#been also playing undertale a lot so like. he has so much papyrus energy
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undeadvinyls · 1 year ago
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havent made a comic in a looong while so i think theres no better way than to welcome a new hero with a comic! meet killing joke aka cedric, the medieval knight-jester cross hero 💕
under the cut theres his ref !!!
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its actually a 2 month old doodle i digitalized, haha
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theovergrowth · 1 year ago
NAME?: Robbie, King, Clown, I’ve been called Many Things lmao
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PRONOUNS?: if we’re talking the easy route, He/Him. If ur chill then He/It ❤️
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: Discord is the most reliable! My tumblr app hasn’t told me when people dm me since like 2021
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Titus, obvi lmao;; of all my characters he talks in my head The Most and I get the most inspiration for him just day-to-day
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i started role playing over email in 2014 with a few friends from school, then found out about tumblr rp after undertale came out (…yeah my first muse was Papyrus what of it) so i guess almost 9-10 years at this point??? There’s gaps tho
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I mean for the Most Part I’ve had a lot of really good experiences with people! Especially Recently, the people I talk to are just very creative and kind and fun! Tho I do often reminisce on a thread me and an old mutual did when I first got confident enough to write OC stuff instead of canon, it was just a fun plot and we were both just Brain Broken kids ❤️❤️
RP PET PEEVES?: Ummm this is always a hard question, honestly I feel like I’m my biggest pet peeve in rp lol;; I guess my main thing is when people Press for Replies? Like yes remind me if it’s been a while, but I have had mutuals in the past who push after like a Day and it truly just makes my brain Refuse to do anything. That’s more a me thing tho I think
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: with as much as I love making angst happen, I Love Fluff. It’s so much fun to write sad characters being happy ❤️❤️ Smut I have. No experience with (I just started writing smut in my downtime like 3 months ago and I respect yall who do it well So Much, it’s truly an Artform of its Own and if anyone has tips for beginners I’ll take em)
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Here’s my problem, right? Love Plotting, if I could plot until I die I would. But also. I might just plot until I die, because then I get nervous about not writing it in a way that feels the way it did when it was Plotted, ykno? Memes are fun but also I get Stressed by the Ask Box
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: i prefer longer ones, i think? Short can be fun, but I also have Too Many Thoughts to keep replies short
TIME TO WRITE?: oughghgh usually I Try to get to writing on my weekends, but;;; sometimes work and broken brain makes me Too Tired so it’s real Sporadic and depends on when I have Energy
In some ways! Most of them have some Level of anxiety, most if not All of them are queer and neurodivergent.
Titus is honestly maybe the Most like me. I was homeless and lived in a van, Religious Trauma, complex about being Inhuman and Strange, autism, trans, and a lot of his little habits come from things I noticed me or my friends doing (tho honestly, Titus is more based on some asshole I knew in yellowstone lmao)
tagged by: @justashadetalkative (( aaa this one was fun!! ))
Tagging: if u see this 🔪 Steal It and Tag Me Pls
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mar64ds · 3 years ago
tell me your papyrus and sans headcanons ^-^ or you can just talk about them i like when you do it makes me really happy reading your comics and stuff !
Thank you so much! :D I love talking about them!!
I have been thinking about their childhoods lately
I like to think Sans and Papyrus have an age difference of at least six years. It might seem like a lot when they are both kids but I think it makes a lot of sense in UT and possibly DR. In Undertale I think Papyrus is a young adult (early or mid 20s), while I think Sans is in his late 20s. In the deltarune theory of 'Papyrus is a teen', it would make sense that Sans is a young adult and has a job, while Papyrus is younger but he is not... an 8 year old, he is just a teen.
So I think Sans spent 6 years being an only child. Gaster wanted another kid but he asked to see if Sans would be okay with that. And of course he was!! His little brother would be so cool
When Papyrus was borned he stayed with him all the time, and it was great because most of the time he could just nap beside him
When Papyrus started to grow he imitated Sans a lot (that comic I made yesterday where he only asks for a burger because Sans does as well, for example), but of course the older he got his real personality started to shine more and it was very different from Sans's, so the imitations started to happen less. But it was okay, they were still as close as ever
Gaster is very similar to Papyrus, but he has an energy similar to Sans. Papyrus is super energetic, Gaster and Sans prefer things more calm. Sans also likes Gaster's job a lot, and later on he is good at it, Papyrus prefers a more puzzle approach to things, which is also great
Everything else however Gaster is incredibly similar to Papyrus: his way of thinking, his way of never giving up, his difficulty of making friends, ... everything, he understands his son really well, which helps Papyrus a lot
Sans could be more difficult to figure out for Gaster sometimes, because they could be kind of different and Sans doesn't like talking about his problems like Papyrus does. But he did always end up helping Sans whenever he needed it
Gaster doesn't play favorites either of course, he loves them both the same!
Papyrus did however spent more time with him, since he didn't have many friends, Gaster always made sure that his son didn't feel lonely (Sans did as well)
I think the three of them are a family that spends a lot of time together. Neither Sans or Papyrus ever had a phase of 'it's embarrassing to spend so much time with my family', they both really care about their family, they are not embarrassed about it
It's a very loving family, I think they always have a lot of fun together, I love them a lot :)
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cellydawn · 4 years ago
sans IS gaster (OR the sans theory masterpost pt. 2)
Part 1 || ❤️ || Part 3
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(drawn by me, color by @magenteel​)
Previously, we discussed: Sans and his hand in the destruction of a world, his connection to Ice-E and Deltarune, and how he relates to Gaster. We’re going to continue the thread we left off on.
Section III - Gaster (Cont.)
Snails are mentioned too many times throughout Undertale for them to not be of any significance. As it turns out, they are pretty important in unraveling the mystery behind Gaster and Sans.
When you enter the area with Napstablook’s snail farm, you’ll notice that Sans’s theme is playing despite him not making an appearance. 
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In one of Papyrus’s phone calls, he mentions that Sans recently bought snail-shaped pasta and says “He’ll probably fill them with hotdogs and slime.” Toriel also owns a book called “72 User for Snails”. Track 72 in the Undertale OST is “Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans”. That’s multiple times that Sans is likened to snails. 
Snails belong under the taxonomic class Gastropoda. Gasterpods.
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These long pauses between words and phrases are not unlike how Gaster speaks.
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Here is Gaster speaking with us in the opening sequence of Deltarune. And...
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Now. Let’s move on.
(More under the cut.)
Mus_smile is the track that plays in room_gaster. This is my personal opinion, but the character that is the most strongly associated with smiles is Sans.
And Sans is certainly intelligent enough to be the prime suspect for being Gaster. The proper name for his namesake is Comic Sans Microsoft, or Comic Sans MS. MS can also be used as a suffix for the name of a person who has a degree in a Master of Science.
Sans also owns quantum physics books. The subject of Gaster’s scientific research is revealed in Entry #17: “photon readings negative”. Photons are described as a "quantum" of electromagnetic energy, and are of course within the realm of study under quantum physics.
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Gaster, like Sans, is brilliant yet slow-working. Slower than Alphys, who is repeatedly noted to have nothing to show yet as the royal scientist in the eyes of the people and is shown to slack off constantly.
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Gaster is implied to have perished, and I suppose he did, in a way, if these speculations do end up being correct. However, there’s something more to this statement. Ghosts are sort of in the realm of being not-alive, and Sans and Napstablook have a surprising level of comparability.
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They both:
Get likened to “garbage”
Have connections to snails (Napstablook runs the snail farm)
Speak completely in lower case
Pretend to sleep and say “Z’s” out loud
Have black “sclera”
And the black sclera is also a topic of its own; it’s equated with the status of being brought back to life. Being “determined”. (See: Asriel and Undyne)
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Undyne is especially suspect due to the strange right-eye-phenomenon she has in common with Sans, with spears shooting out of hers. Spears that are actually colored light blue, not unlike Sans’s eye. 
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To recap: 
Sans and Gaster are heavily involved in Deltarune
They have been displaced from time and space
They have connections to snails
They are both doctors with knowledge in quantum physics
They both “fell” into the abyss
They both talk similarly
They are both slow
They are both characterized by their smile
They are both some degree of dead
Sans is Gaster or a significant piece of him. Sans has Gaster Blasters because they belong to him. If all prior conjecture proves true, he is and will be responsible for the destruction of a world or THE world within Deltarune. After all, the Latin definitions of “gaster” and “sans” are to destroy and to be without, respectively. 
That brings us to the next subject: why is Sans Sans? More specifically, why is that his name? Why even change his name?
Below is the Japanese version of the fun event with Sans’s phone call. It features completely different dialogue from its English counterpart. 
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Am I Licca-chan? (Select No) Then from now on call me Sans. I need to check every once in a while. I won’t know when my name has changed. 
“Licca-chan” is a well-known Barbie-esque dress-up doll in Japan, so popular to the point where it is even used as a synonym for other dolls from different companies. Perhaps it implies that Sans is adaptable due to Licca-chan’s nature as a doll and how she is in a constant state of change to reflect the times. It also seems to be a pun on “liquor” because Sans was talking about beer in the English version. I tried to scour the Japanese fandom for clues, but they also seemed stumped. If anyone has any ideas on what this could mean, please let me know!
Regardless, “Sans” doesn’t seem to be his actual name. Perhaps his true name was Gaster...?
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Additionally, If the player changes the name of the fallen child via going into the code, this message appears in the stats menu. The vernacular is very Sans-like, with his frequent use of question tags at the end of his sentences (I counted 14 huh’s from Sans).
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Finally, let’s talk about the number six. We know that it’s Gaster’s number--All of the explicitly Gaster-related fun events trigger for fun values in the sixties, Gaster’s stats are all comprised of 6′s, Gaster’s “typer-value” is 666--you get the idea.
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The concept art Toby drew for the Alarm Clock’s character screen features what is presumably Sans and the number six.
“The Choice”--the track that plays during Sans’s judgements--is “Undertale” slowed down by 666%.
Section IV - Angels and Demons (The “Why”)
In modern day culture, 666 is closely associated with the devil. The Book of Revelation (13:17-18) asserts that 666 is “the number of a man” (this is important, and we’ll come back to it later) and is “the number of the Beast”. The Beast is mentioned as “coming out of the abyss”. 
Sounds a lot like someone else we know, doesn’t it? And how fitting for Sans, the one who judges our sins and demands us “to burn in hell”.
But if we go further, the Beast of Revelation is described to have seven heads representing seven kings. The beast itself is an eighth king who is of the seven and "was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition." 
Chara is an eighth of the seven fallen children. 
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There’s something Chara, Sans, and Gaster all share, and it’s their association with demons.
Here is an excerpt from the Cutting Room Floor:
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Among the four strings in version 1.0, the last one, designated by variable “demond”, stands out for two reasons. 
 The letter “d” is separate from the other letters denoting the demon variables--the rest, “x”, “y”, and “z” are in sequential alphabet order.
The speech pattern of the last string is different from the others. It has that signature question tag at the end of the sentence that a certain character is known for.
In version 1.001, the strings clearly reflect Chara’s speech pattern. This time, all the variables are in sequential order from “a” to “d”. 
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Pieces of dialogue at the near-end of a genocide route from Chara and Sans. Recall that Chara is using the same “Now” from earlier with Gaster and Sans.
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Chara makes a reference to Banana Yoshimoto's book “Kitchen”. Take note of the page number.
Chara is also linked to the number nine. It’s the highest achievable stat in-game. It’s the stat of the locket and real knife. It’s how much damage Chara deals. It’s also the number six flipped upside down. 
The connections are undeniable. 
And yet, it goes further. Let’s take a look at how Christmas comes in to play.
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In Deltarune, there are a few references to it, the most foremost probably being the importance of Noelle Holiday as a character. We also get Lancer’s laugh and the joke with “Krismas”.
Back to Undertale, there is significant Christmas iconography represented by “Gyfmas” and Gyftrot (bearing a strong resemblance to Photoshop Flowey, the DT Extractor, and Gaster Blasters).
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What I’d like to focus on is Santa.  Papyrus describes him as “a chubby, smiling man who loves to surprise people.” From the thank you note addressed to Santa we find in Sans’s room, we can assume that Sans is a Santa, at least to Papyrus. It’s pretty fitting, since Sans can be described as someone who “knows if [we’ve] been bad or good”. Maybe he can even tell if we’re sleeping or awake with how the Dark World appears to be linked with sleep and dreams (please read my theory on Sans being a Darkner for more on this).
So we can reasonably conclude that Sans presents himself as a friendly, child-oriented figure, in-line with the nature of Comic Sans, a font for children, and Ice-E, a mascot of a company marketed towards children.
Santa is an anagram of Satan. 
To recap: Gaster’s association with the number 666 marks him as a “demon”. Chara and Sans are also called demons and similarly have connections to the number 6. This is more evidence that Gaster and Sans is or used to be the same people, and Chara has some form of correspondence with them.
I failed to mention before that there is actually a second Beast of Revelation “from the Earth” with "two horns like a lamb”. From the “earth” like Flowey, with horns like Asriel. 
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Asriel is most likely the “Angel” depicted in the prophecy within the scope of Undertale; he’s named similarly to Azrael, an angel of death, and one of his attacks is literally called “Angel of Death”. He also bears a striking resemblance to the Deltarune in his God of Hyperdeath form.
Surprise, surprise, he and Sans also share parallels. 
Let’s start with their introductions. “Flowey the flower”. “Sans the skeleton”. It’s a similarly alliterative greeting and they’re both using fake names.
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Mirrored dialogue yet again...
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…and similar meta-commentary.
These three characters--Sans/Gaster, Chara, and Flowey/Asriel--they have all fallen. Gaster fell into his creation. Chara fell into the Underground. Asriel had “fallen down”. (Sans and Papyrus are also the only sibling pair other than Chara and Asriel. I won’t talk about Papyrus in this part though because this thing is shaping up to be too long already.)
