#becos all those other characters that got nominated (from the very limited clips shown) were all kind of super serious
koskela-knights · 10 months
Additionally, I just wanna admire Peter Franzén's acting and portrayal as both the Koskela brothers and the unhinged murderous Ilmari Huotari in the short movie becos <33
Tbh, when I first saw the ads, I thought they were separate actors lmao because they have such distinct personalities. It takes a good actor to act 'badly' and corny, but it worked so well for the Koskelas. Ilmo has this big body language, exaggerated gestures, boomy and vivid voice. Neatly balanced out by Jaakko who gives more dead-pan deliveries with a straight face. But! He has his own charms: subtle facial expressions and gestures, how he comes alive when he flips the government the bird, subtle smiles.
In-game Ilmo also have a very expressive face and makes grand gestures when he promotes the ads and Coffee World (props to the animators). Also I like that he is slightly hunched over in-game.
Then we have their final moments together. They sound angry, but also desperate because they've gone through many years of supernatural horror and it seems they're so close to putting an end to it. It's out of love for their community and each other. The stakes are so high, so ofc they're pissed off when some shady governments swoop in and try to save the day!
After Jaakko gets brutally killed off, you can hear the emotion in Ilmo's voice. Experiencing all stages of grief at the same time ;_; When he calls out for his brother, it sounds so soft and broken 😭
And finally, Ilmari in the short movie. Deranged, unhinged, sadistic man <3 Love him. He is cleanly put together at the beginning, with his hair slick back but that quickly changes. The way he threatens the detective like a starved wolf is just 😫
He gleefully stabs the detective to death, overcome with bloodlust and his hair gets all messy 👌 He is a completely different character from Ilmo.
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