#becky and tj may be here. or they might not be who knows
Beetlejuice x Wordgirl AU
So. I could've just done this on the Wordgirl blog, but I decided not to- oh, and this was inspired off of a post aka this!
@rinnie-marylin I'm tagging you so you can see my thoughts and ideas and whatnot!
Now most of you who've seen Beetlejuice know that Beetlejuice attempted to marry Lydia as part of his schemes. However, this is not something which will be happening in this AU (because for one, no- and for another, this also has vague elements from the tv show!)
For one thing, Beetlejuice must be Dr. Two Brains - it's weirdly fitting; at first, I was going to keep him the same (as in literally just Beetlejuice before ultimately not doing that-) but someone I talked about this au too suggested it should be D2B. Also, as much as I love Becky as the lead - she doesn't fit what I'd been going for, hence why... Lydia's role is being given to Victoria Best! The Botsford's (as in Tim and Sally, probably the kids too maybe?) are going to be the Maitland's!
Though we're now getting to the fun parts, so read below for the cut/additional information.
Beetlejuice AU Guide
Victoria and her family move to a new house but fail to realize a couple used to live there and passed away under mysterious circumstances. I feel like the Maitland's (or the Botsford's in this case-) would still have died from likely a car crash or simply mundane accident - they refuse to accept their deaths and continue haunting their old place of residence. Victoria is not happy in the slightest about having moved, but of course she's trying to paint a certain image to her parents especially with their treatment of their daughter.
I do need to rewatch the first movie, but Victoria meets Tim and Sally - almost by chance - at one point; things are a bit tense and awkward at first especially when they don't treat her in the same way as the Bests (aka less like a prized pet and more as a person pfft-). She's wary but slowly begins warming up to them but at some point, the plan to chase out Victoria's parents is made and shenanigans ensue.
Things are not as developed here because again, I haven't seen the movie in a while but I couldn't not make this AU. Or I might grab a slime tutorial later!
As mentioned before, Dr. Two Brains plays the part of Beetlejuice and I like to think there's more of a familial and/or rivals dynamic between him and Victoria rather than he wants her to be his bride. I know it's like a throwaway gag in the movie, but I decided No.
I might consider a spinoff where for some reason, Becky calls Dr. Two Brains or something but it won't be considered canon to the universe! At least not until I find some way to watch the movie again tbh-
I'll revisit this idea at a different point, but for now you can have this nonsense!
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fair-city-inquiries · 18 days
Roleplay Information
Randy here, hello!
Okay - this is also out of character but I figured this would be a neat way to introduce not just the roleplay but the character involved with it! So, let’s get right to it, shall we?
Wordgirl: What the Future Holds
The blog technically is an alternate universe nicknamed “What the Future Holds”. In reality, it’s a post-canon universe set after the series finale ‘Rhyme and Reason’. The blog follows title lead, Becky Botsford, who is now in high school as a freshman. The timeline is exactly how it happened in the show, though there might be some differences! Not that it’s entirely necessary to know, to be honest.
This blog is specifically for Becky Botsford, not Wordgirl. What the Future Holds will be focusing on both her time in high school, as well as silly nonsense with headcanons mixed in!
Now, onto information about the character/muse, Becky Botsford!
Becky Botsford
Name: Rebecca Botsford
Nicknames: Becky/Becks (used by friends and/or family), Beckface (coined by Victoria Best), any variant of Becky - Becky Doodles, Beckaroni, etc - (all coined by members of the Botsford family), kid/kiddo (by Dr. Two Brains), dearie/dear/my dear (used by Granny May)
Age: 14 years old!
Birthday: [404.EROR], May 15 (presumed birthday by the Botsford’s)
Allies/Friends: Violet Heaslip, Todd “Scoops” Ming, Rose Franklin, Bob Botsford
Acquaintances: Theodore “Tobey” McAllister III, Victoria Best, Eileen
Enemies: [REDACTED]
Friendly Rivals: Theodore “Tobey” McAllister III
Family Members: [REDACTED], Adoptive - Sally Botsford (Mom), Tim Botsford (Dad), TJ Botsford (Younger Brother), Bob (“pet” monkey)
Becky Botsford is the eldest child in the Botsford family. She was taken in and adopted by them when she’d still been a young girl after being found mysteriously in front of their house. An adept reader as she was somehow reading a newspaper while still being very little.
She grew up in Fair City which was rampant with super-villains, although most were stopped by super-heroine Wordgirl. Apparently Wordgirl and Becky have interacted before but of course - that’s as far as it goes. The audience knows otherwise. As a child, Becky attended Woodview Elementary School alongside her best friend, Violet Heaslip, and her first crush Todd “Scoops” Ming. Things were a bit trying with the supervillains in the city, but thankfully - Wordgirl managed to kick butt and send them to jail, and again and again every time they broke out.
Becky would eventually graduate from elementary and middle school. Now the school year has picked up again as she’s exploring her time as a freshman. She’s part of the Debate Team, as well as an honorary member of Book Club (though she also has her moments when she seems to have disappeared-).
Things of course, are about to get very interesting.
Headcanons & Additional Muse Information
⭐️ The Botsford’s are Afro-Latin Americans, much like Becky! Even if she is adopted - she is also Afro-Latina. She’s fluent in both English and Spanish, though who knows maybe she knows other languages~ ;))
⭐️ Becky is an avid reader. Canonically, she’s known for checking out ten books at once from the library! She has a soft spot for light romance-fantasy genres - though she also enjoys crime and mystery thrillers!