What does this mean for Sans? I have a personal theory.
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Above the entryway of the Judgement Hall, there is a reversed Deltarune. The triangles are inverted and the wings are more bat-like. In the room where only Sans appears, the same room that plays a version of “Undertale” slowed down 666%.
I think Sans is a candidate for the Angel prophesized to destroy the world in Deltarune. I think he is Sans Serif, a seraph. He fell into his experiment and became a “fallen” angel, a demon. 
The Angel’s Heaven mentioned alongside, on the other hand...  Heaven can also be used to refer to God. Dog is an anagram of God. 
Sans has many, many connections with dogs, especially one Annoying Dog. More on this next time.
Part 1 || ❤️ || Part 3
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fellcharas · 3 years ago
my deltarune theory(ies?)
DISCLAIMER: i am not an actual theorist and i wrote this all from memory! this is taking into consideration the possibility that chara is involved in the making of deltarune (1, 2) as well as other widely believed theories (gaster being involved)
putting a read more because this shit is LONG so buckle up
start with the basics?
something i was thinking about last night is how it’s interesting that we don’t know very much about susie’s home life or her reason for being “the bully.” while there are certainly hints that point to it not being great at all, there’s nothing directly confirming what it’s like.
however something that many people have pointed out is that through the numerous odd similarities deltarune and undertale have, there is the clam girl. for those who don’t know, clam girl is a NPC that you encounter if your game’s fun value is between 80 and 89 and you’re not playing a no mercy route. she talks of her neighbor’s daughter, suzy, and tells frisk that they should become friends with her. but she notes the fact that frisk would have no idea where suzy is yet fate will find a way for them to meet.
in the true pacifist epilogue of undertale with a fun value of 81, clam girl explains that the time frisk (or we, the players) will meet suzy is “fast approaching.” this specific term is yellow in text and her sprite becomes grayscale. then she abruptly vanishes, the noise as she does so being the same noise used for the mystery man and gaster follower 2 sprites when interacting with them. interestingly, her grayscale sprite is “spr_clam_goner”, not much different than goner kid. this dialogue was also added right before the release of deltarune.
so... who is suzy? while it is possible that suzy could just be susie with a different name for undertale’s sake, it’s also possible that suzy could be susie’s sister, likely younger. catty, returning from undertale, has a little sister in deltarune named catti. there isn’t much significance that i could add that would make it likely suzy is susie’s little sister other than this, but i felt it was worth mentioning so do with it what you will.
so... what else?
after interacting with clam girl, if you do the work necessary to access sans’ basement (or “lab”), you’ll be able to find a description of a photo inside one of the drawers that points out there are “three smiling people” with the text “don’t forget” written on it. this has been pointed out several times before due to the fact “don’t forget” is the deltarune song that plays at the end of ch1 (and ch2 although remixed?). if i recall correctly there is no other way of finding this flavor text except for interacting with clam girl. interesting.
lots of people believe that the covered machine in sans’ lab is a time machine. with sans’ many connections to gaster, it’s also possible that this could be a machine gaster made and had broken. it is said to be unfixable.
gaster is confirmed to have created the core. but i don’t believe this is what he fell into. it’s never specified what he fell into, just that it was his creation. so i believe that gaster fell into the time machine. and by taking entry number 17 into account, we are met with the possibility that the time machine might involve a black hole. fortunately for you guys black holes is a special interest of mine, so i can explain this easily.
basically, the anatomy of a black hole, or the structure, consists of the following:
event horizon
photon sphere
the event horizon of a black hole is the shadowy dark sphere that we see in images. it is a boundary in spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. once having crossed the event horizon, the nature of spacetime begins to deform, causing space’s usual three dimensions (length, width, height) to form only one dimension (movement forward) and time’s usual one dimension (into the future) to form three dimensions (past, present, and future). spacetime is what makes up our reality. remember this. and, as predicted by einstein’s theory of general relativity, mass bends spacetime (imagine our universe as a flat plane, and the mass of our earth causes a dip in the space underneath it), so a black hole’s mass warps spacetime so strongly that any direction you try to go in once having crossed the event horizon will lead you to the singularity. (at least... for a non-rotating, non-charged black hole.)
the singularity is a gravitational singularity, a region that may lie at the center of a black hole wherein the curvature/deformation of spacetime becomes infinite. because all black holes spin (due to their last moments as stars involving very fast rotational speeds), the singularity in a rotating black hole’s mathematics smears out to form a ring singularity (ringularity) that lies in the plane of rotation. in this case (as well as the case of a non-rotating black hole), the region has zero volume. and because of all of the black hole’s mass being held in this region, the singularity can be thought of as having infinite density. within a rotating black hole it is possible to avoid the singularity, and extending this solution as far as possible reveals the hypothetical possibility of exiting the black hole into a different spacetime (region of reality) with the black hole acting as a wormhole.
the photon sphere is a spherical boundary of zero thickness in which photons (elementary, electromagnetic radiation particles, associated with light) that move on tangents (the tangent line to a plane curve at a given point is the straight line that "just touches" the curve at that point) to that sphere would be trapped in a circular orbit about the black hole. while light can still escape from the photon sphere, any light that crosses the photon sphere on an inbound trajectory will be captured by the black hole.
lastly, the ergosphere is a region of spacetime found in rotating black holes in which it is impossible to stand still. basically, it’s like a whirlpool, and any object near the black hole will tend to start moving in the direction of rotation.
okay, so... what does this have to do with entry number 17?
WELL, here’s the dialogue from entry number 17. i’ll bold the key parts that i feel tie the possibility of this being a time machine to the time machine involving a black hole:
as you can probably tell by now, it’s possible that this description of growing darkness, no photons, is similar to that of what a black hole is like.
but why would gaster create a black hole as part of a time machine? well, my idea is that he didn’t mean to do so. he likely concentrated enough energy or mass that caused a black hole to accidentally form. this black hole would have been small in diameter, thus having an incredibly short lifespan, its evaporation being violent. this would have broken the machine entirely. however, for the sake of undertale being a video game, it’s understandable why sans (and possibly papyrus or alphys) would be okay and why the machine is still relatively in tact.
it’s unclear to me why gaster would want to make a time machine. because time travel in the sci-fi sense (involving the grandfather paradox) is likely impossible without breaking the fabric of our reality, this could also be explained for why it went so horribly wrong for gaster. and - fun fact - once you cross the event horizon, you are lost to the universe forever. every particle you are made of, every little bit of energy you hold within your existence, is lost to the outside universe. forever. this is called the black hole information paradox. however, realistically, those who are outside of the black hole will still remember you, but in gaster’s sense... i don’t think this is what happened.
it’s possible that gaster managed to avoid the singularity, if the black hole he crossed was rotational. however, because he couldn’t leave the black hole, he could have traveled to different points in spacetime. this is why he was shattered across time and space as his followers describe, because undertale confirms that within its world, this possible existence of a black hole allows for wormholes to exist.
but... but wait. no, no, no. we can’t think of undertale as space-time. why? because sans himself confirms that the continuum of undertale’s reality is a time-space continuum. he puts time before space, which could be intentional and thus swapping their roles. within undertale this means that time is 3-dimensional, explaining the existence of save points and the ability to reset and load. space, on the other hand, is 1-dimensional, meaning you can only ever go one way which is to the end of the game. even if you load previous save files, you’ll still end up finished.
so if gaster was shattered across time and space, it’s possible that he was also shattered beyond. it’s believed that he had some sense of awareness, that he found out he was in a game with multiple different timelines, thus starting his “experiment.” he created the blueprints for the determination extraction machine, and because it’s also widely believed that he and chara were in cahoots with each other, maybe gaster wanted to extract some of chara’s determination and make something for himself. and maybe he succeeded in some way, not by extracting chara’s but by making his own somehow. it’s unknown right now to me. (though if he acquired determination somehow, that would make sense if the mysteryman sprite was him, considering the weird markings or drippy things on his face as well as the general blob-like look.)
so this implies that deltarune’s reality is a time-space continuum as well?
yes. gaster was smart, brilliant even, but it’s likely he didn’t know much beyond the nature of his own reality. when creating deltarune he made the reality of its universe something similar to undertale’s, with 3-dimensional time and 1-dimensional space. if gaster had the determination or something more, enough to persist even as a remnant of a shattered being outside his own reality, then this makes sense as to how he’d be able to create deltarune. if he’s forgotten to everyone within the world of undertale, and (in some abstract way for the sake of kris, jevil, spamton and possibly others) known to nobody in deltarune, yet he created deltarune, he isn’t dead. he’s something else. he’s a god.
and this is why chara is in cahoots with him, even now.
see, chara has determination. they didn’t fall into the underground intentionally; they tripped (1, 2). given these facts and theories it’s likely that chara had determination, or hope, the ability to persevere and keep going no matter what. chara had a red soul like frisk’s, which is what made their essence attach to frisk’s body. that’s why they are tethered to us via name and stats and narration. and as we all know, the red soul symbolizes determination. power.
but while chara is very much their own person, they are still what their name was meant to imply: a character. chara reflects the will of the player; they are not the player theirself, they are their own person, but due to their attachment to frisk (and by extension, us) they act as a mirror for what we do in undertale. and sadly for them, gaster is much more powerful due to his circumstances. gaster is more like us than chara is.
and given deltarune’s theme of nobody’s choices mattering, nobody having any real control over what they do or say, if we take into consideration the fact that chara speaks in the no mercy route about destroying "this" world and "moving onto the next" and asking "when were [we] the one in control", then it’s clear that they have something to do with the theme of deltarune. chara has only ever wanted control, whether that be a good or bad thing is currently out if the question. they wanted control over their own life when they were alive in undertale, and now they want control over other people. anything they feel is a good thing for them to have control over, they will reach for it.
the gonermaker sequence in chapter 1 is abruptly cut off by someone who speaks VERY similarly to chara, in contrast to the person from before who we all agree is gaster (in both japanese and english, it is very chara-esque way of speaking). now, why is this called the gonermaker? my guess is because chara has been discarding all these vessels, making gaster’s experiment much more difficult to start off and get going.
all the gaster followers from undertale, including goner clam girl and goner kid, show up in deltarune. they are fully colored sprites. the only goner character who doesn’t show up in deltarune is the one WE create in chapter 1′s beginning sequence. and i think that’s because they are set up to reappear, at some point in one of deltarune’s future chapters.
so, chara has been discarding all of the vessels, all the followers, all the now-goners because they know that these people will never have control over their lives. as long as they are shallow vessels meant to worship and serve our (the players’) and gaster’s desires (to play a game and experiment, thereby affecting an entire world/universe), they have no autonomy over themselves. and this resonates with chara for a multitude of reasons we can tie back to undertale. they state that "no one can choose who they are in this world," because it’s true. no one can choose who they are. not in a world dominated by gods like us and gaster. and that’s why chara discards these vessels and characters who were probably once their own real persons, as a means of sparing them from what they lacked for theirself: control. and no matter what, even if chara didn’t interrupt, we would have still ended up as kris because again No One Can Choose Who They Are In This World. chara was making gaster’s sick joke plain and simple for us, that it applies to us in some way too.
so then... what’s the deal with spamton and jevil? 
well, i think they are people who encountered gaster (this is widely believed anyway) and convinced themselves that they were significant for this knowledge that they are in a game, knowledge gaster told them of, driving them both insane and robbing them of who they were meant to be. and because nobody can choose who they are in deltarune, when they try to break free nothing changes or has a happy outcome, because it’s sadly just not possible to change your fate in deltarune.
this presumably-fact becomes clearer with spamton, though. and that’s why kris becomes so afraid, both at the end of spamton neo’s pacifist battle and his snowgrave battle. because kris can’t choose who they are, either. kris is like spamton, a puppet. a heart on a chain. they don’t have full control over who they are and trying to break free only hurts them more, as we see whenever they tear their soul out of their body and disable our input. but, maybe it’ll be different for kris, because they ARE the protagonist. but right now it feels like they’ve given up on the idea of having control over theirself. the only rebelling they do is work to open a dark fountain, thereby continuing the story of deltarune and, really, only helping us more in terms of playing the game.
and i mean, it’s also obvious that gaster holds influence over kris, too, considering the weird hidden encounters where you interact with something and see a man smiling or waving at you or giving you an egg. and this egg doesn’t change into a ball of trash like every other dark world item once you return to the light world. it stays the same. i can’t really remember the significance of eggs when it comes to gaster other than his whole existence being left as an Easter Egg but i do know that on the date with papyrus in undertale, there’s an egg on the side with the dating hub so, whether that’s there for funny points or lore is unknown, but interesting too.
i also want to say that i don’t think gaster and chara are being pitted against each other in terms of "these are 2 different types of gamers." while that would make sense simplistically, i feel like toby would be much more in depth and nuanced with it, as he usually is with his method of storytelling. because even though chara is kind of god-like, considering their death in undertale and their soul being the same as ours, leading to them being attached to us like some kind of angel (and angels have lots of significance in both undertale and deltarune), they’re still only a character and not at all on the level that gaster is.
i personally think gaster and chara are, on a more hidden level because toby isn’t being very direct at all with these two, meant to represent a different side of the "player vs character" perspective. and that’s something that undertale and deltarune have both tried to convey to us in the no mercy and snowgrave routes, but unfortunately in undertale’s case it was widely misinterpreted in both ways. i think it’s a bit more sensible to go about it this way, because gaster is not us, as in we don’t control him like we can other characters, and the symbolism of what he’s meant to represent is there.
ok, one last question: how did chara access wherever gaster’s in?
that part is still very foggy. i can’t come up with a definite reasoning, but for now i’ll take a wild guess and say that maybe chara grew tired of being a ghost with no real autonomy. maybe they decided they wanted to break free for theirself, and by doing this their essence became detached from frisk’s body (and by extension our control), thus causing them to be shattered similarly to gaster or winding up in the void gaster has. however that happened.
there’s a lot of uncanny resemblance between chara and kris, though, especially if this is the case. chara breaks free and winds up in the void with gaster, and kris realizes that breaking free for theirself may not be all that they think it’s meant to be. given spamton neo and all. aside from the fact that chara and kris look similar, have the same family (though in different universes of course), and strangely both have a sweet tooth, this is especially odd to me.
i can’t quite put it into words, but it feels like, to me at least, chara is very much present in the world of deltarune. and they share similarities with kris that are hard to ignore.
so that’s it, then.
for the most part... yes. a lot of the theories i’ve linked here and there explain things i agree with, so you can read them as you see fit. i especially recommend nochocolate’s posts on chara if you’re interested, such as the ambiguity of freedom in undertale (and, though this was never mentioned in their post, by extension now deltarune).
but. there is one character that seems to be involved in some (or a lot) of this. and that’s papyrus. the only problem is, i can’t figure out what’s going on.
at first glance papyrus is just a very charming guy. but you know, he’s actually a lot more mysterious than sans. he shares similarities to chara and flowey/asriel, and holds weird possible connections to gaster. he’s also the only major character from undertale (aside from asriel) who hasn’t made a physical appearance in deltarune. while checking sans and papyrus’ house will have you met with narration describing “a distant trousle of bones”, it’s worth noting that in chapter 2 it’s described as getting farther and farther away. so... why? is this world’s papyrus just shy, or is there a deeper reason?
again, i can’t tell what’s going on with papyrus, if there even is anything at all. but there’s a lot of weird and mysterious little oddities involving him that i don’t think are unintentional or accidental.
anyways... there. hoo boy. that’s my theory. or theories. i don’t really know. like i said, i’m not a theorist, i don’t know everything and i don’t expect any of this to be true. it’s just what makes sense to me. and it’s important that if you believe this, you also recognize that toby is the creator and he does what he thinks is best when it comes to the story of deltarune and the possible connections it has to undertale (even though toby’s said that the two have no connections, it’s not uncommon for him to be untruthful about things).
if you read all of this... thanks! let me know your thoughts!
