiss on the first date: yes, absolutely. a kiss says so much about a person.
82. angels: not really. 
83. current best friend’s name: bob morley. or you know, dinithi. 
84. eye colour: dark brown
85. favourite movie: uhh.... the lotr trilogy? (minus frodo’s bits in the 2nd and 3rd)
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igotbangtanvelvet · 7 years
Best K-Pop Comebacks of 2017 (January-June)
As a connoisseur of k-pop, I stan many-a-group, and am fond of countless other groups’ music as well in the k-pop industry. When thinking back over the last several months, it has come to my attentions that this year has been amazing as far as comebacks go (so far). Though I am excited to see what the year brings in it’s second half, I’m going to list my favorites of 2017 (January-June). 
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These boys never fail to bring the heat. This dance performance was perfection and their live stages didn’t disappoint. My bias group never lets me down. The first time I saw this video, I don’t think I breathed the whole time. Jungkook, my bias, WHY ARE YOU SO STUNNING. And Hoseok. And Taehyung. And literally everyone. GAH. They need to stop being so perfect. Actually, please don’t. LOVE YOU UGHUEHBEHJTbaeRwhkejy
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It’s been a while since iKON has made a comeback, and I DIDN’T EVEN REALIZE HOW MUCH I MISSED THEM UNTIL THIS HAPPENED. This song is fire. Such a jam. Definitely the most hype song of 2017 so far. Very Bang Bang Bang. YG just kills it when it comes to charisma on stage. All of them are so natural. P.S. Still not gonna call them their new stage names. They will always be Donghyuk, Jinhwan, Yunhyeong, and Chanwoo tbh ;) 
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NCT 127 - Limitless 
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The performances by all of the NCT groups have impressed me from the beginning, but this one left me IN AWE. The choreography is some of the most complex I’ve seen in k-pop in a long time, and they all shine in different ways. Guys... JOHNNY DEBUTED!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY :) #SMRookiesStanFerLyfe 
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Rookie - Red Velvet 
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Favorite girl group + catchy song + difficult choreo + killer vocals = HEAVEN. At first, I thought the song was a bit annoying/repetitive, but it definitely grew on me and has quickly become one of my favorite songs from their red concepts. To me, Seulgi stood out in this comeback (but I’m biased), but each of them look gorgeous and have improved SO MUCH (like YERI.... VOCALS WOW!) Can’t wait for their next comeback... Until then, I’ll just watch/listen to Rookie on repeat forever. 
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  TWICE - Knock Knock 
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Cute dance. Cute clothes. Cute concept. I can’t help but love the girls of Twice! All of them look adorable in this comeback, particularly Chaeyoung and Mina. Their vocals are also improving a lot. I’m a proud ONCE and their hard work is paying off! 
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K.A.R.D - Don’t Recall 
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I remember when I found out that a co-ed group was debuting last year, I was ecstatic! They definitely did not disappoint me. They are able to create such unique concepts and this comeback was so fun to watch and gets stuck in my head 24/7. Love. 
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Beautiful - Monsta X
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The first time I watched a Monsta X video, I remember saying, “Oh my gosh, he’s so cute. Okay he is too. WHAAAAAT?!?! ARE THEY ALL VISUALS?!?!?!?” Now they have a song with a name that encompasses these boys as a group. ;) What can I say? Their dancing rocks, Jooheon and I.M slay as rappers, and everyone else kills in this performance vocally and visually. And my bias Wonho is lookin’ incredible. Much wow. A+ boys. 
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Upon first listening to the song, I was not thoroughly impressed, but it quickly became one of those songs I just kept listening to, and before I knew it, I was hooked. I like Pristin. I can’t say I stan them yet, but I can see me getting to that point. At this point, my bias is Kyla, and she needs more love! They all slay. Yay Pristin! 
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   TWICE - Signal 
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I know, Twice is back again. I already said some about them, but I had to mention this comeback because it is SO different from the rest of their songs... BUT I LOVE IT! Quickly fell in love with the upbeat and fun song and the dance (which has a lot of complicated parts compared to their other dances). LOVE LOVE LOVE TWICE! 
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Seventeen - Don’t Wanna Cry 
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I became a fan of Seventeen last year, as I was immediately captivated by their stunning choreography and charming stage presence. As I joined late and was super behind in the fandom, I learned a lot later on. Though I knew Hoshi had done choreography for the group before, when I read the article about him choreographing all of their songs, including their newest song, I watched this video and legitimately started sobbing. This is some of the best choreography in k-pop currently, and HOSHI NEEDS MORE RECOGNITION FOR BEING PERFECT AND SO INCREDIBLY GIFTED. I can’t express more love for this song and choreo. Wow. Just wow. 