⭐️ Her fixation on PPMPPH never went away!
⭐️ Becky is autistic and ADHD, and you cannot convince me otherwise. This is canon now.
⭐️ She’s a bit nervous about juggling [REDACTED] and her high school classes but she’ll be fine. After all, she could handle it in the past… right?
⭐️ Becky and Violet’s friendship strengthened following “Rhyme and Reason”, but it also caused some unfortunate trauma, and that’s all you’re getting for now!
⭐️ She has freckles because I said so
More headcanons will be dropped soon!
If you’re a fellow roleplayer who wishes to interact with the blog, please please - let me know if you want to! 🙏
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Wordgirl Fanfic Recommendations Masterlist
Thanks for 250 followers, guys! I appreciate you all very much!
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At long last, here it is! A full compilation of my personal favorite Wordgirl fics! All fics are complete and in English. Please don’t forget to reblog and review to support fanfiction writers!
Additionally, this blog will post and promote all fanfiction links submitted to it. 
Wordgirl & Doctor Two Brains 
Title: The Doctor Is In | Author: otempora16 | Words: 23k | Rated K+
Becky Botsford may be an alien, but she's never had any trouble living on Earth - until she's struck with a bizarre disease that no human doctor can cure. Only one person has studied Lexiconians enough to have any hope of saving her. Unfortunately, he's trapped deep within his own mind, under the control of a malevolent mouse...
This is the best Wordgirl fic I’ve ever read. It hits everything I wanted to see from this show--the bond between Wordgirl and Dr. Two Brains, Dr. Two Brains struggling against his own darkest impulses--coupled with fantastic writing and pacing. Everyone is in character while balancing a more sophisticated and darker tone. I’ve read this one at least five times. 
Title: Awake in the Night | Author: Laura Latts | Words: 10k | Rated: K+
Two-Brains is fighting with himself again. The results? He's losing. But how could Steven be coming back from the supposed dead? And how can Wordgirl help him win before the sun rises?
Absolutely heartbreaking fanfic centered around Wordgirl’s relationship with Steven as Dr. Two Brains attempts to stifle him. Steven can only take control at night, and attempts to build a machine to separate himself from Squeaky, only for Two Brains to wake up and stop him every time. It’s brilliantly written, very in-character, and it just might make you feel. 
Title: Much Abides | Author: otempora16 | Words: 3k | Rated K
Before she heads off to her first year of college, Wordgirl has a few loose ends to tie up. Oneshot. Sort-of sequel to "New and Subtle Shades."
Wordgirl’s last conversation with Two-Brains before leaving for college. Sweet and heartbreaking even if it could’ve gone a little deeper. Brief mentions of past Steven. As their last WG fic, it’s a nice send-off. 
Wordgirl/Tobey (or Tobecky)
Title: New and Subtle Shades | Author: otempora16 | Words: 6k | Rated K+
Growing up is hard, and growing up a superhero is harder. But amidst all the stress and struggle of her freshman year of high school, Wordgirl starts to realize that support, friendship, and fun can be found in the most unexpected of places. Oneshot, focusing on an older Wordgirl's relationships with her villains.
Once again, the otempora16′s dialogue is on point. This fic focuses on WG’s relationship with The Butcher, Leslie, Dr. Two Brains, Chuck, and finally Tobey. It’s incredibly sweet and charming, and shows Wordgirl and Tobey in the earliest stages of a relationship in an entirely believable way. Also featuring Dr. Two Brains as an overprotective father figure. 
Title: Green World | Author: otempora16 | Words: 3k | Rated K+
Becky Botsford's superhero duties have run her off her feet lately, and she knows she needs to crack down on schoolwork if she wants to finish junior year strong. But when warm summer breezes are blowing, the carnival is in town, and Tobey McCallister is standing outside her window ... well, some nights are just begging to be seized. 
A fun and delightful fic of Becky and Tobey having a good time. 
Title: From Good to Rotten | Author: Laura Latts | Words: 25k | Rated K+
After the amnesia ray, what if Two-Brains didn't forget everything? What if he was just waiting? Waiting for the perfect moment to get Wordgirl once and for all... 
Dr. Two Brains remembers Wordgirl’s secret identity from a previous episode where it was revealed, and uses a special ray to turn her evil and use her to do his bidding. Highly interesting, and written in the style of the show (with a narrator, defined words, and a similar style of humor). Features the rest of the villains saving Wordgirl from herself and Dr. Two Brains being a bit of a jerk.
Title: Something Hidden | Author: HibiscusAngel15 | Words: 137k | Rated K+
Tobey just can't shake the feeling that Becky is WordGirl, no matter how many times he's been wrong before. The only question is of how to prove it.
Nothing to add. Just a great fic. 
Title: Have You Seen My Robut? | Author: HibiscusAngel15 | Words: 3k | Rated K
Today was just not Tobey McCallister's day. After his latest robotic creation to help the city malfunctions and runs off on him, he's left with no choice but to work together with his nemesis WordGirl to find it. But how can the two even hope to work together, especially when she's a supervillain? An AU one-shot where Tobey and Becky's roles are reversed.