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abnormallynice · 5 years ago
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About a boy who wakes up in the Underground and surrounded by monsters. On the way to go back home, he meets others, faces challenges and makes friends. Maybe these other beings aren’t so different from himself, afterall?
You play TWEWY and listen to Undertale Let’s Plays at the same time and this is what happens >:P Stick around and read the Headcanons if you have a minute (obvious spoilers for both TWEWY and Undertale ahead):
- Neku-Frisk fell into the Underground but wasn’t completely sure how. He thought he was being careful… did he trip? …was he pushed? - Those headphones aren’t for music, but act more like sound mufflers. Too much/loud noise all at once makes him anxious and aggressive and want to retreat to a ‘safer place’ just for himself. The headphones are a way he can cope with over-stimulation. - Monsters physically are a combination of humans and the Noise creatures from Twewy. Other than the obvious tribal-like appendages and markings, monsters can use magic and their souls are made up of love, hope and compassion (like the monsters in Undertale). - Instead of a heart, souls are represented by musical notes. Each monster has their own 'song’ and only a certain few can hear them. And like a game with BGM, areas and spots have their own songs as well. - Beat and Rhyme HAD to be the skeleton brothers. The skull motif just made the choice easy! Although, knowing what happens in TWEWY and the genocide route in Undertale, Rhyme as Sans might seem odd. To that I decided that Rhyme deserves some love and redemption. And more credit for the clever girl she is. - The clothing items on Beat and Rhyme do move and emote. Because monsters and magic. - Everyone’s personalities are combinations of the characters they are crossovered with. For instance,
Sans and Rhyme are both observant and think highly of their brothers, which Rhyme-Sans inherits. But Rhyme-Sans is less lazy and more playfully apologetic about playing pranks.– Beat-Papyrus has a lot of energy and desire to be the best. But it’s less about popularity and more about being someone Rhyme-Sans can be proud of. And also he still skates. He’s a really cool dude afterall.
Eri-Undyne has a desire to protect other monsters and motivates them to do what they can do best. She’s a little more aggressive than Eri but it’s all   for betterment of her community. She’s still a royal guard.
Shiki-Aphys. Shy, closeted nerd that loves science and making cute clothes but has trouble loving herself for who she is. Replace anime with fashion for this version. Royal seamstress that also dabbles in science and doll-making.
Joshua-Dreemur, the serial murderer. Once prince of the Underground, able to hear and make beautiful music with his magic. Died and became an orange flower. Vowed to destroy monsters and the Underground because they have no good in them. All they are are noise. Saw Neku and knew this was his chance for world(and self) destruction.
- Yes, that’s the Dogechiko. It sits in Snowdin. - Yes, Eri and Shiki are dating (or will, at least). - I refer to each character here as 'TWEWY character’-'Undertale character’ but in the crossover, they call each other by their TWEWY names. You can too, if you don’t want to say or write long names ;p That’s all I can remember right now but I’m sure there are more I’ve forgotten or chose not to mention just yet. I’ve been plotting and concepting and drawing this on and off for about a month now. Doing the designs for everyone was really fun (including the ones characters that I haven’t featured here). I tried to match characters together that I thought had similar personalities and/or had similar stories. Most were REALLY easy choices, some were hard. Designs were difficult at times because on one hand you have the simplicity of Undertale, and the detailed accessories and clothes from TWEWY. Tried to stick somewhere in the middle. I hope I can draw and add more to this AU. The similarities between TWEWY and Undertale are almost STAGGERING.
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undertalethingems · 5 years ago
Undertale LIVE: My thoughts
I had the chance to go to the Undertale Live concert today, and--as requested--I’m going to share how it went!
If you hadn’t heard of it, it’s a small band of musicians who play tracks from the game while a playthrough is projected on a screen behind them. I know a lot of people thought it was actually a musical when it was first announced--but no, no one was on stage as the human or Toriel or Alphys, and honestly I’m happy it wasn’t since musicals can be pretty hit or miss for me. The audience has a chance to vote on what to choose at certain points in the game, making it more than a concert alone.
This is going to get long, so... here we go.
I met the friend I’d invited to see the show with me at the train station, and after some confusion and walking straight past the theatre where the show was being held we made it in and got to our seats just fine. The house was nearly full, which was really good to see considering this was the second show--the actual premier was yesterday. Needless to say Undertale--and it’s music--is popular. I was also a little surprised by the composition of the crowd--Undertale has the reputation of being a young fandom, but there were plenty of older folks and many of them weren’t just there to chaperone their kids. it was nice to see just how many different people love the game ^^
Soon enough, the lights went down; it was time for the music to start. Now, I won’t spoil every song they played... but honestly? The musicians did an excellent job, and whoever was in charge of the arrangement was on point, picking just the right instrument to play each part. The double bass on the low ‘theremin’ elements of “Fallen Down” was beautiful, and using both clarinet and violin for “Bonetrousle” was one of my favorite parts--it sounded perfect for Papyrus. I was also impressed by the guy playing bassoon--he often had to practically beatbox to match the chiptune elements he’d been given, but it worked really well.
But one thing I really appreciated was that they covered plenty of lesser known songs--not just the boss fights or ‘top hits’ as it were, but smaller moments like “Pathetic House”, “The Choice”, and “A Small Shock”; I was happy they included the basic battle theme and “Alphys” too. Those frequently get left out, so it was great to hear them covered, and overall it was a great mix of character themes, environmental themes, and more obscure tracks, and that’s more than can be said for some of the Undertale melodies I have on my youtube playlist XD All were given the same high level of attention and skill, and it was wonderful.
As far as the video elements go, well, it’s not like they could go through the entire game--that’d be a bit much for anyone involved. Instead, they’d partnered with a twitch streamer to collect footage, then cut out some of the slower parts of the game to keep it at the more reasonable length of about 2 hours. It did mean cutting some songs I would have liked to hear them cover, but I can understand why--and what they did cover was done perfectly.
Because that’s the other thing--the live music blended almost seamlessly with the gameplay, enough that I forgot it was being played maybe 30 feet away and not coming from the game. They do plan on recording and releasing a CD sometime this year, and needless to say I’m buying it when I get the chance :”D
As for the interactive parts... I’ll be honest--at my show, they didn’t seem to come up often, so it didn’t feel like it was a big part of the experience. But I say ‘my show’ because they want feedback on how to make it even better, so things may be different when they go on tour later. That said, the choices mainly came up when fighting major characters--and, uh, i have to say i was happy no one died (though i was side-eyeing the few folks who raised their hands at papyrus. c’mon, you know that alone’s not gonna get you megalovania, and we’d already spared toriel at that point :”D ) We ended up with a true pacifist ending, and i think everyone was satisfied. It seemed the show was over...
and then barely two notes of “Megalovania” played and the crowd roared. The musicians are fans themselves, they knew what we were hoping to hear =u= Now... it’s probably no surprise, but i’ve heard many versions of Megalovania--many of which don’t quite ‘get it’ for me, often lacking the bass or right energy for the song--but Undertale Live delivered, keeping the right energy for this absolute banger and ending the show (perhaps ironically, considering Megalovania’s context :”D) on a high note.
Overall, I was really impressed, and enjoyed every song immensely; Undertale still makes up the majority of the music I listen to, and like I said, I was very happy to see them give attention to some of the less popular--but no less good--tracks the game has to offer. They’re hopefully announcing further tour dates soon, so if you have the chance to go, I say take it ^^
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lordbloodysoul · 4 years ago
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Karma Doorman
"Dept Collector of Justice" - "Prosecutor of Consequences" - "Old Man Consequences"
The Tall Doorman (Papyrus)
G. D. or Guardian/Big G. (the Human Children)
Old Timer, Pal, Buddy or "Karmamel" (Sans)
Old Freckle (Undyne)
Height / Weight:
6 feet 8 inches (or 2.11m) / 87 kg (112kg with entire attire)
Soul Type
"Collective Soul"
// - A Collective Soul shows trades of all known Soul Types and is shielded by a thin membrane of Void. It looks like a blank Soul with a black outline, that has a small pitch dot in its center from which a vibration rolls across the surface of the Soul. Those waves appear in different colors and strokes. To those who are very sensible to Soul Energy, the vibration will sound like an endless army of different voices breathing simultaneously in sync. The rhythm changes wit Karma's state of mind. It has an aroma/flavour that could be described as "a bittersweet taste of Salt and Iron". The feeling it would induces is more reminiscent of Guilt and Foreboding. Like standing before a King with an Executioner looming right behind you. - //
[REDACTED] //Next to it often flashes the following message: "I can see ALL your SINS..."//
[REDACTED] // Their HP is so high that even a Critical from the LvL 19 Human affects it as if they would jut do 1 HP damage //
[REDACTED] //Next to it often flashes the following message: "I make the RULES."//
[REDACTED] //Next to it often flashes the following message: "Your DEPT will be PAID"//
Tier S - Class S
Karma Doorman is the original "Blueprint" of their kind within the Undertale Universe. Their Soul was a blank, purified Vessel with trades of both Human and Monster Soul. Within it, their creator stored the power of every willing being of the Old Dark's Court, forging a Soul of immense potential. Made from pieces of countless Entities and the Life-Blood of their Creator, this Doorman was chained to the purpose of "SAVING THEM", but left with a free will to decide on how to accomplish that Goal.
Karma's first appearance within the Undertale Multiverse was due to the waking call of UT Sans's Will to struggle against the Genocide Route's Outcome, which gave their existence a physical Form. Before that, they were just a spiritual presence and afterthought, mostly. A Dread looming above the Sinners, Cheaters and Fools of the World.
[!!!SPOILERS WARNING!!! - for those who wish to Read the FanFiction or wait till I get around to making the Comic, since the LITERATURE SUBMIT on DA doesn't allow much creative Freedom, so I have to do a lot of Re-Spacing and Editing on those Parts. This Section will spoil some of the Plot in exchange for Character Build - If you don't want that spoiled, please proceed to the APPEARANCE Section - !!!SPOILER WARNING!!!]
Karma's awakening shook the original Universe of Undertale at its Core, as they proceeded to exterminate the Genocide Timeline by removing the [ERASE] and [RESET]option from the Human Child and blocking the [QUIT] option. Their DETERMINATION exceeded any existent being in this Original Timeline.
After ridding themselves of Chara, Flowey and purifying Frisk's Soul, they continued [REWRITING]the Timeline, forcing Toriel to stay with Asgore and bringing comfort to his broken heart. They dragged Gaster and his Lab Assistants back from the Void and made Sans forget about the RESETS, weakening themself severely in the process.
Karma intervened in many upcoming Events, including saving the original six children, choosing to live with them in the RUINS, due to the absence of Toriel, and kept them save there. They properly locked the Gate towards Snowdin and became Sans's Knock-Knock Pal, as he recovered his strength, while waiting for time to unfold on its own. They dragged a Criminal into the Underground, who would serve as a trigger for Undyne's role in the future as head of the Royal Guards, as well as providing Gaster with a Soul for his research. When Gaster's experiment was about to end in failure, they leaped in and saved the staff, but Sans got struck and began remembering everything again, including his first encounter with Karma.
The Doorman left him that way, on behalf of his own wishes, closing the Rift towards the Void, straining their Soul towards its limits. When Frisk arrived, they were the one waiting for them, accompanied by the other six children. Together, they left the RUINS and began their journey through the Underground in order to reach the True Ending and the last option that would hinder their Safeguard over the Timeline. [TRUE RESET]
Karma Doorman looks like a tall, thin elf, clad in black robes and armor. Their cloak, which always rests on their shoulders, splits into multiple tendrils, which can move freely as separate limbs from the rest of their body. These tentacle-like arms are connected to his back, sprouting straight from a fissure across his spine. Their hair is charcoal black and slightly grayish in color, long flowing and smooth as silk. The eyes are red and always surrounded by a reddish blush, which runs along their pale cheeks.
