becomestorm · 5 years
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i’m running out of energy real fast, so have this. ( wip. )
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loreseeks · 4 years
sneaking into places she wasn’t really supposed to be wasn’t anything ksenija was really all that unfamiliar with. usually though those places happened to be archaeological sites, not her own school- well, former school at this point. the barricade they’d put around the perimeter of the school wasn’t really that difficult to get over, some hastily put up chain-link fence that she could easily climb up and over before landing on the ground below. it was night and there wasn’t exactly a heavy police presence so she wasn’t very concerned with being spotted once over the fence, using the light of the moon to find her way to the gaping hole in the side of the building. at first she could only pause in front of it, unable to imagine what it was that’d caused such damage in the first place since information about the attack had been next to non-existent so far. had she better control over her semblance she could have simply touched the building and re-lived the events of that night, seen it for herself, but unfortunately she still wasn’t at that level of control.
deep breath was taken in and then slowly released, almost as if steeling herself, before she walked through the hole and into what’d been the great hall. signs of whatever battle had taken place were everywhere, including blood still dried on the ground which she tried to avert her eyes from. cracks in the walls, scorch marks, rubble lying everywhere- even what looked like claw marks in some places. whatever battle had taken place here had been a hard one... and yet it wasn’t one that she or any of haven’s students had been part of. they hadn’t been there to protect their school, their home- it’d been saved by a group of as yet unnamed strangers. there was a part of the jackal that felt something akin to shame at that, at not being present when it would have counted ; then there was the feeling of uncertainty, of what she could possibly do next. there was no telling how long it would take before haven was able to be opened as a school once more and the only two left were shade and atlas and neither of those were really options in her mind. she’d already left shade once, it wasn’t as if she could go back and beg to be re-admitted. as for atlas.... even just thinking of the icy kingdom was enough to cause her anxiety to heighten.
as best she could ksenija tried to shake the feeling, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her scroll in order to utilize it as a flashlight as she stepped further into the building, past where the moon’s light could provide enough luminance to go by. everywhere she looked was more of the same, signs of intense battle, until her light happened the chance upon something lying on the ground that was out of place. curiously the jackal went over and picked it up to examine it closer- a scroll, a bit weathered but in remarkably good condition for having been present during all this. the thought struck her of perhaps utilizing her semblance on it, it would have been less arduous than using it on the building itself, but this belonged to someone and therefore carried with it more than just the memories of this singular battle. it held the memories of that person’s personal life and that was something she swore not to pry into with her semblance, no matter how much she might have wanted to. ears that usually stood straight and tall drooped as a resigned sigh escaped her, slipping the scroll into her pocket- she’d have to find some way to turn it over to authorities without revealing where she’d gotten it from, they could make sure it found its way back to its rightful owner... hopefully. as she was about to make her way towards the staircase however her ears perked and turned in the direction of noise, footsteps that seemed to be coming closer and were more than likely those of a police officer. cue panic.
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” i’m sorry i know i’m not supposed to be here please don’t arrest me ! “ 
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panacaeus · 4 years
@becomeshield​ | starter call
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          💥 // “is it just me, or has that guy been giving us dirty looks since the moment we walked in here?” eyes narrowed, the brawler tips her head slightly to indicate a rather shady-looking individual up at the bar, all the way across the room from the booth that the two of them are sitting at. she doesn’t necessarily want to just be acting paranoid, but in this part of town, that’s almost preferable to being right.
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dk-thrive · 5 years
Every kind of thing is becoming something else, while it churns from “might” to “is.” All is flux. Nothing is finished. Nothing is done. This never-ending change is the pivotal axis of the modern world.”
Kevin Kelly, The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future (Penguin Books; June 6, 2017)
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crviis · 4 years
becomeshield replied to your post: qrow actually should be using glasses tbh lmao...
watch out for that sliding glass door
you Know he’s walked head first into one in front of all the kids 
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metalpetals-a · 5 years
becomeshield replied to your post: “ Can I get a waffle?                  Can I p l e...
i make a pretty mean crepe….
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“ Jaune. 