Interesting concept I’d love to see explored more. I’m always a sucker for Wordgirl as a villain, and Tobey as a hero was nice to see. Additionally, Wordgirl is the one with the crush on Tobey in this universe. I thought it stayed true to both characters and was well-written. 
Title: Saving Tobey | Author: Night_N_Gail | Words: 92k | Rated: Gen
“I’m telling you, WordGirl, that kid is a time bomb. You think he’s a menace NOW? Wait until he’s a teenager and his emotions are running wild. Wait until he’s an adult and he’s not afraid of his mother anymore. It won't be pretty, I can promise you that." -:- Post-series
Slowburn relationship with Tobey gradually going over to the good side. First part of a three part series by the same author. I have not read the sequels, so I can’t recommend them, but if you like “Saving Tobey” give them a try.
Dr. Two Brains/Lady Redundant Woman
Title: A Provocloniversary | Author: Unbalanced Enigma | Words: 3k | Rated: K+
A Dr. Two Brains and Lady Redundant Woman fluffy one-shot taking place at a villain convention. It works off the assumption that they've already been an item for awhile, six months to be precise. The doctor wants to celebrate the events, but awkward and silly interruptions ensue. This features a wide variety. Rated K for a little suggestive romancing.
This fic is really cute and well-written. The characterization is spot-on for everyone and has plenty of humor. I especially enjoyed Tobey getting back at Two-Brains for the events of Mousezilla. As someone who did ship Provoclone back in the day, this fic is a definite recommend. 
Dr. Two Brains, Squeaky, and Steven
Title: Descent Into Madness | Author: Laura Latts | Words: 1k | Rated: K+
No one really knew what happened. What he went through during the incident. What happened when Prof. Steven Boxleitner became Dr. Two-Brains?
An interesting exploration of the time between Steven’s “Oh no, this is going to sting” and him running into Becky and TJ. Short but dark and interesting.
Title: A Science Experiment Gone Horribly Wrong | Author: 3LNR | Words: 2k | Rated: K+
This fanfic is a detailed description of Steven's thoughts and feelings before, during, and after his fateful experiment. It includes Two Brains' and Squeaky's viewpoints as well. The day starts out very normally, but gradually becomes more creepy and intense as the story progresses. Rated K+ for somewhat disturbing but non-graphic content.
For a fic I wrote 6 years ago, I think it holds up pretty well. Give it a read if you’re a fan of Two Brains.
Title: When I Don’t Remember You | Author: 3LNR | Words: 3k | Rated K+
Dr. Two Brains goes on a mysterious trip to a place he had almost forgotten.
Another angsty fic I wrote six years ago, where Two Brains briefly reunites with Steven’s parents. It does not go well. Song title is inspired by the song of the same name from the series “Adventure Time”.
Title: Take Care of Them | Author: orphan_account | Words: 1k | Rated: Gen
After a stupid mistake, Two Brains and Steven have a heart to heart while Two Brains dies. (Squeaky dies too)
Sad fic in which Steven gets his freedom at the expense of Dr. Two Brains’ life. Short but memorable enough to earn a spot on the list.
Title: A Late Night Chat | Author: Donotquestionme | Words: 1-3k | Rated: Unknown
“Remember, whatever I say, don’t open this door until morning, got it?” The henchmen shuffled their feet anxiously. They never quite understood what went on behind that heavy, padlocked door, and they weren’t sure they wanted to. All they knew was that, every once in a while, their boss would lock himself in that room and, for the next few hours, muffled shouting could be heard coming from behind the door. Even stranger, sometimes they swore they could hear crying.
This might be the first WG fic I ever read, so it holds a special place in my heart. It was also written by someone with a fantastic ask blog that’s been on hiatus for years now (ask-dr-two-brains) who has a perfect grasp on the character. This fic is about the unanswerable question of whether Steven could bring himself to kill Two Brains if he had the chance to set himself free. I wish this person had written more, but it's fabulous nonetheless. 
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ifbrd · 5 years
Who should know their secret identities: A Huggy and WordGirl Relationship Analysis
Let’s take a moment to discuss WordGirl/Becky and Huggy/Bob’s relationship. To label it, it seems to be an interesting mix of friendship, mentor/mentee, and parent/child. Today I want to specifically talk about the parent/child aspect of their relationship. I want to talk about a rule of Huggy’s that may not be best for Becky.
Like any decent parent, Bob obviously just wants what’s best for Becky. But sometimes what a parent or guardian thinks is best for the child, is not what is really best for them. For our favorite heroine and her sidekick/mentor, I think this is the case with their secret identities. Bob seems to be very strict on this subject, while Becky has shown a desire to share her secret with a select few people. Of course, Becky is protective of her identity too, but on more than one, on-screen, occasion she has wanted to share this secret with her best friends and family, while Bob continues to object to the idea. And there’s reason to believe this conversation comes up a lot more off-screen than we may have realized, which further brings into the question whether or not Bob’s perspective on the matter is the right one.
Let's take a look at some secret identity sharing (or almost sharing) moments, shall we?
The first incident was in WordGirl Makes a Mistake. Whilst feeling self-conscious about her mistake, Becky decides to confide in her dad and brother. Notice Bob’s reactions to this.
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He abandons pizza. Bob. Abandons. Food. He never does that, even during the most crucial moments. At best he takes the food with him or scarfs it down before leaving. But he feels so strongly about this that he completely abandons his food.