When his expression and demeanor change, the eye-white turns blackish and their thin lips stretch into a wide, haunting grin. Often accompanied by streams of rusty, reddish liquid welling from underneath the eyes. This happens mostly in situations that call for them to use lots of Energy and Magic. It is due to the affects his tremendously powerful Soul has on their vessel body. The reddish liquid is not blood, but liquid-form Determinationseeping through their entire body. When reaching their limits, Karma often ends up with ripped skin or deep gashing wounds all over, which they have to let heal on their own.
Karma was created by the remaining Will and Hope of Sans from across all RESETS, which shaped part of their personality. They are very intelligent and resourceful, with a developing love for puns and witty commentary. Karma sees his job as part of a Game, partially, but takes every step they make with utmost seriousness. They often hide the seriousness of their intentions to seem as less of a threat than they actually are, which paint them often in the lights of a sadistic psycho, rather than a helpful ally.
Karma is very kind, when not chasing after Sinners and Cheaters. As a manifestation of Consequences, their actions are justified in the eye of fate, however the Doorman has their doubts about it, acting to the best of their conscious, trying to find the best way to deal with every situation.
They are a selfless Soul, ready to give everything and more in order to see their goal achieved, which is the happiness of all deserving of it.
The Entity judges all on a fair standpoint, giving anyone the benefit of the doubt if it is present within their actions. Which is why they sowed pity and understanding towards Sans more than to Flowey, Frisk and Chara.
Karma is a follower of the principle of "Mutual Consent". They never force their way, feelings or the likes upon others (unless they need to judge that person for being a dirty Sinner, Cheater or the likes). Knowing that everything in life comes with consequences, they rather stay on a neutral ground till they’re sure of the others intentions.
Puns and Humor (by that extend Sans)
helping people
singing - ( he loves humming this Song here)
hunting Sinners and Cheaters
Sinners and Cheater of all kinds
Mettaton (to some extend, since he finds the Robot quite obnoxious)
too spicy food
Capitalism (they've been trying to kill it off for since they've gained consciousness)
Gender- and Race Labeling (which is why they refer to themself as a "they" and won't accept anyone miss-gender them whatsoever)
Due to their DETERMINATION, Karma is capable of blocking Tricksters, Sinners and Cheaters from abusing Fortune or, in the case of the Fallen Children and Flowey, the power of RESET. They can exterminate these Options and force their prey to face Consequences, without a backdoor to escape out off. The Entity can also alter the flow of time and space to previous states and interact with Checkpoints (which they mostly destroy instantly). They can reanimate people, by simply restoring their last intact living position. While restoring entire Landscapes and areas, they have to focus their manipulative power into a comfortable shape, which mostly appears as a Ring following near the ground, walls and ceiling behind them.
When they first appeared in the Universe of Undertale, Karma was only visible to a selective few. Mostly those aware of the RESETS. While traveling backwards through the Underground with Sans, they created Rifts within the fabric of the World to quickly advance. Similar in Sans's use of shortcuts only on a basic sense, as these Rifts interconnect on a completely different plain of thought. Like a Road along the weave of Space-Time itself.
Their strength comes not only from their Soul, however. Karma’s power forms from the Will of Justice and Vengeance lingering within the World they inhabit. Since their body was formed by Sans’s recollected strife to stop the fallen child from their murderous rampage, their power connected to it. As such, his memory became vital to their strength, but to ensure their goal was fully achieved, Karma decided to REWRITE him, even at the cost of a fair extend of their own power.
Karma's attack abilities range from direct hands-on Battle to them using their tendrils as extended limbs for range combat. They can use various magics, too.
Since their DETERMINATION is so high, Karma is capable of changing the RULES of Combat. They do so to 'playfully' dispose of their targets.
In such occasions, they like to play "JUDGMENT HELL", a game where he provides their foes with the means to battle them properly. Giving them armor, weapons and item to use. They also stag a persons SIN to their STATS, exceeding the limitations of the Universe’s limitations. Within the game they play the PROSECUTOR, who protects a JUDGE from the ACCUSED. While the ACCUSED try to kill or persuade the JUDGE it is the PROSECUTOR's job to keep the JUDGE save and eliminate the ACCUSED. When an ACCUSED perishes, they will be respawned with a penalty to their STATS. When the HP reaches 1, the next strike will indefinitely kill the ACCUSED. They will be erased with the severity of their sins burning their bodies and souls out of current existence. The PROSECUTOR can't act on their own, besides shielding the JUDGE. The JUDGE has full reign over their actions and decides if a person is worth of MERCY or not.
The Doorman is capable of all Magic Abilities. During Combat, Karma uses mostly White, Black and Red Attacks, although they like changing their Style up on the fly sometimes. Fighting them is quite the bad idea, due to them not acting upon the RULE of attacks having to always be in the same repeating patterns. Each of Karma's attacks is acting like a Critical Strike or Instant Kill Move, which makes the experience that much more frustrating. They also can slay foes straight outside of an open FIGHT.
For more casual activities, Karma uses their power of levitation for transport or just simply sitting in a floating position. They multi-task via their tendrils a lot, often preferring them over their own arms and hands. They can use healing magic to quickly close wounds, set bones or just giving a soothing warmth to distressed people. They usually, however, don't use that much magic overall. Only if it is absolutely required or helpful in aiding their goal or people in need.
Karma possesses the special ability of "REWRITE", which allows him to change any aspect of a Location, Item. Person or Rule. With this ability, they can change the flow of the world to befit their purpose. A REWRITE can only be undone by them or an outer-worldly Impact of similar Determination Power, which is rare.
Due to their massive STATS, which broke the readable Range of the World by a margin, attempting to destroy them via Battle is basically pointless. Bargaining with them will be seen as an insult, which often results in harsher punishment, while accepting ones fate is probably the smartest option.
Karma's destructive power can be placed easily above the power of most living beings in the Undertale Multiverse, however, he would struggle against other Doormen of their own respective Tier.
Karma, throughout their journey will befriend many Monsters.
Sans will become their first friend among many, as they take the Role of Toriel after the REWRITE. Papyrus they meet briefly in his early childhood, but won't become a friend to the till later. They will bond with Undyne over a match of strength and perseverance.
The human children, as they fall one by one into the Underground, will end up being raised by them. They refer to them as their Guardian or Big G. for short. Karma collects them and ensures their safety while staying in the RUINS, up until Frisk appears. The children take a shine to them, as they cared for them, teaching them to accept monsters as part of their lives.
Similar to Sans growing an affection towards Toriel during the outplay of the Original Timeline, in the REWRITE he grows quite fond of them as they do of him.
In the Canon of the series, the two agree on a relationship based on both of their loss at what to do or expect from the newfound freedom they fought for. The human children encourage their romantic interest in one another, much to Karma's displeasure, as they are completely estranged to the whole romance business. Going even so far as to stopping Frisk multiple times, during their adventure, from flirting with every Monster they encounter.
Karma has no recollection of anything prior to their awakening to sentience. For all they've known, they were always a part of Undertale.
However, Sans and Papyrus both commented on "having seen their eyes somewhere before" and that this was not something good they've remembered.
It spun a bit of curiosity around their mind, which always leaves a bad aftertaste behind.
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vanilla-inkwell · 6 years ago
TL;DR: Sans isn’t a monster, he’s a Darkner from the Dark World, and that’s why he bleeds, as well as what’s up with his room and his seeming teleporting.
OKAY so everyone's aware of the whole thing where, when you defeat Sans at the end of the Genocide Route, the wound it leaves looks a whole lot like its bloody. Combined with the fact that we don't actually see him die, and his awareness of the nature of SAVEing/LOADing, many have speculated Sans isn't fully monster, and has some human element. But that was all just blind speculation around a seemingly anomalous character who both uses magic and has an organic body.
Until now. 'Cause, see, Deltarune introduced us to beings who can use magic and have blood: Darkners.
Lancer knows, or at least thinks, the heroes have blood. He says he's gonna "turn them into blood" and even has a bucket to clean up said blood. Susie obviously wouldn’t, but she doesn't correct him because the conversation is framed around Lancer learning to be more badass/intimidating from her, so she's not concerned with the accuracy of the statement. And we know that people from Kris's world know what blood is, and have the same rules as in Undertale, that being that only humans have blood. This is shown by someone in the town recognizing Kris as "the human who lives at the top of town" and asks them if it hurts to be made of blood.
Yet, Lancer naturally thinks that crushing the heroes would leave a bloody mess, and King says Lancer would splatter it he dropped him off the castle ledge. We're suspiciously unable to kill any Darkners, so we never see anyone die or turn to dust. In fact, Lancer even knowing what blood is raises suspicions, because Darkners otherwise seem identical to monsters, and there's no indication they know what a human is.
But most importantly, to me, Ralsei doesn't correct Lancer. Just about every other time Lancer says something erroneous, Ralsei calls it out. But he doesn't so much as comment on Lancer thinking there'd be blood from crushing the heroes, meaning that, as far as Ralsei knows, there would be.
What this means is that Darkners can use magic and bullets, even manipulate the space a SOUL-heart moves in (in much the same way Sans does), but also have blood.
Want more evidence? Darkners have colored dialogue portraits, while monsters from both Kris's world and Frisk's world have black-and-white dialogue portraits.
Sans, who would be the only Darkner in Undertale if this theory is true, conveniently has an actually black-and-white head. In other words, we wouldn't know if his portrait was coloured.
And on top of all that, the fast-travel doors in the Dark World have the exact same shifting light under them as the door to Sans's room in Undertale, a room that Papyrus said "looks like another world," and which is totally black when you first enter. Combined with Sans's mysterious ability to teleport around via "shortcuts," it seems highly likely he's using the Dark World to get around.
 Adding more fuel to this, people have been speculating that the photo of three smiling people in Sans's workshop could be the heroes of Deltarune... the ending theme of which closes with the lyric "Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark,"... so this photograph would be of the Fun Gang who traverse the Dark World... and spawns based on FUN values relating to a character who talks about her neighbor Suzy... and this photograph has "don't forget" written on the back...
AND to top off all of this, the primary way to dispatch Darkners peacefully is to get them tired and make them fall asleep, just like you how you beat Sans. Their names even turn blue when they’re tired, for god’s sake. And they can actually dodge your attacks, unlike every monster but just like Sans.
PLUS, after you beat Sans, he says he's going to Grillby's... and in Deltarune, we find him at that world's version of Grillby's (#######Sans' ). Also, EXP isn't solely tied to actually killing, but to the perception of your actions; in Undertale, you gain extra EXP from mocking Loox before killing him, so clearly it has to do with perceived pain as much as physical murder. Which makes sense, considering EXP doesn’t physically change anything about someone, but simply marks how much easier it is for them to hurt and kill. That in mind, it's wholly plausible that Sans didn't actually die, instead teleporting once he was out of sight and eventually (somehow) ending up in Deltarune's town, but Frisk/Chara thought they killed him so they still received the EXP.
Also, for those who ascribe to the ketchup theory, here's a piece of actual dialogue from Deltarune (and I don't know how I didn't make this connection on my own when I played it): "This isn't another trick, is it, Kris? Like when you put ketchup on your arms and told me it was blood?"
I love the idea of Sans being filled with ketchup as much as anyone, but Toby is outright screaming the answers to us at this point. Not to mention it's explicitly stated in Undertale that monsters don't retain food inside them when they eat; anything they consume is automatically converted into energy. It literally can't be ketchup. Sorry, y'all. (But like, not that sorry ‘cause it being blood ties into this absolute avalanche of evidence that he’s a Darkner.)
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wait-whaaaaa · 5 years ago
Credit to ComplexVanillaScent on Reddit
OKAY so everyone's aware of the whole thing where, when you defeat Sans at the end of the Genocide Route, the wound it leaves looks a whole lot like its bloody. Combined with the fact that we don't actually see him die, and his awareness of the nature of SAVEing/LOADing, many have speculated Sans isn't fully monster, and has some human element. But that was all just blind speculation around a seemingly anomalous character who both uses magic and has an organic body.
Until now. 'Cause, see, Delta Rune introduced us to beings who can use magic and have blood: Darkners.
Lancer knows, or at least thinks, the heroes have blood. He says he's gonna "turn them into blood" and even has a bucket to clean up said blood. Susie doesn't correct him because the conversation is framed around Lancer learning to be more badass/intimidating from her, so she's not concerned with the accuracy of the statement. And we know that people from Kris's world know what blood is, and have the same rules as in Undertale, that being that only humans have blood. This is shown by someone in the town recognizing Kris as "the human who lives at the top of town" and asks them if it hurts to be made of blood.
Yet, Lancer naturally thinks that crushing the heroes would leave a bloody mess, and we're suspiciously unable to kill any Darkners, so we never see anyone die or turn to dust. In fact, Lancer even knowing what blood is raises suspicions, because Darkners otherwise seem identical to monsters, and there's no indication they know what a human is.
But most importantly, to me, Ralsei doesn't correct Lancer. Just about every other time Lancer says something erroneous, Ralsei calls it out. But he doesn't so much as comment on Lancer thinking there'd be blood from crushing the heroes, meaning that, as far as Ralsei knows, there would be.
What this means is that Darkners can use magic and bullets, even manipulate the space a SOUL-heart moves in (in much the same way Sans does), but also have blood.
Want one more piece of evidence? Darkners have colored dialogue portraits, while monsters from both Kris's world and Frisk's world have black-and-white dialogue portraits.
Sans, who would be the only Darkner in Undertale if this theory is true, conveniently has an actually black-and-white head. In other words, we wouldn't know if his portrait was coloured.
EDIT: As people have pointed out, the fast-travel doors in the Dark World have the same shifting light under them as the door to Sans's room in Undertale, a room that Papyrus said "looks like another world," and which is totally black when you first enter. Combined with Sans's mysterious ability to teleport around via "shortcuts," an ability that Lancer seems to share and Rouxls openly demonstrates, it seems highly likely he's using the Dark World to get around.