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Sistar - Lonely 
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Sadly, this year, we are saying ‘farewell’ to the Queens of Summer, vocals, and visuals of k-pop. I will truly miss Sistar’s stunning performances and the amazing ride it has been being their fan. Truly legends. I don’t know how to express my thanks, but you mean so much to your fans, Hyolyn, Dasom, Bora, and Soyou. #SistarForever 
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GOT7 - Never Ever 
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If you’ve been here before, you know I would never forget my babies GOT7. Aghases seem to be scarcer than they used to me, but GOT7 has been one of my favorite groups since the beginning. This year has been an amazing one for comebacks, but Never Ever left me in awe of this spectacular group. From the stunning improvement by the rappers, to the complex choreography, to their overwhelming charisma and stage presence, this comeback only reaffirmed my love for these boys. Honestly, every time I choose a bias, my list is completely destroyed. I don’t think I’ll ever keep a bias in GOT7, but I am strangely okay with that. Keep slaying, my boys. 
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Now, that’s all for now. But, we have SO MUCH MORE to look forward to in 2017.... New comebacks from NCT, Monsta X, BLACKPINK, MAMAMOO, U-KISS, Infinite, Girls’ Generation (10th anniversary!!!!), Super Junior (OMG!!!), PRISTIN, Taeyang (BIGBANG), EXO(!!!!!), and RED VELVET!!! 
Can’t wait. 
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girls-scenarios · 6 years
Admins Top 18 Songs of 2018
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Admin Kiwi: These are in no particular order, but they are the songs I’ve been listening to the most this year!
NCT U Taeyong & Ten - Baby Don’t Stop: This song had been on repeat since it came out. I don’t actually listen to much NCT but holy crap this SONG. It’s not even my usual type of music. It’s just so addicting.
Loona - Stylish: Okay, Hi High was a great song, but THIS song. I might have listened to it like, 300 times now? It’s so good that I’ve yet to get tired of it even though I listen to it at least once a day. A true banger. Stan Loona indeed.
April - Oh! My Mistake: When this song first came out, I wasn’t sure what to think because it’s super unique, but now it’s consistently stuck in my head and I listen to it on repeat. I was so happy to see April get more attention with this comeback too!
iKON - Killing Me: I’ll be real with you, I’m not an iKON stan. Their music is super hit or miss for me. But when I first heard this song my jaw dropped because omg it’s SO GOOD. Whenever I need to feel energized I just have to listen to the drop and boom. Energy.
EXID - I Love You: By now you probably all know that EXID owns me. Lady was such a banger too, but I’ve got to say that I Love You was my favorite (because Solji is back and I cried).
Seventeen - Oh My!: Perhaps I love Seventeen. Real talk, Seventeen never disappoints. And Oh My! is another song that is consistently playing. The mini album with this song was A+ as well. They’re the only boy group that I own an album by. They’re that good.
Twice - Shot Thru The Heart: Twice had so many comebacks this year that I can’t even keep up honestly. But this song? I’m in love with it. Also Jeongyeon gets so many lines. And I love listening to her voice so uh. It’s my favorite song.
Weki Meki - Iron Boy: Honestly Metronome was another by them that I absolutely love, but I like Iron Boy a little bit better. Such a banger and makes me super happy to listen to.
Tiffany Young - Over My Skin: Wow? I love everything about this song? Tiffany is out here putting out great music with an early 2000s feel and I’m 100% here for it. Also the lyrics to this song? I’m shaking.
EXO - Tempo: I didn’t like this song at first, but now I listen to it so much I’m pretty sure even my dog knows the words. I prefer girls, but Chanyeol in this comeback had me questioning everything. That Great Gatsby reference in his lyrics made my literary self VERY happy.
KHAN - I’m Your Girl?: I listen to this song all the time. I loved The Ark, and I was so happy to see these girls come back. I love their voices together. I just. Loved everything about this song.
fromis_9 - DKDK: This is the comeback that made me truly fall in love with them. I was OBSESSED with this song when it first came out, and I still listen to it all the time. This song defines my 2018 honestly.
Dreamcatcher - Wonderland: I’ve said before how much I love this song but like. I love to just put this song on and chill. I love pretty much everything that Dreamcatcher puts out but this song? It’s The One.
Jay Park - V: I’ll admit it, I listen to a lot of Jay Park. This song is another one that’s always stuck in my head. It’s just such a fun song to listen to, I love it. A lot.
Day6 - Shoot Me: Day6 puts out so much good music, but this song has me hooked. It’s like an angry rock ballad. And I like that.
Hyukoh - Citizen Kane: Hyukoh is another band that just puts out such great music. I love everything they do and really wish that I’d gotten the chance to see them live this year.
UNI.T - I Mean: I really wish that UNI.T would have gotten more time together. Both songs they released were amazing but this song just makes me so happy to listen to and energizes me when I need it. It’s just such a fun song!