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Then he tries to discredit her in a panic. When she shares her secret with her family, he can’t look and once it’s all said and done, he looks very annoyed and disapproving. He doesn’t let up on this until he realizes neither Tim or Tj believe her.
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Now let’s turn to Becky to see her perspective on the subject. Aside from the fact she was willing to tell her family, she states that she’s been “Holding this back for a long time…” clearly showing that she truly does want to tell them she’s WordGirl.
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Next, we’ll examine The Good, the Bad and the Chucky, when Becky seriously considered telling Violet, and almost went through with it.
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When the idea is brought up, Huggy immediately protests and is grumpy the rest of the episode. When Becky starts to tell Violet, Bob makes one last attempt to convince her not to. Becky doesn’t pay any attention to him and keeps talking, and Bob goes into full-blown panic. He even faints.
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Again, compare this to Becky, who truly wanted—yearned — to tell Violet. Remember this episode defined yearn as being something stronger and deeper than a want.  Not to mention her reasoning says a lot about how much she wants this. “She’s my best friend, I tell her everything, and it would be such a relief to totally be myself around her.”
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This episode also gives us some insight into how often this conversation comes up and how it usually plays out. When WordGirl first brings up the idea of telling Violet and Huggy objects to the idea, she frowns and rolls her eyes. She does this as though she’s heard this a thousand times and is tired of hearing it.
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An even better episode to help us realize how this conversation goes is The Invasion of the Bunny Lovers. This is the episode where Scoops finds out Becky is WordGirl. Bob is under mind control the entire episode, and doesn’t find out about the incident until the end when Scoops calls Bob “Huggy.” The screen immediately shows WordGirl who looks extremely nervous and signals Scoops not to bring it up. 
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Scoops doesn’t get the message and WordGirl then gives Bob a very nervous smile. This is similar to how a child acts when they are in huge trouble and want to either get on their parents’ good side or not even tell them to stay out of trouble. 
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The next thing she does is fly away from Bob, again much like a child trying to avoid trouble.
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After Huggy finds her, her expression quickly changes to a look of dread, like she’s about to get the lecture of a lifetime. Meanwhile, if we examine Huggy’s body language, he’s clearly mad and she certainly is getting the lecture of a lifetime.
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Going back to my point about this being like a child in trouble with her parent, and how this shows us how the secret identity topic usually plays out, I see this whole interaction as being similar to family’s putting an emphasis on grades. Of course, the child wants good grades, but perhaps the parents are very strict about them, and when the child gets a less than satisfactory grade, she might try to hide it or wait for the right time to tell her parents, because she dreads the reaction they will inevitably have. The secret identity rule is such a strict one with little to no room for debate that Becky acted like a child with a bad grade when the secret got out.
And of course, this makes perfect sense. Becky was so young when she discovered her powers, she was at an age when most children want to show their parents every cool thing they can do. And at age 9-11, Becky has been shown to be very open with her parents, so of course she too would have wanted to share her abilities with her parents. But she clearly didn’t because…ya know, they don’t know about them. What would have stopped a censor-less toddler with not yet the brain capacity to think “maybe I shouldn’t tell mommy and daddy what I can do”? It was Bob.
Bob told her not to tell anyone from a very young age, and Becky listened to him because he was someone who loved her, took care of her and someone she trusted. But now she’s getting older and starting to think for herself and questioning whether Bob is right when he says “you can’t tell anybody you’re WordGirl.”
And maybe she’s right to question it.  There’s no doubt in my mind he’s just telling her she can’t tell because he believes it’s what’s best for her, but is it really what’s best for her? Granted, Bob probably has this rule so strict because the more people who know, the greater the odds a slip up could happen that lets the secret out to the world, which would undoubtedly be terrible. That and anyone who knows her secret would be worried about her in battles.
But is telling a few people worth the risk of all this happening? First, let’s look at how bad Becky wants this. “I’ve been holding this back for a long time” “I yearn to tell Violet I’m WordGirl.” Second, let’s remember why she wanted to tell the people she did. With Violet, it was because she was feeling guilty for not having told her and craved the ease for not having to hide herself from her best friend. And she told her family because she was having a hard time as WordGirl and her family started to notice.
Which leads me to my next point my most important point because this isn’t about what Becky wants. It’s about what she needs. In the case of her family, she needs to be able to go to the people who care about her and want to help her most. As much as Bob loves her and will do whatever he can to help her, he can’t solve every problem she has. Not to mention sometimes it’s not even that she needs their help and advice all the time, sometimes she might just need an ear to vent to that’s not Bob’s. And her family deserves to know what’s going on with their daughter. They deserve to know she’s worked up because she made a word mistake in battle, or that she’s acting rude because she’s been spending one on one time with Ms. Power. Her parents want to help her, but they obviously can’t if they’re not aware of that part of her life. And wouldn’t Becky’s life and crime fighting be easier if she didn’t have to lie to her parents to go do her job? Wouldn’t it be easier for her to say “I missed family dinner because I was fighting Two-Brains and the Energy Monster,” then to get punished for doing her job? I won’t even get into the fact that keeping secrets—that dictate a huge portion of your life—from your loving family is probably emotionally unhealthy.