EDIT: People have been speculating that the photo of three smiling people in Sans's workshop could be the heroes of Deltarune... the ending theme of which closes with the lyric "Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark,"... so this photograph would be of the Fun Gang who traverse the Dark World... and spawns based on FUN values relating to a character who talks about her neighbor Suzy... and this photograph has "don't forget" written on the back...
EDIT: After you beat Sans, he says he's going to Grillby's... and in Deltarune, we find him at that world's version of Grillby's (#######Sans' ). Also, people have pointed out how EXP isn't solely tied to actually killing, but to the perception of your actions; you gain extra EXP from mocking Loox before killing him, so clearly it has to do with perceived pain as much as physical murder. Which makes sense, considering EXP doesn’t physically change anything about someone, but simply marks how much easier it is for them to hurt and kill. That in mind, it's wholly plausible that Sans didn't actually die, instead teleporting once he was out of sight and eventually (somehow) ending up in Deltarune's town, but Frisk/Chara thought they killed him so they still received the EXP.
Also, for those who ascribe to the ketchup theory, here's a piece of actual dialogue from Deltarune (and I don't know how I didn't make this connection on my own when I played it): "This isn't another trick, is it, Kris? Like when you put ketchup on your arms and told me it was blood?"
I love the idea of Sans being filled with ketchup as much as anyone, but Toby is outright screaming the answers to us at this point. Not to mention it's explicitly stated in Undertale that monsters don't retain food inside them when they eat; anything they consume is automatically converted into energy. It literally can't be ketchup. Sorry, y'all. (But not that sorry 'cause it being blood ties in with this absolute avalanche of evidence that he's a Darkner.)
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popatochisssp · 6 years ago
... Do any of the skelemens have weird little ticks and fidgets?
Ohhh, I like this one, so even though headcanons are still closed...
Yes, they do! The Papyri engage in them a little more often than the Sanses, but everybody’s got a few weird things they do when they’re spacing out or feel compelled to!
Sans (Undertale): Y’know how his hands are always in his pockets? Well, sometimes when they’re in there, he just sorta starts...pulling at the fuzzies and lint-balls. From time to time, he’ll make a little game out of it, trying to see how big of a lint-conglomerate he can make before it falls out or he wants to start over. He’s always a little disappointed somewhere in the back of his mind when he scours the seams of his pockets and can’t actually find anything to pull.
Papyrus (Undertale): Any kind of handheld puzzle or fidget toy is golden in his eye-sockets! He likes to keep his hands busy, and with objects like that, there’s already a task built in-- solve a Rubik’s, unlink a chain, put these pieces together, just a little something extra to help hone his already laser-like focus. He tries to keep at least one on him all the time and will play around with it in quiet moments or during conversation. He’s great at multitasking!
Sky (Underswap Sans): If he happens to have a pen or pencil in his hand, be prepared to see some flips and twirls ‘cause he’s probably gonna start in on it without even thinking. Any moment he’s holding a writing utensil and not actively writing with it, you’re gonna see a trick. If you asked him, he’d tell you it’s good for dexterity training...and also pretty fun! He could teach you, if you wanted!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Bounce leg. 90% of the time he does it, he’s not even consciously aware that he’s doing it, and the other 10%, he’s aware but just can’t quite make himself stop. Maybe it’s pent up energy coming out however it can? ...Or maybe it’s just bounce leg.  Who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Jasper (Underfell Sans): His is more of a nervous tic, one he only really does when he’s stressed out or upset or not sure what’s going on. He’s a hem-picker, sleeves, shirts, jackets, anything with a seam on his person is subject to being caught in his claws and fiddled with until he relaxes or until he notices himself doing it and forcibly stops. He doesn’t really like it because it’s both a sign of weakness that could be picked up on by somebody else and it has a chance of ripping his own clothes-- annoying.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): He’s a finger-tapper. He’s both noticed and actually made great use of this habit. Depending on a situation, he’ll speed it up or slow it down to get the best reaction out of subordinates-- if they hear his claws clacking fast, they know they better hurry the hell up with whatever they’re doing, and if they’re clicking slow and pointed, they know somebody’s in real big fuckin’ trouble. When he’s alone or at home, though, it tends to be a tempo somewhere in the middle, done just because.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): He rolls coins across his knuckles sometimes, back and forth. It looks purely idle, just showing off a bit, but actually he likes to keep his sleight of hand sharp and practiced. He won’t admit to anything, but he’s picked his fair share of pockets back in the day, before he was old enough to get a real job and he could make that coin disappear in the blink of an eye if he wanted, no shortcuts or real magic involved. Never know when a skill like that could come back in handy...
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): He chews things. He’s not a rough biter, sharp as his teeth are, and most of his victims are just his own art supplies that he happened to be holding long enough and spaced out for a bit only to find himself gnawing thoughtlessly on the thing in his hand. Almost all of his pencils have visible bite-marks on them, but he tries to contain himself to those. Markers are expensive, and it is no fun when a pen explodes in your mouth and the ink stains everything-- your face included. Talk about embarrassing...
Slate (Horrortale Sans): If you ever catch him spacing out and he’s not full-on dissociated, you may notice his mouth moving like he’s talking, but he’s dead silent. It looks kinda scary from the outside (because he looks kinda scary on the outside), but what he’s actually doing is just reciting jokes in his head, trying to see how well he can remember the punchlines. Comedy is a big part of his identity and his memory and sense of timing getting screwed up with that blow to the head was pretty hard on him, so he likes to try and commit the easy jokes and puns with repetition. That way if the opportunity for one comes up, a chance to get a quick laugh, he can actually seize it instead of...y’know, thinking of the perfect joke, but five minutes too late when the conversation has already changed.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): He touches his mouth a lot-- sometimes to tap his fingers against his teeth, sometimes just to rest them there, or by his jaw, but never entirely consciously. He often does it when he’s thinking or can’t quite figure something out. If you asked, he might hazard a guess that it’s because his teeth have been through a lot: they were one way, and then another broken way, and now they’re pretty much back to normal after a whole lot of dental work, but a lot went on there! It’s...a focal point, of sorts, a place to touch that just feels normal and instinctive at this point, so it’s probably not going to change anytime soon.
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spacegate · 6 years ago
The Best Revenge: Ch 2
An Undertale Fanfiction
Chapters: 1 | 2 |  / AO3 / FF.NET / Characters: Sans, Grillby, Papyrus, Royal Doggies, Gaster, Undyne, Alphys, OCs Setting: Baby Blaster AU **Fic Contains: **Mentions of past child / medical abuse. Hurt / Comfort. Kids going through therapy. Healing. Dadby. Flashbacks to bad things. **Synopsis: **It’s been almost a full year since little Sans and Papyrus were rescued from W. D. Gaster. Scarred from their experiences, both children will need extra care to come to terms with what happened to them. Now as their father, Grillby needs to guide them through both their recovery and life outside the laboratories. Life is full of ups and downs, but Grillby will try his best. After all, they say that living well is the best revenge. Part two of the TRUST trilogy.
001-S paced around their cage with careful, practiced steps. It was only a few cycles of light since they were able to move. Walking was a challenge and they didn’t receive help from the strange creatures in white. All they got from them was cold indifference, no matter how much they squeaked at them. They didn’t seem to hate them: they just had nothing to feel at all for them at all.
It was confusing, but then again, everything was. They were brand-new, after all.
They didn’t know how many cycles of dark and light has happened since they first awoke. They were in a clear place that was hard when he drifted close enough to touch it. It had all been strange. Blurry faces would press up against the clear place to look at them, but at least they were warm.
Until they took him out of the warm place and into the cold. The first sensation they ever felt was pain as something sharp and hot on their leg bit down. They had cried out but nobody answered. They couldn’t understand what the white creatures were saying and didn’t understand what they were doing.
The white creatures just didn’t care...and they felt it in their young soul. It was perhaps the thing that frightened them the most.
That was many light times ago. They had grown a little bigger and there hadn’t been a pain like the bite on his leg since. What a strange bite it was, all lines made by teeth they couldn’t even see.
They stopped pacing, tired for the moment, and laid down on the cold steel.
They had heard the creatures in white say something about an ‘ex-pera-ment’. They figured he’d find out what that was soon enough.
He sighed and closed his eyes.
Sans bolted upward with a gasp, clunking the top of his skull against something hard and wooden. Fingers gripped the carpet and blankets under him as he reeled from the sudden pain.
He opened his eyes, expecting to see the bars of a cage. He expected to feel steel. He expected pain and sensations of cold.
But what he actually saw was half the world in darkness, and the other half showing carpet and fairy lights. The carpet was soft, and he was warm in a thick sweater and fluffy blanket.
He took a moment to think and realized he was home.
Not a cage. Not the labs. Home.
He calmed down at that, lying back down in his position under the bed to rub his cranium. Ow. His thump had knocked some pieces of candy and packaged granola bars stashed away in the support beams down. He remembered. This was where packaged food was stored, ‘just in case’. Dad had no problem with that, as long as what was opened got eaten so the crumbs wouldn’t get everywhere. 
He thought back to what happened before he fell asleep to chase away the lingering visions of steel and harsh lights. He was playing downstairs with his brother and father. Papyrus ran him around as he seemed to have limitless energy. Then he got tired, and went upstairs to nap.
He couldn’t figure out how long he had been asleep; he’d been sleeping quite a lot lately.
But wait, where was Papyrus?
A cold start jolted down his spine in panic. He may have been able to wake up from dreams of his past, but the anxiety of his brother being elsewhere was one he had no defense against. He gasped and shot out from under the bed, faster than he usually moved, and nearly tumbled down the stairs in his haste to find his brother.
“pap? PAP?”
He tripped and took a small tumble, landing against the legs of his adoptive father. Thankfully, they were soft legs, as they didn’t have bones, just pure fire. Sans grunted, stuck upside down and wedged in between his father’s legs and the carpeted stair-step.
“Sans? Are you okay?”
Grillby’s voice was full of worry, and it was worrisome to see a distressed child nearly throw themselves down the stairs in order to get to the bottom faster.
“where’s pap?” Sans ignored the question like usual. He rarely, if ever, focused on himself at any given time.
“In the living room, just like he was an hour ago.” Grillby reached down and grasped Sans under his arms, lifting him up and setting the skeleton back on his feet. He began to check for any cuts or bruises. “I was just coming to wake you.”
“is he okay?” Sans continued as Grillby tucked him into his arms, turning to carry him away from the stairs.
“Of course he is. Why do you think he would not be?”
Sans didn’t have an answer to that. He just felt like he had to know. He didn’t know how to put his feelings into proper words, so he stayed silent as he was carried into the living room and set down on the floor.
Sans was instantly relieved to see that, indeed, Papyrus was just fine. He was having a blast with some rainbow-colored stacking cups, humming to himself as toddlers tend to do. He was also surrounded by a mess of other toys. Clearly, Papyrus was not about to run out of things to do.
“HI!” The little skeleton greeted the other with a large smile...before stuffing a cup into his jaws to chew on it.
“See? He is fine. I’m keeping an eye on him, after all.” Grillby did his best to reassure the elder skeleton.
Sans just nodded and watched his brother play for a moment. For a moment, he could almost see the casts and bandages on his tiny brother’s limbs as he toddled about. He had remembered how weak he would feel in the cage, unable to stop anyone from taking little P-2...Papyrus...away to do terrible things to him. Sans rubbed the rough semi-healed etched marks on his left radius. Sometimes it was hard to stop thinking of the times before. It was hard to truly feel safe.
Warmth touched his side as his adoptive father took a seat next to him, so they could watch the youngest play together. Sans didn’t say it, but he did feel better immediately from the close contact.
“It won’t be long until Papyrus can speak full sentences.” Grillby remarked.
“he’s smart.” It was an easy reply to that.
“So are you.” Sans could hear the smile on the older monster’s voice. Sans had nothing to say in reply.
Grillby continued after a moment of silence. “You know. I’m always here if you want to talk.”
“...talk about what?” Sans honestly didn’t quite understand what Grillby was saying. Sure, Sans didn’t say all that much, but he did make sure to tell his father if he wanted more to eat or telling Papyrus that he was good. He also made sure to tell everyone that he loved him. To him, it was plenty of talking, and all he really needed.
“Your feelings. Dreams. Whatever you like, I’m hear to listen.”
Sans thought for a moment. Here were things in the edges of his mind that he had questions for. But he couldn’t find the right words, at least for now, on how to express them.
“ok.” Sans finally said with a yawn.
They sat again in comfortable silence. There wasn’t much that could be said, but there was plenty to be felt. Right now Sans felt content and safe, and that was good enough for him. He liked the quiet. He liked how softly his father spoke. It was warm and gentle, so completely different from a life of cold and violence. Sans leaned on his father’s side, soothed enough that he felt like he could take another nap, right here.
That was, until he noticed something odd.
In the corner of the room, there seemed to be a patch of color missing. The yellow wall was faded to a light gray. But when he blinked, it was yellow again.
He shook his head. He must be tired. Seeing with one eye was more taxing than having two—all the more reason to get some shut-eye. He settled down to rest his head on the warmest and softest lap ever. Grillby smoothed his head gently with a hand of fire and Sans closed his eyes.
Once again, he was asleep, but this time, there weren’t any nightmares.
How interesting...
For a moment, Gaster could swear that 001-S had saw him. The creature looked right at him, but then quickly lost interest to be useless and lazy again. He had been trying to get noticed, after all.
He would need further testing.
He, for a moment, wondered if the chip he had implanted in 001-S was still active. He wasn’t aware enough to know the full extent of damage that 001-S sustained in the CORE. When he had somehow dragged himself back into reality, 001-S was already on the path of healing.
There must be something he could do.