      I don’t want to hear about your craps. ”
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sunscathing · 4 years
      ❝ c ‘ mon   ,   jaune   !   don ‘ t  tell  me  that ‘ s  all  y  ‘  got   ! ❞   bellows  phoenix  with  dragon  heart   ,   a  lick  of  ember  crackling  at  lower  lip  as  cockiness  drips  from  silver  forged  tongue  like  vocalized  honey.  these  training  grounds  are  far  beyond  what  they  ever  had  at  beacon   ;   can  take  much  more  of  a  hit  as  demonstrated  by  the  way  an  ignited  bullet  ricochets  of  a  hard  light  pillar  without  so  much  as  a  dent  in  the  aftermath.  a  warning  click  as  more  ammo  is  loaded  into  gauntlets.  yang  takes  battle  stance  once  more.   ❝ gimme  your  best  shot   ! ❞
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@becomeshield​    ,     starter  call.
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dispetal · 5 years
@becomeshield​ said:   "be mad at me! or--or /something!/ i lost the relic, i lost oscar..just. say something other than 'it's ok' because it's /not!/"
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             Ruby    CAN’T    be    mad    at    Jaune    in    this    instance.    Sure,    the    SITUATION    that    surrounds    is    incredibly     UPSETTING,    but    given    what     was     currently    happening     with    all    of    them...    Well,    she    certainly    trusted    Oscar    enough    to    fend    for    himself     while    they    go    looking    for    him    in    the    process.     Neo’s    hard    to    beat    too,    specifically    when    she    can    look    like    those    you    TRUST,    but    all    is    not    lost.    The    moment    all    becomes    lost    is    hand-in-hand    with    the    moment    you    allow    yourself    to    QUIT.     They’d    all    just    have    to    keep    moving    forward    and    FORGIVE    THEMSELVES...      Hypocritical    of    petal    to    think    these    words,    but     she    doesn’t    tell    him    that.
                       “Me    being    MAD    at    you    would    be    counter    productive.    You    tried    your    best,    and    we’ll    get    BOTH    of    them    back.”         She    cuts    a    side    glance    at    her    equal.     She     could    recall    a    time    when    she    looked    him    in    the    eyes    and    told    him    as    a    leader    the   failure   of    his    team    was    on    his    shoulders.    In    a    way,   she    STILL    felt    that    for    herself.     Interesting     how    she    can    cut    anyone    slack    but     HERSELF.               “We    make    mistakes,    we    fail,    but    it’s    up    to    US    to    correct    those    failures    and    mistakes.   It’s    not    all    over,    Jaune.    We    can    FIX    this,    but    you    CAN’T    dwell    on    what    you’ve    done    wrong.    That’ll    just    slip    you    up     MORE.     All    you    can    do    is    make    steps    to    fix    those,    and     get    back    on    track.    Beating    up    on     yourself    is    only    going    to    hurt    yourself    AND    your    team    more.”
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bornsteel · 5 years
for saph, how does she feel about her baby bro
meta topics : accepting.
i think saphron and jaune are a lot alike, and more than anything, understand each other better than most of their siblings.   i mean, they’re the only two who ever left home, which tells me that they have similar feelings about the stifling reality that was their childhood.  saphron craved freedom and independence, and wasn’t at all surprised when jaune followed in her footsteps.   at first, i think they bonded over being different from the rest of their siblings, who tended to fall in line pretty easily.  saphron was a free spirit in every sense of the word, and often had arguments with their father over her choices -- like getting a tongue piercing and getting into trouble in school.   when similar things began to happen to jaune, she sort of...  took him under her wing.  they grew closer.
she was relieved when he got accepted into beacon.   i mean, she was definitely nervous because he’d never been much of a fighter, but it meant getting away from home, finding himself, making friends, and so much more.  its what she had been searching for when she left to be with terra, and found it so much more fulfilling than she’d ever expected.   jaune getting to experience that was important to her, and more than anything, she was extremely proud of him.
that only grows exponentially by volume 6, when she sees him again after so long, after the fall of beacon, and sees this man standing before her, so brave and strong and changed.  it broke her heart to know why that happened, but she’s unbelievably proud of him.  (not to mention, finding out about him and ren is like x10 the excitement, because love did wonderful things for her, and she wants that for jaune too).
basically, he’s her baby brother, and she adores him and is unbelievably proud of everything he’s become.   he’s a very different person now from the boy she used to know, but nothing about it is a bad thing in her eyes.  he’s more confident and strong and she always knew he could get there, and is ecstatic to see him grow.   also, she loves to torment him, but that’s the natural sibling response.
a couple other little things...
i bet jaune was the first person she came out to, aside from terra (who i headcanon as a childhood best friend turned gay awakening).  out of everyone in her life, she trusted him the most with that information, and wanted him to know.
she watched each and every one of team jnpr’s vytal festival fights -- she cried when penny was killed, and tried desperately to get a hold of jaune afterwards, but was unable to make contact.