As for her friendship with Violet: that had many problems that were because of the WordGirl secret. I won’t get too much into this here because one day I want to do a whole analysis on it, but in many episodes leading up to Rhyme and Reason, Becky and Violet were starting to have a rift wedged between them. And it always was because Becky had to leave to fight crime when Violet needed her. I’m not sure when these issues started, but if Becky had told Violet when she wanted to in The Good, the Bad and the Chucky, it likely would have gone differently than in Rhyme and Reason. This not only would have fixed a lot of problems in their friendship either before they started or before the problems had gotten bad, but also would have resulted in less drama. Most of Violet’s betrayed feelings were from the fact that Becky never told her, and she found out by accidentally photographing it. This would have saved Becky a lot of unnecessary heartbreak. Maybe not all of it, but a lot of it.
These are all fine reasons to tell the closest people in Becky’s life, but Bob’s perspective on this subject is still important too. More people knowing means the secret could get out easier, everyone who knows will be worried about her in battles and probably other things I’m not thinking of. The question is: Is it worth risking all that for the benefits of Becky’s friends and family knowing? There is not a definite, crystal clear right answer, it all depends on Becky and what’s right for her and her life, and I think as she gets older, she’ll start to question what the right answer for her is. Bob, however, is stubborn and I can’t see him changing his views on this subject very easily. I don’t want him to suddenly change is mind and let her tell whoever she wants, but I do think it’s important that he considers his perspective on the topic, might just be the wrong one. But I don’t know what it would take for him to consider that idea. I feel like it would have to be something extreme, like Becky having a mental breakdown from not being able to tell her parents things.
None the less I do think this conversation has been coming up more and more lately and will continue to be brought up more and more as Becky gets older and starts thinking more for herself.
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steverogersnotebook · 7 years
Neighbors - Memorial Day
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Recovering TJ Hammond and Steve Rogers (between TWS/CW) who try to find comfort on sleepless nights through baking, music, and friendship. An offer to share company and their mutual talents when being alone is just too much leads to friendship.
(my inbox is open for ideas, prompts and headcanons)
NEIGHBORS fluff | gen [platonic friendships] / Steve & TJ Hammond [SERIES of oneshots]
“Thank you for coming with me TJ.” Steve and TJ stood shoulder-to-shoulder, Steve’s military stance (broken only by the bouquet of roses he held in one hand) next to TJ’s long-ingrained public bearing, making them appear properly stoic, in front of the white marble stone. “I don’t even know why I’m here.”
TJ looked at the pair of names on the headstone, identical to the rows and rows of veterans’ white stones that surrounded them, creating a touching tableau. Identical, that is, with the exception of the two names instead of one. “I think you’re here to stand in the exact spot where someone who loved you once stood.” TJ smiled, bumping Steve’s arm with his in a lighthearted gesture. “Neither of you is dead. That’s a plus.”
“He’s missing.” Steve looked at TJ. “You know? Peggy got together with Buck’s mom and sister to put this here, something for them to bring flowers and talk out their grief. Is that what I’m doing here?”
“I think you’re having a crisis of conscience.” TJ plunged his hands into his pockets before drawing one out again and rooting in the inner pockets of the dress jacket he was wearing. It was almost too warm for the suit, but he’d had a feeling Steve would dress up, and he knew it was better to be a little overdressed in this situation. TJ pulled a flag from the inner pocket – a miniaturized version of the millions that were placed at the base of similar stones all over the country and surrounding them - and knelt in front of the stone. “In memory of two boys tossed into turmoil.”
“You shouldn’t, that’s not…” Steve broke his parade rest, his shoulders curling forward, as he watched helplessly while TJ poked the flag into the earth beneath the one that was already planted.
“It’s necessary.” TJ stood up, brushing the cool, not quite damp spots on his knees, and took up his position next to Steve. “I can leave you alone for a few minutes.”
“No. That’s really not necessary.” Steve’s free hand tightened to a fist before he relaxed it, rubbing it over the leg of his trousers with a nervous rhythm. He regained his composure, “Listen, after this, why don’t I show you the old neighborhood?”
“Sure, it’s no rush though.” TJ’s eyes wandered. There were families dotting the landscape farther from where they stood, placing flowers of varying sizes, from wreaths to single blooms. Being here was preferable to the spectacle of accompanying his parents during their gubernatorial and presidential duties on Memorial Day. Especially the presidential task, as important, and time-honored as placing the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was.
This peaceful place and time was more his speed. Next to the stone at their feet, TJ spotted another ‘Barnes’. Of course, Peggy Carter would have insisted that the stone be placed near one of the dead soldiers’ fathers, and of course, she’d insist on making it easy for the survivors to access. He didn’t envy her the task of deciding which parent to have the shared stone placed next to.
“My folks are over there.” Steve nodded toward the south. For a second TJ was spooked that Steve read his mind so plainly, then he realized he must have noticed him staring intently at George M. Barnes’ stone. “The reason for single stone was that by then, the field was full. Pegs pulled some strings, since there wasn’t a body to place, and couldn’t they just put one stone near Buck’s dad? It was prestige for them to add two more war heroes to their roster.”
“She probably stood right where you are more than once, stoically seeking peace, or guidance. Can I ask you a question?”
“You just did.” Steve smiled, folding his arms across his chest, not at all awkward with the roses still in hand.
“You look intimidating. I’m about ready to take you seriously.”
“Any time TJ. You should know that.” Steve’s smile softened.
“Why isn’t Sam here with you? I’d think you would be more comfortable with him, common ground, and all that.”