He was in a place that defied all laws of reality and nature, a place worse than hell. He had no help, no codex or anything to help him figure out this place. He was on his own, with just the scientific method and time on his hands.
There must be some connection between him and his creations that kept him tied to this world.
He had used parts of his own matter to create the beasts. Skeleton monsters were incredibly rare, yet powerful. There were none stronger than himself; the ones that weren’t strong either died in the war or fell down years ago. It made sense to use his magical makeup as a template.
It was proven that monster souls, unlike humans, couldn’t persist after death. But he was surely dead, and still here. Maybe he still existed in the living world, as unlikely as that was. Maybe he could only truly ‘die’ once they both did.
Gaster’s mind spun as he considered the implications. He could find a way to end his creations, but there could be multiple outcomes.
One. His creations died, and he died along with them, no longer bound to them or this void. There would just be nothing, no more torment of being bound to his killer. It might be the most favorable outcome, to be honest.
Two. Nothing happens. They die, but he still lives. Still in the same situation as before, but this time, with nothing interesting to do. At least now he could still somehow apply the scientific method and get something useful out of this madness, something to keep his mind sharp. He would rather not stay trapped here if he could help it.
Three. His creations die, and end up with him here, in the void. An interesting predicament, but he was sure his creations would still obey him...after a bit of re-education of course. However, there would be nothing to do with them...at least, not without his tools. They’d just be as useless to him here as they were out there.
Four. They die, and somehow, he ends up back in reality. Almost like a trade, in a sense. He couldn’t theorize how such a thing could work, but then again this void defied all senses of logic and nature.
He hummed to himself, watching the fire monster interact with the beasts.
He needed more data before he decided just what to do.
It wasn’t like he was leaving them anytime soon anyway.
Snow crunched under boots on the undisturbed ground of the forest. Sans, Papyrus, and Undyne were outside again in the cold, marching off into the thick woods. Sans held Papyrus' hand in one glove, and a basket in another. They at least had a picnic basket with them with lunch that their father had packed for them all. It didn’t seem like Undyne was going to stop to eat any time soon as she ducked under the heavy boughs of pine trees.
“where are we going again?” Sans sighed, not quite in the mood to go traveling all over the place. When Undyne showed up at their door asking them to come out to play, she mentioned she wanted to take them somewhere. She had made sure to whisper that last part out of earshot of their father, which gave everything an air of mystery. Papyrus was instantly excited about an adventure, and wherever Pap went, Sans went.
“You’ll know when you see it!” Undyne was in the front, breaking a path through the snow. Sans was at least grateful she was doing that; breaking snow was hard. Undyne’s convenient habit let him walk in her footprints and travel easier.
“so far all I have seen are pine cones.”
“Trust me, it's a lot cooler than pine cones!”
“PINE KONES.” Papyrus happily chirped. He had a pine cone in one of his hands that he decided to keep. It smelled nice and interesting, so of course he had to have it.
“yeh pap, pine cones.” The elder brother made sure to sound out the word for the younger brother.
“yep, you got it bro.”
Undyne snorted and continued to lead on. Together they crossed a bridge over a very steep canyon. Both boys needed some convincing to get across, but they could appreciate the view once they were safely on the other side. A whole underground valley stretched out before them. A vast ocean of snow was flecked by pockets of evergreen trees. A few houses in the dark had their lights on, which shone like jewels from far away. A river flowed through it all, streaming down into Snowdin. It was beautiful. 
And then, they reached a wall.
A wall with an elegantly carved door. Sans recognized the symbol etched into the door, as he had seen it here and there. Usually King Asgore had it on him somewhere when he would come to visit. That was when he had to be ‘fancy’ and ‘official’, things that Sans had no clue about. Some of the guards had it on their armor. He never asked for the official name, but he did recognize it.
“that’s weird.” Sans looked up at the huge door, dwarfing all three kids in sheer size and height.
“I know right? I found this yesterday when I was exploring,” Undyne sounded proud of herself. “I had no idea this was here! This has got to be one of the end points of the Underground.”
“but why is there a door there?” Sans hesitantly reached up to touch it. The door was cold, and was filmy with grime and ice flakes. Clearly, it hadn’t been opened in a long time—there wasn’t even a knob or handle to open it.
“I dunno, but I tried to open it.” Undyne crowded besides the skeleton to examine the door further. “I looked all around for a secret switch or something, but found nothing.”
“maybe you need a password? like in the movies?”
Papyrus waddled to the door and patted it. “OPEN. PLEESE?”
The door remained firmly shut.
“oh well, it was a good try pap.” Sans patted his little brother’s head. “i don't think it’ll be that simple.”
“I haven’t tried... maybe you need magic to open it?” Undyne said thoughtfully. She then stood back and grunted as she concentrated hard, and with a little shimmer, a little blue spear was clutched In her hand. It wasn’t much bigger than a stick, but when it came to making something with magic, Undyne was way ahead of both boys.
She poked the door with the magical spear a few times. When nothing happened she dispelled it with a sizzle. “Darn.”
“maybe it wasn’t meant to open, undyne.”
Undyne growled and bared her sharp teeth. “But I wanna know what’s behind it! It could be anything! Something cool, maybe!” Her voice, however, was tinged with a bit of concealed worry.
Sans just shrugged and watched Papyrus tap the door with his pinecone.
There was a moment of silence, before Undyne turned to look at Sans, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Hey...Sans...”
“yeah?” Sans wasn’t too sure if he liked that look.
“Can you turn into your dog thing and blast it open?”
Undyne sighed in frustration. “Ugggh why not? You can spit crazy powerful laser beams out of your mouth! It’s bound to take down this door!”
“because i don’t feel like it.” It was true: Sans just didn’t feel up to it. It was all he had to even walk all the way out here. Just imagining powering up a blast seemed like it would take more out of him then they would gain.
“That’s so lame Sans! It wouldn’t even take a lot of blasting! Just one?”
“no.” Sans furrowed his brow at his friend. “and before you ask, papyrus can’t either. he’s too little.”
Undyne groaned and gripped her hair. “Dude, seriously. You can do it. Dad said that you blew up a lot of stuff before! It would be easy.”
Yes, It had been easy. It was also easy to kill another monster. Sans’ eyes went blank as he thought about it. He was made to destroy. The last thing he wanted was to do so unless it was really needed. He wasn’t what he was made to be, he was different. His Dad said so.
“easy for you. but not for me.” Sans bent down to scoop up his brother, feeling tired all of a sudden. “come on, let's forget about the door for now.”
“But don’t you wanna know what's on the other side?” 
Sans shook his head, tucking his brother up on his shoulder. “nah. it might be locked up for a reason, ya know? better to leave it alone.” 
Undyne huffed and put her hands on her hips. “From what Alphys told me, if she didn’t break that weird lock in the lab, you guys wouldn’t have gotten out. I don’t....” She trailed off a moment, and rubbed her arm in thought.
That made Sans freeze in his steps. He wondered for a moment if Undyne was trying to manipulate him, but he couldn’t feel any malice from her. She was their friend, and she seemed to have gotten it in her head now that there could be something awful behind every locked door. Something that could be hurt and tormented children. After all, from what she had heard from her dads, there was more than just himself and his brother in that terrible place. 
An inkling of doubt began to swirl in his head. Yes, there was a big, mysterious door out in the end of the underground. The scientists that made him were either in jail, or dead. That didn’t mean there couldn’t be more scientists in another secret place. Or, just more labs hidden around. Labs that could have more things like him. 
“...you’re right.” Sans conceded and turned around. He’ll hold out Papyrus. “here, take him and i’ll see what I can do.”
He expected Undyne to whoop and holler at that, but surprisingly, she took Papyrus quietly and nodded. His little brother settled nicely in her arms and proceeded to start drooling all over them. 
Sans shook himself out to get out some kinks in his bones, before they began to change and snap into new configurations. It didn’t take long for Sans to be on all fours again, shaking himself out again like his canine friends. He sneezed. The only bad thing about this form was that wayward snowflakes would find their way into his nose, which was very uncomfortable. 
“You ready?” Undyne backed up with Papyrus to a safe distance.
Sans huffed, and padded up to the door to smell it. His nose worked a lot better like this, and he took his time touching his snout to the stone door and smelling deeply. A tickle of strong, but old magic made him back up a little. There wasn’t any smells of any other monsters around or even under the snow. He examined the door further, and scratched it a little with his claws. They left no mark on the stone. If anyone could figure out how to get this puzzle of a door open, it would probably be Papyrus. A much older Papyrus, and they didn’t have time to wait years for him to stop eating jigsaw puzzle pieces.
Sans backed up by about a meter, locking his limbs up and straightening out his tail behind him. Magic in his throat began to hum and glow a bright blue as his jaws split, rising in pitch before finally -
The hot beam directly hit the door, sizzling and blinding in brightness. He poured on the magic he could spare for a good five seconds before he had to stop, coughing out steam and leftover magic.
When the brightness and haze of magic cleared, the snow was completely melted around them.
But the door didn’t even have a scorch mark on it. 
Sans sat down on his haunches, surprised. Their magic beams were pretty dangerous and could cause a lot of damage, but he didn’t even leave a mark on the door. 
Undyne started. “...huh? It didn’t work?”
Sans shifted back so he could talk, still sitting. “doesn’t seem like it.” 
“Darn!” Undyne kicked at the bare dirt. “I was sure it would work!”
Sans wearily got to his feet and brushed off his pants. “sorry.”
“Nah, don’t be sorry Sans. I guess this just means we have to tell someone. My dad maybe? Or maybe yours? No offense Sans, but your dad is old. He might know about it.”
“Maybe…” Sans felt...wobbly. A sense of fatigue started to weigh him down. Just moving his legs was taking a lot of effort. “...maybe…”
“Sans?” Undyne sounded concerned and began to walk over.
Sans continued to wobble, his eye lights dimming in his sockets. He wanted to sleep so much. He couldn’t stop his eyes from closing before he lost all mobility. Unable to balance, he felt himself fall, and hit the dirt. The last thing he heard before everything went dark and silent was Undyne and Papyrus screaming. 
He could just...take a quick nap. One quick nap. That’s all…
He fell deeply asleep, and heard and thought no longer.
“Sans? Can you hear me?” Grillby knelt next to the children’s bunk bed, holding the small skeletal hand that belonged to his eldest son. Sans was tucked into bed along with his brother. No matter how many times Papyrus yelled at his brother, he still wouldn’t wake up. He knew something was wrong when a tearful Undyne nearly kicked down the front door, carrying both skeletons in her arms. Sans was deeply unconscious and between Undyne and Papyrus screaming, he had no idea what had happened. 
The only thing he thought to do was call Undyne’s parents to the house and somehow handle the situation. The only thing that kept him from wanting to tear the underground apart was Undyne’s tearful ‘He fell asleep and won’t wake up’ explanation. So, nobody had hurt him. But something was still very wrong. He had a suspicion that something wasn’t right with how much Sans was sleeping and how much energy he lacked. He assumed he would perk up after several months of care, but he didn’t. He of course, was stronger and much more stable, but one could sense the fatigue that had settled into the little skeleton’s soul and colored all his actions.
It didn’t take long for Gnash and Frank to arrive. Gnash saw to his daughter, hugging and rubbing her back as she cried into his shoulder. Frank immediately got to work on Sans, working around Papyrus who refused to leave his brother.
Grillby had no idea that Frank knew that many diagnostic spells. It seemed like Frank wasn’t pulling any punches here, and was worried just like everyone else.
So here Grillby was, holding that tiny little hand in his own, hoping that the warmth of his fire could be felt. Maybe it would comfort the skeleton in his unconscious world. He didn’t seem to be dreaming. He simply laid there like a broken toy.
“Let him wake up on his own, Grillby. All you can do is wait.” Frank sighed and put away some of his tools.
“Please tell me what’s wrong with my son.” Grillby felt his soul clench with those words. He was beyond worried. He was scared.
“I can’t tell you what just yet, I have to do more tests…” Frank sighed and looked at the sleeping child. “We’ll have to take him to New Home Hospital. I don’t have the tools here for a proper scan.” 
“He is not going to like that.” Grillby shifted a little to be more comfortable on the floor. “Are you sure it is necessary?” 
“I know what you mean, old friend. I know it’s going to be incredibly stressful for him, but it’s not like we can bring an entire hospital here.” Frank sounded sympathetic. “Eventually he’s going to have to learn how to cope with medical environments, and he’s not going to be alone for all of it.”
“I know...but still…” Grillby exhaled a small plume of smoke, frustrated with the situation. 
Gnash poked his head in through the open doorway. “Hello, how is he, dear?”
Frank shook his head at his husband. “He’s stable. He isn’t falling down. He just...won’t wake up. He seems to be deeply in sleep more than anything else. We’ll have to do more tests to find out why.”
“Damn...that sucks.” Gnash frowned. “Anyway, I got what happened from Undyne. Apparently, they were trying to break down a door in the woods, somewhere at the mountain border. He blasted it, but then collapsed soon after.”
“What door in the woods?” Frank rubbed behind his gills. “And why in the hell were they trying to break it down?”
“Undyne was worried there might be another...you know…” Gnash tilted his head at the skeletons in the bed. “Another situation like theirs. She convinced Sans to help her. Undyne is going to take me to the spot later.” 
“How is she?” Grillby asked. “She was very upset when she arrived with the boys.”
“She’s feelin’ a little better. Still shaken but now she knows she didn’t accidentally kill her friend or anything. She’s downstairs with some hot cocoa.” 
Grillby shook his head. What a terrible, frightening thing for a small child to experience. Not to mention, her thinking that there are more cases like Sans and Papyrus out there. “Gnash, did you find any more labs?”
“We did. But they were either devoted to completely different projects or neglected entirely. We combed those places top to bottom but didn’t see anything relating to the kids in there.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes Grillz, we’re sure. There isn’t going to be more kids in trouble like that. Still, I think it's time to have Undyne see a counselor about this.”