The Rose - Baby: This song introduced me to The Rose and I’m so glad I found it because it’s so good and I listen to it both when I’m feeling angsty and when I write.
(Honorable mentions: Sohee ft BOL4 - Hurry Up, Taeyeon - Something New, HYO - Sober, Hyolyn - Dally, NU’EST W - Dejavu, Pristin V - Get It, Apink - I’m So Sick, CLC - Black Dress)
Admin Lee: Not in any certain order, but these are my top picks of 2018! 
1. Pristin V - Get It: I love pristin. I kept track until this comeback was released and watched the MV again and again afterwards! The teasers and highlight medley absolutely killed me and I was completely in love with the villain concept! I hope in the future, Pristin is able to do more comebacks with this sort of concept because I think it’s really cool and refreshing!
2. Remind of You - Chungha: This is another one that I listen to when I’m falling asleep, writing, or working! It’s one of my favorites of hers!
3. Egoist - Olivia Hye (Ft. Jinsoul): Though love4eva is the song that made me discover Loona, this is definitely one of my favorite solo (?) songs before their official debut!
4. IAM - 1AM: This was one of the two concept songs that were my absolute favorite on Produce48 and all of the members on that team were some of my favorite contestants too! I love Heo Yunjin and Ahn Yujin to pieces, and I’m glad Yujin made it into IZONE!
5. Rumor - H.I.N.P: This song. I swear I listened to this and IAM on repeat for three days straight. Eunbi (and everyone else on the team ofc) killed and I find myself going back to watch their performance video from time to time because it’s THAT good.
6. Thanks - Seventeen: This is the first Seventeen song I’ve ever heard! I found out about it after Loona did a dance cover on Idol Room and really enjoyed the song, so I listened to the whole thing and liked it even more. I should probably get more into Seventeen’s music because they seem like a really cool group!
7. Forever Young - Blackpink: This is probably my favorite b-side from the mini-album, and I liked how the song kind of changed towards the end! Blackpink has been a group I’ve loved for a while and I’m really glad they’re going on a world tour this year!
8. April Fools - Jimin Park: I remember being super excited when I heard Jimin was finally getting a comeback, and I couldn’t stop listening to this song when it came out! I loved her when she was in 15&, but now that she’s out there doing solo music and having a good time I’m happy for her!
9. Good Evening - SHINee: SHINee is also another boy group that I’ve recently gotten into! I really enjoy a lot of their music, and this song just stands out to me a lot. The MV is also really cool, with nice aesthetics and cool colors!
10. Dally - Hyolyn: This is the first song I’ve heard by Hyolyn, and it suits my music taste a lot! I enjoy the bass-heavy, chill vibe the song provides. She has super nice vocals that I appreciate and I’m glad I discovered her music!
11. Oh! My Mistake - April: I recently listened to this song and I couldn’t stop lol. It’s so catchy once you hear it and at the end, you immediately want to listen to it again. April is an underrated group for sure, because if this comeback say anything about them, it’s that they’ve got major talent and potential as a successful group!
12. Jenga - Heize: Heize is an artist I also recently discovered, and I think Don’t Know You was the first song of hers I listened to. However, this one is a bop fr and I listen to it at least once a day.
13. La Vie en Rose - IZONE: Dude this debut song was probably the best I’ve heard ever (besides Wee Woo). I know I’ve said I’ve listened to a lot of these songs on repeat but this one I would play multiple times a day every day for a little more than a week. I still listen to this song all the time and its one of the most memorable debut songs I’ve heard.
14. Stylish - LOONA: This is definitely my favorite B-side from the album. The memes from it are also really good! But fr, this song is one that I listen to a lot as well, and I always seem to play it more than once whenever it comes on.
15. Bad Boy - Red Velvet: Okay, let me say that this MV is so good and I LIVE for it. Like, this comeback was insanely good and I can’t wait to see them perform this live!! Along with RBB and Peek-a-Boo, this is my favorite title song from RV!
16. RBB - Red Velvet: I literally counted down the days until this comeback. When I heard/watched the teaser for this I couldn’t wait for the song’s release. The scream kills me every time lmao I hope Irene didn’t throw out her voice too much for that
17. Heroine - Sunmi: Sunmi is literally that bitch. I loved this song so much the first time I heard it, and what’s not to love about it? It’s such a bop! She’s literally a goddess and no song she makes could ever flop.
18. What is Love? - TWICE: Twice has been a long-time favorite group of mine, and was actually the first Kpop group I’ve ever heard (got into them during TT era)! This comeback was a godsend and I loved it so much. The MV was so well put together, and all of the movie references were very well done! I couldn’t stop repeating this song for weeks after it came out.
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