“He’s visiting another cemetery.” TJ thought Steve must still be nervous, he was as close to fidgeting as TJ had ever seen, moving from arms-crossed, to fiddling with the tissue wrapped around the roses. “He’s with his and Riley’s family. Any other day, and we could mix it up, but he’s gotta be there for Riley and Riley’s folks. You having regrets?”
“No. I was just curious. I’m honored to be here.”
“Even if you are as confused as I am as to why,” Steve teased, “though, I think you might not be quite as confused as me.”
“Between last Memorial Day and now, your long lost friend turns up not dead, of course you’re gonna go home.”
“Last year I went to a couple of the Howlies’ graves. Made a week of it, a bit of a road trip, you could call it. I was gonna do the same this year, but this…” Steve gestured toward the stone, as they both watched the wind whip the tiny red, white, and blue flag.
“This is big.” TJ nodded. “I can’t imagine what exactly this is.”
“No, I’m sure you can’t.” Steve’s mood seemed to be lifting, his smile was easy, and his voice was touched with laughter. “So, you ok if I drop a rose or two on Ma’s grave before we go?”
“No way. I draw the line at leaving flowers on actual graves.” TJ shook his head, rolling his eyes and chuckling, “Go. You gotta see your mom.”
As Steve walked away, TJ sent a quick text to his own mother, “Thinking of you. I love you. Your ‘other’ son.” Although, as soon as he’d hit send, he regretted the way he’d signed it, and sent another, “I didn’t mean that last part.”
Within seconds, she sent back a response that made him laugh.
                Who’s this?
Still smiling, TJ looked up and around him before typing out his reply.
                Shh I’m in a cemetery
He watched the animated ellipses as she typed. ‘Bet there’s perfect punctuation and spelling’ he thought as the animation continued.
                You’re in the WRONG cemetery.
‘Called it.’ TJ smirked at the display, “even all caps” He said to nobody. Now it was her turn to wait for a response.
                I’m needed here, that makes it the right one. Besides, you have                Dougie and Anne.
‘Look at all the punctuation and properly capitalized words, you’re definitely rubbing off on me mom.’ TJ thought as he waited for the rest of her guilt trip.
                I do miss having you beside me TJ.
TJ looked south to where Steve was kneeling in front of a more modest headstone, holding the dozen roses to his chest, talking to the grass and dirt covering the bones of the mother he had buried as a young man. TJ abandoned the text medium and swiped to phone his mother.
“Hey. I do miss you.” The words were rushed and weepy.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” Elaine sounded emotional from her end too.
“Yeah.” TJ smiled through tears, “Just, you’re there, alive.”
“Ok, I get it now.” TJ could hear Elaine’s smile through the phone. “I love you Tommy. I hope Captain Rogers understands what a good friend you are.”
“Mom, cut it out.”
“I mean it.” there was the Barrish no-nonsense tone. “I also hope the rest of your trip is more enjoyable.”
“It may sound strange,” TJ watched as Steve stood up straight, now holding only one rose, the rest laid lovingly at the base of the stone, and started back toward him. “But it has been enjoyable. I’m gonna let you go. Give Nana a hug for me. Tell everyone I love them.”
TJ tucked his phone away as Steve laid the remaining rose in front of the shared stone at their feet.
Steve imagined the three women sharing tears as they watched the stone being placed. Peggy would be standing tall, sharply dressed with not a hair out of place, her red lips quivering – but maybe that was only in his imagination. Ma Barnes and Becky would no doubt be hugging one another, weeping, and wishing for more handkerchiefs. Not able to bury their boys, they’d been grateful for Peggy and her fight to give them something near their home, somewhere to come and mourn. Before he placed the rose at the foot of the stone, Steve pressed it to his lips with a kiss for the women who shed tears on this spot. He’d come to realize the stone wasn’t a symbol of an empty grave; it was a symbol of love.
Comforted by TJ’s silent presence, Steve reflected on how grateful he was to have TJ there with him, Steve felt he could be something around TJ that he found difficult to be around others. He could be sentimental and make soft gestures. It wasn’t quite like the complete, guard down friendship he had with Bucky – Steve closed his eyes tight, mourning that loss even though Bucky was alive – Sam was probably right; he wasn’t that guy anymore.
With tears pricking in his eyes, Steve didn’t look up at TJ, the eye contact or even the bright sky might bring those tears to a head, and he wasn’t sure either of them was prepared for that level of emotion. He rose to his feet, glancing across the way at the array of red roses.
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Steve had seen so many cemeteries filled with veterans’ headstones, but this one was the first he remembered ever seeing. First his dad, then alone he had to bury his mom. Not long after, he was there when Bucky had to bury his dad. He’d lost count of how many times his feet had made the same trek to the same three stones before he went to war. Most of his visits here were with Bucky, both before Ma and after. He couldn’t help looking around, expecting, no, hoping to see the familiar face. Steve wondered what he’d do if he did spot him on an occasion like this. Even though he was still actively searching for Bucky, if he saw him today would he make a move? Would Bucky?
Steve buried his hands in his pockets, quietly reflecting on everything crowding his mind, before breaking the silence, “I was about to say I could use a beer, but since it’s all flavor anyway, how do you feel about an old-fashioned milkshake?”
“This place that promises an old-fashioned milkshake also offer burgers? If so, I’m in.”
“Ok. I think I want to change first. Not sure what made me get dressed up for this.”