Grillby nodded to that. He didn’t know if Alphys was seeing one too, but he knew for sure his boys needed one. He just wasn’t sure how to go about it. They weren’t comfortable with strangers at all, and certainly not enough to tell their darkest and most painful memories.
Frank finished packing up his bag. “I’ll go ahead and get those tests ready. I’ll need you to explain what’s going to happen, try to get the kids comfortable, and explain that I’m just going to see what’s wrong and nothing else. I don’t want to scare them anymore than you do.”
“You can’t handle them with kid gloves forever though.” Gnash tilted his head to his husband. “They’re tough. It’s one thing to be careful, but they aren’t fragile anymore Grillby. You have to let them get scared once in a while. It's how they learn how to deal with things.” 
“Within reason.” Frank replied. 
“I understand...if you find a good therapist...please let me know.” Grillby bowed his head in thanks.
“I will. Please call if anything serious happens, okay? I think Sans will wake up eventually, but if he’s in pain or doesn’t wake up in 24 hours, call me.” 
“I promise.” 
“Good.” Frank looked at his husband and nodded to the door. Taking the hint, Gnash walked downstairs, and can be heard talking to Undyne a moment later. With one last goodbye, Frank waddled out of the room, leaving the father and children some privacy. 
Grillby had yet to get up from the floor where he was holding Sans’ hand. Papyrus seemed fine with just snuggling with his brother under the cover. Despite the noise and presence of other people in the room, Papyrus had drifted off and snuggled under his older brother’s chin.
He was reluctant to let go for now, but he had to make food in case either of them woke up. He tucked the little hand back under the covers and gave the best equivalent of a ‘smooch’ as he could to the top of each of their skulls. He had no lips really, but his flames were warm and gentle, surely something comforting. He stood, and took one last look back, his eyes scanning for anything amiss. When everything looked fine, he ducked out of the room, turning on the nightlight and shutting the door. He left it open a little, so the hallway light could filter in and hopefully chase away any nightmares.
The clack of pans and pots echoed from downstairs, but for the boys, they only had silence. 
Moments past where the only movement in the room was the drifting of household dust particles highlighted in the light of the nightlight.
For a moment, the corner of the room began to drain of color, and a soft, crackling noise, like static, began to hiss in the air. A glitchy black spot appeared, fragmented and thin. It only lasted for mere moments before color snapped back into existence. Silence was once again heavy in the room, interrupted by the faint sounds of cooking from downstairs.
All that was left was a tiny, black spot on the floor.
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redvelvetreel · 6 years ago
Red Velvet Reel 6.5: Cele-BRAT-ion!
                 [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: WELL THEN. Now that they’ve got Swapfell squared away, time to get Undertale to toe the line.
Characters: Edge (Underfell Papyrus) & Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Red (Underfell Sans) & Blue (Underswap Sans) & Classic (Undertale Papyrus) & Comic (Undertale Sans)
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Meeting up in a (sports) bar! Everyone talks a lot and never shuts up! (More) Stupid Fellverse posturing and antagonism! Lots of headcanons! Culture clash! 
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess?)
Note:  1 more part left for this installment! <3 Thanks so much for sticking through this with me!! ;w;
Underswap Papyrus – Stretch         Underswap Sans –  Blue Underfell Paprus – Edge                     Underfell Sans – Red Undertale Papyrus – Classic              Undertale Sans – Comic
Edge abruptly returned to the table, gesturing over his shoulder incredulously as he stared at Red.
“Huevón!” Red slammed his fist into the table, smiling broadly. Everyone jumped, but there was a note of admiration in his voice, “Whatta bitch! Hate that guy! The fuck! Congrat-fuckin’-lations!”
“What does that mean?” Edge hummed in absentminded agreement, drumming his fingers on his crossed arms restlessly, “Así no más? They let it drop, and we win?” He didn’t wait for Red to answer, shifting with nervous energy. “Ugh, we’re so out of practice, and they’re so weird about it!”
“Rrrelax, Ñaño.” Red shrugged nonchalantly, an easy smile on his face, “Do what we do. Wait ‘n see ‘n fuck ‘em up if necessitated, yeah?”
“Yeah...” Edge didn’t look convinced, but he sighed as Stretch put an arm around his shoulders. His mouth quickly quirked into a smile as he put his arm around his husband’s waist, sounding pleased, “You were fantastic! Truly a ‘charm’ offensive!”
“BOSSASS, Stretch!” Red’s smile stretched even wider as he banged his hands down again, pointing at him approvingly. “Ya healed Pup! Goddamn! Then tell lil’ bastard to fuck off with a hug!”
“Black didn’t know what to make of that!” Edge sounded gleeful, a mischievous sparkle in his socket as he turned to Red with a smirk. He kept his arm around Stretch’s waist in an unusually public display of prolonged affection, so he must have been really impressed. “I thought he was actually going to accept out of spite!”
“Hell yeah!” Red gestured that his mind was blown, “Lil’ bastard ain’t know who he’s fuckin’ with! Stretch’s rock solid!“
Edge scoffed, “He’s soft by choice, not lack of ability- as I’ve told you hundreds of times!”
“Whatever,” Red drawled, resting his chin and looking bored, “Yer biased as fuck. Damn! Now I wanna fuck somethin’ up! Ya any good to rumble, Stretch?”
“Of course he is!” Edge looked insulted, “You think I would marry someone who wasn’t?!”
“Ah, yes,” Classic leaned back and played with the straw in his drink absently, “You two like to talk about not so good things like they are very good things, even though they absolutely are not.”
“I’m not taking any shit from you!” Edge’s demeanor snapped into something more hostile as he turned towards Classic, pulling away to point at him dramatically. “What the fuck were you thinking?! You tryin’ to get me dusted?!”
Classic’s eyes bulged out of his sockets, spitting out the mouthful of his drink on the table, “Hah?!”
Red pointedly leaned over, holding a napkin daintily as he dabbed at the spot. He cleared his throat, pitching his voice higher in obvious imitation of Classic, “Let me just-“
Blue jabbed him in the ribs hard enough Red hit the table with a bang, “Knock it off, asshole! Haven’t you had your fill of violence and arguments yet?!”
“Nope!” He answered petulantly, throwing the napkin in Blue’s face. “And you hush up, backstabber!”
“Yeah!” Red gestured at the door with palpable frustration, “Ya cain’t speak ‘gainst me till after they gone! Ya tryin’ to get me killed? Yer bro’s hubby?! Yer own goddamn fuckin’ sobrino?!”
Blue blanched.
“No?!” Red sneered, turning away with disgust, “Then shut up ‘n listen fer once in yer fuckin’ life!”
“I-“ Classic gestured at himself helplessly, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about?!”
“I just told you!” Edge let out an angry huff, crossing his arms over his chest, “It’s a Fellverse thing! Magic is everything to Fell! If I can’t use my magic, I’m weak! If I’m weak, I can’t protect nothing I got!”
“Yeah!” Red crossed his arms over his chest, mirroring his brother with a sour expression, “Then everythin’s up fer swipin’, includin’ Honey ‘n the brat! S’when whose backin’ ya up gotta look real dread! If y’ain’t look united, then y’ain’t shit! So they don’t got not reason to hold back, ya dig?”
Classic looked almost queasy, “Black and Slim would never-“
“I don’t fuck with chance!” Edge slammed his fist into the table, looking angry, “I don’t know where they stand or what they want, so I had to make myself clear! My...” Edge glanced at Stretch, drawing a line with his finger.
“Line in the sand.” Stretch did not want to be drawn into this at all. He sat down and slid over to his old spot as unobtrusively as possible.
“Of course, now you’re helpful!” Edge still complained loudly, shaking his head. He was mostly talking to Classic, but made sure to look at Blue too, “At least wait until mi hijuepu enemies are gone before you are questioning me! And! Por el amor del Ángel, don’t ever ask me to apologize! Carever-“
“Ojo!” Red’s voice took on an oddly stern tone, “Ain’t no need t’be nasty. If they ain’t gonna help, they gonna sit pretty ‘n stay outta it, right?”
The Fell monster didn’t look the least bit abashed at all the incredulous looks. Which was maybe to be expected, but was still incredibly surreal. Red scolding anyone, let alone Edge, about their language?
“Yeah?” Red prompted again, moving his hand in impatient circles. “Baby Blue?”
“Ok.” Blue nodded quickly, still not quite able to meet Edge’s eyelights, “I won’t get involved. ...Sorry.”
Stretch didn’t like this- he wasn’t sure what Edge and Red were trying to prove against Classic and Blue, of all people, but he knew he couldn’t say anything. Even if it seemed excessive, Edge was acting out of a sense of paternal duty and insecurity. Especially after those impassioned lectures of being publicly supportive, he wasn’t sure what he should do...
“Class-“ Red started to say, only to be cut off by a sound that was equal parts distressed and irritated.
“I don’t want to answer!” Classic shook his head, a stubborn set to his unsure smile, “I can’t give you my blanket approval- because I do not approve! And I cannot condone the use of such forceful methods!” He sighed heavily, looking tired, “You could have handled things with Slim much, much better, Edge! You didn’t need to escalate it to violence- and just because Stretch healed him doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! I think if you just-“
“Papyrus,” Edge leaned on his hands, an undertone of frustration to every punctuated word, “I’m not asking for your permission- I’m going to do whatever I feel is necessary to keep my baby safe.”
Comic cracked one socket open, but didn’t entirely drop his pretense of sleeping, “Don’t you think you’re worried about the wrong guy?”
The Fell monsters exchanged a look. “Nah, ‘cause the Lil’ Tyrant gave in, ‘n so they gave us an out.” Red put his face in his hands, worrying at his sockets restlessly, “They’re ‘duty bound’ to be ‘not enemies.’ Honor ain’t mean nuthin’ back home, but them Swapfell’s’re different ‘bout that shit. Sides, Puppydog ‘n us got history.”
“Oh?” Comic closed his socket with a nonchalant shrug, “Guess honor’s not for chumps, and his goody-two shoes act is believable.”
Equal parts impressed and annoyed, Red’s grin was razor sharp, “Point is, esfinge, that we know Fell, ‘n we know what they’re gonna do. The real concern’s both of yas.” He pointed at both of them with the same hand, “When shit hits, what’cha gonna do?”
Edge crossed his arms over his chest, eyelight bright and focused, “I just need to know if I need to protect Pancake from you.”
Classic put his head down into his hands, muffling what sounded like a frustrated scream. Which, fair enough- Stretch has no idea how he would handle being on the receiving end of this. Just as quickly, Classic was sitting up again, looking like he had just come up with a brilliant idea.
“How about a compromise?” He asked brightly, “I know you know that I would never, ever purposely hurt your babybones! And I absolutely would never ever want to inadvertently cause them harm!”
He crossed his arms, looking torn, “But I can’t just sit here while you maim, humiliate, or otherwise fight with someone just because they make you nervous! That’s a terrible way to handle feelings of anxiety, and will undoubtedly lead to more problems than it solves! So, let’s just not!”
Edge tilted his head, looking cautiously curious, “Not what?”
“Not stay! Let’s just leave! You can tell me you don’t feel safe, and I will escort you out to make sure no one lays a hand on you or Pancake!” Classic held up a hand at the dubious expressions he was receiving, literally waving concerns off, “Let me finish! That way, you can stay physically safe and feel safe, too! And it will still give you the ability to rectify bad behavior- if these people won’t respect your wishes, then they are probably people you don’t want around Pancake right now anyway.”
Classic puffed out his chest with a broad smile, “If it makes you feel better, I can also guarantee I will do my best to find a solution while you are not there! You see, I am very good at conflict mediation, and very stubborn! And Sans is very good at getting out of situations he doesn’t want to be in, so he can guarantee a quick retreat!”
“So...” Edge’s expression soured, “You want me to flee-“
“He wants to be your bodyguard.” Stretch cleared his throat, still not sure if he should comment, but it seemed innocuous enough. “Hustle you out of danger until the coast is clear.”
That changed their attitude. Edge finally sat down next to his husband, arms still right over his chest as he looked at Red. “Bodyguard.”
“Maybe.” Red drummed his fingers on the table, “Switch it. Y’ain’t gotta get your claws dirty, good, ‘n he’s pretty reliable. ‘N tall...”
“I am all of those things!” Classic agreed with a proud toss of his head.
“It would never work with Fell.” Edge started cracking his knuckles, looking down at the tabletop, “They wouldn’t-“
“Ain’t no Fell!” Red whistled loudly to get get his brother’s attention, “Puppydog ‘n Lil’tyrant ain’t no challenge no more, d’fuck else ya worryin’ ‘bout, huh? Ghosts?”
For whatever reason, Edge flinched at that. Hard.
“Edge.” Classic’s voice was gentle. “I won’t let you down.” He slipped off his mitten, holding his pinkie out with an unusually solemn expression, “I promise I won’t let Pancake get hurt under my watch.”
The Fell monster sighed, long and weary, but hooked his own pinkie back, “I’ll let you try. If I need to get involved afterwards, I will- but fine. I’ll let you try first.”
When he made a move to pull back, Classic kept his hand in place. “Sans!” He hissed to his side, jostling his brother with his elbow, “You too.”
Comic took his sweet time sitting up and reaching over to hook his own finger around Edge’s finger. “I’ll back Pap up, and getcha out. If I need to.” He said simply, expression carefully neutral. Well, that was about what Stretch expected- Red didn’t look surprised either.
Comic pulled back a moment later, resettling himself on the cushions with a sigh, “But you should know who your friends are by now.”
“Yes, fine, friends-“ Edge tried to shrug the comment off, but it clearly bothered him enough he felt the need to justify himself. “But I can’t take the same risks as if it were just me.” He managed to keep himself from touching his scarred socket, but he picked at the scars on his knuckles absently, “Friends can still hurt you, even if they don’t mean to- sometimes they’re even worse than enemies. If I’m wrong-“
“Yeah, well-“ Stretch cut in with a cough, putting a discreet arm around his husband’s waist, “We do what we gotta do to protect ourselves and the people we love, right?” Edge didn’t give him much of a reaction, but didn’t resist as he was tugged a little closer.