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petalfates · 4 years
“Ok...I don’t understand.” Ruby sat on the floor in front of the table, where piles of papers and books lay strewn about. “How is it that we have more homework when we’re trying to become teacher than when we were in Beacon?!”
She threw her hands in the air, completely exasperated by their work load. They had been working for what felt like ages, but in truth it had only been a short time. Laying her arms on the table, she slouched to the point where her chin rests atop several pieces of paper. 
“I get that doing homework is important, but why is there so much of it?!”
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becomestorm · 5 years
becomeshield replied to your post.
ren reading jaunes emotions and its just a constant repeat of ‘wow i sure love ren’
and also ‘wow i killed pyrrha’
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tyriannical · 5 years
@becomeshield​ | STARTER CALL
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          “you’ll get over it.”
     the two of them stand over the mutilated corpses of a man and his wife whose names they didn’t bother learning. tyrian’s gauntlets, the queen’s servant, drip with blood, and a splatter crosses over his face in a diagonal line. both jaune’s sword and his shield are stained as well, though the boy himself was spared the worst of the splash. tyrian shakes his hands at his sides to shed some of the mess.
          “they were  n o b o d y .  and we’ll be safe for the night. arthur will contact us in the morning and we’ll head out again.” he stretches. “i’m going to clean up. don’t bother moving them. it’s best if we keep things where they are.”
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panacaeus · 4 years
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lepusheart · 5 years
just. hugs his brother for a long time. maybe he's crying. (he is.) seeing saphron was one thing, but seeing his brother after so long? he can't even speak for at least a full minute. then, a choked sob, "don't- don't /ever/ lose me again. ok?"
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   There is a thick silence that strangles the Faunus; his body feeling as if it was touched by flame, the broken sobbing that reaches his ears causing his heart to fully seize. Guilt lingers, and it feels as if his throat closes; unable to bring forth his voice without the threat of his own, relieved cries escaping.
   He croaks, and arms finally rise to return the embrace, face buried into his brother’s shoulder to heave out a rattled breath.
             Okay. I wont. I promise.”
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becomestormaa · 5 years
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@becomeshield​   ›   "ren, honey, sweetie, darling, love of my life, you're my everything but i will not be drinking actual grass."   ›   unscripted.
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by now ren was very used to jaune’s “ take care of everyone but himself ” mentality. they’d had arguments about it in the same way that ren fought to ridiculous degrees about their independence and their myriad of unhealthy coping mechanisms. dealing with those issues further extended to their domestic lives, but it was almost comical how the same mindsets could become trivial and almost amusing in comparison. ren had remembered these scenes fondly between their parents, but for some reason believed they could never experience silly little trifles themselves. until they’d accidentally fallen into this lifestyle whenever they reached home, ren always thought they were destined for a life continuously on the road, going wherever the wind took them, a lone warrior fought grimm in the night. but, their independence didn’t have to extend to such a lonely lifestyle anymore, in the same way that sometimes, if they were lucky, jaune could stop and allow ren to take care of him sometimes in the way he always did for ren.
‘   lemongrass, qīnài de. a herb, not just a plant. you would need for stomachs to process normal grass.   ’   ren was leaning across one half of the kitchen island, jaune on the other with a half finished bowl of pumpkin pete’s, ren eyeing the sugary monstrosity with utmost malice. they’d just returned from a mission, come home without warning with overpriced airport hash browns and decadent egg sandwiches to see only a few of the pre - made meals had been eaten and a box of macaroni and cheese in the trash. waking their lover up by means of the familiar blender so early in the morning had been ren’s petty revenge. constructed countenance and saccharine smile had been a mere mask to hide thinly veiled agitation as they gently used his spoon to push the bowl a little out of arm’s reach and replace it with the iced lemongrass tea. ren made it by steeping pandan leaves, and lemongrass extract, throwing in ice, honey, water, and mixing that together.   ‘   drink it, and i won’t even complain about the missing cookie box and spaghetti plate in the sink.   ’
ren reached forward across the counter to gently run a hand through jaune’s hair, coming down to cup his cheek and run a thumb over his cheekbone.   ‘   i know you don’t think it matters, and i don’t want you to give up this ...   ’   trash.   ‘   ... these kinds of foods completely, but i want you around, for as long as i can have you.   ’
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canefought · 5 years
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