“Oh, you’re as old-fashioned as those milkshakes, and you were visiting your mother. Or… you were prepared for the paparazzi we encountered on our way over.”
“Probably all of the above.” Steve chuckled. “Maybe I was feeling the nostalgia a little.”
“You’re not the only one; I called my mom while you were over there. I’m starting to realize I take a few things in my life for granted.”
“Don’t wanna make a habit of that.” Steve grinned, throwing an arm across TJ’s shoulders, “Let’s go get some grub.”
Steve stepped through the front door of the soda shop and stopped. The store’s location on the street corner was familiar to him, but the storefront wasn’t. It wasn’t until he was inside that he remembered where he was. The wooden shelves towering above apothecary drawers looked just like they had when he would come in with his mom to get the latest miracle drug that would hopefully make his life a little easier. The far wall had a sampling of those cures behind glass, while the shelves lining the shop were stocked with tourist t-shirts, souvenirs, and saleable treats.
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“Steve?” TJ called to him from behind, a note of concern in his voice.
“Sorry,” Steve looked at the pattern in the tile beneath his feet, wondering briefly if it was the same pattern. He stepped out of the doorway, relieved that he wasn’t blocking anyone else’s access to the shop with his reverie. “Where would you like to sit?”
TJ moved around Steve toward the small wooden table in the center of the wall of apothecary shelves. “If you’d rather go somewhere else, if you’d rather get that beer…”
“No.” Steve sat in the chair opposite where TJ was standing, “I didn’t realize it would look the same.”
“You’ve been here bef… Back when…” TJ stammered looking around the quaint shop as he settled onto the wooden chair.
“Used to come in here regularly. These shelves used to hold medicine bottles, like those over there. It’s not exact, but it’s so fucking close.”
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TJ smiled, always entertained by Steve’s casual use of the f-word. “Is that good or bad then?” TJ leaned on his elbow on the table.
“It’s ok. The shock is wearing off.” Steve opened the menu. “Sandwiches and dogs, but no burgers, sorry about that.”
“Well, if you have to sit in the place all of your nasty meds came from, I’ll have to make due with an alternative. Mmm. Mac and cheese? That might make up for it. What’s going to make up for the Nostalgia Overload for you Steve?”
“If their egg creams are as good as they’re supposed to be.”
“Seriously?” TJ laughed, “That’s all it would take? You’re really a superhero Steve.”
“To be honest? I’ll either not sleep tonight or have nightmares, but I knew that coming back. I can’t avoid things just because I’ll have a reaction to them, you know?”
“I do know.” TJ nodded before smiling up at their server as she approached. They gave their orders to the young girl in a crisp paper hat and pressed apron. Once she had turned her attentions to another table, TJ asked Steve, “Do you think there’s anything we can do between now and tonight that would help you?”
“Yeah, we can enjoy lunch. You could humor me by hearing some of my ancient tales.”
“I don’t mind the occasional history lesson.” TJ’s smile was friendly and open, “Is there anything you wish somebody would ask you? Or anything you wish they’d stop asking you?”
“I guess it would be nice to have people realize I’m really not as old as they make me out to be. Yeah, I have some odd early years in comparison to someone in their early thirties. Do I seem old to you?”
“Well, you do like old school music,” TJ looked down at the penny tile floor before looking back at Steve, “and you get along with my grandmother.”
“You like the same music and you get along with Maggie.” Steve grinned. “Try again.”
“No.” TJ laughed, “You don’t seem old. Do you feel old?”
“God, do I.” Steve ran his hand through his hair, catching a glimpse of the embossed tin ceiling gleaming reflections of the lights that hung above. “I’m older than the original pharmacy that stood in this building but I look as fresh as those tiles. I’m an impossibility TJ. If anybody ever tells you something is impossible, think of me.”
“Does being here make you feel old then?” TJ looked around the soda shop and back at Steve, inquisitive.
“No.” Steve said decidedly, “What I’m about to say might make me sound old, it’s being in the modern, ugly, plastic places that make me feel old. This? They renewed it. They took the time and made an effort to make this old place new again with the same old materials, or maybe some new ones. People enjoy it, ok maybe it’s quaint, but somebody took their time, took things seriously, and preserved something.”
Steve and TJ both smiled at the server when she came back with their food and drinks. “Are you an aficionado?” She asked with a smile, clearly, she heard at least part of Steve’s passionate speech.
“I guess you could say that.” Steve answered, wondering if TJ would pull the ‘do you know who you’re talking to?’ thing he was used to other people saying. It didn’t come.
“We’re very interested in the history of the area.” TJ said instead. “I’m a musician and he’s an artist, it really sets a mood.”
“Well, if you have any questions that’s the owner.” She smiled again, pointing toward the soda jerk behind the counter.
“Thanks.” TJ nodded, still smiling what Steve knew was his public smile. Once she’d moved on to her next customer, TJ stabbed his fork into the mac and cheese, “I hadn’t ever thought of it that way. I guess our throwaway society might be disturbing. Lucky for you, that means you fit into the farmer’s market variety of guys. Folks like Farmer’s Market Hot.”
“Farmer’s Market Hot?” Steve wasn’t sure he was ready for this explanation but he knew TJ would make it entertaining.
“It’s this rugged but wholesome quality, with an appreciation for artisan cheeses and repurposed goods.”
“I can rebrand that for you right now.” Steve smiled it would turn out he’d be the one to say something entertaining, “Let’s call it Depression Era Chic.”