“We never actually toasted Pancake yet, did we?” Blue was unusually hesitant, still chastened from earlier, but clearly desperate for a topic change. “We should!”
“Yes!” Classic clapped his hands, looking absolutely delighted, “A toast for the baby! And, because I know how much Edge values action over words-“ He opened up his STAT menu, withdrawing 200 g from his gold pouch. “I will fund it!”
“Hell fuckin’ yeah-“ Red perked up immediately, moving his mug to his new spot with magic, “Gonna get chumado as fuuuuck-“ He poured the remainder of Black’s drink in his mug, and moved Slim’s glass closer.
Classic put the gold on the table with obvious flourish, pushing it in their direction, “A gift from us- mostly me, but this is technically everyone else’s money, too- to you... all! Happy impending babybone’s birthday!”
“I-“ Edge looked surprised for a moment, touched and guilty and confused rolled into a too open expression, before he buried it down with a devious smirk. “How very generous!”
He curled his hands under his chin like a cartoon villain, tone innocent in a way that could only be deceptive, “I can only wonder how you’ll top this at Pancake’s shower party! I’m looking forward to see what kind of unique and lavish gift you’ll bring, ‘Uncle Classic.’”
“Uncle?!” Classic’s expression lit up, eyes becoming large hearts as he gasped dramatically. “I get to be Uncle Classic?!”
“If you want,” Stretch barely managed to suppress a relieved sigh, glad everything seemed to be much less tense, “Unless you wanna be called something else?” He glanced at Blue and Red, but neither seemed to be particularly bothered by sharing that title. “We were thinking ‘Sir’ might be fun too, like a knight or something-“
“Wowie, Sir Papyrus!” Classic’s eyelights positively sparkled, “I’ve always dreamed of being a knight!” He shook himself free of the sparkles- literally, although Comic didn’t seem to mind having some on the top of his head- before continuing earnestly, “Of course! I cannot let Pancake down! I will get them the absolute best present of them all!
“Because! I am great at a good many things, especially creating artificially high standards that are difficult to reach! By everyone, sometimes including even me!” Classic smiled broadly before his face became incredibly blank, “What event is this? A baby what?”
“A baby shower! It’s a human tradition!” Blue perked up and launched into a long, detailed explanation Stretch started to tune out immediately. This was more of what he had been hoping for the entire evening, honestly- he was relieved everyone finally seemed to be getting along again and having a good time.
Well, almost everyone. Edge always had a tendency to lay his acting on a little too thick when he was preoccupied, and there was stiff tension to his spine. Stretch would be looking into that at the end of the night. (Early tomorrow morning?)
For now, though, he was content to enjoy warm conversation with good company and this delicious honey mead.
[Part 1 ] [Part 2 ] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5 - Here! ] [Part 6]
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underimagines · 7 years ago
Hi :). The bio says requests are open sooo, how about some good ol' angst. Maybe... the main six's nightmares after female S/O dies :). (Lawd I want me some undertale aNGST *throws pink glitter*)
I’m going to keep in gender neutral so everyone can feel thesuffering, hope that’s okay Anon-friend! Also I have to apologise for such along wait, I was recovering from a car accident! Recovery left me in a bit of a writers block but I’m back now though andworking hard! ~Mod Panda
Sans -
He’s certainly no strangerto nightmares, considering the stuff he’s seen, but after you die he basicallytries to avoid sleep altogether just so he doesn’t have to relive seeing yourlifeless eyes all the time. He blames himself for your death, no matter whathappened to you, and his nightmares are terrifyingly haunting. Your dead bodyis always there, watching him wherever he goes and just silently accusing him.If you would just talk to him, it wouldn’t be so unbearable since he could at leastremember what your voice sounded like, but even that was taken away from him.
You just watch.
Papyrus –
The Great Papyrus doesn’tget nightmares! But… After your death his dreams aren’t filled with their usualfantastical adventures with you. It’s just… Empty. In fact, he can’t findanyone he usually sees in his dreams. It’s all just silent and very, verylonely. It gives him a lot of time to think and he thinks he should have beenable to save you! Everyone had told him there hadn’t been much else he couldhave tried, but he knew better! He spends a lot of nightmares watching yourdeath over and over, trying many alternatives to try and save you and failingeach time. But he’s the Great Papyrus, he’ll find something! He just has to. Orhe’s not the Great Papyrus anymore, right…? Someone hug this beanpole.
Undyne –
She’s so freakin’ mad thatyou died! She’s the freakin’ head of the Royal Guard and she couldn’t evenprotect you! Usually her dreams are very over-the-top anime style with lots ofepic battles and swords and explosions and they’re just AWESOME! And since youcame into her life they’d become even more cool with the two of you being asuper amazing battling duo, undefeatable and suplexing everything just ‘causeyou both can! And it just happens when she looks away, she’ll just turn backafter pulling off the most EPIC moves and there you are, just a blank look inyour eyes before falling to the ground in a bloody pool. It’s not quite soanime-esque anymore. It’s too real. She’s much more short tempered than usualwhen she’s awake.
Alphys –
She becomes even more of arecluse when you’ve gone, spending most of her days curled up in the dark,barely even finding the energy to look after the amalgamates each time. Whenshe does finally fall asleep, it’s usually because she’s been awake so longthat she just crashes out. Her nightmares are one of the few that don’t alwaysinclude you, more often than not going back to the day the amalgamates becamewhat they are today and realizing just how many lives she’s destroyed and whata horrific being she is herself and she neverdeserved you loving her! The rare times you are in her nightmare she’sruined your life too by simply being in it and she’s so sorry. She’s really a complete mess.
Toriel –
While certainly no strangerto death and grief, it still hits her hard when you die. She’s good at holdingherself together when around others, but as soon as she’s alone and she’sasleep is when she’s falling apart. It’s all very bittersweet, usually seeingeveryone she’s lost once again in her home while she makes her snail pie foreveryone. She brings it out of the oven and takes it into the living room foreveryone to enjoy, calling out for you all to come take a slice. But none ofyou come. The whole house has suddenly become very, very dark and alone. There’sno sounds. There’s no light. It’s just her again.
Asgore –
Similar to Toriel, he’s nostranger to the dark side of death. His nightmares generally are filled withfields of his carefully maintained golden flowers, each of them bearing thefaces of his lost children, his past wife vanishing from his life, and you withthat empty, lifeless stare. They’re all laughing at him and his failures to keepanyone close to him, playing on his insecurities, their pollen floating up andchoking him. It’s so similar to the time his children pranked him and yet somuch worse. He can’t breathe. He can’t escape. There’s vines grabbing him andthorns digging through his thick fur to cut into his skin. Even his armour can’tprotect him. Why did you have to die?
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themalicealyce · 7 years ago
i gotta ask cuz this always has some cool results- but what, and/or who do you belive w.d. gaster is in undertale's story?
Oh god, are you ready for paragraphs?
First of all I want to preface this with the fact that I generally don’t like to have one set theory or deal too heavily with things that are as very vague as Gaster. Because when there is so little evidence to support any one theory you have to either keep a very open mind or limit the variable in your theories. I for the most part don’t want to deal too much with W.D. Gaster because we know next to nothing, even “his” sprite could not be him, or at least him in any form that properly represents who he is.
That being said and out of the way, here are some of my thoughts.
1: I don’t believe Gaster has a familial relationship with Sans and Papyrus. I understand that he might very well be a skeleton with the font naming system, but even if he was I personally don’t like the association that he was either a father or a brother. I am aware he is clearly linked to Sans with the Gasterblasters and such. I can’t ignore that there must be some sort of connection between at least Sans and Gaster and I prefer to link this as more of a mentor/working relationship centered in the Lab before Gaster went and got himself lost in the void or maybe even something darker along the lines of Handplates.
2: One very interesting theory I really like is that Gaster does not belong to any timeline we see play out in the game, but a completely different one with different people and variables but when he got torn across time and space he quite literally got torn across time and space with different imprints of his life showing up across the whole multi-world continuum. That he fucked something up so bad every timeline feels his absence or repercussions of his actions even if he never existed in them in the first place. This could also possibly mean that Sans and Papyrus, and to a lesser existent Gaster Followers, were never meant to be in this timeline either, like they were thrown through the void and spat out in Snowdin. It could explain why no one knew who they were when they just showed up one day, why Sans during his fight refers to a home he can’t go back to which he makes clear isn’t the surface, and why they both seem to have at least a vague idea about resets and timelines like they were both close enough to ground zero to be pulled through but not torn and that timeline is now deleted with only small pieces bleeding through. Even to the point that maybe this catastrophic event lead to being able to save and reset, giving souls more power underground.
As more towards his role in the story this would kind of make him a catalyst. That maybe he was trying to break the barrier in his world leading to inventions like the determination extractor and all of the research that came along with it. That he was trying to find a way to easily extract and harness souls, or some form of soul energy, or create lab made souls strong enough to fool the barrier whether they were completely manufactured or more sinisterly made using monster or human souls. I kind of believe he got obsessed with his work, if were going under the impression that the image of Gaster is really Gaster then he kind of looks like hes goopy with determination like he was infusing himself with it. This could also mean that he was doing similar test with Sans and maybe even with Papyrus, with different soul types in lower doses, this may be the reason Sans is so strong and his eye flashes cyan and yellow, but it could also be the reason his HP is so low that it was deteriorating his heath but also giving him strength kind of like how determination does. If Sans and Papyrus have either either been used to be tested on or did so voluntarily but not to the point of being destroyed by the power it could be the reason they still exist from that timeline in a really real way unlike Gaster or any of his “followers” they had the soul strength to survive the collapse of their timeline.
Whoa that’s a lot and it’s kind of just my own personal idea I like, but I hope this answered your question! Thanks so much for asking it.
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danielxcutter · 8 years ago
Glitchtale predictions(1)
[Disclamer: I highly doubt that every single one of these will be true, as they are all spectulation. On the other hand, they are educated guesses instead of shooting in the dark, so I believe that I'll get something right.]
Glitchtale is by @camilaart.
#1. Papyrus and Toriel will play major roles in episodes 5 and 6, respectively.
Each episode of Glitchtale season 2 features one of the major characters in the original Undertale game - in reverse order of how you would properly encounter them in the Genocide route. "My Sunshine" had Asgore, who confessed to killing the children who fell into the Underground and was arrested. In "Dust", Sans was killed by Betty and his soul was harvested. "Do or Die"  puts Alphys in the spotlight for a short time before she is killed as well and Undyne is manipulated into destroying her soul. And it's confirmed that the next episode of Glitchtale will have a fight between Undyne the Undying and the Bete Moire.
In fact, there is more evidence than that.
In this post, Camila literally confirms that the events of Season 2 are the opposite of what happens in the game.
So it would make perfect sense for Papyrus to play a major role in episode 5, and Toriel in episode 6.
While Toriel might be easy to swallow considering she blasts Asgore away with one attack in the Pacifist route, Papyrus fighting someone is less easy to imagine, especially due to Camila saying, and I directly quote this, "Papyrus would never attack to hurt someone. He’d only defend himself at best. Putting him against Betty is suicide…", which I believe.
However... Papyrus DOES attack you during any non-Genocide route, he just doesn't try to really hurt you.
And he might not attack to hurt someone... but he might use his powers to stop Betty from hurting someone else. Remember, Papyrus is the brother of Sans and the son of Gaster. He's strong enough to make Undyne admit it. While he'll certainly never be able to kill her, he probably won't be a total cakewalk for her either.
#2. There will be seven wizards, one for each trait; Frisk(Determination), Robin(Bravery), Lily(Kindness), Jessica(Integrity), Abigail(Patience), as well as two more wizards of Justice and Perseverance, respectively, who have not been shown yet. They will join forces to fight the soul of Fear.
Yeah, this one's also pretty obvious, but that doesn't make it a stupid idea. I don't think that I'll have to explain most of them, but Jessica might need some context.
When Papyrus forgave her in Do or Die, her hair and eyes turned blue - the color of Integrity. In the photo of her and her daughter, as well as her flashback, she was shown to have them, but it's implied losing her daughter caused Ms. Gray to lose her trait, which is likely considering that the first wizard of Bravery lost her trait as well. Moreover, the wizard kids from Toriel's school all had eye colors that matched their trait, so Jessica has the potential to become a wizard of Integrity.
However, I don't think she's able to use magic right now. You see, Frisk was unable to use magic either - until the events of Your Best Friend. There are two reasons they became able to cast spells. The first is, obviously, that Frisk was simply so Determined that they were able to regain their DT. The second, however, is a little harder. Remember that post of Camila's that showed Season 1's cast, their stats, and their special attacks? It said that Frisk was able to use magic because they were exposed to so much magic during the series - possible, considering how much power was thrown around in YBF.
By this logic, Jessica's also been exposed to a significant amount of magic. Betty used Fear magic on her to show her an illusion of her daughter. The fight in Do or Die had incredible amounts of magical energy thrown around, and the Core is a magical power plant so there would likely be lots of magic in the atmosphere. And she's also used magical items: the anti-magic gun and the teleportation artifact. Not to mention that there's plenty of opportunity for her to be exposed to even more magic in the future.
But that's not enough for her to manifest her latent magical powers. She has to have a moment when she experiences her trait strongly. Honestly, I can't really say when that will be. If I had to guess though, I'd guess it would have to do something with Papyrus. She probably still feels guilty for causing his brother to die, after all. This is just a guess, though.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. I'll post more of these in the future, so if you liked me explaining my theories, you can expect more of them. You don't have to take them too seriously, though, these are just a theory - a game, err, I mean ANIMATION theory!
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