TJ’s laugh was so robust that people turned to look at the source. All eyes were on them, and recognition started to set in. “Crap, I’m an idiot.” TJ muttered, Steve thought he looked like he’d dive into his mac and cheese to hide if he could.
“No you’re not.” He chuckled, “Apparently, I was amusing for once.”
“Still.” TJ smiled his public smile at the people peering at them. “Look what I’ve gone and done.”
“We.” Steve couldn’t help smiling, “If you laughed at something I said, I’m to blame too.”
TJ was mortified. All Steve had wanted was a quiet day, and he’d gone and made an ass of himself braying like one. He felt the eyes of everyone on them as keen as they’d ever been, wondering what Captain America could possibly be up to, being involved with TJ Hammond.
Steve’s reassurance felt canned, he was sure their friendship was beyond that. Yet the doubt was loud as it rushed to his head on the throbbing waves of blood flooding his cheeks and pounding at his temples. The cute wave Steve offered to the kids on the stools at the counter as they spun around to look their way did little to bolster TJ’s self-conscious reservations.
TJ’s plastered smile felt painful as they weathered the curious glances and the “Excuse me, Captain,” and “You’re TJ Hammond” that came from the table closest to them. “Can I get a picture with you?”
TJ drained his milkshake so quickly, for something to do with his hands, that he made his head ache and his stomach protest. He watched Steve take the ‘Thank you for your service’, from a guy who was probably his dad’s age, with a slight blush and a grateful smile. Watching Steve was nearly cathartic, he wasn’t bothered by the two or three people who talked to them and the others who kept whispering, and looking their way didn’t seem to register any sort of concern either.
“How do you do it?” TJ breathed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“They’re just good people. Maybe it’s that Depression Era Chic quality.” Steve winked conspiratorially. TJ managed to smile and relax, but kept his laughter in check this time.
“I thought for sure you’d say “Farmer’s Market Hot”.” TJ fiddled with his fork, the food nearly finished, but his stomach wasn’t up to completing the task.
“You ok?”
TJ didn’t have the ability to lie to Steve, not when he had just been an eager, earnest puppy letting all of the soda shop ogle him and praise him, “probably shouldn’t have inhaled my milkshake.”
Their server picked that moment to pop by and add to TJ’s discomfort, smiling as she said, “You two make the cutest couple.”
Steve, the shit, smiled back at her and thanked her, not only that, he didn’t correct the girl. He asked if she would please add a t-shirt and souvenir glass for each of them to their check.
“You got it.” she smiled, returning to the register to add to their check.
“You’re a cool cucumber, you know that?” TJ asked. “Why didn’t you correct her? People are gonna…”
“TJ, people are gonna say whatever they’re going to say. Why correct her? I’m not the least bit worried.”
“You can’t score if you’re going to let people think you’re hooking up with me.”
“I’m not here to score anything except for lunch.” Steve put his napkin on his plate, “and we've done that. Everything else just adds to the adventure. Unless someone here has caught your eye and I’m in the way.”
“Oh good, for a second there I thought you were gonna say “cockblocking”.” TJ’s luck wasn’t with him, the young girl returned to the table with a bag containing their souvenirs just as he finished his comment. He offered an abrupt apology, and she was as smiley and reassuring as ever. As soon as she walked away with an embarrassingly amused saunter, TJ looked at Steve, “Where’s a good hole in the ground when you need one?”
“I know an empty grave.” Steve deadpanned.
“Gee thanks. Can we get outta here?”
“I hope you weren’t looking forward to a party weekend.” Steve looked at TJ standing next to him on the boardwalk overlooking the shore and crowded beach.
“No. You know me by now. Parties aren’t the best use of my time.”
“Thanks again for coming with me TJ. It was a rough start, and I’m really glad you were there for that. I hope this afternoon made up for it.”
“Does it bother you that people are partying instead of observing the original purpose of the holiday?” TJ leaned against the rail that separated them from the beach.
“No.” Steve smiled. “The men I fought with would rather see people having a good time with their families than worrying too much about bones under the earth. You can’t force people to do things either. I’ve been wondering; did it bother you more that I didn’t tell that waitress that we aren’t a couple? Or that she thought we were?”
“Neither one of those things bothered me.” TJ turned around, bracing his hands on the rail and looking out over the crowds frolicking on the sand. “It’s just that I’m not sure you’re aware, more and more people are going to think things like that if you keep hanging out with me.”
“You trying to tell me we should stop being friends TJ? Because I’ve had a hell of a time since we started hanging out.” Steve’s trusted friends could be counted on one hand, and to tell the truth, this was the most he’d actually discussed a relationship with any of them. “I really hope you aren’t worried about my reputation.”
“Well yeah.” TJ shrugged, “I am. Worried about what people are going to say about you, I mean. No, I don’t want to stop being friends.”
“Then we carry on as we have.” Steve declared. “When I said thank you, it wasn’t out of obligation. I had enough good luck left to find a couple of good friends on this side of the timeline, and you’re definitely one of them.”
“Thank god.” TJ breathed. They stood together shoulder to shoulder, watching as the sky changed colors. “I’m a little short on decent friends myself. I’ve never made the best choices. Never had friends who didn’t want something from me, or couldn’t hook me up with something or someone.”
“You do now.” Steve bumped TJ’s arm with his, a lighthearted gesture of reassurance.
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